FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL 2018 - Streetfootballworld

Page created by Rita Floyd
FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL 2018 - Streetfootballworld
July 2018


FIFA                                                           COMMON GOAL

                                                FOOTBALLERS JOIN FORCES

                                                      FOR COMMON GOAL
                                                   WORLD CUP CAMPAIGN
                                                                         p. 20

FESTIVAL                                                            IN FOCUS

p. 6
                                                  #PLAYPROUD KICKS OFF
                                                  DURING THE WORLD CUP
                                                                         p. 44

                                                            MESSI MEETS
                                                                         p. 56

FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL 2018 - Streetfootballworld
Published by
                                             streetfootballworld gGmbH
                                             Waldenserstr. 2–4
                                             10551 Berlin, Germany                                         – Closing remarks from Vladimir Borkovic,
                                                                                                       streetfootballworld Network Director, at the FIFA
                                             Tel: +49 (0) 30 7800 6240                                             Foundation Festival 2018 –
                                                                “We have together enjoyed another spectacular
                                                                                                     festival. Let me start by thanking our colleagues and
                                             Editor-in-Chief                                         friends at FIFA for their tireless work and for finding
                                             Elvira González-Vallés                                  a smart strategy to make this festival happen. There
                                                                                                     will be more opportunities for gratitude, so let me
                                             Copy Editor                                             focus on YOU!
                                             Nadia Convery
                                                                                                     We welcomed at the FIFA Foundation Festival 2018,
                                             Writers                                                 here in Moscow, three groups of participants:
                                             Nadia Convery                                           delegation leaders, young leaders and players. You all
                                             Elvira González-Vallés                                  had a particular role during this festival and you ALL
                                             Patrick Cruickshank                                     did a fantastic job – but I did not doubt this ever.

                                             Contributors                                            When I asked my friend Ahmad, one of the young
IMPRINT                                      Mareike Standow                                         leaders, to do something the next day, he responded:
                                             Benjamin Issrof                                         why tomorrow? This reminded me of a famous quote
This work is licensed under the Creative     Andrew Wisniewski                                       that perfectly reflects your situation today.
Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-          Ana Arizabaleta
Share Alike 4.0 International License.       David Lyons                                             You arrived here 10 days ago in a particular position
                                             Martín Lucero                                           but I believe that you are leaving this festival
Attribution – you must attribute the work    Rebecca Suhner                                          enriched by experiences that will enable you to
in the manner specified by the author or                                                             grow. Trust me, you have the power to step up. For
licensor (but not in any way that suggests   Art Editor                                              this, the delegation leaders need to open the path
that they endorse you or your use of the     Anne Vogt                                               – for the young leaders to become leaders of the
work).                                                                                               organisations. Like this, the players will take their
                                             Photo Credits                                           place… it is a life cycle that we need to facilitate in
Non-commercial – you may not use this        Cover: FIFA; p. 4 (top) FIFA, (bottom) Daniel Didavi;   order to refresh our energy and to continue changing
work for commercial purposes.                p. 5 (top) FOX Sports, (bottom) Macrina Achieng         the world.
                                             Odhiambo; p. 6–19 FIFA; p. 22–25 Tiempo Juego; p.
Share alike – if you alter, transform, or    26–28 KICKFAIR; p. 29 Sportradar; p. 30–35 FedEx        We often highlight that with our work we are
build upon this work, you may distribute     Express; p. 36–41 Daniel Didavi; p. 42 Palestine:       enabling the “NEXT generation”. This excuse stops
the resulting work only under the same or    Sports for Life; p. 43 (top) MSIS, (bottom) Alive &     here! You are THE generation that will change the
similar license as this one.                 Kicking; p. 44–47 New York City Football Club; p.       world! Players: you are young leaders now! Young
                                             48 FOX Sports; p. 49 streetfootballworld; p. 51–55      leaders: as of today, you are LEADERS.
                                             Street Child United; p. 56–61 Sebastian Gil Miranda;
                                             p. 62–65 Macrina Achieng Odhiambo; p. 66 & 68           In order to emphasize this and let you remember this
                                             Elvira González-Vallés; p. 69 FIFA; 70 & 71 Creative    message, let me come back to the aforementioned
                                             Commons; p. 72–75 Rebecca Suhner                        quote: if not you, WHO? If not now, WHEN?”

FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL 2018 - Streetfootballworld
6                                                                  IN

          FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL                                           THIS
          IN RUSSIA

                                                                                                    In Focus

                                                                                                    NORTH AMERICA &
                                                                                                    THE CARIBBEAN
                                                                                                    PLAYING PROUD DURING
                                                                                                    THE WORLD CUP: CAMPAIGN
                                                                                                    SUPPORTS INITIATIVE          Football4Good in History
                                                                                                    CHAMPIONING LGBTQ+ YOUTH
                                                                                                                                 FOOTBALL FORGING

                                                                             42                     EUROPE                       FRIENDSHIPS:
                                                                                                                                 2006 WORLD CUP
                                                                                                    THE STREET CHILD WORLD CUP

                                                                                                                                 IN GERMANY
                                                                             New Network Members    LATIN AMERICA
                                                                                                    MESSI MEETS GRANJA ANDAR’S
                                                                             WELCOME TO THE TEAM!   INCLUSIVE FOOTBALL TEAM
    Common Goal Movement
                                                                             MEET OUR 3
    WORLD CUP                                                                NEW NETWORK
                                30                                                                                               72
    CAMPAIGN                                                                 MEMBERS

                                                 36                                                 62

                                FEDEX ‘FIELD
                                IN A BOX™’       In-Depth Interview                                 Stories from the Network           C AMBODIA
    Partner Highlight           PITCHES          60 MINUTES BEFORE CROATIA
                                                 MEET ENGLAND IN THE WORLD                          PLAY STRONG,
                                                 DOWN FOR A CHAT WITH
                                                                                                    LIVE STRONGER
    ZEROS IN ON                 SOUTH AFRICA                                                        MACRINA ACHIENG

                                AND BRAZIL       DANIEL DIDAVI,                                     ODHIAMBO,
                                                                                                    MATHARE YOUTH SPORTS
                                                                                                                                 Around the World with Football

    FOOTBALL FOR                                 COMMON GOAL                                        ASSOCIATION                  FROM BERLIN TO
    GOOD                                         MEMBER, VFB                                                                     BATTAMBANG
                                                 STUTTGART                                          AN AMAZING                   REBECCA SUHNER WRITES TO
    PARTNERSHIP TO CONNECT                                                                                                       US FROM CAMBODIA, WHERE
    STREETFOOTBALLWORLD                                                                             VISION FOR THE               SHE IS VOLUNTEERING WITH
                                                                                                    FUTURE                       OUR NETWORK MEMBER SALT
                                                                                                    FAIZA SULTANA SYED,
                                                                                                    GENERATION AMAZING
4                                                                                                                                                                 5
FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL 2018 - Streetfootballworld

    FIFA Foundation
       Festival 2018
           in Russia         7
FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL 2018 - Streetfootballworld
FIFA Foundation Festival 2018

    For over 3 billion football lovers all over     FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL 2018
                                                    PARTICIPATING DELEGATIONS
    the world, the FIFA World Cup is, every
    four years, a much-anticipated highlight,
    where football once again proves itself
    as one of the biggest social phenomena
    worldwide. The most popular sport on the
    planet brings together people from all
    walks of life to celebrate and enjoy their
    common beloved passion.

