Fresh Approaches to Scripture Engagement - Friends International

Page created by Herbert Edwards
Fresh Approaches to Scripture Engagement - Friends International
Summer 2020│ Issue 22

Fresh Approaches to
Scripture Engagement
 Proposing by Text Message        Mapping Scripture in the           Blogging with Esther?
   Or, Taking the Genre of       Cultural Landscape of Japan        Moving Beyond Just Bible
     Scripture Seriously                                                Study Questions
                                         By Liz Jeggo
       By Peter Dray                                                    By Fiona Barnard

          The Friends International Journal Exploring International Student Ministry
Fresh Approaches to Scripture Engagement - Friends International
©2020 Friends International Ministries. Cover image by Fabio Comparelli on

Insight is published by Friends International Ministries. Registered Charity Number: 1094095.

We welcome your comments and responses to the articles featured in this edition of Insight. Please address all
correspondence to:

Disclaimer: Articles published in Insight are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent
the views of the editors or Friends International Ministries.

1 │ Summer 2020
Fresh Approaches to Scripture Engagement - Friends International

 Page 3   A Word from the Editor

          By Lynette Teagle

 Page 5   Proposing by Text Message
          Or, Taking the Genre of Scripture Seriously

          By Peter Dray

 Page 9   Mapping Scripture in the Cultural Landscape of Japan

          By Liz Jeggo

Page 13   Calibrating Expectations:
          Helping Returnees Evaluate a Bible-Teaching Church

          By Kah Foon Gillespie

Page 17   Blogging with Esther?
          Moving Beyond Just Bible Study Questions

          By Fiona Barnard

Page 22   The Insight Team

                                                        Insight Issue 22 │ 2
Fresh Approaches to Scripture Engagement - Friends International
A Word from the Editor

                                 One of our wedding gifts, a set      This little story brings to mind
                                 of traditional Chinese Mun           Jesus’ teaching that “every
   Lynette Teagle                Shou crockery (pictured              teacher of the law who has
                                 above), has remained largely         become a disciple in the
   Originally from Singapore,    unused except on special             kingdom of heaven is like the
   Lynette joined Friends        occasions. Hand-delivered from       owner of a house who brings
   International in 2001 and     China to England, via                out of his storeroom new
   serves as Head of Learning    Singapore, in 1993, the heavy        treasures as well as old”
   and Development.              stoneware set is incredibly          (Matthew 13:52).
                                 precious. Yet, as a young family,
   Married to Peter and based    we felt it hopelessly impractical    While we are convinced in this
   in Oxford, she is currently   and set it aside in favour of        ministry of the sufficiency and
   researching for a PhD.        more durable tableware – it          effectiveness of every part of
                                 was too exceptional for daily        Scripture in our own lives and
                                 use, too fragile and heavy for       those of international students,
                                 childish hands to manage.            some of us might be reluctant
                                                                      to engage with the Old
                                 More recently, our children,         Testament (of which the Law of
                                 now young adults with a deep         Moses constitutes a major part)
                                 interest in issues of identity and   or certain genres. The
                                 exploration of their bi-cultural     seemingly dubious actions and
                                 heritage, have viewed the            decisions of Old Testament
                                 crockery with different eyes.        characters, or parts of Israel’s
                                 After 27 years, the set has          tumultuous history, might feel
                                 become a lasting remembrance         too difficult to explain
                                 of our wedding celebrations          adequately in our limited time
                                 and the generosity of our            with students. But Jesus’ words
                                 guests, a potent symbol of our       encourage us to persevere in
                                 combined cultural heritage, and      handling all parts of the Bible
                                 a rich part of our continuing        well, in the faith that those who
                                 story. This old treasure has new     study God’s Word diligently
                                 value in our family life.            while also seeking to follow
                                                                      Christ will be able to bring out

3 │ Summer 2020
Fresh Approaches to Scripture Engagement - Friends International
“new treasures as well as old.”     the factors which Japanese
He raises our expectation that      students might need to
those who view God’s Word           overcome in order to develop
under the Holy Spirit’s direction   good Bible reading habits.
will find valuable truth even in
those “less comprehensible”         We pray that this issue will help
parts of the Old Testament.         us continue to bring out “new
                                    treasures as well as old” as we
In this issue of Insight, Peter     study the Bible with our
Dray develops thoughts from         student friends from around the
his sessions at the Friends         world.
International Conference 2020,
urging us to reconsider how
genres of Scripture – apart from
the gospels – might speak into

students’ lives in new ways.
Similarly, Fiona Barnard
suggests creative alternatives to
the tried-and-tested question-
and-answer Bible study
approach, exploring what is
known as an “oral
hermeneutic” which might                                                “...Jesus’ words
engage imaginations and
emotions more effectively.                                              encourage us to
Turning to returnees, Kah Foon                                          persevere in
Gillespie asks searching                                                handling all parts
questions about how they
should rightly evaluate Bible                                           of the Bible well.”
teaching in their home country,
and Liz Jeggo writes from her
missionary experience about

                                                                                Insight Issue 22 │ 4
Fresh Approaches to Scripture Engagement - Friends International
Proposing by Text Message
                  Or, Taking the Genre of Scripture Seriously

                                 Many years ago, whilst I was       ‘sayable’ by text – quick notes
                                 working as Staff Worker with       about being late, or finding out
  Peter Dray                     Christian Unions in Lancashire,    if someone has food
                                 a cheeky student leader at the     intolerances, for example. It
  Peter Dray is Head of          University of Central Lancashire   would be strange to write a
  Creative Evangelism with       put out a rumour that I’d          sonnet or a play about either of
  UCCF, the British university   proposed by text message. Over     these subject items when a
  Christian Union movement.      the following weeks, the only      simple text message would
                                 thing more irritating than being   suffice.
  He is married to Linda and     questioned about the rumour
  father to Samuel and Toby.     was discovering the number of      Indeed, all forms of text and
  A former Christian Unions      people who believed I might        speech make certain things
  international secretary, he    just have popped the question      ‘sayable’, and certain things
  counts himself as a long-      in this way!                       ‘unsayable’ – a principle with
  term supporter and                                                important implications for our
  cheerleader of Friends         It would be scandalous to          evangelism and discipleship of
  International.                 propose by text message.           international students.
                                 Though the meaning of the
                                 question is retained (“Will you    The Genius of Genre
                                 marry me?”), the brevity and
                                 formality of the question’s form   Forms of text and speech are
                                 is unsuitable both for the         called ‘genres’ – categories of
                                 emotion of its content and for     composition characterised by a
                                 the response for which the         similar style or form. The Bible
                                 asker is hoping.                   comprises a dizzying array of
                                                                    genres. “God chose to use
                                 “Will you marry me?” is a          almost every available kind of
                                 question you cannot                communication,” write Gordon
                                 (successfully) pose by text. The   Fee and Douglas Stuart,
                                 nature of a text message makes     “narrative history, genealogies,
                                 it ‘unsayable’. But that very      chronicles, laws of all kinds,
                                 same nature makes other things     poetry of all kinds, proverbs,

