Gazette - Parishes of Jersey

Page created by Theresa Cobb
Gazette - Parishes of Jersey
GG Gazette                     An independent glimpse of life in our parish

Spring 2018
Volume 16 Issue 1         Printed on paper from sustainable resources.

Liberation Day will soon be upon us, giving everyone the opportunity to come together as a parish and celebrate that impor-
tant day with the rest of the Island. If you would like to be part of the official celebrations in St Helier, contact Grouville Parish
Hall during April on 852225 for more information.

Coast road speed limit to be reduced
After years of trying, the speed limit along Grouville’s Coast           ‘Road safety is vastly improved when the speed limit is re-
Road could finally be coming down to 30mph by the end of                 duced from 40mph to 30mph. I have been in contact with
this year.                                                               Infrastructure and I am told that we should see the new limit
Some 14 years after the matter was first considered at a Parish          come into force well before the end of the year.’
Assembly and three years after parishioners agreed to lower              Parish Constable John Le Maistre added: ‘After a Parish As-
the limits, the Department for Infrastructure has revealed               sembly we asked the D of I to reduce the limit as we were
that the changes in the law are being worked on this month.              keen to see the limit reduced to 30mph, which would bring
Once finished, the new laws will go to the Law Draftsmen to              us into line with the St Clement Coast Road and St Martin
be drawn up, before becoming law - all before the end of this            Coast Road.
year, it is hoped.                                                       ‘We also took into consideration that the road is lined with
It means anyone driving along the coast road from St Clem-               houses for almost its entire length, it has no pavement and
ent, which was reduced to 30mph about ten years ago, will no             some house entrances lead straight onto the road.
longer be able to speed up to 40mph just before La Rocque.               ‘We also recommended the speed limit in Gorey Village be
And, it is likely the 30mph zone will not end until it reaches           reduced from 30mph to 20mph, which will happen shortly
the 20mph zone just past the golf course.                                as well.
Along with Deputy Carolyn Labey, former Chef de Police                   ‘With regards to other Parish roads, we have no plans to
Charles Dix has campaigned for the speed reduction and is                change the speed limits at the moment. We have taken the
delighted that the new limit is close to being introduced.               view that until we can agree some sort of unity throughout
He said: ‘It has taken quite a long time to see this come to frui-       the island, having different speed limits would be confusing
tion but it is going to make such a difference and, of course,           for both locals and tourists alike. It would also mean signifi-
make our parish much safer.                                              cant extra signage.
Gazette - Parishes of Jersey
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Gazette - Parishes of Jersey
Port-Bail Association gets ready for new
season                                by Liz Viney, President
Our AGM on the 25th March will close down 2017 and pro-
mote our programme for 2018.

Before I consign 2017 to the archive, I should say that we had
a wonderful Christmas party at the Moorings, with good food
and a very generously provided raffle by members of the As-
sociation. It all helps to improve the coffers, which in turn al-
lows us to sponsor our travel and events.

There was an impressive turnout from Port-Bail for their
Christmas shopping trip on the 16th December; although
most wanted to stay in St Helier and just shop, we had given
them an alternative itinerary. We took a select group to St Pe-          The team preparing for this year’s Normandy Games?
ter’s Garden Centre for lunch and a look around,(shopping!)             for something different, in June we will be having afternoon
We were very fortunate that it was a lovely day and all in-             tea. We have not confirmed the date or venue as yet, but
volved enjoyed themselves, including my magnificent                     Karen is on the case. The Christmas dinner will be held on
drivers.                                                                Saturday 1st December, at the Moorings. Jo has it in her diary,
                                                                        although all the details will be forwarded in the Association’s
We had a meeting on the 12th February and have put to-                  quarterly newsletters in plenty of time.
gether a programme for the forthcoming year, although ev-
erything is subject to change. This year is the turn of Jersey to       Lastly I would just like to thank everyone for their support
hold the Normandy Games and Trinity with be hosting. It will            over the last year, especially all the gang that turn out to
take place over the weekend of the 16/17 June.                          drive, cook, pour the wine, call the bingo and generally keep
Once we have the itinerary from Trinity we will look to orga-           it running. So here’s to a fun filled 2018!
nise a dinner on the Saturday or a lunch on the Sunday; the

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               The Raffle girls and our secretary
venue will be the Parish Hall.
As this will be a weekend event, we will be looking for host                 Complete Automatic Irrigation Systems
families, although the French team will be accommodated by                    specifically designed for your garden
us. Port-Bail have asked to have a day trip on the 14th July,
with us having a return trip on the 12th August for the Port-                     No garden too big or too small!
Bail races. Both should be fun. The above trips all have fer-
ries on the Gorey/Carteret route, and it may be possible to do               Drip Tubes for Hanging Baskets & Pots
more once we have a full timetable.                                            Trickle Hose for Shrubs & Borders
On island events are as follows; Bingo at the Parish Hall on                             Sprinklers for Lawns
27th April and again on the 19th October, with supper. Then,

    Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Gazette - Parishes of Jersey
All you need to know about this
Submitted by the States Greffe
Election day is Wednesday 16th May 2018 when
Islanders can choose up to eight Senators and also
their Parish Connétable and Deputies (if contest-
The website is your essential guide to vot-
ing in Jersey. It has everything you need to know
about registering to vote and voting in the May
2018 elections. But in case you do not have easy
access to the internet, here is a helpful guide to
give you all the information you need

Register to vote
To be able to vote, you have to be on the electoral register. If
you will be 16 or over by 16th May 2018 and have lived in
Jersey for the last 2 years or for the last six months (plus a
period that adds up to five years altogether), then you can
register to vote. The deadline to register is noon on 9th May

Standing for election?                                                 11th April for Deputies and Connétables. Details about
Have you ever considered standing as a member of the                   standing and the support available for new members is avail-
States? Nomination nights are on 10th April for Senators and           able at

     ELECTION DAY 16 MAY 2018
     With or without your vote, States Members will be elected that have
     views on issues that affect you, so don’t let others choose on your behalf.

