Featuring: Molly Wanless, soprano - The Department of Music presents a Student Recital: UW-Whitewater

Page created by Mitchell Powell
The Department of Music
    presents a Student Recital:

 Molly Wanless, soprano

Assisted by:
     Lannette Calhoun, piano
      Marilyn Farias, clarinet

            April 1, 2022
              7:30 pm
          Light Recital Hall
Der Hirft auf dem Felsen, D. 965 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franz Schubert
                      Marilyn Farias, clarinet

Seligkeit, D. 433 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Franz Schubert
Die junge nonne, D. 828 					                                                        (1797-1828)

The Singer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Michael Head
Where the Music Comes From . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lee Hoiby
Steal Me, Sweet Thief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gian Carlo Menotti
   From The Old Maid and the Thief			 (1911-2007)

Soirées musicales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gioacchino Rossini
1. La promessa 						 (1792-1868)
6. La pastorella dell’Alpi
8. La danza

O luce di quest ‘anima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gaetano Donizetti
   From Linda di Chamounix 				                                           (1797-1848)

The Girl in 14G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeanine Tesori
                                                                                         (b. 1961)
It has been a long journey at UWW, and so many people have helped me
become the person I am today. First I’d like to thank my mom and dad,
Dean and Angie, and my younger sister, Madie. Thank you for coming to
every show, enduring every time I belted in the shower, and supporting
me through my lowest moments. You are the best. Second, I would like
to thank all of the voice instructors and professors who’ve enriched my
academic life at UW-Whitewater. Brian Leeper, Dr.Schwefel, Dr.Wood,
Dr.Gehrenbeck, Dr.VanAlstine, and Dr.Shelton - thank you for encouraging
me throughout my never-ending vocal discoveries! Finally, I’d like to thank
all of my friends and peers at Whitewater. Thank you for being so kind,
supportive, and for constantly pushing me to become a better musician
and human being. Special thanks to Emily, Carly, Hunter, Tanner, and all
my roommates for encouraging me, supporting me, and being with me
through it all. I hope you ALL enjoy the recital!


    Ms. Wanless’ recital is in partial fulfillment of the graduation
  requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music Performance.
                 Music Mosaics: Brass Quintet
                 Sunday, April 10 at 3:00 p.m.
                       Light Recital Hall

 Closing out the Mosaics concert series for the 21/22 season,
  this concert includes music of Crespo, Koetsier, and more.
Faculty performers, Dafydd Bevil, horn, Mike Dugan, trombone,
 Chris Ramaekers, trumpet, and John Tuinstra, tuba welcome
  Dr. Matthew Onstad, assistant professor of trumpet at UW-
                    Whitewater. Description

                    Jazz II Spring Concert
                 Tuesday, April 19 at 7:30 p.m.
                      Light Recital Hall

          Jazz II presents their Spring concert line up.

  Any UW-Whitewater student can attend Music Department
 events for free with their HawkCard. This does not include the
                  annual Gala Benefit Concert.

   For more information regarding the music program at
   UW-Whitewater, please visit the department website at

tickets.uww.edu                  |    (262) 472-2222
Der Hirft auf dem Felsen                            Shepherd on the Rock
Wenn auf dem höchsten Fels ich steh',               When I stand on the highest rock,
In's tiefe Tal hernieder seh',                      Look down into the deep valley
Und singe,                                          And sing,
Fern aus dem tiefen dunkeln Tal                     From far away in the deep dark valley
Schwingt sich empor der Widerhall                   The echo from the ravines
Der Klüfte.                                         Rises up.
Je weiter meine Stimme dringt,                      The further my voice carries,
Je heller sie mir wieder klingt                     The clearer it echoes back to me
Von unten.                                          From below.
Mein Liebchen wohnt so weit von mir,                My sweetheart lives so far from me,
Drum sehn' ich mich so heiß nach ihr                Therefore I long to be with her
Hinüber.                                            Over there.
In tiefem Gram verzehr ich mich,                    Deep grief consumes me,
Mir ist die Freude hin,                             My joy has fled,
Auf Erden mir die Hoffnung wich,                    All earthly hope has vanished,
Ich hier so einsam bin.                             I am so lonely here.
So sehnend klang im Wald das Lied,                  The song rang out so longingly through the
So sehnend klang es durch die Nacht,                Rang out so longingly through the night,
Die Herzen es zum Himmel zieht                      That is draws heart to heaven
Mit wunderbarer Macht.                              With wonderous power.
Der Frühling will kommen,                           Spring is coming,
Der Frühling, meine Freud',                         Spring, my joy,
Nun mach' ich mich fertig                           I shall now make ready
Zum Wandern bereit.                                 To journey.
Text and translation provided courtesy of Oxford Lieder (www.oxfordlieder.co.uk)

