Getting remote working right - CSQ ONLINE SPECIAL - Forsa

Page created by Geraldine Baker
Getting remote working right - CSQ ONLINE SPECIAL - Forsa
                        Autumn 2020

Getting remote
 working right
       Pages 3, 10 & 11, 12
Getting remote working right - CSQ ONLINE SPECIAL - Forsa

                                         Redoubling our efforts
                                         in these difficult times
Civil Service Quarterly
       Autumn 2020
                                         As we pass the six month point in the           approaches to flexible working to cater
                                         pandemic it is very clear that people are       for various health requirements, such as
                                         struggling to cope with the new                 social distancing, and also to allow
        Derek Mullen                     circumstances we face.                          members to cope with the demands of                                                                  childcare and other caring
                                            The optimism of summer is fading
        Asst Editor:                     quickly as we witness the resurgence in         responsibilities.
       Róisín McKane                     the virus and despite how tired everyone          It is clear that these arrangements did                   is with the restrictions, it is important       not undermine productivity levels across
                                         that we renew our efforts to follow the         the Civil and Public Service and this
                                         public health advice – this week the            suggests that we should not miss this
 Fórsa Civil Service Division
                                         emphasis from NPHET is to double our            opportunity to agree on remote working
    Tel +353 1 817 1500                  efforts to minimise contacts.                   arrangements and on revised flexible
    Tel +353 1 676 5394                                                                  attendance arrangements for the future.
                                           On the pay front, we have just managed
     Email                 to secure payment of the final phase 2%           The pandemic has taught us that
                                         of PSSA and as CSQ goes to print talks          traditional ways of working, which are
    Copy editing/design:                 about talks are taking place with the           largely office bound, do not meet the
       Brazier Media                     Government to establish whether it will         current needs of the nation, nor do they
                                         be possible to begin talks on a successor       meet the needs of the individual worker
                                         to the PSSA – with all of this, as you          or employer.
                                         know, taking place against a very                 There is no doubt a solid case for
                                         challenging economic background.                continuing flexibility exists beyond the
                                            As well as pay Fórsa is grappling with       pandemic with blended working
                                         big issues around remote working and            arrangements being the favoured option
                                         flexible working arrangements. As               for Fórsa members.
                                         members return to the workplace many              There is much to work towards at this
                                         will also continue to work remotely and         difficult time and more than ever trade
                                         now more than ever we need to reach             union membership will be vital to
                                         agreement on remote working for the             protect workers’ interests in the coming
                                         future. Such an agreement would put             months and years. Join Fórsa at:
                                         some order on the current circumstances
                                         in which members were sent home to
                                         work in emergency circumstances.
                                           The union has identified the key issues
                                         for our members in a major survey over
                                         the summer – as reported in this edition                              Derek Mullen
                                         of CSQ – which will be reflected in our                                          Editor
                                         negotiations with the Government.
                                           Working arrangements throughout the
                                         pandemic have proven the Public
                                         Service’s ability to be agile and flexible in
                                         responding to this major health crisis and
                                         has led us to consider a range of different

       Front cover illustration:
          Pixabay Licence
Getting remote working right - CSQ ONLINE SPECIAL - Forsa

Home working, Covid-19 and
going through the phases...
Derek Mullen                                                                                                                                      discussions including the issue of health and

