Essentials Essentials - Classical Conversations Canada

Page created by Jeremy Blair
Essentials Essentials - Classical Conversations Canada
ials                                Essentia

   The Art of Grammar



Essentials Essentials - Classical Conversations Canada
Hey friends! I am so glad to find you at Practicum          consider what is essential for us as lead learners, what is
this year! What a year we have had, too! If you are         essential for us as ambassadors for Christ, and what is
anything like me, you are ready for some “back to           essential to our families as we build relationships for a
normal,” ready for a little conversation, and ready for a   lifetime.
few new ideas. Let me say, you have come to the right
place. If you are a Practicum veteran, you know you         This summer, we will dive deeply into English
are in for an inspiring time with like-minded families      grammar as we work on “attending to the essentials”
who are eager to learn together. If you are a Practicum     and as we practice using the 15 Tools we have found
newcomer, welcome! You have found a zone full of            to be so transformative in our teaching. As we dig
encouragement, clear equipping, and plenty of practice      into the basics of words and sentences, we’ll uncover
among friends so that you can go home confident that        the beauty in the foundations of our language, and
you are becoming a better lead learner in your home.        we will discover the treasures waiting to be explored
                                                            with our families. Together we will put our tools to
This year we are exploring a couple of foundational         use studying scripture; we’ll mine those riches waiting
ideas: attending and essentials. We’ll be talking about     to be excavated, understood, and displayed as we
the importance of attending: being present for all          become better readers and writers because we know our
that God is calling us to and all that He is revealing      language from the roots.
to us. We will think about the place of attending in
our educational plans and learn how to encourage our        What could be more essential?
children to attend to what is essential. Essential! What
a great idea to contemplate corporately as we ponder                               Lisa Bailey
what is truly essential for us in our homes! We will          Lead Content Developer, CCMM

                                                                  What does
                                                            From the Latin: “essentia”:
                                                            fundamental or central to the nature of a thing
                                                            absolutely necessary; vital or fundamental.
                                                            - Online Etymology Dictionary

    2                         2 0 2 1       P A R E N T         P R A C T I C U M
Essentials Essentials - Classical Conversations Canada
Our mission is to
             know God and to make
              Him known through
              classical, Christian
      We believe parents are the best teachers for their
      children, so we focus much of our efforts on supporting
      and equipping parents to teach their children at
      home. We offer three programs that meet weekly:
      Foundations, Essentials, and Challenge.
      Foundations is open to children ages 4 to 12 who
      attend with a parent. A trained tutor helps students
      memorize a core of knowledge that forms the
      foundation for the Essentials and Challenge programs.
      Students learn history, science, English grammar, Latin,
      fine arts, geography, and math facts and participate
      in science projects and presentations. These programs
      meet weekly in the morning for 24 weeks a year. Parents
      choose their own math and reading curricula to use at
      Essentials is open to students ages 9 to 12 who attend
      with a parent. A trained tutor leads the class in English
      grammar, writing, and math drills for 24 weeks each
      school year in the afternoon.
      The Challenge program is open to students ages
      12 and up. This is a full curriculum, covering math,
      Latin, literature and writing, science, and much more!
      Students practice writing, speaking, debating, and
      leading. Highlights of Challenge include participation
      in Mock Trial and Science Fair and ultimately, through
      student-led seminars, development of speaking and
      leadership skills. Challenge programs meet for 30 weeks
      each school year.
      We offer additional support and services for you as
      the everyday educator of your children. We offer free
      articles, podcasts, and webinars as well as
      college credit, end-of-year testing, transcript help, end-
      of-year celebration opportunities, and online learning
      Please visit our website,, for
      more details, and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter
      so we can keep you informed throughout the year.                                                3
Essentials Essentials - Classical Conversations Canada
T H E 15 TO O LS
   Tools are wonderful inventions! They make our endeavors easier, more pleasant, and more
   productive. The best tools are intuitive to understand, easy to use, and simple to master; the most
   appealing ones are multi-purpose. The following 15 tools of learning are the best kinds of tools! You
   can use them to successfully explore ANY topic of interest, whether you know a little or a lot about
   the topic at the beginning. They can be used with young and old alike, and in fact tend to level the
   playing field so that all can enjoy the learning process.

                                               N A                                                                                                                             G                                  R Y T E
                                                                                                                                                                            IN                                O             L


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                L I
                                                                                                                                                             P R E S
                                                                                                                         I N G
                                                       I N G

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    N G
                                                                                                       A T T

                                                                                                                     I Z



                                                                      N D N G                                                     M E M O

                             NAMING                                 ATTENDING                                           MEMORIZING                               EXPRESSING                        STORYTELLING
                  1. What do you call    1. What are the parts                                                   1. What would help you 1. Could you draw a        1. Can you tell me a
                     this?                  of this?                                                                memorize this? An         picture of this or      story about this?
                  2. Where does this     2. Where do you                                                            acronym, a song, a        write a song about   2. Can I tell you a
                     name come from?        usually see this?                                                       chant, a picture, etc.    it? Could you act it    story about this?
                  3. Are there any other 3. What makes this                                                      2. What did you already      out?
                     names for this?        special?                                                                know about this?       2. How does this make
                                                                                                                                              you feel?

                      DEFINITION                                   COMPARISON                                        CIRCUMSTANCE                            RELATIONSHIP                               TESTIMONY
                  1. What IS this?                             1. How is this like      1. What if this did                                               1. How is this related               1. How do you know
                  2. Can you describe                             something you            not exist?                                                        to me? To you?                       about this?
                     this?                                        already know?         2. What else is                                                   2. What is this caused               2. Why do you believe
                  3. What are the parts                        2. How is this different    happening now,                                                    by? What does this                   this? Are you an
                     of this?                                     from other things        since this is also                                                cause?                               eyewitness?
                                                                  you know?                happening?
                                                               3. Is this bigger/       3. Would this have
                                                                  smaller/older than       been possible 100
                                                                  I am?                    years ago?

                                           E N T I                                 A R R                                                                                                                          R Y
                                     V             O                                   1
                                                                                                   A                                                                                                          E
                         N                                                                 2                                     POW!

