FOOTNOTES JAN 2022 - Dover Public Library

Page created by Mike Gibson
FOOTNOTES JAN 2022 - Dover Public Library
                                             the newsletter of Dover Public Library

 Director's Notes................2            Where Did You Get That Idea?
 Friend Profile....................3          Wednesday, January 19 at 6:30 PM
                                              in the Community Room
 Kids....................................7    Did you ever wonder how newspaper reporters get
 Friends ..............................8      ideas for stories? Times-Reporter staff writer
                                              Nancy Molnar will answer that and other questions
                                              in her presentation on Wednesday January 19,
         HOURS                                "Where did you get that idea?" She will illustrate
   Monday - Thursday:                         her discussion with some of her favorite local
   9:00 AM - 7:00 PM                          stories. Call the library at 330-343-6123 or visit
                                     to register.
    Friday - Saturday:
    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
       Closed Sunday

                                                            The Dark Sire Presents The Creative Quill
     CONTACT                                                Saturday, January 22 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Director                                                    in the Community Room
Jim Gill
                                              Join us for a writing conference for fiction writers! Participate in workshops that will
                                              hone your craft (world building, dialogue, characterization) and sharpen your
Fiscal Officer                                professional tools (query letters, synopses, formatting). In addition, panels of
Jamie Rieger                                  published authors will discuss publishing industry trends, writer’s block, and how to
                                              get published. Special Zoom appearances by John and Gwendolyn Kiste (Gothic) and
                                              Nancy Holzner (Fantasy) will expand upon genre writing. Attending writers can
                                              submit their work for first-page critiques and pitch to an agent. Led by literary agent
                                              Bre Stephens, this one-day writing conference is free and open to fiction writers from
    BOARD OF                                  15 to adult. Register at: for Zoom programs or
    TRUSTEES                                  call 330-343-6123 to register for the in-person program.
Robert Gerber, President
Paula Fritz, Secretary
Dan Fuller
Emily Lane
                                                                                                   Dover Public Library
Sarah Lehman
                                                                                                    525 N. Walnut St.
Bob Scanlon                                                                                         Dover, OH 44622
Courtney Shanower                                                                                    330-343-6123
FOOTNOTES JAN 2022 - Dover Public Library
D   Director's Notes
I   by Jim Gill
                         Happy New Year, Readers! A fresh start is upon us in so many ways. I
E                        encourage you to consider making The 100 Book Club Reading
C                        Challenge a goal for 2022.
O                        In its ninth year, this annual community reading program challenges
R                        the community to read 100 books over the course of the new year. Stop
'                        by the library to pick up a reading log. Start the new year off right with
S                        the 100 Book Club! Here are the details:

N       Membership is open to readers 6 & up.
        Members must read or listen to the title themselves.
        Only titles completed before December 31 will count.
T       Each title can only be counted once per calendar year.
E       All formats of books count.
S       Magazines and comic books do not count.
        Picture books do not count for patrons over age 10.
        Turn in completed reading log by January 6, 2023.
        Patrons who complete the challenge will receive a special
        100 Book Club t-shirt, a membership card, and invitation
        to the recognition reception.

    Let's get reading!

    100 Book Club 2021 Reception
    Saturday, January 22 at 6:30 PM in the Community Room
    Members of the 100 Book Club who finished their reading goal for 2021 and turn in trackers by
    January 7, 2022 will be invited to this special recognition reception. Members will be contacted
    with details for this exclusive event. Call the Library at 330-343-6123 with questions.

                  Bestow a Book
                  Our lives are filled with people, moments, and occasions which we wish to
                  commemorate. Bestow a Book gives you the opportunity to present a gift that
                  will be opened time and time again as part of the collection of the Dover
                  Public Library. A book plate inside the cover will share your memory with the
                  community. Each Bestow a Book title costs $25. Please contact Jim Gill at
                  330-343-6123 or email at for more information.

F               Miles Riley
      R               President, Friends of the Dover Public Library
      I                Family
      E                My wife, Tiffany, and I live in Dover. We have a dog, Ramona, and
      N                two cats named Katy Cat and Osiris.

                      How long have you been a member of the Friends of Dover
                      Public Library?
      P               I have served as Friends' President since 2018. Before that, I was a
      R               member through at least nine open houses, two mystery theater
                      dinners, two capital campaigns, two library renovations, and have
      O               eaten no less than 500 cookies.
      I               What made you decide to join the Friends of Dover Public Library?
      L               Growing up, my parents brought me to the library nearly every week. My love for books,
                      music, art, and poetry wouldn’t have grown – I wouldn’t have grown! – without the Dover
      E               Public Library. I can’t imagine life without all the wonderful stories and songs our library
                      allowed me to explore. I’m not certain how one properly thanks a library, but joining the
                      Friends has given me an opportunity to give back and help ensure the things I feel are our
                      greatest treasures are available to everyone for many generations to come.