                                                                                                      Picture: zoutedrop (CC BY 2.0)
Head of Civil Service Division                                                                                                                    safety, provision of equipment and clarity on
Despite our best efforts we are now                                                                                                               allowances.
experiencing the expected resurgence in the                                                                                                          The provision for special leave with pay as an
Corona virus, firstly in clusters and now in                                                                                                      alternate to sick pay continues to apply in lieu
community transmission as we head for the                                                                                                         of sick leave for Covid-19 when an employee
end of September. Clearly this has led to a re-                                                                                                   is advised to self-isolate and is displaying
emphasis of the Government’s guidelines on                                                                                                        symptoms of the virus or had a positive test.
working from home.                                                                                                                                Medical or HSE advice should be followed.
   In the Government’s announcement of 18th                                                                                                          Special leave with pay for employees who
August, employees were told that they should                                                                                                      are not required to work due to Covid-19
only attend the workplace where it is essential                                                                                                   should be based on basic salary and fixed
for them to do so. Employers will determine        FLEXI Currently not available for remote workers                                               allowances only, excluding premium payments.
what roles are required to be done in the                                                                                                         This special leave payment does not accrue or
                                                   those who continue to work remotely and                                                        count as sick leave against the normal
workplace to ensure that important services
                                                   those who are working a blended arrangement                                                    entitlement set out above.
continue to be provided to the public.
                                                   with time at the office as well as home – an
   The advice states that these measures will                                                                                                        Also employees deemed to be very high risk
                                                   issue that remains under discussion with                                                       should be facilitated to work from home to the
be in place until at least 13th September.
                                                   DPER, as is the whole question of a remote                                                     maximum extent possible. Where an employee
Where employees are required to attend the
                                                   working agreement for the future.                                                              is very high risk, is cocooning, and working
work premises, employers may consider the
continuation of temporary alternative arr-           As you will see from the results of our survey
angements or new temporary arrangements,           (see page 10 and 11), 86% of respondents                                                             ... agreement must be
                                                   were interested in working remotely. More than
e.g. flexible shifts, staggered hours, longer
                                                   80% of those who favour home working                                                              reached on alternate work
opening hours, blended working patterns,
weekend working etc. to continue to facilitate     expressed a preference for a hybrid                                                               patterns as they have the
social     distancing    and    public    health   arrangement        or     blended       working                                                   potential to cause serious
requirements, where feasible.                      arrangements.                                                                                      disruption for members,
   The guidelines stipulate that there should be                                                                                                       in particular those with
engagement between management and                  Social isolation
unions/associations, in line with appropriate
                                                                                                                                                           childcare or caring
                                                     A lot of concern about social isolation can be
arrangements, for any such continued or new        dealt with by ensuring regular attendance at
arrangements.                                      the office as part of a more formal remote
   The Fórsa view on this is that agreement        working arrangement. We expect other                                                           from home in their current role is not feasible,
must be reached on alternate work patterns as      matters to be dealt with in our central                                                        then they may be assigned work outside their
they have the potential to cause serious                                                                                                          usual core duties, or given a new role.
disruption for members, particularly those with
                                                                                                         Picture: David Martyn Hunt (CC BY 2.0)

                                                                                                                                                     The guidelines continue to be updated on a
childcare or caring responsibilities.                                                                                                             regular basis and it is expected that the latest
   Flexi-time arrangements have also been                                                                                                         version will take account of the new
reintroduced from 24th August 2020 where                                                                                                          Government Living with Covid-19 framework.
employees are attending the employer’s work                                                                                                          The framework, titled Resilience And
premises and are working their normal, pre-                                                                                                       Recovery 2020-2021: Plan For Living With
Covid work attendance patterns.                                                                                                                   Covid-19, sets out what is permitted at each
   For those employees where flexi-time                                                                                                           of five levels of response.
remains      temporarily     suspended,     this                                                                                                     Launching the new six-month plan recently,
arrangement does not preclude employers                                                                                                           the Government said the country was at phase
from using clocking-in and -out arrangements                                                                                                      two, but has since placed Dublin and Donegal
for monitoring purposes. Any balances                                                                                                             at level three.
accrued by employees before the suspension                                                                                                           Under phase three of the framework, which
of flexible working hours arrangements can                                                                                                        gives specific guidance in a number of areas,
continue to remain and be held over until the                                                                                                     employees must “work from home unless [it’s]
Covid-19 working arrangements are no longer                                                                                                       absolutely necessary to attend in person.” This
in place.                                                                                                                                         compares to a softer exhortation to work at
   This has led to a demand for flexi-time from    SuRvEy RESuLtS Positive view of home working                                                   home “if possible” under phases one and two.
CSQ OnLInE Autumn 2020                                                                                                                                                                            3
Getting remote working right - CSQ ONLINE SPECIAL - Forsa
Covid-19 Advice
Are you in a high-risk category?
Should employees who are at high risk for           cordance with HSE advice, should take extra          Covid-19. Please refer to the HSE website for
serious illness from Covid-19 attend the            care to practise social distancing, where possi-     more information.
work premises?                                      ble, and wash their hands regularly and prop-           The employer’s Occupational Health service
   Employers should continue to facilitate this     erly. Appropriate measures may need to be            should be consulted for employees in the very
group, where possible, in terms of flexible work-   considered for employees in the high-risk group      high-risk category, or to determine if an em-
ing arrangements, including working remotely        in the work premises where maintaining social        ployee falls into this category.
where such arrangements are appropriate to          distancing is difficult.                                Employees deemed to be very high risk
the business needs.                                                                                      should be facilitated to work from home to the
   Employers are working to implement mea-          What to do if an employee is identified as           maximum extent possible. Where an employee
sures to ensure the safety of the workplace for     being at very high risk (extremely vulnera-          is very high risk, is cocooning, and working from
all employees, as provided for in the Return to     ble) and is advised to cocoon?                       home in their current role is not feasible, then
Work Safely Protocol.High-risk employees who           Employees should declare to their employer        they may be assigned work outside their usual
are required to attend the work premises, in ac-    if they believe that they are at very high risk of   core duties/given a new role.