                                                                                                                                                                                                  D E L I V


                                                                                                       G E M E

                         5 COMMON TOPICS

                                                                                                                                                  E L O

                                                                                                                                                             R Y

                                                                                                                                   TROPES                                           DURATION

                                                                           CO N

                                                                                   SIO N


                                                                                                   N                                          U
                                                                                               T                                   T I O N                                  M E M

                      INVENTION                                   ARRANGEMENT                                              ELOCUTION                                     MEMORY                           DELIVERY
                  1. What new words                            1. What do people                                  1. How could you                        1. When did you learn 1. How has this
                     do I need to know                            generally know                                     make this topic                         about this?           impacted your life?
                     in order to explore                          about this FIRST?                                  interesting to a                     2. Does this remind   2. Does this topic make
                     this?                                     2. How does this fit                                  friend? A family                        you of anything       you happy? Sad?
                  2. Where can I find                             into history? My                                   member? A                               else?                 How could you help
                     more information                             history?                                           stranger?                            3. How could you         someone else feel the
                     about this topic?                         3. What is most                                    2. What is another                         make this topic       same way about it?
                                                                  important to know                                  way to explain                          memorable?         3. If you gave a speech
                                                                  about this topic?                                  this?                                                         on this topic, what
                                                                                                                                                                                   would you say? What
                                                                                                                                                                                   if you were writing a

  4                                                            2 0 2 1                            P A R E N T                                P R A C T I C U M
Essentials Essentials - Classical Conversations Canada

Essentials Essentials - Classical Conversations Canada
                Grammar                    Dialectic                  Rhetoric
            • Build a foundation of     • Make connections         • Act to persuade,
             KNOWLEDGE through            & build context for     create, problem solve,
“Strands”   vocabulary & structure       UNDERSTANDING             teach; application in
              • 5 Core Habits of      • 5 Common Topics of              WISDOM
                    Grammar                    Dialectic        • 5 Canons of Rhetoric






Fine Arts

 6               2 0 2 1    P A R E N T     P R A C T I C U M
Essentials Essentials - Classical Conversations Canada
                  Grammar                    Dialectic                  Rhetoric
             • Build a foundation of      • Make connections         • Act to persuade,
              KNOWLEDGE through             & build context for     create, problem solve,
“Strands”    vocabulary & structure        UNDERSTANDING             teach; application in
               • 5 Core Habits of       • 5 Common Topics of              WISDOM
                     Grammar                     Dialectic        • 5 Canons of Rhetoric

                                         Different kinds of          Difficult material,
            Letters of the alphabet,
                                     literature, mark a book,       synthesize multiple
 Reading      phonics, narration
                                       and grow vocabulary                sources

                                         Write a paragraph,
              Hold a pencil, copy                                 Use your skills to share
                                         write from multiple
            from paper, parts of a                                your passion and move
 Writing          sentence
                                          sources, write for
                                                                       your readers
                                         different purposes

                Numbers 1-100,                                     Solve problems, Trig
                                        Word problems, and
            calendar, clock, money,                                 and Calculus, seek
  Math            symbols
                                        multi-step equations
                                                                     beauty in nature

                                                                    Biology, Chemistry,
               Observe, name           Classifying organisms,         Physics, create,
              animals, trees and       Scientific Method, and      discover, innovate to
 Science           flowers                 using formulas          solve problems and

                                          Circumstances of
               Geography, time                                Government, diplomacy,
                                       world wars, comparison
             periods, and famous                                teaching, business,
 History        men & women
                                        of world leaders, and
                                                                   and ministry
                                        geography as context

                                                                  Be both an appreciative
             OiLS, famous artists,      Define beauty, create
                                                                  audience and an artist
Fine Arts     dancers, musicians        art, compare artists

Essentials Essentials - Classical Conversations Canada
An adjective                         A noun names a
                           modifies a noun                      person, place, thing,
                           or pronoun                           activity, or idea.
                                                                Ask: Who [verb]? or What
                           by describing,                       [verb]?
                           qualifying, or
                           Ask: What kind? How
                           many? Which? Whose?                                      A verb asserts
A preposition                                                                       an action,
relates a noun                                                                      shows a state of
or pronoun to                     adjective (AJ)          noun (N)                  being, links two
another word.                                                                       words together,
Memorize the list.
                                                                                    or helps another
                          preposition                                               verb.
                                                                     verb (V)
                          (Pr)                     PARTS                            Ask: What is being said
                                                                                    about [subject]?
                          interjection                            pronoun (P)
An interjection                                                                     A pronoun
is a word or                         conjunction adverb (AV)                        replaces a noun
phrase used as a                     (C)                                            in order to avoid
strong expression                                                                   repetition.
of feeling or                                                                       Ask: Who [verb] or
                                                                                    what [verb]?
An interjection is set
apart from the sentence
by an exclamation mark,     A conjunction
question mark, comma,       is a word used to
or period: Oh my!
                            connect words,                        An adverb modifies
                            phrases, or clauses                   a verb, adjective, or
                            together.                             another adverb.
                                                                  Ask: How? When? Where?
                            Memorize lists of
                                                                  Why? How often? How
                            coordinating conjunctions
                                                                  much? To what extent?
                            (FANBOYS), correlative
                                                                  Under what condition?
                            pairs, and subordinating
                            conjunctions (www.asiawub).

8                          2 0 2 1       P A R E N T        P R A C T I C U M
Essentials Essentials - Classical Conversations Canada

                      1.   S   Vi
                                                             There are 112
                                                          different sentence
                                                          types that can be
                      2.   S   Vt   DO                  created by combining
                                                           the 4 structures,
                                                            x four patterns
7 Sentence Patterns

                                                          x seven patterns.
                      3.   S   Vl   PN
                                                          4 x 4 x 7 = 112

                      4.   S   Vl   PA

                      5.   S   Vt   IO     DO

                      6.   S   Vt   DO     OCN

                      7.   S   Vt   DO     OCA

Essentials Essentials - Classical Conversations Canada
   I love the Lord, for he heard my voice;               10
                                                            I trusted in the Lord when I said,
     he heard my cry for mercy.                              “I am greatly afflicted”;
   Because he turned his ear to me,                      11
                                                            in my alarm I said,
     I will call on him as long as I live.                   “Everyone is a liar.”
   The cords of death entangled me,                      12
                                                              What shall I return to the Lord
    the anguish of the grave came over me;                    for all his goodness to me?
    I was overcome by distress and sorrow.               13
                                                            I will lift up the cup of salvation
   Then I called on the name of the Lord:                    and call on the name of the Lord.
    “Lord, save me!”                                     14
                                                            I will fulfill my vows to the Lord
   The Lord is gracious and righteous;                       in the presence of all his people.
    our God is full of compassion.                       15
                                                            Precious in the sight of the Lord
   The Lord protects the unwary;                             is the death of his faithful servants.
    when I was brought low, he saved me.                 16
                                                            Truly I am your servant, Lord;
     Return to your rest, my soul,                           I serve you just as my mother did;
      for the Lord has been good to you.                     you have freed me from my chains.
   For you, Lord, have delivered me from death,          17
                                                            I will sacrifice a thank offering to you
    my eyes from tears,                                      and call on the name of the Lord.
    my feet from stumbling,                              18
                                                            I will fulfill my vows to the Lord
   that I may walk before the Lord                           in the presence of all his people,
    in the land of the living.                           19
                                                            in the courts of the house of the Lord—
                                                             in your midst, Jerusalem.
                                                              Praise the Lord.