Seligkeit                                         Bliss
Freuden sonder Zahl                               Joys without number
Blühn im Himmelssaal                              Bloom in the halls of heaven
Engeln und Verklärten,                            For angels and transfigured souls,
Wie die Väter lehrten.                            As our fathers taugh us.
O da möcht' ich sein,                             How I’d love to be there
Und mich ewig freun!                              And rejoice eternally!
Jedem lächelt traut                               A heavenly bride smiles
Eine Himmelsbraut;                                Sweetly on everyone;
Harf' und Psalter klinget,                        Harp and psalter resound,
Und man tanzt und singet.                         And there’s dancing and singing.
O da möcht' ich sein,                             How I’d love to be there
Und mich ewig freun!                              And rejoice eternally.
Lieber bleib' ich hier,                           I’d sooner stay here
Lächelt Laura mir                                 If Laura smiles on me
Einen Blick, der saget,                           With a look that says
Daß ich ausgeklaget.                              I’ve to grieve no more.
Selig dann mit ihr,                               Blissfully then with her
Bleib' ich ewig hier!                             I’d stay forever here!
Translation © Richard Stokes, author of The Book of Lieder (Faber, 2005)
Die junge Nonne                        The Young Nun
Wie braust durch die Wipfel            How the raging storn roars
der heulende Sturm!                    Through the treetops!
Es klirren die Balken,                 The rafters rattle,
es zittert das Haus!                   The house shutters!
Es rollet der Donner,                  The thunder rolls,
es leuchtet der Blitz,                 the lightning flashes,
Und finster die Nacht,                 And the night is as dark
wie das Grab!                          As the grave!
Immerhin, immerhin,                    So be it,
so tobt’ es auch jüngst noch in mir!   Not long ago a storm still raged in me.
Es brauste das Leben,                  My life roared
wie jetzo der Sturm,                   like the storm now,
Es bebten die Glieder,                 my limbs trembled,
 wie jetzo das Haus,                   like the house now,
Es flammte die Liebe,                  love flashed,
wie jetzo der Blitz,                   like the lightning now,
Und finster die Brust,                 and my heart was as dark
wie das Grab.                          as the grave.
Nun tobe, du wilder,                   Now rage, wild,
gewalt’ger Sturm,                      mighty storm;
Im Herzen ist Friede,                  in my heart is peace,
im Herzen ist Ruh,                     in my heart is calm.
Des Bräutigams harret                  The lovely bride awaits
die liebende Braut,                    the bridegroom,
Gereinigt in prüfender Glut,           purified in the testing flames
Der ewigen Liebe getraut.              Betrothed to eternal love.
Ich harre, mein Heiland,               I wait, my savior
mit sehnendem Blick!                   With longing gaze!
Komm, himmlischer Bräutigam,           Come, heavenly bridegroom,
hole die Braut,                        take your bride.
Erlöse die Seele von irdischer Haft.   Free the soul from earthly bonds.
Horch, friedlich ertönet               Listen, the bell sounds
das Glöcklein vom Turm!                peacefully from the tower.
Es lockt mich das süsse Getön          Its sweet peeling invites me