                                                                                                                                      Autumn 2020 OnLInE CSQ
Getting remote working right - CSQ ONLINE SPECIAL - Forsa

                         This plucky Dublin contingent of Fórsa cyclists prepare to set out on their 100km bike ride across
                         the capital on 25th September. They were taking part in the Fórsa Covid-Compliant Conference
                         Charity Cycle in aid of four mental health charities: First Fortnight, Pieta House, Limerick Suicide
                         Watch, and Suicide or Survive. Donations can still be made to support these worthy charities –
                         email Brid Ruddle at for further details.

CSQ OnLInE Autumn 2020
Getting remote working right - CSQ ONLINE SPECIAL - Forsa
l Fórsa pressure leads to work carried out on shape of post-PSSA deal

Final phase
                                                                                                     the two sides believe there is scope to negoti-
                                                                                                     ate a new deal.
                                                                                                        Fórsa pushed the process hard in 2019, and

of pay deal
                                                                                                     this led to substantial work on the potential
                                                                                                     shape of a post-PSSA deal. But momentum
                                                                                                     was lost in the months of Government forma-
                                                                                                     tion that followed last February’s general elec-

                                                                                                        Furthermore, the economic and financial im-
                                                                                                     pact of Covid-19 – including the huge cost of
                                                                                                     wage supports and additional health spending
                                                                                                     – has fundamentally changed the context of
Bernard Harbor                                                                                       the talks. While the Programme for Govern-
Head of Communications, Fórsa                                                                        ment firmly commits the new administration to
                                                  DEAL union negotiators at one of the talks
The Government has sanctioned the payment                                                            seeking a deal, Brexit and the pandemic also
                                                  sessions that led to brokering of PSSA in 2018
of the final phase of the union-negotiated Pub-                                                      mean the Government’s main focus has been
lic Service Stability Agreement (PSSA), which     2009 levels. But most of their incomes are         elsewhere.
expires at the end of 2020.                       lower than in 2009 because of other factors,          Fórsa has said the process needs to ac-
   The Department of Public Expenditure and       including increased pension contributions.         knowledge the contribution of public servants
Reform (DPER) recently published revised civil      Meanwhile, exploratory talks on a successor      both during the pandemic and in the hard years
service pay scales, which include a 2% pay ad-    to the PSSA opened at a meeting between            following the 2008 banking crisis. The union
justment effective from 1st October. Cuts to      union leaders and senior DPER officials.           wants it to address outstanding post-crisis
fixed allowances will also be reversed.                                                              restoration issues, including additional working
   The pay adjustment will be applied to staff    Headline issues                                    time introduced for lower and medium-paid
across the civil and public service, section 38     This was teed-up following a July meeting        workers in 2013.
organisations including voluntary hospitals,      between leaders of the ICTU Public Services           The union also wants a mechanism for deal-
and non-commercial State agencies.                Committee and the new minister for public ex-      ing with issues specific to particular grades
   It means that, over its three-year lifetime,   penditure and reform, Michael McGrath.             and categories of staff, and points out that
the PSSA has brought pay adjustments of             Led by Fórsa general secretary Kevin Calli-      public service pay did not keep pace with cu-
more than 7% for more than 70% of civil and       nan, the unions outlined their headline issues     mulative inflation – or pay movements in the
public servants, with slightly smaller percent-   for the talks at a meeting on 8th September.       broader economy – in the years following the
age adjustments for the higher-paid.              The employer representatives also set out          banking crisis.
   Following PSSA and earlier adjustments,        their stall.                                          The PSSA was endorsed in national ballots
around 90% of civil and public servants have        Another meeting, due to take place before        by members of the three unions that amalga-
now had their basic pay rates restored to         the end of September, will likely signal whether   mated to form Fórsa.