                        SENTENCE STRUCTURES
               SIMPLE SENTENCE:                                       COMPOUND SENTENCE:

                                                          The lazy cat
     The lazy                                             slept, but
     cat slept.                                           the lively cat

              COMPLEX SENTENCE:                                  COMPOUND COMPLEX SENTENCE:

     The lazy cat                                             The lazy cat,
     slept where                                              who was also
     the sunshine                                             fat, slept,
     warmed the                                               and the lively
     bricks.                                                  cat stalked.

1 0                         2 0 2 1        P A R E N T        P R A C T I C U M
PSALM 100                        DECLARATION
        (NIV)                             OF
 Shout for joy to
the Lord, all the earth.
 Worship the Lord with              When in the course
gladness; come before               of human events, it
him with joyful songs.              becomes necessary for
 Know that the Lord is              one people to dissolve
God. It is he who made              the political bands
us, and we are his; we              which have connected
are his people, the sheep           them with another,
of his pasture.
                                    and to assume the
 Enter his gates with               powers of the earth,
thanksgiving and his                the separate and equal
courts with praise; give
                                    station to which the
thanks to him and praise
his name.                           Laws of Nature and
                                    Nature’s God entitle
  For the Lord is
                                    them, a decent respect
good and his love
endures forever; his                to the opinions of
faithfulness continues              mankind requires that
through all generations.            they should declare
                                    the causes which impel
                                    them to the separation.

                                        1 1

1 2   2 0 2 1   P A R E N T   P R A C T I C U M
Faith filled camps, retreats and outdoor adventures

                                                           For over 70 years, NovusWay Ministries has
                                                            provided nationally recognized Christian
                                                           programs and hospitality. Our 4 sites offer
                                                          overnight summer camps, year-round retreats
                                                             and lodging packages. Create your own
                                                            adventure with onsite activities including
                                                             horseback riding, ziplines, hiking, group
                                                               challenge courses, and much more.

 Located near Asheville,   Located near Atlanta,                    Located near Boone,       Located near Gainesville,
  NC, Lutheridge offers    GA, Lutheranch has an                      NC, Lutherock          FL, Luther Springs offers
diverse conferencing and   award winning retreat                     specializes in high       a peaceful setting for
    lodging facilities.      center and new                       adventure activities such campers and retreat goers.
                           equestrian program.                       as rock climbing.


Whenever we learn something new, we start with the grammar of the subject.
Art of Dialectic                        CC: Classical Conversations           Challenge Director
The second art in learning a            An acronym for Classical              A licensed lead learner for
subject is to sort, compare and         Conversations, a group of             Challenges A-IV, who facilitates
understand the words and the            homeschoolers supporting other        group discussions and activities,
rules that apply to them. For           homeschoolers with a mission          provides weekly accountability
example, when learning to analyze       to know God and to make Him           and support for homeschooling
literature, compare and contrast        known                                 families in six specific seminar
multiple ideas. We call this art        CC Connected                          strands
dialectic, because much of the
work done in this process is            (also known as C3, CC-Con)            Classical Education
accomplished through questions.         An online hub of multimedia and       A time-tested philosophy of
Children generally enjoy this art       learning resources designed by        education that mentors students
most between the ages of ten and        homeschooling parents to equip        in learning and cultivating
thirteen.                               and to support homeschooling          knowledge, understanding, and
Art of Grammar                          families to homeschool through        wisdom; this method of learning
                                        high school with confidence           embodies the Trivium which
The first art in learning any subject                                         utilizes the timeless arts and tools
is to memorize the vocabulary.          CC +                                  of learning.
For example, when you learn to          (also known as CC Plus)
read, you memorize the names                                                  Essentials
                                        Challenge courses designed to
of the letters and the sounds they      accomplish both high school           A dialectic-focused program
make. Classical educators call          and college credits (concurrent       for children ages 9 to 11 (who
this the art of grammar. Young          enrollment), through partnership      are accompanied by a parent).
children enjoy this art; they love      with colleges around the country      This program guides students
repeating songs, changing rhymes,                                             in English grammar, writing,
and pronouncing big words. We           CCMM: Classical                       and math drills; this program
capitalize on their enjoyment           Conversations Multi-Media             meets weekly for 24 weeks with a
by teaching young children the          The multi-media team of Classical     contracted tutor.
grammar of many subjects, using         Conversations which creates,
songs and activities and practicing                                           Exposition
with friends and family.                edits, compiles, and publishes
                                        curriculum for the Foundations,       A writing or speech which conveys
Art of Rhetoric                         Essentials, and Challenge             information specific to a topic and
                                        Programs                              is organized in paragraph form
The third art in learning a subject
is to use what you have learned         Challenge                             Five Canons of Rhetoric
to solve a problem, write an                                                  An intentional thought path for
original paper or speech, or lead       The Challenge Programs are for
                                        students who are 12 years of age      developing an idea into a written
a discussion. In history, this                                                or oral artifact. Moving from
would be the time to focus on           and up. This program focuses
                                        on the art of grammar, the art of     invention (copious thinking), to
the themes and context of what                                                arrangement (orderly thinking),
you have read and to apply the          dialectic, and the art of rhetoric.
                                        Students participate in six           to elocution, (appropriate
lessons learned to one’s own life                                             expression), to memory and
experience. Older teens usually         seminars spanning subjects like
                                        math, Latin, literature, history,     delivery, makes this a powerful
enjoy this process, because they                                              tool for lifelong learning.
long to express themselves and be       science, logic, and more while
creative problem solvers.               practicing essays, conversation,      • Invention: The asking of
                                        presentations, speeches, discussion     questions through the 5
                                        leadership, and debate. Each            Common Topics
                                        seminar strand is facilitated by a    • Arrangement: The sorting
                                        licensed Challenge Director.            of invention into organized

