Gender Based Violence in the H&M Garment Supply Chain - WORKERS VOICES FROM THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN : A Report to the ILO 2018 - Asia Floor Wage

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Gender Based Violence in the H&M Garment Supply Chain - WORKERS VOICES FROM THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN : A Report to the ILO 2018 - Asia Floor Wage
Gender Based Violence in the
        H&M Garment Supply Chain
Gender Based Violence in the H&M Garment Supply Chain - WORKERS VOICES FROM THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN : A Report to the ILO 2018 - Asia Floor Wage
Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA) was officially
formed in 2006 and includes more than 76
organizations, including garment industry trade
unions, NGOs, consumer groups and research
institutes from more than 17 countries from
across Asia, Europe and North America.

The Center for Alliance of Labor & Human
Rights (CENTRAL) is a local Cambodian NGO.
The organization empowers Cambodian working
people to demand transparent and accountable
governance for labor and human rights through
legal aid and other appropriate means.

Global Labor Justice (GLJ) is a strategy hub
supporting transnational collaboration among
worker and migrant organizations to expand labor
rights and new forms of bargaining on global value
chains and international labor migration corridors.

Sedane Labour Resource Centre/Lembaga
Informasi Perburuhan Sedane (LIPS) is a non-
governmental organization in labor studies. LIPS
works to strengthen the labor movement by
documenting knowledge through participatory
research and developing methods of popular
education in labor groups and unions.

SLD is a Delhi-based labour rights organisation.
SLD promotes equitable development by
advocating for the social and economic well-
being of workers, with a particular emphasis on
women’s and migrants’ rights and cultural renewal
among disenfranchised people. SLD works in the
National Capital Region Territory, Haryana, Uttar     Copyright 2018 Natalie Leifer for
Pradesh, Bihar, and Jharkhand.                        Asia Floor Wage
Gender Based Violence in the H&M Garment Supply Chain - WORKERS VOICES FROM THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN : A Report to the ILO 2018 - Asia Floor Wage
4   CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                      CONTENTS   5

                         EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
     In India, women workers employed in an H&M          in operator roles, as line tailors and helpers in the   Uruguay and Ukraine. Global brands like H&M          As outlined in Chapter 3, H&M Corporate Social
     supplier factory in Bangalore, India reported       production department.                                  wield an immense potential to transform working      Responsibility initiatives fall short of decent work
     physical abuse associated with pressure to meet                                                             conditions through their supply chains.              standards, are entirely self-monitored, and fail
     production targets. Radhika described being         The gendered concentration of women workers as                                                               to address risk factors for violence or provide
     thrown to the floor and beaten, including on her    machine operators, checkers, and helpers in this                             --------------                  avenues for relief in cases of workplace violence.
     breasts:                                            H&M supplier factory is a microcosm of gendered

                                                                                                                                                                      Spectrum of gender based
                                                         hiring practices in garment global production           As set out in Chapter 1 of this report, from May
        On September 27, 2017, at 12:30 pm, my           networks. Across Asia, women garment workers            28 to June 6, 2018, the International Labour

        batch supervisor came up behind me as I was      make up the vast majority of garment workers. In        Organization (ILO) is convening a Standard Setting
        working on the sewing machine, yelling “you      Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka,         Committee tasked with ending violence and
        are not meeting your target production.” He      women workers represent between 80 and 95% of           harassment in the world of work. The proposed
        pulled me out of the chair and I fell on the     the garment workforce. In India, women account          ILO standard is a timely opportunity to reach an     According to the Committee of Experts convened
        floor. He hit me, including on my breasts. He    for at between 60-75% of the garment workforce.         expanded definition of gender based violence and     by the ILO in October 2016, “violence and
        pulled me up and then pushed me to the floor     Women rarely, however, hold management and              establish a framework within which governments,      harassment” in the world of work includes
        again. He kicked me.                             supervisory positions.                                  employers, companies, and unions can take action     a continuum of unacceptable behaviors and
                                                                                                                 to tackle the problem.                               practices that are likely to result in physical,
     Radhika filed a written complaint with the          This report—including interviews with more than                                                              psychological or sexual harm or suffering. Under
     human resources department at the factory.          331 workers employed in 32 factories that supply        In October 2016, an ILO Committee of Experts         existing international legal standards, gender
     She described the meeting between herself, the      to H&M—documents the experiences of women               released a report framing the upcoming               based violence includes: 1) violence which is
     supervisor, and human resources personnel:          garment workers at the base of H&M garment              deliberations. The Committee noted that              directed against a woman because she is a
                                                         supply chains. Concentrated in short term, low-         while violence can potentially affect everyone,      woman; and 2) violence that affects women
        They called the supervisor to the office and     skill, and low-wage positions, they are at daily risk   specific groups, including women workers, are        disproportionately. Forms of gender based
        said, “last month you did the same thing to      of gender based violence and harassment at work.        disproportionately impacted. Accordingly, the        violence include acts that inflict physical harm,
        another lady—haven’t you learned?” Then                                                                  Committee called for specific action to address      mental harm, sexual harm or suffering, threats of
        they told him to apologize to me. After that,    Systematically documenting risk factors for             the gender dimensions of violence and an             the any of these acts, coercion, and deprivations
        they warned me not to mention this further.      violence, this report presents new, in-depth            international standard that can respond to new       of liberty (CEDAW, General recommendation 19,
        The supervisor and I left the meeting. I went    profiles of gendered hiring practices in 6 H&M          challenges and risks of violence and harassment      article 1).
        back to work.                                    supplier factories in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and         that arise from changing forms of work and
                                                         India completed between February and May 2018.          technology (GB.328/INS/17/5, para. 6 Appendix I,     Women garment workers may be targets of
     Radhika reported that the harassment from her       It also draws upon Asia Floor Wage Alliance (2016)      para. 2, 11, 18).                                    violence on the basis of their gender, or because
     manager did not stop, but that she continued to     documentation of rights violations at work in                                                                they are perceived as less likely or able to
     work at the factory because she needs the job:      H&M garment global supply chains in Cambodia            The October 2016 Committee of Experts report         resist. Comprising the majority of workers in
     “My husband passed away and I have a physically     and India.                                              also presents a detailed set of risk factors for     garment supply chains in Asia, women workers
     challenged daughter who cannot work. That                                                                   violence and harassment, including risk factors      are also disproportionately impacted by forms
     is why I need the job. I suffer a lot to earn my    With 171,000 employees worldwide, H&M                   associated with the nature and setting of work       of workplace violence perpetrated against both
     livelihood.”                                        currently operates 4,293 stores in more than            as well as the structure of the labour market        women and men. For women garment workers,
                                                         35 countries, and is present in 69 store markets        (GB.328/INS/17/5, Appendix III). The Director-       violence, and harassment in the world of work
     Radhika’s experience of workplace violence          and 43 online markets. In 2018 the H&M group            General of the ILO emphasized the need for better    includes not only violence that takes place in
     provides insight into the risk factors that leave   plans to open approximately 390 new stores and          data on violence and harassment in the world of      physical workplaces, but also during commutes
     women workers in H&M garment supply chains          approximately 170 store closures are planned,           work (GB.328/INS/17/5, para. 4).                     and in employer provided housing. Violence
     exposed to violence. In the H&M supplier factory    resulting in a net addition of approximately                                                                 and harassment may be a one-off occurrence or
     where Radhika worked, women are concentrated        220 stores with new H&M store markets are                                                                    repeated (GB.328/INS/17/5, Appendix I, para.
Gender Based Violence in the H&M Garment Supply Chain - WORKERS VOICES FROM THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN : A Report to the ILO 2018 - Asia Floor Wage
6   CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                        CONTENTS    7

