Page created by Linda Robles


                             SEASON HANDBOOK

Art by Franco Arcidiacono
Table of
  Enjoy A Luxurious Stay In Toowoomba’s Newest And Finest Accommodation!              From the Director of Sport & Activities......................2                      TGS Futsal....................................................................22
                                                                                      From the Director of Football......................................3                USA College Life..........................................................23
Whether it be a romantic stay in a room with a spa, a family trip in a two or three   From the Assistant to the Director of Football...........4                          Newcastle United Jets FC...........................................24
bedroom apartment, or a business trip for those looking to take advantage of a        From the First XI Coach................................................5            Australian Under 16 Tour to Japan............................25
first-rate conference room facility, we are sure you will have a stay to remember!    First XI Captain’s Report 2018......................................6               Germany Exchange 2018...........................................26
                                                                                      Junior School Football.................................................8            Rale Rasic & Chris McLeod.........................................27
                                                                                      This is GPS.....................................................................9   Rale Rasic’s Team of the Decade ...............................28
                  214 JAMES STREET, TOOWOOMBA Q 4350                                  Football Tour to Japan................................................10            Senior Day ..................................................................30
                                                                                      Rale Rasic Camp..........................................................12         Deeds Not Words........................................................32
                   PH: 07 4638 5056 | FAX: 07 4638 2715                               Season 2019 First XI Launch......................................14                 TGS Football Alliances................................................33
                 EMAIL:                             Bill Turner Cup National Runner Up 2018.................16                          TGS Football Awards 2018.........................................34
                                                                                      TGS v Palmerston North & Sydney Grammar...........18                                Football Photos..........................................................36
                                                                                      Mini World Cup Hervey Bay.......................................20                  Captured Mateship.....................................................38

2                                                                                                                                           3

From the Director                                                                                                              From the Director
of Sport & Activities                                                                                                          of Football
I would like to welcome all the players,   especially behind the scenes. Led
parents, coaches, and supporters           by Mr Greg Spurgin, this key group                                                  It’s not often that you get the privilege     access to the very elite of world football
to the 29th season of Football at          of parents, both past and present,                                                  of being in the company of a living           coaches, a priceless gift.
Toowoomba Grammar School. The              continue to strive to establish key                                                 legend. Over the last ten years the boys          His energy is boundless. Two instances
                                                                                                                               and coaches in the TGS Football program       spring to mind. In 2016 in Germany on a
Football program continues to go           relationships with local sponsors
                                                                                                                               have done exactly that. Mr Rale Rasic has     very hot day, I saw Rale running across
from strength to strength in terms         whose generous support helps                                                        been patron, coach, mentor and friend         the field with our boys following the
of the player development, coach           underpin the foundations of the                                                     to many of us during that time.               halftime talk – as if he was ready to play.
education, and the development of          program.                                                                                 Alas, 2019 will see Rale’s role within   Then, in 2017 in Brazil (can you even
community outreach programs.                   The information in this handbook                                                the School follow a different direction.      imagine how grateful you could be for
     This strength is underpinned          will be of particular use for parents                                               He will ‘retire’ from coaching at our         three weeks in the land of football with
not only by the players but by the         and supporters but it should also be                                                camp following a decade of unwavering         a legend) he started playing a 3v1 game
leadership of the program adeptly led      noted that the participation of our                                                 support. Mind you, how does a man who         with the boys. A quick step over and he       were contenders until the final game.
by effervescent Mr Peter Broadfoot         students should be one of positive                                                  is overwhelmingly passionate about            sends our First team defender hopelessly          So to all the coaches, players and
in his role as Director of Football.       promotion and acknowledgement                                                       Australia Football ever retire?               the wrong way.                                parents, I urge you to embrace the
                                                                                      encourage all our players to play to          It is very difficult to put into words       So, when you see Rale over the            season and give your best on and off the
New and exciting initiatives are on        that we operate under the GPS              the best of their ability and wear the   what Rale Rasic has done for the School       Easter holidays at the School, take the       field. Support each other regardless of
the horizon for TGS Football and Mr        Code of Conduct for both players           Blue and Gold with pride each and        and me. From the start of his relationship    time to say hello, to thank him and to        which team you are in. Show respect to
Broadfoot and his team of staff will       and supporters. With this is the           every Saturday.                          with the School in 2009, read how that        acknowledge your brief moment with            the opposition but give your all to defeat
no doubt take this program to the          expectation that each student                                                       came about through his meeting Chris          one of Australia’s and the world’s true       them.
next level. Sincere thanks must also       representing TGS should do so with         Wesley Dunne                             McLeod (later in the booklet) to now,         greats.                                           Finally, take immense pride that for
go to the unwavering support of our        dignity and respect towards the            Director of Sport and Activities         he has provided us with his seemingly             Lastly as we head into the GPS            the brief time you are at school you are
Headmaster in all that is Football at      opposition, referees and spectators. It                                             limitless football knowledge and has          season following our tenth Rale Rasic         part of a program that has garnered the
Toowoomba Grammar School.                  is my belief that involvement in the co-                                            been one of the key reasons for our           Camp, it is again a season of promise         support of a football immortal.
    The Football Supporters’ Group         curricular domain of this prestigious                                               success in the last six years. He has been    and excitement. There is no doubt that
forms a formidable outfit in terms         school is an honour for our students                                                a strong advocate for the players who         the First XI team will seek to win the        Good luck and enjoy the 2019 season.
                                                                                                                               have come through the School and the          Premiership. This is no easy task as the
of their support for the program,          and should be maintained as such. I
                                                                                                                               creation of the pathways that we now          team effectively plays eight “grand finals”   Peter Broadfoot
                                                                                                                               enjoy. He has also opened the doors for       in a row during the season. In 2017 we        Director of Football
                                                                                                                               Toowoomba Grammar School to gain              missed by a single goal and in 2018 we
4                                                                                                                                       5