    In parallel, another “World Cup” has been
    taking place; one that we witnessed already
    in Germany in 2006, in South Africa in
    2010, in Brazil in 2014 and, this year, in      AFRICA                                      Indochina Starfish Foundation    SEPROJOVEN

    Russia. One where boys and girls play
                                                    Chiparamba Breakthrough Sports Academy      OSCAR Foundation                 Starfinder Foundation
                                                                                                Right to Play
                                                    Delta Cultura Cabo Verde
                                                                                                SALT Academy

    together, where all the participants have the   Horn of Africa Development Initiative
                                                                                                Spirit of Soccer                 SOUTH AMERICA
                                                                                                                                 Asociación Civil Andar
                                                    Iringa Development of Youth, Disabled and

    same opportunities, where all cultures are
                                                                                                                                 Fundación Colombianitos
                                                    Children Care (IDYDC)
                                                                                                                                 Formação – Centro de Apoio à Educação
                                                    Kick4Life                                   EUROPE

    celebrated and where, at the end, everyone
                                                    Mathare Youth Sports Association (MYSA)     Associação CAIS
                                                                                                                                 Fundação Esportiva Educacional Pro
                                                    Moving the Goalposts Kilifi                 Oltalom Sports Association       Criança e Adolescente (EPROCAD)
                                                    Single Leg Amputee Sports Association       RheinFlanke

    wins. This year, the FIFA Foundation Festival
                                                                                                                                 Fundação Gol de letra
                                                                                                Sport Against Racism Ireland     Fundación de las Américas para el
                                                    South Eastern District Youth Empowerment                                     Desarollo (FUDELA)
                                                                                                Sport dans la Ville

    2018 united over 300 participants from 37
                                                    Association (SEDYEA)
                                                                                                Street League                    Fundación estudio para un hermano
                                                    Sport in Action                                                              Educere
                                                                                                The Peres Center for Peace
                                                    The Africaid Trust - WhizzKids United                                        Instituto Fazer Acontecer (IFA)

    countries to celebrate the transformative       The GOAL
                                                    Youth Empowerment and Development
                                                                                                                                 Tiempo de Juego

                                                                                                NORTH & CENTRAL AMERICA & THE
    power of football for good, and bring the
                                                    Initiative (YEDI)
                                                                                                Street Soccer USA

    experience back to their communities.
                                                                                                                                 Football Federation of American Samoa
                                                    ASIA & MIDDLE EAST                          America SCORES
                                                    Dream A Dream                               Fútbol Más (HQ = Chile)          Football United
                                                    Football for All in Vietnam                 Organización Juvenil RECREARTE
                                                    Fundlife International                      Sacred Sports Foundation Inc.

8                                                                                                                                                                        9
FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL 2018 - Streetfootballworld
FIFA Foundation Festival 2018

     FESTIVAL 2018
                                                                                                                                                         YOUNG LEADERS                    PLAYERS                   PARTICIPANTS

     The FIFA Foundation Festival 2018 brought            women, including: two girls and two boys between
     together 48 delegations from community-based,        the ages of 15 and 18, one young leader aged

     development-oriented organisations that use          between 18 and 30, and one head of delegation.
     football as a tool for social                                                                                                                                                 DAYS OF JOY

     development.                                                                YOUNG LEADERS’ SKILLS
     Taking place in Olympiets Park                                              DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME
     Hotel, a sports complex built                                               The Festival kicked off with
     in 1980 before the Olympic                                                  the Young Leaders’ Skills

     Games in Moscow, the festival                                               Development Programme:
     gathered over 300 participants                                              A three-day journey that          FOOTBALL3 MATCHES                                                       RUSSIAN MASTER CLASSES

     from 37 countries for a journey                                             involved only the young
     of football for good, cultural                                              leaders from each delegation
     exchange and personal                                                       and allowed them to engage

     development.                                                                in exchange, gain skills and
           Equality, teamwork and                                                prepare the implementation                                       GOALS SCORED                             CULTURAL PERFORMANCES
     fair play became the motto                                                  of the festival. This group

     of the festival, which united                                               of 57 young leaders landed
     participants on and off the                                                 in Moscow ahead of their
     pitch over 11 days full of                                                  delegations and embarked

     exhilaration and learning                                                   upon a mission marked by
     opportunities.                                                              the three following objectives:                                                                   FOOTBALL4GOOD WORKSHOPS
                                                                                 acquire new skills to support
                                                                                                                      FAIR PLAY POINTS
     “Football is much more                                                      the development of their
                                                                                 projects and their role as
     than a game. It is a
                                                                                 community leaders, provide a
     fantastic tool to contribute                                                platform for young leaders to
     to making our world                                                         network, share their projects
     become a better place. The                                                  and exchange knowledge
                                                                                 in the future, and become
     FIFA Foundation Festival
                                                          prepared to be part of the implementing team of
     was a unique showcase of the commitment,             the festival.                                               of participants to mingle, engage in exchange and    150 Matrioshka dolls were painted by participants,
     experience and amazing work that the                        The Young Leaders’ Skills Development                strengthen their relations. Among the greatest       and 24 football3 training sessions took place, to
     NGOs we support around the world are                 programme included three main components. The               highlights: the boat tour and the excursion to the   name but a few of the activities.
                                                          first day focused on introducing young leaders to           FIFA Fan Fest in the centre of Moscow!                    The cultural exchange programme for
     doing through football.”
                                                          the football3 methodology and training them as                                                                   delegations proceeded into the evenings, when
                                                          mediators. The second day was implemented in                CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMME FOR DELEGATIONS          participants were able to experience elaborately
     Federico Addiechi,
                                                          collaboration with Impact International and included        On 26th June, 48 delegations landed in Moscow        staged performances of traditional and modern
     FIFA Head of Sustainability & Diversity
                                                          workshops on the areas of personal development,             to take part in what many of the participants        Russian dance, freestyle football shows and
                                                          mediation, mentoring and communication for social           described as “some of the best days of their         dancing opportunities to the pulsating beats of
     The festival provided an opportunity for a wide      change. The third day of the Young Leaders’ Skills          lives”. The programme for delegations included a     the official World Cup anthem ‘Live it Up’!
     group of participants, from young players to         Development Programme consolidated all of the               number of activities to enable exchange between           One of the highlights of the programme were
     young leaders to senior representatives from the     lessons learned and skills gained into a training-of-       participants, allow them to gain knowledge on        the evenings set aside for Cultural Performances,
     organisations, to exchange at many levels and        trainers journey where the young leaders prepared           the field of football for good, become immersed      during which 26 delegations from all corners of
     experience the power of football for good.           themselves to support the implementation of the             in Russian culture and, of course, play football.    the world performed traditional dances from their
           Gender equality was one of the corner stones   festival over the next seven days.                          During the cultural exchange programme, over         home countries, sang or created football-based
     of the festival. Delegations attending the event            The programme for young leaders included a           40 football for good workshop sessions were          performances related to the World Cup.
     were comprised of the same number of men and         number of other activities that enabled this group          implemented by delegation leaders, more than

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FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL 2018 - Streetfootballworld
FIFA Foundation Festival 2018