 1 6                          2 0 2 1       P A R E N T       P R A C T I C U M
• Memory: The flooding of words        Foundations                         Practicum
  and sensory stimulus associated      A grammar-focused program           1. A course of study which
  with an idea                         for children ages 4 to 12              involves practice of the studied
• Elocution: The choosing of the       (accompanied by a parent) that         theory
  best way to present the thoughts     models memorization and classical 2. A free conference on classical,
• Delivery: The practicing of          learning in a fun, interactive         Christian homeschooling
  presenting the best thoughts         environment; meets weekly for 24       sponsored by Classical
                                       weeks                                  Conversations in which parents
Five Common Topics
                                       Foundations Director                   learn, are encouraged, and
of Dialectic                                                                  practice tools of learning with
A tool of learning that leads us       A committed parent who has the         like-minded homeschooling
to deepen our understanding by         gifts of organizing messy science      parents
asking good questions. The five        experiments and art projects,
                                       the heart to nurture and to lead    3. An equipping event (in-person
topics common to all subjects                                                 or online) which models
are definition, comparison,            parents, and enjoys imparting a
                                       love for learning                      and applies classical tools for
relationship, circumstance, and                                               learning in an effort to make
testimony/authority.                   Grammar                                homeschooling doable
• Definition: Discover what            The words we encounter whenever Trivium
  something is.                        we begin learning something
• Comparison: Discover                 new. The foundational language      The Latin word for “three ways,”
  similarities first, then             and words for a specific course of which refers to three ways
  differences.                         study.                              knowledge is acquired through
                                                                           the art of grammar, the art of
• Relationship: Discover causes        IEW                                 dialectic, and the art of rhetoric.
  and effects.                         An acronym for the Institute        The trivium is the heart of
• Circumstance: Discover what          for Excellence in Writing,          the classical model and is the
  else is happening at the same        an organization founded by          model for natural learning and
  time in other places.                Andrew Pudewa that produces         development.
• Testimony/Authority: Discover        the excellent writing program       Tutors
  what others say                      Teaching Writing: Structure &
                                       Style (and its accompanying         Homeschooling parents and
Five Core Habits                       support books), which is used in    alumni who are willing to be
of Grammar                             the Essentials Program              the lead learners of a group
                                                                           of homeschooled students;
Tools of learning easily               LTW                                 Foundations and Essentials
remembered as NAMES                                                        Tutors are supported by their
(Naming, Attending,                    An acronym for The Lost Tools
                                       of Writing, a writing program       Foundations/ Essentials (F/E)
Memorizing, Expressing, and                                                Director; Challenge Directors are
Storytelling), these activities help   for youth and a ninja-thinking
                                       program for parents of teens,       sometimes called tutors, too. A
us gain knowledge by using our                                             tutor is both guide and mentor; in
senses as well as our imaginations     disguised as a writing program
                                       for youth. LTW teaches good         Classical Conversations, parents
to begin our learning.                                                     are the “teachers”—the ones with
                                       writing practices by employing
• Naming: Know the appropriate         the five canons of rhetoric to help ultimate responsibility—and a
  word.                                students organize, refine, and      tutor leads group activities and
• Attending: Differentiate the         polish their thoughts.              offers support and accountability
  word from other known ideas.                                             to the parent-teacher.
• Memorizing: Remember the             The best educators for their
  definition to build a knowledge      children, stewards, and advocates
  base.                                for their children and partners
• Expressing: Use the body and         with Classical Conversations in
  senses to share knowledge.           mission and in homeschooling
• Storytelling: Use words,             made doable.
  specifically written or spoken, to
  share knowledge.

                                                                                   1 7
                                                                                               Ancient World Echoes
      The Core                                                                                 Ancient World Echoes follows on the heels of the award-winning New
      Leigh A. Bortins                                                                         World Echoes and was created because many families have asked for
                                                                                               read-aloud suggestions for morning-time that corresponded with
      Read The Core to find the lost tools for teaching reading,
                                                                                               our Foundations Cycle 1. It includes stories from ancient times to the
      writing, history, science, math, geography, and fine arts in the                         Middle Ages, from Africa, Greece, Rome, China, and more. Content in
      elementary years.                                                                        this anthology has been curated to appeal to both boys and girls, with
                                                     ES040 $15.00                              a good mix of both heroes and heroines.
                                                                                                                                                     SC099 $24.99

      The Question
      Leigh A. Bortins                                                                         Old World Echoes
      Do you feel anxious about homeschooling your children through                            Spark your child’s imagination with a collection of stories and
      middle and high school? The Question will rekindle your love of                          poems from long ago and far, far away. Perfect for morning
      homeschooling by showing you how to join forces with your                                time during Cycle 2.
      child’s natural curiosity in the pre-teen and teen years.                                                                            SC200 $24.99
                                                        AS051 $15.00

      The Conversation
      Leigh A. Bortins
      Why do so many families stop homeschooling when their                                    New World Echoes
      children reach high school? In her third book on classical educa-                        The Echoes series is back, this time filled with poems,
      tion, Bortins makes a compelling case for parents to stay the                            tall tales, and legends that pair perfectly with Classical
      course and reap the rewards of the rhetoric stage of learning.                           Conversations’ Cycle 3.
                                                      BS050 $15.00                                                                  SC300 $24.99

         IEW Ancient History-Based Writing
         Lessons (Combo)
         In this yearlong course, students will write about six major ancient
         civilizations—Sumer, Egypt, Israel, Babylon, Greece, and Rome. The
         Teacher’s Manual includes tips for creatively teaching each lesson, hints
         for grammar instruction, vocabulary quizzes, answer keys, and more.
         The Student Book includes assignments, blank outlines, source texts,
         checklists, and vocabulary cards. Comes with Student Resource Note-
         book e-book (check the copyright page for download information)
                                                                 ES01C $67.00

1 8                              2 0 2 1                  P A R E N T                P R A C T I C U M
CLASSICAL: Scribblers at Home (ages 4 to 8)