     For more information contact your parish hall or visit


                                                                                                           Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Gazette - Parishes of Jersey
May’s general election in Jersey
Find out about the candidates
Visit to find out about who will be standing for elec-
tion in your Parish or district. Photos of candidates will be on
the website and full manifestos on Friday 13th April at noon.
A short video profile will also be available of each candidate.
During March we will ask the public to suggest questions
they would like us to ask the candidates when they film their
video profile. We will be filming the hustings and these will          8.30am - 5pm (30th April -11th May) and Monday 14th May
be uploaded to                                                8.30am - 2pm.
                                                                       Saturday, 5th May 2018: Trinity Youth Centre 10am - 1pm.
How to cast your vote                                                  Saturday, 12th May 2018: Communicare, St Brelade 10am -
There are lots of ways you can cast your vote. When you vote
you will need to take photographic identification with you             If you are ill, disabled or have difficulty reading or writing,
such as a driving licence or a passport.                               then a home visit can be arranged. All you have to do is tel-
                                                                       ephone your Parish Hall. If you will be out of the Island on
If you register by 9th April 2018, then you can vote before            16th May you can apply for a postal vote. You will need to
16th May at a pre-poll station. You do not need a special rea-         complete an application form and return it to the Judicial
son to vote early and it means that you can choose a time to           Greffe before midday on 11th May 2018.
vote which is easier for you.

                                                                       You can vote at your district polling station on
Pre-poll opening times: -                                              16th May 2018 between 8 am and 8 pm.
Weekdays: St Paul’s Centre, St Helier Monday to Friday                 Find out more at

    Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Gazette - Parishes of Jersey
Thank you for your glasses!
By Jonathan Cushen
I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who respond-         from Grouville School would like me to
ed to my appeal in the last publication of the Grouville             give this PowerPoint during a morning
Gazette to support the work of the Lions Club, in recycling          assembly soon, I’d be very happy to
unused or unwanted eye glasses.                                      take part.
At the time of writing, Queree’s Optometrists had already col-       In the meantime, I have been busy with some friends making
lected 180 pairs of glasses and had to replace their usual           bird feeders for people to hang up in their gardens. We have
collection bin with a large kitchen bin! The Parish     Hall         a lot of stock which we are selling at various venues, includ-
has also reported a definite increase in the num-                        ing some in Grouville. Please look out for us! We are trad-
ber of glasses handed in (though no count has                                            ing as ‘Birds in Green’ and we will contin-
been made).                                                                               ue until the end of this month. We
                                                                                          donate 25% of our overall profits to
Please keep sorting through your cupboards                                               Jersey Zoo, so it’s a very worthwhile char-
for any unused/unwanted prescription glasses,                                           ity.
including prescription sunglasses. Those
already handed in are being sent to France for                                             On a different note, I have noticed the nets
sorting and grading and from there they will                                              on the goalposts on Grouville Common are
go to one of the many eye clinics set up by                                              in line with the posts. I recommend they are
the Lions Club in the third world countries,                                            pinned back because that will stop balls
to be matched with people who would oth-                                                going through the goals and possibly hitting
erwise be unable to afford corrective                                                  anyone who might be walking behind. It also
                                                                                      saves a long walk to get the ball back once it
lenses. By the way, I also prepared a short
                                                                                     has gone through. As an ex-Island goalkeeper
ten-minute PowerPoint on the work of the Lions
                                                                                     and current Grouville player, I’d like to think
Club and Helen Keller, which I gave to my former primary
                                                                     t h at         the nets could be pinned back soon. They are
school VCP.
                                                                     still in good condition and only very little work is required to
They have also been busy collecting glasses. If any teacher          make a big difference for footballers in the parish!

                                                                     How will you go
                                                                     purple this May?
                                                                     Parishioners in Grouville are     A stroke is a brain attack
                                                                     being thanked for their ef-       which happens when the
                                                                     forts to raise money for the      blood supply to the brain is
                                                                     Stroke Association last year      cut off, caused by a clot or
                                                                     – and to think how they are       bleeding in the brain.
                                                                     going to ‘go purple’ in aid of    Stroke is the fourth biggest
                                                                     the charity again this year.      killer in the UK, and more
                                                                     Some in the parish may have       than 400 children have a
                                                                     had the opportunity to see        stroke every year in the UK.
                                                                     the Jersey Ukulele Group          At the Stroke Association we
                                                                     fundraising at venues across      believe in life after stroke,
                                                                     the island going on to raise      and together we can con-
                                                                     more than £5,000.                 quer stroke. We work directly
                                                                     The Stroke Association is call-   with stroke survivors and
                                                                     ing on everyone in Grouville      their families and carers, with
                                                                     to sign up to Make May Pur-       health and social care profes-
                                                                     ple 2018. During the month,       sionals and with scientists
                                                                     the charity will be raising       and researchers.
                                                                     awareness of the impact of        In previous years Make May
                                                                     a stroke, sharing information     Purple has been supported
                                          For those who know         on stroke and prevention,         by Fort Regent, Jersey Opera
                                                                     while raising vital funds for     House and Victoria College,
                    Gorey Village, Grouville
                                                                     the services it provides to is-   all turning purple at night for
                         Tel 840400
                               landers.                          the Stroke Association.

                                                                                                             Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Gazette - Parishes of Jersey
A new Procureur for the Parish
The Parish of Grouville has a new Procureur du Bien Public.
John Lamy, a well-known grower in the parish turned lans-
caper gardener, has taken on the role to complete the term of
Peter Falle, whose poor health has forced him to step down.
It means that John, a former Vingtenier in the parish’s honor-
ary police force, will take on the role of Constable’s ‘right hand
man’ for the next six months.
Speaking after his recent swearing in at the Royal Court he
said: ‘Obviously we live in a democracy so there is no guaran-
tee, but I would very much like to stand again in September
and do a full three year term.
‘I am delighted and very proud to be serving my parish again
in this way,’ he added.
When asked about the qualities which make a good Procu-
reur, he replied: ‘You need common sense and a good under-                          John celebrates at the Royal Yacht after his swearing in
standing of people. You also need to be ready to advise the
Constable on any legal and financial matters of the parish.’                      over some ten years of working hand in hand, when he was
John, who is 71, and lives near La Houge Bie, celebrated his                      my Vingtenier. And we did have fun too, as we saw how many
appointment with a drink in the Royal Yacht after court.                          totally unexpected and unusual tasks fell to us. This will stand
A month or so earlier at the nominations night - where he                         him well.
was the only candidate - his proposer Charles Dix, former                         ‘And lastly, a sense of humour is a vital ingredient and some-
Chef de Police, said: ‘John is a man of stature ideally suited to                 thing which John possesses in abundance.’
the many and often unexpected tasks that befall a Procureur.
‘John has all the attributes needed to undertake these impor-                     What is a Procureur du Bien Public?
tant tasks, and will do it with his consummate communica-                         A Procureur du Bien Public (Attorney of the public good)
tion skills and his excellent sense of humour.                                    is the legal and financial representative of a parish in
‘To these I can attest, having had the wonderful experience                       Jersey and is elected for a term of three years

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    Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Gazette - Parishes of Jersey
Swingin’ in the rain raises thousands
As the dust settles after Jonny Labey’s show at The Jersey
Opera House, the locals, who filled the theatre to support
him, are still talking about it! Both shows were sold out and
yet people were queuing up for returns.