5 │ Summer 2020
Fresh Approaches to Scripture Engagement - Friends International
prophetic oracles, riddles,         repentance and faith in Christ.      makes certain statements
drama, biographical sketches,       John Calvin wrote of Isaiah,         ‘sayable’, and because they
parables, letters, sermons and      “Let us pay attention to the         induce different responses in
apocalypses.”¹ Successful           style of Isaiah which is not only    the reader, nothing short of the
interpretation of these biblical    pure and elegant, but is also        full range of scriptural genres
texts requires awareness of the     ornamented with high art –           can achieve God’s formative
unwritten rules that apply to       from which we may learn that         purposes in us.
each of these genres.               eloquence may be of great
                                    service to faith.”² Evangelical      We might say that the Bible’s
The Bible is unique amongst         Christians – especially those        form is as inspired as its
religious texts in its range of     working cross-culturally – have      content – though even this
genres. This should give us         rightly valued clarity of            statement drives too hard a
pause for thought. Why might        communication, but we dare           wedge between form and
God inspire the Bible authors to    not too readily surrender an         content. After all, we might ask
write in such a range of forms –    aesthetic commitment that God        whether proposing marriage is
especially given the extra          Himself holds in His Word.           even the same question if it’s
challenges that come in its                                              asked using a lazy text
interpretation?                     Second, the Bible’s many             message!
                                    genres reflect the scope of
Though God gives His reasons,       vision that God has for the          The Full Counsel of God
I believe that there are probably   transformation of His people.
several answers to this             God does not simply want to          This line of thought should
question. The range of genres       impart information to us, but to     move us to ask why the authors
acts as a safeguard to those        sculpt us to reflect the likeness    of the Bible (human and
with proud tendencies who           of His Son in every dimension.       divine) employed their
might believe they can master       As Kevin Vanhoozer puts it:          particular genre for the
Scripture (and its God). The        “The texts that make up the          message they were conveying.
diversity of scriptural forms       Bible do not merely propose          Galatians and Romans, letters
also says something important       doctrines to be believed or          written with tight, logical
about how God accommodates          policies to be espoused. The         argument, provided a suitable
to humans within our own            Bible is more radical than that.     form for Paul to underscore the
cultural contexts. These are        Scripture proposes a new way         sufficiency of Jesus’ sacrifice as
both important principles for       of understanding: not only           watertight, to those tempted to
our ministry – but, for the         knowing-that but seeing-as,          turn back to the works of the
purposes of this article, let me    even feeling-as. It is one thing     law. Conversely, the poetry of
focus upon two further reasons      to agree with the proposition        Psalm 23 conveys the emotion
God may have inspired a             ‘God created the heavens and         of knowing one belongs to the
written Word of many genres.        the earth,’ another thing to see     Shepherd God that legal
                                    and feel the planet we inhabit       discourse never could. Whilst
First, the Bible’s many genres      as God’s good though fallen          the closing chapters of
show us how highly God              and being-renewed creation.”³        Revelation leave us with many
esteems beauty, including                                                questions about the new
beautiful language. Though          Such a grand project requires a      creation, their power is
Scripture warns about pursuing      diversity of genre matching the      primarily in their appeal to
eloquence as an end in itself       breadth of human experience,         imagination. But the
(most notably in 1 Corinthians      ministering not just to our          apocalyptic genre would have
1-2), the Bible’s form shows        rationality, but also to our will,   been wholly inappropriate to
that poetic effort and artistry     emotion and imagination.             describe the detail of Jesus’
can be a means of calling us to     Because each literary form           earthly ministry – which is why

                                                                                      Insight Issue 22 │ 6
Fresh Approaches to Scripture Engagement - Friends International
Luke chose to write an ‘orderly     an hour into their retelling, we     all, “a Christian worldview is
account’ (Luke 1:4) instead.⁴       wondered when the ‘real              formed by hearing and learning
                                    sermon’ was ever going to start!     the big story of Scripture and
Camping just in one genre of        Instead, as his paraphrase drew      seeing how all the little stories,
Scripture is therefore like         to a close, the preacher paused      whether of the men or women
consuming an unbalanced diet.       – and asked, “Now, do you            in the Bible, or of ourselves and
It may do us good in some           really think all of that was a       our neighbours, fit into that big
areas, but leaves us                coincidence?”                        story.”⁵
underdeveloped and liable to
become sick.                        Not only was this a brilliant one    However, I wonder whether
                                    sentence summary of Esther’s         these approaches can be
Mature discipleship requires        message, the sermon also did         supported and augmented by
followers of Jesus to be            full justice to Esther’s genre.      others, a couple of which I
moulded by what Paul called         The sermon continues to give         tentatively propose here.
‘the whole counsel of God’          me immense comfort, especially
(Acts 20:27). Those of us           at times in which God has            Firstly, in a university culture
involved in shaping teaching        seemed absent from my own            very aware of mental health,
programmes need to ensure a         story.                               we might use the psalms more
varied regime for our hearers –                                          often. As I cut my teeth in
not just to keep their interest     New Opportunities                    Christian ministry, I was
up, but because we aspire to a                                           sceptical of such an approach. I
deep discipleship that the Spirit   Could there be implications for      worried that it seemed too close
can engender only by means of       our evangelism too?                  to ripping verses out of context
the full resources of His Word.                                          and treating the Bible like just a
In university towns, where          Most evangelism with                 self-help book. It is, of course,
turnover of church membership       international students in Britain    possible to diminish the gospel
is quick, this issue is all the     seems to involve a couple of         to mere therapy.⁶ But we need
more pertinent.                     approaches. The first takes          not deny the tremendous
                                    international students through       emotional resources that flow
Where possible our style of         the broad sweep of Scripture,        from knowing the Lord.
teaching too, should correlate      Genesis to Revelation,               Further, the Bible’s truth claims
with the form of Scripture we       providing them with a basic          can be established in many
are using. Precision is rightly     biblical worldview in which the      ways – including through its
the order of the day when it        central events of the gospel         emotional resonance with how
comes to unpacking Paul’s           (and the call to repentance and      life really feels.
dense theology. A different         faith) make sense. A second
approach might be more              approach explores narratives         I recently met an Indonesian
suitable when considering           from Jesus’ life in seeker Bible     student who’d undergone a
image- and emotion-rich             studies. I don’t want to             number of traumatic
psalms.                             undermine our commitment to          experiences. As we opened a
                                    either of these approaches,          psalm together, he reflected
One of the most memorable           which have emerged out of            that here, at last, was a
sermons I heard was an              group wisdom and which have          vocabulary powerful enough to
overview of the book of Esther.     proven fruitful. In some senses,     match his pain. We moved
The preacher simply retold the      the gospels are the most             naturally to talk further about
account in his own words,           accessible part of the Bible to      how Jesus’ death and
drawing out the details. Like       those new to it, and it makes        resurrection provide hope, even
the book of Esther, he never        obvious sense to locate details      in the most painful of
mentioned God by name. Half         in the Bible’s bigger story. After   circumstances.