Allmächtig zu ewigen Höh’n.            All-powerfully to eternal heights.
Alleluia!                              Alleluia!
Translation © Richard Wigmore
The Singer                             Where the music comes from
I met a singer on the hill             I want to be where the music comes from
He wore a tattered cloak;              Where the clock stops, where it's now
His cap was torn                       I want to be with the friends around me
His shoes were worn                    Who have found me, who show me how
And dreamily he spoke                  I want to sing to the early morning
Fa la la la la la ...                  See the sunlight melt the snow
Fa la la la la la                      And oh, I want to grow
A wrinkled face, a cheery smile        I want to wake to the living spirit
And a nobby stick had he;              Here inside me where it lies
His eyes were grey and far away        I want to listen till I can hear it
And changeful as the sea               Let it guide me and realize
I offered him a piece of gold          That I can go with the flow unending
And hoped that he would stay           That is blending, that is real
No word he spoke, but shook his head   And oh, I want to feel
And smiled and went his way            I want to walk in the earthly garden
Fa la la la la la ...                  Far from cities, far from fear
La la la la la la                      I want to talk to the growing garden
I watched the singer down the hill     To the devas, to the deer
My eyes went following after           And to be one with the river
I thought I heard a fairy flute        Breezes blowing, sky above
And the sound of fairy laughter        And oh, I want to love
Fa la la la la la…
La la la la la la
Steal Me, Sweet Thief
What a curse for a woman is a timid man!
A week has gone by
He's had plenty of chances
But he made no advances
Miss Todd schemes and labors to get him some money
She robs friends and neigbhours, the club and the church
He takes all the money
With a smile that entrances
But still makes no advances
The old woman sighs and makes languid eyes
All the doors are wide open
All the drawers are unlocked!
He nеither seems pleased or shockеd
He eats and drinks and sleeps
He talks of baseball and boxing
But that is all!
What a curse for a woman is a timid man!
Steal me, oh steal me, sweet thief
For time's flight is stealing my youth
And the cares of life steal fleeting time
Steal me, thief, for life is brief and full of theft and strife
And then, with furtive step
Death comes and steals time and life
O sweet thief, I pray make me glow
Before dark death steals her prey
Steal my lips, before they crumble to dust
Steal my heart, before death must
Steal my cheeks, before they're sunk and decayed
Steal my breath, before it will fade
Steal my lips, steal my heart, steal my cheeks
Steal, oh steal my breath
And make me die before death will steal her prey
Oh steal me!
For time's flight is stealing my youth
La Promesa                                      The Promise
Ch’io mai vi possa lasciar d’amare,             That I could ever cease to love you,
Non lo credete, pupille care!                   Do not believe it, dear eyes!
Nè men per gioco vingannerò, nò.                Not even as a joke will I deceive you, no.
Voi foste, e siete le mie favill,                       You were and are my sparks,
E voi sarete, care pupille                      and you will be, dear eyes
Il mio bel foco fin ch’io vivrà.                My beautiful passion as long as I shall live.
Translation © 2020 by Bard Suverkrop – IPA Source, LLC

