Fifth Sunday of Lent March 26, 2023

Page created by Kevin Romero
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent   March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent                        From the Pastor                               March 26, 2023
                                                For a decade, even when discussing the internal workings
                                                of the Vatican, Pope Francis has insisted the church is not
                                                the church of Christ if it does not reach out, sharing the
                                                "joy of the Gospel" and placing the poor at the center of
                                                its attention. Signals that his papacy would be different
                                                started the moment he stepped out on the balcony of St.
                                                Peter's Basilica the evening of March 13, 2013: He was
                                                not wearing a red, ermine-trimmed cape, and he bowed as
                                                he asked the crowd to pray that God would bless him. His
                                                decision not to live in the Apostolic Palace, his invitations
                                                to Vatican trash collectors and gardeners and other
                                                employees to join him for his daily morning Mass, his
                                                insistence on going to the Italian island of Lampedusa to
                                                celebrate Mass and pray for migrants who had drowned in
                                                the Mediterranean captivated the attention of the media.
                                                But not everyone was pleased with the seeming ease with
                                                which he set aside pomp and protocol. And tensions with
                                                in the Catholic community grew as he expressed openness
                                                to LGBTQ Catholics and to those living in what the
                                                church considers irregular marriage situations and when
                                                he said in an interview in 2013 that the church cannot talk
                                                only about abortion, gay marriage and contraception.
One kind of summary of his first 10 years as pope can be found in numbers: He has made 40 trips
abroad, visiting 60 countries; in eight consistories he created 95 cardinals under the age of 80
and .eligible to vote in a conclave and paid tribute to 26 churchmen over the age of 80; and he has
presided over the canonizations of 911 new saints, including a group of more than 800 martyrs, but
also Sts. John Paul II, John XXIII and Paul VI. In his first major document, the apostolic exhortation
"The Joy of the Gospel," he laid out a program for his papacy, looking inside the church and outside
at the world to see what needed to be done to "encourage and guide the whole church in a new phase
of evangelization, one marked by enthusiasm and vitality." The document included a discussion of the
need to reform church institutions to highlight their missionary role; to encourage pastoral workers to
listen to and stand with the people they were ministering to -- his famous line about having "the smell
of the sheep"; to deepen an understanding of the church as "the entire people of God" and not as an
institution or, worse, a club of the elect; to integrate the poor into the church and society, rather than
simply see them as objects of assistance; and to promote peace and dialogue.
For Canadian Cardinal Michael Czerny, prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human
Development, the agenda of Pope Francis is the original agenda of the Second Vatican Council.
Unlike St. John Paul II and the late Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis did not attend any of the
council sessions. And, in fact, because he was ordained to the priesthood Dec. 13, 1969, he is the first
pope to be ordained a priest after Vatican II. "After Scripture and tradition, the council is the
significant foundation, and I would say, characteristic orientation of this papacy," the cardinal told
Catholic News Service. "He has taken the council not from a collection of decrees, but from the lived
experience of the council as implemented, as lived, as tested, as developed, you might say, in the
church of Latin America." St. John XXIII launched the council with a pastoral focus on what it means
to be the church in the modern world, he said. The papacies of St. John Paul and Pope Benedict, he
said, "reverted to a more doctrinal understanding of the council" with "some very good results and
with some massive, unfinished business." While the work of Pope Francis' predecessors was
important, he said, "I don't think it picked up the primary agenda (of the council), which was
implementing a new understanding of church in the modern world, a new way of evangelizing
because the world is so different from how it was, let's say, at the end of World War II."
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent                             Continued                                   March 26, 2023
Emilce Cuda, an Argentine theologian and secretary of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America,
agreed that a key to understanding Pope Francis' pontificate is knowing how Vatican II was lived in
Latin America with respect for popular piety and culture, and trust in the "sensus fidei," the notion
that the baptized together have a "sense of faith" and an ability "to understand what God says to us, to
his people, in every moment." "There in the popular culture, in the peripheries, and in all the people
of God, we can hear what God wants from us, or what God tells us to do in response to social
problems and in the church in each moment," she said. "We are in history and history is a movement,