7 │ Summer 2020
Fresh Approaches to Scripture Engagement - Friends International
Another time, a Belgian student     Scripture in our day, prayerfully          conviction that all Scripture is
asked a highly philosophical        seeking to understand our                  God-breathed and useful (2
question following a talk I’d       times. There are many                      Timothy 3:16). And as our
given on suffering. I engaged       considerations in play as we               world continues to change and
her question, but then asked if I   seek to engage today’s                     God’s Word makes fresh
could share a Bible passage         international students with the            connections within our own
that’s been of special comfort to   gospel: pragmatic, cultural and            cultural moment, we might
me. I read Psalm 27. Afterwards     convictional. But I’d love to call         expect to see the reality of this
she came and asked for the          us all to confidence that we               conviction demonstrated in
reference so she could read it      need not be embarrassed by the             new ways amongst
again. I was delighted to hear      Bible’s form, or feel we must              international students.
she later signed up for Bible       keep only to the passages
study.                              where we are most
                                    comfortable. It’s an evangelical
A second biblical genre which
we might employ
evangelistically is wisdom
                                    1 Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart.        5. David J. Hesselgrave. Planting
literature. Many cultural
                                    How to Read the Bible for All Its          Churches Cross-Culturally: North
commentators have noticed the
                                    Worth, Second Edition. Bletchley:          America and Beyond. Grand Rapids:
craving of younger adults for
                                    Scripture Union Press, 1994. Page 19.      Baker Books, 2000. Page 146.
wisdom.⁷ Bombarded with
information yet often lacking       2. Quoted in John Piper. Seeing Beauty     6. I’ve written more about the dangers
inter-generational relationships    and Saying Beautifully. Nottingham:        of precisely this at
upon which previous                 IVP. 2014. Page 30.                        
that can’t be learned from          Content for Faith’s Understanding and      7. See, for example, Nellie Bowles.
YouTube.                            Theological Judgement.’ Journal of         ‘These Millennials Got New
                                    Reformed Theology. Volume 5 (2011):        Roommates. They’re Nuns.’ New York
I’ve noticed increasing honesty,    Pages 247-275.                             Times. 31 May 2019. Accessed 05 May
especially from Europeans,                                                     2020 
                                    different parts of Scripture. Anthony C.
life: what to look for in a life
                                    Thiselton helpfully distinguishes          8. In part, I think this same desire is
partner, handling conflict, etc.⁸
                                    between transmissive (or ‘closed’)         reflected in the popularity in at least
The book of Proverbs might not
                                    texts, such as instruction manuals or      some circles of writers and speakers
instinctively be where you’d
                                    medical prescriptions, that cannot and     like Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro and
take a non-believer, but we can
                                    should not be interpreted                  Douglas Murray, all of whom appeal to
teach a biblical worldview
                                    pluralistically, and productive (or        wisdom. In the Covid-19 era, we might
inductively through identifying
                                    ‘open’ texts) which have less to do        also make use of the genre of lament.
the categories upon which this
                                    with conveying information or facts,       Lament’s power lies in giving us a
timeless wisdom rests. Students
                                    and which invite more expansive,           vocabulary for our brokenness, and
who might not yet be open to a
                                    imaginative and emotive                    kindling gospel-shaped hope. For more
traditional Bible overview
                                    interpretations. See his chapter in eds.   on this, see Section 3 in Mark Vroegop.
might welcome such an
                                    Stanley E. Porter & Matthew R.             Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy. Gran
                                    Malcolm. The Future of Biblical            Rapids: Crossway. 2019.
                                    Interpretation: Responsible Plurality in
We ourselves need wisdom
                                    Biblical Hermeneutics. Grand Rapids,
when it comes to opening
                                    IVP Academic. 2013.

                                                                                                Insight Issue 22 │ 8
Mapping Scripture in the Cultural
                                               Landscape of Japan

                                     During our time in Japan, very       give them inner peace or advice
                                     few of our Japanese friends          on how to be a better person.
  Liz Jeggo                          have been interested in coming
                                     to church, but a number have         Where to Start Reading the
  Since 2010, Mike and Liz           wanted to study the Bible.           Bible with Japanese
  have been serving as OMF           From where does this interest
  missionaries in Japan.             come? Japan is a hierarchical        Eventually we want our non-
                                     society, where those with            Christian Japanese friends to
  While also working for a           greater experience, knowledge        see the truth in the Bible, and
  local Japanese church, their       or training are hugely               to believe in Jesus as Lord and
  main focus has been                respected, so Japanese love to       Saviour. However, initially it's
  returnee ministry – reaching       study and increase their             helpful to connect with their
  out to seekers and                 knowledge in general: why,           felt needs, so starting with
  discipling/supporting              though is the Bible attractive?      passages that show how God
  believers, and seeking to be                                            wants us to live seems wise. For
  a bridge between overseas          In the West, a religion is seen as   example, the Sermon on the
  churches and the Japanese          a set of formal beliefs and          Mount in Matthew 5-7 gives
  church.                            doctrines relating to the            lots of advice on how to live. It
                                     spiritual realm. People enter a      also shows how impossibly high
  Liz is a Friends International     religion because they believe it     God's standards are, and so
  Affiliate but was previously       is true and are prepared to          points to our need for
    a Friends International          commit to it. In contrast, in        forgiveness and God's help to
                 staff worker in     Japan a religion is understood       change. It is here that we can
                    Cambridge.       in terms of what it can do for       begin to explain the gospel.
                                     us, what benefit it brings.
                                     People practise a religion           When Westerners tell the
                                     because they think it can give       gospel they tend to start with
                                     them peace, protection, good         the idea that Jesus died in our
                                     personal relationships or some       place to pay our debt and
                                     other benefit. Many non-             remove our guilt. However, this
                                     Christians are interested in the     is only one dimension of the
                                     Bible because they think it will     gospel. Jesus also died to cover