First Things: Parent Preparation                                     Geography
    Echo in Celebration                                              Trivium at the Table Placemats
   Classical Education and the Homeschool Audio CD                        Cycle 1 (set of 4)
    Ten Ways to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child                    Cycle 2 (set of 2)
                                                                           Cycle 3 (set of 2)
 The Writing Road to Reading                                        Family Read Aloud
 Spell to Write and Read Core Kit                                     Kings of Rome
      Learning Log—Primary                                            
                                                                        Uncle Paul Explores Nature: Insects & Arachnids
      Learning Log—Black
Reading                                                               Song School Latin
 American Language Series                                                   Book 1
        Fun in the Sun                                                      Book 1 DVD Set
        Scamp and Tramp                                                     Book 1 Teacher’s Edition
        Soft and White                                                      Monkey Match 1
        At the Farm                                                         Book 2
        On the Trail                                                        Book 2 DVD Set
        Sounds of the Sea                                                   Book 2 Teacher’s Edition
 Lily Stays for School                                                     Monkey Match 2
  My CC ABCs, Cycle 3
                                                                     Art and Science
 Handwriting                                                         Nature Sketch Journal
   PreScripts® Cursive Words and Drawing: Scripture                 Discovering Great Artists, 2nd Edition
    PreScripts® Cursive Letters and Coloring: World History          Drawing with Children
 PreScripts® Cursive Words and Drawing: Math Terms

 Saxon K–3 Manipulatives
 Saxon Kindergarten Homeschool Kit
 Saxon First Grade Homeschool Kit
 Saxon Second Grade Homeschool Kit
 Saxon Third Grade Homeschool Kit

                                               Some materials available in English only.

                               Product prices and availability subject to change without notice.

19   •
CLASSICAL: Foundations Community (ages 4 to 12)

First Things: Parent Preparation                                       Writing
 Classical Christian Education Made Approachable                       Spelling Plus
 The Well-Trained Mind, 4th edition                                    Dictation Resource Book
 Improving Your Serve                                                  PreScripts® Cursive Letters and Coloring: World History
 The War Against Grammar                                               PreScripts® Cursive Words and Drawing: Scripture
 The Paideia of God                                                    PreScripts® Cursive Words and Drawing: Math Terms
 How to Develop a Brilliant Memory                                     PreScripts® Cursive Sentences and Art Lessons:
                                                                       Ancient History (Cycle 1)
In Community
 Foundations Curriculum, 5th edition                                  Family Read Aloud
 Tin Whistle, Key of D                                                 Ancient World Echoes
                                                                         Old World Echoes
Memory Work                                                              New World Echoes
 Foundations Audio CDs 5th edition, Cycle 1                              Tanglewood Tales
 Foundations Memory Work Flashcards 5th edition, Cycle 1                 The Story of the World
 Classical Acts & Facts® History Cards (referenced in K4 through            Volume 1 Book
     high school)                                                            Volume 1 Activity Book
      Ancient World                                                         Volume 1 Audio Book
      Medieval World
      New World                                                       Hands-on Art and Science
      Modern World                                                     Classical Music for Dummies, 2nd edition
    Classical Acts & Facts® Science Cards, 2nd edition                
                                                                         Trivium Tables®: Music
      Living on the Planet: Biology and Earth Science (Cycle 1)        Discovering Great Artists, 2nd Edition
      Seeking to Know: Famous Scientists (All Cycles)
                                                                        Drawing with Children
    Classical Acts & Facts® Artists and
                                                                        201 Awesome Experiments
     Composers Cards, Set 1
                                                                        Lyrical Life Science, Volume 1 Set
Geography                                                                    Additional Workbook

 Trivium at the Table, Cycle 1 Geography                                  Nature Sketch Journal
     Placemat Set (set of 4)
    Trivium Tables®: Geography, Cycle 1
    Exploring the World Through Cartography
                                                                         Quick Flip Arithmetic
                                                                         Math Flashcards
Presentations                                                                 Addition
                                                                              Multiplication
 Trivium Tables®: Rhetoric
                                                                           Tables, Squares & Cubes
                                                                            Trivium Tables®: Math
                                                                        Understanding Mathematics
                                                                         Math Problems and Solutions Guide
                                                                         Using John Saxon’s Math Books

                                                  Some materials available in English only.

                                   For International Resouces visit,

                                                                                                              •   20
CLASSICAL: Essentials Community (ages 9 to 12)

First Things: Parent Preparation                                    Arithmetic
 The Core Book                                                      Quick Flip Arithmetic
       Audiobook                                                    Saxon Math Homeschool 5/4 Kit
 Teaching the Classics                                                 Teaching Tape 5/4 DVDs
       Workbook/DVD Set                                               Saxon Math Homeschool 6/5 Kit
       Workbook                                                         Teaching Tape 6/5 DVDs
 When People Are Big and God Is Small                                Saxon Math 7/6 Homeschool Kit
                                                                         Teaching Tape 7/6 DVDs
English Grammar
 Essentials Curriculum, Fifth Edition Set                         Invest in Yourself: More Parent Resources
  Trivium Tables®: Essentials Verbs                                Classical Christian Education Made Approachable
   Trivium Tables®: Essentials Sentences                            The Question
   Trivium Tables®: Essentials Nouns                                The Conversation
   Trivium Tables®: Essentials Analytical Tasks
   The Synonym Finder                                              Art and Science
   Grammar & Diagramming Sentences                                  Nature Sketch Journal
   Our Mother Tongue, 2nd edition
       Key
     Spelling Plus
    Dictation Resource Book

 IEW TWSS Workbook
     IEW TWSS Workbook, DVD, and Premium
    		Content (for Directors)
 IEW TWSS Overview DVD
 IEW Portable Walls
  IEW Student Resource Packet
   IEW Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons Combo, Cycle 1
       Teacher
       Student
     Spell to Write and Read Core Kit
       Learning Log—Primary
       Learning Log—Black

                                              Some materials available in English only.

                                Product prices and availability subject to change without notice.