Swingin’ In The Rain was Jonny’s idea and he came to Jersey
for his one day performances, a matinee and evening show,
on Saturday 18th November. Not only was it a concert for
Jonny to thank the audience for all their support but also to

                                                                     Childhood friends Ben Talbot, Jonny and Atila Huseyin

                                                                    shared the Opera House stage with many times growing up.
                                                                    Stuart Leach, from Guernsey, who Jonny was at Birds College
                                                                    with, also made an appearance; a very gifted song writer and
                                                                    the audience were transfixed as he sang one of his own
                                                                    songs, many comparing him to a young Ed Sheeran.

                                                                    Helping to dress the stage beautifully were the girls from
 Pianist Malcolm Whittell accompanied Jonny on a few                Performers, wearing full feather show girl costumes with
             numbers ‘with effortless class’                        light-up wings, with Chris being one of them. Supporting
                                                                    Atila with one of his songs, Ave Maria, was the choir called
raise money and awareness for two charities close to his            The Progressive School of Music, superbly directed by Leila
heart. One was Diabetes Jersey (Jonny is type one diabetic          Begg. They then sang Fix You and had everyone transfixed.
himself and an ambassador for the charity) and also the Baby        The female vocalists of the evening were Marteen McCloat
Bean Appeal. For Diabetes Jersey the amount raised, includ-         who sings regularly with The Jersey Big Band every Sunday at
ing the bucket collections, was just over £5,500 and for the        The Merton, and Sharon Campbell, a face and voice well
Baby Bean Appeal £2,480. The Baby Bean Appeal’s amount              known to the audiences of Jersey.
was then doubled by a private benefactor! The funds raised          One of the highlights of the evening was watching Jonny and
will also be benefiting the Jersey Maternity Ward.                  his dad Mark perform the popular song Me and My Shadow
Together with UK friends, and also local talent that Jonny
grew up with, they put on a very slick show, accompanied the        At the close of both shows the whole audience were on their
whole way through by the wonderful Jersey Big Band. UK                                              feet, with some already ask-
artistes included Atila Hussain,                                                                    ing when will he return.
who is one of the best big band                                                                     Obviously not next year as
singers in the country, and Kai                                                                     he has just landed the lead
Scanlon, a 15 year old tap dancer                                                                   role in a new West End
who holds nine world champion                                                                       Musical called Strictly
titles. He was also recently in the                                                                 Ballroom but fingers
finals for CBBC programme called                                                                    crossed for the year after...
Taking The Next Step, on which
Jonny was one of the judges.
                                                                                                     Try stopping
Jonny’s girlfriend Chrissy also                                                                      them...father and
took time off from her West End                                                                      son double act
job performing in An American                                                                        Jonny and Mark
in Paris to perform with Jonny,                                                                      Labey tread the
which the Jersey audience fell in                                                                    boards at the
love with. From Jersey they had                                                                      Opera House, all
Liam Clements, Ben Talbot and                                                                        in the name of
Benjamin Martin, who Jonny                                                                           charity

                                                                                                         Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Gazette - Parishes of Jersey
                                     SHOP | WHOLESALE
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Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Gazette - Parishes of Jersey
It was a rapper’s delight at Grouville
School when Christian Foley visited
by Leia and Amy in Year 5

We had a visit from Christian Foley – a rapping
poet. Christian used to be a pupil at Grouville
School and he told us he wrote his first ever poem
at primary school and that inspired him to be a
poet and rapper.
He now works in London and is a poet in residence
for three schools. He entertained us in assembly
with his tongue twisters, raps and free-styling.
He interacted with us and was an incredibly fast
thinker! We were really lucky to work with him lat-
er on in class. We had fun compliment-rap battles
and then we got to write an Ode to anybody in
the world – we choose our mums!
Here is a rap that Year 2 wrote about Christian – he
was amazing!

                                                                         The children listen intently to their visiting rapper
Christian, By Year 2

Poem writer,           A pupil at Grouville   His skills are amazing,          His rapping skills are slick!                          He made us feel cheerful
He’s cool.             School.                incredible, quick.               His freestyle is wicked, bril-                         and excited and happy.
A Jersey boy,          An awesome rapping     He’s super fast and              liant at rapping.                                      He’s great and fantastic and
He’s super.            teacher.               brilliant.                       He kept us focussed with his                           his poetry was snappy.
                                                                               cool clapping.