                                                                                                                                  Autumn 2020 OnLInE CSQ
Getting remote working right - CSQ ONLINE SPECIAL - Forsa
                                                                                                                    Industrial News
DEASP                                                                                                                    Report: Paul MacSweeney

talks continue over Jobseekers vPu
Fórsa continues discussions with                                                                                      Fórsa has sought a blended
the DEASP over the Jobseekers                                                                                       working pattern with a mix be-
Virtual Processing Unit which will                                                                                  tween home and office working
facilitate longer-term homework-                                                                                    for members to ensure the link
ing for up to 600 staff in the de-                                                                                  with the local Intreo Centre is
partment.                                                                                                           maintained. This has been agreed.
   Fórsa had called on DEASP to                                                                                       Our insistence that vacancies
defer the setting up of the new                                                                                     be replaced in situ has also been
unit – set for 7th September – as                                                                                   agreed. This is a significant depar-
talks were still ongoing. DEASP                                                                                     ture from FOBO proposals where
wanted the unit operational before                                                                                  vacant posts would not be filled in
17th September – the date when                                                                                      location when they became va-
no new PUP claims were to be ac-                                                                                    cant and instead would be moved
cepted by the department.                                                                                           to larger back offices thus under-
   Our primary focus in these dis-                                                                                  mining the future of IC’s.
cussions is on retaining jobs in
                                                                                                                      There is also a commitment
local communities, retaining cur-
                                                                                                                    to enhance Public Employment
rent IC’s, protecting/enhancing
                                                                                                                    Services in Intreo Centres. This is
promotional opportunities for
                                                                                                                    another welcome measure that
members, introducing remote
                                                                                                                    will help to ensure the future of
working opportunities for staff on
                                      ter numbers.                           been FOBO’d will move into the         IC’s.
a longer term and sustainable
basis as well as ensuring that work     The DEASP proposals on mov-          Virtual Processing Unit.                 Among other matters Fórsa is
is grade appropriate.                 ing to a centralised processing          While reporting structures will      also seeking flexitime for home
   Fórsa has sought an increase in    unit are in two phases. In the first   change, staff will remain in situ      workers as well as no diminution
staffing at the DEASP given the       phase staff currently working in       and will continue to carry out their   in access to SWY for our front
significant increase in Live Regis-   back office functions that have        current work.                          office members.

 Time and attendance discussions                                              Flexi restored for in-office workers
 Discussions are continuing with the department on recording of               Flexible working hours were restored on Monday, 14th
 time and attendance. The limited risk – on health and safety                 September for staff working full-time in DEASP offices.
 grounds – of keying in at the clock is being explored. Fórsa is              Flexitime working will not be available for staff working from
                                                                              home or for those office-based staff who continue to work
 strongly opposed to any change in the recording of time and
                                                                              outside of their pre-Covid hours. We are seeking that staff are
 attendance that will lose our members’ time.
                                                                              given the opportunity of continuing with earlier opening at
   We have flagged up that logging on through PCs is a slower
                                                                              7/7.30am where possible. Meanwhile, discussions on remote
 process than at the flexi clock and that any recording of time               workers being able to access flexitime is also under discussion
 and attendance must not involve the loss of our members’ time.               centrally in the context of a remote working agreement.