21    •
CLASSICAL: Challenge A Community (ages 12+)

First Things: Parent Preparation                                     Reasoning
    The QuestionCZ-FJHI"#PSUJOT                                      Analogies for All of Us$$..
    The Pattern of God’s Truth CZ'SBOL&(BFCFMFJO                      Melodies for All of Us$$..
    Practicing Affirmation CZ4BN$SBCUSFF                            Tin Whistle, Key of D
                                                                          Trivium Tables®: Rhetoric$$..
   Saxon Math Homeschool 8/7, 3rd ed. Kit*                            Exposition
       Teaching Tape Math 8/7 DVDs.                                      HeidiCZ+PIBOOB4QZSJ
                                                                         The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe CZ$4-FXJT
    Trivium Tables®: Math $$..                                          Around the World in 80 Days CZ+VMFT7FSOF
                                                                         Jack and Jill CZ-PVJTB.BZ"MDPUU
Grammar                                                                  Swiss Family Robinson CZ+PIBOO%BWJE8ZTT
    Common Latin* $$.. (July 2021)                                       The Jungle BookCZ3VEZBSE,JQMJOH
    Latin Vulgate* PDF available                                         A Wrinkle in TimeCZ.BEFMJOF-h&OHMF
    Latin Grammar Book*                                                  The Secret Garden CZ'SBODJT)PEHTPO#VSOFUU
    Latin Dictionary*                                                    PollyannaCZ&MFBOPS)1PSUFS
    Trivium Tables®: Latin$$..                                          The Railway ChildrenCZ&EJUI/FTCJU
*See Program Director for more information.                              Treasure Island CZ3PCFSU-PVJT4UFWFOTPO
   Nature Sketch Journal $$..                                         Debate
   Classical Acts & Facts® Science Cards, 2nd edition $$..               Exploring the World Through Cartography$$..
       Living on the Planet: Biology and Earth Science
       Spinning Harmonies: Ecology, Astronomy, and Physics
       Uncovering the Design: Anatomy, Chemistry, and Origins

                                                Some materials available in English only.

                                   For International Resouces visit,

                                                                                                              •   22
CLASSICAL: Challenge B Community

First Things: Parent Preparation                                         Reasoning
     The ConversationCZ-FJHI"#PSUJOT                                     Traditional Logic I, 3rd edition Text CZ.FNPSJB1SFTT
     The Soul of Science CZ/BODZ1FBSDZBOE$IBSMFT5IBYUPO                       Workbook
     The PeacemakerCZ,FO4BOEF                                                   Key
                                                                                   2-DVD Set, 2nd edition
Logic                                                                          Trivium Tables®: Logic$$..
    Saxon Algebra 1/2, 3rd edition, Homeschool Packet*
          Solutions Manual
          Teaching Tape Algebra 1/2 DVDs
                                                                              The Magician’s Nephew CZ$4-FXJT
                                                                              The HobbitCZ+335PMLFJO
     Trivium Tables®: Math$$..
                                                                              The Phantom Tollbooth CZ/PSUPO+VTUFS
                                                                              Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeCZ3PCFSU-PVJT4UFWFOTPO
Grammar                                                                       Island of the Blue Dolphins CZ4DPUU0h%FMM
    Common Latin*$$.. (July 2021)                                            Tanglewood TalesCZ/BUIBOJFM)BXUIPSOF
    Latin Vulgate* pdf available                                               Words Aptly Spoken®: Short Stories, 3rd edition$$..
    Latin Grammar Book*
    Latin Dictionary*                                                     Debate
    Trivium Tables®: Latin$$..                                               Mock Trial Notebook*$$..
*See Program Director for more information.                                     Trivium Tables®: Rhetoric$$..

             Discovering Atomos, 3rd edition$$..
            Classical Acts & Facts® Science Cards Seeking to Know:
Famous Scientists $$..
            Nature Sketch Journal $$..

                                                    Some materials available in English only.

                                  Product prices and availability subject to change without notice.

23   •
CLASSICAL: Challenge I Community

First Things: Parent Preparation                                           Exposition
     The Case for Classical Christian Education CZ%PVHMBT8JMTPO                The Hiding PlaceCZ$PSSJFUFO#PPN
     The Office of Assertion CZ4DPUU'$SJEFS                                   Ben HurCZ-FX8BMMBDF
     Total TruthCZ/BODZ1FBSDZ                                                  Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
                                                                                   Paradise LostCZ+PIO.JMUPO
Logic                                                                             Pilgrim’s ProgressCZ+PIO#VOZBO
    Saxon Algebra 1, 3rd edition Homeschool Packet                                The Captain’s Daughter CZ"MFYBOEFS1VTILJO
         Solutions Manual                                                         Jane EyreCZ$IBSMPUUF#SPOUÑ
         Teaching Tape Algebra 1 DVDs
                                                                                 A Morbid Taste for BonesCZ&EJUI.BSZ1BSHFUFS (Ellis Peters)
     Trivium Tables®: Math $$..                                                   A Christmas Carol CZ$IBSMFT%JDLFOT
                                                                                  Les MiserablesCZ7JDUPS)VHP
                                                                                  Up From Slavery CZ#PPLFS58BTIJOHUPO
                                                                                  Lotus BudsCZ"NZ8JMTPO$BSNJDIBFM
    Common Latin* $$.. (July 2021)
                                                                                  Through the Gates of Splendor CZ&MJTBCFUI&MMJPU
    Latin Vulgate*pdf available
                                                                                 Screwtape LettersCZ$4-FXJT
    Latin Grammar Book*
    Latin Dictionary*
    Trivium Tables®: Latin$$..
*See Program Director for more information.                                   Free Indeed! An Economics Reader $$..
                                                                              Trivium Tables®: Debate$$..
      The Student Lab Report Handbook, 2nd edition CZ+PIO.BZT               Trivium Tables®: Rhetoric$$..
      Science Lab Journal $$..
Reasoning **For communities that piloted ChB Global Guide in 2020**
      Trivium Tables®: Logic$$..
      Traditional Logic II, 2nd edition Text CZ.FNPSJB1SFTT
         Key          **Confirm with your director or SR before ordering
         2-DVD Set, 2nd edition

      The Taming of the Shrew

Reasoning **For communities that did NOT pilot ChB in 2020 **
      Trivium Tables®: Logic$$..
      Traditional Logic I, 3rd edition Text CZ.FNPSJB1SFTT

                     **Confirm with your director or SR before ordering
       2-DVD Set, 2nd edition

     The Taming of the Shrew

                                                  Some materials available in English only.