9 │ Summer 2020
our shame, and to set us free       to Christ? There are many            to have their sins forgiven. In
from the power of Satan.            reasons, one of which is simply      Japanese thinking, if you do
Different people may relate         that life in Japan is busy, so       something wrong, you will
more easily to a particular         they have little time to devote      experience some punishment,
dimension of the gospel,            to seeking. But another              maybe a sickness or accident
depending on their cultural and     significant reason is that the       for example. Alternatively, you
personal background. Japan is       Japanese mindset is so different     can cancel out the bad thing
a shame-based culture, so           to the Biblical way of thinking;     you did by doing something
Japanese often have a greater       hence it takes a long time for       good. And that is the end of it;
sense of shame than of guilt:       Japanese even to understand          there is no need for forgiveness.
they know there are things they     what the Bible teaches, let          Many people believe that after
have done that they want to         alone believe it.                    you die you just stop existing.
hide from others, things they                                            Those who believe in an
want to forget but cannot. They     While each person is different,      afterlife seem to think that
may not have a strong sense of      there are some things in the         most people are good enough
guilt about these things, but       Bible that Japanese people           to go to heaven, so the idea of
they probably feel shame            generally find challenging.          judgement after death is hard
because of them. The Bible has      Having read through Matthew's        to accept.
a lot to say about shame which      gospel and done a course
we can share with our Japanese      covering the basic Christian         Thirdly, they doubt that Jesus
friends.                            beliefs together, I asked one of     really rose from the dead.
                                    my Bible study groups what           Experience tells us that dead
For example, in Genesis 3,          aspects of Christian faith they      people stay dead. The idea of a
Adam and Eve hid from God           found hardest to believe. They       supernatural God with
because they knew that they         mentioned four key things:           supernatural power is hard for
had done wrong in His eyes                                               Japanese to understand. For the
and felt the shame of it. God       Firstly, the story of creation. In   same reason, biblical miracles,
covered their shame by killing      Japan, children are taught           including the virgin birth, are
an animal to make clothes for       evolution and the Big Bang as        also difficult to believe.
them. This foreshadows the          fact. The idea that God created
way Jesus was killed, not only      everything from nothing seems        Finally, they struggle with the
so God would forgive our sin,       like a fairy tale. Knowing that I    idea that Jesus is the only way
but also so that Jesus' blood       studied Physics at university,       to be saved. Since Japanese are
could cover our shame. If we        they were curious about how I        looking for a religion that
believe in Jesus, He removes        could believe that God created       works, they see no difficulty in
our shame by cleansing us so        the world.                           practising more than one
that we are whiter than snow                                             religion at once. The Christian
(Psalm 51:7, Isaiah 1:18). For a    Secondly, they find it hard to       idea that Jesus is Lord and so
Japanese, burdened by a sense       understand why people need to        we must turn away from other
of shame, this is an attractive     have their sins forgiven. There      religions and trust in Jesus
message.                            is no word in Japanese for the       alone, or that we must
                                    Biblical concept of sin, so the      prioritise loyalty to Jesus over
Which Parts of the Bible do         word used to translate “sin”         other loyalties, is difficult to
Japanese Find Difficult?            means “crime”. Most Japanese,        understand.
                                    therefore, do not see
Japanese who become                 themselves as sinners. This          In seeking to answer these
Christians often do so only after   group had come to understand         questions, I found some
years of seeking and doubting.      the biblical meaning of sin, but     Japanese websites (listed on
Why does it take so long to turn    they still couldn't see any need     the next page) that address a

                                                                                    Insight Issue 22 │ 10
number of these, and other          like the Good News translation      for God, Japanese Christians
apologetics issues. Such articles   or the Living Bible translation     tend to think in terms of
can be helpful in answering         or the NIV if their English is      respect for God, gratitude
questions from our Japanese         very good. The difficulty is that   towards God or obedience
friends, and as I talked with my    this may make it harder to          towards God rather than love
Bible study group, many             connect with a church in Japan.     for God.
misconceptions were cleared         Becoming familiar with various
up. However, the reality is that    Japanese translations early on      There are also parts of the Bible
Japanese will only believe          can be helpful, especially if the   which Japanese understand
when the Holy Spirit opens          reason for the differences is       more instinctively than some
their minds to the truth, and so    explained.                          other nationalities. For
in reading the Bible with our                                           example, when the son leaves
Japanese friends, we need a lot     There are some biblical words       home in the parable of the
of patience and prayer.             which are particularly difficult    prodigal son, Japanese readers
                                    to translate into Japanese. The     feel keenly the great shame he
Japanese Bible Translations         word “God” is usually               brings on the whole family, a
and Translation Difficulties        translated as kami (神), but this    shame to which the original
                                    comes from the traditional          Jewish hearers would also have
There are a number of different     Shinto religion and denotes one     related. The even greater
Japanese translations of the        of the 800 million gods found       shame incurred when the father
Bible. The translation preferred    in mountains, rivers, rocks etc.    later welcomes him back is
by many churches is called the      rather than the all-loving,         shocking indeed. By reading the
Shin-kai-yaku (新改訳). An             powerful creator God of the         Bible with Japanese, we can
updated version was published       Bible. In reading the Bible with    learn from their insights.
in 2017, and is now available       Japanese, it is therefore helpful
as a free downloadable app.         to introduce them to Genesis 1-     Encouraging Regular Bible
This is an accurate word-for-       3 or similar passages which will    Reading
word translation and is popular     enable them to see how the
in Japan because Japanese           biblical God is different to the    Many Japanese believers read
value both precise accuracy and     Shinto kami.                        the Bible daily and receive
the preservation of tradition.                                          much spiritual nourishment by
However, it contains many           Different Cultures, Different       doing so. However, some
words that are not used in          Understandings...                   Japanese Christians, especially
every day Japanese, making it                                           new believers, see no need to
hard to understand, and its use     Our culture inevitably affects      read the Bible regularly, and
of formal, respectful language      how we understand the Bible.        others, though recognising the
to refer to God, while              For example, although there is      benefits of reading the Bible,
communicating something of          a Japanese way to say “I love       struggle to maintain regular
his holiness and authority,         you”, it is rarely used, except     Bible reading as part of their
makes him seem distant and          perhaps by a man proposing to       daily routine. Why is this and
unapproachable. Many young          his fiancée, or a mother in a       how can we encourage them to
people prefer one of the            moment of tenderness towards        develop and maintain the habit
thought-for-thought                 her young child. Love as a          of reading the Bible regularly?
translations, which are easier to   concept is not usually thought
understand and make God             about and the Japanese word         Firstly, regular reading of holy
seem more approachable and          for love, ai (愛) is not often       books is not part of the
loving. Those who understand        heard. Therefore although the       religious mindset of Japanese
English, may read a simple          Bible talks repeatedly about        people. Buddhism and
English translation of the Bible    God's love for us and our love      Shintoism, the traditional