     Table 1: Spectrum of gender based violence in H&M garment supply chains                                        Chapter 4 of this report provides detailed            Labour and employment practices in garment
                                                                                                                    accounts of this spectrum of violence, including      production factories have been described as
                            Gendered aspects of violence, including:                                                personal experiences of violence reported by          operatory labour practices (Table 2), referring to
                            1. Violence against a woman because she is a woman                                      women garment workers in H&M supply chains in         the role of workers as basic operators. Operatory
                            2. Violence directed against a woman that affects women disproportionately due          Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, and Sri       labour practices correspond with particular
                               to (a) high concentration of women workers in risky production departments;          Lanka. Women described experiences of violence        workplace conditions and relationships that
                               and (b) gendered barriers to seeking relief                                          that inflict sexual harm and suffering; and forms     expose women garment workers to risk factors for
                                                                                                                    of violence characteristic of industrial discipline   violence.
     Forms of violence                                                                                              practices, including physical violence, verbal
                                                                                                                    abuse, coercion, threats and retaliation, and         Chapter 5 of this report documents risk factors
     Acts that inflict      •   Assault, including pushing to the floor, beating and kicking, gendered aspects      routine deprivations of liberty—including forced      for violence documented in the H&M garment
     physical harm              (1), 2(b)                                                                           overtime.                                             supply chain, including use of short term contracts
                            •   Slapping, gendered aspects 2(a) and (b)                                                                                                   and unrealistic production targets that drive wage
                            •   Pushing, gendered aspects 2(a) and (b)
                                Throwing heavy bundles of papers and clothes, gendered aspects 2(a) and (b)
                                Overwork with low wages, resulting in fainting due to calorie deficit, high heat,
                                                                                                                    Risk factors for gender                               related rights abuses, excessive working hours,
                                                                                                                                                                          and unsafe workplaces.

                                and poor air circulation, gendered aspect 2(a)
                                Long hours performing repetitive manual tasks lead to chronic health issues,
                                                                                                                    based violence                                        The combination of calorie deficiency
                                gendered aspect 2(a)
                                                                                                                                                                          and relentless working hours is violent in
                                                                                                                    The experiences of gender based violence in H&M
     Acts that inflict      •   General verbal abuse, including bullying and verbal public humiliation,
                                                                                                                                                                          the wages it withholds and the labour it
                                                                                                                    garment supplier factories documented in this
     mental harm                gendered aspect 2(a)                                                                report are not isolated incidents. Rather, they
                            •   Verbal abuse linked to gender and sexuality, gendered aspect (1)                    reflect a convergence of risk factors for gender
                            •   Verbal abuse linked to caste or social group, gendered aspect 2(a) and (b)                                                                Barriers to accountability—including unauthorized
                                                                                                                    based violence in H&M supplier factories that
                            •   Verbal abuse targeting senior women workers so that they voluntary resign                                                                 subcontracting, denial of freedom of association,
                                                                                                                    leave women garment workers systematically
                                prior to receiving benefits associated with seniority, gendered aspect 2(a)                                                               failure to require independent monitoring,
                                                                                                                    exposed to violence.
                                                                                                                                                                          and gendered cultures of impunity among
     Acts that inflict      •   Sexual advances from management and mechanics and retaliation for                                                                         perpetrators of violence prevent women from
     sexual harm or             reporting, gendered aspect (1), 2(a)                                                Risk factors in H&M garment supply chains are a
                                                                                                                                                                          seeking accountability and relief.
     suffering (including   •   Sexual harassment from management and co-workers, gendered aspect (1)               by-product of how H&M and other transnational
     sexual harassment,     •   Unwanted physical touch, including inappropriate touching, pulling hair, and        corporations do business. Chapter 2 of this report
     abuse, assault, and        bodily contact by managers and male co-workers, gendered aspect (1)                 provides a brief overview of global production
     rape)                  •   Rape outside the factory at accommodation, gendered aspect (1)                      networks in general and the garment global
     Coercion, threats,     •   Threats of retaliation for refusing sexual advances, gendered aspects 1, 2(a) and   production network in particular. It outlines
     and retaliation            (b)                                                                                 asymmetrical relationships of power between
                            •   Retaliation for reporting gendered violence and harassment, gendered aspects        brands and suppliers in garment supply chains,
                                1, 2(a) and (b)                                                                     brand purchasing practices driven by fast fashion
                            •   Blacklisting workers who report workplace violence, harassment, and other           trends and pressure to reduce costs, and the
                                rights violations, gendered aspect 2(a)                                             corresponding proliferation of contract labour and
                                                                                                                    subcontracting practices among supplier firms.
     Deprivations of        •   Forced to work during legally mandated lunch hours, gendered aspect 2(a)
                                                                                                                    These practices have a profound impact on the
     liberty                •   Prevented from taking bathroom breaks, gendered aspect 2(a)
                                                                                                                    lives of women garment workers in Asian garment
                            •   Forced overtime, gendered aspect 2(a)
                                                                                                                    value chains, including in Bangladesh, Cambodia,
                            •   Prevented from using legally mandated leave entitlements, gendered aspect
                                                                                                                    India, Indonesian, and Sri Lanka.
Gender Based Violence in the H&M Garment Supply Chain - WORKERS VOICES FROM THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN : A Report to the ILO 2018 - Asia Floor Wage
8   CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                        CONTENTS    9