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                                                                                                                                                 Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Gorey Youth Club - The importance of friendship
By Ciara Mooney
For anyone who is unsure as to what we do at Gorey, well we             The winners of the competition were invited to learn how
have lots of fun doing different activities but we also do a lot        to put together an exhibition of their work by Lucy Layton
of informal education. This means that anything you don’t               whose job is to design the exhibitions at the Jersey Museum.
feel that you have learned in school, we are happy to help fill         Although it was cold we had a great day learning about light-
in the gaps. For instance, during the past few months we have           ing and where visitors might want to look, where there was a
been looking at friendship and what it means to us. We do               bland wall that needed brightening up and how to frame our
this so that everyone knows what a good relationship looks              pieces. We even had our first visitors admire our hard work
like. This could be a friendship with your best mate or some-           before we finished and they approved!
one you thought was a friend but who might not be acting
like one at the moment.                                                 What is even better is that our youngster’s art work is now
                                                                        part of the Castle exhibition and can be viewed in the Great
This could also be what kind of relationship you have with              Hall. That is also the room where weddings happen, so if any-
your parents or guardians. As we have recently had Valentine’s          one is thinking of getting married in the Castle they will see
Day we were also looking at what a good relationship might              our beautiful art work light up the room. Running up and
be with a partner or boyfriend and girlfriend. All these differ-        down the Castle on a scavenger hunt quiz and hot chocolate
ent kinds of relationships all come down to the same things:            finished the day off perfectly.
making sure you say how you are feeling, being kind, being
respectful of one another’s feelings, being                                             We have many more trips to the Castle
honest, feeling safe, not bullying or making                                            planned as they are also a charity and as
someone feel uncomfortable and, most im-                                                friends we are offering to help and learn at
portantly, feeling cared for and respected.                                             the same time.
One of our brilliant young people, Sophie
Harrison, aged 10, has written a little about                                           As many of you will know our Junior ses-
this so you know what we have been learn-                                               sion is a charity and currently unfunded. This
ing about.                                                                              is the reason why the entrance fee is larger
                                                                                        than our other sessions as it pays for the staff
‘At Youth Club we have been thinking about                                              who work on a Tuesday night.
friendship and about what makes a good                                                  The great thing is that our all of our nights
friend. We have been putting up boards                                                  have become very popular and we are sup-
with kind words about friendship so we can                                              porting nearly 300 individual young people,
spread the word as much as possible.                                                    who attended our sessions over 3,000 times
‘We have also been making friendship brace-                                             last year.
lets. Some say that friendship bracelets are
just jewellery but actually they are some-                                               Our junior session in particular has become
thing you wear that makes others feel spe-                                               very popular, so much so that we are in real
cial.                                                                                    need of some more volunteers. One volun-
                                                                        teer means that ten young people can attend, therefore we
Friends are important to have because they are the people               really appreciate all the help we can get.
in life that stick up for you when you are in a hard situation
and, most importantly, is that they are the people that always          As we do our best to be a good friend to our community we
make each other smile and laugh. ‘Friendship means having               are asking for help from you, our friends. Without some addi-
someone or some people to rely on at school or at home or               tional help we may need to limit the number of young people
anywhere else.                                                          who can be allowed into our sessions. This is the last thing we
                                                                        would want to do as we all like club when it is busy and all of
‘The good thing about friends is that you can choose your               our friends are there.
friends and that is your decision only. It’s okay for friends to
make mistakes because they are your friends. Friendship is              As a charity we have a committee of local people who help
sharing with each other, having fun and spending time to-               to run our project. These people help to make the decisions
gether and respecting each other’s differences. You should              that mould our project and are our strong connection to our
try not to let your friends down. ‘It’s nice for your friends to        community. We really couldn’t work without them and would
have other friends too and maybe you will really get on with            like to say a huge thank you. The more people we have on this
them and want to be their friend as well. If you always include         then the more events we can put on for the community, and
others then you will always be part of a team!’’                        the more money we can raise. If you would like your voice to
                                                                        be heard then our committee meet once every six to eight
Talking about our friends, so far this year we have been work-          weeks.
ing with our friends at Jersey Heritage who helped us to go
on a trip to Mont Orgueil Castle. Everyone who entered a pic-           If you are interested in volunteering with Gorey Youth Club
ture in our amazing castle art competition for our open day             please contact Ciara the Senior Youth Worker. Full training
last October, had their amazing art worked judged by local              and DBS check will be provided. or call
and very talented artist Jools Holt.                                    280525.

    Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
A special visitor at Duck Pond
By Belinda Calvani

In January the Duck Pond
children were very lucky to
have a visit from our commu-
nity police officer PC Duncan
Gray and his working police
dog Evie. PC Gray showed
the children his uniform and
explained what clothes he
needs to wear and when.
Some of the children volun-
teered to try on his various
items of the clothing as well
as different hats/helmets.
They showed great interest
and remained focused as PC
Gray talked about the many                                               The children were fascinated by Evie the police dog
different aspects of his job and how very clever and helpful
Evie is to him. The children were then invited to ask questions        dog he had ever seen!
and they were enthusiastic to find out about Evie - what her           PC Gray gave the children some special keepsakes (badges,
favourite food is, where she sleeps at night, what her                 key rings and wrist bands) from the States of Jersey Police. Ev-
friends are called and how much exercise she needs every               eryone was delighted that he has promised to come back to
day. One of the children said that she was the biggest                 visit us at Duck Pond again soon.

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                                                                                                             Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
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          Serving top quality locally sourced produce, the food is fresh and the
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                        A childrens menu is always available too.
                       Offering a comprehensive sensibly priced wine list.

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Weddings, Anniversaries, Christenings, any Special Family Occasions and

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                         Social Club Meetings
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                 Reservations: 01534 875236
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Beachcombers Hotel            La Rue a Don        Grouville          Jersey

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 Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Welcome to
The first choice
for lifts and access                            the World of
systems at home
and at work                                     Politics
                                                by Deputy Carolyn Labey

                                                                         As a Committee Member of the
                                                                         Commonwealth Parliamentary
                                                                         Association I was pleased to be a
                                                                         part of hosting the Commonwealth
                                                                         Youth Parliament in February. This
                                                                         was a great honour for Jersey to
                                                                         have young people from all around
                                                                         the Commonwealth coming here
                                                                         to take part. Our States Greffe did a
                                                wonderful job in organising events for them to give these
                                                young people valuable experiences and put Jersey in their
                                                thinking for the future. The Commonwealth is going to
                                                become more important to us in a post Brexit era.

                                                Speed limits
                                                As you will see from the front page, the Department for
                                                Infrastructure are finally going to reduce the speed limit
                                                along the coast road. Charles Dix and I have been campaign-
                                                ing for many years. In areas where there are houses and exits
                                                points on either side of the road, it makes absolute sense that
                                                speed should be reduced. I hope when the main road speed
                                                is going to be 30mph, our Roads Committee will look to
                                                introduce a more sensible speed limit than 40mph on our
                                                parish lanes and bi-roads.
Stair lifts, passenger lifts,
goods lifts and automatic doors.                The foreshore
                                                Many of you have contacted me about the Foreshore issue
     Installations                              mentioned in my last article. The Department of Infrastructure
     Maintenance                                have started to raise ‘fines’ for want of a better description,
                                                against people whose properties are found to be encroach-
     Modernisations and refurbishments          ing on the foreshore and notwithstanding the fact the owner
     24-hour-call-out                           may have received Planning permission. This is an on-going
                                                issue as the first home-seller this affected has made an offi-
                                                cial complaint and there is a procedures investigation cur-
Rue à la Dame, Five Oaks,                       rently being conducted against the department. Once the
St Saviour, Jersey, JE2 7NH                     Hearing has taken place I will report further. The situation is
                                                obviously having an impact on property sales along the coast
T: 888975                                       which does not only affect the SE coast but around the whole                       Island.

