Page created by Jim Berry
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                                         Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 17 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                               p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                               e-ISSN: 2615-6423

                     Dery Rovino1), Michael Jibrael Rorong2), Jai Kishon Goswami3)
                          Assistant Professor, English Education Study Program
        Media Nusantara Citra College of Education (STKIP MNC), Jakarta, Indonesia – 11520
                      Assistant Professor, Communication Science Study Program
                      Putera Batam University, Batam, Riau, Indonesia – 29434
                          Assistant Professor, Amity School of Communication,
                Amity University Chhattisgarh, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India – 493225

                             Diterima 10 Desember 2019/ Disetujui 28 Maret 2020


          Cyclical and bidirectional relationship(s) between technology and today’s romantic gratifications have
reformed how people seek romance. On another end, gender performances largely underpin humans’ romantic
gratification. This is where Tinder, as a dating application, affords unique opportunities for those seeking
romances through portraying gender performances. A number of studies concluded that, in romance-seeking
ventures, male’s masculinity and female’s femininity generally remained conformist to their respective
biological attributes. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate nuances of gender performances portrayed in
dating apps such as Tinder. Since Tinder profile picture, as a form of visual text, is a source rife with gender
performance cues, this study focused on the visual component – profile pictures. Profile Picture Protocol (PPP),
derived from notable social semiotics frameworks, was established. This study revealed that, albeit a major
affinity towards more saturated bright colors in the observed data, color choices in profile pictures were not
conclusive to determine gender performatives, mainly due to possible duality in meanings when other elements
(body gestures and clothing choices) were taken into consideration. Formal clothing choices were only found in
the male group, which was conformist to the previous studies. Foregrounding bodily features was evident in
both male and female group’s profile pictures, which indicated that the male group also exuded an element of
femininity, which leaned towards contestating the previous findings. Actors’ angles that were frontal as well as
eye-level, indicated a need for social closeness and friendliness emulation, were fashionable in both gender
groups, which was initially prevalent in the female group. Limitations were put forth.
Keywords; profile picture; visual text, social semiotics, gender performance, Tinder


         Hubungan siklus dan dua arah antara teknologi dan gratifikasi romantisme dewasa ini telah mengubah
cara orang mencari hubungan romansa. Di sisi lain, ekspresi gender umumnya mendukung gratifikasi romantis
manusia. Di sinilah Tinder, sebagai aplikasi kencan, memberikan peluang unik bagi mereka yang mencari
romansa melalui ekspresi gender. Sejumlah penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa, dalam usaha pencarian romansa,
maskulinitas pria dan femininitas wanita umumnya tetap mengikuti atribut biologis masing-masing. Oleh karena
itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi ekspresi gender yang digambarkan dalam aplikasi kencan
seperti Tinder. Karena gambar profil Tinder, sebagai bentuk teks visual, adalah sumber penuh dengan isyarat
ekspresi gender, penelitian ini berfokus pada komponen visual - gambar profil. Profile Picture Protocol (PPP),
berasal dari kerangka kerja semiotika sosial terkemuka, dikonstruksikan. Studi ini mengungkap bahwa,
meskipun memiliki ketertarikan umum terhadap warna-warna cerah yang lebih jenuh pada data yang diamati,
pilihan warna dalam gambar profil tidak konklusif untuk menentukan ekspkresi gender, terutama karena
kemungkinan dualitas dalam makna ketika elemen lain (gerakan tubuh dan pilihan pakaian) disertakan dalam
pertimbangan. Pilihan pakaian formal hanya ditemukan pada kelompok pria, yang sesuai dengan penelitian
sebelumnya. Gambaran tubuh terdepan terlihat dalam gambar profil kelompok laki-laki dan perempuan, yang
menunjukkan bahwa kelompok laki-laki juga memancarkan unsur feminitas, yang condong ke arah
mengontestasi temuan sebelumnya. Sudut para aktor yang frontal maupun setinggi mata, mengindikasikan
keinginan atas kedekatan sosial dan emulasi keramahan, yang umum di kedua kelompok gender, yang awalnya
lazim di kelompok perempuan. Keterbatasan penelitian disampaikan.
Kata Kunci; teks visual, Semiotika Sosial, performa gender, aplikasi berkencan.

Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                               Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 18 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                     p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                     e-ISSN: 2615-6423

*Korespondensi Penulis:

                  INTRODUCTION                      Polymedia is a construct where there is an
                                                    understanding that social media are a group
            Generally, a lot of components of       of complex environments whose culture is
  belonging to modern people and allowances         ever-shifting (Madianou, 2015). It can be
  of Information Communication Technology           further contested that although virtually
  (ICT), in the form of Internet and social         Tinder enables users to multiply expressions
  media sites (SNS), have amalgamated in            of selves, it confines as well to an extent that
  ways that have never been practiced circa         the features of Tinder “guide, distort, and
  pre-millennium era. This situation could be       facilitate social activity— but delete some of
  understood since the internet “[…] grants the     it” (David & Cambre, 2016, p. 9). In this
  possibility […] to stay in constant contact       juncture, the complexity of Tinder use and its
  with friends” thus the need of more organic       relation to gender performance portrayal are
  and physical interactions somewhat has            what intrigues this study to proceed.
  become secondary (Thurlow, 2003). Also,                      Therefore, the above conundrum
  humans use applications that are very closely     enticed this study to further inquiring the
  related to current technological developments     layers of gender performances expressed by
  (Rorong, 2016. p 102). Since seeking              Tinder users through their profile pictures.
  romance is a part of human interaction            Previous social semiotic studies in gender
  spectrum, technology also caters to this          expressions through visual cues were utilized
  particular activity (A. Smith & Duggan,           in order to assist with evaluating the findings.
  2013). Tinder as a dating application (app)       Visual texts such as pictures carry potentials
  acts as a tool and vessel that provides both      for portraying gender representations
  ample and unique opportunity to display           (O’Regan, 2006) and Tinder plays a role as a
  one’s gender performances as a vessel to find     fertile space that allows its users the
  romantic         gratifications       (Sumter,    liberation to assume and subscribe to plethora
  Vandenbosch, & Ligtenberg, 2017). MacKee          of visual expressions (MacKee, 2016;
  (2016) posits that Tinder mostly permits          Timmermans & De Caluwé, 2017).
  homosexual clients to depict the users’ less                 Against the above background, a
  sexual selves, apparently differentiating its     research question was then constructed:
  other partner “hook-up app” which to an           “How do Tinder users perform gender
  degree manage its clients to depict               performances in the visual text?”. This study
  excessively sexual persona(p. 3).                 was undergone due limited research studies
            Lawson and Leck (2006) observed         which attend to the representation of gender
  different objectives beyond seeking life          in dating application through profile pictures,
  companion, which are comfort post-crisis, a       while similar approach has been done to
  power over presentation of selves, adventure      media in print versions and televised
  and fantasy realization. This then implies that   programs (Dhaenens, 2013; Edgar, 2011).
  user-generatedness value applies to dating        Although Timmermans and de Caluwé (2017)
  app in that the uses and function of the          studied motivations underlying people’s
  platform are dependent towards the innate         decision to create a Tinder profile, little has
  motivation of the users (Shao, 2009). From        been addressed concerning how the users
  the app point of view, this dialectical           displayed their gender performances, which
  relationships between users and app render        was where this study gained its novelty.
  Tinder as Polymedia: the app producer initial                Gender representation has been
  objective of the app does not always become       investigated in printed media (Saraceno &
  relevant with its final uses on the users’ side   Tambling, 2013; Small, 2017; Vokey, Tefft,
  (Horst & Miller, 2012; J. Smith, 2014).           & Tysiaczny, 2013) and gender expression on

Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                                  Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 19 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                        p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                        e-ISSN: 2615-6423

TV (Dhaenens, 2013; Edgar, 2011). Both              humans coexist, interact, and understand their
studies virtually discuss how media, as             world,      wherein     investigating     human
institutional agents of social (re)construction,    experience through structure and hierarchy –
actively alter their consumers’ understanding       generally modernists way – should be
towards gender. Timmermans & De Caluwé              questioned. Mooers admits that there is an
(2017) examined inspirations basic people’s         element of inconsistencies in postmodernist
choice to form a Tinder profile. McLeod and         studies which could lead to lack of certainties
Wright (2016), broadly talking, conclude how        in the understanding. However, Mooers
dating apps (Tinder and Bumble) administer,         concludes human experience does not fit into
permit, but too restrain its users’ bi-             preconditioned       categories,     which     is
directional intelligent. Discoveries by Sumter      preemptively inherited. Human experiences,
and Vandenbosch (2019) floated around the           traditions, and cultures are lively and prone to
endorsed employments of Tinder and                  experience shifts. This is further emphasized
inspirations of its users in connection to          by Januarti and Wempi (2019) where they
sexual      and       romantic      graticiation.   found cultural shifts in the manufacture of
Comparative to Sumter and Vandenbosch,              traditional fabrics of an Indonesian ethnic
Ranzini (2017) found, among other things,           tribe, driven by external influences. This is
the polarizing (but nearly twofold)                 perhaps what is meant by human experiences
employments of Tinder where female bunch            being complex, fluid and artistic in their
looked for approval and sex intercourses            unique human ways due to interactions with
drove the male partner. All the over                different influential agencies.
discoveries, in spite of the fact that                       Furthermore,       the     force      of
instructive, did not unequivocally address          postmodernism persists beyond claims
how visual content constuctions advance or          regarding the history of philosophy and
downgrade sex representation of its clients,        Derrida’s reading of foundational texts.
which is where this ponder acts to extend the       Between 1970s and 1980s was the onset of
discourse       through      visual      content    postmodernists affecting literary studies, in
investigations.                                     part following the translation of Derrida’s
          In Indonesia, investigation into          work into English. Postmodernism is as well
gender has been discussed in relation to its        due to the fruit of labour of other thinkers,
dialectical relationship with religion, history,    including Paul de Man, J. Hillis Miller and
and politics where it is placed in such             Barbara Johnson. Instead of thinking
complex and cyclical position in different          postmodernism in ways of modernism
Indonesian societies and varying time pockets       regarding the metaphysics and claims about
(Blackwood, 2005; Robinson, 2008). Few              ultimate being, literary postmodernism
studies have also acknowledged empirical            abandons       such     constructivist     ethos:
findings where subversive acts in the form of       postmodernism DNA is baselining on the
‘feminist activism’ by Muslim women were            relative              socioculturally-dependent
present in the country though their scalability     construction of epistemology (Jones, 2016, p.
remained in question (Rinaldo, 2014).               27). Judith Baxter (2016), then, rightly asserts
Nevertheless, the observed studies may have         that human knowledge is epistemologically
implied absence in researching gender               built, discovered by and during social
through language production, which is where         interaction, thus renders knowledge as ever-
this study positions itself to fill gap of          shifting and dynamic.
understanding to gender representation in                    In gender studies, Butler posits that
dating application.                                 gender identities manifests in acts being
                                                    performed (2016), therefore labeled “gender
           LITERATURE REVIEW                        performativity/ performance”. Butler (2006)
                                                    argues three dimensions interplaying in
        Postmodernism is a construct to             gender performances: “anatomical sex,
question and contest the unspoken sanctity of       gender identity, and gender performance”.
modernist view in evaluating humans’ social         This may suggest that human’s gender
dynamics. Mooers (1997) rightly suggests            identities are conditional thus may not be
that philosophical and relative differences         linear to the biologically assigned genders. In

Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                                  Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 20 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                        p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                        e-ISSN: 2615-6423

turn, positivist’s claim where gender is            exchanges between a specific drug-using
biologically or environmentally conditioned         group in a platform is interactional-based, in
is challenged. Judith Butler (2006), however,       that codes are created between interlocutors
admits that humans are limited in performing        in unique ways where their uses are localized,
gender where alignment with the norms of            limited, and understood by the people
culture is desired by the society. It is accepted   involved in the community. Hutapea confirms
that these social standards can be what is          that those specific codes are to enable them to
implied by sex generalizations. Döring, Reif,       communicate without being understood by
& Poeschl (2016) warn that drastic                  the external people. This then informs an
simplifying cultural phenomenon drastically         element of user-generatedness on social
added with repeated practices of it would           media platforms where the users’ objectives
yield cumbersome social norms potential to          of using a particular social media platform are
exclude people who are unfit to the fixated         not necessarily in line with its intended uses
categories (p. 956). Pierre Bourdieu (1977)         (Kwak, Lee, Park, & Moon, 2010;
labels this phenomenon a “cultural habitus”,        Situmeang, 2017).
which is a product of an act of repeating and                 In regards to online interactions,
habitualizing a particular doing. Giving            Herring (2011) interestingly finds a number
archetypes of masculine and feminine                of females portraying vigorous language
behaviors may provide a single narrative of         choices in an online forum that is dominated
gender profiling thus exclusion of certain          by males, while males linguistically seemed
group of people may not be avoided. In this         less exuberant in an online forum where the
manner, it would be concerning in the event         females are the majority. Clothing-wise,
that this categorization of sex performativity      Tifferet & Vilnai-yavetz (2014) sees that
would turn into more broadened sexual               male clients' Facebook profile pictures show
orientation asymmetry where one gather of           formal dress and outside exercises which is
sex rules the other.                                contended that convention and open air action
         Furthermore, it could be argued that       are identified with the guys and the need of
the mainstreaming of binary gender                  "displaying status prompts"(p. 393).
performance could reach the large body of                     Dating apps like Tinder, being a
social groups could promote and perpetuate          platform for digitized online interactions
viewing gender one-sidedly which would              added with the need for romantic
later yield undesired consequences in the           gratification, Herring (2011) observes young
social sphere. Vokey, Tefft, & Tysiaczny            women’s self-representing themselves in a
(2013) conclude that ‘hyper-masculinization’:       rather sexual display by wearing low-cut and
a single, over-masculinized, way of                 provoking clothes along with sexualized
characterizing “manhood”, in magazines              gestures (p. 213). Selfie culture on Tinder is
might result ‘social sanctions’ to male             also semiotically relevant to how people hint
populace such as improbable ‘perfect man’           their gender performances. Sedgewick, Flath,
profiling and physical hostility to the inverse     & Elias (2017) finds that the males prefer to
sex (p. 573). Novarisa (2019) further               take a photo of themselves with angle that is
confirms that there is a symbolic reference         lower while the females have an affinity
where male actors imposed violent power             towards taking a selfie with angles that are
asymmetry towards female actors on scripted         higher. These findings, the scholars argue,
television program, which could say                 correspond to what the users believe as “the
something about an affinity towards                 ideal mate qualities”: for the males, lower
patriarchal ideology and the current capital        point would make a “tall illusion” and more
value towards masculinization nature of TV          in control; lower point would reflect a “small/
programs.                                           brief illusion” for the females in this way less
         However, there is production and           in control.
reproduction of communicational codes based                   It can be concluded the observed
on a cyclical relationship between agents and       male and female groups are capable to
the target cultures. Hutapea (2017) provides a      assume more than one gender performances
useful description where the researcher found       preconditioned not only by biological and
out that a repertoire of communicative              cultural, but also social and eventually

Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                                 Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 21 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                       p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                       e-ISSN: 2615-6423

personal predispositions. Multiplicity of          of a sign. A Semiotics expert, Umberto Eco
identity not uncommon in social interaction.       calls the sign as a 'lie' wherein something
MacKee (2016) concludes that non-                  hidden is oftentimes not the Sign intended (p.
heteronormative men depict different gender        177). John O’Regan (2006) acknowledges
performances in two different dating apps          visual texts potentials (pictures, colors,
wherein the participants’ Tinder profile           shapes, and more) to add ideational meanings
picture would semiotically signify somewhat        of texts. However, in reality, it seems the
of dignified and less sexual men.                  majority of text analyses remain to rely on the
Contrastingly, the same participants would         written cues thus the visual ones become
signify more sexually obvious persona in an        secondary. Theo van Leeuwen (2004)
app that is generally preconditioned for           confirms that the ideational meanings could
sexual advances. Participants of Mackee’s          be relative as communicative means “[…]
study would, one of which, feature their           allows the articulation of different social and
“topless” overly sexualized profile pictures in    cultural meanings” (p. 4). Since Tinder users
the sex-motored app.                               deal with visual text, this study develops
          Visual cues in the form of photos are    Profile Picture Protocol (PPP) as a tool of
heavily used to portray gender performances        analysis. PPP generally comprises of two
on a dating application like Tinder. Therefore,    major        elements:      Space,       allowing
it is compelling to explore the dynamics of        interpretation surrounding elements in the
gender performance being formed and                picture; and Actor, decoding ideational
projected outward in the Tinder app                meanings portrayed by the person.
compared to the previous findings.                      ‘Space’ is further broken down into
                                                   frame, color codes, and spatial codes. Van
      RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                         Leeuwen (2004) suggests that frame is
                                                   essentially the “territory” of the picture where
A Social Semiotic Analysis – Profile               contributive lexical elements may exists.
Picture Protocol (PPP).                            Further, ‘Color codes’ according to Kress &
         Social Semiotics is an endeavor for       van Leeuwen (2006) is essentially the colors
something rather strange to be further             and how they may signify ideational
questioned in certain texts or narratives /        meanings. Color codes are further broken
discourses. Analysis behind the paradigm,          down into the followings:
including the hidden meaning behind visual         - High & Low Color Saturation entails to
texts. People also often say semiophica is an           the overall impressions of color where
effort to find the meaning of 'news behind the          emotive effects may be resulted from:
news' with semiotics. (Trifonas, 2015. p.1-             high saturation that is heavy with the mix
25). Djonov and Zhao (2018) notes the ability           of bright colors is associated to positivity,
of Social Semiotics to uncover meanings that            exuberance, adventurousness, energy, etc.
are produced, repeated, in different media and          On the other hand, low saturation usually
platforms, mainly billboards, literary texts,           signifies subtlety, mood dynamics,
and others. The researchers further argue that          tenderness, cold and repression, and also
acts of repetition and ‘habitualization’                brood. (Kress & van Leeuwen, 2006);
producing signs and meanings will ultimately       - Color Immaculateness extends from
lead to institutionalization of the meanings            exceedingly unadulterated in color to
and sings produced. This then means that                exceedingly crossover in color: tall
there is a subtle, unconscious, yet apparent            immaculateness is to some degree
action to producing a form of sign which                ‘Mondrian’ where there's color blocking
Pierre Bourdieu previously has mentioned in             in essential colors (yellow, ruddy, blue,
regards to ‘cultural habitus’.                          dark, and white).This means an
         Bouissac (2017) further posits                 component of innovation and lesson. Tall
Semiotics as a model of analysis for social             hybridity where color angles are utilized
science, aimed to understand the world as a             is related with “fluidity, relativeness, and
system of relationships that has a basic unit of        complexity of ideas”, and submits to
'sign'. Therefore, semiotics studies center             postmodernism (Demjen, 2016, p. 129);
themselves on the existence and interpretation     - Modulation is essentially the application

Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                                 Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 22 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                       p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                       e-ISSN: 2615-6423

    of shades of colors. Low modulation            Clothing is comprised of the followings:
    where one-tone color is applied                ‘Carrier’ which essentially signifies the
    throughout may signal ‘simplicity,             general look; possessive attributes whose
    boldness, and abstract truth’ (Kress & van     accessories are considered in the overall look,
    Leeuwen, 2006);                                i.e. the use of pearl necklaces, formal clothes,
-   Differentiation is related to the color uses   and dresses signify different ideational
    where monochromes suggest timidity and         meanings; and high or low modality are
    acknowledges ‘classic fashion’ choices.        discussed. Hodge & Kress (1988) rightly
    Multicolor uses signify an element of          claim that each clothing item suggests
    diversity and a sense of adventurousness       meanings, especially in relation to the actor’s
    (Demjen, 2016, p. 129);                        aspiration to a particular gender stereotype
-   Red or blue tones point at the common          (pp. 62–3), deemed highly relevant to this
    temperament of the picture. The utilize of     study.
    ruddy tint is related to warmth, vitality,          A number analyses need to be undergone
    striking      nature,        foregrounding.    when it comes to ‘Gesture’. Kress & van
    Occurrences of blue tone are connected to      Leeuwen (2006) emphasize that there is a
    ‘coldness,       calmness,         separate,   need for ‘vector’ analysis, which is
    backgrounding’ (Demjen, 2016, p. 129). -       essentially the lines stretched in the frame
                                                   signifying a few meanings: directions to
-   Spatial Codes bargains with the actor’s        another object in the frame, the degree of
    position within the outline and the degree     proximity of actors to the audience, and
    of remove crossing between the gathering       actor’s visible pictorial movements. ‘Angle
    of people and the on-screen character.         positioning’, scholars claim, is generally
    Notes to see at are whether the on-screen      comprised of a few elements: frontal angle
    character is formally/ casually depicted       which indicate involvements with the
    and whether the on-screen character is         audience; oblique angle which suggests
    positioned central or within the outskirts     detachment from the audience; high angle is
    of the outline. Spatial codes offer            closely associated with power asymmetry
    assistance reply the ideological request of    where the less power position is on the
    control asymmetry (Hodge & Kress,              actor’s side thus putting the audience in the
    1988, pp. 61–3). The degrees of distance       higher power relational position; lower angle
    are linked to emotional proximity              is the polar opposite of high angle where the
    between the actor and audience. To put         actor is position in much higher power
    into perspective, close shot picture           position to the audience; and eye-level
    signifies closer and intimate emotional        suggests equality in power among audience
    proximity, medium shot is linked to a          and actor.
    collective or social proximity, and long                 Gestural cues, furthermore, Kress &
    shot suggests less than personal               van Leeuwen (2006) further elaborate as focal
    proximity.                                     elements       in     determining        semiotic
                                                   understanding to the gesture analysis.
    Ideational meaning can be found in             Gestural cues are divided into two sub-
‘Actors’ and their saliency, clothing, and         elements, ‘demand’ and ‘offer’. ‘Demand’
gestures along with the way they gaze in the       means that the actor expects audience to join
frame. Saliency is related to the ways of          in an imaginary relationships with them. It is
actors and their methods of emphasis amidst        as if the actors express “Look at me as the
compositional elements, especially regarding       central actor”. Cues to be scrutinized in the
the degrees in which they appeal to the            ‘demand’ is the visible smile (audience is to
audience attention (Van Leeuwen, 2004, p.          enter actor’s social sphere), cold/ straight-face
284). Photographic alterations such as             (audience is feel the emotional vulnerability
brightness, focus, methods of cropping, and        of the actor), seductive/ sexually provoking
pictorial size of the actors are also taken into   “pouts” (audience is to desire the actor),
account.                                           limbs position (folded arms in front of the
    ‘Clothing’ is essentially the methods of       body indicates emotional distance and neutral
actor’s      attire’s    mixing-and-matching.      limbs indicate actor expecting sufficient

Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                                Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 23 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                      p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                      e-ISSN: 2615-6423

social proximity) (Gopikrishnan, n.d.). Kress      with the actor may suggest the actor’s healthy
& van Leeuwen suggest ‘Offer’ gestural cues        lifestyle. Lastly, according to the scholars,
where the actors represent somewhat of an          ‘Gaze’ evokes ideational meaning where a
information vessel for greater narratives. is as   direct look to the audience may suggest
if the actor confers “Look at this ideation        ‘Demand’ while absence of gaze to the
where I belong to!”. This can mean that the        audience may signify ‘Offer’.
actor expects a membership to a larger setting
instead of centering the signified meaning on                DATA AND ETHICAL
themselves, e.g. sports activities portrayed                  CONSIDERATION

       Figure A: Tinder Topography retrieved from, last accessed:
                             23/07/2017, 05.03 pm, London time

         Tinder is a dating app that is geo-       central London were collected. London was
locating and proximity-based allowing users        chosen as the locus of this consideration for a
to locate potential romantic partners who fall     reason none other than the truth that this
into their preferred criteria of gender and geo-   consideration was a portion of a bigger scale
location proximity (i.e. 0 – 21 km) (Sumter et     of think about which took put in London.
al., 2017). “Swiping” is the common                Changing the area for information collection
vernacular in this context which means             other than London may require another set of
physically dragging a profile to the right         information that would wreck the full
means an interest for interaction with the         investigation gathering. Indeed so, this brings
profile owner, and a drag to the left signifies    approximately an address, and conceivable
otherwise.The      figure     above     provides   future course of investigating, in which
description of Tinder topography and               geographic area may have impacts in sexual
sequential process of “finding a match”.           orientation exhibitions.
Tinder users are given a “stack” of potential               Even though there ought to be no
romantic-interests from which they can either      undesired suggestion from selecting this
swipe right or left depending of the users’        zone, potential designs and discoveries as
interests. The “It’s a Match” screen indicates     byproducts of this consider may not rehash,
that both show interests in each other. Only       ought to comparable consider being
upon matching, conversation can begin.             connected in other geological zones. All
                                                   things considered, restricting topographical
Datasets                                           sweep and the sum of collected information
        Tinder by and large has two primary        were due to the permitted time, were
components which are profile pictures and          moreover due to the time-intensiveness of
description. In any case, in this ponder, an       undertaking Social Semiotics Investigation.
examination was coordinated towards the
profile pictures. Since social semiotics is        Data Collection Method and Maximizing
primarily utilized for visual content, this        Randomness
thinks about at that point normally                       Tinder profile was set up in arrange
accumulated sixty fundamental profile              to extricate arbitrary Tinder profiles.
pictures from thirty female and thirty male        Submerging, to begin with, analyst into the
Tinder clients. Profiles inside – 21 km from       watched investigate setting isn't an

Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                                 Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 24 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                       p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                       e-ISSN: 2615-6423

unprecedented hone particularly considering        degree of points of interest and complexities
the possibilities for encountering the inquire     to begin with analyst connected to the system
about setting first-hand (Dörnyei, 2007). Only     were the causes of or maybe long
profiles within the – 21 km extend were            examination handle. Furthermore, there were
extricated and analyzed. Five days were            negligible program employments to help with
decided for the information collection term.       PPP investigation. Be that as it may, the
Three “time zones” were organized where the        investigation was generally helped by the
most punctual time hour for information            clear picture designs i.e. most profile pictures
collection was at 9 AM and 10 PM being the         were taken in a ‘selfie’ a representation mode
most recent. Five hours were the interims          (Sorokowska et al., 2016) in this way
between time zones. To begin with, half-hour       requiring less time for interpreting not as it
was for extricating Tinder profiles that were      were the actors’ look but to point.
from the male gather, Female bunch profile
extraction was the half-hour after. To advance     Ethical Consideration
guarantee greatest arbitrariness, the male-                 There were several inquire about
then-female approach to profile extraction         morals to be examined and defended.
was not continuously connected all through         Framework disappointments, particularly
the course of information collection period:       regarding data security, support, and
information collection variety from male-          misfortune, are several common challenges in
female to female-male setup was executed.          this ponder. Subsequently, to begin with,
In any case, in reality, the perfect situation     analysts concocted password-encrypted cloud
over was not the foremost time-efficient in        capacity for any reports. Equipment such as
this way an adjustment was called for. To put      tablet computer, smartphone, an outside hard-
it into viewpoint, in a day, three profiles were   drive, and computer program Mendeley
extricated at the same time, and in this way,      reference supervisor was password-encrypted
the time-frame and time-intervals were             as well for maximum assurance. Concerning
neglected. Tinder profiles in a perfect world      the nature of information, zero coordinate
are comprised of at slightest one profile          contact with any human members was
picture and some composed substance within         connected due to the text-driven nature of the
the profile depictions. Avoidance to a few         inquire about to extend. A foundational
Tinder profiles, be that as it may, had to be      reason for exclusively including visual
sanctioned since the baselining preconditions      components (profile pictures) is there were
laid out in both the information criteria and      possibilities for visual content to show as
inquire about morals were not met.                 “[…] social spaces in which two essential
Categories for profile exclusion were, among       social forms at the same time happen:
others, babies/ underage children within the       cognition and representation of the world, and
outline, numerous profiles but comparable          social interaction” (Fairclough, 1995, p. 6).
profile proprietor, and pictureless profile.                Further, the non-attendance of assent
                                                   shape in a ponder where human-produced
Data Analysis Procedure                            online substance is included may be a
        PPP was completely utilized in             common practice, however cautious treatment
arrange to reply to the inquire about the          to information still should take put. Trilling
address: “How do Tinder users portray sex          (2015) explored two bunches of human-
exhibitions within the visual text?”. Analysts     produced content, discourse transcript and
set up a PPP network where each push is            Twitter posts with a hashtag #tvduell where
spoken to sub-analysis with foreordained           the creator did not get assent shapes from the
conditions for simple reference. Information       Twitter clients whose tweets were utilized as
was analyzed successively: beginning from          the dataset. Looking at the test estimate (N=
the Space to the On-screen character segment.      120.557 tweets), it was very unreasonable to
There was no watched method of reasoning           get assent from the information makers.
as to why a consecutive information                Advance, to Trilling’s (2015) defense, tweets
investigation preparation was undergone.           are composed substance freely accessible. All
Three weeks was the time utilized to achieve       things considered, Trilling utilized several
the PPP investigation for all information. The     strategies to anonymize content makers such

Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                                Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 25 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                      p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                      e-ISSN: 2615-6423

as not uncovering Twitter handles. This            to begin with analyst has screened all
inquire about to consider, moreover,               obscured out visual writings/ profile pictures
depended on Tinder Inc. explanation that           through the Google Picture Discoverer
upon marking up, Tinder users “[…] concur          ( to affirm that
that any Substance put on the Benefit may be       the first sources where the pictures have a
seen by any individual going to or partaking       place to were untraceable within the web.
within the Benefit (such as people who may         In respect to information transmission, to
get shared Content from other Tinder users).”      begin with, the analyst has guaranteed that the
(Tinder Legal, 2016, p. 4). This proposes that     information would not circulate anyplace off
Tinder clients ought to completely mindful         London, embedded into emails, passed
that any components of the profile they show       online, or be made in print without applying a
may be unveiled worldwide (Tinder Lawful,          tall level of secrecy. Each cautious
2016). Subsequently, from the information          information assurance degree has submitted
point of view, it infers the versatility of the    to the morals rules by “British Mental Society
substance in that it can both be seen and          (2009) Code of Morals and Conduct, and
moved around. In any case, leaving from            (2014) Code of Human Inquire about Morals,
Trilling strategies of inquiring about morals      British Instructive Inquire about Affiliation
application, to begin with, the analyst has        (2011) Moral Rules, and British Sociological
secured the information by obscuring out any       Affiliation (2002) Explanation of Moral
identifiable highlights such as facial             Practice”. Report of inquiring about morals
highlights, all sorts of online and offline        was submitted to the UCL Established of
addresses. This approach to anonymization is       Instruction and this consider had gotten an
additionally exemplified by Mackee (2016).         endorsement from the UCL Board of
Assist, as an included degree to the               Investigate Morals.
information security, novel treatment to the
information could be a strategy called             ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION
“backtrack image” strategy. This implies that,

Figure B: (left to right) Andy, Ariana, Jeff and Isaacs, retrieved from Authors’ data analysis.

         Space Generally, the watched profile      “blue”, and 20 female profiles appeared to
pictures did not have any composed content         flag “red hue” whereas the rest appeared to
within the outline. Appeared within the chart,     depict “blue”.
most information appeared direct degrees of                 Kress & van Leeuwen (2006)
color immersion, as prove in Jeff and Isaacs       conversation almost the potential messages
picture. Since most of the pictures were color-    being transmitted in that blue tint, for the
saturated, it appeared just like the balance and   most part, communicates backgrounding,
hybridity elements were influenced as well.        whereas the ruddy one signals foregrounding
Analysts found that most Tinder profile            of the on-screen character (p. 235).
pictures have shown many degrees of color          Encourage, Demjen (2016) proposes that the
combination i.e. pastel colors to blends of        utilize of distinctive colors in several shades
shinning colors. Encourage, the little number      (cf. hybridity) might inspire “fluidity,
of profile pictures (3 occasions) concocted        relativeness, and complexity of ideas” ( p.
dull colors: from distinctive shades of dark, to   129). Goffman (1956) talks around many
completely BW (dark and white)/ total              conceivable implications of dark colors, one
desaturation. In terms of “hue”, 17 male           of which is that they are more often than not
profile pictures were categorized as “red”         concocted to cover up things within the
whereas the rest appeared to communicate           shadow: “[…] dull colors don't appear the
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                                Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 26 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                      p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                      e-ISSN: 2615-6423

dirt” (p.143). To a degree, subsequently, the     cropping. “Selfie” has ended up a striking
utilize of dark or other dim colors reflects a    marvel on a part of social media stages. As
sense of removing the actors.                     “attention-seeking” was the foremost visit
         However,        today’s       moment     inspiration for posting selfies, Sung et al,
photography approaches through smartphones        (2016) assist found that – among other things
utilize channel arrangement and indeed            – drawing in the inverse sex might too be
“sticker”. Andy’s picture, for the occasion,      determined from this category. Hodge &
appears less standard. Within the outline,        Kress (1988) affirm that near and medium
Dark & White channel was formulated by            shots mean individual, hint and social vicinity
Andy but at that point included a dog’s nose      between the on-screen characters and
sticker. It appeared like there's a component     gathering of people. Hence, it conclusive that
of comical esteem to his picture. The comical     Tinder pictures. Therefore, it seem conclusive
and amusing individual is continuously            that Tinder pictures where actors are in close
congenial and related to invitingness.            and medium shots expect and/ or allows
Subsequently, it looks like Andy is               intimacy to their potential romantic partners.
attempting to imitate the invitingness            On another conclusion, other actor-
component to his picture in spite of the Dark     highlighting methods were concocted in
and White color choice to his picture.            arrange to check the backgrounding
Following Andy, Ariana utilized comparative       possibilities when selfies were not utilized. It
Dark and White channel to her picture. In any     was watched that, in this ponder, on-screen
case, what is curiously is that Ariana has        characters as often as possible made
shown openness by opening up her middle.          themselves the biggest pictorial measure
Moreover, Ariana communicated delight in          compared to other performing artists through
her grin. On the off chance that Goffman’s        zooming and/ or trimming strategies, as prove
Dark & White contention was taken                 in Isaacs’s picture. Advance, photographic
erratically, we might have rashly concluded       adjustments and setting controls i.e. on-screen
the two actors over to set up separately with a   characters purposely obscured out the
group of onlookers. Subsequently, it can be       foundation, the biggest sum of light
contended that Dark and White pictures don't      connected       onto     themselves,     precise
continuously communicate removing and             procedures (will be talked about advance),
backgrounding, particularly when body             and so on. The researchers respect these
signals were considered. But inconsistencies      foregrounding strategies as ways to create the
over, the actors’ approaches included layers      on-screen characters ended up notable within
of abundance in elucidation.                      the outline, and Johansen (1993) calls it an
         Interpretations are too determined       “artistic vision and technique” (p. 74).
from the actors’ and their position within the             Taken together, although there were
outline. Fifty-one profile pictures (N=60)        trends aligning with the literature, specifically
positioned the on-screen character within the     in relation to actors’ positioning, there were
center. More particularly, thirty-three on-       other interesting findings that suggested
screen characters situated themselves in the      different interpretations. It seems like other
near shot and eighteen on-screen characters       actors’ included in the frame associated with
were in a medium shot. Ariana’s picture           establishing a certain image of actor. The use
communicates semiotic meanings similar to         of filter also seemed to compromise the
most pictures. Ariana situated herself within     literature. The use of Black and White filter
the center of the frame. Moreover, Ariana         also could suggest an element of higher level
appeared to deliberately anticipate other on-     of class and distancing, and yet there is also
screen characters to be within the outline,       friendliness and joy exuded from the pictures,
apparent from her strategy of picture-            which in turn suggests friendliness.

Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                                Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 27 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                      p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                      e-ISSN: 2615-6423

  Figure C: (left to right) Glenn, Eric, Ed, and Tammy retrieved from Authors’ data analysis

Actor                                              clothing to be casual by a subjective
         Although it was troublesome to            legitimization and comparison the bigger
pinpoint “clothing” components due to              setting in which the casual wear is regularly
common “selfie” design, writing focuses out        worn. Considering semiformal/ casual events
that clothing choices ought to be considered       where casual clothing is as a rule worn,
in connection to sexual orientation execution.     analysts may conclude that the casualness of
By and large, the watched on-screen                Tinder users’ outfits strengthens an thought
characters remained traditionalist to more         of hint and social nearness being for the most
conventional          sexual         orientation   part wanted.
generalization. Analysts have assembled                     Another curiously finding was what
these clothing choices into four categories:       this ponder coined “strategic skin showing”.
“formal; casual; skin; and nondescript”.           As numerous as 25 (twenty-five) Tinder
Clothing categories from this time forward         clients appeared their body parts in changing
considered as “carrier”, concurring to Hodge       degrees. The designs were that a few male
& Kress (1988), would have components of           clients favored to go “topless”. Female clients
“possessive attributes” to encourage total the     appeared to appear liking to appear shoulders,
semiotic understanding of an on-screen             arms, breasts zone, and legs. As of now
character. Underneath is the analysis:             already depicted in that there remains an
         Five guys were appeared to wear           component       of     mindfulness     towards
formal outfits whereas the same did not apply      conventional sex standards that resort in
for the female bunch. This implies that formal     organic gifts which dole out a specific
clothing category less prevalent despite           individual to a specific sex category.
several     occurrences.     Analysts     would             However, it is interesting that this
legitimize those attires as formal since of        particular action was more fashionable in the
much bigger setting where such clothing were       female group (F= 16) than that of the male
ordinary to be worn in formal event. Suit and      (M= 9). This somehow suggests an element
tie gathering was obvious in Glenn’s picture       of subscription towards the traditional
where it would appear like he meant an             narrative of sexism in that a lot of women
component of custom. Comparative notes             remain to conform to bodily attributes that
were too found in Eric’s picture. His close-up     accentuate womanhood in order to identify
situating appeared sufficient suit and tie,        themselves as a woman (Bennett, 2015). Seen
which at that point moreover proposed a level      in Ed’s profile picture, he went “topless”
of custom. Hodge & Kress (1988)                    where he did not appear to wear any shirt,
recommends that traditionalist and formal          which then allowed further highlight of his
events call for individuals to wear                masculine features. Also, as already
magnificent embellishment, dresses, and suit-      mentioned previously, Tammy’s outfit
and-tie outfits, to which a level of convention    resembles the females under this category
is what Glenn and Eric wished to depict.           where they would wear dresses with cuts and
         On the other hand, casual outfits were    openings for their feminine parts: the breast:
watched in twenty-five Tinder clients where        legs; midriff; and legs.
male bunch was quicker towards casual wear
(fifteen occasions) than that of female gather
(eleven occasions). Analysts considered
Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                                  Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 28 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                        p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                        e-ISSN: 2615-6423

