C AMP GUIDE 2020 - REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 21 - City of Rockville

Page created by Juanita Grant
C AMP GUIDE 2020 - REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 21 - City of Rockville


                                           BEGINS JAN. 21
                                             Camps Open to All
                                             Metro-Area Families!

                        SUMMER BLAST • CROYDON CREEK
C AMP GUIDE 2020 - REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 21 - City of Rockville





                                                  Page #

                  by Location

Beall ES - 451 Beall Avenue
Summer Playgrounds                                 18      6-12
College Gardens ES - 1700 Yale Place
Summer Blast                                        6      5-11
Croydon Creek Nature Center - 852 Avery Road
EcoInvestigators Camp                               8      8-10
Enviromedia                                         8      11-14
Exploration & Service Camp                          8      11-14
Explorers                                           8      9-11
Guppy Nature Camp                                   8       5-7
Wilderness Bushcraft Camp                           8      10-14
Elwood Smith RC - 601 Harrington Road
Summer Playgrounds                                 18      6-12
F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre - 603 Edmonston Drive
Adventure Theater's Summer Musical Camp             9      8-12
Adventure Theater's Extended Day                    9      8-12
Fallsgrove Park - 700 Fallsgrove Drive
Summer Playgrounds                                 18      6-12
Fallsmead ES 1800 Greenplace Terrace
Summer Playgrounds                                 18      6-12
Isreal Park - 357 Frederick Avenue
Summer Playgrounds                                 18      6-12
Lakewood ES - 2534 Lindley Terrace
Summer Blast                                        6      5-11
Mad Science - Dinosaurs and Ancient Worlds         11      6-12
Mad Science - Forensic Fundamentals                11      6-12
Lincoln Park CC - 357 Frederick Avenue
Clubhouse Extra (Before & After Camp)              16      6-12
Don't Forget About August                          16      6-13
Future Leader Camp                                 20 13-15
Make It Happen Basketball                          14      9-11
School's Out                                       16      6-13
Tiny Hoopers Clinic                                14       4-6
Solar Vehicle Engineering Design and Build Camp    10 10-14
Montrose CC & Park - 451 Congressional Lane
Summer Playgrounds                                 18      6-12

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C AMP GUIDE 2020 - REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 21 - City of Rockville





                                                         Page #

                   by Location

Meadow Hall ES - 951 Twinbrook Parkway
Summer Playgrounds                                        18      6-12
Potomac Woods Park - 2276 Dunster Lane
Summer Playgrounds                                        18      6-12
Bayard Rustin ES - 332 W. Edmonston Drive
Summer Blast                                               6      5-11
Rockville Senior Center - 1150 Carnation Drive
Abrakadoodle - Full Steam Ahead                            9      6-12
Abrakadoodle - Yummy Art                                   9      6-12
Tiny Chefs - Let's Cook - Cupcake Wars                    13      6-12
Tiny Chefs - Let's Cook - American Picnic                 13      6-12
Tiny Chefs - Let's Cook - Restaurant Creation             13      6-12
Rockville Skate Park - 355 Martins Lane
Skateboarding and Swim                                    15      7-14
Thomas Farm CC - 700 Fallsgrove Drive
Adventure Kids Camp                                       12      7-11
Art4Fun                                                   12      7-11
DEILAB S.T.E.A.M. - LEGO Engierring Art and Innovation    10      5-8
DEILAB S.T.E.A.M. - RC Racing                             10      9-13
Dramatic Kids Camp                                         9      6-11
Mad Science - Red Hot Robots                              11      7-12
Mad Science - Secret Agent Lab                            11      6-12
Signature Poms                                            14      6-12
Teens on the Go                                           21 11-16
Twinbrook CRC - 12920 Twinbrook Parkway
Last Hurrah                                               16      5-12
Rockville Science Center - Robotics                       10      9-14
Summer Blast                                               6      5-11
Woodley Gardens Park - 900 Nelson Street
Steel Multi-Sport Camp                                    14      6-12
Steel Soccer Camp - Half day                              14      5-14
Steel Soccer Camp - Full day                              14      7-14
Summer Playgrounds                                        18      6-12
Xtreme Acro and Cheer - 14702 Southlawn Lane
Gymnastics, Trampoline & Cheer                            15      6-14
Parkour Camp                                              15      7-11

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C AMP GUIDE 2020 - REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 21 - City of Rockville
Whether you need full-time childcare                      Our camp staff is selected based on:
all summer, or just a few weeks of                         • reference and background checks,
enrichment, or want an affordable drop-                      including fingerprinting
in program now and then, we have it all.                   • experience and enthusiasm
Our programs allow families to work
                                                           • desire and ability to work well with
around vacations, summer school and                          children
other obligations.
                                                          Our camp staff training includes:
No matter what program you choose,                         • certifications including CPR/AED, First
all staff undergo a variety of trainings                     Aid and Medication Administration
and screenings, including CPR/AED, first                   • safety procedures
aid and background checks, including
                                                           • techniques in working well with children
fingerprinting. We also provide training
                                                             and proper supervision
in how to effectively supervise children,
program planning and safety procedures.                    • creative planning
                                                           • skills development

Specialty Camps                         Summer Blast                       Summer Playgrounds
· Small groups and low                  · A full-day, structured out-of-   · Six-week program, June 29- Aug. 6.
  staff-to-camper ratio.                  school time program.             · Neighborhood locations
· Fees ranges depending on              · Flexible, register by the week      throughout the city.
  activity and supply costs.              or the whole summer.             · Playground hours are
· Learn about cooking, soccer,          · Operates from 7:30 a.m.-6           9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
  dance, art, drama, Robotics,            p.m. daily at four convenient    · Extended-day options at Elwood
  LEGO, STEAM, gymnastics,                locations.                          Smith RC, Lincoln Park CC and
  science, nature and more.             · Small groups and low staff-to-      Meadowhall ES (limited space
· You pick, full day or half day,         camper ratio.                       available).
  one or two weeks, depending           · Theme weeks, games, sports,      · 		Weekly themes, games, crafts,
  on the program.                         arts and crafts, swimming,          sports and water activities.
· Various sessions throughout             field trips and special events   · Swim, Crafty Kids and field trip
  the summer.                             included in fee.                    available for additional fees.
                                        · Sessions are seven or nine
                                          weeks long, depending on
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C AMP GUIDE 2020 - REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 21 - City of Rockville
S U M M E R B L A S T ................................................... 6-7
CROYDON CREEK........................................................ 8
A RT S , DA N C E A N D D R A M A ........................... 9
                                                                                      R EG I S TR ATI O N
                                                                                      BEGINS JAN. 21
S P EC I A LT Y ...........................................................12-13
S P O RT S ..................................................................14-15
E X TR A F U N...............................................................16
S U M M E R P L AYG RO U N D S .........................18-19
TE E N S .................................................................... 20-21

                                                                                            S TAY
Camps at a Glance........................................................ 2-3
Financial Assistance....................................................... 22
Program Information..................................................... 23
General Information.......................................................24
Individuals with Disabilities...........................................24
Frequently Called Numbers.........................................24
Registration Information........................................ 25-26
Registration Form...........................................................27

   3 WAYS                                                                              Rates Key:
                                                                                       Prices are listed as Resident Discount/
   TO REGISTER                                                                         Regular Rate

1. Online                                            2. In Person                               3. By Mail or Fax
     at www.rockvillemd.gov/                              Walk-in registration available.           Mail or fax your completed
     registration.                                                                                  registration form.
                                                          Hours vary by facility.

