Fort Walton Beach High School - Student Handbook 2021-2022

Page created by Roberto Howell
Fort Walton Beach High School - Student Handbook 2021-2022
Fort Walton Beach
   High School

Student Handbook
Fort Walton Beach High School - Student Handbook 2021-2022

                                            MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL                                                         -
The faculty and staff of Fort Walton Beach High School are dedicated to offering you, the student the best possible education. We
hope this handbook will provide information to make you aware of school policies and important dates throughout the school year.
Parents and students are expected to know and understand the contents of this handbook to insure the safe and orderly learning
environment at Fort Walton Beach High School.
Our motto is “every student is known and valued”. This statement is not just words to us…it is a culture. My hope is that every
student and parent feel that this motto is our practice, not just words. All in all, we at FWBHS, are committed to the community,
staff, and most importantly, the student.

Most sincerely,
John Spolski, Principal

                                                GENERAL INFORMATION                                                            -

Main Number: (850) 833-3300                                         Athletic Contacts

Principal                   John Spolski                            Baseball                   Brian McDaniel
Asst. Principals            Lindsey Smith                           Basketball Boys)           Chris Carswell
                            M. Hixson-Wells                         Basketball (Girls)         Mercedes Clayborne
                            Joe Tucci                               Cheerleading               Kristal Duval
Dean of Students            Marcelo Mueller                         Cross Country              Lissette Fields/Chris Sloan
Athletic Director           Holly McDaniel                          Flag Football              Kyle Bryant
Guidance Counselors Dr. Linda Dugan                                 Football                   Chip Petree
                            Lori Lipnicky
                                                                    Golf (Boys)                John Lavin
                            Susan VerSteeg
                                                                    Golf (Girls)               Krichelle Halualani
                            Jeniffer Zelaya
                                                                    Lacrosse (Boys)            Duke Pope
Testing Coordinator          Rachel Jones
                                                                    Lacrosse (Girls)           Duke Pope
Secretaries (Main Office) Marci Johnson
                                                                    Soccer (Boys)              Mario Rodriguez
              (Main Office) Pete Pinkert
             (Attendance) Beth Craig
                                                                    Soccer (Girls)             Ed Reyes
             (Attendance) Sandra Pitman                             Softball                   Jim Ryan
               (Guidance) Kristi Evans                              STARS                      Erin Longo
      (Records/Transcripts) Cindy Lemasters                         Swimming & Dive            Will Breehl
Bookkeeper                  Sandra Oldenburg                        Tennis                     Pat Markey
Band Director               Derek Fields                            Track                      Lissette Fields/Chris Sloan
Asst. Band Director         Alissa Kanocz                           Volleyball                 Gil Sierra
Cafeteria Manager           Robin Brown                             Weightlifting (Boys)       Josh Pulliam
Choral Director             Kim Peterson                            Weightlifting (Girls)      Josh Pulliam
SRO                         Deputy Reeves                           Wrestling                  Tobi Marez
SRO                         Deputy Armitage
Staffing Specialist         Carol Bernich


At Fort Walton Beach High School, the safety and health of all
stakeholders is paramount.
Fort Walton Beach High School administration will diligently follow the
recommendations of the Okaloosa County School District School
Board and the Okaloosa County Health Department regarding COVID
and all other health related issues.

Are there currently any Emergency Orders in Florida or in Okaloosa
County involving schools and COVID-19?

What safety measures will be in place to start the school year?
  •   Hand sanitizer will be available in every classroom, on school
      buses, and in other common areas.
  •   Each classroom will be provided disinfectant wipes.
  •   Daily cleaning and disinfecting protocols will be in place in
      schools and on buses.
  •   Masks will be optional in school buildings and on buses. Schools
      and buses will have a supply of masks available.
  •   Signs will be displayed to remind those in schools about social
      distancing and the use of hand sanitizer/washing of hands.
  •   COVID -19 contact tracing will occur as required by the
      Department of health.
  •   Desk barriers will be available upon request by parents.
  •   To minimize the use of water fountains, water bottle filling
      stations will be available in schools.
  •   Proper handwashing will continue to be emphasized.

Okaloosa County School Calendar 2020-2021
                               August 10                                First Day of School
                              September 6                                Labor Day Holiday
                               October 8                              End of 1 grading period
                                October 11                       Student Holiday/ Teacher Workday
                              November 11                                Veterans Day Holiday
                             November 22-26                              Thanksgiving Holidays
                              December 17                                 End of 1st Semester
                       December 20-December 31                           Winter Break Holidays
                                 January 3                       Student Holiday/ Teacher Workday
                                 January 4                        Student Holiday/Professional Dev
                                January 17                          Martin Luther King Jr Holiday
                               February 21                              President’s Day Holiday
                                 March 18                              End of 3 grading period
                               March 21-25                                    Spring Break
                                 March 28                        Student Holiday/ Teacher Workday
                                  May 25                       End of Semester/ Last Day for students
                                  May 30                                 Memorial Day Holiday
                                   June 9                             Last day school / students
                                           Bell Schedule
                               Mon-Fri (WAVE everyday)
 6:45am          TEACHERS SIGN IN
 7:00am - 7:50am  1ST Period (50 minutes)
 7:54am – 8:44am   2nd Period (50 minutes
 8:48am – 9:38am   3rd Period (50 minutes)
 9:42am - 9:46am WAVE         (4 MINUTES)
 9:50am - 10:40am 4 Period (50 minutes)
   10:40am – 11:10am               1st Lunch 30 minutes    11:05 Lunchroom Bell
   11:10am –12:06am                5th period (56 minutes)
   10:44am – 11:10am               5th Period (26 minutes)
   11:10am–11:40am                 2nd Lunch (30 minutes) 11:35 Lunchroom Bell
   11:40am – 12:06pm               5th Period (26 minutes)
   10:45am – 11:40am               5th Period (55 minutes)
   11:40am – 12:10pm               3rd Lunch (30 minutes) 12:06 Lunchroom Bell

 12:10pm - 1:00pm                  6th Period (50 minutes)
 1:04pm - 1:54pm                   7th Period (50 minutes)
Students should not arrive before 6:30 a.m. and should not remain at school after 2:15 p.m.
unless supervised by a staff member. Students attending school sponsored activities must be
dropped off and picked up no later than 30 minutes before or after the event. School personnel are not
liable for the supervision or control of students on school premises before or after this 30-minute time limit.