                              CALL US           Renewable energy
                              for a FREE        Also in the last issue I wrote about my forthcoming Renewable
                              survey and        Energy debate which I resoundingly won in the States
                              quotation         Assembly at the end of January. The JEC want to impose a
                                                Stand-by charge on locally generated renewable energy, if

                                                                                      Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Parish Surgeries
                                                                            Monday, 16th April
                                                                            10.00am to 11.30am at The Kitchen, Gorey Village and
                                                                            4.30pm to 6.00pm at Holme Grown

                                                                            Monday, 14th May
                                                                            10.00am to 11.30am at The Kitchen, Gorey Village and;
                                                                            4.30pm - 6.00pm at Holme Grown

                                                                            Monday, 9th April

                                                                            Please pop in if there are any issues you would like to discuss
                                                                            with me. Alternatively you can always reach me on the fol-
                                                                            Contact details:
   It looks like we will finally see the speed limit along
                  the Coast Road reduced                                    Tel: 852488

that resource ever draws out of the grid as well as feeding                 email:
into it. This could have a very detrimental effect on local
industry in an age when we should surely be encouraging
renewable energy initiatives. Imagine if Andium Homes
installed solar panels on their properties, their Tenants could
enjoy a reduction in their electricity bills. The Jersey Electricity
Laws (originally written in 1937) are now going to be up-
dated, which will give the long overdue policy direction from
Government on renewable energy.

Stamp duty
Another concern of mine is the amount that house purchas-
ers are having to pay in Stamp Duty. If the purchase price on
a property is below £450,000 then the purchaser pays noth-
ing, yet if it is over that amount the buyer has to pay duty. If
a young couple for example, are trying to buy a family home
in the region of £475,000, the Treasurer will not only take
stamp duty on the property value, but a further duty is also
payable on any borrowings. This can increase the cost by
£8,000 upwards. Surely if we are trying to encourage home-
ownership and trying to help young families afford their first
home, then forcing them to pay thousands of pounds more
to the States in Stamp Duty seems to counter this proposal. I
would welcome any feedback you have on this issue.

States sittings
As ever, the States Assembly business has backed up to levels
which mean we will be attending States sittings on most days
of the week in March and up until Nomination day when the
States go ‘in purdah’ for the elections. This unfortunately is
going to have an impact on the Parish Surgery that the
Constable and I had organised on 9th April at The Kitchen
Cafe in Gorey Village.

    Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
The history of Gorey Village’s
hotels and guest houses – Part 1
by Michele Leerson

In an earlier article on businesses in Gorey
Village, I mentioned the existing Old Bank
House Hotel but at one time there were
many hotels and guesthouses in the vil-
After the Occupation some of the residents
began to take an interest in the prospects
of a new industry in Jersey, that of tourism.
With Gorey Castle within view and the pic-
turesque view of the harbour from the
long sandy beach of Grouville Bay, the vil-
lage was the perfect spot for a holiday.
Looking at the Tourism Collection within
the Archive there are records of at least 17
establishments of various sizes within the
confines of the village. The majority have
now closed with the subsequent decline in
the industry and now only two of the larg-   The Old Court House Hotel has given way to a new Dandara Development
er hotels are still operating; the Old Bank House and the
Maison Gorey.
                                                             June 1886 from John Thomas Renouf for £161 and 19 shil-
Maison Gorey was converted from 4 terraced houses that       lings sterling.
according to property contracts were built by Archaelaus
                                                             Following Archaelaus’ death in 1928 he left the properties to
Trout Springate, a man with a very unique name. Archaelaus,  his wife and son and by 1932 numbers 2, 3 and 4 had been
was the Springate half of Springate and Baker builders and   purchased by Brette Morgan. In the 1932 Jersey Evening Post
lived in 1, Fernleigh Villa.                                 Almanac the houses are collectively called Maison Gorey and
He built the 4 houses after purchasing a house and land in   listed as a hotel. Despite changing owners many times and

                                                The sprawling Trafalgar Bay

                                                                                                   Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
being requisitioned by the German Forces during the
Occupation, the hotel has continued to run as a business
since this time.
Just around the corner from the Maison Gorey was the hotel
called the Trafalgar Bay, which was demolished in 2002 to
make way for the development of houses called the Hamlet.
Fond memories of this hotel include the attached putting
green and local character Mickey Brennan and his petrol
In 1919 Reginald Charles Pallot purchased cottages and
buildings commonly known as Ripa or Ripar Buildings from
Lilian Jane Germain. The Germain family had owned this land
for many years and in the 1861 census properties on the site
were called ‘Germaine’s Buildings’. This was the site of the
Candour Tavern, with George Germain recorded as the tavern
keeper in the 1887 Almanac. The Pallot family lived in the
houses which were renamed as Trafalgar, but the name Ripar
was still associated with at least one cottage until well after
the Occupation. From the early 1930s a Morris Garage was
also listed on this site.
Opposite the Trafalgar Bay Hotel was the Old Court House
Hotel, which has recently been demolished to make way for

                                                                              The distincitve Maison Gorey in the village
                                                                       a new development. Despite the legend that the original
                                                                       house was known as the Old Court House because it once
                                                                       held a ‘Court’ there, seemingly no documented evidence
                                                                       remains to confirm this.
                                                                       Prior to the hotel being built, census records record the
                                                                       house as the ‘old court house’ or ‘La Cohue’ as can be seen in
                                                                       the 1881 census. The house fireplace contained corbels of
                                                                       Caen Stone, which dated from the 15th Century and which
                                                                       are thought to have come from Mont Orgueil Castle. These
                                                                       were retained when the hotel was built. Winifred Enid Lewis
                                                                       French bought the house called Old Court House in 1946 and
                                                                       the house next door called Brooklet in 1953 and together
                                                                       they formed the Old Court House Hotel. Winifred ran it as a
                                                                       small 3rd Register hotel with a capacity for 11 guests. In 1961
                                                                       she sold the business to Farley Hotels Limited who, over the
                                                                       many years they owned it, extended and modernised the
                                                                       building to a 4th Register hotel which accommodated more
                                                                       than 100 guests.
                                                                       In part two, Michelle will feature the Kalamunda, Royal
                                                                       Bay, Hotel des Isles, Osiris Hotel and will also look at
                         The 1887 Almanac                              when George Eliot stayed in the village.
    Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Parish Personality Portraits No.41
Tom and Annigna Kennedy – Action...Camera...Lights....Music! – a sound
by Al Thomas