                                                                                               Page 5 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620
C AMP GUIDE 2020 - REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 21 - City of Rockville
Summer Blast

                  SUMMER BLASTJune 17-Aug. 14 • Ages 5-11 • 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
                                                       240-314-8620 • camps@rockvillemd.gov

                  Rockville’s traditional
                  premier all-day,
                  summer-long camp.                                      Sample Schedule
                                                                                      7:30-9 a.m.:
                  Have a blast at this all-day, all-summer                Check-in and small-group activities.
                  fun and active camp! Register by the                                9-9:30 a.m.:
                  week or stay all summer long. Enjoy                     Roll call and review daily schedule.
                  the best in camp games, crafts, sports,
                                                                                 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.:
                  gym time, outdoor play, theme weeks
                  and much more! Swimming several                           Core camp activities, including
                  times every week, field trips and                           swimming, field trips, lunch
                  special events add to the excitement.                            and special events.
                  Children will be grouped by age. Early
                  morning and late-afternoon activities
                                                                                        3:30 p.m.:
                  offered in a supervised, informal setting.                     Break and snack time.
                  Bring a bag lunch, snack and drink.                                   4-6 p.m.:
                  Register for the seven-week option (nine-              Games, indoor/outdoor play, low-key
                  week option for Twinbrook CRC) and save.
                                                                                activities and check out.
                  Participants must be age 5 by Sept. 1, 2020.
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C AMP GUIDE 2020 - REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 21 - City of Rockville
Summer Blast

Bayard Rustin Elementary School             College Gardens Elementary School
12472    6/22-8/7    $1,535/$1,690*         12474       6/22-8/7       $1,535/$1,690*
12405    6/22-6/26   $250/$275              12406       6/22-6/26      $250/$275
12432    6/29-7/2    $205/$225              12431       6/29-7/2       $205/$225
12414    7/6-7/10    $250/$275              12412       7/6-7/10       $250/$275
12436    7/13-7/17   $250/$275              12449       7/13-7/17      $250/$275
12437    7/20-7/24   $250/$275              12446       7/20-7/24      $250/$275
12453    7/27-7/31   $250/$275              12447       7/27-7/31      $250/$275
12438    8/3-8/7     $250/$275              12448       8/3-8/7        $250/$275

Twinbrook CRC Annex (9 weeks)               Lakewood Elementary School
12475    6/17-8/14   $1,895/$2,085*         12473       6/22-8/7       $1,535/$1,690*
12442    6/17-6/19   $150/$165              12407       6/22-6/26      $250/$275
12419    6/22-6/26   $250/$275              12433       6/29-7/2       $205/$225
12450    6/29-7/2    $205/$225              12415       7/6-7/10       $250/$275
12413    7/6-7/10    $250/$275              12452       7/13-7/17      $250/$275
12434    7/13-7/17   $250/$275              12441       7/20-7/24      $250/$275
12435    7/20-7/24   $250/$275              12451       7/27-7/31      $250/$275
12443    7/27-7/31   $250/$275              12439       8/3-8/7        $250/$275
12444    8/3-8/7     $250/$275
12445    8/10-8/14   $250/$275

                                  *When registering for the seven or nine-week
                                  option, please note that refunds cannot be given
                                  for individual weeks. Refunds will be processed
                                  for the entire multiweek option. See page 26 for
                                  more information on our refund policy.

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C AMP GUIDE 2020 - REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 21 - City of Rockville
                        852 Avery Road (off Baltimore Road), Rockville, MD 20851
                                                        240-314-8770 • ccnc@rockvillemd.gov

                EcoInvestigators Camp                                           Explorers
Croydon Creek

                Curious about creatures? Fascinated by forests? Crazy           Get outdoors and explore the wild spaces and places
                about creeks? This camp is for you! Spend your days             of Maryland and Virginia. Campers enjoy a new
                investigating local habitats through a variety of activities,   adventure each day with off-site field trips and on-site
                field studies and projects. Time is spent outdoors.             explorations. Lace up your hiking shoes and get ready
                Camp may include an off-site field trip.                        for fun! Please note there is no camp 7/3.

                Croydon Creek Nature Center                      Age: 8-10      Croydon Creek Nature Center                    Age: 9-11
                12498       6/22-6/26     9 AM-3 PM              $250/$275      12504      6/29-7/2      9 AM-4 PM             $250/$275
                12499       7/27-7/31     9 AM-3 PM              $250/$275
                                                                                Guppy Nature Camp
                EnviroMedia                                                     Interested in animals that creep, crawl and flap?
                Do you want to become a social-media influencer?                Meet the critters that call Croydon Creek home and
                Learn how to use different forms of social media                explore the exciting natural world. Hands-on activities,
                to promote positive, environmental changes in our               experiments, hikes and crafts are all in a day’s fun.
                world. Gain valuable skills including interpretive
                                                                                Croydon Creek Nature Center                     Age: 5-7
                methods, filming, editing and social media management
                all while exploring the outdoors and learning about             12495      6/22-6/26     9 AM-3 PM             $225/$255
                conservation. All week, work on projects that will be           12494      7/13-7/17     9 AM-12 PM            $135/$155
                posted to social media and share your creations with            12496      7/27-7/31     9 AM-3 PM             $225/$255
                the world.                                                      12497      8/10-8/14     9 AM-12 PM            $135/$155
                Croydon Creek Nature Center                    Age: 11-14
                12503       8/3-8/7       9 AM-4 PM              $335/$375      Wilderness Bushcraft Camp I
                                                                                During this five-day skill-builder, campers learn and
                                                                                practice the fundamentals of making fire, procuring
                Exploration & Service Camp                                      drinkable water, constructing a survival shelter and land
                Spend the last few days of summer exploring our area            navigation. Each day focuses on a new skill culminating
                and earning Student Service Learning (SSL) hours.               on Friday with a Survival Skills Challenge – a series of
                Participants spend half of their time adventuring on            10-minute challenges that cover all of the skills learned
                field trips and the other half participating in volunteer       throughout the week.
                projects.  Each participant can earn up to 15 SSL hours
                                                                                Croydon Creek Nature Center                  Age: 10-14
                based on participation.
                                                                                12501      8/10-8/14     9 AM-3 PM             $385/$435
                Croydon Creek Nature Center                    Age: 11-14
                12500       7/20-7/24     9 AM-4 PM              $335/$375      Wilderness Bushcraft Camp II
                                                                                The follow-up to Bushcraft 1 builds on skills learned
                                                                                in the first session. Fire, Water, Shelter and Tools.
                                                                                Designed for both new and returning campers, Session
                                                                                2 will introduce new skills and technologies to those
                                                                                learned in Session 1.

                                                                                Croydon Creek Nature Center                  Age: 10-14
                                                                                12502      8/17-8/21     9 AM-3 PM             $385/$435

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C AMP GUIDE 2020 - REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 21 - City of Rockville
Abrakadoodle: Yummy Art                                        Adventure Theater’s Summer
Get your spoon and paintbrush and chocolate syrup              Musical Camp
ready — we’re going to create art! From cupcake                Experience musical theater in a fun, educational, day
design and donut modeling, to mosaics with food and            camp. Your child will work alongside accomplished D.C.
chocolate syrup painting — it’s all about the wonderful        area theater professionals and teaching artists during
and wacky world of using food as art materials! We’ll          daily rehearsals in dancing, singing and acting. With
play “foodie” games and decorate our own incredible            props and costumes, singing and scene-work, your
edibles (but most projects are not edible). We won’t           child’s experience will culminate in a youth-appropriate,
use an oven but we will have fun cooking up new ways           full scale performance on the last day of each session.
to look at food as art. Note: $25 materials fee payable
to the instructor on the first day of camp. Projects are       F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre & Social Hall       Age: 8-12
not edible. No peanut products will be used. Campers
                                                               12466      6/22-7/2        9 AM-4 PM            $519/$535
may register for both camps and bring their lunch to
eat during the break.                                          12509      6/22-7/2        4-5:30 PM            $105/$115
                                                               12467      7/6-7/17        9 AM-4 PM            $575/$589
Rockville Senior Center                         Age: 6-12      12510      7/6-7/17        4-5:30 PM            $115/$125
12409      8/3-8/7        9 AM-12 PM            $185/$195      12468      7/20-7/31       9 AM-4 PM            $575/$589
                                                               12511      7/20-7/31       4-5:30 PM            $115/$125