1ST SEMESTER/End 2nd Nine Weeks

 December 14           2nd Period Exam
 December 15   3rd and 4th Period Exams
 December 16   5th and 6th Period Exams
 December 17   1st and 7th Period Exams

2ND SEMESTER/ End 4th Nine Weeks

   May 20       2nd Period Exam
   May 23   3rd and 4th Period Exams
   May 24   5th and 6th Period Exams
   May 25   1st and 7th Period Exams


Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), schools may disclose without consent,
‘directory’ information such as a student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth,
honors awards, and dates of attendance. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about
directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that
the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify Parents and eligible students
annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA
bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school. (Source:

                                        ATTENDANCE: ABSENCES
“Each public K-12 student must remain in attendance throughout the school year, unless excused
by the school for illness or other Good Cause…” F.S. 1003.04; 1003.21; 1003.24; 1003.26. Regular
attendance provides students the opportunity to master required skills at each grade level. Many integral
activities, including class discussions, group experiences, field trips, guest speakers, and direct instruction,
cannot be simulated or replicated with written work. Therefore, with the goal of promoting student success,
the School District of Okaloosa County has adopted a uniform attendance policy. It is our intent to
encourage honest, accurate, and consistent adherence to this policy by all students, parents, teachers, and

Absence, Defined
  Students will be counted in attendance only if they are actually present or if they are away on a field trip
  or other school activity. A student who is not in class for at least one-half of the class period shall be
  counted as absent.
  Excused absences are absences resulting from:

   • Death in the family or any other bona fide family emergency;
   • Illness or injury requiring medical or dental attention (Physician’s statement required);
   • Illness, injury, or circumstances not requiring medical attention will require a parent note explaining
     the absence;
   • Appointments for medical or dental care (Physician’s statement required);
   • Religious holidays: Pupils are permitted to be absent in observation of established religious holidays,
     but they must be counted absent on all school records. Absences of a religious nature, preceded by
     prior parent notice, will not require written notification on the student’s return to school. Religious
     holidays considered excused absences include Good Friday, Yom Kippur, Passover, Rosh
     Hashanah, and Hanukkah (Review Board Policy). Students may be excused for other religious
     holidays if a parent makes a request in writing five (5) days prior to the absence.
  Unexcused absences are absences resulting from:
   •   Unverified absence
   •   Truancy
   •   Suspension (suspension absences do not impact driver’s license suspension)
   •   Expulsion
  School Leave is an approved activity or event where the student is participating during school hours.
  Students must complete MIS 5185 form and return to sponsor/coach prior to event

   •   Students will not be marked absent during the period(s) of leave
   •   Students must see their teachers about missed work prior to the event
   •   Students must follow each teacher’s requirements for turning in missed assignments
   •   If a test is missed, the student will be required to make up the test on the first day back from the

Checking Out of School
     All appointments involving students should be scheduled after school hours. However, if an
     appointment cannot be handled after school hours, the student should bring a Physician’s appointment
     card to the office between 6:30 and 6:55 a.m. the day of dismissal. The student will then be signed out for
     the specified time and will be given a dismissal slip. When the student has been signed out in advance,
     he/she may leave class at the appointed time.
     Students will not be released to anyone except parents or their authorized representatives (written
     certification and identification are required) during school hours. These authorized representatives must
     be noted on the student’s emergency screen by use of the emergency card. Students may not leave
     campus while school is in session without receiving a dismissal slip from the front office. Students must
     go to the office and sign-out prior to leaving campus. Students who leave the school grounds without
     an authorized dismissal slip are considered truant.

     Skip Day
     Fort Walton Beach High School DOES NOT recognize or condone a senior skip day.

                                            ATTENDANCE: TARDINESS

Tardiness to class is defined as not being in the classroom when the tardy bell rings, however, a teacher may require
students to be in their desks, ready to work when the tardy bell rings.

It is the student’s responsibility to understand each teacher’s classroom management plan

Tardiness to School (1st Period)
The school day begins promptly at 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. Students should be inside the school by 6:55 a.m.
and inside their first period class before the 7:00 a.m. bell rings. Students who arrive at school after 7:00 a.m. must sign
in with the office with their ID Badge. The first 25 minutes the student must check in at the tardy desk. After the first 25
minutes the student must check in and have a phone call from a parent or bring a note explaining the reason for the late
arrival; otherwise, the student will be considered truant. It is the student’s responsibility to make every effort to be
punctual to school daily. Tardiness to school results in a disruption to the classroom learning environment.
Parents may excuse up to 6 (six) tardies to school. Parents, please be advised, to limit classroom disruptions,
upon the 7 excused or unexcused tardy to school (per semester) your student will be appropriately assigned a
consequence, defined in the following discipline matrix. .

Truancy Procedures, 984.03 F.S., 1002.10 F.S., 1003.26 F.S.
The Superintendent may file a truancy petition for the following situations:
    •   Five (5) unexcused absences, or absences for which the reasons are unknown, within a calendar month, or;
            o After the fifth (5th) unexcused absence in a calendar month, the student’s primary teacher shall report to
                the school principal or his/her designee that the student may be exhibiting a pattern of nonattendance. If
                appropriate, the school principal shall refer the case to the MTSS committee. If the MTSS committee
                finds that a pattern of nonattendance is developing, whether the absences are excused or not, a meeting
                with the parent/legal guardian must be scheduled to identify potential remedies. The school should send
                out a School Truancy Letter to either inform the parent/legal guardian of the situation or to schedule an
                MTSS committee meeting with the parent/legal guardian.
    •   Ten (10) unexcused absences, or absences for which the reasons are unknown, within a ninety (90) calendar day
        period, or;
            o After the ninth (9th) unexcused absence, the student’s primary teacher shall report to the school principal
                or his/her designee that the student may be exhibiting a pattern of nonattendance. If appropriate, the
                principal shall refer the case to the MTSS committee. If the MTSS committee finds that a pattern of
                nonattendance is developing, whether the absences are excused or not, a meeting with the parent/legal
                guardian must be scheduled to identify potential remedies. The school should send out a School Truancy
                Letter to either inform the parent/legal guardian of the situation or to schedule an MTSS committee
                meeting with the parent/legal guardian.
    •   More than fifteen (15) unexcused absences in ninety (90) calendar day period MTSS committee determines that
        remedial recommendations are not working, either a truancy petition may be filed by the Superintendent, or the
        student may be referred to an appropriate agency. Driver’s License Suspension Form (MIS 6265) should be sent
        to Student Intervention Services.

