Page created by Donna Romero
            A N N W O M E R B E N J A M I N , M AY O R

      FA L L 2 0 1 8

w w w. a u r o r a o h . c o m / p a r k s • 3 3 0 . 5 6 2 . 4 3 3 3
Table of Contents
                                       Preschool & Youth.................................................................................1
                                       Summer Camps.................................................................................2-6
                                       Youth Camps.........................................................................................7
                                       Teen Programs...................................................................................8-9
                                       Adult Sports/Exercise/Yoga...............................................................10
       Walker Building                 Special Interest............................................................................. 11-13
    129 West Pioneer Trail             Seniors........................................................................................... 14-16
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
    Main: (330) 562-4333
     Fax: (330) 995-9154
                                                           COMMUNITY EVENTS
      Department Contacts                                  Call 330-562-4333 for additional information
         Laura Holman                                            on any of these community events.
        (330) 562-4333                  Aurora Fall Festival and                                 Aurora Turkey Trot 5k &
                                            Business Showcase                                        Mashed Potato Mile
          Cyndi Allen                  Saturday, October 6th 11am-4pm                                 Thursday, November 22nd
    Administrative Assistant         The City of Aurora and Aurora Chamber of                Aurora High School, 109 W. Pioneer Trail –
        (330) 995-9150               Commerce present this day of fun for the                course begins and ends at AHS             entire family.                                          Register online at
                                     Enjoy free hayrides, Jungle Terry show at               Participants are asked to bring a non-
          Bill Fellenstein           11:30am, concessions, and an exhibitor                  perishable food item to support Volunteers
        Parks Coordinator            tent with businesses and organizations                  of America.         providing information, giveaways, and raffle
                                                                                             7am Registration, 8am Mashed Potato
                                                                                             Mile, 8:30am 5K Run/Walk
           Nick Miller               $10 wristband includes unlimited
  Field & Grounds Coordinator                                                                $16 for Mashed Potato Mile
                                     inflatables, fall crafts, and putt-putt golf.                                                                    $23 for 5K Run/Walk
                                     Dog-lovers enjoy Bark boo-nanza! Freedom
                                     Greyhound Rescue will sponsor costume                   $25 for both races
       Christine Twarek              contests beginning at 12:30pm and                       A $2 fee will be added after 11/14
Community Education Coordinator      followed by pet trick-or-treating around the
       (330) 995-9152                                                                        A long sleeved Turkey Trot T-shirt will be
                                     lake. Fee: $10/dog                                      given to the first 500 registrants
                                     Questions? Contact:
                                     Aurora Parks and Recreation,
          Ed Poremba
                                     330-562-4333 or
       Sports Coordinator
        (330) 995-9153               Exhibitor registration: Aurora Chamber of            Commerce, 330-562-3355 or
        Colleen Martin
      Senior Coordinator
       (330) 995-9148

         Tina Gerber
 Community Events Coordinator
       (330) 995-9149                                                 Aurora Holiday Show and Tree Lighting                                                           Saturday, December 1, 5pm
                                                                                     Aurora Community Theatre
          Ben Askren                                                                    & Bicentennial Park
    Arborist/Horticulturalist                                                All are welcome to this festive free event
        (330) 760-3971
                                                                                           Breakfast with Santa
  Looking to become more                                                  Saturday, December 1, 9am and 11:30am seatings
 connected or informed with                                                       The Bertram Inn and Conference Center
       Parks & Rec?                                                    Adult $22, Children three and up $15, children under three $8
                                                                          Tickets on sale beginning November 1st over the phone
       Like us on Facebook                                                          or in-person at the Walker Building.

       Follow us on Twitter
Future Scientists                                               Learn to Rollerskate: Parent/Child

                                                                                                                                   PRESCHOOL & YOUTH PROGRAMS
(Ages 3 - 5)                                                    (Ages 2 - 5)
FUTURE SCIENTISTS is where children question, challenge,        Kids and their parents will have fun while learning to skate!
and examine their world with excitement and hands-on            The first five weeks will be instructional and the sixth week
activities! Each class students experiment, analyze, predict    students will have a fun time skating, with a chance to show
and make a project emphasizing the topic . Our goal is to       their family and friends what they’ve learned. Students can
excite children about science in a nurturing environment.       use inline or roller skates.
Session I                                                       Instructor: Allison Kindlesparker, Pro Skater
Students will experiment with Grabbing Gravity & Igniting       6 Classes         Wednesdays
Inertia, play with safe chemicals in Creative Chemistry,
                                                                #2018.148         Sept. 19 – Oct. 24 1:30 - 2:15 p.m.
understand the relationship between Adhesion & Cohesion,
learn about organisms that live in Developing Dirt, will make   #2018.149         Nov. 7 – Dec. 19      1:30 - 2:15 p.m
birds’ nests in Nesting Birds, and study Animal Organs.                           (No class Nov. 21)
Instructor: Future Scientist trained and certified teachers     Fee: $58
6 Classes        Thursdays                                      Location: Chagrin Valley Roller Rink,
#2018.146        Sept. 20 – Oct. 25 9:45 - 10:30 a.m.                       7151 South Main St., Chagrin Falls
Fee: $72
Location: Walker Building
Session II
Students will experiment with Silly Separating Science,         Beginner Inline and Roller Skating
investigate Germy Germs & Biting Bacteria, study Wonderful      (Grades K - 5)
Weather, learn how our body’s age gracefully in The Wonders     Kids will have fun while learning to skate! The first five weeks
of Age, visibly understand how baby animals have their          will be instructional and the sixth week students will have
parent’s characteristics in Animal Genes & Heredity, and        a fun time skating, with a chance to show their family and
learn the food groups in Nurturing Nutrition & Healthy Heart.   friends what they’ve learned. Students can use inline or roller
                 Thursdays                                      skates.
#2018.147        Nov. 1 – Dec. 13      9:45 - 10:30 a.m.        Instructor: Allison Kindlesparker, Pro Skater
                 (No class 11/22)                               6 Classes         Wednesdays
Fee: $72                                                        #2018.150         Sept. 19 – Oct. 24 4:30 - 5:15 p.m.
Location: Walker Building                                       #2018-151         Nov. 7 – Dec. 19      4:30 - 5:15 p.m.
                                                                                  (No class Nov. 21)
                                                                Fee: $58
                                                                Location: Chagrin Valley Roller Rink
Let’s Get Messy!                                                           7151 South Main St., Chagrin Falls
(Ages 4 - 6)
Discover art through children’s literature! For ages 4 to
6, kids can have fun doing art activities based on popular
children’s books. Taught by a local licensed art teacher with
a passion for books. Projects will promote creativity, basic
art concepts and fine motor skills.
                                                                Paint Party for Kidz!
                                                                (Ages 7 - 12)
Instructor: Mrs. June Lucal, licensed visual art Educator
                                                                Kids will have a blast creating their own masterpiece! All
3 Classes        Saturdays
                                                                art supplies will be provided and an artist will guide them
#2018.124        Sept. 15, 22, 29     10:30 - 11:15 a.m.        step by step. No experience is required. Bring a snack and
#2018.125        Oct. 13, 20, 27      10:30 - 11:15 a.m.        beverage to enjoy. Come enjoy the fun!
Fee: $36 (includes supplies)                                    1 Class          Saturdays
Location: Walker Building                                       #2018.215        Aug. 25               2 - 4 p.m.
                                                                #2018.220        Sept. 15              2 - 4 p.m.
                                                                #2018.221        Oct. 20               2 - 4 p.m.
                                                                #2018.222        Nov. 17               2 - 4 p.m.
                                                                #2018.223        Dec. 15               2 - 4 p.m.
                                                                Fee: $25
                                                                Location: Paint N Spirits 14 New Hudson Rd., Aurora, OH
    Save Time and Register Your                                 44202 (across from the old train station in Historic Aurora)