What do you like most about the library?
I find it remarkable and exciting that our library continues to reinvent itself. It’s not just books, over-sized
dictionaries, and card catalogs. There’s live music, movies, videos games, guest speakers, a bookstore, youth clubs,
trivia nights, free Internet access, history, castles, and dragons. Sometimes there’s even free cookies! Most recently,
the library has been able to help distribute COVID-19 home test kits. I’m convinced there is nothing the library
can’t be – and I like that the most.

What is your favorite genre?
This is where you really start to learn about people! If a book is compelling and sincere, then I’m going to find it
worth reading. When this question is asked, the first names that pop in my head are Vonnegut, Henry Miller,
Steinbeck, and (early) George Orwell. I almost always travel with a copy of Winter Stars by Larry Levis. The most
recent book I read was The Storyteller’s Nashville , by Tom T. Hall. If you can find it, I highly recommend it.

What do you do in your spare time?
These days, I truly cherish any time I get to spend time with my family and friends. A good mid-day nap with
something to read or a movie, my wife, a dog, and a couple cats seems pretty great to me.

 What would people be surprised to know about you?
I have played blues/folk harmonica for about 10 years. Many of those years have been performing
 alongside my great friend, Atom Lax, who makes me sound much better than I am.

P                       East Central Ohio Forestry Association
                        Wednesday, January 5 at 7:00 PM
R                       in the Community Room
                        Each month, a different speaker will present on a topic relevant to our
O                       woodlands and natural habitat. Join us in January as Luke Walters, ODNR
                        service forester discusses the spotted lantern fly. All are welcome!

R       Tuesday Night Book Club
        Any Christmas Book You Like
A       Tuesday, January 11 at 6:30 PM
        at the Dover Public Library
M       Join our book club for an evening of refreshments and conversation.
         Call the library at 330-343-6123 to reserve your copy of the book.
S       February 8: Maverick: A Biography of Thomas Sowell by Jason L. Riley

                        Trivia Night
                        Wednesday, January 12 at 6:30 PM in the Community Room
                        Are you a trivia buff? Join us for a fun evening of trivia! Bring your own
                        team or come make up a new one with other participants. Teams will
                        consist of two to six players. Everyone is welcome! Prizes will be awarded.
                        This will be held in the Community Room. No registration required.

    Civil War Round Table: Opioid Use During the Civil War:
    Implications for Addiction
    Thursday, January 13 at 6:30 PM in the Community Room
    Presenter Scott Wisneski, Pharm.D., MBA, examines the connection between the use of opioid-
    containing drugs during the Civil War and the rise of addiction in the 19th century. Scott
    Wisneski earned his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Georgia and Master’s in
    Business Administration from Walsh University, North Canton. He speaks often on Civil War
    Pharmacy and the Role of the Hospital Steward. Call the library at 330-343-6123 or visit to register.

    Writers Critique Group
    Thursday, January 20 at 6:00 PM in the Lounge
    Calling all writers! Members of the public are invited to meet with other writers to critique each
    other's work and to receive support and encouragement. Participants are asked to bring a short
    story, poem or sample of one's current project.

R   Tuesdays, January 18 through April 5 at 5:30 PM
    in the Community Room
O   Fit for Life is a 12-week innovative program designed to educate,
    motivate and inspire people to make the lifestyle changes necessary

G   to achieve overall wellness and lead happier, healthier, and more
    productive lives. Join Dr. Timothy McKnight and his staff from the

R   Twin City Medical Center for weekly classes. To register, visit or call Kelly at 330-401-5900.

M   Rubik’s Cube Competition
    Thursday, January 20 at 6:30 PM
S   in the Community Room
    DPL is proud to announce its first Rubik’s Cube
    Competition! Bring your cube and amaze everyone with your
    skills! Challenge yourself to beat your own personal time as
    you compete with other cube fans! Prizes will be awarded. All
    ages welcome! Call the library at 330-343-6123 or visit to register.

     Chautauqua Book Club
     The Personal Librarian by Catherine Raven
     January 27 at Noon in the Community Room
     Join America's oldest continuous book club! Call the library at 330-343-6123 to request a
     copy of this month's title, then join us to share your thoughts.
     February 24: The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich.