     The spotlight of the festival was the football3                The final of the tournament was to be an
     tournament, which illustrated, one more time,            encounter between the teams Electico Lomeea and
     the uniting power of football. The tournament            Kid FC, who were met and greeted by FIFA Legends
     included 24 mixed-gender teams of eight players,         Roberto Carlos da Silva, Stipe Pletikosa and Dimitry
     always with the same number of boys and girls,           Sennikov. However, a thunderstorm interrupted the
     and members of four different delegations, hailing       proceedings and participants had to leave before
     from four different countries and, very often,           concluding the tournament final. The end of the
     four different continents. The teams were formed         day was marked by the rain but also by the energy
     based on a set of criteria to promote cultural           and passion of 300 participants who were dancing
     exchange, enable communication and foster equal          and singing while evacuating the venue.
     participation.                                                 The final of the tournament was then played
           The tournament was played using the                at Olympiets on 2nd July. This time with the sun
     football3 methodology, with a focus on fair play,        shining, the final was yet another exhibition of fair
     equality and teamwork. football3 is played without
                                                              play and football at its best. The winning team was
     referees and in a game of ‘three halves’. During
                                                              Electico Lomeea, a team that included players from
     the first half, participants come together to agree
                                                              the delegations of Sport Against Racism Ireland
     on their own rules, promoting fair play and equal
                                                              (Ireland), Single Leg Amputee Soccer Association
     participation; in the second half, the players
                                                              (Sierra Leone), Tiempo de Juego (Colombia) and
     take to the pitch for the match and solve their
                                                              America SCORES (USA). Upon the final whistle of
     disagreements with the support of mediators; for
                                                              the game, all of the festival participants charged
     the third half, the teams meet to discuss how fair
                                                              onto the pitch to dance for over one hour to
     they felt the game was and give each other fair play
     points. These fair play points and the match points      celebrate a thrilling match.
     for goals scored are added up to determine the
     final result.                                            ATTENDING THE RUSSIA FIFA WORLD CUP 2018
           The first day of the tournament took place         One of the most exciting moments of the festival
     at Olympiets, the festival venue. A very special         took place on the 1st of July, when participants had
     location was chosen for the following tournament         the chance to visit some of the most emblematic
     day: Red Square, the most emblematic site in             places in Moscow in the morning and attend the
     central Moscow. With high media attendance and           Russia-Spain match during the Round of 16. It
     a number of activities for all of the delegations, the   was a truly unforgettable moment for the 300+
     Red Square was the scene of 15 matches, where the        participants who experienced the contagious
     participants played against the stunning backdrop        energy at the stadium and celebrated the
     of Saint Basil Cathedral, the Kremlin and the State      historical Russian triumph with the other 80,000
     Historical Museum.                                       spectators witnessing the game.

12                                                                                                                    13
FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL 2018 - Streetfootballworld
FIFA Foundation Festival 2018

     Thrilling encounters on the pitch, a trip to Luzhniki stadium to watch the Spain vs. Russia World Cup
     match, the football3 tournament on Moscow’s Red Square, exploring previously unfamiliar cultures
      through performances and workshops, a boat trip through the heart of Russia’s capital, the dinner
      gatherings, impromptu dance sessions…the list goes on. Choosing a single highlight from over 240
     hours of football for good at the FIFA Foundation Festival 2018 is a near impossible task. But no task
        is too great for the wonderful participants who attended. Over the following pages, 11 of the 57
                        young leaders share their experiences and let us in on the magic…

                                         inspiring young leaders who            leaders coordinators team,
                                         brought an electric energy and         learned about football3 and the
                                         painted Olympiets in new colours       responsibility that we would have
                                         allowed me to see it in a whole        during the festival.
                                         new light. Olympiets became                  At the end of the day,
                                         home and, very quickly, I too was      we were surprised with a big
                 June                    among the ‘overexcited’, loudly        welcome party, a freestyle
                                         cheering and celebrating the true      demonstration and a
                   SANA,                 power of football!                     speedfriendship activity for us

                   RIGHT TO PLAY,                                               to get even more involved and
                   PAKISTAN                                                     united.
                                                                                      I experienced this first day
                     After a two-hour                                           as a beginning of a journey, but
                     drive from the                                             I didn’t even imagine the impact
     airport, I along with a few other                                          that this festival had and will
     young leaders, finally reached                                             have in my life.

     Olympiets hotel. As we pulled
     up in front of this sweeping set                 June
     of enormous buildings in the
     middle of the woods, I wondered                    NUNO,
     what the next ten days here                        CAIS,
     would bring...                                     PORTUGAL
           Welcomed enthusiastically
     by staff and volunteers in black                     So many emotions
     T-shirts, I remember thinking                        in just one day! It               June
     to myself, ‘Why is everyone so      was the first official day of the
     overexcited?’ But over the course   FIFA Foundation Festival 2018.                       JOAN,
     of a few hours, I had had good      Like all first days, it was full of                  SPORT IN ACTION,
     conversations with amazing          adaptations to a different context                   ZAMBIA
     people from across the world,       and people. I felt overwhelmed
     and I was already beginning to      but, as we were introduced to                         The festival taught
     understand why…                     the festival team coordinators, I                     me a life-time
           At our informal opening       started to lose my shyness and         lesson as a young leader…
     ceremony in the evening, I          get involved in knowing different      I have to be a role model to
     realized there were people from     people, cultures and ideas, and        myself before I can become a
     38 countries in the room – some     the level of exciting and good         leader to others. On the 25th of
     having travelled 20 plus hours      vibe rising through the day.           June, we attended a number of
     to get to Moscow! But, most               We went through the              workshops, focusing on personal
     interestingly, I noticed how        festival games and got to know         development, mentoring and
     everyone was gelling together;      each other and become more             mediation, and Communication
     ‘blacks’ and ‘whites’, Muslims      involved in the spirit of the          for Social Change. The
     and non-Muslims - people from       festival. I was amazed to see how      importance of mentoring
     diverse backgrounds all on          different perspectives can turn        upholds not just values, or
     one playing field with powerful     into a unique goal: making this        passing on information to the
     stories to share. From that         festival the best one!                 next generation, but it shapes
     moment on, the festivities were           We prepared for our role as      new minds, brings new ideas,
     officially underway, and these      mediators with the best young          inspires, motivates and builds

14                                                                                                                   15
FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL 2018 - Streetfootballworld
FIFA Foundation Festival 2018

     confidence in a way that the        involved the implementation of        should do, but even so, that pain   the games played and the               new experiences, the beginning         presented by the different
     impact provides a platform that     Festival games and football3.         appeared in the stomach, which      culture of, for example, the           was greatly marked by nerves,          delegations amidst thousands
     drives change towards inclusion     Whilst having fun and plenty of       translates into nervousness when    Vietnamese delegation. Later           although I felt prepared in many       of claps, colours and different
     and sustainability.                 laughter, I had opportunities         you want everything to go well.     on, experiencing the Russian           aspects my lack of training            forms of celebration that
           Among other topics,           to learn through open                 The groups arrived, the leaders     cultural activities was fun, we        in other languages became              introduced us to other customs
     we had the opportunity to           communication with my peers           supported us in the activities.     had the chance to paint and            obvious; the first half was            and the opportunity to show
     better understand our role          to allocate roles and collaborate     During the development, I had       build little Russian trinkets. Arts    governed by several languages,         a bit of our own country. A
     as mediators. Working with          in pairs and groups. At the same      goose bumps, surprised to           & crafts was something I haven’t       a discussion on the rules of the       very emotional moment was
     other great young leaders from      time, having observed and             see how physical differences        taken part in for years! After         game, the vital importance of          to receive a handkerchief from
     different backgrounds from all      documented from the activities        were not an impediment to           going through all the cultural         fair play and the objective of that    Cambodia after knowing its
     over the world helped me learn,     implemented by peers,                 participating, as despite being     workshops we had a night of            moment; the second half was            meaning in a performance
     share expertise and experience.                                           aware of these difference, they     cultural dances performed by           dominated by a single language,        presented by this delegation.