From the Assistant to the                                                                      From the
Director of Football                                                                           First XI Coach
Welcome back for what is sure to be         As always, I am honoured to be involved            As I sit down to write this for the             margins that win and lose competitions
another enthralling year of Football in     with one of the best football programs in          upcoming 2019 GPS season, I am filled           so I know that the players and staff will be
2019 at TGS. My name is Craig Tonkies       Queensland. Our program offers a wealth            with excitement and anticipation for the        more focused on improving our position
and I am a teacher of Economics and         of fantastic opportunities for boys across         inevitable highs and lows that being a          for 2019.
English at Toowoomba Grammar School.        all age groups, irrespective of their level        coach brings.                                        Toowoomba Grammar School has
I am excited to be back as Assistant to     or experience. I would encourage all of                If you look back at the 2018 GPS            become nationally recognised and the
the Director of Football for my second      our young players to relish the varied             Football ladder, you will see that our          achievements of our players and teams
year and I look forward to continuing       opportunities that will be presented to            First XI finished in fourth place which         in competitions such as the Bill Turner
to help support the fantastic TGS           them this year. I would like to wish all the       some will say is disappointing. However,        Cup over the last two years have been
Football program. Just like for many of     boys, staff, coaches and parents involved          we conceded the least amount of goals           phenomenal. This has been achieved by
our students and staff, the TGS Football    in the TGS Football program this year              in the campaign and, for me, were               not only the hard work and dedication of
program holds a special place in my         a fantastic season, and I look forward             one of the better football teams in the         the boys but also of the men behind the
heart and I look forward to continuing      to engaging with you all as the year               competition. But we must learn to finish        scenes. Mr Peter Broadfoot and Mr Chris
to coach and assist our many fine young     progresses.                                        off teams and close out games so we will        McLeod work tirelessly for the boys in the
footballers. Every year I enjoy observing                                                      be working hard on the training ground          football program and are greatly assisted
the pride, passion and respect that         Craig Tonkies                                      to get that right this year.                    and supported by the Director of Sport
our staff, students and community           Assistant to the Director of Football                  This season, we will still need to be       & Activities, Mr Wesley Dunne. Ultimately,
demonstrate continuously both on and                                                           more clinical in front of goal and if we        none of this would be achievable without           I look forward to seeing you getting
off the football field.                                                                        had scored three more goals last season         the full support of the Headmaster so I        behind the boys on the terraces of Old
                                                                                               (one against GT, one against ACGS and           would like to thank him for his continual      Boys’ Memorial Oval, cheering on our
                                                                                               one against TSS), then that would have          support.                                       First XI in 2019.
                                                                                               turned two defeats into two draws and                Our First XI boys will strive to work
                                                                                               one draw into a victory. That effectively       harder in order to make the dream of           Matt Proctor
                                                                                               would have given us four more points            another GPS Premiership a reality and I        First XI Coach
                                                                                               and we would have won the competition           know they have the ability, character and
                                                                                               with a total of 17 points. These are the fine   work ethic to make that happen.

                                                                                                                                                      CHILDCARE CENTRE
6                                                                                                                                              7

First XI
Captain’s Report
                                                                                                                                                                                                  A quick well done.            TGS vs BBC.

                                                                                                                                          Will Hayes moving into space.

by Keanu Tuart (Year 12, 2018)

The 2018 TGS First XI Football campaign         attack following a loss of possession by
commenced in early Term Four of 2017,           the increasingly frustrated TGS players,
with a squad of 35 boys training three          slotting the ball into the back of the net
times a week, both on the pitch and in          in the dying minutes of the game and
                                                                                                                                          James O’Sullivan giving his all.
the gym. This relatively young squad            having the whistle blow time resulting in                                                                                                         Fighting tooth and nail.               Ollie Schubert holding his own.
contained only six players with First XI        a 2-1 loss.
match exposure, ensuring all positions
were open and hotly contested by those          ROUND 3                                                                                 ROUND 6                                        ROUND 8                                      teams. This was a great game to cap off
in the squad. This desire for a position in                                                                                                                                                                                         the season and in turn the final run for
the starting team was instantly tested          The second game of the season saw                                                       Another home game after two successful         After a disappointing loss, the TGS First    the Seniors in the prestigious Blue and
early in pre-season where, in the first week    TGS host The Southport School on a                                                      games saw the boys gain momentum               XI was keen to re-establish our prowess      Gold. After all GPS results were in, the TGS
of Term 1 2018, the players undertook           wonderfully sunny Saturday. The TGS First                                               as we hosted Brisbane Boys’ College in         in the final home game of the season,        First XI for 2018 finished in a respectable
the gruelling and notoriously difficult         XI boys came out firing from the very first                                             what was to be a great day for the TGS         hosting Brisbane Grammar School. After       fourth place.
8km run, suitably titled ‘Heartbreak Hill’.     second of the game, with The Southport                                                  First XI team. After an early scare from the   having the ball in the opposition half
    Following this the boys then                School struggling under the onslaught                                                   BBC attack, the TGS boys stood firm and        and trying to unlock BGS’s defence, we           It was a true honour and privilege to
commenced a term full of morning                of our fast attacking football. However                                                 displayed a full 90 minutes of pinpoint        finally found success through a powerful     be able to lead such a fine group of young
training sessions, trial matches and            a lack of quality in the final third by TGS,                                            passing, captivating combination play          shot by Luke Lister giving us a 1-0 lead     men who consistently showed resilience,
physically-demanding gym sessions each          an issue we would struggle with for the                                                 and sizzling shots at goal in which our        at halftime. Some great football was         passion and belief week in and week out.
week. This pre-season preparation was           season, kept the goal line scoreless. The                                               strikers Luke Lister and Cormac McCarthy       displayed by both sides in the next half     I couldn’t be more proud of the team I
capped off with a challenging two-day           Southport School capitalised on their                                                   led from the front to end the game with        with the TGS men able to gain another        was fortunate to share the pitch with as I
camp at Emu Gully along with the boys           only shot of the game to win the match the greatest games I had personally ever         a 6-0 win.                                     goal to make it 2-0 before the final         made memories I will forever cherish. We
undertaking the highly beneficial ‘Rale         1-0.                                         experienced in my life and made me                                                        whistle in what was a great end for the      truly became a band of brothers and I am
Rasic Camp’ held at the School during the                                                    extremely proud of each and every one      ROUND 7                                        Seniors as we played our final game on       extremely grateful to have been given
April break. The players were now ready         ROUND 4                                      of the TGS First XI boys who played on                                                    the hallowed Old Boys’ Memorial Oval.        this opportunity. I would like to especially
to take on the 2018 GPS Season.                                                              that special day.                          The TGS First XI boys then travelled down                                                   thank our coaching staff Mr Matt Proctor,
                                                Coming off two defeats from games we                                                    the Range to play on the picturesque           ROUND 9                                      Mr Chris McLeod and acknowledge our
ROUND 1 (BYE)                                   should have secured, the TGS players         ROUND 5                                    home pitch of the Anglican Church                                                           manager Mr Redha Airikabi and the hard
                                                were hungry and on the hunt for a                                                       Grammar School. After being denied             Coming into the final game of the season     work behind the scenes by Mr Peter
ROUND 2                                         deeply desired win against eventual          Building from the Nudgee game, we          an early goal due to an offside call,          we faced a very formidable St Joseph’s       Broadfoot, Mr Craig Tonkies and the
                                                premiers Nudgee College, a school that       now looked to our next fixture at home     the TGS First XI continued to put the          Gregory Terrace team known for their fast    Football Supporters’ Group. On behalf of
The first match of the GPS season saw the       boasted both Queensland and Australian       hosting Brisbane State High School in      pressure on a very strong Churchie             counter-attack in transition. In what was    all the boys in the First XI Squad I would
First XI boys travel away to last season’s      representatives. In what was a do-or-        what was to be a successful day for the    defence. However, before the break of          a game of many ups and downs, at half-       like to extend my sincere thanks for
GPS Premiers, Ipswich Grammar School,           die match for the team, we were ready        TGS First XI. Scoring early in the game,   half-time Churchie were able to finish         time the Gregory Terrace First XI led 2-0.   their unquestionable support. Without
in what was to be a tough game that             for what was going to be an incredibly       we dominated and held the game in          one of their few chances on goal they          After a spirited half-time speech by Head    staff like this, none of the players would
tested both teams. The game began with          intense and hard game. However in true       our favour with some great football on     had, putting them ahead 1-0. However,          Coach Mr Matt Proctor and Assistant          have the honour to play the sport we
the testing of opposition defences from         TGS spirit, the players dug deep, provided   display for the TGS crowd who came out     the TGS boys came out firing from the          Coach Mr Chris McLeod, the boys rallied      love for the School that we hold so dear.
both teams and the half ended at 1-1.           crucial support play for one another         in great numbers. A combination of some    beginning of the second half and began         together and proved to both themselves       Thank you for a great season to end a
However, the second half saw the TGS            and played with honour for the School        dazzling attacking plays along with our    to absolutely hammer down on the               and everyone in the stands what it meant     spectacular four year journey.
boys dominate the game, with the ball           crest, holding off a formidable Nudgee       formidable keeper, Ben Wood continuing     Churchie defence, throwing all we had at       to be a TGS First XI player. The TGS boys
being played predominantly in Ipswich’s         attack and coming away with a well-          from his performance the week prior        them. Unfortunately, due to our inability      fought valiantly to end the game in a
territory. Nevertheless, after a half of many   fought and well-earned 2-0 win. The TGS      and pulling off some unbelievable saves    to find the back of the net and the strong     4-4 draw in what was an intense and
daring attacks launched by TGS, Ipswich         defence, led by Vice-Captain Riley Sears,    against a strong BSHS attack, saw us       leadership from the back by acting             spectacular game of football from start
Grammar were able to quickly counter            was exemplary. This match was one of         finish the game with a commendable 3-0     Churchie captain Jordan Courtney, the          to finish containing many great goals,
                                                                                             win.                                       game finished at a 1-0 loss.                   tackles and skills on display by both
8                                                                                                                                9