11 │ Summer 2020
religions of Japan, place no       regularly because life in Japan
emphasis on reading holy           is genuinely busy and
books. Only those who are          pressurised, even more so than
“extra devoted”, monks or          in the UK, and they simply
priests, would spend time          struggle to make time for it.
studying the religious             Some can read the Bible while
scriptures. So Japanese who        commuting to work, but others
become Christians may need to      find the cramped conditions too
be taught the importance of        distracting. While being
opening the Bible daily, as well   understanding about the
as how to engage with what         pressures they face, we can
they read in a meaningful way.     help our friends to think
                                   creatively about when in their
Secondly, Japan is a               schedule they could carve out
hierarchical society where         time, and encourage them that
knowledge or training are          even a few minutes each day is
hugely valued. Japanese may        better than not at all.
therefore feel that they should
only read the Bible with a         Conclusion
qualified teacher. We can help
them by teaching them how to       God's Word has the power to
read and understand the Bible      change lives. It is a great
themselves, and where to go for    privilege to read the Bible with
information or explanation         Japanese people, to see them
when they have questions.          growing in knowledge,
                                   understanding and faith, and to
Thirdly, for those who try         witness God transforming them
reading the Japanese Bible, the    as His Spirit works through His
difficulty of understanding or     Word.
relating to the words of the
Bible can be off-putting. This
relates to the language issues
mentioned above: specialist
words are hard to understand,
some have Shinto connotations      Useful Websites:                   •   Christian Apologetics in
which make the new believer                                               Japanese:
feel uncomfortable, and the        •   Christian Apologetics in 
formal language causes God to          Japanese (translated from          (e.g. Did Jesus really rise
seem distant. Over time, this          English):                          from the dead?: www.true-
becomes easier as the style of    
writing becomes more familiar.         Japanese                           resurrection)
We can encourage them to read          (e.g. Why did God create
the Japanese Bible alongside an        us?:     •   Free downloadable app for
English translation, until they        Japanese/Japanese-why-             2017 Shin-kai-yaku
become familiar with the               create-us.html)                    (新改訳) translation of the
Japanese language.                                                        Bible (including audio):
Finally, many Japanese                                                    app
believers don't read the Bible

                                                                                 Insight Issue 22 │ 12
Calibrating Expectations:
      Helping Returnees Evaluate a Bible-Teaching Church

                                 How can you tell if you have       believed, since they were so
                                 stepped into a good Bible-         unemotional (“Why don’t they
  Kah Foon                       teaching church? As a teenager     cry?”). Then there were the
  Gillespie                      who had come to faith in           students from Hong Kong who
                                 Singapore, I had it all figured    concluded the Bible teaching
  Kah Foon came to faith 30      out – watch the congregation       was just an academic exercise,
  years ago through the          during the sermon and see if       since it focused so much on
  ministry of IFES Singapore.    people bring out their own         what the text said (“like
  Since then, she has worked     Bible and refer to it often.       reading comprehension”) and
  as an IFES/UCCF staff          Sermon length was the other        not what it looked like in our
  worker in Singapore,           “tell” – only nominal Christians   lives today. And the South
  London and Dublin.             were content with 15-minute        American Christians who were
                                 sermons. Forty minutes was the     surprised how little Scripture
  She is a mission partner       norm for those who took God’s      got memorised, even in a
  with Covenant Community        Word seriously!                    church reputed to have a high
  Methodist Church,                                                 view of God’s Word.
  Singapore and All Souls        As diagnostic tools, they were
  Langham Place, London.         blunt but broadly accurate for     It is easy to see when Christians
  She has been working with      Singapore in the 1980s. They       from other countries have
  Friends International since    were a chocolate fireguard         culture-bound ideas of good
  2014 and is married to         when I came to the UK in 2002.     Bible teaching, even if they
                Jonathan         Over the years, I have met         justify their expectations with
                    Gillespie,   international students who also    biblical arguments. It strikes us
                     an          had their expectations of a        as regrettable if Christians from
                      Anglican   good Bible-teaching church         overseas never get stuck into
                      vicar.     challenged in the UK. There        any local church because of
                                 was the Nigerian student who       such quick judgments. But are
                                 was concerned the pastor didn’t    our own criteria for judging
                                 believe his own sermons as his     whether a church has good
                                 delivery was so dispassionate.     Bible teaching universal? Let us
                                 Or the Korean student who was      consider a few possibilities.
                                 not sure the congregation

13 │ Summer 2020
Expository Preaching                  Singaporean evangelicals as         seat rather than the preacher.
                                      one of our best Bible expositors.   With topical preaching, the
By expository preaching, I            Is story-telling the mark of bad    preacher might cherry-pick
mean preaching that strives to        Bible teaching?                     biblical truth. Preaching
expound the message in the                                                through a book also allows the
Bible text, such that all the         To be fair, I have listened to      preacher to explain the
sermon’s points are the points        homilies beginning with jokes       historical and literary context,
in the passage as discerned by        that are completely irrelevant      which helps the congregation
careful exegesis of the text          to the Bible text or indeed, the    evaluate for themselves
within its context. If the Bible is   rest of the sermon, and it          whether the message is from
living and active (Hebrews            makes my heart sink. And I still    the Bible. If the preacher leaps
4:12) and is inspired by God          remember the horror of              from verse to verse all over the
and useful for teaching,              listening to a pastor begin his     Bible, they cannot easily do
correcting and training in            sermon on 1 Peter 1, “Be Holy”,     that.
righteousness (2 Timothy              with racy stories that had us
3:16), then expounding what           chuckling about how unholy we       With my IFES background, this
the Bible itself teaches, rather      all were. But good Bible            is the approach that I
than the preacher’s own               expositors do not use stories       personally most appreciate.
philosophies, opinions and            gratuitously or to undermine        However, it is not the norm
commands, is a non-negotiable.        the message of the text, they       worldwide, even in churches
                                      use them to help their listeners    that see Scripture as absolutely
To that extent, expository            engage more fully with it. A        authoritative. For example,
preaching is good Bible               contemporary story that is          many Chinese churches would
teaching anywhere in the              analogous to a biblical event       have thematic preaching
world. As a young Christian, I        conveys the emotional impact        schedules, and even where a
experienced the lasting               of the latter. Personal             sermon series is based on one
transformative power of               testimonies, especially from the    book of the Bible, it is common
preaching that faithfully             preacher’s own life, help           to have a sermon expounding
uncovered God’s Word from             concrete thinkers make sense of     just one verse. Either way, the
IFES speakers from all over the       propositional truth. Perhaps        congregation is kept busy
world. However, the                   there is a danger that people       flicking through their Bibles.
complication is in the variation      will focus on a fallible human
of how expository preaching is        leader instead of the infallible    Is this categorically bad Bible
expressed.                            Word, but only if preachers set     teaching? If preachers have
                                      themselves up that way. Paul        conscientiously studied each
Storytelling                          frequently told his testimony       verse they teach in its context
                                      (Acts 22/26, Galatians 1:11-        and selected them not out of
One of my British colleagues          2:14, 1 Thessalonians 2, etc)       fear of others or selfish
recently expressed dismay over        and pleaded with believers to       ambition but what they are
the preaching of a well-known         follow his example as he            convicted is biblical truth, and
Singaporean pastor because he         followed Christ’s example (1        if they desire to introduce their
told so many stories in his           Corinthians 11:1).                  flock to something of the full
sermons. To my British friend,                                            counsel of God on issues that
spending half your time in the        Preaching Through a Book            relate to them, on what basis
pulpit telling stories is not the                                         would we say that this
mark of a preacher committed          We often also expect good Bible     approach is unacceptable? Do
to expounding the biblical text.      teaching to preach through a        we have biblical warrant for
And yet the pastor concerned is       book of the Bible, since this       warning returnees away from
recognised by many                    helps put the text in the driving   such churches? Jonathan