           Family Online

                   • Office: (330) 562-4333
PRESCHOOL & YOUTH PROGRAMS   Girl Power Yoga Club                                              Girl Power Yoga Workshop
                             (Grades 3 - 5)                                                    (Grades 3 - 5)
                             Empowerment through the development of social skills using        What better way to spend your day off from school than with
                             the principles and practices of yoga and GIRL POWER! Using        yoga! Enjoy a fun filled, all day experience, of Girl Power Yoga.
                             movement, music, and mindfulness we will cultivate creativity     Empowerment through the development of social skills using
                             through thoughtful daily expression. Each day’s lesson will       the principles and practices of yoga and GIRL POWER! Using
                             be filled with fun and easily understood concepts of yoga         movement, music, and mindfulness we will cultivate creativity
                             resulting in an exciting, explorative, and rewarding experience   through thoughtful daily expression. Each day’s workshop
                             that will last a lifetime! Benefits include: Positive Body        will be filled with fun and easily understood concepts of yoga
                             Image and Mood, Increased Physical Strength, Stress and           resulting in an exciting, explorative, and rewarding experience
                             Anxiety Management, Improved Concentration and Cognitive          that will last a lifetime!
                             Function, Healthy Connection to Peers and Community               Benefits include: Positive Body Image and Mood, Stress and
                             Involvement Opportunities.                                        Anxiety Management , Increased Physical Strength, Improved
                             (visit for more info)                             Concentration and Cognitive Function and Healthy Connection
                             Aug. 15 – Oct. 12 from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.                           to Peers.
                             #2018.207          5 Day Option - Mon. – Fri.                     (visit for more info)
                             Fee: $275                                                         #2018.201          Monday, Sept. 3
                             #2018.208          3 Day Option – Mon. Wed. Fri.                  #2018.202          Thursday, Oct. 11
                             Fee: $200                                                         #2018.203          Friday, Oct. 12
                             2018.209           2 Day Option – Tues. & Thurs.                  #2018.204          Monday, Nov. 26
                             Fee: $170                                                         #2018.205          Friday, Dec. 21
                                                                                               #2018.206          Monday, Jan. 21
                             Oct. 15 – Dec. 21 from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.                           Time: 12 - 4 p.m.
                             #2018.210       5 Day Option - Mon. – Fri.                        Fee: $35
                             Fee: $275                                                         Location: Essentialzen Yoga Studio
                             #2018.211       3 Day Option – Mon. Wed. Fri.                                  330 East Garfield Rd. Aurora OH 44202
                             Fee: $200
                             2018.212        2 Day Option – Tues. & Thurs.
                             Fee: $170

                             Jan. 7 – Mar. 8 from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.
                             #2018.213       5 Day Option - Mon. – Fri.
                                                                                               After School Art
                                                                                               Does your child enjoy drawing or creating things? Could
                             Fee: $275                                                         you use an extra hour of quality fun activities for your child
                             #2018.214       3 Day Option – Mon. Wed. Fri.                     after school at their school? Join our art class! Projects are
                             Fee: $200                                                         designed to teach art concepts or introduce famous artists,
                             2018.215        2 Day Option – Tues. & Thurs.                     explore art media, encourage creativity and often incorporate
                                                                                               other disciplines like science and social studies. We have a
                             Fee: $170                                                         lot of fun learning! Class size limited register asap!
                             Location: Leighton School                                         Instructor: Mrs. June Lucal, licensed visual art Educator
                                                                                               Grades 1 - 2     Wednesdays            3:15 - 4:30 p.m.
                                                                                               #2018.122        Sept. 19 – Oct. 24
                                                                                               #2018.123        Oct. 31 - Dec. 12
                                                                                                                (No class Nov. 21)
                                                                                               Fee: $68 (includes supplies)
                                                                                               Location: Craddock Tower Room

                                                                                               Grades 3 - 5    Fridays              3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
                                                                                               #2018.038       March 9 – April 27 (no class Mar. 23 & 30)
                                                                                                               3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
                                                                                               Fee: $68 (includes supplies)
                                                                                               #2018.120       Sept. 14 - Oct. 26
                                                                                                               (No class Oct. 12)
                                                                                               #2018.121       Nov. 2 – Dec. 14
                                                                                                               (no class Nov. 23
                                                                                               Fee:$68 (includes supplies)
                                                                                               Location: Leighton Science Lab

                                                         Office: (330) 562-4333 •
Paper Mache Props/Costumes for                                   Try Sewing! A Modern Sewing Circle

                                                                                                                                   PRESCHOOL & YOUTH PROGRAMS
Halloween                                                        Would you like to learn basic hand sewing skills? Maybe how
Halloween is coming! Here’s a great opportunity to create        to hem pants, sew on a button, or create a small item like a
something special out of paper mache to make YOUR                stuffed pincushion or a needlepoint box? Stitching can be
costume amazing! Possibilities include (but are not limited      practical, creative and often very therapeutic. We will do a
to) masks, helmets, crowns, horns, armor, and more.              variety of projects based on your interests and current skills.
The first day will include planning, learning the basics of      You can be a complete beginner or improve on what you
paper mache and building a base. On the second day,              already know by making a fun project or two! Your instructor
appendages, 3-D details and final layers will be added. The      is a licensed K-12 art teacher who has been sewing for over
last day together will include paint and/or hot glue details.    35 years, so you are in good hands. And spending time with
The goal is to not only make a well-crafted costume but also     others who share your interests is always a plus! We need a
to enjoy the experience and maybe learn something new.           minimum of two students to have this class, so encourage
Recommended for ages 9 and up (grown-ups welcome, too.)          others who might be interested to sign up, too!
Instructor: June Lucal, licensed visual art educator             Instructor: June Lucal, licensed visual art educator
3 Classes        Saturdays                                       3 Classes        Thursdays
#2018.126        Oct. 13, 20, 27        11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.      #2018.130        Oct. 11 – 25 7 - 8:30 p.m.
                                                                 3-week session:
Fee: $79 (all basic supplies included)
                                                                 Fee: $79 (includes all supplies)
Location: Walker Building
                                                                 Location: Walker Building