     The last workshop of the day                                              just supported their partners,      the delegations. Watching all the      that of the court; the third half
     brought up the importance of        I was aware of                        and there was an inexplicable       dances & performances made me          was not easy, but in the end the
     communication at different levels                                         energy felt in those courts.        realize that, although we are all      fair play was lived out and the
     for social change in behaviour,     the self-improvement                        Time to teach the             different and we all come from         teams knew that they were both
     attitudes and sustainability.
           The boat excursion was
                                         in confidence,                        methodology of football3, an
                                                                               instance where we transmit
                                                                                                                   different backgrounds, when it
                                                                                                                   comes to music, dancing and
                                                                                                                                                                The one that was definitely
     awesome, relaxing and getting       flexibility,                          knowledge, energy and               simply having a good time, that’s      my best experience in the whole
     social on a personal level with                                           motivation to each young person.    something we all share no matter       festival was the second match
     other young leaders.                organisation, and                     In conclusion, a day consisting     what the language or the culture       I mediated with a fellow young                     June
           The excursion to the Fan                                            of apprenticeships, joys and        are. Instruments and music bring       leader.
     Fest was amazing; it was great to   mediation for                         teamwork, which ended with a        us together no matter what. I’m                                                             ESTHER,
     see how football brings people                                            great surprise...                   super grateful for this experience                                                          MOVING THE

     together, cheering in unison.       upcoming activities.                                                      & want to sincerely thank the          We felt sure of                                      GOALPOSTS,

                                                                                                                   FIFA Foundation for giving me                                                               KENYA
                                         I hoped that through my                                                   & my organisation this life-           ourselves and had a
                                         experience and passion, I would
                                         be able to make a positive impact
                                                                                                                   changing experience. I’ll never
                                                                                                                   forget the fun I had in Russia.
                                                                                                                                                          sense of clear purpose                                 Let me express my
                                                                                                                                                                                                 gratitude to streetfootballworld,

                                         on the young players in the next                                                                                 - that the players                     FIFA and all the participating
                                         few days. I looked forward to                                                                                                                           teams for making the day
                                         seeing them achieve the best                                                                                     enjoy themselves and                   successful. It was a day with
                                         possible outcomes from the                        June                                                                                                  unpredictable weather that kept
                 June                    festival and enjoy their once-in-a-                                                                              have an enriching                      on changing.
                                         lifetime journey.                                   ABDUL,                                                                                                    I awaited the day with joy

                   HIEU,                                                                     STARFINDER                                                   experience on and off                  and eager to see the players
                   FOOTBALL FOR ALL                                                          FOUNDATION,                                                                                         playing on the special field on
                   IN VIETNAM,                                                               USA                                June                      the court.                             the Red Square in Moscow.
                   VIETNAM                                                                                                                                                                       Holeeeeo! Holeeeeo! Holeeee!
                                                                                                Two days after                    CHARLIE,                The shouts of celebration              Holeeee! Was the celebration
                    The day has                                                the delegations arrived, on                        FUDELA,                 overrode the competition, the          and energizing song for the day
     come. The wait was now finally                                            28th of June, everyone was                         ECUADOR                 essence of win-win could be felt       as 24 teams waited to play.
     over. Tuesday the 26th of June                                            getting to know each other. The                                            by the two teams that took the               I was energetic and
     marked the final day of the                      June                     atmosphere was welcoming                            That day was           goal of the festival to another        ready to mediate, as many
     Young Leaders’ Skills Training                                            & I felt like everyone was very                     one of the most        level. Each goal was celebrated        people from all over the world
     Programme which exhibited                          NICOLE,                open to meet new people. At         anticipated. Young leaders from        with great joy (by both sides),        had surrounded the field not
     my excitements getting ready                       EDUCERE,               the delegation lounge, some         various parts of the world met         the points were delivered with         forgetting the media people
     for the FIFA Foundation                            CHILE                  kids were lining up to play FIFA    a few days before to strengthen        the greatest enthusiasm and,           who also wanted to test the
     Festival 2018 and welcoming                                               while others were mingling in       ourselves in the methodology           in the end, all embraced with a        feeling of the football3 matches.
     the delegations from 48                            The big day            the lounge. I was floating around   of football3, to then replicate to     feeling of familiarity that football         The strong tool of football
     participating organisations at                     arrived, the           talking to different people         the members of our delegations         gives us. In the middle of all the     took its course with football3
     Olympiets. It was also the right    delegations were complete and         networking, enjoying my time.       and act as mediators in the            celebration, a player picked me        matches including both female
     opportunity for me as a young       eager to start this magnificent             The 28th was a day where      games. That day began with             up and told everyone (including        and male players of different
     leader to put the skills I had      event. I, expectant to see the        delegations were rotating           great euphoria, guests, sports,        the other team) “all of you: my        abilities and, to onlookers, such
     learned over the last two days      reaction of young people and          between football for good           music, and all the ingredients to      brothers”.                             differences were not obvious.
     from the training programme         ready to put into action what         workshops and Russian               start the heart of the festival: the         To culminate, the Jordanian            This was because the
     and relevant experiences from       I learned days before. For the        cultural activities. It was super   football3 tournament.                  curtain rose, opening the door         one week induction period
     my organisation, FFAV, into         games of the festival, we had         interesting going through the             The first match that I           to different cultures on stage,        had made them brothers and
     practice on the pitch which         clear every detail and what we        different workshops & learning      mediated was full of so many           the stories, customs and art           sisters.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   17
FIFA FOUNDATION FESTIVAL 2018 - Streetfootballworld
FIFA Foundation Festival 2018

           Heavy clouds of tension       style buildings. If you doubt its    participants jived, jumped and
     and emotions covered most of        hugeness, you should also check      leaped to the Official World Cup
     the players who were hoping to      out the size of the avenues and      theme song ‘Live it Up’ – what an
     win the matches. Players and        have a walk around the business      atmosphere and moment to be
     some delegation leaders from        centre skyscrapers.                  part of!
     losing teams wept creating an
     uneasy moment for me and my         Match attendance
     colleagues during the post-match    From the beginning, everybody        The rollercoaster of
     discussion. Thanks to the power     was over the moon thinking
     of football3, the tension was       about sharing this moment and        emotions poured from
           The robot goalkeeper, the
                                         ready to have a blast!
                                               When I entered the
                                                                              the young participants
     winter experience zone, other       stadium, it made my toes curl.       as the day was coming
     organised games and meeting         Just imagine more than 78000
     FIFA Legend Roberto Carlos          people (most of them from the        to a close, seeing 200
     kept my momentum of the day.        host country!) ready to set the
     Have you ever seen a strong         stadium on fire, unforgettable!      participants from
     football-stimulated group? You            During the game, I took
     couldn’t miss it when energetic     a short moment to have a look        around the world
     football players and their          around me... and the proof was
     delegation leaders were in the      here, football is magic! That        form such a strong
     rain singing the song of the day
     as they watched the final match
                                         twinkle in everybody’s eyes,
                                         smiles, hugs, support, the wave...
                                                                              friendship within a
     of the teams Electico Lomeea        One of the Russian stewards was      week was powerful.
     and Kid FC. Much appreciation       even praying! That moment will
     to the organisers for providing     be etched on my mind forever,
     raincoats, but they were not        thank you!                           This was also apparent during

     enough to withhold the heavy                                             the medal ceremony to officially
                                                                                                                                                      “The FIFA Foundation Festival was an unforgettable event
     rain drops and meant that the                                            conclude the festival, the
     programme of the day had to be                                           clapping, whistling and cheering                                        hosting a remarkable group of young people who are
     postponed.                                                               echoed through the field as each                                        committed to changing their communities for the good. It

                  1                                                                                                          3
                                                                              delegation received their medal.                                        was a privilege to meet them and be able to offer them
                                                                                   48 organisations from
                                                                                                                                                      an opportunity to further develop their skills.”
                                                                              38 countries all with one goal.
                                                                              What an honour it is to share the
                                                      July                    ‘common goal’ with everyone:
                                                                                                                                                      Irina Schlossarek-Dhowtalut, FIFA Foundation Community Programme Manager