Driver’s License Law and Truancy, 322.091 F.S., 1003.27, F.S.
Florida stature mandates attendance requirements for obtaining a driver’s license or learner’s license. In order to be
eligible for driving privileges a minor must satisfy one of the following criteria:
    • Be enrolled in a public school, nonpublic school, or home education program and satisfy relevant attendance
    • Have received a high school diploma, a high school equivalency diploma, a special diploma, or a certificate of
         high school completion;
    • Be enrolled in a study course in preparation for the Test of General Education Development and satisfy
         attendance requirements;
    • Have been issued a certificate of exemption according to section 1003.21, F.S.; or
    • Have received a hardship waiver.
Each public school principal or designee is required to notify the School Board of each minor who accumulates fifteen
(15) unexcused absences within ninety (90) calendar days. The Superintendent must report the legal name, gender, date
of birth and social security number of each minor who fails to meet attendance requirements to the Department of
Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

                                                                           SCHOOL/STAFF RESPONSIBILITIES
A goal of the Okaloosa County School District is to encourage
and to assist each student in developing his/her individual       1. Maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning
talents. In order to accomplish these purposes, it is necessary   2. Exhibit an attitude of respect for students and
that the school environment be free of disruptions that              parents
interfere with teaching and learning activities. The student’s    3. Plan a flexible curriculum to meet the needs of all
conduct determines, to a great extent, his/her potential. The        students
purpose of this document, which is required by § 1006.07(2)       4. Maintain an open line of communication between
F.S., is to assist students, parents, teachers and school            themselves, students and parents
                                                                               SAFE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT
                  STUDENT’S PLEDGE
                                                                  The Okaloosa County School District is committed to
In order to receive maximum benefit from the educational          encouraging and assisting each student in developing his/her
opportunities afforded to them, each student shall pledge the     individual talents. In order to accomplish these purposes, it is
following:                                                        necessary that the school climate be free of disruptions that
1. To attend all classes daily and on time                        interfere with teaching and learning activities. All students and
2. Be prepared for class with proper materials                    employees are entitled to a safe, secure, and equitable
3. Be respectful to all individuals and property                  environment free from harassment, bullying and dating
4. Conduct himself/herself in a safe and                          violence of any kind.
   responsible manner
5. Be well-groomed and clean                                               INFORMAL DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS
6. Be responsible for his/her own work
7. Abide by all rules and regulations set forth by the            Teachers and administrators strive to use a variety of informal
   school and individual classroom teacher                        disciplinary steps prior to formal disciplinary action. Of
                                                                  course, it must be understood that the type of disciplinary
    STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES                           action taken depends upon the offense committed.

While student rights and responsibilities allow for growth and                     REMOVAL BY TEACHER
development of the individual, nowhere is it stated or even                           § 1003.32 (4) F.S.
implied in this document, that the school relinquishes its
authority and responsibility. Within every school, the            A teacher may remove a student from class:
principal has the responsibility and authority for maintaining    1. Who has been documented by the teacher to
an orderly educational process. Students have rights and              repeatedly interfere with the teacher’s ability to
responsibilities relative to the knowledge and observation of         communicate effectively with the students in the
school and School Board rules; the right to learn; attendance;        class or with the ability of the student’s
respect for persons and property; assembly and free speech;           classmates to learn, or
student publications; and participation in school programs and    2. Whose behavior the teacher determines is so
activities.                                                           unruly, disruptive, or abusive that it seriously
                                                                      interferes with the teacher’s ability to
PARENT/GUARDIAN RESPONSIBILITIES                                      communicate effectively with the students in the
                                                                      class or with the ability of the student’s
1. Maintain regular communication with the school                     classmates to learn.
   concerning their child’s conduct and progress
2. Make efforts to ensure that their child is in daily                     PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED IN
   attendance; report and explain absence to the                               DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS
   school                                                         In application of disciplinary actions it is important to note that
3. Provide their child with the resources needed to               students have the right to:
   complete class work                                            1. Know what the charges are against them
4. Assist their child in being well-groomed and clean             2. Give an explanation in their own defense
5. Bring to the attention of school authorities any               3. Be informed of the discipline they will receive for
   problem or condition which affects their child in                  the misconduct or violations of the Code of
   the school or community                                            Student Conduct
6. Discuss report cards and work assignments with
   their child                                                    All formal disciplinary actions by a teacher and/or an
7. Care for their child’s physical well-being                     administrator will be logged. Any disciplinary action taken
                                                                  depends greatly upon the offense committed.