                                                                                      Insight Issue 22 │ 14
Edwards and Charles Spurgeon       Training Practitioners,              substance, structure and style
preached thematically, and         Consumers or Learners?               of a sermon, but not the art of
Martyn-Lloyd Jones famously                                             listening expectantly and
spent four successive Sundays      There are other marks of good        humbly to God’s Word being
on Romans 1:1 alone. We also       preaching that we may consider       taught by leaders who Scripture
need to be careful not to judge    important, things which our          says deserve respect (1
a church on the basis of the       church works at conscientiously      Thessalonians 5:12-13, 1
pulpit alone. For example, as a    – a Christological hermeneutic,      Timothy 5:17).
teenager, I went to a church       a gospel emphasis, a harmony
where the sermons were often       of Word and Spirit, and so on.       I suggest that our focus should
topical. However, everyone also    However, if over 80% of the          be on helping returnees to
went to “Adult Sunday School”      pulpits in the UK do not fulfil      recognise and avoid out-and-
for a couple of hours every        your criteria, it is unlikely that   out heretical churches and
week where we were taught          an international student will        cults, and beyond that, teach
through books of the Bible.        find a local church back home        less about evaluating the
                                   that ticks all the boxes.            quality of Bible teaching and
One Main Point                                                          more about being a good Bible
                                   I praise God that the UK has         learner.
Lastly, we are often taught that   helped to raise up excellent
a good sermon should have one      preachers for the global church      Recognising Non-Christian
main point with sub-points         by training international            Churches and Cults
which support it, that when it     students in faithful expository
comes to bringing God’s            preaching. For example, UK           “For I delivered to you as of first
message to His people, a           returnees to Singapore have          importance what I also received:
sermon should be a bullet, not     become pastors and even              that Christ died for our sins in
a scatter gun. And indeed, on      planted churches, importing          accordance with the Scriptures,
several occasions when I have      British “best practice”. Though      that he was buried, that he was
listened to an East Asian or       these churches have primarily        raised on the third day in
African preacher with a British    attracted the Western-educated,      accordance with the
friend, they have come away        their influence has gradually        Scriptures…” (1 Corinthians
shaking their heads saying,        widened.                             15:3-4)
“But what was the main point?
What was he trying to do with      However, it is 1 in 100 students     I asked student workers in
his sermon?” Meanwhile, I have     who will return home to              several countries how they
been convicted about three         preach, and the danger for the       would help young Christians
different sins, had my heart       other 99 students, if we give        identify sound teaching in a
warmed by God’s love and           them too precise a view of what      local church in their context,
learnt half a dozen new Bible      good Bible teaching looks like,      and every one had as their top
facts. In my heart I wonder why    is that they merely become           tip – check what the church
my friend cannot just              highly critical consumers. I         believes about 1) Jesus and 2)
prayerfully do business with       know Singaporean returnees           the Bible. Is Jesus God, Saviour
God throughout the sermon          who were actively involved in        and Lord? Is the Bible the
without worrying about the         their British church, but never      source of authority rather than
main point. Can’t a scatter gun    settled in any church in             the pastor’s word or some other
hit the target just as well as a   Singapore because none               text?
rifle, if one gets close enough?   measured up to the standard of
                                   preaching to which they had          Helpful sub-questions include:
                                   become accustomed. They had          Is the church’s teaching on
                                   learnt the art of dissecting the     Christ, God and the Bible

15 │ Summer 2020
different from what you have        unbiblical, but that it is tedious   increasing in theological
learnt in the UK? Does the          – “I learn nothing new.” This        knowledge compared to their
group claim to be the only true     experience is fairly common          time in the UK, we can remind
church in the world? Does the       among those who went to              them that Christian maturity
church promise you health,          student churches known for           emerges not just from
wealth and a self-fulfilling life   good Bible teaching. There, the      knowledge, but also from such
as a Christian? Does salvation      sermons could cater specifically     things as self-control,
depend on what you do or what       to university students,              perseverance and love (2 Peter
Christ has done? These “tests”      stretching them intellectually,      1:5-7), not just from learning
have the advantage of being         adding to their theological          new truths, but living each new
accessible even to young            knowledge and speaking               day in the light of truths
believers we have not had           directly into their stage of life.   already known.
much time to disciple before        “Normal” churches, with much
their return home.                  more diverse congregations,          Conclusion
                                    cannot do that. Learning from a      I realise I have slightly
Bible Study Skills                  sermon becomes harder work.          subverted the question I began
                                                                         with, “How do we help
Of course, anything we can do       As a student returns to a            returnees evaluate a good
to help students acquire the        different country, especially to     Bible-teaching church?”,
habit of daily Bible reading and    more rural areas, many in the        suggesting instead that we
the ability to read the Bible for   congregation and perhaps even        consider our task to be more
themselves – inductive Bible        the pastor, might be less            like, “How do we help
study skills, Bible overviews,      educated than our returnee.          returnees avoid cults and then
use of commentaries or study        Does that mean a returnee            appreciate, persevere with and
Bibles – will help their            cannot learn from them or            grow within an (imperfect)
discernment and supplement          grow in such a church? It seems      local church?”. It may not be
the teaching they get from the      a worldly assumption, for there      the whole picture, but it is a
pulpit. We can over-rely on our     is much to learn from older          perspective worth considering.
preachers to feed us, drawing       brothers and sisters who have
primarily on each Sunday’s          persevered in faith, perhaps in
excellent sermon to sustain us      the face of opposition, and still
through the week, but Scripture     love Jesus.
tells us we need more. We are
also to meditate on God’s Word      When it comes to Sunday
day and night (Psalm 1:2,           sermons, we can encourage
Psalm 119:97), live it out          returnees that even if the
(Joshua 1:8, James 1:25), talk      preacher’s explanation of God’s
about it (Deuteronomy 11:19)        Word really leaves them cold,
and teach each other in line        they can still praise God for the
with it (Colossians 3:16).          time and space to meditate on
                                    the Bible verses in view, praying
Learning Skills                     for the Spirit’s guidance. Over
                                    time, as the effects of reverse
Students sometimes complain         culture shock fade, a returnee
to me about the bad Bible           could well find that they relate
teaching in the churches they       better to the sermons. And if
go to after graduation. When        they are worried that they will
probed, they clarify that they      stop growing as Christians
do not mean the teaching is         because of how slowly they are