                                                                              Football for social change.
                                                       FOOTBALL UNITED,
                  July                                 AUSTRALIA                                                               July
                   AMANDINE,                             The joyous                                                             MUNA,                 saying goodbye to everyone and
                   SPORT DANS LA                         atmosphere of                                                          GENERATION            returning back to our homes.
                   VILLE,                FIFA foundation Festival was                                                           AMAZING,              At that time I really didn’t want
                   FRANCE                summed up on the final day                                                             NEPAL                 to leave all of those beautiful
                                         through ‘football’, ‘dancing’ and                                                                            and sweet people. We became
                      I didn’t expect    ‘friendship’.                                                                            I was really glad   a family and all of those people
     Moscow to be so dynamic and               The gathering of all                                               to participate in the festival as   mean a lot to me. But I had to
     colourful. As colourful as its      participants to cheer on the                                             a young leader. That was really     return. Now I am sharing the
     Cathedral Basile le Bien Heureux    two teams taking part in the                                             a very good opportunity for         lessons about fairness and
     which you might take as a sky       football3 final at Olympiets Hotel                                       me to develop my leadership         honesty with my team. Though
     drawing at first sight, but don’t   set the tone for the remainder                                           skills and confidence level. I      I am not a good player I can say
     be fooled, it is real! Everything   of the day. It was incredible                                            was feeling tired but more than     with certainty now that I became
     was impressive, the Cathedral       to watch players of all abilities                                        that I enjoyed the festival and     a good leader and I am leading
     Chris the Saviour, the Red          from multiple countries being                                            learned about the use of football   a girls’ football team as well as
     Square, Bolshoi theatre...          represented during the match as                                          to change the world. After the      kids’ football team. And, as I
          In the past, Moscow was        well as celebrating as one, after                                        festival my leadership skills and   had wished, I became a source
     already thinking on a large         goals were scored. The dancing                                           confidence level have increased.    of inspiration for all of those
     scale as shown by the Stalinist     fever spread as all festival                                             On the 3rd of July we were          children.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                               19
Since launching in August of 2017, primarily as                  made the campaign worthwhile.
                                                                 an initiative for those directly involved in the                 While the aim was to reach as many people as
                                                                 professional game, Common Goal has been facing                   possible online, Common Goal also wanted to
                                                                 calls from fans who wanted to join their favourite               increase its engagement on the ground and
                                                                 players, and also take part in the movement. With                spread awareness by having in-person events.
                                                                 this in mind, what better time to bring the fans on              Having been awarded the WeWork Nonprofit
                                                                 board than during the largest footballing festival               Creators Award earlier this year, WeWork and
                                                                 in the world. For Common Goal, however, it was                   Common Goal began working on a plan in which
                                                                 also important to give everyone an opportunity                   Common Goal would be the official charity partner
                                                                 to participate, regardless of location. So, the team             for WeWork’s World Cup events. Together, they
                                                                 took the campaign to Facebook, working with the                  hosted dozens of events in major cities across the
                                                                 site and a number of players to host fundraisers                 globe based around a World Cup game for each
                                                                 on the platform throughout the World Cup. Each                   city. Each gathering was a chance for the Common
                                                                 week, a player, or sometimes a group of players,                 Goal team to inform the audience about Common
                                                                 invited fans to join their team by donating and                  Goal, collect donations, and, of course, watch
                                                                 raising money for the issues that they were most                 some football!
                                                                 passionate about. Below you can find the full list                     Over the course of the tournament, thanks

     COMMON GOAL MOVEMENT                                        of Common Goal players that participated and the                 to the fantastic support received from all over the

     World Cup
                                                                 causes they supported:                                           world, Common Goal raised over €94,000, all of
                                                                                                                                  which will go directly to the network of football
                                                                      William Troost-Ekong – Quality Education                    for good organisations tackling the world’s
                                                                      Juan Mata – Gender Equality                                 toughest social problems. Coming less than a year
                                                                      Giorgio Chiellini – Social Inclusion                        after its launch, the World Cup was an important
                                                                      Vero Boquete– Gender Equality                               milestone for Common Goal. It is one of many

                                                                      Heather O’Reilly – Equality                                 more to work towards achieving throughout the
                                                                      Siobhan Chamberlain – Quality Education                     rest of the year. Despite launching with a focus
                                                                      Megan Rapinoe – LGBQT+ Youth                                on players and managers, Common Goal’s long-
                                                                                                                                  term vision is to unlock 1% of the entire football
                                                                 The efforts weren’t limited to these seven players.              industry’s revenues – conservatively estimated
                                                                 Even those who didn’t host fundraisers directly                  at $30 billion per year – to benefit football for
                                                                 got in on the action, spreading the word across                  good organisations, those that use the game to
                                                                 their social media channels and inviting their own               strengthen their communities.
                                                                 fans to get involved. Nor were they alone in this                      With the launch of the brand new website
                                                                 effort – Common Goal football media partners                     (, supporters, businesses,
     The World Cup is not only one of the biggest moments        such as OneFootball and ForzaFootball also played                organisations and clubs are all invited to take the
                                                                 their part, spreading the word within their mobile               same pledge as the players and officially become
     in sports, but one of the biggest events in the world.      apps to help reach audiences that may not have                   part of the team. Every pledge, no matter how
                                                                 otherwise heard of Common Goal. Not to mention                   large or small, represents another step towards
     In 2014, more than three billion people watched the         the countless other brands, influencers, and                     uniting the entire football community in tackling
                                                                 journalists that all helped to further amplify the               the toughest social challenges in the world today.
     tournament and one billion tuned in for the final match.    reach of the campaign. Most of all, however, it was              With more exciting players in the pipeline, there’s
                                                                 the participation of the many fans from all over the             never been a better time to take the pledge and
     Worldwide, the football community has only grown, and       world, who joined the players, raised the funds and              join the Common Goal team.

     pre-tournament projections for this year’s competition
     forecast almost half the world’s population tuning in.                                          COMMON GOAL MEMBERS
     With this being the first World Cup since Common Goal                                       TEAM UP TO RAISE OVER €94,000 !
     launched last August, it was undoubtedly an unmissable
     opportunity to spread the message of using football
     as a tool for social good. Ultimately, with the help of a

                                                                                                                                                                      Siobhan Chamberlain
                                                                          William Troost-Ekong

     number of partners, that is exactly how it panned out,

                                                                                                                                                   Heather O’Reilly
                                                                                                              Giorgio Chiellini

                                                                                                                                                                                            Megan Rapinoe
                                                                                                                                   Vero Boquete
     and Common Goal made a strong showing in its debut
                                                                                                  Juan Mata
     World Cup!
20                                                                                                                                                                                                          21
World Cup Campaign

                                                       IT’S BEEN FANTASTIC TO SEE WHAT
                                                       THE ORGANISATION THAT WE ARE
                                                       COLLABORATING WITH THROUGH COMMON
                                                       GOAL IS DOING. I’VE ALWAYS BEEN KEEN
                                                       TO VISIT COLOMBIA, AND NOW TO SEE ALL
                                                       THESE CHILDREN THAT ARE IMPROVING
                                                       THEIR LIVES THANKS TO FOOTBALL IS VERY
                                                       Juan Mata

                       Juan Mata scored yet another Goal: He visited
                       Colombia from the 18th to the 20th of June to spend
                       time with Tiempo de Juego and see first-hand the
                       programme he is investing into that fosters female

    Juan Mata
                       empowerment through football and is also helping to
                       mobilise the country towards its own ‘common goal’,

                       of building peace through the power of the sport.