There can’t be too many parishes in Jersey that can
boast of having a film company in their midst,
albeit a small one …
But right here in Grouville we have ‘Little River
Pictures’ the brain child of Tom and Annigna
It all started when Tom, who’s grand-
mother was a Labey, met Annigna
from Switzerland travelling sepa-
rately with friends in Peru.
Both coming from creative
backgrounds, there was a natu-
ral attraction. Tom, a profes-
sional photographer who
studied photography, film
and sound at Plymouth
College of Art and Design,
and Annigna, an actress
who learnt her craft at
the Bavarian Academy of
Theatre in Munich and
has appeared in thea-
tres and films in
Switzerland       and
Germany, have been
together ever since.
The relationship
blossomed and, as
they say, the rest is
in them cementing
their partnership at
Grouville Church.
They now reside in
our favourite parish.
One of Little River
Pictures early short films
called ‘Le Lollipop Magique’ was fea-
tured in the Jersey Branchage Film Festival.
From then on, and while collaborating with many of Jersey’s
local artists, it’s been onwards and upwards. They have even         If you would care to view an example of Tom and Annigna’s
gone as far as Bolivia to film a documentary on the injustice        excellent film work just Google ‘I Charleston Jersey’ and you
of an innocent person serving a prison sentence in that coun-        will experience a well-edited seven minutes of joyful enter-
try.                                                                 tainment along with the Jersey Lindy Hoppers dancing in a
Not content with being a busy photographer and film maker            variety of Island locations and at the same time add yourself
with his wife, Tom is employed by Jersey Heritage as Gardien         to 178,298 viewers who have already enjoyed it.
of Hamptonne and Mont Orgueil, with a particular interest in         One slight fly in the proverbial film reel is that the property
the vegetable garden at Hamptonne and even finds time to             that houses Little River Pictures is up for sale. So this impor-
play guitar in his reggae/rock band ‘Benny the Moth’.                tant creative asset and lovely family may have to move on
Meanwhile Annigna, when not editing and assembling their             unless some kind reader has a better idea… let’s try and keep
latest film, has her hands full with an even more Important          Little River Pictures right here in our Parish where they right-
production, little Ava, the most recent and delightful addi-         fully belong.
tion to the Kennedy clan.                                            Telephone 07797 836656 if you feel you can help.

                                                                                                            Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Bite-size news
Family history festival for all
The Jersey Archive will be holding a Family History Festival
on the 20th - 22nd April 2018. The Archive will be open for a
free programme of talks, workshops and tours as well as for
general research between 9am and 4pm on Friday, Saturday
and Sunday. Nick Barratt from BBC’s Who Do You Think You
Are is the guest speaker for the event. For programme and
booking information go to

Flag hoisting days
The Bailiff’s office has asked all those with flags to hoist them
on the following days: 10th March: Anniversary of the birth-
day of His Royal Highness, The Earl of Wessex. 12th March:
Commonwealth Day. 21st April: Anniversary of the birthday
of Her Majesty The Queen. 9th May: Anniversary of the Lib-
eration of the Island and Europe Day. 2nd June: Anniversary
of Her Majesty’s Coronation. 9th June: The Official Celebra-
tion of Her Majesty’s birthday. 10th June: Anniversary of the
birthday of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh. 21st
June: Anniversary of the birthday of His Royal Highness The
Duke of Cambridge. 17th July: Anniversary of the birthday of
the Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall. 15th Au-
gust: Anniversary of the birthday of Her Royal Highness The
Princess Royal. 11th November: Remembrance Day (second
Sunday in November). 14th November: Anniversary of the
birthday of His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales. 20th No-
vember: Anniversary of Her Majesty’s Wedding Day.

The Societe need your help
The Garden History Section of the Societe Jersiaise are cur-
rently researching nurserymen and plant nurseries from
about 1840 to the present day and they very much like to
hear from anyone who might remember nurseries which
no longer exist. Of particular interest are any old plant cata-
logues or lists of plants supplied and where they might have
come from. They are also interested in making a record of al-
lotments - both private and otherwise, which are currently
being used. Later they’d like to make a photographic record
for their archives. Any information would be greatly appre-
ciated. If you can help, please email Pat J at mangrove460@ or drop a note to Societe Jersiaise, 7 Pier Rd, St He-
lier JE2 4XW.

Parish Hall opening times
Don’t forget that the Parish Hall has changed its opening
hours and is no longer open on Wednesdays. Instead, any-
one wishing to visit the office during the week can do so
between 8.00am and 4pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Fridays.

Can you deliver?
Can you spare a few hours a year to help deliver copies of the
Grouville Gazette in your neighbourhood? Your local parish
magazine relies on the goodwill of lots of parishioners and,
due to a number of departures, we are in need of some more
volunteers. Please email or
call 07797 734431 where we can explain more.

    Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Puzzle Pages...
Spot the Difference

                           Did you manage
                           to spot all the
                           differences last

                                              Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Easter puzzles

                                        DAFFODILS    SNOWDROPS CHOCOLATE
                                        EASTER BUNNY EASTER EGGS NEW LIFE
                                        SPRING       GOOD FRIDAY EASTER DAY                   LAMBS


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                                         From design to installation we offer a comprehensive personal
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                                         Telephone: 01534 483921 • Email:
                                          Visit our showroom: La Rue d’Olive, St. Mary, JE3 3BJ

 Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Meet the Officer
                                                                                               NAME: Paul Andrew Godel
                                                                                               AGE: 60

 Relaxing for your soul.                                                                       FAMILY: Married to Sue
                                                                                               since 1979, has a son Philip
                                                                                               who with his partner Hayley
                                                                                               has their first granddaugh-
 Penny & her award                                                                             ter Nevaeh.
 winning team                                                                                  OCCUPATION:         Building
 welcome you to                                                                                manager at Liberation
                                                                                               House, St Helier
 Pennyfeathers                                                                                 HOBBIES/INTERESTS:
 where we put                                                                                  Pistol shooting, photogra-
                                                                                               phy and motorcycling
 the treat back
                                                              YEARS IN THE FORCE: 35
 into treatment.
                                                              RANK IN THE FORCE: Centenier
                                                              ANY SPECIFIC ROLE/DUTY? Keeping the force patrol car up
                                                              to scratch, training new recruits and patrol work.
                                                              WHY DID YOU JOIN THE HONORARY POLICE? I joined the
                                                              force in 1982 after an honorary officer knocked on my door
                                                              and asked me if I would consider joining. Sue and I had been
                                                              pestering the parish whilst they were building the new
                                                              houses behind the Potteries with a view to being able to
                                                              purchase one, which we did. So when the officers called I
                                                              said to myself that it was time to give something back to the
                                                              Parish as it was only for three years. I enjoyed it so much, I
                                                              kept going and am one of the longest serving officers, if not
                                                              the longest in the Honorary Police.
                                                              WHAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT BEING AN HONORARY
                                                              POLICE OFFICER? The best thing about being in the force is
                                                              meeting and helping people, it is not all about arresting peo-
                                                              ple although sometimes it has to be done.
                                                              AND THE WORST? The worst part is going to road traffic col-
                                                              lisions of a serious nature, having to give someone bad news,
                                                              fortunately it does not happen very often in our great parish.
                                                              WHAT’S THE MOST MEMORABLE JOB/CALL OUT? Over the
                                                              years I have had funny incidents and some very bad ones.
                                                              One time, I was out on patrol with the then Centenier George
                                                              Noel, we were patrolling through Queen’s Valley before it was
                                                              flooded, when we hit a large bump.(Centenier Noel was driv-
                                                              ing) We heard a rattling noise coming from the rear of the
                                                              police car. Suddenly the exhaust rear box fell off. We came to
                                                              a very quick stop. “Godel, get out and pick up the exhaust”,
                                                              “Yes Sir”, being a new Constable’s Officer and wanting to
                                                              impress. I picked up the offending car part and dumped it
                                                              into the boot. This is the funny part, In my haste to please, I
T: (01534) 867172                                             did not think – dumb – the exhaust would be very hot.
E:                                 Having picked it up I didn’t dare drop it so I was seen running                                      back to the car going Ow..ow..ow! I soon learnt to engage the
                                                              brain before acting.
Pennyfeathers (within Capelli Hair)                           WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO ANYONE CONSIDERING
La Grande Route de la Cote,                                   JOINING THE HONORARY POLICE IN GROUVILLE? It is fun
St Clement, Jersey                                            at times and not others, but you will meet a lot of interesting
                                                              people along the way. Help to put something back into the
                                                              local community, keep Grouville safe and a nice place to live.
                                                              You will only be asked to give as much time as you can,
                                                              remember family, work and home come first, then us.
Free parking . Late nights available . Disabled access         If you are interested in becoming an honorary officer, please
                                                                             call 07797 710321 for more details