Try Sewing! Make PJ Pants
Here’s your chance to learn (or brush up on) how to use
a sewing machine by making a pair of pajama pants for
yourself or someone you care about. It’s fun and rewarding
to have a finished product to show for all your effort, too!
Since Home Economics is not part of the public school            Snapology Yellow Belt Engineers
curriculum any more, this is a great opportunity to gain         (Pre-K & K)
some practical skills. You will need to bring your own sewing
machine in good working order or rent one from the instructor    Young students build fun and simple models using DUPLO®
for $5/hour. You also need to bring your own prewashed           blocks. By playing with and manipulating the models, they
fabric (1 to 2-3/4 yards, depending on size), matching           experience pulleys, levers, gears, wheels and axles while
thread, elastic and basic sewing tools (contact the instructor   exploring energy, buoyancy, and balance. Classes include
for details when you sign up.) The pattern will be provided.     free-building time to promote creativity.
We need a minimum of two people to have this class, so           6 Classes        Tuesdays
encourage others you know to join you! Recommended for           #2018.184        Sept. 11 – Oct. 16 3:45 - 4:45 p.m.
age 9 and up (grown-ups welcome, too.)                           Fee: $80
Instructor: June Lucal, licensed visual art educator             Location: Miller School
2 Classes        Wednesdays
#2018.127        Nov. 7 & 14          6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
                                                                 Snapology Robo Pets
#2018.128        Nov. 20 & 27         6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
                                                                 (Pre-K & K)
                                                                 Children will begin to explore the world of robotics as they
Fee: $70
                                                                 build simple animal models that teach the fundamentals of
Location: Walker Building                                        robotic design. Whether learning about sensors while building
                                                                 a fish or alligator or discovering ways that gears and wheels
                                                                 and axles create movement while building robotic dogs or
Try Sewing! Make American Girl                                   frogs, your child is sure to have a great time!
Doll Clothes                                                     6 Classes         Tuesdays
Here’s your chance to learn (or brush up on) how to use          #2018.185         Nov. 6 – Dec. 11 3:45 - 4:45 p.m.
a sewing machine by making clothes for an 18” doll.              Fee: $80
Depending on skill level, we will make a few items of            Location: Miller School
custom-made clothing. This is a great opportunity to spend
some time with friends or family and learn how clothing is
constructed. You will need to bring your own sewing machine      Snapology Amusement Park
in good working order or rent one from the instructor for
$5/hour. You may bring your own fabric, but patterns and
colorful scrap material will be available to use. Contact the    Every child loves to go to the amusement park and ride
instructor after you sign up for details on what other basic     their favorite rides, but have they ever thought about how to
tools you should bring. We need a minimum of two students        build one and the people who design them? In Snapology’s
to have this class, so encourage others you know to join you!    Amusement Park Adventure, students become designers of
Recommended for age 9 and up (grown-ups welcome, too).           their own amusement park rides. While designing, they will
                                                                 learn physics and engineering concepts as well as problem
Instructor: June Lucal, licensed visual art educator             solving skills, all while having a blast!
3 Classes        Tuesdays                                        6 Classes         Thursdays
#2018.129        Sept. 18 – Oct. 2     6:30 - 8:30 p.m.          #2018.186         Sept. 13 – Oct. 25 3:40 - 4:40 p.m.
Fee: $94 (includes supplies)                                     Fee: $80
Location: Walker Building                                        Location: Craddock School                                                       3
                  • Office: (330) 562-4333
PRESCHOOL & YOUTH PROGRAMS   Snapology Creature Creator                                       Mad Science Experimentamania!
                             In Snapology’s Creature Creator Robotics class, your animal      (Grades K - 5)
                             lover will create their own animal inspired robotic models.      Experiments are the best part of being a Mad Scientist!
                             Students will learn about gear ratio, sensors, simple            During this session, students learn about several specialized
                             machines, and programming as they build insects, dolphins,       areas of science including forensics, geology, kinesiology,
                             gorillas, and much more. Your child is sure to have a wild       meteorology, entomology and mechanical engineering. It’s
                             time as they build, learn, and play.                             Experimentamania! Class topics include: Bugs, Detective
                             6 Classes        Thursdays                                       Science, Earthworks, Science of Toys, Mad Science
                             #2018.187        Nov. 8 – Dec. 20     3:40 - 4:40 p.m.           Machines and Walloping Weather.
                             Fee: $80                                                         6 Classes
                             Location: Craddock School                                        LEIGHTON:       Tuesdays
                                                                                              #2018.188       Oct. 2 – Nov. 6      3:35 - 4:35 p.m.
                                                                                              CRADDOCK:        Wednesdays
                             The Money Game - Financial                                       #2018.189        Oct. 3 – Nov. 7      3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
                             Interactive Learning Program                                     MILLER:          Thursdays
                             (Ages 10 and Up)                                                 #2018.190        Oct. 4 – Nov. 15     3:40 - 4:40 p.m.
                             Is a financial education game where the kids are the pieces                       (No class Oct. 11)
                             of the game. If you’re looking for a unique, action-packed,      Fee: $94
                             information-rich, imagination-igniting financial education
                             program then look no further. Imagine the moment that the
                             world of money was simply a game and that all you had to do      Mad Science® Brixology
                             to win the game was to learn the rules to that game. Well,       (Grades 1 - 5)
                             guess what. Money really is just a game and if we learn the
                                                                                              This captivating STEM program uses LEGO® bricks and
                             simple, time-tested rules that the wealthy people use to get
                                                                                              customized builds designed with a LEGO® Certified Designer
                             and stay, wealthy, we can be wealthy, too.
                                                                                              to introduce children to engineering in a fun and engaging
                             Students work for a paycheck, get paid, pay their expenses,      way! Our expert and highly engaging instructors will guide
                             learn how to pay themselves first (save) and then learn how      students as they utilize critical thinking, cooperation, and
                             to buy assets that then pay themselves passive income.           creative, hands-on problem-solving to test and improve their
                             Once the passive income comes into the picture, a huge           creations. In addition, they will experience extended learning
                             lightbulb goes off in their brains. This is when they realize    with a take home item to reinforce each concept! Class
                             that investing in assets is how to become financially free       topics include: Carnivals (create a carnival ride), Creatures
                             AND how they get to go out into the world and do a whole lot     (build a creature that can really crawl), Machines (Make a
                             of good!                                                         machine that draws pictures), and Towers (It’s skyscrapers
                                              Saturday                                        galore!)
                             #2018.217        Dec. 8                1 - 3 p.m.                Instructor: Mad Science
                             Fee: $40                                                         4 Classes
                             Location: Walker Building                                        LEIGHTON:       Tuesdays
                                                                                              #2018.191       Nov. 27 – Dec. 18       3:35 - 4:35 p.m.
                                                                                              CRADDOCK:        Wednesdays
                             Create Space                                                     #2018.192        Nov. 28 – Dec. 19    3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
                             (Ages 8 - 14)
                                                                                              Fee: $67
                             Calling all creative kids! Come join facilitators Christina
                             Green and Sarah Case for an opportunity to explore your
                             inner creative genius in a highly supportive and kid-driven      Little Warriors Beginning Taekwondo
                             environment. All projects will be child led, hands-on, and       (Pre K – 4th Grade)
                             individual. We will incorporate stress relieving techniques to   This program is designed to introduce children to the sport of
                             inspire children to get into their creative minds and dig deep   Taekwondo. Taekwondo is defensive martial arts from Korea
                             to explore such areas of art, creative writing, cartooning,      that focuses on discipline, concentration, respect, balance
                             crafting and designing. Some materials will be provided and      and coordination. Students should expect to have fun while
                             adult guidance will be available to help move kids through       learning basic kicking and punching techniques as well as
                             the process. Think of Create Space as a hands-on trip to the     beginning self-defense.
                             Children’s Museum where children can get lost for hours
                             creating in their own time and in their own way. During their    The session will run for 6 weeks with students attending 2
                             session children will move at their own pace to develop their    classes (of their choice) per week.
                             passion or craft while learning more about themselves, how       Instructor: Grand Master Kwon, World Champion and U.S.
                             they learn, what their creative process is, and how to calm      National Team Coach
                             their mind. Please feel free to send your child with any         6 classes
                             additional materials you may have at home to enhance their       #2018.218        Monday – Friday        Sept. 10 – Oct. 5
                             experience.                                                      #2018.219        Monday – Friday, Oct. 8 – Nov. 2
                             Facilitators: Christina Green and Sarah Case                                      Mon., Wed., Fri. – 5 – 5:45 p.m.
                             6 Classes         Mondays                                                         Tues., Thurs. – 6 – 6:45 p.m.
                             #2018.131         Aug. 20 – Oct. 1      3:30 - 5:15 p.m.                          Or
                             #2018.132         Oct. 15 – Nov. 19     3:30 - 5:15 p.m                           Mon. – Fri. 7 – 7:45 p.m.
                             Fee: $60                                                         Fee: $79 includes free uniform
   4                         Location: Leighton School Science Lab                            Location: World Champion Taekwondo, 306 Aurora Commons
                                                         Office: (330) 562-4333 •
American Red Cross                                                High School – R2C Yoga Club