                       Colombia has a rich football for good eco-                   Juego and its programme to promote women’s

  Colombia as
                       system: Several organisations and social                     empowerment through football. The visit got off
                       enterprises in the country have put football at              to a perhaps unexpected start: in a bakery, one
                       their core and understand it as a key catalyst to            of several local enterprises powered by Tiempo
                       achieving the pursued peace in the country. They             de Juego in the search of sustainability and new
                       have worked together and attracted the attention             productive lives for the young adults they work

       part of
                       of both national and local governments as well               with. The group also visited the T-shirt lab –
                       as the private sector, which have consequently               Pongale Color - that not only provides Tiempo de
                       invested into the system. Together, they have                Juego’s participants with uniforms, but also many
                       begun strategising around the idea of attaining              of the children from football for good projects
                       the country’s ‘common goal’: Building peace                  across the country. There is also a computer lab

 Common Goal
                       through football.                                            where children learn basic computer skills and
                              Juan’s visit to the country was much more             have internet access. They ended the first part
                       than the endless list of incredible things he was            of the visit at Labzuca, a media enterprise where
                       able to do in only a few days. In sum, it also left the      Juan and Jürgen were asked to record the chorus
                       country with many stakeholders aligned around                of a song that young adults from Tiempo de Juego

   World Cup
                       this idea and committed to next steps in order to            composed to support their organisation at the FIFA
                       achieve it.                                                  Foundation Festival in Russia. They may not have
                              On the first day of his visit, Juan, his girlfriend   hit all of the high notes, but the enthusiasm of both
                       Evelina Kamph and co-founder of Common Goal,                 amateur singers more than made up for it.
                       Jürgen Griesbeck, joined Tiempo de Juego’s staff to                 “It’s been fantastic to see what the

                       visit their programmes in Cazuca, a neighbourhood            organisation that we are collaborating with through
                       on the outskirts of Bogotá. With his donation to             Common Goal is doing. I’ve always been keen to
                       Common Goal, the Manchester United Midfielder                visit Colombia, and now to see all these children
                       chose Colombia as one of the places he wished to             that are improving their lives thanks to football
                       support. He also stated that he wished to support            is very gratifying,” Juan enthused. “To come here
                       streetfootballworld network member Tiempo de                 allows me to know that there are people working

22                                                                                                                                          23
World Cup Campaign

     and caring for these communities, because there are            Juan’s charasmatic personality struck the
     many things in this world that we need to improve.       Colombian team the most when he said he would
     It is necessary that we share the high revenues of       sign the T-shirt of each one of the hundreds of
     the football industry with people that really need it,   children on the pitch, which he then proceeded
     because they see in sport a way to achieve incredible    to do! One by one. On the second day of his visit,
     social transformations,” he added.                       Juan and Jürgen participated in a workshop with
            Juan, Evelina and Jürgen were signed as new       opinion leaders and media representatives with
     Tiempo de Juego team members and had time to             the objective of aligning forces and having them
     have lunch prepared by mothers of children who           commit to the Common Goal idea. Attendees
     attend the organisation’s programmes and wanted          worked together and came up with tangible next
     to give back for the opportunities their children        steps to support the movement’s growth in the
     receive through the sessions designed to teach           country both by inviting players and the industry
     them values and life skills using football as a tool.    in general to join, as well as telling stories around
            Esteban Reyes, Director of Tiempo de Juego,       what is being achieved in the country thanks to
     said: “We are impressed by Juan’s personality, his       Common Goal’s investments.
     ability to understand our work and the way he has              Jürgen, co-founder of Common Goal, shared
     interacted with the children in Cazuca.”                 with the group that, “the impact of Juan’s visit
            The second part of the visit took place at        to Colombia will continue to grow over the
     the Tibanica field, where Juan jumped onto the           coming days. I am sure it will help to catalyze the
     pitch and played with Cazuca’s children and then         interaction of the stakeholders needed to build on
     listened carefully to their life stories and how         the idea of sharing a Colombian ‘Common Goal’,
     Tiempo de Juego has offered them an alternative to       that aligns with our global idea, at the same time as
     dangerous, violent lives.                                helping Colombia advance in achieving peace.”

24                                                                                                                    25


26                        27

                                                                                                                 collaboratively designed the new, global CSR               a mixture of exchange and experience. Next to
                                                                                                                 programme, in which Sportradar has pledged to              understanding the KICKFAIR concept and impact
                                                                                                                 engage its employees around the world and connect in theory, KICKFAIR Youth Leaders introduced the
                                                                                                                 them with streetfootballworld’s local network              football3 methodology to the Sportradar employees.
                                                                                                                 members – organisations across the globe that use                 “It was fun working with Sportradar and I
                                                                                                                 the beautiful game to affect social change each and        guess we brought across what role football3 can
                                                                                                                 every day. Creating new perspectives lies at the           play and how we use it to foster the development
                                                                                                                 heart of these exchanges,                                                                of young people on and
                                                                                                                 where professionals meet                                                                 off the field.” said Salim,
                                                                                                                 young people from their                                                                  former participant and
                                                                                                                 neighbourhoods to gain        “IT WAS FUN WORKING WITH SPORTRADAR AND I GUESS today a KICKFAIR Youth
                                                                                                                 a new understanding           WE BROUGHT ACROSS WHAT ROLE FOOTBALL3 CAN PLAY Leader. After lunch, it
                                                                                                                 of their cities and            AND HOW WE USE IT TO FOSTER THE DEVELOPMENT OF was more about thinking
                                                                                                                 communities as well as                YOUNG PEOPLE ON AND OFF THE FIELD.”                than kicking when the
                                                                                                                 about how football can be                   Salim, KICKFAIR Youth Leader                 employees sat down
                                                                                                                 and already is used as a                                                                 with KICKFAIR to develop
                                                                                                                 force for good.                                                                          collaboration ideas
                                                                                                                       During the first year of the partnership, the        for the Munich office. “We have been working on
                                                                                                                 CSR programme will be rolled out in three initial          different ideas how to collaborate. Currently we are
                                                                                                                 locations – Munich, Minneapolis and Montevideo             putting this into concrete formats that we will realise
                                                                                                                 – where local Sportradar employees can team up             in the coming months,” said Ferdinand Keidler,

                                                                                                                 with community organisations belonging to the              Project Manager for Querpass Zukunft and KICKFAIR
                                                                                                                 streetfootballworld network (KICKFAIR in Germany,          in Munich.
                                                                                                                 Asociación Civil Gurises Unidos in Uruguay                        Steffen Loew, Sportradar’s HR Manager at

                                                                                                                 and Sanneh Foundation in the United States).               the company’s Munich office reciprocated: “It was
                                                                                                                 Sportradar’s staff members will be introduced to           a great event and we finally got to know KICKFAIR
                                                                                                                 the field of football for good by receiving training       better and the concept of football3 and their very
                                                                                                                 sessions in the ‘football3’ methodology, giving            kind staff. Having the opportunity to educate
                                                                                                                 them a taste of this unique version of the game,           and influence the development of teens is very
                                                                                                                 which places a particular emphasis on cooperation,         impressive and it makes me proud that Sportradar
     On 2nd May 2018, Sportradar and streetfootballworld                                                         fair play and team building.                               is willing to put a lot of effort and time into it to
                                                                                                                                                                            make it happen.”
     embarked upon their new CSR partnership. The two                                                            KICK-OFF WITH KICKFAIR                                            streetfootballworld and Sportradar are
                                                                                                                 On 24th May, our network member organisation               looking forward to two more workshops this year
     organisations are teaming up to use the power of                                                            KICKFAIR invited Sportradar staff from the Munich          and to continuing and expanding this exciting
                                                                                                                 office to experience the power of football first-          partnership over the coming years. By leveraging
     football to bring young people and Sportradar’s                                                             hand. In Munich Milbertshofen, 10 employees                the two partners’ expertise and passion for
                                                                                                                 met representatives from streetfootballworld               football, we hope to spread the word about football
     employees together, creating an environment of                                                              and KICKFAIR to learn more about how both                  for good programmes, reaching professionals and
                                                                                                                 organisations use football to empower young                young people alike to facilitate understanding and
     learning and exchange. The underlying drivers of this                                                       people locally and globally. The kick-off day was          collaboration in communities worldwide.

     partnership are Sportradar’s and streetfootballworld’s
     shared passion for sport and the two organisations’
     global reach – aspects that are key to this new,
     innovative collaboration.
                                                                                                                    ABOUT                    Sportradar is a global leader in
                                                                                                                                             understanding and leveraging the power
                                                                                                                 SPORTRADAR                  of sports data and digital content for
     Announcing the new partnership to the public,           worldwide. Leveraging our in-house technology,                                  its clients around the world. Sportradar
     Sportradar’s CEO Carsten Koerl stated: “Sportradar      expertise and enthusiasm to make a real impact                                  provides cutting-edge solutions and
     has had the chance to support a range of                on both local and global levels is something that                               services to media companies, bookmakers,
     charities and initiatives in previous years, but I am   really inspires me and I know will be embraced by                               sports federations and state authorities.
     particularly excited about this new collaboration       our employees, who have already shown a desire to                               It is a truly international organisation,
     with streetfootballworld because its global network     help and give back time and time again.”                                        employing over 2,000 people in more than
     reflects our own global network of over 30 offices            streetfootballworld and Sportradar                                        30 locations around the world.