Junior School                                                                                                                                 This is
Football                                                                                                                                      GPS
                                                                                                                                                 The Great Public Schools (GPS)         High School, GPS schools are all-boys’    separated with competitions conducted
    Another great season of football was   the players. The 6A team recorded some               join in the interschool competition in        Association of Queensland Inc. is         schools.                                  in Term 2 and Term 3 respectively and
enjoyed by the boys of Toowoomba           spirited victories across the season as              Toowoomba alongside the Year 5 and 6          an association of nine south-east            The Football competition started in    Football is now the largest sport offered
Grammar School, Junior School in           well. A Junior School Senior A team also             teams in Term 3. Many players enjoyed         Queensland schools established in 1918.   1991 where it was played simultaneously   in the GPS in terms of total player
2018. Beginning with the GPS season        won their way through to the South East              holiday camp opportunities including          With the exception of Brisbane State      with Rugby. In 2013 Football and Rugby    numbers.
in Term Two, three teams of dedicated      Queensland finals in Ipswich, where they             the Mini World Cup in Hervey Bay. In
players enjoyed the competition,           faced some very stiff opposition. The                addition to this, one Junior School player,
coaching and opportunities headed          competition provided a good learning                 Daniel Fenwick-Blower was selected in
by Mr Peter Broadfoot and coached by       curve for each of the players.                       the Darling Downs U12 team as a Year 5
Mr Rob Jeffries, Mr Mike Sharpe and Mr         Further opportunities were provided              student. Training has begun for the 2019
Scott Campbell. Quality football was       for boys of all ages. Skill development              season and our players can’t wait for
played across the teams and a clear        was offered to boys in Prep to Year 3                what lies ahead.
development demonstrated by each of        and the Year 4 team was invited to

   The mighty 6As.
                                                         Relaxing and supporting their mates.               A quick throw in attack.
                                                                                                                                                                                        2015 & 2016

   5As feeling proud.                                    A happy group of 6Bs.
10                                                                                                                                          11