                                                                                                                              Arts, Dance and Drama
  Register for both camps, bring your lunch                    Dramatic Kids Camp
             and make a day of it.                             Awaken creativity and boost self-confidence in this
                                                               theater arts camp that has it all! Campers explore their
                                                               imaginations and artistic talents by participating in fun,
Abrakadoodle: Full STEAM Ahead                                 improvisational acting games and theatrical techniques
Science! Technology! Engineering! Art! Math! Climb on          while learning the fundamentals of dramatic storytelling
board and move Full STEAM Ahead! This Abrakadoodle             facilitated by our talented teaching artists. This camp
art journey is filled with scientific discoveries, supercool   provides a fun and dynamic space to build confidence,
technology, fabulous math connections and more! We’ll          courage and character. A showcase of campers’ original
travel from Beatrix Potter’s illustrations to Leonardo         work will be performed for their friends and family on
Fibonacci’s remarkable numbers discovery and make              the last day of camp! Note: $20 materials fee payable
many stops along the way. Try your hand at robotics            to the instructor on the first day of camp.
and draw at the same time! Learn lots of geometry
while paint flows, compasses twirl, and straight lines         Thomas Farm CC                                  Age: 6-11
show the unexpected. There is so much to try and
                                                               12458      8/3-8/7         9 AM-3 PM            $305/$315
learn on this journey. Come along and don’t miss it!
Note: $25 materials fee payable to the instructor on
the first day of camp. Campers may register for both
camps and bring their lunch to eat during the break.

Rockville Senior Center                         Age: 6-12
12408      8/3-8/7        12:30-3:30 PM         $185/$195

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C AMP GUIDE 2020 - REGISTRATION BEGINS JAN. 21 - City of Rockville

                                                                      Robotics Camp
                                                                      Robotics is ideal for girls and boys who love to
                                                                      build things and want to learn mechanical and
           DEILAB S.T.E.A.M
                                                                      programming concepts. Campers are grouped
           DEILAB awakens the design, engineering and
                                                                      in small teams and create their robots using
           innovative skills and talents of campers with our
                                                                      LEGO Mindstorms robotics kits. They program
           curriculum of collaborative design projects and
                                                                      their robots to solve a series of challenges,
           challenges. The laboratory environment of DEILAB
                                                                      culminating in a competition on the last day of
           programs is structured to enhance curiosity and ignite
                                                                      Twinbrook CRC                                   Age: 9-14
           LEGO Engineering, Art and
                                                                      12424      8/3-8/13      1-4 PM                 $299/$309
           Innovation Camp
           Build moon rovers, motorized cars, battle bots,
           skyscrapers and sculptures. Use your creativity to         Solar Vehicle Engineering Design
           become a 21st century innovator through design,            and Build Camp
           engineering projects, challenges and competitions.         Explore opportunities for students to learn
           This hands-on program focuses on converting                about STEM with hands-on experiences that
           failure into fuel for success through idea generation,     use Solar Vehicles to engage students in the
           testing and more. The collaborative environment is         hands-on, minds-on, and creative process of
           structured to enhance curiosity and ignite ingenuity.      innovation by using critical thinking. Participants
           This exciting program connects students to real-           will develop both individual and teaming skills
           world applications.                                        while building a solar powered vehicle with
                                                                      the guidance of a Science and Engineering
            Thomas Farm CC                                 Age: 5-8   Partnership professional.
            12430     8/3-8/7       9 AM-12 PM            $235/$250
                                                                      Lincoln Park CC                                Age: 10-14
           RC Racing                                                  12537      8/10-8/14     3:30-6:30 PM           $180/$200
           DEILAB’s Radio Controlled Racing Academy is a
           exciting hands-on program where students will race

           FAST RC cars while learning about the science,
           engineering and math related to racing performance.
           This course combines on-track and classroom
           instruction by engineers, educators and race car
           drivers who lead the camp.

            Thomas Farm CC                                Age: 9-13
            12457     8/3-8/7       12:30-3:30 PM         $260/$275

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                               Mad Science
                               Mad Science is the world’s leading science enrichment provider. This
                               camp offers unique, hands-on experiences that are entertaining as well as
                               educational. The camp encourages scientific literacy in children of all ages.
                               Science is as vital as reading, writing and arithmetic.

Dinosaurs and Ancient Worlds:                                 Red Hot Robots
Underground Explorers                                         Join Mad Science and our Radical Robots for a scientific
Dig up dinosaurs and the ancient past! Solve real-            journey through circuitry and sensors. Explore several
life mysteries! Kids learn about archaeology and the          different types of robots…robots that follow lines and
techniques scientists use to excavate fossils and long-       sounds, robotic arms like the ones you see in the big
lost cities! They also study bone fragments, pottery          factories on TV (well, smaller than that, but you get
shards, amber deposits, and fossils to understand what        the picture). You will even play tag with robots that
they can tell us about history! What’s more, each class       you control! Complete the camp by building your own
includes a make and take-home project, like a fossil          robot to take home!
reproduction, an amber time capsule, and coins from
around the world! Finally, every camp will receive an         Thomas Farm CC                                   Age: 7-12
unforgettable visit from ‘Tiny T’ an amazingly lifelike 10-   12461      8/10-8/14    9 AM-4 PM                $315/$325
year old Tyrannosaurus Rex!
                                                              Secret Agent Lab
Lakewood Elementary School                     Age: 6-12      Suspects! Schematics! and Sleuths! Connect the dots
12459      6/22-6/26     9 AM-4 PM              $315/$325     using science to help solve a crime in this hands-on
                                                              investigation of the science of sleuthing. Uncover the
Forensic Fundamentals: Biology,                               science involved in evidence gathering and analysis
Chemistry and Crime Scenes                                    and fingerprinting detection. Enhance your recall and
Mad Science introduces you to the foundations                 observation skills and learn how to use spy equipment.
of forensics as you learn about organs, cells, and
chemistry! Discover how the science behind life               Thomas Farm CC                                   Age: 6-12
can help you solve a crime. Discover the secrets              12462      8/17-8/21    9 AM-4 PM                $315/$325
behind batteries and design marshmallow molecules!
Conduct electricity and power a Mad Science whirligig.
Experience blood pumping through the heart and air

moving through the lungs. Use ooey-gooey ingredients
to build a model cell, and use your own traits to decode
and decipher your DNA. Finally, apply what you learn
and solve a sticky crime!

Lakewood Elementary School                     Age: 6-12
12460      6/29-7/2      9 AM-4 PM              $255/$265

                                                                                 Page 11 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620
                                                     Adventure Kids Camp
                                                     Take an adventure with your friends at Thomas Farm
                                                     Community Center! Campers travel to different
                                                     locations each day. Field trips will include outdoor
                                                     adventures, swimming, entertainment and more. A
                                                     detailed itinerary along with what to bring each day will
                                                     be emailed to all participants prior to camp. No camp
                                                     on July 3.