and the situation is not the same as in the 20th century or in the 21st century." As for disagreements
with or even controversies about the papacy of Pope Francis, Cardinal Czerny warned against
confusing "loud with representative or loud with majority. Loud doesn't mean any of those things; it
means loud." But, he said, "the patience of Pope Francis" leads him and encourages others to
recognize that the pope's critics "are not 100% off beam," or off track; there usually is a grain of truth
in what they say or an important value they hold dear that is being overlooked.
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, told CNS he believes the first 10 years of Pope
Francis' pontificate have been preparation for "what's happening right now, and that's the synodal
conversation. "The Second Vatican Council called Catholics to read the "signs of the times" and
respond. And, the cardinal said, "this notion that we don't have automatically prepared prescriptions
for every challenge that faces us leads us to a fundamental tenet of our belief," which is belief "in the
Holy Spirit, the lord and giver of life." The synod process, which began with listening to people
around the globe and will move toward two assemblies mainly of bishops, is about listening to the
Holy Spirit. While the synod involves meetings, Cardinal Tobin said, "synodality is a way of being
church. It's an ancient way of being church that is being recovered and lived in the circumstances in
which we face ourselves today. And so, to my mind, that's sort of the capstone of what Pope Francis
has been working for over the last decade." "I've called synodality his long game," the cardinal said.
"He's convinced that the changed circumstances of our world and our world going forward demand a
new appreciation for the role of the Holy Spirit and a way to access that gift that is given to all of us
by virtue of our baptism."
Pope Francis has been laying the foundation for the new synod process since the beginning of his
pontificate, said Cardinal Blase J. Cupich of Chicago. "There's an organic whole to all of this." "I just
wonder if, from the very beginning, he had in his mind that this would be the trajectory of his
pontificate, and the synod on synodality I think is, in some way, the opportunity for him to pull
everything together," he said. "There are people who want him to go faster, but he wants things to be
held together and the church to be held together." Asked what he thought was the most significant
aspect of Pope Francis' pontificate, the cardinal cited his predecessor, the late Cardinal Francis E.
George, who participated in the 2013 conclave, and said the best description of Pope Francis was
"He's free." "He's free in the sense of wanting to listen to different voices in the life of the church,"
Cardinal Cupich said. "He's free in being imaginative, but also he has the kind of freedom that really
allows him to be joyful in this ministry." "John Paul II told us what we should do. Benedict told us
why we should do it. And Francis is saying, 'Do it,'" the cardinal said. Pope Francis is leading by
example in how he cares for the poor, sees God at work in people's real lives and reaches out to
people often overlooked by the church. "I think history will look back on this pontificate as historic,
as pivotal in the life of the church," Cardinal Cupich said.
As the Church marks the 10th anniversary of the election of Pope Francis, we give thanks for his
shepherding the Church. We pray for his continued leadership and good health! May the Holy Spirit
constantly accompany his Petrine ministry! Prayers for our Holy Father!
Peace, Joy, and Love, Fr. Brian J. Roby
  “Above all, I urge the members of the Church to take up the Lenten journey with enthusiasm, sustained by
almsgiving, fasting and prayer. If, at times, the flame of charity seems to die in our own hearts, know that this
is never the case in the heart of God! He constantly gives us a chance to begin loving anew.” – Pope Francis
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent Easton Pedley, Ashley Johnson, Doris Hagan, Gerald Rhodes, Mildred
                                                                                 March  Boarman,
                                                                                          26, 2023
                            Donna Root, David Jennings, Mary Johnson, Sandra Merritt Medcalf, Byron Edge,
                            Karen Lee, Jennifer Stinnett, Charles Payne, Rob Park, Martine Boarman, Martha
                            Jennings, Sheila Moore, Daniel Carmon, Evelyn Hagan, Charlotte Ralph, Stephanie
Mattingly. Please call the office when names should be added or removed.
In order to keep the list current, names may be removed at the Pastor or editors discretion.
Our American Men & Women who serve our country in all parts of the world. Keep them safe O Lord &
bring them home soon. Tony Burch, David Stiff, Adam Roberts, Michelle Roberts, Michael Bickwermert,
Robbylyn Young, Beau Knott, Briar Roberts, Seth Midkiff, Logan Bickett, Nick Duvall, Katie Duvall.
In order to keep the list current, please call the office when names should be added or removed.
Homebound receiving visits from the parish. Bernadine Dean, Genevieve Boarman, Ruth Anderson, Mary
Ann Wright, Donna McKinley, Mildred Boarman, Joyce Merritt, David Jennings, Vincent & Barbara Brown,
JoAnn Kauffeld, Donald Howard.
Nursing Homes: Edith Payne, Martha Rose Hagan, Dorothy Higdon, Edna Lucille Payne, Sherry Johnson,
Bob Howard. Please contact the office if there are any parishioners in nursing homes not listed above.
We would like to keep our list as up to date as possible.
Parishioners in formation for Consecrated life- Sister Mary Thomas of the Open Heart of Christ
(Madeline Mattingly) with the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word and Postulant Hannah Bland with the
Passionist Nuns.
We pray for all those who are discerning their vocation in life, particularly those whom the Lord is calling
to consecrated life. May they be given the wisdom to hear God's call and the courage to respond generously.