Football Tour
to Japan
     Twenty TGS students and three staff     families was that the boys were so well-                                                   really well with the score being 0-0 at      Lightyear’s Astro Blasters. It was certainly   Tokyo until we reached the shrine. We
departed for the Brisbane International      mannered while living in their homes.                                                      half time. The final score for the game      a very enjoyable and tiring day for the        then caught a train to central Tokyo
Airport by bus at 4:00am on Friday, 21                                                                                                  was 2-0 to St Mary’s International School.   boys and adults.                               where we boarded the limousine bus
September 2018. The touring group                The boys played against three very                                                                                                      It was ideal weather the next              for the hour-long trip to Narita Airport.
landed at Kansai Airport in Japan that       strong Takatsuki City teams. The scores                                                        Five minutes after the first game        morning for the final day of our tour,         It was a tiring day for everyone. After
evening and then checked into the Star       for all four games were certainly not                                                      the boys were on the field again for the     where we went sightseeing in Tokyo.            checking in at the airport we had some
Gate Hotel.                                  indicative of the standard at which our                                                    second game. Rain fell throughout the        We caught a train to Shibuya and spent         dinner before we boarded the plane at
     The next morning we were greeted        boys played. They managed to push                                                          whole game. Five minutes into the game       some time there before walking to              9:05pm ready for the overnight flight to
by the Mayor of Takatsuki City and the       through the high temperatures and                                                          Harrison Tate put the ball into the back     Harajuku. Shibuya is famous for having         the Gold Coast.
Football Federation prior to our first       they absolutely enjoyed playing on the                                                     of the net. St Mary’s International School   the world’s busiest intersection crossing.         The trip was certainly a valuable
games in Takatsuki City. A friendly game     synthetic surface. The opponents were                                                      came back soon after with a goal making      We walked the back streets of Shibuya          learning experience for the boys. The
of football was played later in the day.     incredibly humble and made our team           with their host families. One of the boys    the final score 1-1. The boys finished the   and eventually arrived at Harajuku Street.     blend of football games, Japanese
     The boys were delivered to the          feel really welcome.                          stayed with the Danish Ambassador.           day with pizzas before heading back to       This was a crowded narrow pedestrian           hospitality and being immersed in the
football field by their host families on                                                   Another stayed with the American             their home stays.                            pathway with shops and restaurants             culture will remain a prominent memory
both game days. The boys were full of             The following day consisted of a train   Ambassador who happened to be on                                                          on both sides. We found a place to eat         for them.
stories about what they ate for dinner       trip to Kyoto where we spent the day          the telephone the previous night to               There was a buzz of excitement in the   lunch before walking to a five-storey
and breakfast, which restaurant they         visiting a few of the world-renowned          Donald Trump!                                air the following morning as we headed       football store. This was “heaven” for the      Mike Sharpe
went to last night, the onsen (traditional   tourist attractions. We spent some                                                         to Tokyo Disney. The boys and adults         boys. There were shirts, socks, scarves        Tour Leader
Japanese baths) they visited for the         time at Kiyomizu-dera, the most visited           The school day started at 8:25am.        tried many of the attractions during the     and boots purchased.
first time, and the generous hospitality     temple in Kyoto, walked through the           From then until midday the TGS boys          day. These included Space Mountain,
offered by the host families. A regular      Gion District in the hope of seeing a         accompanied their host brothers to their     Thunder Mountain, The Haunted                    It was then time to walk across the
comment made by many Japanese host           geisha, and visited the Bamboo Gardens.       lessons. Some of these were appealing        Mansion, The Pirates of the Caribbean,       street to the Meiji Shrine. We walked
                                                                                           to our boys and included swimming and        Star Tours, Splash Mountain and Buzz         through lush gardens in the middle of
                                                   The host families delivered the         a separate PE lesson. The school itself
                                               boys to the Takatsuki City Hall on the      is quite impressive. There are almost
                                               fourth day and from here we travelled       900 students from Prep to Year 12 and
                                               to Kyoto and changed trains to the          approximately 30% of the students are
                                               Shinkansen, the “bullet” train, which       Japanese.
                                               reaches a speed of over 300 km/hr.
                                               We travelled to Tokyo where we were             The playing field where we played in
                                               greeted by members from St Mary’s           the afternoon consisted of a synthetic
                                               International school. On arrival at the     surface similar to that on which they
                                               school the boys were introduced to          played in Takatsuki City. The weather was
                                               their new host families.                    overcast and cool when the first game
                                                                                           started. This was a pleasant change from
                                                   On Wednesday, 26 September the          the warmth and humidity we had been
                                               boys were delivered to the school at        having since arriving in Japan. However,
                                               8:00am. All boys stayed with a family       rain started falling just before the first
                                               who had a son at St Mary’s School.          game had ended. Initially, in the first
                                               Once again, the boys wanted to share        game the boys came up against a much
                                               many stories about their experiences        older and stronger team. They performed
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Rale Rasic
Camp 2018
   Some of the best football talent in       is the exposure of the boys to different        and girls enjoying games and technical
the region was on show at the Rale Rasic     training methods and coaching styles            development under the guidance
Camp and the Simply Magic Camp held          thus adding to their football education.        of Richard ‘Magic’ Mitchell. The three
again at Toowoomba Grammar School.               This year, in addition to the quality       day camp is the perfect opportunity                                                                        Learning the Brazilian way.
   The Rale Rasic Camp, now in its           local coaches from SEQ, the camp saw            for young players to learn the basics
ninth year, had a record 160 boys            Mike Cooper, Technical Director of              of Football through fun games and
participating. This camp has become an       the Newcastle Jets, attend the camp.            exercises.
essential element in the School’s pre-       His insight and understanding of the                Both camps provide a desire in all the
season preparation for the rigorous GPS      requirements of elite youth football            players involved to continue to strive to
program. Named after Rale Rasic, the         in Australia gave our boys a greater            improve not only on the field but off it.
                                                                                                                                           The ultimate in concentration.
1974 Socceroos coach, the camp has           awareness of what it takes to make it in            A huge thank you to all involved and
become a highlight within the very busy      the professional game.                          we look forward to the 10th year in 2019.
TGS Football calendar.                           The Simply Magic Camp again was
   One of the key aims of the camp           a huge success with 60 young boys

                                                                                                                                           Taking advice from the master.

                                                                                                                                                                                    ‘Magic’ instructing his troops.

                                                       Marcus Johnston showing safe hands.

    Sam Fenwick-Blower with a sharp turn.

                                                                                                                     The silky skills of
   Sam Gladwin working hard on his skills.    Alex Kiers keeping possession.                                              Paul Jacob.      The senior playing group are all ears.
14                                                                                                            15

Season 2018
First XI Launch
    Platinum sponsor, The Moose Bar,        outlined his vision for the season and                The evening finished with words
was the venue for the 2018 Football         with the assistance of Captain Keanu              from our friend and patron Rale Rasic,
Season Launch. Not even a storm just        Tuart, he presented each member of                who each year finds different stories and
before the start could dampen the spirits   the squad their jersey for the upcoming           experiences to share with those that
of all who attended. With master coach      season.                                           attend.
Grahame Pitt (coach of Olympian Matt             The launch recognised the effort that            It is nights like these, where all those
Denny) as the guest speaker, players,       all players in the squad had made during          who attend, enjoy an evening of stories
parents and valued sponsors were given      the pre-season and camp and while only            camaraderie and hope for the season
an insight into the philosophy of a true    11 boys can start in a match, the entire          ahead and is what makes TGS Football
professional.                               squad was on hand to enjoy the success            truly unique.
    First XI coach Matthew Proctor          of all members.
                                                                                                                                             Damien and Emma Wells

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cal and Lovina Bailey

   Keanu Tuart addressing the crowd.

                                                                                                                                             Bob and Jo Noye

                                                   A very large parent group in attendance.