Gestures                                            conventional sex generalizations stay intaglio.
         Forty Tinder profile pictures were         The analyst recommends that “muscle-
watched to have coordinate look to the group        showing” guys lean toward to appear off their
of onlookers and the other twenty had looks         physical highlights since they assume real
absent from the group of onlookers. Straight        quality is related with the manly persona.
look into the gathering of people means an          Besides, point choices-wise, The ponder
welcome for the group of onlookers to enter         discoveries to some degree differentiate
the actor’s social space (Kress & van               Sedgewick et al. (2017) where they found
Leeuwen, 2006). In other words, the watched         guys appearing inclinations towards low-
Tinder clients endeavored to set up an              angle photo to depict themselves as strong-
insinuate vicinity with their gathering of          looking, taller, and higher control position
people.     This   finding     was     advance      than that of gathering of people, and the
strengthened by as numerous as fifty-three          female partner where they favored tall point
profile pictures which utilized eye-level point     for an figment of being brief, less huge, and
which proposes rise to control position             within the lesser control position than their
between on-screen characters and gathering          group of onlookers. The researchers
of people. Too, the well known frontal point        proceeded that point choice is generally due
meant near social nearness and openness.            to natural faculties at play as well as the
                                                    attitude of “the perfect mate qualities”.
Further Discussion                                  Sedgewick et al. (2017) consider point
         Photographs are conceivable to             approaches as “gender differences”. In any
specific changing implied meaning and this          case in this ponder, really not one or the other
think about endeavored to find a few of them.       male nor female bunches appeared
The watched Tinder profile pictures appeared        inclinations in concocting either tall or low
inclination in implying occupation-related          angles. In truth, the foremost prevalent point
through clothing choices for status/ course/        choice among bunches is the eye-level point.
custom signals, assist complementing that of        Kress & van Leeuwen (2006) foresee the
Tifferet & Vilnai-yavetz (2014) in that not as      thought processes within the notoriety of eye-
it were guys that highlight those categories        level point: (a) a apparatus to appear social
for “status cues”, but females as well in spite     closeness with the group of onlookers, and;
of the fact that it did not appear overpowering     (b) a vessel to show sidelong control position
occasions. Encourage, well known occasions          between on-screen characters and group of
of center situating and close-shot share a          onlookers. Solid ubiquity for utilizing frontal
resemblance with Herring (2011) in that             points as well as coordinate look to the group
selfies are utilized as a vessel to show users’     of onlookers encourage cement closeness and
self-presentation.                                  invitingness components shown by the
         Specific to the vital skin-showing, the    watched Tinder clients. However, color
discoveries complement Duguay (2016)                selection-wise, Kress & van Leeuwen (2004)
where at first, appearing skin was restricted to    affirm that strong system to translate semiotic
females       endeavoring       for    “aesthetic   implications behind color codes is however to
appearance”. Discoveries of this ponder             be built up, primarily due to different uses of
complements that of Duguay (2016) in that           color different pockets of history. Researchers
there remains patterns for the watched female       advance declare that “[…] what individuals
gather to go through the conventional sex           do with color shifts massively, and social
generalization where ladies are craved due to       bunches which share common purposes
their physical highlights. In any case, it was      around employments of color are regularly
or maybe shocking where it was found that           moderately little and specialized” (p. 228).
male gather moreover appeared inclinations          Although this study found a few color
in appearing substantial highlights, making         combinations to be more favored by a
this common for both bunches. Although              specific sex gather, it would be a rushed
appearing skin isn't strikingly well known,         conclusion ought to a sexual orientation
this finding remained vital. The discoveries of     execution translation be decoded from colors.
“skin-showing” guys share an degree of
resemblance with Döring et al., (2016) in that

Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Versi Online:                                  Vol.6 (No. 1 ) : 29 – 134 Th. 2020
Hasil Penelitian                                                                        p-ISSN: 2502-0935
                                                                                        e-ISSN: 2615-6423

                 CONCLUSION                          encountered were due to the nature of the
                                                     data, as Bowen (2009) has posited that there
          Instead of a feminine/ masculine           is bound to be barriers in the data analysis
clear-cut categorization largely suggested by        due to the kinds of data being garnered. There
notable constructivist thinkers, this study          is also an issue of human-driven analysis. It
points at a direction where gender expression        has been hotly debated that analysis by
and identity is an ensemble of complex               human raters most-likely entails to, one of
display of outward performance. This is in           which, biases. Burghardt et al (2012) have
full alignment with some principles of               noted several alternatives to alleviate biases
interpretivist/ postmodernist epistemological        by human raters by employing, one of which,
construct (Baxter, 2016). To certain degrees,        blind analysis by different raters. Due to
complexity of gender performance was                 manpower and other limitations, these
emulated in the findings of this study. This         recommendations could not be performed.
social semiotic study found elements of                       This    study     employed      heavy
Tinder profile pictures which communicated           adherence to human-driven analysis over the
cues of gender performances. Complementing           computer software. It has been hinted
its literary findings, this study discovered that    previously that most, if not all, aspects of
the use of formal wear is most notably in            analysis were done by the researchers with
male groups although some females were               means that computer intervention is minimal.
seen to wear similar clothing type. Color            This is of a shortcoming: the data nature that
choices, though preferences towards high             is a screenshot, instead of an actual file,
saturation and multicolored choice, were             resulted in some distortions in picture quality
rather inconclusive to pinpoint a particular         and file extension thus computer-based
gender performance. Most notably, however,           software was unable to perform. Unlike
actors showcasing bodily-feature were                exemplified in Thurlow (2003) and Rovino
common in both male and female groups.               (2019), researchers were not successful in
Taken further, showing off bodily features, or       discovering a computer software to assist
previously jargoned: strategic skin showing,         with all conditions governed by the PPP.
was evident in both male and female groups           Although supplementary software i.e.
although prevalence is leaning towards the           Photoscape had been devised to assist with
female ones. Although evident, this study            the analysis related to color composition,
discovered the utilization of the low angle to       human-rater based analysis is the majority in
be rather subtle in the male group as well as        the data analysis process.
female group, which is complementing the                      The above treatment, then, may be
literature which initially suggests that low         prone to human innate preferences.
angle is related to creating an illusion of          Therefore, it can be arguably suggested that
height, thus “the ideals of masculinity”.            most pictorial analyses might lead to, among
Alternatively, frontal and eye-level angle,          others, personal bias. With that being said,
which exude friendly approach and social             researchers would like to invite the readers of
closeness, seemed to be fashionable in both          this study to acknowledge that analysis biases
groups. The idea of gender has far shifted           are unavoidable in a lot of social research, as
from the binary mold. The study is insofar           noted by Shank and Corbitt (1999). Since
confident that, although influences of gender        biases are heavily related to social research
binary hegemony, gender is performed in a            studies, Shank & Corbitt invite social
multilayered manner in the dating world              researchers to improve the quality of data and
nowadays.                                            method of analyses which include, but not
                                                     limited to, the number of garnered data and
Research Limitation(S)                               the level of intricacy/ complexity of the
                                                     analysis methods. Since this study situated in
         It is unsurprising that a lot of studies,   London, there is a possibility that the
or in all studies generally, there are research      garnered Tinder profile pictures came from
limitations. The followings highlight some of        diverse ethnic backgrounds. Due to the nature
the flaws that this research study has               of this study which disregards ethnic
encountered. Some of the limitations                 differences, conclusion byproducts where

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