     Table 2: Operatory labour practices, workforce demographics, and working conditions in garment               As the only global tripartite institution, the ILO has   harassment in the world of work should cover
     production                                                                                                   a unique role to play in not only advancing decent       situations, including “(a) in the workplace,
      Authority                                                                                                   work in supply chains, but also ensuring that            including public and private spaces where they
      Management          • Hierarchical work relations                                                           supply chain governance addresses risk factors for       are a place of work; (b) in places where the
                          • Sweat shop disciplinary practices, including verbal, physical, and sexual             gender based violence, and provides accessible           worker is paid or takes a rest break or a meal;
                             harassment and abuse                                                                 avenues for relief.                                      (c) when commuting to and from work; (d)
                                                                                                                                                                           during work-related trips or travel, training,
                                                                                                                  The recommendations that follow seek to inform           events or social activities; and (e) through work-
     Union presence   • Anti-union management practices
                                                                                                                  emerging understanding of violence in the world          related communications enabled by information
     Workforce demographics
                                                                                                                  of work, identify specific risk factors for violence     and communication technologies.”
     Education        • Illiterate, low literacy and literate                                                     in garment global production networks, and               1.4. The proposed situations should be
     Women            • High percentage of women migrant workers                                                  ensure a duty among multi-national corporations          expanded to include the following situations:
                      • Concentration in low-skill departments and tasks                                          (MNCs) and their suppliers to obey national laws
                      • Home-workers hired on piece rate                                                          and respect international standards pertaining              1.4.1. employer-provided housing;
                                                                                                                  to realization of ILO fundamental principles and            1.4.2. recruitment sites, including day-labor
      Employment conditions                                                                                       rights at work.                                             recruitment sites;
      Wages and         • Below or at minimum wage and piece rate payment                                                                                                     1.4.3. home-based work; and
                                                                                                                                                                              1.4.4. export processing zones linked
                        • High levels of forced overtime
                        • Low employment security
                                                                                                                  Recommendations to ILO                                      to global supply chains, including those
                                                                                                                                                                              characterized by exemptions from labour
      security                                                                                                                                                                laws, taxes, and restrictions on union
     Source: Adapted from Nathan, Saripalle and Gurunathan 2016                                                   1. Adopt an expansive definition of “worker”                activities and collective bargaining.
                                                                                                                  and “workplace” to ensure that all workers,
                                                                                                                                                                           1.5. As presented in the Proposed Conclusions
     ILO standards to address                              and production patterns while deflecting
                                                           accountability for how purchasing practices drive
                                                                                                                  workplaces, and forms of work are included in
                                                                                                                  standards addressing workplace violence and
                                                                                                                                                                           of Report V(2), “victims and perpetrators of
                                                                                                                                                                           violence and harassment in the work of work
     violence against men and                              severe violations of rights at work.                   harassment.
                                                                                                                   1.1. As presented in the Proposed Conclusions
                                                                                                                                                                           can be employers, workers and third parties,
                                                                                                                                                                           including clients, customers, service providers,
     women in the world of work                            Following ILC deliberations on global supply chains
                                                           at the 105th Session (2016), the ILO Committee on
                                                                                                                   of Report V(2) on ending violence and
                                                                                                                   harassment in the work of work, the term
                                                                                                                                                                           users, patients, and the public.”
                                                           Decent Work in Global Supply Chains, submitted                                                                  1.6. The proposed definition of “victims and
     How can standards on violence against men and                                                                 “worker” should cover persons in the formal
                                                           a report with resolution and conclusions for                                                                    perpetrators” should be expanded to include
     women in the world of work address gender                                                                     and informal economy, including “(i) persons in
                                                           adoption by the Conference (ILC105-PR14-1-En).                                                                  the following roles:
     based violence in garment global production                                                                   any employment or occupation, irrespective of
                                                           The Committee noted the significance of the ILO                                                                    1.6.1. Multi-national corporations and
     networks in Asia?                                                                                             their contractual status; (ii) persons in training,
                                                           in ensuring decent work in global supply chains:                                                                   brands, suppliers, and labor contractors in
                                                                                                                   including interns and apprentices; (iii) laid-off
                                                                                                                   and suspended workers; (iv) volunteers; and (v)            production, agricultural, food processing,
     As detailed in this report, women workers                 With its mandate, experience and expertise                                                                     and other relevant contexts.
     concentrated in low-wage employment at the                                                                    jobseekers and job applicants.”
                                                               in the world of work, its normative approach
     base of H&M garment supply chains are at daily                                                                1.2. The proposed definition of worker should              1.6.2. Private employment agencies as
                                                               to development and its tripartite structure,
     risk of violence. The structure of production in                                                              explicitly include all migrant workers, regardless         defined under Article 1 of the ILO Private
                                                               the ILO is uniquely positioned to address
     global production networks (GPNs), involving                                                                  of their legal status in the place of employment.          Employment Agencies Convention,
                                                               governance gaps in global supply chains so
     several companies across multiple countries,                                                                                                                             1997 (No. 181), including any enterprise
                                                               that they can fulfill their potential as ladders    1.3. As presented in the Proposed Conclusions
     allows brands and retailers to dictate sourcing                                                                                                                          or person, independent of the public
                                                               for development (para. 7).                          of Report V(2), standards on violence and
                                                                                                                                                                              authorities, which provides one or more
Gender Based Violence in the H&M Garment Supply Chain - WORKERS VOICES FROM THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN : A Report to the ILO 2018 - Asia Floor Wage
10   CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                   CONTENTS     11

           of the following labour market services:             2.3.3. Prohibit unrealistic production            of discrimination, including low economic            4. Ensure a duty among MNCs and their
           (a) services for matching offers of and              demands and piece-rate targets that               resources, migrant status, race, ethnicity, caste,   suppliers to obey national laws and respect
           applications for employment; (b) services            accelerate production rates, extend               tribe, religion, and disability.                     international standards pertaining to realization
           for employing workers with a view to                 working hours, create high-stress working                                                              of ILO fundamental principles and rights at work.
           making them available to a third party (“user        environments, and foster abuse.                                                                         4.1. Noting the limits to jurisdiction under
                                                                                                                 3. Draw upon and strengthen definitions
           enterprise”); (c) other services relating            2.3.4. Address concentration of women and                                                               national legal regimes, the ILO should move
                                                                                                                 and prohibitions addressing violence against
           to job seeking, such as the provision of             migrant workers in low-wage, contingent                                                                 towards a binding legal convention regulating
                                                                                                                 women by the Committee on the Elimination
           information, that do not aim to match                work, especially in the lower tiers of the                                                              global supply chains.
                                                                                                                 of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
           specific employment offers and applications.         supply chain.                                    by applying these standards to gender based                4.1.1. Standards under this convention
                                                                2.3.5. Increase numbers of women in              violence in the world of work.                             must be at least as effective and
      2. Address risk factors for violence, including risk      supervisory and managerial positions              3.1. The International Labour Conference                  comprehensive as the UN Guiding Principle
      factors associated with the nature and setting of         2.3.6. Call for and implement living wage         should adopt standards on violence and                    on Business and Human Rights and existing
      work and the structure of the labour market.              standards.                                        harassment in the world of work. These                    OECD mechanisms, including the 2011 OECD
       2.1. Address risk factors for violence rooted in                                                           standards should take the form of a Convention            Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
                                                                2.3.7. Protect the rights of home-based
       the structure of the labour market. Consistent           workers.                                          supplemented by a Recommendation.                         4.1.2. The Convention should include the
       with the Report of the Committee of Experts                                                                3.2. Consistent with General Recommendation               following components, among others:
                                                                2.3.8. Require multi-national corporations,
       convened by the ILO in October 2016, recognize                                                             No. 19 on violence against women, adopted              Impose liability, sustainable
                                                                employers, contractors, and states to
       gender based violence as a social rather than                                                              by the Committee on the Elimination of                          contracting, capitalization and/or other
                                                                maintain effective remedies and safe, fair
       an individual problem, requiring comprehensive                                                             Discrimination against Women (CEDAW),                           requirements on lead firms.
                                                                and effective dispute resolution mechanisms
       responses that extend beyond specific events,                                                              ILO standards should include and address (1)
                                                                in cases of violence and harassment,                                                                     Establish regional and supply
       individual perpetrators, and victims/survivors                                                             “violence which is directed against a woman
                                                                including:                                                                                                        chain specific inspection mechanisms
       (No. 35, para. 9).                                                                                         because she is a woman”; and (2) violence that
                                                            complaint and investigation                                                                         with monitoring and enforcement
       2.2. Identify (1) garment and other global                                                                 “affects women disproportionately” (article                     powers, including individual complaint
                                                                     mechanisms at the workplace level;
       production networks and (2) migration corridors                                                            1). For instance, as documented in this study,                  mechanisms and field investigation
       as sectors and sites in which workers, including     dispute resolution                  women workers at the base of garment global                     authority.
       women and migrant workers, are more exposed                   mechanisms external to the workplace;        production networks are disproportionately
                                                                                                                                                                         Require transparent and
       to violence and harassment. Take corresponding         access to courts or tribunals;    impacted by gendered patterns of employment
                                                                                                                                                                                  traceable product and production
       measures to ensure these workers are                                                                       that concentrate women in low-wage,
                                                            protection against                                                                                  information.
       effectively protected.                                                                                     contingent employment.
                                                                     victimization of complainants,                                                                      Address the special
       2.3. Acknowledge particular risk factors for                  witnesses and whistle-blowers; and           3.3. Consistent with General Recommendation
                                                                                                                                                                                  vulnerability of women and migrant
       violence in global production networks and take                                                            No. 19, the definition of violence should include
                                                            legal, social, and                                                                                  workers on GVCs.
       the followings measures to control these risks:                                                            acts that inflict physical harm, mental harm,
                                                                     administrative support measures for
                                                                                                                  sexual harm or suffering, threats of any of            Limit the use of temporary,
           2.3.1. Address cultures of impunity for                   complainants.
                                                                                                                  these acts, coercion, and deprivations of liberty               outsourced, self-employed, or
           violence in the workplace by prohibiting
                                                                2.3.9. Provide workers with information           (article 6).                                                    other forms of contract labor that
           workplace retaliation and safeguarding
                                                                and training on the identified hazards                                                                            sidestep employer liability for worker
           fundamental rights to freedom of
                                                                and risks of violence and harassment and                                                                          protection.
           association and collective bargaining.
                                                                the associated prevention and protection
           2.3.2. Extend labour protections to                  measures.
           workers employed in situations that are not
                                                             2.4. Recognize and address discrimination
           protected by labour law and other social
                                                             against women that intersects with other axes
           protection frameworks.
Gender Based Violence in the H&M Garment Supply Chain - WORKERS VOICES FROM THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN : A Report to the ILO 2018 - Asia Floor Wage
12   CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                             CONTENTS   13