   Guest speaker Grahame Pitt.                     Matt Proctor with the First XI                                                            Andrew and Julie Dent with Robyn McCarthy   Matt and Katrina Proctor
16                                                                                                                                        17

Bill Turner Cup
National Runner
Up 2018
    On the preliminary cluster day held            were very close and tense affairs.                 The boys started well with controlled
                                                                                                                                                   The TGS Under 15 team before the National Semi-Final.

at Harristown State High School, TGS                   The semi-final against Kawana                  possession and were able to create
were undefeated. The dominance on                  Waters College finished 2-1 in our                 some pressure on the Bossley Park goal.
the day saw us defeating Highfields                favour. Two goals to Henry Wells were              TGS were awarded a penalty and Dylan
State High School 4-0 and Lowood State             enough to secure victory. We scored our            Proctor again stood up. Luckily his
High School 6-0. In the regional semi-             goals early and allowed Kawana Waters              deflected shot was tapped in by Henry
final the boys put on another clinical             College back into the game but held on             Wells. A second goal to Harry Searle
performance defeating St. Mary’s College           for victory to advance to the final.               meant TGS were into their first National
11-0. There were many highlights but                   The Queensland final was a very tight          final.
also a few areas we needed to work on.             game as Palm Beach Currumbin were a                    The team drew Westfields Sports
In the regional final we were against              very good team. Our boys did all the               High School in the final. As the form line
Albany Creek from Brisbane. They started           things that were asked of them in quite            predicted Westfields proved too strong
very quickly and scored an amazing                 warm conditions. We scored before half             for the gallant TGS boys. The Westfield      Nick Coonan protecting the ball.               Menphys Smith pressing the Westfields’ defence.
goal in the first couple of minutes. We            time via Henry Wells again but one lapse           steam were able to maintain possession
regrouped from this initial setback and            in concentration in the second half saw            for long periods of time and the two-nil
weathered several attacking raids to               us finish normal time 1-1. In extra time,          scoreline was a fair result although Tyler
slowly work into the game. We levelled             the drop off system of losing a player             Wise could have made it interesting with
the score before half time and began to            every 5 minutes was enacted, after                 two late chances falling to his feet.
gain the ascendancy. The second half               which we were very dominant. Dylan                     At the completion of the tournament
started in a similar way to the first, but         Proctor was fouled in the box and he               the boys came away with a National
we were more settled and focussed. We              duly slotted it to give us our second              Runner Up medal. It was a great campaign
gained the upper hand to dominate the              consecutive State Title.                           and one of which the coaching staff of
game and record a deserved 4-1 victory.                The boys had earned their second               Mr Chris McLeod and Mr Paul Kalinowski
Tyler Wise and Luke Broderick scored               trip to Newcastle in two years. In the             can be very proud.
braces.                                            National semi-final we drew Bossley
    The Queensland semi-final and final            Park High School from Western Sydney.                                                                                                                                                       Jarrah McNicol covering his man.

                                                                                                                                                   Giving his all - Tyler Wise.

   A proud team after defeating Palm Beach in the State Final

                                                                 Old Boy Ryan Ensor with Mr Paul
                                                                 Kalinowski at the National Finals.                                                The air up there - Kavinda Perera                                          Henry Wells exploiting the space available.
   A very proud Ben Moore with the Runner Up award.                                                        Menphys Smith crossing the ball.
18                                                                                                                                                19

TGS v Palmerston North
& Sydney Grammar                                                                                                                                   This is a
                                                                                                                                                   PAGE TITLE
   Toowoomba Grammar School played              with a 6-2 win in an entertaining match.          against 8A and 9A TGS squads. A very
                                                                                                                                           Great control by Tas Bardetta.                                Jarrah McNicol with a fierce shot.
host to Palmerston North Boys High              Scorers for the match were Keanu Tuart,           slick Sydney Grammar outfit won the 8A
School from New Zealand on the bye              Sam Hirst, Cormac McCarthy, Henry                 contest 9-0 and in the 9A TGS levelled
weekend of Round One in the 2018 GPS            Wells, Lachlan Brannelly and Ethan Lunn.          the series with solid 4-1 win.
season. This game provided the First XI                                                               These tour games are events that
with a much needed hitout the week              TGS v Sydney Grammar School                       all boys from both schools will look
before the season started.                          Sydney Grammar visited the School             back on with fond memories. Thank
   The First XI found their groove and          during the bye weekend of Round One               you to Sydney Grammar for taking the
despite a couple of errors, came away           in the 2018 GPS season with matches               opportunity to visit our School.
                                                                                                                                           Jack Coulter covered by Sydney defenders.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Harry Searle protecting his ball.

                                                                                                                                           Max Dent doing his best to cover the NZ attack

   Paul Jacob clearing the ball.                          Rufaro Zimbwa coming in to cover the Sydney attack.

                                                                                                                                           Luke Lister in a spot of bother.                                                                     Sam Fenwick calm as always.

                                                                       Dylan Walz in action for the First XI (continued below).

                                                                                                                                           Presentations with captains and coaches from Sydney Grammar
   Jarrah McNicol with a clean pair of heels.                                                                                              and TGS.                                                             Sam Hirst with loads of time.
20                                                                                                                                                                         21

Mini World Cup
Hervey Bay
In the time Toowoomba Grammar                  great rest day on the Thursday as every          Eddie Poulton was named player of
School has been sending teams to               TGS family headed to the beach for the           the tournament, continuing a proud
the Mini World Cup, our involvement            day.                                             tradition of TGS boys winning this award.
                                                                                                                                            Cal McCarthy and James O’Sullivan discussing the game.         A very proud Portugal team.
has grown to an incredible 12 teams               In every age group, competition is            Eli Adams, Jon Crowe and Will Hayes will
in 2018. The brainchild of one of our          mixed in with a love for the game. The           join Eddie as scholarship holders on a
ambassadors, Heinrich Haussler, the            camaraderie amongst teams is one of              three week tour of Germany in July 2019.
tournament is a fantastic week of foot-        the highlights of the week. Toowoomba                 This tournament has set a platform
ball involving teams from Lismore to           Grammar finished runner up in the                for the boys and school to return to an
Fraser Coast. This year the tournament         Under 11 and 13 as well as 17 Year age           even bigger and better week of football
                                                                                                                                            The Ashes Part One.                                                              The Ashes Part One.
received a boost with the change of            groups.                                          in 2019.
venue to Hervey Bay. This made for a              At the completion of the tournament

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Under 15 Brazil team
                                                                                                                                                                                                              A happy Brazil team at the end of the day.                      in action.

                                                                                                                                            A huge throw by Germany.
   A very attentive Australian team.                   Tom Fanning with his English squad.

   Ben Anderson fighting hard.

                                                                                                                                            Dylan Proctor enjoying his time at the Mini world Cup.   Portugal v Brazil Under 13’s.