             Stations of the Cross                                   Altar Care for April
 Stations of the Cross will be prayed on Fridays at         Gwen Howard, Marla Smith, Doris Rhodes
                 3PM during Lent.
                                                                  Live Streaming Schedule
                                                        1st Sunday-Randy Howard; 2nd Sunday-John Gray;
                                                       3rd Sunday-Jennifer Barnett; 4th Sunday-Chad Mills;
                                                                  5th Sunday & Sub-Lisa Edge

                                                                       Flower Memorial
                                                       Anyone wishing to put flowers in
                                                       the front of the altar In Honor or
                                                       In Memory of someone the
                                                       following dates are available:
                                                       April 2024: 13/14, 20/21, 27/28
                                                       Cost: $60. Call Sara at the Parish Office to schedule.

                                                                        From the Editor
                                                           Bulletin announcements must be submitted in
                                                             writing by 10:00AM on Monday to Sara

                                                           If you have Celiac Disease and/or are gluten
                                                          intolerant, please see Fr. Brian before Mass so
                                                        you may fully participate in Holy Communion with
                                                                   our parish family. Thank you.
                            10534 Main Cross Street, Whitesville, KY 42378
                 Phone 1-270-233-4196 Fax 1-270-233-5557 Catholic Radio WJOR 95.5
                     Find us on Facebook at St. Mary of the Woods Catholic Church
   Online Giving - go to website and click Online Parish Giving!
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                               March 26, 2023
                                                                        Budget News
                                                      Weekly Parish Budget Needs               24,920.37
                                                      Building & Grounds Fund                  27,719.24
                                                      Campaign Income for New School        2,129,898.54
                                                      Campaign Pledges as of 3/20           9,341,453.11
                                                      Tuition Assistance                       78,253.15
     St. Mary of the Woods Weddings                   SMWS Endowment                           19,486.02
      April 14, 2023 - Chase Chatmon &                THS Endowment                           910,949.71
              Sabrina Ward 6PM                        3/19 Regular Sunday Collection           16,764.46
      April 29, 2023 - Justin Howard &                Online Reg Sunday Collection              4,397.50
             Jerricah Hagan 6PM                                 Total Reg Sunday Collection    21,161.96
       May 20, 2023 - Dylan Wright &
             Bailey Wiggins 6PM                                         Online Giving
       July 1, 2023 - Nathan Maddox &                     Are you interested in Automatic Withdrawal?
             Rachel Gayhart 6PM                          For more information, contact Sara at the Parish
                                                            Office, 270-233-4196. The secure site for
         July 15, 2023 - Jake Nash &                           parishioners to create an account is
               Bailey Millay 6PM                          
       August 19, 2023 - Jared Eckles &                       stmaryofthewoodswhitesville/funds.
            Katey Mattingly 6PM
   September 30, 2023 - Cameron Wright &                                  QR Code on Hymnals
             Savannah Aull 6PM                                      If you haven’t noticed yet take a look at
       October 14, 2023 - Noah Pike &                                 the front of they Hymnals in Church.
                Leah Kesel 6PM                                     We have placed the following QR Code.
                                                       A QR code can be read with a smartphone and will
            2023 Chrism Mass                            take you directly to St. Mary of the Woods Online
                                                                           Giving website.
 The Chrism Mass will be held at the Owensboro
 Sportscenter on Tuesday, April 4th at 6:30PM.          All you need to do is get your smartphone out and
                                                        open up your camera. Center the QR Code on the
                                                       screen. A notification will appear at the top of your
                                                          screen. Tap it to follow the link to our Online
                                                                           Giving website.