                                  For International Resouces visit,

                                                                                                                      •     24
CLASSICAL: Challenge II Community

First Things: Parent Preparation                                      Exposition
     Amusing Ourselves to Death CZ/FJM1PTUNBO                            Beowulf
     Saving LeonardoCZ/BODZ1FBSDZ                                       Selected Canterbury TalesCZ(FPGGSFZ$IBVDFS
     Humility: The Journey Toward Holiness CZ"OESFX.VSSBZ                Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
                                                                             Paradise LostCZ+PIO.JMUPO
                                                                             The Pilgrim’s Progress CZ+PIO#VOZBO
    Saxon Algebra 2, 3rd edition Kit $$..
                                                                             Robinson CrusoeCZ%BOJFM%FfPF
          Solutions Manual
                                                                             Gulliver’s Travels CZ+POBUIBO4XJGU
          Teaching Tape Algebra 2 DVDs
                                                                              Pride and PrejudiceCZ+BOF"VTUFO
      Trivium Tables®: Math$$..                                             Jane EyreCZ$IBSMPUUF#SPOUÑ
Grammar                                                                      A Tale of Two CitiesCZ$IBSMFT%JDLFOT
   Henle Second Year Latin Text CZ3PCFSU)FOMF                              Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland CZ-FXJT$BSPMM
          Key                                                                Favorite Father Brown Stories CZ(,$IFTUFSUPO
     @@@Henle Latin GrammarCZ3PCFSU)FOMF                                 A Passage to India CZ&.'PSTUFS
         Trivium Tables®: Latin$$..                                         The HobbitCZ+335PMLFJO
         Cassell’s Latin Dictionary                                          Out of the Silent Planet $4-FXJT
                                                                             The Screwtape Letters CZ$4-FXJT
                                                                             Animal FarmCZ(FPSHF0SXFMM
    Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd edition CZ"QPMPHJB
                                                                             Something Beautiful for GodCZ.BMDPMN.VHHFSJEHF
                                                                             Words Aptly Spoken®: British Literature $$..
          Solutions and Tests
      The Student Lab Report Handbook, 2nd edition CZ+PIO.BZT              Wakeful Words $$..
      Classical Acts & Facts® Science Cards, 2nd edition $$..          *Check with your Director before purchasing.
          Living on the Planet: Biology and Earth Science
          Spinning Harmonies: Ecology, Astronomy, and Physics          Debate
          Uncovering the Design: Anatomy, Chemistry, and Origins           Marvelous to Behold$$..
          Seeking to Know: Famous Scientists                               Classical Music for Dummies, 2nd edition CZ%BWJE1PHVFBOE4DPUU4QFDL
      Science Lab Journal $$..                                                Trivium Tables®: Debate$$..
                                                                           Tour Guide: Introduction to Debate $$..
                                                                           Trivium Tables®: Rhetoric$$..
    Traditional Logic II, 2nd edition, Text CZ.FNPSJB1SFTT
                                                                           Trivium Tables®: Music$$..
          Student Workbook
          Key                                                              The Gift of Music$$..
          2-DVD Set                                                       Exploring the World Through Cartography $$..
      The Elements of StyleCZ4USVOLBOE8IJUF                            How Should We Then Live? CZ'SBODJT4DIBFGGFS
      Trivium Tables®: Logic$$..                                                DVD Set (for Directors)
      Words Aptly Spoken®: Socratic Dialogues $$..
                                                                             State of the Arts CZ(FOF&EXBSE7FJUI +S
                                                                             Classical Acts & Facts® Artists and Composers $$..
                                                                                 Set 1
                                                                                 Set 2
                                                                                 Set 3

                                                 Some materials available in English only.

                                Product prices and availability subject to change without notice.

25    •
CLASSICAL: Challenge III Community

First Things: Parent Preparation                                      Exposition
     Beauty for Truth’s Sake CZ4USBUGPSE$BMEFDPUU                        Much Ado About Nothing CZ4IBLFTQFBSF
     Norms & Nobility CZ%BWJE7)JDLT                                    Julius Caesar CZ4IBLFTQFBSF
     Repairing the Ruins CZ%PVHMBT8JMTPO                                 Macbeth CZ4IBLFTQFBSF
                                                                           Henry V CZ4IBLFTQFBSF
Logic                                                                      HamletCZ4IBLFTQFBSF
    Saxon Advanced Mathematics, 2nd edition, Homeschool Packet             Tales from Shakespeare CZ$IBSMFTBOE.BSZ-BNC
         Solutions Manual                                                  Brightest Heaven of Invention CZ1FUFS-FJUIBSU
         Teaching Tape Adv. Math DVDs
                                                                           The Roar on the Other Side CZ4V[BOOF3IPEFT
     Trivium Tables®: Math $$..
                                                                           Wakeful Words$$..
Grammar                                                                    PreScripts® Cursive Passages and Illuminations: Poetry $$..
   Henle Second Year Latin* TextCZ3PCFSU)FOMF
                                                                           Tour Guide: Introduction to Debate$$..
     Henle Third Year Latin* Text CZ3PCFSU)FOMF
                                                                           Trivium Tables®: Debate$$..
                                                                           Classical Acts & Facts® History Cards (referenced in K4 through
     Henle Latin Grammar CZ3PCFSU)FOMF
                                                                            high school) $$..
     Trivium Tables®: Latin $$..
                                                                                Ancient World
     Cassell’s Latin Dictionary                                                 Medieval World
                                                                                New World
                                                                                Modern World
    Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 3rd edition CZ"QPMPHJB
         Solutions and Tests
     The Student Lab Report Handbook, 2nd edition CZ+PIO.BZT
     Science Lab Journal $$..

    Math in Motion, 2nd edition $$..
         Answer Key
     The Consequences of IdeasCZ3$4QSPVM
     Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl DVD (for Directors) CZ/%8JMTPO
     Trivium Tables®: Rhetoric$$..
     Trivium Tables®: Music$$..

                                                 Some materials available in English only.

                                  For International Resouces visit,

                                                                                                               •       26
CLASSICAL: Challenge IV Community

First Things: Parent Preparation                                                           Reasoning
          Angels in the ArchitectureCZ%PVHMBT+POFT %PVHMBT8JMTPO                           Invitation to the Psalms CZ,BSM/+BDPCTPOBOE3PMG"+BDPCTPO
          The Abolition of ManCZ$4-FXJT                                                    Mere Christianity CZ$4-FXJT
          Listening for Heaven’s Sake CZ%S(BSZ4XFFUFO "OOF$MJQQBSE                        Trivium Tables®: Rhetoric$$..