La pastorella delle Alpi                        The alpine shepherdess
Son bella pastorella,                           I am pretty shepherdess
Che scende ogni mattino                         that descends every morning
Ed offre un cestellino                          and offers a little basket
di fresche frutta e fior.                               Of fresh fruit and flowers.
Chi viene al primo albore                       Whoever comes at the first dawn
avrà vezzose rose                               will have pretty roses
E poma rugiadose,                               and dew-sprinkled apples,
Venite al mio giardin,                          come to my garden
Ahu, ahu, ah!                                   Aoo, aoo, ah!
Chi del notturno orrore                                 Whoever in the night’s terror
Smarri la buona via,                            loses the safe path,
Alla capanna mia                                at my little hut
Ritroverà il cammin.                            Will again find the way.
Venite o passaggiero,                                   Come oh traveler,
La pastorella è qua,                            the shepherdess is here,
Ma il fior del suo pensiero                     but the flower of her thought
Ad uno solo darà!                               To one alone she will give!
Ahu, ahu, ah!                                   Aoo, aoo, ah!
Translation © 2020 by Bard Suverkrop – IPA Source, LLC
La danza                                          The dance
Già la luna è in mezzo al mare,                   Already the moon is above the sea,
Mamma mia si salterà                              “mamma mia” how we will leap,
L’ora è bella per danzare                         the hour is perfect for dancing,
Chi è in amore non mancherà.                      Anyone in love will not miss it.
Presto in danza a tondo, a tondo,                 Swiftly dance around and around,
Donne mie venite quà,                                     my ladies, come here,
Un garzon bello e giocondo                        a handsome and lighthearted lad
A ciascuna toccherà,                              will dance with everyone.
Finche in ciel brilla una stella                  As long as there is a star in the sky
E la luna splenderà.                              And the moon shines/
Il piu bel con la piu bella                       the most handsome boy with the most
                                                  beautiful girl
Tutta notte danzerà.                              Will dance the entire night.
Mamma mia, mamma mia,                             Mamma mia, mamma mia,
Già la luna e in mezzo al mare,                   Already the moon is above the sea,
Mamma mia, mamma mia,                             Mamma mia, mamma mia,
Mamma mia si salterà,                             “Mamma mia” how we will leap,
Frinche frinche frinche frinche                   Strum, strum, strum, strum,
Mamma mia si salterà,                             “Mamma mia” how we will leap,
La la ra la ra…
Salta salta, gira, gira                         Jump, jump, turn, turn
Ogni coppia a cerchio va,                       every couple goes in a circle,
Gia s’avvanza si ritira                         now advancing, now retreating,
E all’assalto tornerà.                          and attack once again.
Serra, serra colla bionda                       Hug the blonde girl tightly,
Colla bruna va qua e là,                        go here and there with the brunette,
Colla rossa và a seconda                        with the redhead follow after her,
Colla smorta fermo sta!                         Leave the full one standing!
Viva il ballo a tondo a tondo                   Hooray for dancing aroundm
Sono un Ré, sono un Bascià,                     I am a king, I am a Pasha
È il piu bel piacer del mondo                   it’s the most beautiful pleasure in the world
La più cara voluttà.                            the most dear delight.
Mamma mia, mamma mia,                           Mamma mia, mamma mia,
Già la luna e in mezzo al mare,                 Already the moon is above the sea,
Mamma mia, mamma mia,                           Mamma mia, mamma mia,
Mamma mia si salterà,                           “Mamma mia” how we will leap,
Frinche frinche frinche frinche                 Strum, strum, strum, strum,
Mamma mia si salterà,                           “Mamma mia” how we will leap,
La la ra la ra…
Translation © 2020 by Bard Suverkrop – IPA Source, LLC
O Luce di quest’ anima                Oh, you are the radiance of my soul
Ah! tardai troppo, e al nostro        Ah! Too long I have waited;
favorito convegno                     And yet I have not found
io non trovai il mio diletto Carlo;   at our favorite place my dear Carlo.
e chi sa mai                          And who can tell
quanto egli avrà sofferto!            What he has suffered!
Ma non al par di me!                  But not as much as I have!
Pegno d'amore                         As a symbol of his love
questi fior mi lasciò!                He left me these posies!
Ttenero core!                         What a tender heart!
E per quel core io l'amo,             And for that heart I do adore him
unico di lui bene.                    It is the greatest treasure he has!
Poveri entrambi siamo,                We are both but poor,
viviam d'amor, di speme;              Living only on throughs of love
pittore ignoto ancora                 If he be an unknown painter,
egli s'innalzerà coi suo i talenti!   He will shine with his genius!
Sarà mio sposo allora.                And I will be his wife.
Oh noi contenti!                      Oh, what contentment!
O luce di quest'anima,                Oh, you are the radiance of my soul,
delizia, amore e vita,                Delightful life and love;
la nostra sorte unita,                We will be united,
in terra, in ciel sarà.               On earth and in heaven/
Deh, vieni a me, riposati             Come, my dear
su questo cor che t'ama,              And find calm in my yearning heart
che te sospira e brama,               That sighs for your love,
che per te sol vivrà.                 Of which mine is for you alone.
Translation © 2005 by Beverly Sills
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