                                                                    Perpetual Adoration
        Communal Penance Service                                              Overall Coordinator—
           Schedule for Lent                                                  Majella Mills 929-7060
        St. Mary- Monday, March 27 @ 6pm                                   Quarterly Division Leaders:
    St. Lawrence- Tuesday, March 28 @ 7:15pm                             Sandy Merritt 233-4009 Midnight
Sts. Joseph and Paul- Wednesday, March 29 @ 6pm                            - 6AM; Hope Brey 314-1638
                                                                          6AM - Noon; Sharon Boarman
                                                                          233-9697 Noon - 6PM; Dottie
               March Outreach                                            Pogue 233-4943 6PM - Midnight
St. Mary’s Outreach for March will go to the Pitino
   Shelter. They’re in need of canned vegetables,                      Prayer Request
 toiletry items, such as soap, deodorant and ladies                       To make a prayer request, contact
 feminine products. Please place items in the bins                        one of the following on the Parish
         located near the Church entrances.                                   Telephone Prayer Chain:
       Contact person: Connie 270-314-0717                                 Brenda Hamilton 270-316-5686;
 **Special reminder the Outreach for April will be                          Norma Kaelin 270-315-8642;
 for Buddy Bags. We are in need of blanket fleece                           Alice Howard 270-314-8957;
        (1 1/2 yds ea) to sew for this project.                             Katie Christian 270-233-5081
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                 March 26, 2023

                                                    Sat 25      8:00am    Ariel Edge
           4:00 PM Saturday— April 1                            4:00pm    L/D Wendell & Mary Ann Aud
Lectors: Delilah Higdon, Bailey Onstott                                       Family
Servers: Luke & Tate Howard, Lucas Mayfield         Sun 26      7:00am    †Sandra Woods
Eucharistic Ministers: Elizabeth Burch, Paige                   9:00am    †Barbara Sue Morris
       Crabtree, Mark & Donna Dorth, Jaime                      11:00am   †Ita Belle Howard
       Howard                                                   8:00pm    St. Mary of the Woods
Musicians: Ryan                                                               Parishioners
Min. of Hospitality: Dustin Merritt—Capt., Trevor   Mon 27      8:00am    Matthew & Johnna Duncan
       Crabtree, Brian Rhodes, Barry Aud, Brady &                             Family
       Blake McBrayer, Richard Howard                           12:05pm   †Kenny Boarman
            7:00 AM Sunday—April 2                  Tues 28     8:00am    Christopher Long
Lectors: Brenda Hagan, Della Mitchell                           12:05pm   Souls in Purgatory
Servers: Andrew & Owen Aud, Gabe Kuder              Wed 29      8:00am    †Jody Johnson
Eucharistic Ministers: Bruce Hagan, Kaitlin                     12:05pm   †Wanda Russelburg
       Goetz, Jenny Hagan, Hope Boarman,
                                                    Thurs 30    8:00am    L/D David & Karen Howard
       Melanie Beyke
Musicians: David
Min. of Hospitality: Michael Knott—Capt., Bill                  12:05pm   †Joe Fitzgerald
       Howard, Gregory Taylor, Donnie Ward,         Fri 31      8:00am    †Roy Payne
       Steve Knott                                              12:05pm   †Danny Murphy
            9:00 AM Sunday—April 2                  Sat 1       8:00am    †Luke Wathen
Lectors: Alan Hamilton, Vicki Wright                            4:00pm    †Franklin Collins
Servers: Kellen Henson, John Hamilton, Weston       Sun 2       7:00am    Philip and †Jeanetta Ballard
       Wilkerson                                                9:00am    †Sheri Ann Clark
Eucharistic Ministers: Sandy Baker, Allie &                     11:00am   †Gerald Barr
       Avery Barnett, Nicole Boarman, Stacey                    8:00pm    St. Mary of the Woods
       Fulkerson                                                              Parishioners
Musicians: David                                             St. Mary & Trinity High School
Min. of Hospitality: Kenny Mills—Capt., Corbin &
       Jack Mills, Church Hardesty, James Jarboe,                 Mass Days 2023-2024
       Deven Wathen                                 Tuesdays, Grades K-4 at 8AM; Wednesdays, Grades
           11:00 AM Sunday—April 2                      5-8 at 8AM; Fridays, Grades 9-12 at 8AM
Lectors: Parker Driskill, DeeAnna Wathen                         Readings for the Week
Servers: Aaron Wright, Addy Boarman, Hannah         Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62;
       Higdon                                              Ps23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6; Jn 8:1-11
Eucharistic Ministers: Jeanna Siddons, Shelly       Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21;
       Aull, Susan Driskill, Connor Hatfield, Bob          Jn 8:21-30
       Cinnamond                                    Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95;
Musicians: David                                           Daniel 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56; Jn 8:31-42
Min. of Hospitality: Allen Bickett—Capt., Pat       Thursday: Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-5, 6-7, 8-9;
       Hardesty, Mike & Leland Isbill, Louis               Jn 8:51-59
       Mattingly, Bruce Roberts                     Friday: Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7;
            8:00 PM Sunday—April 2                         Jn 10:31-42
Lectors: Volunteers                                 Saturday: Ez 37:21-28;
Servers: Volunteers                                        Jeremiah 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13; Jn 11:45-56
Eucharistic Ministers: Volunteers                   Sunday: Mt 21:1-11; Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24;
Musicians: Alicia Jones                                    Phil 2:6-11; Mt 26:14—27:66
Min. of Hospitality: Volunteers
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                 March 26, 2023