  Award winners from left to right: Eli Adams,
  Eddie Poulton, Fletcher McDonald, Jon Crowe and
                                                            The ‘Ashes’ Australia vs England.                                               Uruguay Under 17’s before the final.                                          German under 11 parents in the spirit of the Cup.
  Riley Sears.
22                                                                                                                                                          23

TGS                                                                                                                                                              USA
Futsal                                                                                                                                                           College life
    The game of Futsal, although not a                          The Under 16 team qualified all the                  also sends teams to Assissi College for
GPS sport, is a resounding favourite of the                 way to the final tournament following                    their tournament and in the Under 14            In the past few years Toowoomba                  ambitions.                                               •     Kyle Parish -
boys at Toowoomba Grammar School. In                        a crucial victory in the Queensland final                and 17 age groups the boys came away        Grammar School Football players have                     It is our hope that in 2019 there could                    Long Island Pioneers
2018 two teams made it through to the                       against Kimberley College in the final.                  with solid competition wins. The boys       started to find opportunity in seeking               be as many as eight TGS boys playing                     •     Mitch McLeod & Joe Scott -
Australasian Championships, our Under                       At the Australasian tournament the                       are given a great deal of decision-making   an extension of their playing and study              in the USA and we wish them well with                          Feather River College
14 and Under 16 teams. The Under 14                         boys played a superb brand of futsal all                 responsibility in this tournament and       careers in the USA. With over 1300 Men’s             their football and academic experience                   •     Tim Zuyderwyk -
team, although slow starters to the day’s                   weekend. Led by Thiago Kosloski from the                 their on-field displays reflect this.       Soccer Colleges, there are numerous                  abroad.                                                        Shepherd University
play at the Queensland Titles, made                         side they reached the semi-finals against                    With the development of the new         opportunities for boys to play in a league               These are the colleges where we had                  •     Chris McCarthy -
steady progress to eventually finish                        Robina. A penalty in the last minute to                  Sports Centre the game of Futsal will       that suits their style and academic                  TGS boys in 2018:                                              Eckerd College
runner-up to a very good Chancellor                         Robina was the difference between the                    continue to grow at TGS.
College outfit.                                             teams at full time. Toowoomba Grammar

                                                                                     Assissi and TGS after the under 14 Coomera Cup Final.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Kyle Parish in action in New York.

   Assissi organizer Paul McKarzel with the final awards.

                                                                                                                                                                      Very proud TGS boys before they depart to the USA.

                                                                    Our under 14 victors.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Joe Scott showing his skills in California for Feather River.

                                                                                                                                                                      Mitch McLeod in command in California (continued below).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tim Zuyderwyk for Shepherd University.
   Captain Baxter McDonald with his acceptance speech.            Our under 16 State Championships.
24                                                                                                                                                     25

Newcastle                                                                                                                                       Australian Under 16
United Jets FC                                                                                                                                  Tour to Japan
                                                                                                                                                    Last year I travelled to Japan with the     flew out. During our stay in Japan, we trained   very fit and moving the ball a lot faster. It was
                                                                                                                                                Australian Schoolboys Under 16 Football         and played numerous matches. We played           a great football experience being able to learn
    Newcastle United Jets FC is a                     Lee from LEDMAN Group, a leading high-       sports media company in the world.           team. I was selected following the National     against a number of school and J-League          the different culture and lifestyle in Japan.
professional football club based in                   tech LED signage manufacturer, operator          Old Boys from Toowoomba Grammar          Championships held in Adelaide. The tour was    teams such as the Youth Kashima Antlers and
Newcastle, New South Wales. The club                  and sports business headquartered in         School who have spent time at the            held in April and we had a training camp at     the Yokahama Marinos. These matches were         Eli Adams
was one of eight founding franchises                  Shenzhen, China. The club’s change in        Newcastle Jets include Pierce Clark, Ryan    the Gold Coast before we left. I was somewhat   the highlights for me. Both J-League teams
in the Hyundai A-League; the Premier                  ownership in 2016 has broadened the          Ensor and Mitch Hunter. Through current      nervous but began to settle in fine before we   played at a very high level with them being
Division of professional football in                  football network considerably. LEDMAN        Jets Chief Executive Officer, Lawrie
Australia and New Zealand. Newcastle                  Group also owns Chinese third tier team      McKinna and the club ‘s coaching staff,
Jets represent the people of Newcastle                Shenzhen Renren FC, and has interests        Newcastle Jets and TGS have resolved to
and Northern New South Wales in the                   in Portuguese professional football.         work together where possible to provide
Hyundai A-League, and were crowned                    Moreover, LEDMAN Group is an official        football and educational pathways for
Champions of the competition in 2008.                 partner of the Chinese Super League, has     TGS players, coaches and officials.
    The club plays its home matches out               a strategic partnership with the Chinese         The official Newcastle Jets website is
of the 33,000 capacity McDonald Jones                 Football Association, and is a significant
Stadium in Newcastle and in June 2016,                shareholder in the Swiss-based lnfront
the club was purchased by Mr Martin                   Sports & Media; the second biggest

  L-R: Luke Lister, Fletcher McDonald, Keanu Tuart and Eli Adams beaming with pride at the Jets.                                                    Eli Adams in action with the Australian team.
26                                                                                                                                             27

Germany                                                                                                                                        Rale Rasic &
Exchange 2018                                                                                                                                  Chris McLeod
                                                                                                                                                   One of the most significant advances   Joeys Football Academy participated in        the quality of our players. This relationship
                                                                                                                                               in the Toowoomba Grammar School            a football tournament on the Gold Coast       has flourished to a point where Rale has
    For the first few weeks of the Christmas   club I was with during my stay in 2017.         Homburg. This all came about through            Football Program has been the role of      to expose their players to football at an     been patron of Toowoomba Grammar
holidays I had the great opportunity to        This visit gave me a great opportunity          the Toowoomba Grammar School’s links            Rale Rasic as patron. This occurred by     elite level. Due to difficulties within the   School Football for 10 years. Several
travel to Germany for a school exchange.       to improve my German language skills            with Heinrich Haussler and relationships        chance. Toowoomba Grammar School           tournament Heinrich Haussler decided          talented footballers have come to
This involved one month schooling              with a view that in January 2020, I will        that we have forged at TGS across               was undertaking a marketing tour in the    to set up the mini world cup in Inverell      Toowoomba Grammar School from the
at Neunkirchen and training with the           return to Neunkirchen for six months at         Germany over the past eight years.              Moree district. By chance, Chris McLeod    at which Toowoomba Grammar School             Inverell area and are now or have recently
Elversberg U16 Boys both at school and         the school whilst undertaking training in                                                       met a football fanatic from Inverell who   competes annually. Through this link          completed a degree at universities in
at night with the club. I also had the         the area to hopefully force my way into a       Connor McLeod                                   ran the Joeys Football Academy which       Chris met Rale Rasic who was impressed        America. In 2019 the Rale Rasic Football
opportunity to train with Homburg; the         youth program with either Elversberg or                                                         took players to Germany. Chris joined      by not only the coaching offered at           Camp is in its 10th year.
                                                                                                                                               in and was impressed by what he saw.       Toowoomba Grammar School but also