                                                     Thomas Farm CC                                Age: 7-11
                                                     12394      6/29-7/2     9 AM-4 PM             $220/$260
                                                     12395      7/6-7/10     9 AM-4 PM             $275/$325
                                                     12396      7/13-7/17    9 AM-4 PM             $275/$325
                                                     12397      7/20-7/24    9 AM-4 PM             $275/$325

                                                     This camp celebrates and encourages creativity in
                                                     children! Campers will participate in daily, hands-on
                                                     multimedia art projects that encourage creativity and
                                                     promote the enjoyment of art. Art activities will be
                                                     balanced with other traditional camp activities such as
                                                     games, creative free play, open gym and more. Time will
                    VISIT OUR                        be spent both indoors and out. Dress for a mess!

                  R E C R E AT I O N                 Thomas Farm CC                                Age: 7-11
                 SUMMER CAMP                         12398      6/22-6/26    9 AM-3 PM             $275/$325

                      B O OT H

              Jan. 26 • 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

                 Montgomery County
                 Camp and Summer
                      Fun Expo
                 at the Hilton Hotel

                 1750 Rockville Pike
            Page 12 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620

                                        Tiny Chefs: Let’s Cook
                                        Tiny Chefs cooking camps are a fun way for kids to flex their creative
                                        muscles, spend time working in peer groups, and best of all: a great way to
                                        introduce them to the joy of cooking and baking!
                                        Cooking teaches kids valuable skills that they can carry with them through
     Camp fee includes all              life. Children practice basic math when they measure ingredients, reading
    supplies and an apron.              comprehension as they follow a recipe, team building as they work in
                                        groups, and they also build a strong foundation for healthy eating. All of
                                        these skills are mixed in with delicious food and fun.

American Picnic                                             Restaurant Creation
American cuisine is inspired by cultures around the         If your Tiny Chef dreams of someday having their own
world but has become uniquely and deliciously its           restaurant, sign them up for this inventive summer
own! For most Americans, nothing says summer like           camp! Each day, the students will produce a different
hamburgers, hot dogs and potato salad. And while            course (appetizer, soup, main dish or dessert) or an
some of those items are definitely on our All-American      item from a certain cuisine and build a restaurant
summer menu, we are also going to explore American          around it. Over the course (no pun intended) of the
cuisine from sea to shining sea, from Southern BBQ          session, they will also be working on a final idea for
to California’s twist on the BLT to the countrywide         their own restaurant, expanding on the types of foods
favorite strawberry shortcake! Come dive into summer        their particular restaurant would serve, based on the
with Tiny Chefs—it will feel like the Fourth of July all    experiences they have had in class. Students will be
week!                                                       introduced to a variety of cuisines, cooking skills and
                                                            presentations throughout the week.
Rockville Senior Center                       Age: 6-12
12465      6/29-7/2     9 AM-3 PM             $309/$319     Rockville Senior Center                        Age: 6-12
                                                            12518      8/17-8/21      9 AM-3 PM            $385/$395
Cupcake Wars
Cupcakes are all the rage and it’s a trend that’s clearly
here to stay! If you’ve ever been curious about how
the pros make those cupcakes so precious and ornate,
and if competition is your middle name, then this is the
week for you! We’ll spend three days on cupcake basics
—measuring, mixing, baking, and frosting, and then
finish the week with two days of baking battle! Small
teams will face off with one another to compete for
the title of “Best Cupcake”! May the best cupcake win!
Campers receive an apron to decorate during the week
of camp, and an electronic cookbook of the recipes
they created.

Rockville Senior Center                       Age: 6-12
12463      6/22-6/26    9 AM-3 PM             $385/$395

12519      8/10-8/14    9 AM-3 PM             $385/$395

                                                                                   Page 13 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620

         Make It Happen Basketball                                    Signature Poms
         This basketball program features techniques and drills       Add some cheer to your summer with this exciting
         that will turn you into a complete player. Learn the         camp! Stunts, dance routines, beginner gymnastics
         fundamentals and increase your speed and footwork            and flexibility improvement are just a few of the things
         with special speed and agility training. Program is taught   that you will learn during these camp. We bring all the
         by an instructor who played overseas with and against        equipment including the poms! Students should wear
         some of the NBA’s finest players, and who currently          closed-toe tennis shoes and leggings or shorts.  
         plays for a semi-professional basketball team. Bring
         water and wear comfortable shoes. Basketballs are            Thomas Farm CC                                 Age: 6-12
         provided.                                                    12421      7/27-7/31     9 AM-4 PM             $250/$260

         Lincoln Park CC                                Age: 9-11
                                                                      Steel Multi-Sport Camp
         12535      7/27-7/31     6:30-7:30 PM          $100/$120     Steel Multi-Sport Camp is the coming together of many
                                                                      of the world’s favorite games. Campers will learn a
         Tiny Hoopers Clinic                                          variety of different sports, such as soccer, rugby, cricket
         Time to get those tiny feet moving on the basketball         and handball. Also included are familiar favorites such
         court. Learn the basics of basketball: dribbling, catching   as basketball, kickball and Ultimate Frisbee, all offered
         and passing. Junior-sized basketballs are provided for       in a fun and safe environment. All participants receive a
         this clinic. Bring water and wear tennis shoes.              T-shirt!

          Lincoln Park CC                                 Age: 4-6    Woodley Gardens Park                           Age: 6-12
          12536     7/20-7/24     5-6 PM                $100/$120     12456      8/17-8/21     9 AM-4 PM             $279/$289

                                                                      Steel Soccer Camp
                                                                      Steel Soccer’s in-depth curriculum provides children
                                                                      with age-specific training based on the use of maximum
                                                                      activity and highly stimulating practices and games. Each

               S TAY                                                  day focuses on a different topic and ends with a mini
                                                                      World Cup tournament! The focus is creating a fun

               INFORMED                                               learning environment in which children develop and
                                                                      improve their skills. All participants receive a T-shirt
                                                                      and evaluation from their coach.
                                                                      Woodley Gardens Park                           Age: 5-14
               registration@rockvillemd.gov                           12410      6/16-6/19     9 AM-12 PM            $149/$159
               240-314-8620                                           Woodley Gardens Park                           Age: 7-14
                                                                      12455      6/16-6/19     9 AM-4 PM             $235/$245


         Page 14 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620

Skateboarding and Swim
Learn to skateboard or improve your skills. Join
Rockville’s crew as you learn to push, ride, ollie, kick-
flip, grind and drop-in. Skate park etiquette and safety
is a priority. Skaters must bring a skateboard, helmet,
                                                            Gymnastics, Trampoline & Cheer
                                                            Learn basic gymnastics, tumbling and trampoline skills.
knee and elbow pads, wrist guards, water and snack.
                                                            Introductory acrobatic gymnastics skills are also taught.
After a great skateboarding session, cool off for a few
                                                            Cheerleading focuses on motions, jumps, cheers and
hours at the Rockville pool. This camp is weather
                                                            dance. Group games are also a part of each day. All
dependent. Any missed dates will be made up on Friday.
                                                            levels of ability are welcome. A performance of all skills
                                                            learned is presented at the end of each week.
Rockville Skate Park                          Age: 7-14
12488      7/13-7/16    9 AM-3 PM             $230/$240     Xtreme Acro and Cheer                              Age: 6-14
12489      7/20-7/23    9 AM-3 PM             $230/$240     12425      6/22-6/26      9:30 AM-3:30 PM          $235/$245
12490      7/27-7/30    9 AM-3 PM             $230/$240     12428      7/13-7/17      9:30 AM-3:30 PM          $235/$245
                                                            12429      8/10-8/14      9:30 AM-3:30 PM          $235/$245

                                                            Parkour Camp
                                                            Students learn parkour moves and elements while
                                                            incorporating safe gymnastics techniques. They will
                                                            learn balance, agility, and vaulting techniques to master
                                                            various Ninja Warrior-type obstacle courses.