                                                                                                    Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Centenier’s Notebook
by Centenier Liz Viney

                             How well do you know the parking restrictions in and around Gorey Village?
We had a road check in January to carry the Drink Drive                  longer term parking should use Longbeach, which has a
Campaign into the New Year, as obviously it is not just for              restriction of 12 in 24 hours. We have advised them to do this,
Christmas. The night we chose was Friday, 19th January and               although Commercial vehicles 15 foot and over are not per-
it was bitter. We had just set up and it half-heartedly rained,          mitted to park in Longbeach.
but we persevered.                                                       The village is more complicated as it has varying restriction.
What was disturbing was despite the fact we had blue lights              Gorey Village Main Road, from the Food Hall shop to the
on the road and all the officers were wearing yellow coats –             property called Bagatelle by the brick paved area, is one hour
and even though La Rue a Don at Longbeach is straight –                  and requires a parking disc with time of arrival. The rest of the
motorists did not seem to be aware of our presence until the             Village Main Road heading east, including Rue Hilgrove, out-
last moment. It is very disconcerting to have a vehicle driving          side the butchers, has no restrictions, although there will be
towards you without seeming to slow down.                                a Disabled Bay put in later in the year on the Village main
                                                                         road. The left hand side of La Mont de Gouray has a 7-day
We use the car park to pull vehicles off the road so that we
                                                                         restriction in line with St Martin. There are restriction signs at
can check the driver’s licence, vehicle details and, if needs be,
                                                                         the entrances of the car parks and on Gorey Village Main
the driver themselves and then issue defect reports or
                                                                         Road outside the Food Hall.
requests to attend the Parish Hall if there is a more serious
matter.                                                                  In the Parish of Grouville we do not have a dedicated parking
                                                                         officer as in other parishes, so it falls to the Honorary Police to
We also had our community officer PC Duncan Gray with us
                                                                         monitor it when they can. But please be aware that most of
as extra support. As Centenier I would like to say that this
                                                                         our officers work and are not available 24/7, but we will
time the car park was horrendous, with the puddles the size
                                                                         endeavour to have one officer available to monitor the
of small ponds. I either disappeared into them, ankle deep in
                                                                         Village at some point during the day. If you wish to read the
cold mud, or the vehicles did and all in near darkness,
                                                                         law please go to and look up the
although the new lights erected at the entrance to Beach
                                                                         Road Traffic (Grouville) Amendment No 9)(Jersey)Order 1986,
Road do help. Next time I am taking up residence in the bus
                                                                         or just Google Road Traffic Grouville.
                                                                         On a more cheerful note, we are delighted to welcome into
While on the matter of car parks, I know that there is a defi-
                                                                         the Grouville Honorary Police two new Constable Officers,
nite division among parishioners; we have those that com-
                                                                         Sara Matias and Matthew Le Maistre. Matthew was sworn in
plain about the long stay of vehicles in the Beach Road car
                                                                         at the Royal Court in December 2017 and Sarah joined us in
park and Rue Hilgrove, opposite the butchers, and we have
                                                                         January of this year. They are, at present, working their way
those that have always parked at Beach Road that are
                                                                         through the foundation course with the States of Jersey
aggrieved at being issued a penalty and asked not to park all            Police and have been out and about learning patrolling skills
day, even though they live nearby.                                       with Centenier Paul Godel. I am sure that you will meet both
The parking restriction in these two car parks is one hour only          of these officers out and about in the Village, whether patrol-
with a parking disc displaying the time of arrival. It is for the        ling or conducting traffic duties. We are, at last, starting to
benefit of all who wish to shop, or have appointments in the             gather some younger members of the community to our
Village .It is accepted that some building contractors are not           numbers. So, if you feel you could join Matthew and Sara in
obeying the parking restrictions and I am also aware that                helping to keep your Parish safe, please give us a call, we
when an officer turns up in the police car, they vanish. All             would be delighted to show you around.
    Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
                                      picnic to return
                                      by Joanna Thorpe
                                                                                               event, in
                                                                                               of Jo
                                                                                               Cox MP,

Keep enjoying life                                                                             proved
                                                                                               to be a

in your own home                                                                               success

                                      AFTER a tremendous inaugural event last June, Grouville’s
                                      Community Picnic, in memory of murdered MP Jo Cox will
The community care provider           return this summer.
                                      The idea was driven by the foundation set up in memory of
centred around your lifestyle,        Mrs Cox, who campaigned for communities to get to know
                                      each other and support each other at a time when challenges
 overseen by qualified nurses         within communities are trying to divide them.
     and approved under               As reported in our autumn edition, Gorey Common wel-
                                      comed approximately 150 people to enjoy an informal picnic,
the Long-term Care Scheme.            with everyone bringing rugs and picnic baskets and enjoying
                                      an afternoon in the company of family, friends and neigh-
                                      bours, chatting and listening to wonderful music from the
                                      members of the parish.
                                      The brilliant Sitas Circus entertained the crowds with giant
                                      bubbles and there was plenty of extra nibbles for anyone that
                                      needed them, which highlighted the generosity of Grouvillais.
  01534 633083                        Therefore, due to the success of the event, it will return to the
                                      Common again this year and will be held on 24th June
                                      between 1 pm and 4 pm.