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      29
                   IN SOUTH AFRICA & BRAZIL

                                                                    Since teaming up in 2016 to deliver the first
                                                              game-changing Field in a Box™, FedEx Express, the UEFA
                                                               Foundation for Children and streetfootballworld have
                                                               been busy rolling out the turf in a number of locations
                                                                 worldwide to ensure that local children and youth
                                                                             have a safe space to play.

                                                             As Main Sponsor of the UEFA Europa League,                this journey and soon announcing the location of
                                                             FedEx Express (a subsidiary of FedEx Corp) joined         the next pitch,” said Urs Kluser, General Secretary
                                                             forces with the UEFA Foundation for Children and          of the UEFA Foundation for Children.
                                                             streetfootballworld in a bid to use its engagement              Following the inauguration of the first Field
                                                             in professional football to connect young people to       in a Box™ in Cañada Real Galiana in Madrid, Spain,
                                                             new possibilities through the game.                       and its subsequent positive impact on the local
                                                                    “Field in a Box™ is part of our ambition           community and beyond, the three organisations
                                                             to invest over $ 200 million in more than 200             set about expanding the programme to reach
                                                             community projects by 2020,” said Bert Nappier,           further communities across the world. With its
                                                             President of FedEx Express in Europe and CEO of           global network of football for good organisations,
                                                             TNT, referring to FedEx Cares, a broader pledge           streetfootballworld was able to identify regions
                                                             by FedEx Express under which the programme is             most in need and designate local organisations
                                                             being funded.                                             as implementation partners with on-the-ground
                                                                    Through the Field in a Box™ project easy-          expertise to facilitate the installation of the pitch
                                                             to-install, artificial-turf sports fields are delivered   and its later use by the community.
                                                             to underserved communities to provide children                  Only a few months after celebrating the first
                                                             and youth with ripe ground for the development            anniversary of the Field in a Box™ near the Spanish

           keeping the
                                                             of life skills. These pitches serve as hubs where         capital, the next pitch arrived in Mrągowo,
                                                             football for good projects can be implemented             north-eastern Poland. (Read more about the
                                                             often on the basis of streetfootballworld’s football3     inaugural event in FOOTBALL4GOOD magazine,
                                                             methodology. Since the beginning of the CSR               Issue 4, November 2017).
                                                             initiative, communities in four different locations
                                                             worldwide have received Field in a Box™ pitches –         A SUCCESSFUL FIRST HALF:

           turf rolling
                                                             with one more scheduled for later this year.              TWO FIELD IN A BOX™ PITCHES DELIVERED
                                                                    “It has been a pleasure to see the expansion       In 2018, the Field in a Box™ programme has
                                                             of Field in a Box™ on a global scale beyond the           stepped up the pace with two deliveries already in
                                                             borders of Europe. So far this year, the initiative       the initial six months of the year. The initiative also
                                                             has reached underserved communities in South              quite literally went further afield with the opening
                                                             Africa and Brazil. We look forward to continuing          of the first pitches beyond the European continent.

30                                                                                                                                                                               31
FedEx Express Delivers Field in a Box™

                                                DELIVERY #1/2018:                                                                                                 DELIVERY #2/2018:

                            South Africa                                                                                                                      Brazil
                                                                                                                   Just two months later, the next Field in a Box™ arrived   of the global non-profit, Drew Chafetz commented
                                                                                                                   in a community in Brazil, taking the programme to         that: “We are inspired by our friends in Rio Doce and
                                                                                                                   a third continent. At the opening ceremony on 26th        proud to contribute our community-driven approach
                                                                                                                   June 2018, some 200 locals from Rio Doce, Olinda in       to this collaboration with FedEx Express, UEFA
                                                                                                                   Pernambuco gathered to celebrate their new pitch.         Foundation for Children and streetfootballworld.
     On 16th April, the Field in a Box™ programme        sustainable use of the field in the local community.      Amongst others, they were joined by members of            All communities have the power to be agents of
     was officially launched in Philippi, a low-income          “This initiative will uplift the community         local authorities, media outlets and a very special       their own change. This collaboration represents an
     suburb of Cape Town. The pitch was assembled        of Philippi and positively impact the youth by            guest – former Brazil National Team player, Juliano       important step toward a solution for the Sport for
     and officially inaugurated at an event attended     creating a foundation for personal, social and            Beletti, who attended the event as UEFA Ambassador.       Social Development sector.”
     by Albert Fritz – Member of Executive Committee:    economic development that can be enjoyed by               The 2002 world champion with Brazil held a football             The pitch, that will become a training centre
     Social Development, Cape Town (Provincial           all,” said Mike Higley, Vice President Sub-Saharan        clinic with youth from the community, participated in     for programmes based around the football3
     Minister of Social Development); Anroux Marais –    Africa, FedEx Express.                                    the ribbon cutting and an autograph session.              methodology, is located in an area where 60%
     Member of Executive Committee: Cultural Affairs            Founder of OASIS, Clifford Martinus,                      Also present were, of course, representatives      of the population live below the poverty line
     and Sport, Cape Town (Provincial Minister of        welcomed the programme with the words: “We are            from FedEx Express, streetfootballworld and its           and the average income amounts to less than
     Cultural Affairs and Sport) and Lucas Radebe –      excited that this project has come to Philippi as it is   network member organisation love.fútbol. Since            100 US Dollars per month. love.fútbol’s local
     Former National Team Captain of South Africa,       an area that requires great support for the youth.        its establishment in 2006, the global non-profit has      implementation partner, Pazear, will use the
     amongst others.                                     We are positive that this will make a meaningful          dedicated its work to providing children and youth        football field as a hub for implementing its football
          To roll out the project, streetfootballworld   impact on the lives of the children that reside           with safe and inclusive places to play, empowering        activities focusing on the use of sport as a tool to
     was supported by local network member OASIS,        here by affording young community members                 communities by engaging local stakeholders in the         promote peace building, gender equality and social
     a registered non-profit organisation founded in     the opportunity to develop life skills, focusing on       construction of football infrastructure and redefining    transformation. As part of this programme, Pazear
     Cape Town in 2000 that uses sports as a driver      teamwork, respect for one another and that creates        football pitches as centres of community and              will offer a football session on site twice a week to
     of social change. OASIS will coordinate the         a positive dialogue through sport.”                       platforms for sustainable social change. Co-Founder       local children and youth aged 7–18 years.

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   33
FedEx Express Delivers Field in a Box™

                                                     Where next
                                                for Field in a Box™?

                                         With the successful completion of the fourth Field     world of football for good. With our ongoing
                                         in a Box™, the initiative has reached communities      collaboration, we look forward to seeing the
                                         on three continents, offering sports facilities and    programme spread to further locations, providing
                                         development opportunities to underserved children      game-changing infrastructure to communities
                                         and youth.                                             across the globe.”
                                               Reflecting on the past three years of the              Before the year 2018 is out, FedEx Express and
                                         collaboration, streetfootballworld Network Director,   the UEFA Foundation for Children have committed
                                         Dr. Vladimir Borković, stated: “We are thrilled to     to building one more Field in a Box™. After reaching
                                         witness what can be achieved when organisations        communities in Europe, Africa and Latin America,
                                         like FedEx Express use their involvement in            could the next destination put another continent on
                                         professional football to make an impact in the         the initiative’s map? We will keep you posted.