                                                            Xtreme Acro and Cheer                              Age: 7-11
                                                            12426      7/20-7/24      9:30 AM-3:30 PM          $235/$245
                                                            12427      8/17-8/21      9:30 AM-3:30 PM          $235/$245

                                                                  Extended day options available onsite. Inquire with

                                                                                   Page 15 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620
Clubhouse Extra                                             Last Hurrah
            Clubhouse Extra is an extended-day program that             Looking for something fun to do at the end of the
            is safe and structured for all school-aged campers.         summer? Take part in crafts, organized games, sports
            Activities include morning/afternoon crafts, sports/        and other fun activities. Wear play clothes and tennis
            games, and afternoon snack. No program on 7/3 and           shoes. Bring a drink, lunch and snack.
                                                                        Twinbrook CRC Annex                          Age: 5-12
            Lincoln Park CC                                Age: 6-12    12527      8/17-8/21    8:30 AM-5:30 PM       $255/$265
            12533      6/29-8/6      8-9:30 AM               $70/$90    12529      8/24-8/26    8:30 AM-5:30 PM       $160/$170
            12534      6/29-8/6      3:30-6:30 PM          $115/$135
                                                                        School’s Out
            Don’t Forget About August                                   School’s out, let the fun begin! Take part in crafts,
Extra Fun

            We have you covered in August. Join us at the end of        organized games, sports and other fun activities. Wear
            the summer as we engage in different activities before      play clothes and tennis shoes. Bring a drink, lunch and
            the school year begins. During these one-week camps,        snack.
            children participate in structured sports and games,
            arts and crafts, group projects and field trips. Lunch is   Lincoln Park CC                              Age: 6-13
            included in the fee.
                                                                        12530      6/22-6/26    9 AM-5 PM             $125/$145
            Lincoln Park CC                                Age: 6-13
            12531      8/10-8/14     9 AM-5 PM             $190/$210
            12532      8/17-8/21     9 AM-5 PM             $190/$210

                                                                         DO N ’ T FORGET!
                                                                         Mandatory forms are due the first
                                                                         day of camp. Download them ahead
                                                                         of time at rockvillemd.gov/camps.
                                                                         See page 23 for more information.

            Page 16 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620


    Not a Rockville resident? Not a Problem!
   Quality Programs. Satisfaction Guaranteed!
  Affordable. We Have Camps For Every Budget!
     Wide Variety of Programs For All Ages!
       Convenient. Our Camps Are Local!
                            June 29-Aug. 6 • Ages 6-12 • 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
                                                 240-314-8620 • playgrounds@rockvillemd.gov

                                                                   Playground Extras
                                                                   When you sign up for your Playground site, be sure to
                                                                   register for your Playground Extras. These optional add-on
                                                                     activities enhance your playground experience. Playground
              Summer Playgrounds                                       Extras require advance registration. Spaces are limited.

                         Six weeks of fun!
                                                                          Recreational Swim • $30/$35

                $255/$335                                                   Cool off in the pool during community swim time
                                                                            at the Rockville Swim and Fitness Center; 3 trips
                                                                             included per session. Register for one or two
                  (Cost for Six-Week Program)                                sessions per site.

                                                                             Zava Zone Trip • $35/$40
                 Enjoy sports, crafts, water activities,                      This exciting indoor facility includes ropes courses,
                and traditional childhood games. New                         trampolines, climbing walls and zip lines. Trip
                                                                            includes two hours of unlimited access to the arena.
                themes and actvities introduced each
                week. Register for optional Playground                    Crafty Kids • $30/$35
                Extras to give your child the ultimate                  Bring out your child’s artistic side. This activity includes
                       playground experience.                          three sessions with our crafts specialist. Your child will
                                                                     enjoy using materials such as paint, fabric, wood, and more
                                                                   to create specialty crafts to take home.

                                                                     Children must have completed kindergarten to participate.

              Page 18 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620
Playgrounds Details and Course Numbers
Beall Elementary School                                        Meadow Hall Elementary School
Playground            9:30 AM-3:30 PM                 12365    Playground          9:30 AM-3:30 PM                   12372
Crafty Kids           Th 7/2-7/16; 10:30-11:15 AM     12344    Crafty Kids         Tu 7/7-7/21; 2:30-3:15 PM         12351
Recreational Swim        M 7/13-7/27; 10 AM-Noon      12326    *Extended Play            6/29-8/6; 8 AM-6 PM         12364
Recreational Swim        F 7/10-7/24; 10 AM-Noon      12335    Recreational Swim         M 7/13-7/27; 10 AM-Noon     12333
Zava Zone Field Trip     7/22; 10 AM-1 PM             12354    Recreational Swim         F 7/10-7/24; 10 AM-Noon     12342
                                                               Zava Zone Field Trip      7/22; 10 AM-1 PM            12361
Elwood Smith Recreation Center
Playground           9:30 AM-3:30 PM                  12366    Montose Community Center and Park
Crafty Kids          W 7/1-7/15; 2:30-3:15 PM         12345    Playground         9:30 AM-3:30 PM                    12370
*Extended Play           6/29-8/6; 8 AM-6 PM          12363    Crafty Kids        Tu 7/7-7/21; 10:30-11:15 AM        12348
Recreational Swim        M 7/13-7/27; 10 AM-Noon      12327    Recreational Swim         M 7/13-7/27; 10 AM-Noon     12332
Recreational Swim        F 7/10-7/24; 10 AM-Noon      12336    Recreational Swim         F 7/10-7/24; 10 AM-Noon     12341
Zava Zone Field Trip     7/22; 10 AM-1 PM             12355    Zava Zone Field Trip      7/22; 10 AM-1 PM            12359

Fallsgrove Park (Outdoor Park Location)                        Potomac Woods Park (Outdoor Park Location)
Playground            9:30 AM-3:30 PM                 12367    Playground          9:30 AM-3:30 PM                   12371
Crafty Kids           Tu 7/7-7/16; 1-1:45 PM          12350    Crafty Kids         W 7/1-7/15; 1-1:45 PM             12349
Recreational Swim        M 7/13-7/27; 10 AM-Noon      12328    Recreational Swim         M 7/13-7/27; 10 AM-Noon     12330
Recreational Swim        F 7/10-7/24; 10 AM-Noon      12337    Recreational Swim         F 7/10-7/24; 10 AM-Noon     12339
Zava Zone Field Trip     7/22; 10 AM-1 PM             12356    Zava Zone Field Trip      7/22; 10 AM-1 PM            12360

Fallsmead Elementary School                                    Woodley Gardens Park (Outdoor Park Location)

Playground           9:30 AM-3:30 PM                  12369    Playground          9:30 AM-3:30 PM                   12373
Crafty Kids          W 7/1-7/15; 10:30-11:15 AM       12347    Crafty Kids         Th 7/2-7/16; 1-1:45 PM            12352
Recreational Swim        M 7/13-7/27; 10 AM-Noon      12329    Recreational Swim         M 7/13-7/27; 10 AM-Noon     12334
Recreational Swim        F 7/10-7/24; 10 AM-Noon      12338    Recreational Swim         F 7/10-7/24; 10 AM-Noon     12343
Zava Zone Field Trip     7/22; 10 AM-1 PM             12358    Zava Zone Field Trip      7/22; 10 AM-1 PM            12362

Isreal Park (Outdoor Park Location)
Playground             9:30 AM-3:30 PM                12368
Crafty Kids            Th 7/2-7/16; 2:30-3:15 PM      12346
*Clubhouse Extra AM      6/29-8/6; 8-9:30 AM          12533
*Clubhouse Extra PM      6/29-8/6; 3:30-6:30 PM       12534
Recreational Swim        M 7/13-7/27; 10 AM-Noon      12331
Recreational Swim        F 7/10-7/24; 10 AM-Noon      12340
Zava Zone Field Trip     7/22; 10 AM-1 PM             12357

                              Extend Playground Hours
*Extended Play                                                 *Clubhouse Extra
8-9:30 a.m. & 3:30-6 p.m. • $129/$169                          Clubhouse Extra A.M. 8-9:30 a.m. • $70/$90
Available for participants registered at Elwood Smith RC and   Clubhouse Extra P.M. 3:30-6:30 p.m. • $115/$135
Meadow Hall elementary school locations only. This activity    This fun recreation program is located at Lincoln Park
offers crafts, games and low-key activities to extend your     Community Center. Children registered at Isreal Park
playground hours.                                              Playground program are walked to/from the program.
                                                               Children at other sites are welcome but transportation is not
                                                               provided. Register separately for AM and PM programs.