                                                                                    Insight Issue 22 │ 16
Blogging with Esther?
                   Moving Beyond Just Bible Study Questions

                                  “I understand! I can see it! Is      thug? Why would she be so
                                  that what God is like?” Su’s¹        distracted by people and
  Fiona Barnard                   face was aglow. Something very       activities that only brought
  Fiona claims to have learnt     significant had happened to her      despair and self-harm to her
  the important things of         that evening. She had been           soul?
  life in Brazil, where she       attending International Café all
  grew up.                        year. She enjoyed the                Then, as she observed the
                                  friendships; she endured the         figures brawling before her,
  Living now in St Andrews,       ‘religious slots’ at the end. In     perhaps Su was awakened to
  Scotland, she is a Friends      fact, the great life-giving truths   the tug-of-war between
  International staff worker as   of the gospel had floated            goodness and evil, between
  well as an ESOL tutor in the    unperceptively right past her        beauty and ugliness, between
  council. She is married to      heart and mind. The Bible,           that for which she longed and
  Ian, an academic.               Christianity and Jesus figured       that for which she had settled.
                                  nowhere on her pragmatic             Backwards and forwards the
                                  radar, or at least until one         battle raged, unrelenting,
                                  Easter when the CU presented a       tragic, until the vicious demons
                                  five-minute wordless Bible           killed the wonderful Creator
                                  overview mime, known as              and seemed to have won the
                                  Lighthouse Everything Skit.² Su      war. Su gazed, disappointed,
                                  gazed as the Creator formed          and wondering what was next.
                                  butterflies and flowers,             As the Lord of Life sprang back,
                                  mountains and oceans with a          throwing His arms open wide,
                                  sweep of the hand. She was           flinging the devils away, her
                                  intrigued as He sparked life         heart was filled with joy.
                                  into a motionless person with        Suddenly, God’s big story found
                                  His breath. She smiled as the        echoes in her heart. She
                                  two danced gracefully together,      understood, as never before,
                                  in harmony and wonder. What          that she was part of that
                                  happened next surprised her:         narrative. She felt it. She
                                  why would the girl abandon           wanted to dance with the risen
                                  her True Love for a clumsy           Creator too. Ten years later, she

17 │ Summer 2020
is back home, stepping out          Spirit-gifted mindset? As we        together to produce something
faithfully with Jesus.              plan programmes to enable           on which they can later reflect:
                                    students to understand the
John’s gospel opens                 Bible’s context and themes and      Press Briefings with King David
majestically: “In the beginning     message, how can we                 Putting aside that these are
was the Word.” But what does        complement discussion with          largely a product of our
it say about the Word? First        alternative approaches? How         democratic imperative for
that the Word spoke the world       might will and understanding        accountability(!), could a
into being: the magnificent         be unlocked through sensing         portion of the story of King
Himalayas and delicate              and imagining, experiencing         David be chosen each session
ladybirds and elegant giraffes,     and participating in God’s          with a view to creating news
intoxicating lavender and minty     Word?                               briefings? There are military,
eucalyptus and pungent garlic,                                          leadership, spiritual and
clapping thunder and chirping       At the outset, it is important to   integrity issues to be explored.
crickets and chatty parrots,        celebrate our Maker who has         Different people in a group can
rough tree bark and spiky           made us diverse. It is yet          work on the questions, the
hedgehogs and ice cold water,       another aspect of His creativity    answers, the implications.
teeth-on-edge lemons and lip-       which is so rich and generous       Finally, they stage a press
smacking honey… And second,         and colourful! For many             briefing with the material they
that the Word became flesh:         students, a more structured         have discussed.
watching, touching, singing,        information-gathering study
walking, joking, eating,            with discussion and application     A Blog for Esther
lamenting, drawing, weeping,        will be most helpful in learning    How might Esther’s plight and
questioning. The Word came          God’s ways and will. After all,     prayers be blogged in 10 lines
touching and tasting and            they are adept at using their       for each chapter as the story
hearing and smelling and            brains to analyse and scrutinise.   unfolds? Imagine being a young
seeing.                             They are eager to discover new      lonely girl in a Middle Eastern
                                    beliefs, struggle with              royal palace tucked away from
When we talk about Bible            challenging concepts and come       view, but with insight of
engagement, our longing is for      to conclusions. This article is     impending genocide. A
students not only to hear the       simply an exploration of other      hundred kilometres out of her
story and accept the                valid ways to engage in             comfort zone, how might this
propositions. We yearn for them     Scripture.                          lonely woman express in an
to meet the Living Word, the                                            anonymous blog what is
Lord Jesus. We want them to         Biographies                         happening in her and to her?
jump into the Spirit-breathed                                           Writing is essentially a solitary
written Word, heart, soul, mind     The Old Testament has some          exercise, but may help some to
and strength. We pray that they     brilliant biographies which put     connect with God’s sovereign
will inhabit this God-centred       flesh and bone on God’s vision      providence amid acute distress,
world with every blood vessel       for a covenantal relationship       and give fuel for discussion as
of their being, responding          with Him. In what follows, the      each student describes what
faithfully to the dialogue          invitation is to inhabit the        transpires.
between biblical text and 21st      biblical account using a variety
Century culture, wherever they      of activities. Most of these        Jonah in Cartoon
live.                               suggestions involve reading a       Could some of the outrageous
                                    chunk of the story to provide       humour as well as the grace of
So my question is this: are talks   the necessary background and        God found in the life of Jonah
and studies with questions and      then facilitating groups to work    come alive in a fresh way
dialogue the only bridge to this                                        through watching a cartoon?