Logic                                                                                       Exposition
    Saxon Advanced Mathematics, 2nd edition Homeschool Packet                                   Theogony and Works and Days CZ)FTJPE
           Solutions Manual                                                                     The IliadCZ)PNFS
           Teaching Tape Adv Math DVDs
                                                                                                The Odyssey CZ)PNFS
      Saxon Calculus, 2nd edition Kit
                                                                                                The AeneidCZ7JSHJM
           Solutions Manual
           Teaching Tape Calculus DVDs                                                          Oedipus RexCZ4PQIPDMFT
Saxon math is widely used and highly supported throughout our communities. Talk with your       Heroes of the City of ManCZ1FUFS-FJUIBSU
Director for more details.                                                                      Wakeful Words $$..
      Trivium Tables®: Math
Grammar                                                                                        The Discoverers CZ%BOJFM#PPSTUJO
   Henle Fourth Year Latin TextCZ3PCFSU)FOMF                                                Exploring the World Through Cartography $$..
           Key                                                                                 Trivium Tables®: Debate$$..
       Henle Latin Grammar
       Trivium Tables®: Latin
       Cassell’s Latin Dictionary                                                                The Rhetoric Companion

    Saxon Physics Homeschool Packet
           Solutions Manual

                                                         Some materials available in English only.

                                      Product prices and availability subject to change without notice.

27    •
Streaming & On-demand

                       LAUNCHING JUNE 2, 2021


    DIGITAL                                 CAMPS
      Parents and their, children aged 3-12, will enjoy participating
            in these fun-filled digital sessions and activities!

               ◀   ONLY $99 USD PER FAMILY ▶






                Register your family today!

Check out these NEW titles in the
 Copper Lodge Library Series!

 The Copper Lodge Library series is named after the home of Classical Conversations founder
 Leigh Bortins. These are the kind of books every family should have in their personal library:
 great classics worth reading and re-reading together. Each keepsake book is high quality,
 illustrated, annotated editions the whole family can enjoy and pass down.

INSECTS WITH                                                                             KINGS
 UNCLE PAUL                                                                              OF ROME
Explore the wonders of                                                                   This Cycle 1 Roman
  creation together and                                                                  history reader accompanies
 inspire curiosity. Read                                                                 the Scribblers Curriculum.
about God’s amazing                                                                      It’s a fun, play-centered
 handiwork as “Uncle                                                                     exploration and an entry
 Paul” teaches about the                                                                 point into a lifelong
          natural world.                                                                 journey of learning.

    Get these and other great Copper Lodge titles today!
Affordably earn college credit in alignment with Challenge II, III, and IV.
CC Plus utilizes the concurrent enrollment model for             TRANSFERABLE CREDIT
assessing Challenge coursework to gain regional college
                                                                 Currently, CC Plus partners with Southeastern University
credits that are closely aligned to the Challenge II, III, and
                                                                 (SEU), Lakeland, FL, and The College at Southeastern
IV Guides. Challenge students gain college credit for select
                                                                 (C@SE), located in Wake Forest, NC. Both partners are
Challenge assignments that are assessed and accredited at the
                                                                 regionally accredited by SACSCOC.
college level.
                                                                 Whether your family plans to wait on college or to sample
CC PLUS MISSION STATEMENT                                        CC Plus courses, you have resources to help. Consider making
The CC Plus Program verifies the high caliber of academic        a degree plan or build a CC Plus Planner, available in the
work CC students complete in Challenges II, III and IV.          “More” tab of the website.
When students experience collegiate assessment in an extend-
ed community, parents can be assured scholarship remains
grounded in a Christian worldview with study that coincides
with the content of the Challenge Guide. CC Plus gives
families a flexible, affordable option for credential-seeking
students, while honoring the homeschool family.

                                                  CHECK OUT
WE KNOW WHAT YOU’RE THINKING.“Directing? Me? Are you kidding?”

                   You can do this. Classical Conversations will provide the
                       training and support you need to be successful.

q Influencing parents to raise Christian world-changers   q Redeeming your own education
q Robust academic training                                q Helping determine your community location and
                                                            meeting day
q Ensuring a community for your own children              q Growing in Christian leadership

q Training in classical, Christian education              q Access to instructional videos, documents, webinars,
  and teaching                                              and more
q Best practices for being a Licensee                     q Discussion forums with other Licensed Directors
q Periodic discounts, offers, or coupon codes             q Guidance from a local Support Representative✔

Although directing is not easy, you will feel equipped and supported to lead your program, and you will be
prepared for the challenge and reap the many rewards of directing!

                                               YOU’VE GOT THIS!

“I’m ready for more.”
     Do you want to keep learning and growing as a classical educator?

Get Connected.                                          Play more. Plan less.
CC Connected® offers the help you need at your                                                                                 The SAND
                                                        We’ve got you covered with these                                        Cycle 3
                                                                                                                                          Simple tools for
                                                                                                                                                           playful stick-in-
                                                                                                                                                                             the-sand   learning the other
                                                                                                                                                                                                           four days of the

fingertips, anytime you need it. It provides a wealth

                                                        great e-zine resources.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   S                  Week 1

of online resources from a community of experienced                                                           NWARD
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Rise and Shin
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Morning-Time with

Classical Conversations parents to help you reclaim     THE SANDBOX is your Foundations                  TIMELY TOO
                                                                                                                    LS   FOR YOUR
                                                                                                                                    WEEKLY EX


                                                                                                                                                                           Week 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Page 4

                                                                                                                          ESSENTIAL                                                                 Play Your Way

                                                        resource for fun, stick-in-the-sand,
                                                                                               Cycle 3                                                                                              Memory Mast to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 er in

your own education as you create a unique and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Thirty Minu
                                                                                                                                                                                                               tes a
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 6

wonderful education for your children!                  weekly ideas.                                                                                                                             Explore the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 World (Echo
                                                                                                                                                                                                 with our
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Activity Pack

                                                                                                                                                                                                in Printable

Community members enjoy substantial discounts,          ONWARD is your resource for
making CC Connected a practical investment for your     simple, yet timely tools for your          Plan and Pla
                                                                                                                y                                                The Blessin
                                                                                                   Your Way to                                                   of Essentials
home school.                                            weekly Essentials expedition.              Essentials
                                                                                                                                                                 Page 10

                                                                                                    Pages 5–6


                   A gift for fathers
             from Classical Conversations
A Dad’s Guide to Classical Education will address questions about
how fathers can have an active role in educating their children,
the economics of homeschooling and how a classical homeschool
education can provide a competitive advantage in the job market.
Are you confused about classical education? Are you confused about
homeschooling? Are you a current or future homeschool dad who doesn’t want
to read lengthy books about home education your wife is asking you to read?

We’ve got you covered. Robert Bortins, CEO of Classical Conversations, has
written an easy-to-read summary on everything you need to know about both
classical education and homeschooling…in 15 minutes.

                                 FOR YOUR FREE DOWNLOADABLE PDF, VISIT

You can also read