Babysitter’s Training                                             (Grades 9 - 12)
Designed for today’s 11 to 15 year old, Babysitter’s Training     Empowering young women through the development of life
gives participants the knowledge, skills and confidence to        skills and yoga practice. This after school club will teach
care for infants through school-aged children. Featuring an       individuals about the connections between life and their
activity-based format, Babysitter’s Training addresses safety     physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Each student will
issues, preventing injuries and illnesses, basic childcare,       leave feeling empowered, self-assured, confident, and with
first aid, decision-making skills, and age appropriate behavior   more compassion towards their family, friends, and the world
and play. Participants are required to demonstrate several        surrounding them. Benefits include: Positive Body Image and
first aid skills including rescue breathing and dealing with      Mood, Stress and Anxiety Management, Increased Physical
choking. Bring a snack or small lunch.                            Strength, Improved Concentration and Cognitive Function,
                                                                  Healthy Connection to Peers, Community Involvement and
Instructor: American Red Cross professional
                                                                  Paid Teaching Opportunities & RYT-200 hour Certification
1 class            Friday                                         Track. (visit for more info)
#2018.199          Oct. 12              9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.                         Mondays              2:30 - 5 pm
Fee: $95                                                          #2018.170        Aug. 20 – Oct. 8
Location: Walker Building                                         #2018.171        Oct. 15 – Dec. 17
                                                                  #2018.172        Jan. 7 – Mar. 8
                                                                  Fee: $75
                                                                  Location: Aurora High School
Driver Education
Driver Education is sponsored by the Aurora Parks and
Recreation Department and contracted through National
Drivers Training School.
Participants will need to register with the Aurora Parks and
Recreation office with payment or mail in registration and        Your Success is the Goal!
must call 440-248 8552 (NDTS) to schedule the in-car
                                                                  Be Better Prepared for School and
Instructor: National Driver Training School                       Life!
6 Classes        Mondays & Wednesday            4:45 - 9 p.m.     (8th Grade – Seniors)
#2018.142        Sept. 10 - 26                                    This seminar goes beyond how to study for tests, writing
                                                                  papers, and finding enough money to finish a degree without
#2018.143        Oct. 8 - 24
                                                                  huge debts!
#2018.144        Nov. 5 - 28
                                                                  Based on my professional experiences working with hundreds
#2018.145        Dec. 3 - 19                                      of first-year college students, I have designed this dynamic,
Fee: $348                                                         motivational, jam-packed 90-minute seminar specifically for
Location: Aurora High School Rm. 208                              students who are committed to reaching higher levels of
                                                                  success as they prepare for college. This face-to-face seminar
                                                                  will provide students with a well-crafted synergistic approach
                                                                  on: Time-Management, Goal Setting, Success Strategies,
                                                                  Motivation, Dealing with Stress, Self-Awareness, Personal
Middle School – R2C Yoga Club                                     Accountability and Leadership. All participants will have
(Grades 6 - 8)                                                    access to the Educational Advising & Consulting YouTube
Empowering young women through the development of life            channel and website for further knowledge and practical
skills and yoga practice. This after school club will teach       experiences that will further prepare them for their future.
individuals about the connections between life and their          Instructor: Steven M. Walters, M.Ed. 216-387-4283
physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Each student will
leave feeling empowered, self-assured, confident, and with         1 Class
more compassion towards their family, friends, and the world
surrounding them. Benefits include: Positive Body Image and       #2018.194
Mood, Stress and Anxiety Management, Increased Physical           Fee: $20 per student (Parents and guardians of students are
Strength, Improved Concentration and Cognitive Function,          welcome to attend as a free +1).
Healthy Connection to Peers, Community Involvement and            All seminars are by appointment and will take place at the
Mentorship opportunities & RYT-200 hour Certification Track.      Walker Building in Aurora.
(visit for more info)
                Tuesdays and Thurdays           2:30 - 5 p.m.
#2018.167       Aug. 14 – Oct. 11
#2018.168       Oct. 16 – Dec. 20
#2018.169       Jan. 7 – Mar. 11
Fee: $170
Location: Harmon School

                   • Office: (330) 562-4333
YOUTH SPORTS   Fall Recreation Soccer Leagues                                     New! Boys & Girls Recreational
               (Grades K - 8)                                                     Basketball “Little Dribblers”
               The Aurora Parks and Recreation /Tri-County Soccer program         (Grades K-1)
               is a city-sponsored program designed for boys and girls
                                                                                  Aurora Parks and Recreation and the Aurora High School
               ages 6 - 12 years of age. Players of all sizes, skill levels and
                                                                                  coaches will be teaming up together to form a “NEW”
               athletic abilities are welcome.
                                                                                  program for our K-1 basketball participants. Our program,
               Leagues:                                                           “Little Dribblers” will meet once a week on Saturdays to learn
                       Co-ed                Boys*                Girls*           the sport of basketball.
                   Kindergarten           1st – 2nd       1st – 2nd (#3 ball)     The high school boys and girls coaches along with their staff
               6th – 8th (#5 ball)         3rd – 5th      3rd – 5th (#4 ball)     and parent coach volunteers will work with the players each
                                                                                  week to teach them the skills needed to play and enjoy the
               *Divisions may be consolidated based on registration.              sport of basketball in a fun, safe environment.
               Players are permitted to play in an age group higher than
               their age but not lower unless specifically approved by the        Each week they will build upon what they learned the past
               Parks and Recreation Director.                                     week to get them ready to play at the next level.
               Early Registration deadline: Wednesday, August 15                  Players will receive a “Little Dribblers” team shirt as well as
                                                                                  their own ball for practicing both with their team on Saturdays
               ($20 additional fee added after)                                   and outside of the scheduled program at home.
               Coaches Meeting: Tuesday, August 21 at 6 p.m.                      Boys: Early Registration Deadline Nov. 9
               Practices begin the week of August 27                              Program begins Saturday Dec. 1 - Jan. 26
               Saturday games: September 8 – October 20                           12:15 - 1:30 p.m.
               Fee: $65 residents, $75 non-residents                              (no session Dec 22 & 29)
               Equipment: Soccer cleats are strongly recommended (rubber          $65 Resident, $75 Non-resident
               cleats only) and shorts and/or sweats should be worn in
               addition to the team shirt (provided by the program). Shin         $20 late entry fee added after deadline
               guards must be worn in all leagues!
               Players are encouraged to have their own ball for practicing       Girls: Early Registration Deadline Jan. 11
               both with their team and outside of the scheduled team             Program begins Saturday Feb. 2 - Mar. 16
               practice.                                                          12:15 - 1:30 p.m. (time subject to change)
                                                                                  Fee: $65 Resident, $75 Non-resident
                                                                                        $20 late entry fee added after deadline

               Youth Volleyball Instructional League
               (Grades 1 - 9)
               Aurora Parks and Recreation is excited to continue the Girls
               Youth Fall Volleyball Program. The program is a city-sponsored
               program designed for girl’s ages 6 - 14 years of age. Players
               of all skill levels and athletic abilities are welcome.
                                                                                                       Touch a life…
                                                                                                 Become a Hospice Volunteer
               1st - 2nd
               3rd - 4th                                                              Hospice is a philosophy of care, not a place. We
               5th - 6th                                                              care for our patients wherever they call home.
               7th - 9th
                                                                                                  Please join us at our next
               All leagues will play matches with teams from
                                                                                                 Volunteer Education Series!
               surrounding communities.
               Early Registration Deadline: Aug. 24                                               Tuesdays and Thursdays,
               Fee: $70 Resident, $80 Non-resident                                               August 20, 22, 27, & 29, 2018
                     $20 late entry fee added after deadline
                                                                                                    From 5:30 – 9:30 p.m.
               Practices begin week of Sept. 10
                                                                                                 Vista Springs of Macedonia
               Games on Saturdays/Sundays, Sept 22 - Nov. 5
                                                                                                     8400 S. Bedford Rd.
               All participants will receive a team jersey.                                         Macedonia, OH 44056
               All practices held at Aurora gyms.
               All games played at Kenston gyms.                                        Teens, Attorneys, Hair Dresser and Clerical
                                                                                                 volunteers need only attend
                                                                                       the first four hours of training on August 20th
                                                                                                     For more information,
                                                                                                 To register, call 216-255-9090