34                                                                                                                                                     35
     Daniel Didavi,
     Football Player
     VfB Stuttgart

     60 minutes before the World Cup Semi-Final
     match kicks off between Croatia and England,
     we sit down with Common Goal player, Daniel
     Didavi to not only share predictions – he is
     confident about a Croatian victory – but to hear
     how his own struggles with injury and a visit to
     his father’s home country, Benin, completely
     changed his outlook on life. Ever since, the
     28-year-old midfielder who recently transferred
     from VfL Wolfsburg back to his home club VfB
     Stuttgart, has been searching for the right
     opportunity to “make the world a better place.”


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Daniel Didavi
                                                                                Oh, you mean the post with the         already playing professional, but      have a roof over their head,         When was the first time you
                                                                                group of refugees? I think it was      a short time earlier, I had missed     no bed to sleep in, they don’t       ever kicked a football in your
                                                                                less me and more the refugees          out on gaining my Abitur (Editor:      know what they will have to eat      life. Can you take us back to
                                                                                who were talented.                     highest school leaving certificate     the next day - things like that.     your first football memory?
                                                                                I grew up with music, I like           in Germany) as I quit school           And yet you have the feeling         At the time my dad was a
                                                                                listening to music and being able      when I got my first professional       that life is much happier. That      football coach in Germany for
                                                                                to play music with people ... I find   contract.                              eventually gave me something         an ‘F-youth’* team and I had no
                                                                                it fascinating to observe such                                                to think about and I said to         interest whatsoever in playing
                                                                                moments. Like with the refugees,       Anyway, at 21, I got so badly          myself: ‘Hey, even if you can        football. I was five or six and had
                                                                                who have nothing here, but as                                                 never play football ever again,      never felt like playing football.
                                                                                                                       injured that I was out of
                                                                                soon as music is playing, they                                                you actually have everything!        I was a car fanatic, I mean toy
                                                                                start laughing, having fun. In that    the game for two years and             You still have your family, you      cars, of course, like match box
                                                                                moment, they are happy. I love         had to be operated on twice.           have enough to eat, you have a       ... I cruised around with those
                                                                                that. That really fascinates me.       Then, a point came, when               roof over your head, you have so     and did not want to play football.
                                                                                                                                                              many possibilities, you have no      Then my dad dragged me along
                                                                                                                       the doctors said that
                                                                                What moments in life make                                                                                          because he wanted me to play
                                                                                you happiest? When do you              I probably would never                                                      as he was crazy about football.
                                                                                feel in your element? When are         be able to play professional                                                That’s how it happened. The
                                                                                you most “in flow”?                    football ever again.                                                        first few times I just stood in
                                                                                For me number one is my family,                                                                                    the corner, not daring to do
                                                                                my closest friends. When I spend                                                                                   anything, but eventually I played
                                                                                time with them, then everything        In that phase of my life, I let                                             and I realised I had talent. I
                                                                                is great. My faith is also very        things really get to me. I kept                                             was able to play right away and
                                                                                important to be. I have gained         asking myself: ‘Why is this                                                 immediately became one of the
                                                                                so much from it, it has changed        happening to me? What did I do                                              best. Things developed from
                                                                                me a lot and my view on life. I’ve     to deserve this?’ I was stuck in                                            there and, from then on, football
                                                                                always said that I believe in God,     a rut. Though, I wouldn’t say I                                             was top of the list for me.
                                                                                but really living according to your    didn’t see any more meaning in
                                                                                beliefs, that’s something you only     my life, I was definitely in a rut                                          *The second youngest category of youth
                                                                                do when something happens in           and didn’t know what to do next.                                            sports groups. Generally, the players are
                                                                                your life that changes you. Ever             Though I did believe in                                               aged 7–8.
                                                                                since then, I have seen many           God, I believed in the wrong
                                                                                things differently. When I look        way. I only saw the hardship
                                                                                back now at what I used to think       and thought: ‘Hey God, do
                                                                                of as a problem, I don’t even see      something! I believe in you, so                                             Would you call football a
                                                                                a problem. That view on life helps     please make me well again!’ But                                             passion? If so, what makes it so
                                                                                me a lot and has made me much          I simply didn’t recover and then                                            special?
                                                                                happier. I am able to appreciate       came the second surgery and the                                             Yes, absolutely. The World Cup
                                                                                the many small things. I think         moment that changed me. It was                                              shows it clearly: football connects
     Who do you think will win the         I think that, at first glance, I’m   that I am generally a very happy       before my second operation that        reason to be sad!’ I loved playing   people, football is fun. When,
     Russia FIFA World Cup 2018?           an introverted guy. People who       person.                                my father, who is from Benin in        football back then and it would      years ago, I went to the local
     From the very beginning, I said       don’t know me, see me more                                                  Africa, said: “Come on, I’ll take      have been a shame to give it up,     football pitch people came along
     France. There were moments,           as a quiet guy. I may be a little    You just alluded to a pivotal          you to Africa for a week” and so I     but my outlook had changed           who did not know each other, but
     when I wasn’t that convinced by       reserved, shy, but with people       moment in your life. What              went and I saw the people there.       completely. It also took the         it didn’t matter, you all played
     the way they played, but I didn’t     I know, I’m more open. Then          exactly was that for you?              Benin is a poor country, there are     pressure off – not believing that    together, no matter where you
     change my opinion, and now            I’m different. But I think that      For me, football was always the        probably countries that are even       football is all there is.            came from, no matter what you
     they are in the final, so I think     happens automatically when           main focus of my life. When you        poorer, but there is certainly a lot   Then I also started reading          looked like, you just played.
     France are going to do it. They       you’re in the public eye, because    play as a young boy, it’s just about   of poverty.                            the Bible myself because I           Football also gave us freedom. I
     have earned it. I think they are an   it means you get a lot of people     fun, but then, at some point, at             Then I saw people who had        hadn’t really studied it before.     would go to school – reluctantly
     outstanding team!                     approaching you. Then I might        the age of 15, 16 you see that it      nothing compared to us here,           Reading the Bible gave me a          (laughs) – but as soon as school
                                           be a little reserved, a little       could also lead to a professional      but I still had the feeling that the   lot of strength and, at some         was out, I would head to the
     With so much buzz around              quieter, but with people I know I    career and that’s how it happened      people there, though they clearly      point, the pressure to recover       football field. Of course, now
     footballers – not just during         also show my funny side (laughs).    with me. Then, things just came        have their problems, laugh more,       disappeared. I was just positive-    things are different, now it’s a bit
     the World Cup, but also in            You can talk to me about serious     easily to me. I don’t mean to          they are friendlier people. You        minded and believed that I would     more business and a job. Things
     professional football in general      things, but I am also someone        imply that I became arrogant,          just feel that they experience         recover, because God is by my        have changed a bit, but football
     – it’s easy to forget that            you can have a laugh with. I’m       but I took a lot for granted and,      more joy in life than we do here       side. I thought: ‘No matter if it    will always be football. I don’t
     players are not Gods but “also        really just a normal guy.            when that happens, you may             in Europe, although we have            takes two, four years, I will get    think much needs to be said
     human” and have a life beyond                                              subconsciously think that because      much fewer problems here. I            well again. And if not, that’s ok,   about that. To me, it is not just a
     the pitch. Who is Daniel Didavi?      You also have musical talent,        everything is so easy that you are     think the people there would be        too.’ That mindset completely        profession, but a passion and I
     How would your closest friends        as we saw from your Instagram        something special.                     happy to have the problems we          changed how I dealt with the         feel so fortunate that I am able to
     describe you?                         account.                                   Then, when I was 21, I was       have here. Some people don’t           matter. It changed me in general.    do this as a job.

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