DISCIPLINARY CONSEQUENCES                                 Behavior Expectation Agreement – This is a written
             This is not an all-inclusive list of                    agreement between a student, their parent/guardian and the
            possible disciplinary consequences.                      school that is intended to improve a student’s behavior. The
                                                                     principal or the principal’s designee uses the following
Time Out – A student who is constantly disruptive within the
                                                                     guidelines in making decisions to issue a Student Behavior
classroom may be excluded from an individual class for a
                                                                     Expectation Agreement:
short period of time by the classroom teacher or principal.
                                                                     1.       When a student is assigned Out of School
Detention – A school may elect to provide detention for
certain conduct. A maximum of ten (10) days of detention
                                                                     2.       When a student commits violent offenses or other
may be assigned for any one conduct problem. It should be
                                                                     Zero Tolerance Policy violations.
noted that because of problems with transportation, detention
                                                                     3.       Chronic disciplinary violations under the
might not be offered in all schools. Transportation will be the
                                                                              school’s Disciplinary Matrix.
responsibility of the student/parent.
                                                                     4.       Upon student’s return to a District school from
Saturday Detention – A school may elect to provide
                                                                     an alternative school placement.
detention on Saturday for certain conduct infractions. This
will not be offered at all schools. Saturday detention will be       **Corporal punishment is prohibited in Okaloosa County
held for up to a three (3) hour period. Transportation will be       public schools.
the responsibility of the student/parent.
Withdrawing Privileges – A school may elect to suspend                    CIVIL CITATIONS/PRE-ARREST DIVERSION
privileges to participate in extracurricular activities, including                              PROGRAMS
ceremonies, for a definite period of time. Parents must be           Unless otherwise provided in School Board Policy, the school
notified of this action.                                             district defers to law enforcement in regard to those student
Student Training Program (S.T.P.) – A student may be                 delinquent acts that may involve misdemeanor offenses to
excluded from class for a set period of time. This method of         determine the appropriate law enforcement response which,
discipline may be used in place of out-of-school suspension,         based on the nature of the offense, may include the issuance
if the school provides this option. The student reports to           of a civil citation or other pre-arrest diversion program referral
school each day and goes to a specified assigned area. The           in accordance with the criteria as established in the first
student will earn credit for work that is completed and              judicial circuit in Okaloosa County, Florida, as authorized
complete a behavior learning module.                                 under § 985.12, F.S.
Suspension (Out-of-School) – A principal may elect to                       GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS
disallow a student to attend school for a period of time (not to
exceed ten days per offense). While a student is suspended           All procedures outlined in this code apply to all students.
out-of-school, he/she may not be on school property or attend        Specific grounds for disciplinary action are as follows:
any school functions and will not receive credit for work                                 General Infractions
missed.                                                              1. General school or classroom disruptions
Alternative Placement – A principal may elect to refer a                 (misconduct which is detrimental to the ongoing
student to an alternative educational setting for serious and/or         process of education)
multiple violations of the Code of Student Conduct.                  2. Tardiness, skipping, truancy
Expulsion – Expulsion is the removal of the right to attend          3. Misconduct on the school bus
public school, with or without continuing educational                4. Disobedience or disrespect toward school staff or
services. Expulsion can be for the remainder of the present              officials
school year plus the ensuing school year. Any principal who          5. Use of inappropriate language
feels that expulsion of a student is required shall so               6. Violation of dress code
recommend to the Superintendent in writing, stating the              7. Gambling
charges against the student in detail. The statement shall           8. Defacing school property
include information contained within the student’s                   9. Inappropriate use of wireless communication
disciplinary record while enrolled in the Okaloosa County                Devices
School System. Upon receipt of such recommendation, the              10. Simulating a firearm or weapon while playing, or
Superintendent shall:                                                    wearing clothing or accessories that depict a
1. Give written notice of the charges (which if proven, would            firearm or weapon or express an opinion
justify expulsion under the regulations of the Board) to the             regarding a right guaranteed by the Second
parent or guardian by certified mail, return receipt requested.          Amendment to the United States Constitution,
2. Give written notice of a hearing date that will provide               only if such conduct substantially disrupts student
sufficient time for the student to prepare and present his/her           learning, causes bodily harm to another person,
defense against the charges and/or be represented by legal               or places another person in reasonable fear of
counsel.      Before the expulsion of any student, the                   bodily harm, or
Superintendent’s representative must prepare a written               11. Other inappropriate behavior
recommendation for the expulsion of the student. This                This list is not all-inclusive and, as such, a student
recommendation must be submitted to the Superintendent               committing an act of misconduct not listed, or other violations of
prior to the School Board meeting.                                   School Board Policy, will nevertheless be subject to the discretionary
                                                                     authority of the principal or his/her designee. Certain actions may
                                                                     require involvement of law enforcement agencies.

Serious Infractions                                                 not the at constitutes a threat to school safety. Offenses
A principal may suspend a student for serious breach of             involving weapons on school premises generally do not meet
conduct. In accordance with School Board Policy and state           this criterion. In the event such petty acts are committed by a
law, offenses listed below may also warrant a                       student, school officials may elect to exercise discretion
recommendation for alternative placement and/or expulsion           afforded through the provisions act of §1006.13,F.S. The
coupled with a referral to mental health services identified by     school officials’ election to exercise said discretion does not
the school district pursuant to § 1012.584(4), F.S. It should be    negate the otherwise imposed duty of the Sheriff if the
pointed out that this list is not all-inclusive, and as such, a     delinquent act or activity is brought to its attention by
student committing an act of misconduct not listed, or other        individuals other than school officials.
violations of School Board Policy, will nevertheless be subject
to the discretionary authority of the principal and/or designee.          ALTERNATIVE EDUCATIONAL SETTING
Certain misconduct may also result in criminal penalties.
 1. Fighting                                                        Students may be assigned to an alternative education
 2. Extortion or stealing                                           placement under the following circumstances:
 3. Possession and/or use of tobacco products                       1. Student has been expelled or incarcerated and is
 4. Possession and/or use or under the influence of                     returning to school
     alcoholic beverages, controlled substances                     2. Student has been referred by a public school
    (drugs), counterfeit controlled substances,                         principal or the Superintendent’s representative
     inhalants, or drug paraphernalia                                   for serious or multiple violations of the Code of
 5. Weapons offenses as defined by School Board                         Student Conduct
     Policy                                                         3. Student has been charged with a felony offense
 6. Threatening students or school staff                                and has been referred by the school principal or
 7. Violence against school personnel or other                          the Superintendent’s representative
     students                                                       4. Student has been unable to benefit from
 8. Violation of sexual harassment policy                               alternative strategies and continues to be
 9. Violation of transportation policies                                disruptive
10. Initiating a false fire alarm                                   5. Student has been previously served at an
11. Tampering with or using the AED in an                               alternative school
      inappropriate manner
12. Willful disobedience                                                      ZERO TOLERANCE GROUNDS FOR
13. Open defiance of authority                                                         EXPULSION
14. Vandalism
15. Disruptive behavior on school grounds or                        Students found to have committed the following offenses on
     property or at school-sponsored events or                      school property, on school-sponsored transportation, or during
     activities                                                     a school-sponsored activity or trip will receive a ten-day
16. Bullying                                                        suspension and a recommendation for expulsion and will be
17. Inappropriate use of wireless communication                     reported to the local law enforcement agency and referred to
     devices                                                        mental health services identified by the school district
18. Violation of dress code                                         pursuant to § 1012.584(4), F.S.:
19. Possession and/or use of electronic cigarettes                   1. Homicide (murder, manslaughter)
20. Hazing                                                           2. Sexual battery
                                                                     3. Armed robbery
             PETTY ACTS OF MISCONDUCT                                4. Aggravated assault
In accordance with the provisions of § 1006.13(2). F.S., petty       5. Assault or aggravated assault on a teacher or
acts of misconduct which are not a threat to school safety and          other school personnel
which do not require consultation with law enforcement are           6. Aggravated battery
defined as those delinquent acts which are not a threat to           7. Battery or aggravated battery on a teacher or
property, which do not disrupt a school function, and which             other school personnel
do not seriously endanger the health and safety of others for        8. Kidnapping or abduction
which the school Principal, in his/her discretion, believes it is    9. Arson
in the best interest of the child, staff, and other students to     10. Possession, use, or sale of any explosive device.
have the matter handled by school personnel only. In                11. Making a destructive device/bomb threat as
making this decision the Principal shall consider: the              0000defined in § 790.001 F.S.
personal or property rights of others that were or may be           12. Distribution, intent to distribute, sale,
affected by the child’s actions; the child’s propensity to              or multiple offenses of possession, use or under
recommit the delinquent act; previous misconduct by the                 the influence of a controlled substance (School
child; the laws of this state; the policies and goals of the            Board Policy 04-33 (E); § 893.03 and § 893.13 F.S.)
School Board; the wishes of a victim or victim’s parents; and       13. Making a false report or threat as defined by § 790.162
any other mitigating circumstances that the Principal                   and § 790.163 F.S.
recognizes. Each incident or delinquent act must be                 14. Possession, use, or sale of any firearm defined in Chapter
examined on a case-by-case basis to determine whether or                790, F.S. *