                                            Office: (330) 562-4333 •
Boys & Girls Recreational                                          Aurora Youth Running Club
Basketball League                                                  (Grades 3-5)
(Grades 2 - 8)                                                     Aurora Parks and Recreation will be partnering with Dash
                                                                   Sports Training to continue The Leighton Youth Running Club
The Aurora Parks and Recreation Boys & Girls Basketball
                                                                   this fall.
Program is once again partnering with the Cleveland
Cavaliers youth basketball program, Junior Cavaliers. Each         Students will meet at the Leighton Football Field every
participant will receive:                                          Monday and Thursday at 3:30 - 4:45 p.m. to participate in
                                                                   activities set for that day.
• Cavaliers game ticket
                                                                   The program starts Monday. Sept. 10th and ends Oct 4
• Additional tickets are available to family and friends.
                                                                   Registration Deadline: Aug 24, 2018
• Receive group seating for the game.
                                                                   Fee: $65
The basketball program is for boys and girls 2 - 8th grade
with weekday practices and Saturday games. Sign your child
up based on grade for the 2018 – 2019 school year. Parks &
Recreation will form all teams.
Players are encouraged to have their own ball for practicing
both with their team and outside of the scheduled team
practice. (Ball size 28.5”)
2nd - 3rd
4th - 5th
6th – 8th
Boys: Early Registration Deadline Oct. 19*                                                    freedom
*Exception will be made for 7th & 8th grade school tryout
participants                                                                                    rescue
Practices begin week of Nov. 12                                                               of Aurora
Saturday games Dec. 1 - Jan. 26
(no games Dec 22 & 29)                                                            BARK BOO-NANZA
Fee: $65 Resident, $75 Non-resident                                      Held with the Fall Festival & Business Showcase
      $20 late entry fee added after deadline                                         October 6, 2018
All players will be placed on a waiting list if registered after                         Sunny Lake Park
the Early Registration Deadline
                                                                             Rescue Groups, Vendors, Raffles & Prizes!
Girls: Early Registration Deadline Jan. 11, 2019                               TAKE YOUR DOG TRICK-OR-TREATING
Practices begin week of Jan. 28
Saturday games Feb. 2 – March 16                                                Pooch Trick-or-Treating 2-mile Walk
                                                                                 Registration 11:30am - 12:30pm
Fee: $65 Resident, $75 Non-resident
                                                                                $10 per dog (limited to 120 dogs)
      $20 late entry fee added after deadline
All players will be placed on a waiting list if registered after               Walk begins after Costume Contest
the Early Registration Deadline.                                                               •••
                                                                                   Costume Contest: 12:30pm
                                                                              Dogs: Scariest, Funniest, Most Creative
    Aurora Community Shred                                                      Best Single Dog & Owner Theme
                                                                                       Best Group Theme
                                                                                 Best Mirror Image (look-a-like)
     The city of Aurora will be hosting a free
    Community Secure Document Shred event                                           Silly Dog Contests/Games
        on Saturday, September 29, 2018                                                     Approx. 2pm
       in the parking lot at Aurora City Hall                                       Longest tail: Shortest tail
                                                                                     Best Vocal Performance
               from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
                                                                                          Terrific Pet Tricks
                                                                                    Dunkin for Dogs (hotdogs)
    This event is for Aurora residents only, limited
      to two boxes of documents per resident.
                                                                             For more information on adopting or
                                                                                   fostering a greyhound:
    All documents will be destroyed on site. City                   
           staff will be on hand to assist.                              
                                                                           Freedom Greyhound Rescue of Aurora
     If you have any questions please contact                              From track, to house, to loving home.....
        City Hall during regular business hours,                               PO. Box 912, Aurora, OH 44202
     Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.                                          330-562-0555
                    at 330-995-8795                                                      Like us on Facebook

                     • Office: (330) 562-4333
ADULT SPORTS/EXERCISE/YOGA   Adult Men’s Basketball Open Gym                                      Dodgeball Open Gym
                             (Ages 18 & Up)                                                       (Ages 14 & Up)
                             Aurora Parks & Recreation Men’s Basketball Open Gym is a             The gym class that you loved as a child is back, bigger and
                             great, long-running program for guys over 18. Play friendly,         better than ever! Not only is this a great stress reliever, but
                             pick-up basketball in a supervised gym.                              you really get a good work-out. National amateur dodgeball
                             Registration is ongoing starting August 1                            association rules apply. Court play will be monitored with a
                             Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8 - 9:45 p.m.
                             Sept. 11 – Nov. 15                                                   Supervisor: Tom Lane
                                                                                                  Mondays, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
                             Fee: Season Pass: $50 Residents,
                                                                                                  Nov. 5 - Mar. 18
                                  $70 Non-residents
                                                                                                  (No games during holidays)
                                  $5 Drop-in fee
                                                                                                  Fee: $50 Season Pass, $5 Drop-in fee
                             Location: Harmon Middle School Gym
                                                                                                  Location: Miller School Gym

                             S.S.S. – Strength * Strength * Stretch                               Dance Mixx by Jazzercise
                             You will experience multiple movements for all three modes           Burn up to 600 calories in this fun, powerfully effective 60
                             of exercise – strength/endurance, cardiovascular and                 minute total body workout. Entire class may be done either
                             flexibility. Step training is an excellent way to get an efficient   high or low impact. Jazzercise combines dance-based cardio
                             and fun cardio workout. This class offers easy to follow             with strength training and stretching to sculpt, tone and
                             moves, safe stepping and a whole lot of energy. Strength             lengthen muscles for maximum fat burn. Choreographed
                             exercises are integrated into the cardio workout, making             to today’s hottest music, Jazzercise is a fusion of dance,
                             it beyond boring! A stability ball is added to enhance your          resistance training, Pilates, yoga and kickboxing. Dance
                             flexibility and challenge your core. S.S.S. is the perfect           yourself fit and change the shape of your body today!
                             blend of creative results- focused conditioning and exciting         Instructors: Joan Tomko, Wendy Walter & associates
                             user-friendly cardio moves to fresh music that makes you
                                                                                                  Certified Jazzercise Instructors
                             want to move!
                                                                                                  Mondays: 5:40 pm
                             Classes run continuously and registration can be completed
                             with the instructor at the first class.                              Wednesdays: 5:40 pm
                             Instructor: Sharon Tebbano, ACE, AEA, and AFAA certified             Thursdays: 5:40 pm
                             instructor and personal trainer                                      Fee: $45/month EFT, unlimited classes. Day pass:
                             Mondays, 7 – 8 pm                                                    $12. Other pass options available. Start anytime; class
                                                                                                  registration is continuous. Register at first class.
                             Wednesdays, 7 – 8 pm
                                                                                                  Location: Walker Building, 129 W. Pioneer Trail
                             Saturdays, 9 – 10 am
                                                                                                  Aurora Jazzercise members are also welcome to attend
                             Unlimited -$45/month
                                                                                                  classes in Hudson, Stow and Macedonia for a total of 24
                             Drop In Fee - $8/class                                               classes available each week.
                             Instructor provides all equipment                                    For more information go to or contact
                             Location: Walker Building                                            Joan Tomko at 216-337-2207 or
                             Questions? Please call instructor 440-364-6125