     Toowoomba Grammar School has               on my first day I met Jackson Courtney.        Australians with the view I should be off
 strong relationships with two large high           The school was very different from         playing cricket.
 schools in Germany – Neunkirchen and           TGS with no uniform, boys having facial            I    was       actually    glad     they
 Frankfurt Oder. Every year selected boys       hair, girls having facial piercings and even   underestimated me as I dribbled through
 are offered the opportunity to go on           students eating during class. However,         their whole team and scored! After that
 exchange to Germany for a few weeks in         it didn’t take me long to adapt to the         they treated me like every other player
 Term One.                                      changes.                                       and made me part of the team.
     Here is a brief insight into their             Football was obviously the main                All in all, it was a fantastic stay with
 experience from Alex Munster.                  focus for the boys at the school and that      experiences of football, snow, football,
     ‘The first day came and I was very         is all they talked about along with the        different food and you guessed it
 excited and kind of nervous for my first       World Cup later that year. We started          football. If any boys get the chance to go
 day of school because I had no idea what       training and found the intensity very          there it will be a life changing experience.’
 it would be like. The flight via Dubai was     good and boys always wanted the ball.
 good but I was glad I had some mates           I also played club football and what I         Alex Munster
 with me. I was based at Nuenkirchen and        found funny was how my team saw
28                                                                                                                    29

Rale Rasic’s
Team of the Decade
In his ten years of involvement with           These players may have played in          6. Jackson Courtney - Right              Emmanuel Philip - Central
TGS, Rale has seen many players come       different roles at times but this is where          Midfield                                                                Martin Gorrie - Central Midfield     Mitchell Hunter - Left Midfield
through the doors. We asked him to         Rale felt they were best suited in his        7.    Emmanuel Philip - Central
name his best 11 players in his Team of    formation.                                    8.    Martin Gorrie - Central Midfield
the Decade. This was not an easy task as       1. Pierce Clark - Goal Keeper             9.    Mitchell Hunter - Left Midfield
there were some fantastic players who          2. Kyle Parish - Central Defender         10.   Jake Jones - Striker
did not make his team. However, he was         3. Ryan Ensor - Central Defender          11.   Nykodah Smith - Striker
able to narrow it down to the players          4. Mitchell Golding - Right Fullback
following.                                     5. Joe Scott - Left Fullback

                                                                                                                                                              Jake Jones - Striker                 Nykodah Smith - Striker

      Pierce Clark - Goal Keeper             Kyle Parish - Central Defender             Ryan Ensor - Central Defender

                                                                                          Jackson Courtney - Right
 Mitchell Golding - Right Fullback              Joe Scott - Left Fullback
30                                                                                                                         31

   Every year, the senior students from    Memorial Oval. The Football Supporters’            come and present them as part of the
the TGS Football program finish their      Group provide the boys with their jerseys          celebrations for the day.
school careers with a match on Old Boys’   for the season and our valued sponsors

                                                                                                                                           The 4th XI with Sponsor Marg Gebbert from                       The 2nd XI thanking their sponsor Stonestreets
                                                                                                                                           Condamine Drilling.                                             Coaches.

 Matthew Price with a proud father on      Tunnelling onto Old Boys for
                                                                                              “Come on boys!”
 Old Boys’ Memorial Oval.                  the last time.

                                                    Several generations of Leesons enjoying                Hugo Kelly leading the tunnel
                                                    the last match.                                                                        The 3rd XI before their final match for the School with Nigel
                                                                                                                                           Fanning from Football SWQ.
 The Donaldson Family

 Thomas Plant with his Mum.                          The Staude family.
                                                                                                                                            Resounding winners in their last game.
32                                                                                                                                            3533

                                                                         TGS Football Alliances
Deeds                                                                        St Mary’s International                                    Joeys FC                          Frankfurt/Oder Sportschule

                                                                           St Mary’s School Tokyo is an International     One man and one dream. That is all it took      Toowoomba Grammar School entered into
                                                                           School that has a fantastic reputation for     for Heinrich Haussler to start the club that     an alliance with the Sportschule allowing
                                                                            its education excellence and attracting      is Joeys FC. From that, came a football club,     players from both schools to participate in
                                                                                students from all over the world.       an academy, and the iconic ‘Mini World Cup’.        short term exchanges. This school is only
                                                                              Toowoomba Grammar School and St               Heinrich Haussler has been a long-time        one of thirty in Germany and a relationship
                                                                          Mary’s have forged an alliance of sporting       partner of the TGS Football program and          that we will seek to further strengthen in
                                                                         exchange whereby our boys will return to be       outstanding facilitator when organising        the future. Frankfurt/Oder and Toowoomba
                                                                          hosted by them in 2019 and attend school      logistics in Germany for our tours and player       Grammar School teams have engaged in
   When a winner makes a mistake, he says “I was wrong”;                       for a day as a part of the exchange.                       exchanges.                        some highly contested football matches
    When a loser makes a mistake, he says, “It wasn’t my fault”.                                                                                                          over the years and we look forward to many
                                                                                                                                                                                          more to come.
   A winner works harder than a loser and has more time;
       A loser always says “too busy” to do what is necessary.
                A winner goes through a problem;
            A loser goes around it, and never gets past it.
                  A winner makes commitments;
                         A loser makes promises.
 A winner says, “I’m good, but not as good as I ought to be”;
                                                                                    Elversberg FC                            Elite Eleven Academy                                      Botafogo FC
        A loser says, “I’m not as bad as a lot of other people”.
                            A winner listens;
              A loser just waits until it is his turn to talk.                                                                                                              Based in Ribeirao Preto approximately 1.5
                                                                               Newly promoted to the Bundesliga            This privately run Academy is based in
                                                                                                                                                                            hours outside Sao Paolo, Brazil, Botafogo
A winner respects his superiors and tries to learn from them;                Youth Competition, Elversberg FC has       Maryborough and boasts approximately 50
                                                                                                                                                                            Academy is the largest football academy
                                                                            been recognised as one of the key youth     players. Run by Troy Roberts, the Academy
    A loser resents them and tries to find chinks in their armor.          development centres in Germany. Forming         is a strong participant in Toowoomba
                                                                                                                                                                             in the Southern Hemisphere. Boasting a
  A winner says, “There ought to be a better way to do it”;                                                                                                                facility that includes training pitches (grass
                                                                              a base for our tours in 2011 and 2015     Grammar School’s annual Rale Rasic Camp.
                                                                                                                                                                           and artificial), accommodation and even a
     A loser says, “That’s the way it’s always been done here”.           Elversberg is also the home of Mitch Hunter    In the last few years, seven boys from the
                                                                                                                                                                          school, attendees can experience the day to
                                                                                      (TGS 1st XI 2012/13).               Fraser Coast region have decided to call
                                                                                                                                                                           day life of a professional footballer. Former
                                                                                                                            Toowoomba Grammar School home.
                                                                                                                                                                              Head Coach, Thiago Kosloski is one the
                                                                                                                                                                          most respected youth coaches in the world
                                                                                                                                                                            and is now a member of
                                                                                                                                                                          the Toowoomba Grammar
                                                                                                                                                                              School coaching staff.
                                                                                                                                                                             In this role, his skill and
                                                                                                                                                                          expertise will no doubt be
                                                                                                                                                                          crucial in the development
                                                                                                                                                                           of the 1st XI team for GPS