*(The Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994, Public Law 103-382,                                     BULLYING
mandates a minimum expulsion of one full calendar year for
any student who brings a weapon to school, to any school          Bullying, including cyberbullying, means systematically and
function, or onto any school sponsored transportation.)           chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress
                                                                  on one or more students or employees. It is further defined
                        DRESS CODE                                as unwanted and repeated written, verbal, electronic or
                                                                  physical behavior, including any threatening, insulting, or
The dress code for students is established in School Board        dehumanizing gesture, by an adult or student, that is severe
Policy 04-31. Pursuant to the provisions of                       or pervasive enough to create an intimidating, hostile, or
§1006.07, F.S., students are hereby notified of the following     offensive educational environment; cause discomfort or
specific provisions of School Board Policy 04-31 (C ) and (E):    humiliation; or unreasonably interfere with the individual’s
                                                                  school performance or participation; or may involve but is
“(C ) Students are prohibited, while on the grounds of a public   not limited to:
school during the regular school day, from wearing clothing
that exposed underwear or body parts in an indecent or vulgar      1.   Unwanted teasing
manner or that disrupts the orderly learning environment.”         2.   Social Exclusion
                                                                   3.   Threat
“(E) Any student who violates the dress policy described in        4.   Intimidation
para-graph (C) is subject to the following disciplinary            5.   Stalking
actions:                                                           6.   Physical violence
      (1) For a first offense, the student shall be given a        7.   Theft
          verbal                                                   8.   Sexual, religious, or racial harassment
          warning and the school principal shall call the          9.   Public or private humiliation
          student’s                                               10.   Destruction of property
          parent or guardian.                                     11.   Cyberstalking
                                                                  12.   Cyberbullying
     (2) For a second offense, the student is                     13.   Other, as determined by School Board
           ineligible to participate in any
           extracurricular activity for a period of time          The Okaloosa County School District Bullying Policy (04-43)
           not to exceed 5 days and the school                    may be viewed online (click here) at at
           principal shall meet with the student’s                the Parents or Students link. Parents who would like a print
           parent or guardian.                                    version of the Bullying Policy may request a copy from their
      (3) For a third or subsequent offense, a student            child’s school. Parents or students who would like a print
           shall receive an in-school suspension                  version of the Bullying Policy may request a copy from the
          pursuant to §1003.01(5) F.S.for a period not            principal’s office of their child’s school.
           to exceed 3 days, the student is ineligible
           to participate in any extracurricular                          WIRELESS COMMUNICATION DEVICES
           activity for a period not to exceed 30 days,                        Reference § 1006.07 (2) (f) F.S.
           and the school principal shall call the                                 and S.B. Policy 04-12
           student’s parent or guardian and send the
           parent or guardian a written letter                    In accordance with the provisions of Florida law, a student
           regarding the student’s in-school                      may be in possession of wireless communication devices
           suspension and ineligibility to participate in         while he or she is on school property or in attendance at a
           extracurricular activities.”                           school function. For the purposes of this code, wireless
                                                                  communications devices include beepers, electronic telephone
                   DATING VIOLENCE                                pagers, cellular telephones, electronic tablets, e-readers, or
                                                                  other similar wireless communications devices.
The Okaloosa County School District prohibits acts of dating
                                                                  Any student possessing a wireless communications device
violence on school property, during school sponsored
                                                                  while he or she is on school property or in attendance at a
activities, or during school sponsored transportation. Teen
                                                                  school function must insure that the device is turned off during
dating violence is a pattern of emotional, verbal, sexual, or
                                                                  school hours unless permitted by the instructor or the
physical abuse used by one person in a current or past dating
relationship to exert power and control over another when one
or both of the partners is a teenager. Abuse may include          The acceptable use of wireless communications devices by
insults, coercion, social sabotage, sexual harassment, threats,   students will be determined by the school principal. If a
and/or acts of physical or sexual abuse. The abusive partner      student obtains prior approval from the school principal or
uses this pattern of violent and coercive behavior to gain        his/her designee, the requirement that wireless communication
power and maintain control over the dating partner. Any           devices must be powered completely off will not apply when
student who is a victim of or is aware of an act of dating        the student is using the wireless communications devices for
violence on school property, during school sponsored              an education or instructional purpose with the teacher’s
activities, or during school sponsored transportation shall       permission and supervision.
report it to the school’s administration.
Students are prohibited from using wireless communications           VICTIMIZATION OF STUDENTS
devices to capture, record or transmit the words (i.e. audio)        § 1006.13 (6) F.S.; S.B. Policy 04-33 (B)
and/or images (i.e. pictures /video) of any student, staff
member or other person in the school or while attending a            Students who have pleaded “guilty” or nolo contendere, or
school related activity during the school day, without express       who have been adjudicated guilty or delinquent, or found to
prior notice and explicit consent from the school principal or       have committed certain felonies, regardless of whether
his/her designee for the capture, recording or transmission of       adjudication was withheld, are prohibited from attending the
such words or images. Using a wireless communications                same school or riding the same school bus with the victim or
device to take or transmit audio and/or pictures/video of an         sibling of the victim of the felony offense.
individual without his/her consent is considered an invasion of
privacy and is not permitted.                                        OFF CAMPUS FELONY
                                                                     § 1006.09 (2) F.S.
Students are prohibited from using wireless communications
devices in any way that might reasonably create in the mind
of another person an impression of being threatened,                 Suspension proceedings may be initiated against
humiliated, harassed, embarrassed or intimidated.                    any student enrolled as a student who is formally
                                                                     charged with a felony, or with a delinquent act that
Students are prohibited from using wireless communication            would be a felony if committed by an adult, by a
devices to capture and/or transmit test information or any
other information in a manner constituting fraud, cheating, or       proper prosecuting attorney for an incident which
academic dishonesty. Likewise, students are prohibited from          allegedly occurred on property other than public
using wireless communication devices to receive such                 school property, if that incident is shown to have an
information.                                                         adverse impact on the education program, discipline
                                                                     or welfare in the school in which the student is
No expectation of confidentiality will exist in the use of
wireless communication devices on school district property or
in attendance at school functions.
Any violation of the conditions and requirements of this policy
will result in confiscation of the wireless communications
deice by school officials, and may result in other disciplinary      PARENT/GUARDIAN RESPONSIBILITIES
actions depending upon severity of violation and whether or          REGARDING SCHOOL
not he violation is of a repeated nature by the same student.        BUS TRANSPORTATION
The confiscated wireless communications device will be               F.A.C. 6A-3.0121
returned to the student at the end of the regular school day after
the first violation and in the event of subsequent violations by
the same student, the wireless communications device will be         1. Parents/guardians are responsible to ensure the
returned to the student’s parents/guardians only. The use of a        safe travel of their students during the portions
wireless communication device in a criminal act may result in        of each trip to and from school and home when the
criminal penalties against the user.                                 students are not under the custody and control of the
Any student who chooses to bring a wireless communications
device to school shall do so at his or her own risk. Neither the
                                                                     school district, including during each trip to
School Board nor school officials shall be responsible for the       and from home and the assigned bus stop when
loss, damage or theft of wireless communications devices             the school district provides bus transportation.
brought onto school property or to school functions.                 2. Parents/guardians are responsible to ensure that
                                                                     students ride only in their assigned buses and get off
                                                                     only at assigned bus stops, except when the
                                                                     district has provided alternative buses or
A student’s locker, vehicle, purse, backpack, and other              arrangements.
personal possessions can be searched if there is a reasonable        3. Parents/guardians are responsible to ensure
belief any of them contain drugs, weapons, contraband, or            students are aware of and follow the district
other items not permitted on campus. Trained sniff-screening
dogs are allowed in the schools to prevent drugs and weapons         adopted Code of Student Conduct while the
at school. The routine checks by the dogs are not considered         students are at school bus stops and to provide
a search by law. They are safety preventions to give students        necessary supervision during times when the bus is
a safe and healthy school in which to learn.                         not present.
                                                                     4. Parents/guardians are responsible to ensure that,
                                                                     when the physical disability of the student renders
                                                                     the student unable to get on and off the bus