                                                                         City of Aurora Administration
                                  Mayor Ann Womer Benjamin                             Fire Department                 Planning, Zoning & Building Division
                                        330-995-9126                                  David Barnes, Chief                    Denise Januska, Director
                                                            330-995-7171                              330-562-9564
                                  Economic & Entrepreneurial
                                         Development                                   Law Department                            Police Department
                                      Jack Burge, Director                           Dean DePiero, Director                       Brian Byard, Chief
                                        330-995-8867                                    330-995-9160                               330-562-8181
                                      Finance Department                             Parks and Recreation                        Service Department
                                       Tim Clymer, Director                         Laura Holman, Director                       Harry Stark, Director
                                         330-995-9106                                   330-562-4333                                330-995-9116
                                                                                   Personnel/Chief of Staff
                                                                                   Karen Aldredge, Director
                                                           Office: (330) 562-4333 •
Yoga and Chi Kung: Reconnecting                                      R2C Yoga Parents Workshop – Bring
with Your Source of Power                                            the Learning Home
The most powerful of the practices of yoga and chi kung              This Workshop is designed to bring a deeper understanding
place their focus on developing your center of power. Chi            of chakra based yoga. Throughout this journey you will be
kung uses terms such as Hara (sea of energy) and Dantien             given the tools and knowledge to infuse these principles and
(field of the elixer), while yoga uses the term Manipura (city       practices into your daily life and home. Each day will consist
of jewels) to describe the center at the navel. It is not just       of one hour training, and a one hour yoga class. (visit www.
an anatomical location, but is the center of the energy of the for more info)
body where we gain our core physical, mental, emotional,             Tuesdays & Thursdays 12 – 2 p.m.
and even spiritual health. Over the years most of us have            #2018.173       Aug. 21 & 23
built up unconscious habits that restrict and block the flow of
energy through this area.                                            #2018.174       Aug. 28 & 30
The practices in this series are designed to help us re-             #2018.175       Sept. 4 & 6
focus our attention and awareness into this area and to              #2018.176       Sept. 11 & 13
strengthen the muscles and organs of our core in order to            #2018.177       Sept. 18 & 20
gain real health and vitality. They can also help you to reap        #2018.178       Sept. 25 & 27
more benefits from any other exercise programs you might
                                                                     #2018.179       Oct. 2 & 4
be doing while also helping to keep you “in the present
moment”. Bring a yoga mat, blanket and a pillow.                     Fee: $35 per session/$200 for all 7
8 Classes                                                            Location: Essentialzen Yoga Studio
                                                                               330 East Garfield Rd. Aurora OH 44202
Instructor: Bob Sinclair, Registered Yoga Teacher (Yoga
Alliance), Reiki Master/Practitioner, Energy Healer,
Experienced Meditator and Chi Kung Practitioner (since
 If you have any questions concerning these classes or
Private Personal Healing Sessions, please email Bob at, or call him at 330-963-6814
                                                                     R2c Yoga RYT-200 Hour Teacher
#2018.113                                                            Training
Thursdays, Sept 6 - Oct 25 7 - 8:30 p.m.                             WE NEED YOU AS A TEACHER!
Fee: $80                                                             We are looking for passionate individuals to learn the R2C
                                                                     curriculum and teach these concepts and empowerment
Location: Walker Building                                            techniques through community youth programs. Opportunities
                                                                     to open other school systems and start youth clubs exist
Turning Inward: Taking Time for YOU!                                 everywhere and are greatly needed at this time. Learn the
                                                                     curriculum through our different 7-week training sessions or
with Yoga, Chi Kung, and Meditation                                  Summer learning seminars!
As we head into the holidays it’s a great time to take time for      Once 7-week course (65-hours) is complete you will be
ourselves so we have more to give to others. Our practices           required to work hands on with our after school programs for
include chi kung centering exercises and Yin Yoga deep               100 hours before certification testing can be scheduled for
stretches to help prepare ourselves for deeper relaxation            RYT-200 hour certification.
and meditation. The meditation style taught in this series is
gentle and effortless, without any need to “try to” meditate.        If you are an existing RYT-200 level teacher, R2C Yoga’s 65
Meditating in a group setting enhances the effect and                Hour - 7 Week Courses are approved by Yoga Alliance for
enables you to go deeper into the state of “quiet mind” than         Continued Education Course Work. (visit
is usually possible when trying to meditate on your own. You         for more info)
are invited to bring a cushion to sit on the floor, or to sit in a   3 Classes per week
chair if that is more comfortable for you.                           Tues. 12 – 2 p.m., Wed. 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., Thurs. 12 – 2 p.m.
Bring a yoga mat, blanket and a pillow.                              #2018.180        Aug. 21 – Oct. 4
6 Classes                                                            #2018.181        Oct. 16 – Dec. 13
Instructor: Bob Sinclair, Registered Yoga Teacher (Yoga              Fee: $555
Alliance), Reiki Master/Practitioner, Energy Healer,                 Location: Essentialzen Yoga Studio
Experienced Meditator and Chi Kung Practitioner (since                         330 East Garfield Rd. Aurora OH 44202
If you have any questions concerning these classes or
Private Personal Healing Sessions, please email Bob at, or call him at 330-963-6814
Thursdays, Nov.8 - Dec 20 (No Class 11/22) 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $60
Location: Walker Building

                                                  DID YOU KNOW?
                           If you register for a class at least one week in advance,
                               there is a better chance it will not get cancelled.
                    • Office: (330) 562-4333
ADULT SPORTS/EXERCISE/YOGA   Introduction to Yoga; All abilities and                          Self-Help Acupressure
                             all ages welcome!                                                JIN SHIN JYUTSU®
                             Join a RYT-200 certified EssentialZen team member for            Empower yourself with easy to use, chemical free
                             this accessible introductory workshop where students will        acupressure techniques and change your body’s response to
                             learn the basics of a yoga practice in an open, supportive       everyday stress!
                             environment. Students are introduced to the basic poses          Join us for this three part series to learn these simple
                             (asanas) in yoga and to the principles of proper alignment       “hands on”, self-care methods that will improve your overall
                             needed for a safe yoga practice. Students are also provided      health. This is the beautiful art of Jin Shin Jyutsu®, an
                             a foundation in yogic breathing, meditation techniques, and      ancient Japanese form of gentle touch therapy. You can
                             the core philosophies behind this ancient tradition. More info   relieve discomforts such as headaches, anxiety, back
                             is available at                             problems and digestive issues, just to name a few!
                             #2018.112                                                        Learn how to locate and use the 26 “energy locks” to bring
                             Saturday, Sept. 29 12:30 - 2 p.m.                                a natural balance to your body’s energies to promote health
                             Fee: $20                                                         and well-being. Written material is provided with each class
                             Location: Essentialzen Yoga Studio                               for follow-up and practice at home.
                                       330 East Garfield Rd. Aurora OH 44202                  Instructor: Sandy Wiebusch, Licensed Massage Therapist
                             More info is available at                   and Certified Jin Shin Jyutsu® Self-Help Instructor with over
                                                                                              20 years of experience.
                                                                                              Choose any three classes, one from week one, week two and
                                                                                              week three.
                                                                                              Week I
                                                                                              You will learn two 15-minute daily routines to calm your
                                                                                              nervous system and strengthen your immune system.
                                                                                              Through your own gentle touch you will learn to activate the
                                                                                              smooth movement of energy in your body.
                                                                                              Saturday, Oct. 13 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                                                                                              Week II
                                                                                              Learn the location, meaning and use of the 26 specific areas
                                                                                              on the body called, “Safety Energy Locks.” Begin to connect
                                                                                              specific areas to easily and quickly move through blocked
                             Stress Away with Japanese                                        areas in your own body.
                             Acupressure                                                      Saturday, Oct. 20 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                             Experience the gentle touch of Japanese acupressure---Jin
                             Shin Jyutsu. You will relax on a massage table, fully clothed,   Week III
                             while a licensed therapist connects specific areas (“energy      Learn special “flows” to alleviate discomforts in the body
                             locks”) on your body. As your circulation improves and           such as headaches, backaches, arthritis, etc. Practice eight
                             your tension “melts” away, you may well feel healthier with      powerful finger postures or Mudras to create unity between
                             renewed energy as your body finds its own inner harmony          body and mind.
                             and balance.
                             Therapist: Sandy Wiebusch, L.M.T., has studied and
                                                                                              Saturday, Oct. 27 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
                             practiced Jin Shin Jyutsu since 1998.
                             1 session                                                        Fee: $32 per class or $90 for all three classes - Each
                                                                                              participant will also receive a 15% discount for an hour long
                             #2018.133                                                        private Jin Shin Jyutsu session with Sandy!
                             To schedule your hour long private session call Sandy at:        Location: Walker Building
                                                                                              Ph: 440-248-9255
                             Fee: $75
                             Location: TBA

                                                                           CAN’T FIND A CLASS?
                                              Contact a neighboring Parks and Recreation Department by calling:
                                                                         Chagrin Falls Community Education
                                                                                  (440) 247-5375
                              Hudson Community Ed. & Recreation             Orange Community Education           Streetsboro Parks and Recreation
                                       (330) 653-1210                             (216) 831-8601                          (330) 626-3802
                                 Kenston Community Education                 Solon Community Education            Twinsburg Parks and Recreation
                                       (440) 543-2552                             (440) 349-6245                          (330) 963-8722