                                                                                      Page 19 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620
                                                              WE WANT
                                                                       Are you great
                                                                       with children?
            Future Leaders Camp is open to teens                   Are you enthusiastic
            looking to have fun while learning leadership
            skills. FLC provides fun, interactive
                                                                     and energetic?
            workshops, games and activities designed to
            prepare teens to volunteer and/or work in a
                                                                    Do you want to have
            camp setting (or their first job). This camp is           a great summer
            a prerequisite for the L.I.T program.                       experience?
            • Team building trips are included in the cost
            • Can earn up to 30 SSL hours                      Apply Now for Summer

            • Payment plans and financial assistance              2020 Camps and
              are available                                         Playgrounds
                  Age: 13-15 • 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                   Most programs run for
                    Session 1: #12486                              eight weeks, about 35
                         June 29-July 10                              hours per week.
                          Cost: $225/$245
                                                               •   Plan and teach sports and games
                    Session 2: #12487                          •   Outdoor activities • Arts and crafts
                                                               •   Special events • Swimming
                         July 13-July 24                       •   Theme weeks and more!
                          Cost: $250/$270

        Page 20 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620                www.rockvillemd.gov/careers
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                                                                             Cost includes entrance fees, MCPS or
                                                                          charter bus transportation, and supervision.
                                                                             Trips/schedules are subject to change.
                                                                     All return times are approximate. Payment plans and
                                                                                financial assistance are available.
         Youth                      Monday-Fr
        Entering                             id                         Early Bird Rate: (ends Tuesday, March 31)
                                   June 22-Au ay
        Grades:                              g. 14                                $285/$305 per week
          6 -11                                                            Regular Rate: $305/$325 per week
 Pick-up/Drop-off Locations               Departure Time                              JULY 4th WEEK:
 Lincoln Park Community Center …30 minutes before trip time               Early Bird Rate: (ends Tuesday, March 31)
 Twinbrook Community Center     …15 minutes before trip time                             $230/$246
 Thomas Farm Community Center …Trips depart from this location                    Regular Rate: $246/$262

 JUNE 22-26: Deadline to Register, 6/15
 12477 Splash Down                    Dave & Buster’s/Movie   Nat. History Museum     Muse/Swim            Six Flags
          10 a.m.-5 p.m.              10 a.m.-5 p.m.          10 a.m.-5 p.m.          10 a.m.-5 p.m.       9 a.m.-8 p.m.
 JUNE 29-JULY 2: Deadline to Register, 6/22
 12476 Bowling/Swim                   Color War/Water Tag     Rafting                 Kings Dominion       July 4th Holiday
          10 a.m.-5 p.m.              10 a.m.-5 p.m.          8 a.m.-4 p.m.           9 a.m.-8 p.m.        No Camp
 JULY 6-10: Deadline to Register, 6/29
 12478 Splashdown                     iFLY/Swim               Nat. History Museum     Med. Times/Sky Zone Hershey Park
          10 a.m.-5 p.m.              9 a.m-5 p.m.            10 a.m.-5 p.m.          9 a.m.-5 p.m.       8 a.m.-8 p.m.
 JULY 13-17: Deadline to Register, 7/6
 12479 Main Event/Swim                Adventure Park USA      Bureau of Engraving/    Laser Tag/ZavaZone   Guppy Gulch Camp
          10 a.m.-5 p.m.              10 a.m.-5 p.m.          ARTECHOUSE              10 a.m.-5 p.m.       8 a.m.-7 p.m.
                                                              10 a.m.-5 p.m.
 JULY 20-24: Deadline To Register, 7/13

 12480 WonderFly Arena                Top Golf/Movies         Nat. Cryptologic Museum Ropes Course/Swim    Six Flags
           10 a.m.-5 p.m.             10 a.m.-5 p.m.          10 a.m.-5 p.m.          9 a.m.-5 p.m.        9 a.m.-8 p.m.
 JULY 27-JULY 31: Deadline To Register, 7/20
 12481 Splashdown                     iFLY/Swim               Color War/Water Tag     Med. Times/Skyzone   Kings Dominion
           10 a.m.-5 p.m.             9 a.m.-5 p.m.           10 a.m.-5 p.m.          9 a.m.-5 p.m.        9 a.m.-8 p.m.
 AUG. 3-7: Deadline To Register, 7/27
 12482 WonderFly Arena                Top Golf/Movies         Nat. Cryptologic Museum Rafting              Guppy Gulch
           10 a.m.-5 p.m.             10 a.m.-5 p.m.          10 a.m.-5 p.m.          8 a.m.-4 p.m.        8 a.m.-7 p.m.
 AUG. 10-14: Deadline To Register, 8/3
 12483 Splashdown                     NinjaBE/Bowling         Washington Zoo          Dave & Buster’s/Swim Hershey Park
           10 a.m.-5 p.m.             10 a.m.-5 p.m.          10 a.m.-5 p.m.          10 a.m.-5 p.m.       8 a.m.-8 p.m.
Teens on the Go participants can purchase a special combo center pass to use community center services when waiting for
trips to leave the center and on returning. This pass does not include the fitness room. This pass is highly recommended
for all Teens on the Go participants who do not have a center membership. The cost is $15 for residents and $20 for
nonresidents (course #12484). The pass is only good for summer 2020 and can be used at all three community centers.

                                                                                        Page 21 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620
               Rockville Youth Recreation Fund Documents Needed for
               Ages 18 and younger
               A limited amount of scholarships for program fees are
                                                                     Financial Assistance:
                                                                                 Participants must provide proof of Rockville
               available for residents of the City of Rockville. The             residency and verification of any of the following:
               participant must pay $15 toward each program fee, unless
               otherwise specified. The Fund will cover the balance of           • Award letter from Maryland Dept. of Human
               the fees, up to $100 maximum per person, per session                Resources/Montgomery County Dept. of
               (fall, winter, spring, summer); $150 maximum per youth              Social Services verifying eligibility for Temporary Cash
               for the camp session; $1,000 maximum per family, per                Assistance (TCA), Food Stamps (SNAP), Transitional
               year as funds permit. Any remaining balance must be                 Emergency Medical and Housing Assistance (TEMHA).
               paid by the participant. Financial assistance must be               The letter must indicate eligibility period and names of
               applied for in-person at the time of registration.                  household members receiving benefits.
               In addition, qualified participants who enroll their child in a
                                                                                 • Proof of Medical Assistance from Montgomery
               program that meets a child care need and costs more than
                                                                                   County Dept. of Social Services. Form to be received from
               $115 per month, are eligible to apply for monthly financial
                                                                                   county offices.
               aid assistance of up to $100 per month, with an additional
               cap of $1,000 per family, per year as funds permit. The $15       • Proof participant resides in a shelter: Letter
               fee is applicable to each month. This includes, but is not          from shelter dated within a month of application and, if
               limited to, preschool, after school and community center            applicable, listing dependents living at shelter.
               extended day programs. Summer camps are not included
               in this program. Applications for monthly scholarship             • Proof of Rental Assistance: Public Housing, HUD
               assistance must be approved by the Superintendent of                Section 8 Housing, HOC (MPDU not accepted for
               Recreation and must be applied for in-person at Rockville           applicants purchasing a home). This must be a current
               City Hall with the Recreation Department bookkeeper.                document which names the eligible tenants from the
               Limited financial assistance is available for Rockville             agency providing assistance.
               residents, ages 19 and older, based on income.
               Please call 240-314-8620 for an appointment.                      • Supplemental Security Income: Document must be
                                                                                   dated within one year of application.