                                                                                                                            Aussie Athletes Agency

                                                                                                                          Aussie Athletes Agency (AAA) is Australia’s
                                                                                                                        premier US College sport placement agency.
                                                                                                                          Aussie Athletes Agency provides qualified
                                                                                                                         athletes the guidance, advice, vital contacts
                                                                                                                         and a definitive pathway required to obtain
                                                                                                                           athletic and academic scholarships. The
                                                                                                                          creation of this opportunity for athletes to
                                                                                                                         obtain an internationally recognised degree
                                                                                                                        and pursue their sport at the same time for a
                                                                                                                        further four years is one that the TGS Football
                                                                                                                                    program fully endorses.
34                                                                                                                 35

TGS Football                                                                 YEAR 7        Flynn Brannelly
                                                                                                                   THE MOST IMPROVED AWARDS
                                                                                                                                        YEAR 10      Jacob Bunt

Awards 2018                                                                  YEAR 8

                                                                             YEAR 9
                                                                                           Sam Gladwin

                                                                                           Mitchell Crook
                                                                                                                                        YEAR 11

                                                                                                                                        YEAR 12
                                                                                                                                                     Zach McNicol

                                                                                                                                                     Lucio Caso

         PLAYER OF THE YEAR                         MOST IMPROVED
                                                                                                                      INDIVIDUAL AWARDS 2018
5A         Daniel Fenwick-Blower           5A       Hugo Cavanagh

6B         Max Williamson                  6B       Joel Ewing                  MOST PROMISING PLAYER             Luke Broderick              JUNIOR SCHOOL SPIRIT          Marcus Seckler

6A         Benjamin Miller                 6A       George Smolenski         GOLDEN BOOT AWARD - SENIORS          Pat McKay             JUNIOR SCHOOL DEFENSIVE PLAYER      Juert Eerkens

7A         Ben Anderson                    7A       Isaac Burke              JUNIOR SCHOOL GOLDEN BOOT            Max Williamson           YEARS 7-9 DEFENSIVE PLAYER       Jack Coulter

7B         Jim MacDonald                   7B       Sam Gladwin                  YEAR 7-9 GOLDEN BOOT             Charlie Gower              MOST SUCCESSFUL TEAM           Year 11B

7C         Clancy Wright                   7C       Beau Campbell              GOALKEEPER OF THE YEAR             Ben Wood                YEARS 10-12 DEFENSIVE PLAYER      Lewis Whitton

7D         Nicholas Brown                  7D       Lachie McNamee

7E         Clancy McCosker                 7E       Jim Mann

8A         Rufaro Zimbwa                   8A       Flynn Brannelly
                                                                                                                             MAJOR AWARDS
8B         Tom Green                       8B       Scott Radford
                                                                                      WILLEM BAINES                            KEANU TUART                           LUKE LISTER
8C         Will Titterton                  8C       Jack Rattray

8D         Zachary Dean                    8D       Oliver Gray

9A         Luke Broderick                  9A       Tas Bardetta

9B         Harry Beeton                    9B       Mitchell Crook

9C         Harry Barker                    9C       Joe Lederhose

9D         George Morris                   9D       Henry Johnston

10A        Benjamin Moore & Alex Munster   10A      Jacob Bunt

10B        Simon Rodriguez                 10B      Jordyn Coetzee           MOST INSPIRATIONAL PLAYER                     RALE RASIC MEDAL WINNER                FIRST XI MOST GOALS

10C        Lachlan Travers                 10C      Henry Reardon
                                                                                                             RILEY SEARS                   FLETCHER MCDONALD
10D        Jarvis Otaola                   10D      Jim Gillan

11A        Kodi Bailey                     11A      Zach McNicol

11B        Lewis Whitton                   11B      Adriaan Lamprecht

11C        Matthew Watson                  11C      Sam Titterton

11D        Callum Murray                   11D      Jordan Penhaligon

2nd XI     Sean Johnston                   2nd XI   Lucio Caso

3rd XI     Thomas Plant                    3rd XI   Louis Johnston

4th XI     Mitchell Schneider              4th XI   Warwick Southern                                BEST DEFENDER FIRST XI                   FIRST XI BEST ATTACKER
36                                                                           37

Fletcher McDonald in action vs BGS.                                                                                                         Pat McKay in full flight.
                                                                                                       Frank Mills in complete control.

                                              Riley Sears drives the First XI forward.

                                                                                                       Baxter McDonald cleaning up.

Kimmie takes the field.

                                                                                                                                            Reid Crossinggum evades TSS.

                                              Willem Baines clearing the ball.

                                                                                                       A quick tactical chat.

Harry Beeton in the 9Bs against State High.

                                                                                                                                            Jamie Watson in the midfield.

                                                                                                       Tom Smith with lots of time.
Tap in!                                       Kodi Bailey chases down his opponent in the 11As.

Ben Wood launching the ball forward.            Jake Eiser with a quick change of direction.           The 11As tunnelling in the 2nd XI.   In action for the 4th XI vs TSS.

Art by Franco Arcidiacono.

   This photo-realistic drawing was      been an influential coach in the Darling   Rasic taken when they were discussing
created by TGS Football ambassador       Downs for the last 30 years.               tactics while coaching a match together.
Frank Arcidiacono.                          Frank drew the cover picture based      We thank Franco for this timeless piece
   Frank resides in Stanthorpe and has   on a photo of Chris McLeod and Rale        of artwork.


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