         Thursday, January 27 at 6:30 PM in the Community Room
         Join Jeff Beitzel, local author, artist and musician, as he talks about his first novella
         Sideman . Learn how Beitzel translated his life into a fictional work. Hear about the
         real-life characters and events that were part of the Columbus music scene in the
         early 1980s. A book signing will follow the program. To register, call the library at
         330-343-6123 or register online at

T   Teen Tuesdays
    Tuesdays at 3:00 PM in the Community Room
    January 18 through April 26                                                 Tuesdays at
E   Join us for weekly Teen Tuesdays to play video games, make crafts,
    complete art challenges, and much more! All Teen Tuesdays are
    free and open to teens in grades 6 -12. Sponsored in part by a 21st
                                                                                 3:00 PM

    Century Afterschool Learning Grant with Dover High School.
    Registration is not necessary.

              Music Day - January 18

              Bring your own musical instruments and joins us for a musical jam session.

              Spoons! - January 25
              Come have some fun with this fast-paced card game.

S   STEAM Stop
    Friday, January 21 from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
    in the Teen Room
    Join us to get creative with a piece of the Mobile STEAM Lab!
    STEAM Stops are open to Tweens and Teens ages 8 and up.
    Registration is not required.

    Little Free Library Design Contest
    Submission Deadline: Tuesday, January 25
    Little Free Libraries are small houses for books within a community where people can take and
    leave books at their will to freely share the joy of reading with each other. Rabbi John Spitzer
    and friends have generously donated several Little Free Libraries to be placed in the
    community, but first, the boxes needs some awesome designs. Teens in grades 6-12 are invited
    to submit their designs for the Little Free Library Design Contest by January 25. Forms are
    located online at and in the Teen Room. The winning designs will be
    featured on the Little Free Library and will receive an Amazon gift card. Sponsored in part by a
    21st Century Afterschool Learning Grant with Dover High School.

    Tornado Alley Call for Submissions
    Submission Deadline: February 28
    Calling all teen artists and writers! Submit your fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork for
    inclusion in the eighth edition of the library’s teen literary magazine, Tornado Alley. Submission
    forms are available now at the library, Dover High School, and online. Deadline for
    submissions is February 28. Teens may also apply to be an editor during this time. Learn more
    at This magazine is
    sponsored by a 21st Century Afterschool Learning Grant with Dover High School.

K     Wednesday Story Times
      Wednesdays, Jan. 5, 12, 19, & 26
      10:00 AM for 3 and under
                                                    Saturday Story Time
                                                    Saturdays, Jan. 8, 15, 22, & 29
                                                    at 10:00 AM for all ages

I     1:00 PM for 4 and older

D                   Book Club
                    Thursday, Jan. 20 at 3:30 pm in Storytime Room
      We will be choosing a new book to read together. We meet once a month to discuss the

      chapters we have read.

                    Mother Goose Games
                    Saturday, Feb. 5 at 11am
      Celebrate the Winter Olympics with some challenges of our very own related to Nursery
      Rhymes. Each challenge completed will give each participant a sweet medal to take with
      them. Plus grab some fun crafts, activity sheets and snacks all related to our games.
      Registration is recommended. Call the library at 330-343-6123 or visit

    Ohio Governor's Imagination Library
    In as little as five minutes, you can give your child a gift that lasts a lifetime!
    Visit or visit any public library in Tuscarawas County to register
    your child for Ohio Governor's Imagination Library and your child will begin receiving a new
    book in the mail each month, at no cost to you. Children between the ages of 0 - 5 are eligible.

    Join Reading Dragons and Friends!
    This program is our way of rewarding young readers. For every 30 minutes you read you get to
    choose a new card featuring a colorful dragon, griffin, or unicorn. There are over 250 cards for
    you to collect. Pick up your reading tracker in the Children's Room. This program runs
    throughout the school year.

    1000 Books Before Kindergarten
    This program rewards children ages 0 - Kindergarten for reading or being read to. Sign your
    child up in the Children's Department for a reading folder and a prize. For every 100 books
    read they will receive a prize.

Join the Friends!

    “The Mission of the Friends of the Library is to enhance the Dover Public Library so that it
      may fulfill its literary, educational, technological, community and cultural purposes.”

    Do you love your library? Make a difference by joining the Friends!

Find new and gently used books at the Friends of the Dover Public Library Book Cellar Bookshop,
located in the library basement! Call the library at 330-343-6123 for more information.

                HOURS: Wednesdays & Saturdays 9:00 AM to Noon
                             Find the Library Dragon!
       Somewhere in this newsletter, a book-loving dragon hides with his hoard of books!
        Tell the Children's Staff where he's hiding and you will win a special card for your
 Reading Dragon collection. This is what the dragon looks like. It can be any size and on any page.
                                             Good luck!
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