March 27     THS Softball at Hancock County, 5:30-8PM
March 27     THS Baseball vs Edmonson County, 6-9:30PM
March 28     THS Softball at Warren County, 5:30-8PM
March 29     THS Freshman Baseball vs Hancock County, 5:30-8PM
March 30     THS Baseball at Apollo, 5:30-9:30PM
March 30     THS Softball at Butler County, 6-8:30PM
March 31     NO SCHOOL
March 31     THS Baseball vs McLean County, 5:30-8PM
April 1      Bass Fishing at Lake Nolin

School Happenings:
Congratulations to the Trinity High School softball team on defeating Grayson County last week.
Congratulations to the Trinity High School baseball team on defeating Caverna last week. We are
proud of all of our coaches and student-athletes.

As we continue through Lent, we must remember to pray, fast and give alms. The world is not at
peace or rest, but through praying the rosary, fasting and giving we can continue to be an example for
the world. Thank you for your continued support of St. Mary of the Woods School and Trinity High
School! We are blessed with the best community!

Emily Hernandez,
Trinity High School/ St. Mary of the Woods Grade School.

St. Mary of the Woods School Job Opportunity—Director of Preschool & Extended Care
 St. Mary of the Woods School has a fulltime opportunity for a Director of Preschool and Extended
 Care. The director should be familiar with and implement the KY Child Care Regulations, ensuring
 compliance. The director is responsible for ensuring the health, safety, and comfort for all children.
Key responsibilities include developing and implementing program policies and assuring each child is
                   protected from abuse and neglect. Practicing Catholic preferred.

 Job skills and qualifications: Associate Degree, CDA, Director’s Credential or minimum three years
  relevant work experience, leadership experience and excellent verbal and written communication
    skills, self-motivated with ability to problem solve and make decisions independently, general
                     computer literacy, and knowledge in KY Licensing regulations.

  Please see the full job description on our website at
 Applicants should email a cover letter, updated resume and three references to Ashley Fulkerson at or mail to St. Mary of the Woods School, 10521 Franklin St.,
            Whitesville, KY 42378. Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled.
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                      ConfirmationMarch 26, 2023
                                                           Our last Confirmation Preparation session will be
                                                          today, March 26 at 2PM. Both the candidates and
                                                                their sponsors need to be in attendance.
                                                         If you have questions please contact Emily Gipson at
                                                                 the Parish Office 270-233-4196 or at
                                                            If you know of anyone interested in becoming
                                                         Catholic, our formal RCIA Sessions are on Tuesday
                                                             evenings, from 6:30-8PM in the Long Trail
                                                                   Activity Room of the Parish Hall.
                                                         For more information, please contact Emily Gipson
                                                                at the Parish Office, 270-233-4196.