      5. Pursue a Recommendation on human rights           6.1.1. Since women represent the greatest           6.2. Research adverse impacts of purchasing
      due diligence that takes into account and builds     majority of garment workers, the situation          practices upon:
      upon existing due diligence provisions that          of women should be urgently included                    6.2.1. Core labour standards for all
      are evolving under the United Nations Guiding        in monitoring programmes to assess the                  categories of workers across value chains.
      Principles on Business and Human Rights and          spectrum of their clinical, social, and
                                                                                                                   6.2.2. Wages and benefits for all categories
      the 2011 OECD Guidelines for Multinational           personal risks.
                                                                                                                   of value chain workers. This research should
      Enterprises.                                         6.1.2. Research should include physical                 aim to satisfy basic needs of workers and
       5.1. Take the following complementary               harm, mental harm, sexual harm or                       their families.
       measures to protect workers employed in global      suffering, threats of any of these acts,
                                                                                                                   6.2.3. Access to fundamental rights to food,
       value chains:                                       coercion, and deprivations of liberty.
                                                                                                                   housing, and education for all categories of
           5.1.1. Recognize the right to living wage       6.1.3. Research should document (1)                     value chain workers and their families.
           as a human right and establish living wage      violence which is directed against a woman
                                                                                                               6.3. Research the range of global actors
           criteria and mechanisms.                        because she is a woman; and (2) violence
                                                                                                               that may have leverage over GVCs including
           5.1.2. Promote sector-based and                 that affects women disproportionately due
                                                                                                               investors, hedge funds, pension funds and GVC
           transnational collective bargaining and urge    to gendered patterns of employment that
                                                                                                               networks that define industry standards such as
           countries to remove national legal barriers     concentrate women in low-wage, contingent
                                                                                                               Free on Board (FOB) prices.
           to these forms of collective action.            employment.
                                                                                                                   6.3.1. This line of research should include
           5.1.3. Expand work towards the elimination      6.1.4. Research should consider not only
                                                                                                                   investigation of the mechanisms deployed
           of forced labour, including promoting           the workplace, but also related situations
                                                                                                                   by authoritative actors within GVCs that       Copyright 2018 Natalie Leifer for
           ratification and implementation of the          including training, recruitment and
                                                                                                                   contribute to violations of fundamental        Asia Floor Wage
           Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29),        placement, commutes to and from work,
                                                                                                                   principles and rights at work, including
           Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention        and housing contexts where employers
                                                                                                                   but not limited to attacks on freedom of        7.1. The intersection of migrant rights and ILO
           1930 and accompanying Recommendation,           exhibit significant control over the daily lives
                                                                                                                   association, collective bargaining, forced      initiatives to address violence against men and
           2014.                                           of workers.
                                                                                                                   overtime, wage theft and forced labour.         women in the world of work and Decent Work in
           5.1.4. Continue programs to ensure social       6.1.5. Require an urgent, epidemiological                                                               Global Supply Chains.
                                                                                                               6.4. Research into the types of technical advice
           protection, fair wages, and health and safety   study into deaths and disabilities resulting
                                                                                                               needed by OECD government participants taking       7.2. Protection of migrant rights as conferred
           at every level of GVCs.                         from conditions of work and life of garment
                                                                                                               a multi-stakeholder approach to address risks of    under the UN International Convention on the
                                                           workers. This information should be made
                                                                                                               adverse impacts associated with products.           Protection of the Rights of all Migrant Workers
                                                           available publicly and to international
      6. Consistent with the Roadmap of the ILO                                                                                                                    and Members of their Families.
      programme of action 2017-21 arising out of the                                                          7. Organize a Tripartite Conference on the
                                                           6.1.6. Research design and planning should
      work of the 105th Session (2016) of the ILO on                                                          adverse impact of contracting and purchasing
                                                           be sensitive to the barriers women face in
      decent work in global supply chains, knowledge                                                          practices upon migrant workers’ rights. This
                                                           discussing and reporting violence, including
      generation and dissemination of research to                                                             conference should focus on:
                                                           workplace retaliation, social stigma,
      inform ILO global supply chain programming           and trauma associated with recounting
      should include gender based violence and risk        situations of violence. Due to these factors,
      factors for gender based violence.                   quantitative approaches to documenting
       6.1. Research the spectrum of gender based          gender based violence risk underreporting
       violence impacting women workers in garment         and may not produce insight into the range
       and other supply chains:                            of violence women face, associated risk
                                                           factors, and barriers to reporting.
Gender Based Violence in the H&M Garment Supply Chain - WORKERS VOICES FROM THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN : A Report to the ILO 2018 - Asia Floor Wage
14   CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CONTENTS   15

      EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................           4         SRI LANKA.....................................................................................................               42
      SPECTRUM OF GENDER BASED VIOLENCE ...................................................................................              5         H&M in Sri Lanka ............................................................................................                43
      RISK FACTORS FOR GENDER BASED VIOLENCE ..............................................................................              7
      ILO STANDARDS TO ADDRESS VIOLENCE AGAINST MEN AND WOMEN IN THE WORLD OF WORK ..............                                        8    CHAPTER 3: H&M CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ....................................................                               45
                                                                                                                                              PUBLIC DISCLOSURE .............................................................................................                   45
      RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE ILO ......................................................................................                  9    STANDARDS FOR SUPPLIERS .......................................................................................                   46
                                                                                                                                              WAGE STANDARDS...................................................................................................                 46
      FIGURES AND TABLES ........................................................................................................        16   GRIEVANCE CHANNELS..............................................................................................                  49
                                                                                                                                              FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION ........................................................................................                   50
      ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ....................................................................................                    17   AUDIT PROCESS......................................................................................................               50

      METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................       18   CHAPTER 4: SPECTRUM OF GENDER BASED VIOLENCE IN H&M GARMENT SUPPLY CHAINS                                                         53
      RESEARCH QUESTIONS ..........................................................................................................      18   VIOLENCE AGAINST A WOMAN BECAUSE SHE IS A WOMAN ................................................                                  53
      RESEARCH PHASE I: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF GENDER BASED VIOLENCE AND RISK FACTORS ...............                                   18   VIOLENCE THAT DISPROPORTIONATELY IMPACTS WOMEN ..................................................                                 53
      RESEARCH PHASE II: CASE AND CONTEXT STUDIES OF GENDER BASED VIOLENCE .................................                             20   ACTS THAT INFLICT SEXUAL HARM OR SUFFERING ...............................................................                        57
      RESEARCH PHASE III: H&M FACTORY PROFILES AND RISK FACTOR SURVEY DATA ...................................                           21   INDUSTRIAL DISCIPLINE PRACTICES .....................................................................................             61
      RESEARCH CHALLENGES ..........................................................................................................     21      Physical violence ..........................................................................................................   62
                                                                                                                                                 Physical toll of garment work ........................................................................................         63
      CHAPTER 1: GENDER BASED VIOLENCE IN THE WORLD OF WORK .....................................                                        25      Verbal Abuse ...............................................................................................................   65
      EMERGING ILO STANDARDS ON VIOLENCE AND HARASSMENT IN THE WORLD OF WORK .......................                                     25      Coercion, threats, and retaliation ..................................................................................          66
      VIOLENCE IN THE WORLD OF WORK, RELATED TRENDS AND FORMS .................................................                          26      Deprivations of liberty ..................................................................................................     67
      GENDER BASED VIOLENCE .......................................................................................................      26
                                                                                                                                              CHAPTER 5: RISK FACTORS FOR VIOLENCE IN THE H&M SUPPLY CHAIN .............................                                        71
      CHAPTER 2: GARMENT GLOBAL PRODUCTION ..................................................................                            29   WORKING CONDITIONS .....................................................................................................          71
      GLOBAL PRODUCTION NETWORKS ............................................................................................            29      1. Short term contracts ...............................................................................................        71
      GARMENT GLOBAL PRODUCTION NETWORKS ..............................................................................                  29      2. Production targets ..................................................................................................       74
          STRUCTURE OF GARMENT VALUE CHAINS .............................................................................                30      3. Failure to pay a living wage .....................................................................................          76
          BRAND PURCHASING PRACTICES AND ACCELERATED WORK ......................................................                         31      4. Excessive hours of work and inadequate rest ...........................................................                     82
          RELIANCE ON CONTRACT LABOUR ........................................................................................           33      5. Unsafe workplaces ..................................................................................................        84
          SUBCONTRACTING ..........................................................................................................      33   BARRIERS TO ACCOUNTABILITY ...........................................................................................            85
      GENDER BASED VIOLENCE IN THE GARMENT INDUSTRY .................................................................                    34      1. Unauthorized subcontracting ..................................................................................              85
      ASIAN GARMENT VALUE CHAINS ...............................................................................................         36      2. Denial of freedom of association and collective bargaining .......................................                          86
          BANGLADESH ...............................................................................................                     36      3. Ineffective grievance procedures .............................................................................              90
          H&M in Bangladesh ........................................................................................                     37      4. Lack of independent monitoring ..............................................................................               91
          CAMBODIA ...................................................................................................                   38
          H&M in Cambidia ...........................................................................................                    39   RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE ILO ......................................................................................                 92
          INDIA...........................................................................................................               39
          H&M in India ...............................................................................................................   40   ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .....................................................................................................            98
          INDONESIA ...................................................................................................                  40
          H&M in Indonesia ..........................................................................................                    41   BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................    99
Gender Based Violence in the H&M Garment Supply Chain - WORKERS VOICES FROM THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN : A Report to the ILO 2018 - Asia Floor Wage
16   CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                             CONTENTS   17

                           FIGURES AND TABLES                                                                    ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS
      Figures                                                                                                      AFWA
                                                                                                                              Asia Floor Wage Alliance
                                                                                                                              Asia Floor Wage Cambodia
                                                                                                                 AFWA-I       Asia Floor Wage Indonesia
                                                                                                                 BGMEA        Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association
      Figure 1. Structure of garment supply chains
                                                                                                                 BKMEA        Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association Bangladesh Labour Act
      Figure 2. Garment production hubs in Bangladesh                                                                  BLA    Bangladesh Labour Act
      Figure 3. Garment production hubs in Cambodia                                                                 BNPS      Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha
      Figure 4. Garment production hubs in India                                                                    CATU      Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions
                                                                                                                      CBA     Collective Bargaining Agent
      Figure 5. Garment production hubs in Indonesia                                                           CCAWDU         Coalition of Cambodian Apparel Workers Democratic Union
      Figure 6. Garment production hubs in Sri Lanka                                                                  CCC     Clean Clothes Campaign
      Figure 7. Gendered production roles in H&M supplier factories in Bangladesh, Cambodia, and India           CEDAW        Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
                                                                                                               CENTRAL        Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights
      Figure 8. Basic needs included in Asia Floor Wage calculations
                                                                                                                    COVC      Code of Vendor Conduct
      Figure 9. Asia Floor Wage calculations consider financial dependents and corresponding responsibility          DIFE     Department of Inspection of Factory and Establishment
      		 of workers                                                                                                    DIR    Department of Industrial Relations
                                                                                                                      DoL     Department of Labour
                                                                                                                       EPZ    Export Processing Zones
      Tables                                                                                                    EWAIRA
                                                                                                                              EPZ Workers Association and Industrial Relations Act
                                                                                                                              Freedom of Association
                                                                                                                     FGD      Focus Group Disscussion
      Table 1.   Spectrum of violence in H&M garment supply chains                                                   GDP      Gross Domestic Product
      Table 2.   Operatory labour practices, workforce demographics, and associated working conditions in 		       GMAC       Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia
      		         the garment sector                                                                                  GPN      Global Production Network
                                                                                                                      GSC     Generalized System of Preference
      Table 3.   Methodology: H&M supplier factories investigated between January and May 2018
                                                                                                                    HRW       Human Rights Watch
      Table 4.   Share of retail prices for Indian workers and suppliers                                           ICCPR      International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
      Table 5.   Risk factors identified by the ILO Expert Committee that expose garment workers to violence      ICESCR      International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
      		         and harassment                                                                                         ILC   International Labour Conference
                                                                                                                       ILO    International Labour Organization
      Table 6.   Distinct minimum wages across locations in Indonesia
                                                                                                                      ILRF    International Labour Rights Forum
      Table 7.   Asia Floor Wage figures in local currencies                                                         MFA      Multi–Fiber Agreement
                                                                                                                   MoLE       Ministry of Labor and Employment
                                                                                                                    MLVT      Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training
                                                                                                                    RMG       Ready Made Garment
                                                                                                                       SLD    Society for Labour and Development
                                                                                                                     TATA     Textiles and Apparel Trade Agreement
                                                                                                                     TCLF     Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear
                                                                                                                      TNC     Transnational Corporation
                                                                                                                       TTP    Textile and Textile Products
                                                                                                                UNCTAD        United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
                                                                                                                    WTO       World Trade Organization
Gender Based Violence in the H&M Garment Supply Chain - WORKERS VOICES FROM THE GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN : A Report to the ILO 2018 - Asia Floor Wage
18   CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                 CONTENTS   19