Forsa seeks
                                        Management opts not to extend
boost in ICs                            opening hours for Intreo Centres
Fórsa has sought additional case       Fórsa has noted the depart-           in opening hours was in compli-        tion over the past number of
officers/support staff to provide      ment’s efficient and effective        ance with the latest Government        weeks and our health officials are
the enhanced public employment         level of service provided remotely    advice and emphasised this point       seeking the support of all to re-
services across Intreo Centres an-     during the pandemic while also        in a meeting with management on        strict the further spread of Covid.
nounced under the Government’s         operating limited public-facing       4th September.                            Fórsa is arguing that where
jobs stimulus package.                 opening hours.                           At the eleventh hour, manage-       DEASP services can be delivered
   We have also flagged up our op-        The union has requested that       ment pulled back from extending        at less risk remotely it is not “ab-
position to any further outsourcing    DEASP reduces public opening          the opening hours further, other       solutely essential” for employees
of Activation work through any in-     hours in the light of current Gov-    than for public service cards,         to attend the workplace in person
crease in contracted services.         ernment advice that “unless it is     which is by appointment only.          on a daily basis and in many
   We have queried new targets in-     absolutely essential for an em-          During this stage of the pan-       cases to travel there by public
troduced under Phase 2 of Activa-      ployee to attend in person, they      demic DEASP can deliver a              transport.
tion. These targets are higher         should work from home.” The           greater level of remote services          The reduction in IC opening
than those that operated pre-          Government has also stated that       to customers at less risk to cus-      hours, at this time, will help the
Covid. The targets have not been       “people should avoid using public     tomers, our members and the            Government in their aim of re-
agreed or discussed in advance         transport where possible”.            wider public.                          stricting the spread of Covid-19
with Fórsa. Pre-Covid Activation          Fórsa had questioned whether          This is particularly relevant at    and we know from earlier in the
targets are the only valid perfor-     the current opening hours of          this stage where there has been        pandemic that IC services can be
mance targets in operation.            10am-4pm or a further extension       a steady increase in Covid infec-      effectively delivered remotely.
CSQ OnLInE Autumn 2020
Getting remote working right - CSQ ONLINE SPECIAL - Forsa
l 77% back Government looking into a four-day working week...
l 46% of employers see trialing four-day week as ‘feasible’ option

Making it work
Bernard Harbor
Head of Communications, Fórsa
The Four Day Week Ireland campaign has
published the results of a new survey on
public attitudes to a four-day working
week. The survey, conducted in August by
Behaviour & Attitudes (B&A), reveals a very
enthusiastic response to the prospect of a
four-day week in Ireland.
   Two out of three respondents expressed
the view that a four-day week (defined as
“same job, same goals, same salary but over
four days rather than five”) is “realistic and
achievable” in the medium term, and a major-
ity of employers who took part in the survey
expressing the view that it is achievable.
   Just over three-quarters (77%) of those
surveyed said they are supportive of the Gov-
ernment exploring the potential introduction of
a four-day week. Among employers, more than
two out of three (67%) supported this.
   A substantial majority (75%) believe that a
four-day week would be desirable for employ-
ees, with a majority (59%) feeling it should be
achievable for employers as well. Almost half of
employers (46%) said they see trialling a four
day week in their own workplace setting as
                                                                                                         is consistent with similar studies internation-
“feasible.”                                           What may once have seemed                          ally. What may once have seemed like a radical
Achievable                                            like a radical concept is now,                     concept is now, for many, a reasonable and ra-
   Factoring out undecided respondents, the            for many, a reasonable and                        tional ambition. The Covid-19 pandemic has
survey result shows that more than 80% of                    rational ambition                           further disrupted societal and workplace
those expressing an opinion feel it is a realistic                                                       norms, while illustrating the potential for very
and achievable ambition, while 93% would                                                                 different models of work.
favour a trial.                                      of some employer representatives to the idea.
   The survey results were published ahead of           “It’s clear employers recognise the productiv-   Feasibility
a special online public briefing on 17th             ity potential of a four-day week, while some em-       “We are now urging the Oireachtas Commit-
September as the case for a four-day working         ployers have already taken the first steps with     tee for Enterprise, Trade and Employment to
week was the discussed with TDs and senators         very promising results.”                            commission an expert report on the feasibility
from across the political spectrum.                     Mr O’Connor continued: “The strong support       of a four-day working week in Ireland, and con-
   Joe O’Connor, director of campaigning with        for a four-day working week among Irish people      sult with key stakeholders on this as part of
Fórsa trade union, said the survey results                                                               their work programme,” he added.
demonstrated a significant public appetite for                                                              The survey response to the concept of a four-
a shorter working week in Ireland: “Close to half                                                        day working week was strongest among
of employers see this as feasible in their own                                                           younger adults and those working full-time.
workplace, which is very encouraging, while a                                                            Professional and technical grades and those
substantial majority believe the Government                                                              working in manufacturing, office or administra-
should explore this concept.                                                                             tion-based roles, retail and distribution showed
   “The four-day week, with no loss of pay, of-                                                          the most enthusiasm for the four-day week
fers the potential of a genuinely better future                                                          concept.
for workers and employers alike. When we                                                                    Margaret Cox, director of ICE Group, a Gal-
launched this campaign last year, we were                                                                way-based recruitment firm which has been op-
pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm ex-                                                               erating a four-day working week for more than
pressed by many employers, and the openness          Joe O’Connor             Orla O’Connor              a year, said: “Many employers may now see the
                                                                                                                                      Autumn 2020 OnLInE CSQ
Getting remote working right - CSQ ONLINE SPECIAL - Forsa
                                                                                                                   Industrial News
                                                     Revenue                                                              Report: Geraldine O’Brien