                                        It is hoped the whole community will come together

                                                                             Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Battle of Flowers update
by Drew Livingston
As I seem to keep saying, last year was a difficult year for the         doing their best to represent Grouville.
association to say the least. Working with an ambitious senior           I hope no one is judging the psyche of our committee mem-
design and without ideal working conditions led to many
                                                                         bers too much because of these choices!
challenges we hadn’t seen before.
                                                                         After starting the year with our most successful Pub Quiz
Unfortunately this year is already presenting new challenges
of its own with our working area, with the design and with               ever and following it up with a great film night in the Parish
the animation required. It looks like everyone is rising to the          Hall, the social side of the association has continued to grow
challenges as usual though. Battle has never been about the              and grow. In the intervening months we have also held the
easy routes to success!                                                  annual Easter Egg Hunt and the Junior Miss Grouville
                                                                         Competition, but there is still more to come!
We are incredibly grateful to the Parish for their support,
understanding and willingness to work with us. No other                  All the following events are coming up in the next few
Parish enjoys facilities like we get to share in the Parish Depot        months and if you are interested in any of them please con-
and their support is one of the main things that allows us to            tact Shona on 07797 716 846 or
build such a great community atmosphere in the association               for more information.
and to help build it in the wider Parish.                                Chocolate Bingo Night - 6pm on Saturday 21 April at the
As usual, we held an open design competition in November.                Parish Hall. Miss Grouville Competition and Dinner - Saturday
I want to thank all four people who submitted designs and                12 May at the Royal Jersey Golf Club. Promise Auction and
made it such a hard choice for the committee. At the end of              Tea with The Wandering Tea Company - 6.30pm on Saturday
it we decided that this summer we want to take you back to               2 June at the Parish Hall. Car Boot Sale - 8.30am - noon
the 60s with our float based on The Little Shop of Horrors               Saturday 2 June on Gorey Common - £9 a plot
designed by Rachael Labey and Blake Campbell. An ambi-
tious design, Feed Me Seymour is a tribute to the musical and            We believe we are hosting the only Car Boot Sale that will be
to the 80s film and will see familiar faces battle to stop an            held on the Common this year, so make sure you sign up for
alien invasion of Victoria Avenue.                                       that one!
Olivia Maryon has been chosen as the designer of the Junior              As ever we are always keen for more help, particularly if you
Float after a very close competition. Her float Thriller is based        have technical skills, but whatever your abilities please get in
on the Michael Jackson music video and that means that this              touch with me on 747611, 07797 736 816 or grouvillebattle@
year it will be a horde of zombies parading down the arena     

    Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
Have your say on the future of
Haut de la Garenne                                                       What do
Grouville parishioners are being invited to respond to the              you think
Independent Jersey Care Inquiry’s recommendation con-                      should
cerning the former Haut de la Garenne children’s home.                    happen
                                                                            to the
A public consultation has been launched to enable Islanders                former
to have their say about the future of the former Haut de la             children’s
Garenne site, situated on La Rue de la Pouclée et des Quatre               home?
Chemins in St Martin.

Site History                                                            Redeeming the Haut de la Garenne site
Haut de la Garenne was purpose-built in the mid-nineteenth              The Panel recommends that the States of Jersey considers
century to house destitute and orphaned boys. It was initially          negotiating to secure unrestricted ownership of the site and
known as the Ecole Industrielle but was later renamed Jersey            to demolish the HDLG buildings. Given the associations of
Home for Boys. Following the Island’s liberation in 1945, the           the site, no States of Jersey services for children or for victims
site was again used as a children’s home until 1983. During             of abuse should be located there in the foreseeable future.
the 1980s and 1990s the building was used as a filming base             The site is a prime site in the island, and is suitable for a range
and on-camera location for the BBC drama Bergerac; a variety            of developments. Should the site be retained for youth/out-
of uses then followed until the site was refurbished and                door activity, these opportunities should be provided in a
opened as a hostel in 2004.                                             modern facility, with no resemblance to the original build-
In 2007 the building was publicly identified as a site of sig-
nificant interest during Operation Rectangle, the initial States        Looking Ahead
of Jersey Police inquiry into historic abuse. By the end of 2010
more than 300 offences were reported as having been com-                Before making a decision about the future of the former Haut
mitted at the former children’s home. The site was then used            de la Garenne site, the Council of Ministers agreed that
in an ad-hoc manner to accommodate visiting military                    Islanders’ views about the IJCI Panel’s recommendation
groups, bands and seasonal lifeguards.                                  should be explored via an Island-wide public consultation to
                                                                        ensure that “all voices are heard.”
Since 2011 a local leisure company has been successfully
operating from the site offering hostel accommodation and               The consultation launched on Thursday 8 February and will
outdoor activities.                                                     run until 22 April. Islanders will be asked to reflect on how the
                                                                        former Haut de la Garenne site can be redeemed and to com-
The Independent Jersey Care Inquiry                                     ment on the proposal to demolish the current building.
                                                                        Printed consultation packs, comprising an information book-
The final report of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry (IJCI)
                                                                        let and questionnaire, can be collected from the Parish Hall.
was published on Monday 3rd July 2017, just over three years
                                                                        Digital versions of these materials can be accessed on the
after its launch in April 2014. The Panel’s Final Report identi-
                                                                        States of Jersey website:
fied a range of failings and made recommendations for the
future management of Jersey’s residential and foster homes,             If you have a question or would like to know more about
in order to ensure that the Island provides a safe and secure           participating in the consultation, please write to: Haut de la
environment for the children in its care. Having considered             Garenne Consultation, Community and Constitutional Affairs,
the history of neglect and abuse which took place at Haut de            5th Floor, Cyril Le Marquand House, PO Box 140, St Helier,
la Garenne and the manner in which the building became                  Jersey, JE4 8QT, or email:
synonymous with Operation Rectangle, the Care Inquiry
Panel were moved to recommend that it should be demol-                  Support Available
                                                                        If you have been affected by any of the issues raised by this
                                                                        consultation or the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry and
                                                                        would like to speak to someone, a dedicated Freephone hel-
                                                                        pline is available between 9am and 5pm on weekdays by
                                                                        calling: 0800 735 1000.

                                                                        Email support is available from:

                                                                        Victim Support Jersey can be contacted by calling 440496 or

                                                                        Call Samaritans 24/7 on 0845 790 9090 or email: jo@samari-

                                                                                                                Grouville Gazette | Spring 2018
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