      This report is based upon 3 years of Asia
      Floor Wage Alliance documentation of                 Research questions:
      decent work violations and gender based
                                                           This research seeks to answer three interrelated
      violence in H&M garment supply chains.               questions:
      It includes the results of interviews and
      focus group discussions with 331 workers             •   What are the gendered forms of violence
      employed in 32 H&M supplier factories                    and harassment women garment workers
      across Bangladesh, Cambodia, India,                      experience in H&M garment supply chains in
      Indonesia, and Sri Lanka.                                Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, and
                                                               Sri Lanka?
      Our most recent investigation of gender based        •   How does gender interact with risk factors
      violence in H&M garment supplier factories was           for violence and harassment articulated by
      conducted between January 2018 and May 2018              the ILO Experts Committee to expose women
      in Dhaka, Bangladesh; Phnom Penh, Cambodia;              garment workers to this spectrum of gender
      West Java and North Jakarta, Indonesia;                  based violence?
      Bangalore, Gurgaon, and Tiruppur, India; and in      •   How have trade unions and workers’
      Vavuniya District, Northern Province, Sri Lanka.         collectives taken effective action to address
                                                               gender based violence in global production
      Field investigation of gender based violence in          networks in Asia?
      H&M factories in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India,
      Indonesia, and Sri Lanka was conducted by
      Development Synergy Institute in Bangladesh;         Research phase I:
      CATU and CENTRAL in Cambodia; Society for            Preliminary analysis of gender based
      Labour and Development in India; Sedane Labour       violence and risk factors
      Resource Centre/Lembaga Informasi Perburuhan
      in Indonesia; and Asia Floor Wage Alliance in        In research phase one, researchers conducted         Cambodian garment workers in a ‘know your rights’ training with the Cambodian Alliance of Trade Unions
      Sri Lanka. Field research was coordinated by         focus group discussions with women workers           (CATU). The workers pictured are not from factories interviewed for this report.
      the research team at the Society for Labour and      employed in H&M garment supply chains and            Copyright 2018 Patrick Lee for Asia Floor Wage Alliance
      Development (SLD), the current Secretariat for       trade union leaders engaged in organizing workers
      Asia Floor Wage Alliance (AFWA).                     in H&M supply chains. The goals of this research     General recommendation 19 adopted by the             Sri Lanka. This sample includes workers from 16
                                                           phase were both to understand gender based           Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination       different H&M supplier factories.
      This report also revisits Asia Floor Wage Alliance   violence and associated risk factors; and to         against Women (CEDAW). Researchers used risk
      (2016) documentation of rights violations at work    address gender based violence by training women      factors identified in the October 2016 Conclusions   The vast majority of women workers who engaged
      in H&M garment global supply chains in Cambodia      workers to identify and respond to workplace         by the Meeting of Experts on ‘Violence against       in focus group discussions worked as sewing
      and India, compiled through survey-based and         violence.                                            Women and Men in the World of Work’ as a             machine operators. Women workers interviewed
      case study research conducted between August                                                              benchmark for understanding risk factors for         for this study had been employed in the garment
      and October 2015 in Guragaon, India; and Bogor,      Focus group discussions sought to identify forms     violence in H&M garment supply chains.               industry for up to 20 years. Respondents also
      Indonesia.                                           of gender based violence in the workplace and                                                             included male and female supervisors, helpers,
                                                           risk factors for violence. In identifying forms of   Phase one focus group discussions included 80        and checkers; women workers employed as
                                                           gender based violence, researchers used the          women workers engaged in H&M supply chains           helpers in the finishing department; and male
                                                           definition of gender based violence set out in       in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, and       workers employed in quality control and as store
20   CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                          CONTENTS   21

                                                                    Worker                              Research phase two context studies sought to
      Respondents included women who are members                                                                                                             Due to concerns about retaliation among Asia
      of trade unions or workers collectives and                                                        document working conditions that place women         Floor Wage Alliance partner unions, this report
      those who are not. In Sri Lanka and Cambodia,                                                     garment workers at routine risk of gender based      does not name the supplier factories profiled in
      all women interviewed for this study reported
      membership in a trade union or workers
      collective. In Bangladesh, India, and Indonesia, by
                                                                   strategies                           violence. For instance, researchers documented
                                                                                                        extreme pressure to complete production targets
                                                                                                                                                             Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.