                                                         Office: (330) 562-4333 •
Basket Weaving 101                                                 Sterling Silver and Copper

                                                                                                                                      SPECIAL INTEREST
Fall Classic Basket                                                Parallel Bracelet
This is a great beginner style basket as you will                  Make it for yourself or a beautiful handmade
learn many weaving techniques. You will begin                      gift for the holidays!!!
by inserting spokes into a wood base. Weaving techniques           You will begin by learning the correct way to open and close
include 3 rod twining using 3 colors of weavers, start/stop        jump rings seamlessly, using copper jump rings. Students
weaving and inserting overlays. Spokes are cut and tucked          then weave a bracelet in the parallel weave using sterling
and the rim is lashed on. Metal pumpkin and bow are added          silver, and copper jump rings. Two different sizes of jump
after the basket is woven. Basket is 8 X 11 X 7” All reed will     rings are woven together to make this great looking open
be dye, cut, and ready to weave!                                   weave style bracelet.
1 Class                                                            If you have an Ott light, and or magnifier, bring it along.
Instructor: Char Chimmaichela                                      1 Class
#2018.139        Wednesday, Oct. 3 6 - 9:30 p.m.                   Instructor: Char Chimmaichela
Fee: $20 (plus materials fee of $35 payable to instructor          #2018.141         Wednesday, Nov. 28 6 - 9:30 p.m.
evening of class)                                                  Fee: $20 (plus materials fee of $65 payable to instructor
Location: Walker Building                                          evening of class)
                                                                   Location: Walker Building
Basket Weaving 101
Twill Woven Basket                                                 Sterling Silver Byzantine
This is a great beginner twill woven basket. Students begin
on an oval wood base. Techniques used will be start/               Bracelet
stop as well as an over 2, under 1, twill weave. Also for the      There’s nothing better than a handmade
beginner, techniques include correct scarfing for overlapping,     gift for the holidays!!!
rimming and lashing. Shaping and learning the twill weave          Byzantine is one of the most common chainmail patterns to
are stressed throughout this basket. Several different colors      learn. You will begin by learning to open and close jump rings
will be available to weave with.                                   seamlessly and will begin the Byzantine pattern weave using
1 Class                                                            copper jump rings. Once comfortable, students will switch to
Instructor: Char Chimmaichela                                      all sterling silver jump rings to weave this beautiful bracelet.
#2018.138        Wednesday, Nov. 7 6 - 9:30 p.m.                   You will leave with the knowledge to make many more for the
                                                                   upcoming holidays. If you have an Ott light, and or magnifier,
Fee: $20 (plus materials fee of $40 payable to instructor          bring it along.
evening of class)
                                                                   1 Class
Location: Walker Building
                                                                   Instructor: Char Chimmaichela
                                                                   #2018.140         Wednesday, Oct. 17 6 - 9:30 p.m.
Art N Spirits-Paint and                                            Fee: $20 (plus materials fee of $70 payable to instructor
Sip Class                                                          evening of class)
Paint your own Dancing Hawaiian palms picture with step by         Location: Walker Building
step guidance, while sipping a glass of wine or beverage of
your choice. You may bring any food items you’d like to enjoy.
No experience is necessary. You will take home your own
Masterpiece. All art supplies are provided. Come enjoy the         Basics of Essential Oils
experience everyone is talking about!                              If you have heard the buzz about essential oils and wondered
#2018.216       Friday, Aug. 24        6:30 - 8:30 p.m.            what it’s all about, then this is the experience for you!
                                                                   Wellness Advocate and Essential Oil Educator, Jessica
#2018.224       Sept. 14               6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
                                                                   Workman will demonstrate the basics of essential oils,
#2018.225       Oct. 26                6:30 - 8:30 p.m.            including what they are and the incredible health and well-
#2018.226       Nov. 23                6:30 - 8:30 p.m.            being benefits. Learn how they work, what to use and how
#2018.227       Dec 7                  6:30 - 8:30 p.m.            to use them. There will be a selection of oils available for
Fee: $35                                                           purchase, if you wish, following the class. For questions
                                                                   call Jessica at 330-256-5746 or email essentialoilbuzz@
Location: 14 New Hudson Rd., Aurora, OH 44202             Check out her website:
          (across from the old train station in Historic Aurora)   jessicaworkman1
                                                                   1 Class
Learn Guitar
                                                                   Instructor: Jessica Workman, Wellness Advocate
Have you always wanted to learn how to play the guitar, but
just didn’t have the opportunity or time? Well, now is the         #2018.115        Tuesday, Oct. 2       7 - 8:30 p.m.
time! Beginning students will learn chords, strumming, a bit       #2018.116        Tuesday, Oct. 16      7 - 8:30 p.m.
of finger picking, reading music as well as proper form using      #2018.117        Tuesday, Nov. 13      7 - 8:30 p.m.
minimum movement principle. With a small class size the            #2018.119        Tuesday, Nov. 27      7 - 8:30 p.m.
instructor will be able to help each student learn at their own
pace in a relaxed, informal atmosphere.                            #2018.121        Tuesday, Dec. 4       7 - 8:30 p.m.
Instructor: Paul Moskun, professional guitarist                    Fee: $5
6 classes        Thursdays                                         Location: Walker Building
#2018.109        Oct. 11 – Dec. 13     7:15 - 8:15 p.m.
Fee: $95
Leighton School Music Room                                                                                                                     11
                   • Office: (330) 562-4333
SPECIAL INTEREST   Travel Affordably With Joe                                       Delegate Like a Pro
                   “The Coupon Guy”                                                 You are focused, successful and high achieving. You
                                                                                    accomplish most of your to-do list each day. Yet, the “big
                   You really can vacation affordably without breaking the bank!
                                                                                    success” is a little out of reach. Upgrade your capacity
                   Discover how to find the best prices for cruises, car rentals,
                                                                                    building strategies to feel accomplished each day.
                   hotels, Disneyworld, flights, local attractions, and much
                   more. We will cover the best on-line sites that offer savings    Participants will learn:
                   for the traveler and find the best deals on meals and drinks.    • A paint-by-numbers system to delegate effectively even if
                   Learn how to travel extensively, not expensively!                  you believe you have “no one to delegate to.”
                   1 Class                                                          • How to unlock the secret key to upgrading your to-do list
                   Instructor: Joe Daugirdas                                          mastery by asking two simple questions.
                   #2018.110        Monday, Oct. 1         7 - 9 p.m.               • A simple process to overcome the biggest delegating
                                                                                      struggle “by the time I teach someone to do this, I could
                   Fee: $15
                                                                                      have just done it myself.”
                   Location: Walker Building                                        #2018.137        Tuesday, Nov. 6       6 - 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                    Fee: $42
                                                                                    Location: Walker Building

                   Become a Savvy Shopper with Joe                                     National Audubon Society
                   “The Coupon Guy”
                   With food prices on the rise, shopping smart with coupons          Field Trips for Autumn 2018
                   and discounts has become more important than ever. Join            Saturday, September 8                             2:30 P.M.
                   us for an informative evening with “The Coupon Guy”, Joe           Fringed Gentians                          Aurora Sanctuary
                   Daugirdas. Joe has been honing his shopping skills in the
                   Northeast Ohio area for many years. He has built his saving        The rare Fringed Gentian is among our most stunning of the
                   ways to the point where he typically saves 70% to 80%              native wildflowers. They are also among the last to bloom for
                   when shopping for groceries. He has also received money            the season. We are fortunate to have a patch located in the
                   back from some stores including one trip to Giant Eagle            Aurora Sanctuary and on a sunny September day they open their
                   supermarket that netted him $7.02 along with $41.35 worth          beautiful blue blossom dazzling all who view them. Join us to
                   of groceries. Savings of 90% - 100% are also not uncommon.         see these and other autumn wildflowers in full bloom. Meet at
                   Joe will share all his secrets to successful money saving          the Bretschnieder Park parking lot on the north side of Pioneer
                   shopping!                                                          Trail a few hundred yards east of Page Road in Aurora.
                   1 Class                                                            Saturday, October 20                              9:30 A.M.
                   Instructor: Joe Daugirdas, Joe has been featured on TV,            Fall Leaf Colors                          Aurora Sanctuary
                   including CBS, ABC, FOX, and NBC News.
                                                                                      Often our palette of autumn color will give the New England
                   #2018.111        Monday, Nov. 26       7 - 9 p.m.                  forests a run for title of the best hues! With the mix of species
                   Fee: $15                                                           and depending on our weather leading up to the leaf color
                   Location: Walker Building                                          change we can have spectacular vistas of wonderful beauty. Join
                                                                                      us for a walk at peak color change if mother nature agrees with
                                                                                      our timing. Meet at the Bretschineder Park parking lot on the
                                                                                      north side of Pioneer Trail a few hundred yards east of Page Road
                                                                                      in Aurora.