                                                                                   Insight Issue 22 │ 18
Introducing a 25-minute film        prayer journal: might students     predicaments and decisions of
can be a way of enjoying the        be encouraged to journal their     Bible characters. These are real
whole story before unravelling      work activities with prayers for   people who were as baffled and
its place in the canon of           a week or two? Perhaps they        mistaken, surprised and
Scripture.³ This provocative        can then share how that            challenged as we are. By
story will generate plenty of       attentiveness and reflection has   entering into their relationships
reactions.                          affected them.                     and observations, we can
                                                                       position ourselves vis-à-vis
Coaching for King Solomon           WhatsApp for Ruth                  Jesus. For external processors,
Why is it that the wisest of        Set the scene, read the story,     it is often in speaking out that
kings seems so bad at following     and then students produce a        understanding can come, and
his own advice? It is both          WhatsApp conversation              new possibilities visualised.
curious and true to life, and       between Ruth and Orpah as          There are hundreds of
goes right to the hub of our        one returns to her family and      possibilities:
response to Scripture: our need     the other settles in a new land
for repentance and dependence       and commits to Yahweh. It          •   Mary’s discussion with
of the Holy Spirit to live          could be done in episodes as           Joseph about her
faithfully. Groups might            the story evolves.                     pregnancy,
compare themes in Solomon’s                                            •   The conversation between
teaching (Proverbs and              Other Types of Bible                   James and John and their
Ecclesiastes) and life (1 Kings)    Literature                             father Zebedee when they
– on money and power, study                                                announced they were going
and learning, relationships and     Alongside these Old Testament          to “fish for people”,
words. This could be produced       biographies, there are other       •   What the young boy who
either as cushion cover wisdom      types of literature in both Old        shared his picnic with the
(“this is what he said”, perhaps    and New Testament that can be          thousands said to his
using illustrations, if there are   explored in ways which reflect         mother when she asked,
artists and calligraphers) and      their genre.                           “Did you enjoy your lunch?”
newspaper headlines (“this is                                          •   How Zacchaeus explained
what he did”). Alternatively, it    Parables                               his change of policy to his
could be detailed on a flow         Take a New Testament parable           bank manager,
chart which would show the          and tell it in a contemporary      •   The exchange between Paul
discrepancies. Some students        setting. Choose a theme – the          and Barnabas when they
might be the coaches, brought       kingdom of God, prayer, being          disagreed over John Mark,
in to guide and challenge           ready, riches and poverty, lost        and their subsequent
Solomon.                            things – and let groups work on        reconciliation,
                                    separate parables.                 •   Philip’s supper time chat
An Analysis of Nehemiah’s                                                  with his daughters on
Project Management                  Conversations                          returning from his
Could you do a CV for               If there are texts with direct         encounter with the
Nehemiah and see how it might       speech, why not give students          Ethiopian.
match the description of the job    the role of different characters
to rebuild the wall? How about      and a narrator when you read       Tableaus
a SWOT (strengths,                  the text? Let the biblical         Stories, whether parables or
weaknesses, opportunities,          author’s craft be enjoyed          real events in the Bible, can
threats) analysis on the            through the different voices.      also come to life with
building project from chapters                                         individuals each choosing a
3 and 4? The book has the           Role play can be used as a way     character and positioning
appearance of a report-cum-         of entering into the emotions,     themselves as 4 or 5 statue like

19 │ Summer 2020
stills or “photos” to tell the      Prayer                              Living Word in the written
story. The audience close their     In prayer, we enter God’s heart     word. For any readers of this
eyes between “takes” for            and engage with His Word.           article who are used to more
“curtains down” and “curtains       How better to bring someone         text-based ways of Bible
up” as in a theatre. Characters     closer to Jesus than to pray        engagement, this type of oral
then reflect on what it felt like   Scripture? We might suggest         hermeneutic may be a
to be carried through a roof        they:                               challenge. However, if you dare
and forgiven by Jesus or caught     • Pray with their eyes open,        to experiment, you may be
in a storm, to be the older             walking round the               pleasantly surprised!
brother of the prodigal, or the         countryside or looking out a
one who was given a job in the          window and praying Psalm        The role of a gentle facilitator is
vineyard at the end of the day.⁴        104 or Psalm 8.                 vital in unpacking the
                                    • Sing the songs in Revelation      experience that participants
Pictionary                              which have been put to          relate: “Why did you choose to
Some texts are full of visual           modern tunes – or even          be this character? Why do you
imagery and metaphors which             compose some new                think she acted this way?
cry out to be observed or               melodies.                       Where was Jesus? How did it
described or drawn. If you are      • Praise God together and           feel to enter the scene? What
talking about Jeremiah 18,              plead with Him through a        do you think this story or
show a pot or a picture of a            psalm, perhaps antiphonally     proverb or report is saying to
potter at work. If you are              in a group.                     you, to us?” We can trust the
reading about the sower, bring      • Use laments as they watch         Holy Spirit to illuminate His
some seeds and plants. Get              news of earthquakes or          Word and to make that vital
students to sketch the images in        tsunamis or war.                connection between the ancient
Isaiah 40: valleys and              • Speak out prayers of              Bible text and an unchanging
mountains, grass and flowers, a         repentance from David, or       God who speaks to us today
shepherd and flock, a drop in a         Solomon or Nehemiah to          through each other and
bucket, grasshoppers, stars,            accompany film clips on         through all of our senses. What
eagles… Even for those who do           financial greed or              could be more wonderful than
not imagine themselves artistic,        environmental devastation.      to overhear our students say to
drawing and colouring can give      • Choose a one line prayer to       their friends and family, “We
space to let the text and its           repeat, enabling them to        have seen the Lord!”
truths sink in more deeply.             focus and leading to silent
                                        prayer? It could be from a
Letters                                 psalm (“I love you, O Lord,
Letters may be increasingly a           my strength”) or a gospel
thing of the past, but following        (“Lord have mercy on me, a
a reading of Philemon or 2/3            sinner”) or a prayer of Paul
John or the letters in Revelation       (“be filled to the measure of   1. Not her real name.
2-3, could Christian students           all the fullness of God”) or
                                                                        2. Lighthouse Everything Skit
take time to compose a letter of        John (“Come, Lord Jesus”).      (
encouragement? Considering                                              watch?v=cyheJ480LYA)
the way epistles usually address    In Conclusion                       3. Testament Collection, the Bible in
particular situations, what are                                         Animation, 2005, Diamond
                                                                        Entertainment Corp.
the issues facing a friend or       All these are simply practical
their church? This might be         ideas and resources which may       4. Idea from Olive Fleming Drane,
                                                                        Clowns, Storytellers, Disciples, BRF
especially significant for          serve to help students of           2002
students preparing to return        varying personalities and
home.                               learning styles to meet the

                                                                                      Insight Issue 22 │ 20
You can also read