      contrast, some of the women participants were                                                     where women face routine physical violence           These factory profiles are contextualized by
      members of trade unions or workers collectives                                                    including slapping and throwing large bundles        survey-based and case study research on
      and others were not.                                                                              of clothes and smaller sharp projectiles, such       violations of international labour standards in
                                                             In Cambodia, the Cambodian Alliance                                                             H&M garment production factories conducted
                                                                                                        as scissors; and verbal abuse. Researchers also
      All focus group discussions were conducted in                                                                                                          between August and October 2015 in Delhi, India
                                                             of Trade Unions (CATU) regularly runs      documented barriers to reporting workplace           and Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This sample includes
      person with full consent from workers. In order to                                                violence, including high levels of job insecurity
      protect the identity of workers who participated                                                                                                       structured interviews with 251 workers employed
                                                            ‘know your rights’ trainings for workers    and threats of firing among temporary workers.       in 16 factories across in Cambodia and India that
      in this study, all individual names have been
      changed.                                                 in garment and footwear factories.       Finally, by completing detailed “day in the life”    supplied garments to H&M at the time.
                                                                                                        accounts, researchers documented deprivations
                                                              participants in CENTRAL’s FGDs from       of liberty including being forced to work through
      Research phase II:                                    H&M suppliers all reported that they did
                                                                                                        legally mandated breaks, forced overtime, and        Research challenges
      Case and context studies of gender based                                                          relocation of workers between factories and
      violence                                                                                          buildings without prior consent.
                                                             not know what forms of violence in the
                                                                                                                                                             Stigma and retaliation associated
      In research phase two, researchers conducted
      case and context studies to develop in depth
                                                            workplace were against the law. CATU’s
                                                                                                        Research phase III:                                  with reporting gender based
      accounts of the forms of gender based violence
      in the workplace and risk factors for violence
                                                               trainings aim to inform Cambodian
                                                                                                        H&M factory profiles and risk factor                 violence
      identified in research phase one. Research               garment workers about their rights       survey data
                                                                                                                                                             Stigma and risk of retaliation associated with
      phase two case studies documented incidents
                                                            under the Law, covering elements of the                                                          gender based violence leads many women
      of gender based violence in the H&M garment                                                       In research phase III, AFWA partners completed       workers to hide their experience of violence.
      supply chain experienced and recounted by                                                         in-depth factory profiles of 6 H&M factories,
                                                             Criminal Code, the Labour Law and the                                                           Therefore, it required significant effort from
      individual women workers, including case studies                                                  including 3 factories from Bangladesh, 2 factories   researchers to identify potential respondents. In
      of sexual harassment, persistent and ongoing                                                      from Cambodia, and 1 factory from India. These
                                                            Law on Trade Unions. Through organising                                                          order to navigate this challenge, where possible,
      verbal harassment, retaliation for reporting                                                      factory profiles provide a demographic snapshot      researchers worked in teams including both
      sexual violence, and barriers to seeking relief,                                                  of the H&M garment supply chain workforce
                                                              and supporting garment workers and                                                             male and female researchers. They also sought
      including management and state inaction in                                                        that demonstrates the concentration of women         partnerships with AFWA network members in
      response to complaints. It also includes in
                                                            expanding their knowledge of their rights   workers in temporary, low-wage production jobs       order to facilitate access to engage with women
      depth documentation of a 2018 case of violent                                                     within the garment supply chain. Factory profiles    workers. All interviewees were assured that their
      retaliation against women garment workers in
                                                             under Cambodian law, CATU is helping       also sought to understand working conditions,        identity and any identifying case information
      Bangalore, India who formed a union to call                                                       presence of trade unions, and dispute resolution     would remain confidential.
      for safe drinking water in the factory, reliable        to develop a new generation of union      mechanisms.
      transportation, and living wages.
                                                                    leadership in Cambodia.
22   CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                 CONTENTS   23

      Table 3: H&M supplier factories investigated between January and May 2018                               As explained by Emelia Yanti. Siahaan, General           export processing zone in Jakarta. She took
                                                                                                              Secretary of the Indonesia Federation of                 a close-up photograph of a woman worker
      Dhaka, Bangladesh
                                                                                                              Independent Trade Unions (GSBI), women workers           outside the factory. This was reported to the
      • Bangladesh factory 1 (including factory profile), Ashulia, Dhaka, 2,735 workers
                                                                                                              face surveillance by factory managements even            supervisor and the woman lost her job.
      •   Bangladesh factory 2 (including factory profile), Ashulia, Dhaka, 4,281 workers                     outside the factory gates:
      •   Bangladesh factory 3 (including factory profile), Ashulia, Dhaka, 2,348 workers                                                                          Respondents who did engage with the research
                                                                                                                 Women workers are afraid to talk to anyone        team were, for the most part, particularly
      •   Bangladesh factory 4, Ashulia, Dhaka, 1,100 workers
                                                                                                                 outside the factory about the violence and        unwilling to discuss instances of sexual violence.
      •   Bangladesh factory 5, Ashulia, Dhaka, 2,500 workers                                                    rights violations they face. Supervisors have     Field researchers were trained not to persist
      • Bangladesh factory 6, Ashulia, Dhaka, 1,200 workers                                                      been known to pay people living and working       with lines of questioning if they recognized any
      Phnom Penh, Cambodia                                                                                       in the areas outside the factory to report        signs that the conversation might re-traumatize
      • Roo Hsing Garment Co., Ltd. (including factory profile), Phnom Penh, 5,050 workers                       workers if they are seen speaking to people       survivors. Accordingly, while our research
                                                                                                                 from outside the factory. I’ll give you an        uncovered cases of sexual violence, these cases
      •   Yi Da Manufacturer Co. Ltd. (including factory profile), Phnom Penh, 156 workers                       example. I went with a photographer to the        have not been included in our research findings.
      Bangalore, Faridabad, Gurugram (Gurgaon), and Tiruppur, India
      • India, Factory 1 (including factory profile), Gurugram (Gurgaon), Haryana, India, 574 workers
      •   India, Factory 2, Faridabad, Haryana, India, 4,500 workers
      •   India, Factory 3, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 4,000 workers                                        Copyright Rajan Zaveri for Society for Labour and Development
      •   India, Factory 4, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 3,000 workers
      • India, Factory 5, Chinnakarai, Tirupur, approximately 1,300 workers
      Bogor and North Jarkarta, Indonesia
      • Indonesia factory 1, Nusantara Bonded Zone, Cakung, North Jakarta, 7,000 workers
      •   Indonesia factory 2, Bogor, West Java

      Vavuniya District, North Province, Sri Lanka
      • Sri Lanka factory 1, Vavuniya District, North Province, Sri Lanka, 840 workers

      Note: In Sri Lanka, a significant percentage of women workers employed in H&M supplier factories are
      employed through “manpower”—or temporary work agencies—as needed. Under this arrangement,
      the number of workers employed in the factory can differ significantly depending upon the orders that
      have been received for the day. Accordingly, even trade union leaders familiar with the H&M supplier
      factories under investigation were unable to provide accurate counts of the number of workers in each
24   CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                       CONTENTS     25

                                                                                                       CHAPTER 1:
                                                                                        Gender based violence in the world of work
                                                                   Emerging ILO standards on                             As articulated by the Report following the 2016
                                                                                                                         Experts Meeting, a (an) effective instrument(s) will

                                                                   violence and harassment in                            be both sufficiently focused and flexible enough
                                                                                                                         to address different socio-economic realities,

                                                                   the world of work                                     different types of enterprises, and different forms
                                                                                                                         of violence and harassment, as well as different
                                                                                                                         contexts. Such (an) instrument(s) should also be
                                                                   At its 325th Session (October–November 2015),         able to respond to the new challenges and risks
                                                                   the Governing Body of the International Labour        which might lead to violence and harassment
                                                                   Office decided that in June 2018, the International   in the world of work, such as those arising from
                                                                   Labour Conference (ILC) will hold tripartite          changing forms of work and technology (GB.328/
                                                                   deliberations to develop standards to address         INS/17/5, Appendix I, para. 18). In particular, the
                                                                   violence and harassment in the world of work. The     2016 Experts Meeting Report points to the need
                                                                   proposed ILO Convention and Recommendation            to extend coverage of Occupational Health and
                                                                   on violence in the world of work is a timely          Safety (OHS) and other legal protections relevant
                                                                   opportunity to adopt an inclusive definition of       to violence and harassment in the world of work
                                                                   violence and establish a framework within which       to excluded workers, groups and sectors by
                                                                   governments, employers, companies and unions          identifying and closing gaps (GB.328/INS/17/5,
                                                                   can take action to tackle the problem.                Appendix I, para. 18).