                                                       HELP SEND A KID TO CAMP
                                                                  Rockville Recreation and Parks Foundation
                                                             For more than 10 years, the Rockville Recreation and Parks Foundation has
                                                        contributed over $120,000 to help kids participate in camps and recreation programs,
                                                       improve parks and facilities and provide equipment. Join us as we help make Rockville a
                                                                          great place to connect, create and celebrate life.

                                                                                  Please send your tax deductible gift to:
                                                                                                    Rockville Recreation and
General Info

                                                                                                       Parks Foundation
                                                                                                     200-B Monroe Street
                                                                                                      Rockville, MD 20850

                                                                                       or donate online at www.rrpfi.org.

               Page 22 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620
Program Changes                                              Swimming
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we                  Most campers will have a recreational swim period
may change or move a program to an alternate                 at Rockville Swim and Fitness Center on designated
site or change the start date of a program.                  days. Specific information will be included in the
Parents will be notified of any changes.                     Camp Information Packet, which will be emailed
                                                             approximately 10 days prior to the start of camp.
                                                             Make sure your email is current in our system.
Camp locations may be changed due to facility availability
and MCPS scheduling. Participants will be notified. Most     Photos
indoor locations are air-conditioned, except MCPS gyms.      The department reserves the right to photograph and
                                                             video programs and participants for publicity purposes.
Camp will not be held Friday, July 3.
The fees have been prorated.                                 Camp Closure
                                                             Call 240-314-5023 for pre-recorded information on the
                                                             status of camp in the event of weather or other emergency.
Rain Days/                                                   If camp has to be cancelled due to weather-related
Red Zone Days                                                circumstances or any other reason beyond our control,
                                                             we will work to provide camp services at an alternate
Most camps are held rain, shine or Red Zone days.            location. If that is not possible, camp will be cancelled.
On Red Zone days, outdoor programs provide
low-key activities, water breaks and rest periods.
Camp dismissal sites will remain as scheduled. Call
240-314-5023 for updated recorded information.               Camp Packet and Forms
                                                             Specific details, a schedule of a typical day including
                                                             swim days and Participant Health and Information
Lunch, Snacks and Drinks                                     forms will be emailed to each registrant approximately
Campers must bring a lunch, a snack and drink.               10 days prior to the start of each camp session.
Healthy choices and reusable containers are                  • Make sure your email is current in our system.
encouraged. Campers are not permitted to                     • Your child must bring the necessary forms
purchase any food at the pool snack bar. Note:                   on the first day of each session.
Refrigeration is not available at most sites.                • Forms may also be downloaded at
                                                             • Participant Health and Information form is
                                                                 fillable online, so parents can complete once and
                                                                 then print as needed for multiple camps.

 When you’re in
 Rockville, you’re                                                      Questions?
 in the:                                                               Email us at
  Respect for yourself.
                                                                                                                          General Info

  Respect for others.
  Responsibility for your actions.
       City of Rockville Department of Recreation
                         and Parks
                                                                                 Page 23 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620


                                                                          Rec. Programs (Info. Line).....................................................240-314-5023

                                                                          Classes, Camps, Playgrounds................................................240-314-8620

                                                                          Croydon Creek Nature Center...........................................240-314-8770

                                                                          Directions Line:
                            Bridget Donnell Newton, Mayor                 Civic Center............................................................................. 240-314-5004
                                    Councilmembers                        Senior Center............................................................................ 240-314-5019
                           Monique Ashton, Beryl L. Feinberg,
                             David Myles, Mark Pierzchala
                                                                          Lincoln Park Community Center........................................ 240-314-8780
                           Robert DiSpirito, City Manager
                   Tim Chesnutt, Director of Recreation and Parks
                 Chris Henry, Deputy Director of Recreation and Parks     Parks and Facilities Maintenance......................................... 240-314-8700
                        Andy Lett, Superintendent of Recreation
                  Steve Mader, Superintendent of Parks and Facilities     Park and Picnic Rentals.......................................................... 240-314-8660

                                                                          Recreation and Parks Administration .............................. 240-314-8600

                       Satisfaction Guarantee                             Rockville Skate Park................................................................240-314-8620
                        The Department of Recreation and Parks
                       is committed to providing quality programs                                                                     Rockville Civic Center Park:
                      and facilities. If you are unhappy with a camp         Art Gallery............................................................................ 240-314-8682
                      program, we want to know! We will suggest              Glenview Mansion............................................................... 240-314-8660
                       another program for your child to try, or if
                     you prefer, we will give you a credit. That’s our       F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre Box Office.......................... 240-314-8690
                       “Customer Satisfaction Guarantee” to you.
                                                                          Rockville Swim and Fitness Center.....................................240-314-8750
                   Individuals with Disabilities                          Rockville Senior Center........................................................ 240-314-8800
                       We encourage individuals with disabilities to
                      register and participate in Rockville recreation    Special Events Line (Info. Line) ............................................240-314-5022
                    programs. To adequately plan for a successful and
                                                                          Sports Line (Info. Line)...........................................................240-314-5055
                     rewarding experience, contact our office at 240-
                      314-8620 to secure auxiliary services and aides.    Thomas Farm Community Center..................................... 240-314-8840
                    For additional therapeutic program opportunities,                                      ThomasFarm@rockvillemd.gov
                       contact Montgomery County Department of
                        Recreation at 240-777-6870; TTY 240-777-          Twinbrook Community Rec. Center................................. 240-314-8830
                    6974. Upon request, this publication will be made                                                 Kisreal@rockvillemd.gov
                   available in alternate formats by contacting the ADA
                    Coordinator at 240-314-8108; TTY 240-314-8137.        TTY (City Hall) ........................................................................ 240-314-8137

                                                                          Fax: Recreation Division........................................................240-314-8659
General Info

               Page 24 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620
Register Early
Many of our camps fill quickly! So if you want your                 Three Easy Ways
first choice, we encourage early registration.
                                                                    to Register!
Registration                                                        1. Online:
Registration begins Tuesday, Jan. 21 at 8:30 a.m. via online,
mail-in, fax and drop-off registration. All registrations
                                                                       registration (Credit
received before Jan. 21 will be processed beginning Jan. 21.
                                                                       card registrations only)