without assistance, the parent or guardian provide                   5. All high school students who participate in extracurricular
the necessary assistance to help the student get on                  activities must maintain a cumulative 2.0 grade point average
                                                                     (GPA) on a 4.0 unweighted scale.
and off at the bus stop, as required by district policy
or the student’s individual education plan.                          6.     All middle school students who participate in
                                                                     extracurricular activities must maintain a minimum 2.0 grade
                                                                     point average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent and pass
                                                                     five (5) subjects for the grading period immediately preceding
         CONDUCT ON SCHOOL BUSES                                     participation; or, student eligibility for the first grading period
               § 1006.10 F.S.                                        of each new school year shall be based on passing five (5)
                                                                     subjects and maintaining the required GPA for the previous
Violation of School Board transportation policies,                   school year. Elementary students initially entering middle
including disruptive behavior on a school bus is                     school will have their eligibility determined by their first
                                                                     grading period.
grounds for suspension of the student’s privilege
of riding on a school bus and may be grounds for                     7. High school students involved in activities governed by the
                                                                     Florida High School Activities Association (FHSAA) must
disciplinary action by the school and may also                       meet all requirements for participation set forth by that
result in criminal penalties being imposed. The                      organization.
principal shall assume responsibility for student                    8. Middle school students must meet the eligibility and
behavior on the school bus. Bus rules are posted                     participation guidelines set forth in School Board Policy 04-
in each bus.                                                         17.
                                                                     9. Schools may elect to use more rigorous academic criteria
                                                                     for the selection and continued participation of students in any
                PARTICIPATION IN THE                                 extracurricular activity including but not limited to athletics.
               PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE                                  Such additional criteria must be reviewed and approved by the
                     § 1003.44 F.S.                                  School Advisory Council at each school on an annual basis.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag shall be recited at the
beginning of the day in each elementary and secondary school.                    STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES
Students have the right not to participate in reciting the Pledge
of Allegiance, including standing and placing the right hand         Policies and procedures regarding the discipline of students
over his or her heart, and will be exempted from participating       with disabilities are documented in the Special Programs and
upon the written request of the student’s parent or guardian.        Procedures for Exceptional Students and the Section 504
An excused student has the right to remain quietly seated            procedures for Okaloosa County School District. Copies may
during the Pledge of Allegiance.                                     be obtained from the Okaloosa County School Board Office,
                                                                     120 Lowery Place SE, Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548, at
     ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY STANDARDS FOR                              the website.
                 § 1006.195 F.S.                                                EQUITY POLICY FOR STUDENTS
                                                                                    School Board Policy 04-34
1. A student not currently suspended from         interscholastic
or intrascholastic extracurricular activities, or suspended or       (A) It is the policy of the School Board of Okaloosa County to
expelled from school, pursuant to the district school board’s        offer students the opportunity to participate in appropriate
suspension or expulsion powers provided in law, including §§         programs, services and activities without regard to race, color,
1006.07, 1006.08, and 1006.09 F.S., is eligible to participate       religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs,
in interscholastic and intrascholastic extracurricular activities.   marital status, parenthood, pregnancy, disability, sexual
2. A student may not participate in a sport if the student           orientation, or social and family background.
participated in that same sport at another school during that
school year, unless the student meets the criteria in §              (B) Students, while they are in school or participating in
1006.15(3) (h)F.S.                                                   school-related activities, are entitled to an environment free of
3. A student’s eligibility to participate in any interscholastic     discrimination and/or harassment by other students or adult
or intrascholastic extracurricular activity may not be affected      employees or volunteers, or persons with whom the district
by any alleged recruiting violation until final disposition of the   contracts for services. Harassment includes, but is not limited
allegation pursuant to § 1006.20(2) (b)F.S..                         to:

4. Pursuant to School Board Policy 04-32 (G), students                     (1) Slurs or innuendos or other verbal or physical conduct
enrolled in an alternative school, due to disciplinary reasons,      reflecting on an individual's race, ethnic background, gender
shall not be permitted on any other School Board property and        or handicapping condition which has the purpose or effect of
will not be allowed to participate in any school events or           creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational
activities. Therefore, a student enrolled in an alternative          environment; has the purpose or effect of unreasonably
school, due to disciplinary reasons, may not participate in          interfering with the individual's school performance or
interscholastic or intrascholastic extracurricular activities.

participation; or otherwise adversely affects an individual's      to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term
educational opportunities.                                         or condition of an individual's educational career; submission
                                                                   to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for
     (2) The denial or the provision of aid, benefits, grades,     educational decisions affecting the individual; or such conduct
rewards, faculty assistance, services, or treatment on the basis   has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an
of sexual advances or requests for sexual favors.                  individual's educational performance or creating an
                                                                   intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment.
   (3) Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission

C) In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes                 (1) Students should promptly report complaints pertaining
harassment or discrimination, the totality of the                  to the Okaloosa School District's Equity Policy to a teacher,
circumstances, the nature of the conduct, and the context in       the principal, or to the principal's administrative designee in
which the alleged conduct occurred will be investigated. The       charge of the school's discipline office. The District’s Equity
investigation may appropriately be expanded to include other       Coordinator will be immediately notified by the school’s
acts whenever violation appears to exist based on information      administrative staff when a complaint is filed.
received during the investigation. Additionally, the period of
investigation will cover as much time as necessary to obtain          (2) Students who do not think their complaints have been
sufficient evidence to make a finding on the merits, or if the     adequately resolved may file a formal complaint by
alleged violation could constitute a continuing violation or a     completing an MIS 2083 Equity Complaint Form-Student in
pattern or practice of discrimination, and/or in order to          the school's discipline office. The Complaint Form must be
determine the extent of a violation and fashion appropriate        filed within forty-five (45) calendar days of the date the
remedial relief.                                                   student knew or should have known of the event(s) giving rise
                                                                   to the alleged violation.
 (D) Students shall be informed of the appropriate procedure
to report violations of this policy in the Code of Student            (3) Each teacher who receives a complaint from a student
Conduct and by school personnel.                                   pertaining to the district's Equity Policy shall forward that
                                                                   complaint to the principal or the principal's designee. If the
 (E) In any case which involves initial reporting of alleged       principal is the subject of the complaint, the teacher shall
sexual harassment, nothing in this policy or in any other policy   report to the Superintendent or his/her designee.
or procedure shall require the individual alleging sexual
harassment to present the matter to the person who is the             (4) Except as otherwise provided in this Policy, the school's
subject of the complaint.                                          administrative staff, with the assistance of the District’s
                                                                   Equity Coordinator, will investigate all complaints filed by
 (F) Reporting harassment or discrimination will not affect the    students on the Equity Complaint form using the procedures
student's status, extra-curricular activities, future grades or    set forth in Step I of School Board Policy 06-28.
work assignments with the exception of (I) below. Any form         The principal and equity coordinator may choose to select a
of retaliation against any individual involved in an               committee to assist in the investigation of formal student-to-
investigation of alleged violations of Equity Policies or other    student complaints. The committee shall serve for a school
Board Policies, including, but not limited to                      year. Members may be added as the need arises. Training
complainants/grievants, charged parties, and witnesses, is         shall be provided for committee members.
strictly prohibited. Complaints of retaliation are filed via the
process named herein.                                                 (5) Formal complaints involving student-to-student include
                                                                   but are not necessarily limited to rape, attempted rape, threats
 (G) The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and     of physical violence, repeated harassment or discrimination,
of the accused, will be respected, consistent with the Board's     or any complaint that cannot be resolved by the teacher.
legal obligation, and with the necessity to investigate
allegations of misconduct and take corrective action when this        (6) Formal complaints involving adult-to-student include
conduct has occurred. The right to due process will be             any action of a sexual nature or any action that denies a student
guarded for both the complainant and accused.                      access to education opportunities on the basis of race, color,
                                                                   religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs,
(H) A substantiated charge against a student shall subject that    marital status, parenthood, pregnancy, disability, sexual
student to disciplinary action, including but not limited to       orientation, or social and family background.
suspension or expulsion.
                                                                      (7) If the complaint is not successfully resolved at the
(I) A substantiated case of a false claim in which a student       school level, the student or parent may file a written appeal to
willfully, intentionally, in bad faith wrongfully accuses          the Superintendent or his/her designee within ten (10) calendar
another student or adult, shall result in disciplinary action.     days of receipt of the disposition by the administrative staff.
                                                                   The Superintendent or his/her designee will follow the
(J) Implementing Procedures                                        procedures set forth in Step II of School Board Policy 06-28.