                                                                   The October 2016 report on the outcomes of            Finally, the Director-General of the ILO
                                                                   the Meeting of Experts on ‘Violence against           emphasized the need for better data on persistent
                                                                   Women and Men in the World of Work’ presents          violence and harassment in the world of work
                                                                   a detailed set of risk factors for violence in        against workers and others (GB.328/INS/17/5,
                                                                   the world of work that lends insight into the         para. 4). Responding to this call, this research aims
                                                                   conditions under which violence is more likely        to contribute up to date evidence on persistent
                                                                   to occur. These include risk factors associated       gender-based violence and harassment against
                                                                   with the nature and setting of work as well as the    women garment workers in H&M supply chains
                                                                   structure of the labour market.                       in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia and Sri
                                                                                                                         Lanka, many of whom are also migrant workers.
                                                                   The Committee acknowledged that while violence
                                                                   can potentially affect everyone, specific groups      In addition to the October 2016 Meeting of
                                                                   are disproportionately impacted (GB.328/              Experts Report, the International Labour Office
                                                                   INS/17/5, para. 6). The 2016 Committee                released Report V(1) setting out the law and
                                                                   Report highlights that women workers may be           practice in different countries, and a questionnaire
                                                                   particularly at risk (GB.328/INS/17/5, Appendix I,    that was transmitted to member States in May
                                                                   para. 11). Consistent with this acknowledgement,      2017. A total of 85 governments sent their replies
                                                                   the Conclusions adopted by the Meeting call for       to the Office, with 50 of them indicating that the
                                                                   specific action to address the gender dimensions      most representative organizations of employers
                    Garment workers in a Bangladesh garment        of violence (GB.328/INS/17/5, Appendix I, para.       and workers had been consulted. The Report V(2)
                factory. Workers pictured were not interviewed     2).                                                   and proposed Conclusions were prepared on the
                                                for this report.
                                                                                                                         basis of the replies received from governments
                  By Mona Mijthab from Wikimedia Commons
                                                                                                                         and organizations of employers and workers.
26   CONTENTS                                                                                                                                                                                                             CONTENTS    27

      Violence in the world of                               women’s increased participation in the labour
                                                             market, has in many cases been in non-standard
                                                                                                                   General recommendation No. 35
                                                                                                                   emphasizes that gender based violence
                                                                                                                                                                            respectively—confirms that discrimination
                                                                                                                                                                            against women is inextricably linked to other

      work, related trends and                               and precarious forms of employment, typified
                                                             by informal, low-paid and poorly protected
                                                                                                                   is a social rather than an individual
                                                                                                                   problem, requiring comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                                            axes of discrimination. These include: ethnicity/
                                                                                                                                                                            race, indigenous or minority status, colour,

      forms                                                  work. This makes women especially vulnerable
                                                             to physical, verbal and sexual harassment and
                                                                                                                   responses that extend beyond specific
                                                                                                                   events, individual perpetrators,
                                                                                                                                                                            socioeconomic status and/or caste, language,
                                                                                                                                                                            religion or belief, political opinion, national origin,
                                                             violence. (Pillinger 2017: ix-x).                                                                              marital and/or maternal status, age, urban/
      According to the Committee of Experts convened                                                               and victims/survivors (para. 9). The                     rural location, health status, disability, property
      by the ILO in October 2016, “violence and                                                                    Committee further underscores that
      harassment” include a continuum of unacceptable
      behaviors and practices that are likely to result in
                                                             Gender based violence                                 gender-based violence against women is
                                                                                                                                                                            ownership, being lesbian, bisexual, transgender
                                                                                                                                                                            or intersex, illiteracy, trafficking of women,
                                                                                                                   one of the fundamental social, political,                armed conflict, seeking asylum, being a refugee,
      physical, psychological or sexual harm or suffering.   The October 2016 report of the Committee of           and economic means by which the                          internal displacement, statelessness, migration,
                                                             Experts on ‘Violence against women and men                                                                     heading households, widowhood, living with HIV/
                                                                                                                   subordination of women with respect to
      Violence and harassment in the world of work           in the world of work,’ calls for specific action to                                                            AIDS, deprivation of liberty, being in prostitution,
      encompass violence in the public or private sector,    address the gendered dimensions of violence
                                                                                                                   men is perpetuated (para. 10).                           geographical remoteness and stigmatisation of
      or in the formal or informal economy (GB.328/          (GB.328/INS/17/5, Appendix I, para. 2).                                                                        women fighting for their rights, including human
      INS/17/5, Appendix I, para. 4). Violence in the                                                              General recommendations No. 28 and No. 33—
                                                                                                                                                                            rights defenders (No. 35, para. 12).
      world of work includes violence and harassment                                                               on the core obligation of States parties under
                                                             General recommendation No. 19 on violence
      that take place not only in physical workplaces,                                                             article 2 of CEDAW and women’s access to justice,
                                                             against women, adopted by the Committee
      but also in a broader spectrum of sites that           on the Elimination of Discrimination against
      reflect the evolution of work contexts, including:     Women (CEDAW) defines gender based violence           Indonesian women from the Federation of Independent Trade Unions (GSBI) demonstrate against
      commuting, work-related social events, public          as “violence which is directed against a woman        rights violations in the garment industry. Like many human rights defenders, they are at risk of violent
      spaces, teleworking and, in some contexts, the         because she is a woman or that affects women          retaliation.
      home (GB.328/INS/17/5, para. 8).                       disproportionately’, and, as such, is a violation
                                                             of their human rights” (article 1). Forms of
      Within these spaces, violence can be “horizontal       gender based violence named by General
      or vertical”; from sources internal to the             recommendation No. 19 include acts that
      workplace, or external sources such as clients,        inflict physical harm, mental harm, sexual harm
      other third parties, and public authorities.           or suffering, threats of the any of these acts,
      Violence and harassment may be a one-off               coercion, and deprivations of liberty.
      occurrence or repeated (GB.328/INS/17/5,
      Appendix I, para. 7).                                  As explained by General recommendation
                                                             No. 35 on gender-based violence against
      The continuum of violence described above              women, released on July 14, 2017, for over
      includes gender-based violence (GB.328/                25 years the practice of States parties and
      INS/17/5, para. 7). It has been a consistent           the opinions of jurists have endorsed the
      recommendation on the part of national and             Committee’s interpretation of gender based
      global unions that gender-based violence be given      violence in recommendation No. 19. According
      special attention in the proposed ILO standard,        to recommendation No. 35, the prohibition of
      since women are disproportionately affected            gender based violence against women has evolved
      by violence in the world of work (Pillinger 2017:      into a principle of customary international law
      xiii). Changing patterns of work, and particularly     (paragraph 2).
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