                   Cutting the Cord                                                   Saturday, November 3                              9:30 A.M.
                                                                                      Turkey Trek                                Novak Sanctuary
                   The cost of Cable TV keeps going up and up, and while
                   many of us would love to cut the cord, the alternatives seem       Each year we go on a quest to spot Wild Turkeys before
                   confusing. Discover how to get free TV, including using an         Thanksgiving. They know how to play the game of Hide and Seek
                   easy-to-intall antenna or free streaming video services. Find      extremely well. These large but wily birds are experts in blending
                   out your options for streaming video devices, including Roku,      in. Help me find the flock as they roam the sanctuary in search of
                   Apple TV, Google Chromecast, or Amazon Fire TV Stick and           food. Meet at the Novak Sanctuary parking lot on the east side of
                   what shows you can access with them, including live TV and         Townline Road a little less than a mile north of State Route 82 on
                   sports. Find out which of the many streaming video services        the Aurora/Mantua border.
                   from Hulu, Sling, Netflix, to Playstation Vue and many more
                   are best for you. Make sense of all the confusion of switching     Friday, December 21                      7:30 p.m. (evening)
                   from cable to another service and the technical parameters         Winter Solstice                           Novak Sanctuary
                   needed to do so. Find out how much you can save!                   Help us celebrate the longest night of the year under the almost
                   1 Class                                                            (one day early) full moon known as the Cold Moon. If we are
                   Instructor: Joe Daugirdas, Joe the Coupon Guy                      lucky enough to have clear skies, we will not even need a
                                                                                      flashlight. A night hike this time of year reveals secrets of the
                   #2018.112        Tuesday, October 9 7 - 9 p.m.
                                                                                      forest and field because the leaves are down increasing our
                   Fee: $15                                                           viewing while the crisp air allows sounds to travel farther. Hiking
                   Location: Walker Building                                          after dark seems to heighten the acuity of our senses. Join
                                                                                      us to see what the night-time forest unveils. Meet at Novak
                                                                                      Sanctuary parking lot on the east side of Townline Rd a little less
                                                                                      than a mile north of St. Rt. 82 on the Aurora/Mantua border.
                                                                                       For additional information call Jim Tomko 330-562-5506
                                               Office: (330) 562-4333 •
Chords Are Key for Piano                                        Let’s Make Nut Roll

                                                                                                                                  SPECIAL INTEREST
Did you know that there is a MUCH easier way to learn the       Impress your friends and family with delicious nut roll to
piano than the note reading method that is normally taught?     slice up for your holiday cookie tray or for gift-giving. While
Note reading is for classical music. Modern music (rock,        waiting for our dough to rise, we’ll make some easy but
pop, country, blues, jazz) is ALWAYS played using the chord     elegant chocolate croissants. You will leave the class with
method and the chord method is 100 times easier to learn        one nut roll, croissants for sampling, recipes, and the know
than note reading — and a lot of fun! Take this ONE-TIME        how to bake these elegant holiday treats on your own. Bring
3 hour seminar and we will get you playing your favorite        a large mixing bowl, a medium mixing bowl for filling, a
songs right away with both hands. If you want to get really     wooden mixing spoon, a kitchen towel, and a pastry mat. All
good at playing the piano you can sign up for our Chords are    ingredients are included in the fee. Let’s get baking!
Key Online Piano Lessons to continue improving your skills.     Instructor: Barbara Snow & Pam Bayus
Topics include: How to form the 3 main types of chords, How
                                                                1 Class
to strum piano chords like a guitar player, How to create
rhythm without “counting”, How to handle “key signatures”       #2018.196        Saturday, Dec. 8      10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
and “time signatures” and How to play right away with both      Fee: $49
hands.                                                          Location: Pepper Pike Learning Center, 32000 Chagrin Blvd.
2018.182        Monday, Sept. 24 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.               Room 22
Fee: $54 (includes the $29 materials fee for the book and
Location: Walker Building

                                                                Boosting Your Income Using Drones
                                                                Are you curious about drones, either as a hobbyist or for
                                                                commercial use? Join us to learn more about the exciting
                                                                opportunities that exist due to unmanned aerial systems.
Chords Are Key for Guitar                                       You will be introduced to topics including what is a drone,
Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar but simply find it     terminology, different types of drones, practical and
difficult to find the time? In just a few hours you can learn   professional uses, third party software, how to prepare for
enough about playing the guitar to give you years of musical    Part 107 certification, laws and regulations, and do’s and
enjoyment – and you won’t have to take private lessons to do    don’ts. You will learn how to become a certified remote pilot,
it. This crash course will teach you basic chords and get you   how to use this technology on a job site, the workflow for
playing along with your favorite songs right away. Bring your   the collected data files, and how to identify new business
acoustic guitar. Class limited to 15 students. For ages 13+.    opportunities. Weather permitting, you will have the
Topics include: How chords work in a song, How to form the      opportunity to see a drone in action. Your instructor is Tom
three main types of chords, How to tune your guitar, Basic      Wasinski, CEO of Aerial Agents, LLC. He has been a remote
strumming patterns, How to buy a good guitar (things to         pilot for over 5 years, and is commercially licensed through
avoid) and How to play along with simple tunes.                 the FAA. Adults 18+
#2018.183          Tuesday, Sept. 25     6:30 - 9 p.m.          Instructor: Tom Wasinski
Fee: $54 (includes the $29 materials fee for the book and       #2018.195 Tuesday, Sept. 25 – Oct. 16 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
DVD)                                                            Fee: $159
Location: Walker Building                                       Location: Pepper Pike Learning Center, 32000 Chagrin Blvd.
                                                                Room 22

Presidential Powers                                             Fall for Columbus
Wilson Huhn retired as a Distinguished Professor from The       We will visit historic German Village where we will stop at the
University of Akron School of Law in 2015, and currently        Loft Bookshop and the Hobby & Craft Boutique inside the
teaches at Duquesne University School of Law. He is an          Third Street School of 1864. Next we will have lunch at the
expert on Constitutional Law. The presidential election         graceful Boat House restaurant before taking a tour of The
of 2016 has spawned some speculation on presidential            Ohio State University campus. Finally, we will enjoy ice cream
powers. Join us for a lively discussion and question and        in Worthington before setting off for home. Board your deluxe
answer period. There is no fee, but donations to the OCER       motor coach in the PPLC parking lot by 8:00 am. The last day
Adult Discovery department are appreciated.                     for registration or for refunds is September 11.
Presenter: Wilson Huhn, JD                                      #2018.198         Thursday, Oct. 11    8 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
1 Class                                                         Fee: $89
#2018.197        Thursday, Oct. 4     6:30 - 8 p.m.             Location: Pepper Pike Learning Center, 32000 Chagrin Blvd.
Free and open to the public                                     Bus will leave at 8 am sharp!
Location: Pepper Pike Learning Center, 32000 Chagrin Blvd.
Room 29

                  • Office: (330) 562-4333
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