     We are so excited to offer VBS this summer!
     It takes A LOT of hands to make this a great
            experience for our little people.
 We are looking for volunteers to fill a variety of
                  needs this summer!
Station Leaders: You and another adult will lead
kids through one of four stations
Group Leaders: You and another adult or a youth
assistant will lead kids from
station to station
Group Assistants: You will aid an adult with
leading kids from station to station
Table: You and another adult will
check-in/out kids as well as volunteers each day.
Stage Crew: Any individuals who would be willing
to set up the Sunday before and help break down on
Friday after VBS has ended
Photographer: You will take photos of all the fun
throughout the week
 If you have questions or would like to volunteer,
 please contact Emily Gipson at the Parish Office
                270-233-4196 or at

                     Baptismal Prep
            Contact the office to begin Baptismal
           Prep for you and your child. Parents and
           Godparents are asked to prepare for this
          important step in the faith of our children.
   St. Mary’s Prayer Bible Study Group
 Tuesdays, 6:00-7:15PM in St. Mary’s Cafeteria
 Studying the New Testament, Singing, Praying &
                 Sharing Together!
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent                                     March 26, 2023
      Bereavement Ministry Meetings
 Below is a list of Bereavement Ministry Meetings:
 April 15th, May 13th, June 17th, July 15th, and
                                August 19th.
                             All meetings will be
                             held at 10AM in the
                             Long Trail Activity
                           Room of the Parish Hall.
                            For more information,
                              contact Lucy Felty,

Whitesville Knights of Columbus
  Palm Sunday Chicken Sale
          Sunday, April 2nd
          Sales Begin at 8AM
The Whitesville Knights of Columbus will be selling
 BBQ chickens after all Masses on Palm Sunday,
  April 2nd. Chickens are $12. All proceeds will
 benefit St. Mary of the Woods Grade School and
                      Trinity High School.
               Sales will begin at 8AM and will
              continue until all chickens are sold.
             Chickens can be picked up at the BBQ

     Whitesville Knights of Columbus
 The next monthly meeting of Council #2046 will
 take place on April 6th at 7PM at the KC Hall.
For more information or about becoming a Knight,
             please call Jason Simon at
     Whitesville Lions Club—Fish Fry
  Every Friday: February 3—April 7, 5PM
       Whitesville Senior Citizen Center
Meal includes: Catfish fillets, baked potato or fries,
coleslaw & homemade hushpuppies with a drink.
  Homemade desserts for an additional charge.
           To go orders: 270-233-4332
 All proceeds benefit the Whitesville Lions Club
    Whitesville Senior Citizen Lunches
Lunches and entertainment provided weekly to those
        60 years of age and older on every:
      Tuesday: Music; Wednesday: BINGO;
           Thursday: BUNCO & Friday
     at the Whitesville Senior Citizen Center.
         The daily cost is $1.50 per person.
   For more information, contact Pat Basinger at
Fifth Sunday of Lent March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent   March 26, 2023
Fifth Sunday of Lent                                                                       March 26, 2023

  St. Mary of the Woods Job Opportunity—Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministry
  Saint Mary of the Woods Church, Whitesville, KY has a fulltime opportunity for a Director of Youth and
  Young Adult Ministry that is passionate about leading young people into a deeper relationship with Jesus
 Christ. The Director oversees a strategic vision for Youth and Young Adult Ministry and will work together
with the Pastoral Staff and Youth Core Teams to help form disciples and keep them integrated into parish life.
  Candidates must be a practicing Catholic in good standing, involved in a parish community, and have had
 previous experience working with youth and/or young adults. Must be able to work flexible hours including
    evenings and weekends, have a valid driver’s license, and successfully complete a background check.
             Bachelor’s Degree in Theology, Catholic studies or equivalent experience is preferred.
 All interested applicants may submit a resume and cover letter with at least three references to: Debbie Aud,
     Business Manager, at Responses via Facebook will not be accepted.
Fifth Sunday of Lent   March 26, 2023
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