    Payment Plans                                                   2. Mail or Fax to:
    Register early to take full advantage of                           Send registration
    the payment plan options:                                          forms and check to:
                                                                       Department of Recreation and Parks
    Summer Camps: Jan. 21 – March 14                                   City of Rockville, 111 Maryland Ave.,
    • The payment plan divides the amount                              Rockville, MD 20850
       due into four payments.                                         Attn: Registration Desk
    • A portion of the fees are due at the time of                     Checks payable to City of Rockville
       registration with the remaining payments                        Fax registration forms to:
       due on March 15, April 15, and May 15                           240-314-8659(Credit
    Summer Camps: March 15 – May 14                                    card payments only)
    • The payment plan divides the amount
       due into two payments.                                       3. Walk-In:
    • A portion of the fees are due at                                 • Rockville City Hall
       the time of registration with the                               • Rockville Swim and Fitness Center
       remaining payment due on May 15.                                • Rockville Senior Center
                                                                       • Croydon Creek Nature Center
    Summer Playgrounds: Jan. 21 – May 14                               • Lincoln Park Community Center
    • The payment plan divides the amount                              • Thomas Farm Community Center
         due into two payments.                                        • Twinbrook Community
    • A portion of the fees are due at                                 Recreation Center
         the time of registration with the
         remaining payment due on May 15.
    • Payment plans are not available                           How To Register
         for Playground Extras.                                 •   Complete the Registration Form
    • A credit or debit card is necessary to                        (one for each child).
         access the payment plan option.                        • Registration Form may be duplicated.
    This option must be selected at                             • Separate payment is necessary for each
    the time of registration.                                       family.
    Payment Plans are not available after May 14.                   Each registration is processed separately.
    Outstanding balances after May 20,                              Every effort will be made to accommodate
    2020 could result in the child being                            requests that children be placed together,
    withdrawn from the program.                                     though there is no guarantee.
                                                                Payment must be made upon registration using
    To sign up for the payment plan                             Visa, MasterCard or check, made payable to
    option, select the payment plan option                      the City of Rockville. Note: There is a $35
    online during check out or check the payment                returned check charge. See Payment Plan for
    plan box on the registration form.                          additional information. Registrations cannot
                                                                be transferred from one child to another.
                                                                                                                           General Info

                                                                Resident discount appears at check-out.

  It is important your family account has an accurate email address. To view your email address
       we have listed, log-in to your recreation account at www.rockvillemd.gov/registration.
          Click on Account tab and then Contact Preferences to view your email address.

                                                                                  Page 25 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620

                       Registration Deadlines                                 Transfer Request
                       Register early! Get your first choice camps            Requests to transfer from one camp to
                       and avoid being put on a waiting list.                 another are subject to space availability.
                       The registration deadline for most camps is            • All requests must be in writing.
                       two weeks prior to the start of the program.           • Registrations cannot be transferred from one
                       • Programs may be canceled if registration is              child to another if there is a waiting list.
                           insufficient. If a program is canceled, you will   • Email requests to registration@rockvillemd.gov
                           be contacted and you may then select an
                           alternate program, request a credit or refund.
                                                                              Waiting List
                                                                              •    If your desired camp is filled, you will be
                       Age Requirement                                             notified and placed on the waiting list and
                       Participation in most programs is based on                  your payment will be returned.
                       child’s age as of Sept. 1, 2020 (per MCPS).            •    Every effort will be made to accommodate
                                                                                   those on the waiting list.
                                                                              •    When and if an opening becomes available, we
                       Camp Confirmation                                           will go to the waiting list to fill the camp.
                       Notification of camp status will be emailed
                       within one week of registration for those
                       registering via fax or mail. Make sure                 Are You a Resident?
                       your email is current in our system.                   City residents are those individuals residing within the
                                                                              city’s corporate tax limits and therefore pay the resident
                                                                              rate for camp fees. Verify your residency to determine
                       Refund Policy                                          your program fee. Do not assume that a Rockville mailing
                                                                              address is within the city’s corporate tax limits. Proof of
                       Refund requests must be received, in writing, at
                       least two weeks prior to the start of the program.     residency may be requested via driver’s license or water bill.
                       This will allow for accurate decisions
                       on staffing, planning and supplies.
                       • You may choose either a credit to be placed
                            on your recreation account or a refund.
                       • Credit or refund requests received after

                                                                              Online Registration System
                            May 15, 2020 are less $50 per registration.
                       • No refunds or credits can be issued within
                            the two-week start date of the program.           CivicRec powered by Rec1, our online registration system,
                       • Email requests to registration@                      will allow you to easily create an account, search, register
                            rockvillemd.gov                                   and pay for activities and leagues, view members-hips and
                                                                              manage profiles on any computer, tablet or smart phone.

                                                                                  Rockville Rec is on Twitter
                                                                                  Follow us for updates, new class information and
                                                                                  the latest in Rockville recreation programs and
                                                                                  services. Follow @RockvilleRec.

                                                                                                     Log on and join!
General Info


               Page 26 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620
   One form per child. To ensure prompt registration for your child, fill out the form completely.
 Family Information:                                                                                                Resident  Non-resident
 *Home Phone ___________________________________                                      Cell Phone ___________________________________

 *Last Name                                     First Name                                  Date of Birth                   Work Phone                           M/F
 ________________________________________      _____________________________________       __________________________      ______________________________      _____
 (*Main Contact)

 ________________________________________      _____________________________________       __________________________      ______________________________      _____
 (Second Contact)

                                     Street                  City                        State & Zip
 New address? Y      N

 *Email ________________________________                          *Emergency Contact & Phone_________________________________
                                                                                                                   (Name Other than Parent)         (Phone)

 Participant Information:
 *Last Name                                              *First Name                                           *Date of Birth                                   *M/F
 _______________________________________________       ______________________________________________        _______________________________________          ______

 Immunizations up-to-date? Program Modifications: Participants with disabilities should contact our office prior to activity.
   Y      N

        Course#                                          Program Name                                          Dates                                   Fee
 #_________________                  ____________________________________                             _________________                       $_________________
 #_________________                  ____________________________________                             _________________                       $_________________
 #_________________                  ____________________________________                             _________________                       $_________________
 #_________________                  ____________________________________                             _________________                       $_________________
                                                                                                              SUB TOTAL:                      $________________
                                              $5_____ $10_____ $20_____ Contribution to Recreation Fund:                                      $________________
                                                                                                   (Help Send a Kid to Camp)
                                                  Schedule Payment Plan                                              TOTAL:                   $________________
 *Required information

                                                Release, Waiver, Assumption of Risk and Consent
Participation in the program may be a hazardous activity. Participant should not participate in the program unless participant is in good physical shape and is
medically able. Participant (or parent or guardian on behalf of a minor child participant) assumes all risks associated with participation in this program, including
but not limited to, those generally associated with this type of program, the hazards of traveling on public roads, of accidents, of illness, and of the forces of nature.
In consideration of the right to participate in the program and in further consideration of the arrangement made for the participant by the Mayor and Council of
Rockville through its Department of Recreation and Parks for food, travel, and recreation, the participant, his or her heirs, and executors, or a parent or guardian
on behalf of a minor child participant, agrees to release and indemnify the Mayor and Council of the City of Rockville and all of its agents, officers and employees,
from any and all claims for injuries or loss of any person or property which may arise out of or result from participation in the program.The participant (or the
parent or guardian on behalf of a minor child participant) grants permission for a doctor or emergency medical technician to administer emergency treatment
of the participant and consents to the City’s use of photographs taken or videotapes made of the program that include the participant. Neither the instructor
nor any of the staff are responsible for participants prior to or after the scheduled program. By providing your email address you are agreeing to sign up for the
Rockville & Recreation and Parks mailing list to receive email updates about our programs. All information collected will be used in accordance with the City of
Rockville privacy policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time. By my participation in a City of Rockville, Department of Recreation and Parks program
and/or entering a facility, I agree to follow all posted and/or published rules and staff member’s instructions. Violation may result in removal from the program
and/or suspension from the facility.

*Signature of Participant/Guardian ____________________________________________________________________

PAYMENT                                             Make check payable to: City of Rockville                        OFFICE USE ONLY:
Amount Paid $______________________                 Cash Check #___________________                                 Check_____ Cash_____ Charge _____
                                                                                                                                                                             General Info

                     ___________________Exp. Date_____/____Security Code______
                                                                                                                    Processed by:
                                                                                                                    Date Processed:
Signature (name on card)________________________________________________
                                                                                                                    Total Paid: $________________________

Main Line: 240-314-8620 • Fax: 240-314-8659 • www.rockvillemd.gov/recreation
City of Rockville, 111 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850                                                                 Page 27 | Main Rec. Line: 240-314-8620
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