EQUITY POLICY FOR ADULTS                             School District will follow its grievance process, as set forth
                                                                 in School Board Policy 01-30.
School Board Policy 06-26 prohibits discrimination               The Okaloosa County School District will address all
against applicants, volunteers, employees or contractors on      allegations of sexual harassment occurring 1) at all Okaloosa
the basis of:                                                    county School District schools; (2) at all Okaloosa County
- Race            - Age                                          School District events; and (3) under circumstances over
- Sex             - Religious Belief(s)                          which the Okaloosa County School District exercise
- Color           - Marital Status                               substantial control over both the respondent and the context
- Disability      - National or Ethnic Origin                    in which the sexual harassment occurs. Complainants and
                                                                 respondents will be treated equitably by providing remedies
                                                                 to a complainant where a determination of responsibility for
                     Sexual Harassment                           sexual harassment has been made against the respondent and
Sexual harassment by an employee or student to another           by following the grievance process before imposing any
individual (student or adult) is strictly prohibited by School   disciplinary sanctions or other action, other than supportive
Board Policies 04-34 and 06-27. Sexual harassment includes       measures, against the respondent
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and
other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:        Superintendent’s Designees:
1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or
implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment;    Steve Chatman (850) 682-9002
or                                                               Specialist, Equity Office
2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual   461 West School Ave. Rm. 104 Crestview, FL 32536
is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such
individual; or                                                   Contact for information regarding Equity Policies and
3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably        Procedures. This policy is in accordance with the Florida
interfering with an individual’s work performance.               Educational Equity Act (FEEA) and the Section 504 of the
                                                                 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and other applicable law and rules.
                   Complaint Procedures:
If an adult needs to report an alleged violation of these
policies, an informal Equity Complaint should be made to a       Tracy Lamb (850) 833-3108
principal or department director. If the situation cannot be     Director I, Student Intervention Services
resolved informally, a Formal Equity Grievance (MIS 5139),       202-A Hwy 85 N., Niceville, FL 32578
in compliance with School Board Policy 06-28, should be
directed to the Superintendent’s designee listed below.
Employees have the option of filing a grievance through          Kathy Ard (850) 833-3106
appropriate Master Contract procedures in lieu of the Formal     Director, ESE & Student Intervention Services
Equity Grievance.                                                202-A Hwy 85 N. Niceville, FL 32578

     TITLE IX POLICY PROHIBITING SEXUAL                          Amy Bowles (850) 833-3164
                HARRASSMENT                                      Program Director, ESE
                                                                 202-A Hwy 85 N. Niceville, FL 32578
School Board Policy 01-30 prohibits discrimination on the
basis of sex, including sexual harassment, in compliance         Terri Schroeder (850) 833-5861
with Title IX, 20 U.S.C. 1581 and 34 C.F.R. part 106. The        Program Director, Section 504
Okaloosa County School District will address all allegations     202-A Hwy 85 N. Niceville, FL 32578
of sexual harassment with a thorough investigation, ensuing
due process for the complainant and respondent.

                    Complaint Procedures                         Brian Humphrey (850) 689-7198
All Allegations of sexual harassment should be promptly          Specialist, Discipline & Athletics
reported to the Title IX Coordinator under School Board          461 West School Ave. Rm. 603 Crestview, FL 32536
Policy 01-30. Any person may report sexual harassment in
person, by mail, by telephone, or by electronic mail, using
the Title IX Coordinators contact information as listed below
and published on the Okaloosa county School district’s
website at www. When the Title IX
Coordinator receives a complaint, the Okaloosa County

MIS 5444
                                    SCHOOL DISTRICT OF OKALOOSA COUNTY                                        Rev.6.23.2021
                                       STUDENT INTERVENTION SERVICES
                                      HIGH SCHOOL DISCIPLINARY MATRIX

This Disciplinary Action Chart compiled by the Administration signifies the most common infractions committed by
students. Notice that repeat offenses are accompanied by a progression of more serious disciplinary response than the
Every attempt will be made to follow the appropriate consequence regarding the chart below. The Administration does
reserve the right to determine the punishment based on the seriousness of a particular infraction and the previous discipline
record of the student who commits the offense.

 VIOLATION                     FIRST OFFENSE            SECOND OFFENSE             THIRD          FOURTH
                                                                                   OFFENSE        OFFENSE

 ALCOHOL/DRUGS:                Zero Tolerance- 10 day suspension (OSS), recommendation for alternative
 Possession or Use             placement and/or expulsion per School Board Policy 4-33

 BOMB THREAT/USE               Zero Tolerance – Recommendation for Expulsion per School Board Policy 4-33
                               Refer to Bullying Policy 4-43
                               Teacher refers to office and              Teacher refers to office and makes
                               makes parent contact; Additional          parent contact; STP: ; Additional
                               sanctions per PPP may be                  sanctions per PPP may be imposed
                               imposed by the teacher                    by the teacher

 COMPUTER/                     Level of infraction will determine discipline level. OPTIONS: Suspension of
 Electronic Media              electronic device privileges; Financial reimbursement; Recommendation for
 VIOLATION                     Alternative Placement.

 DEFACING                      Detention; Saturday School; 1 – 10 days STP; 1 – 10 days STP coupled with
 OF SCHOOL                     OSS; Student Expectation Agreement: Financial reimbursement; possible
 PROPERTY:                     recommendation for Alternative Placement
 locker, book, vandalism,

 DETENTION: Failure            Detention or            Saturday School/STP
 to attend                     Saturday School

                               Warning;                Detention; Saturday         Detention; STP; OSS & STP;
                               Detention; STP;         School; STP; Student        Student Expectation
                               Saturday School         Expectation Agreement       Agreement; Recommend for
                                                                                   Alternative Placement

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