                                                     Return to work protocols as safety committees set up
                                                     We continue to see a large number of Revenue      whom are Fórsa nominees.
                                                     staff working remotely, with senior manage-         In addition, Revenue has put in place appro-
                                                     ment putting in place safeguards to ensure        priate procedures clearly laid out in govern-
                                                     local managers do not insist on staff returning   ment protocols for the safe return to the
                                                     to offices unnecessarily.                         workplace. Management have committed to
                                                       Revenue has also set up safety committees       working on policy in relation to remote working
                                                     and appointed lead workplace reps – many of       within the department.

                                                                                  Phone line protocols to be drafted
 tRAIL BLAZER ICE Group director margaret Cox                                     Staff assigned to the Revenue national telephone helplines
                                                                                  continue to work remotely. Revenue has not deviated from the
possibilities, where previously this idea may
                                                                                  temporary arrangements of operating the phone lines on a
have seemed unachievable.
                                                                                  morning-only basis.
   “Given our own experience in ICE Group with                                       We hope to secure this as a permanent arrangement and it
the success of the four-day initiative, I believe                                 is envisaged that new protocols in relation to the phone lines
Ireland is incredibly well placed to lead Europe                                  will be drafted in the coming weeks.
and the world in making a real change in the way                                                                           Picture: Jared Sexton (CC BY 2.0)
business runs, and consolidating our interna-
tional reputation as a world class country,
where business success and societal wellbeing
                                                     Revenue publishes latest stats on tWSS
go hand in hand.”                                    According to the latest Revenue statistics, the     Revenue’s compliance programme on the
   Orla O’Connor, director of the National           cumulative value of payments made under the       TWSS scheme continues. The introduction of
Women’s Council (NWC) said the experience of         TWSS is now €2,610 million.                       changes and new initiatives will see our mem-
Covid-19 demonstrated a need to reorganise             More than 69,500 employers are registered       bers having to overcome challenges as they
working time: “A four-day working week would         with Revenue for the scheme, with over            continue to deliver high-level productivity while
be particularly beneficial to women, allowing        66,000 employers having received subsidy          working remotely. They will do this while, in
better distribution of caring responsibilities be-   payments. An estimated 370,000 employees          some locations, receiving little support and
tween women and men.                                 are currently being supported by the TWSS.        guidance from senior management.
   “Women still do the majority of care work. Re-                             Work is continuing in Revenue to boost numbers in the Customs di-
duced working time would allow men to spend                                   vision both in the border counties and in Trade Facilitation. It is en-
more time with their families, to take on more                                visaged that Revenue will be increasing its workforce by around
caring responsibilities, and this would help re-
                                                                              300 – with at least 200 of these positions being at clerical officer
move barriers to women achieving senior posi-                                 grade and with most carrying a shift premium.
tions in work, and allow women to take on more
training opportunities,” she said.
   Oisín Coghlan, director of Friends of the         Department of Education & Skills
Earth, said: “It’s great to see such strong public

                                                     PPE for SENOs                                     Skip increments
   ... there is an opportunity                                                                         A major issue arose at the National Educa-
                                                     An issue arose relating to the purchase of
  to embrace ideas that boost                        personal protective equipment (PPE) for           tional Psychological Service over skip incre-
 productivity, reduce pollution                      Special Educational Needs Organisers
                                                                                                       ments under circular 7/2019 and 4/2020. A
                                                                                                       number of staff were informed that they had
     and increase wellbeing                          (SENOs). This is now being made available         been paid these in error and will have their in-
                                                     centrally.                                        crements readjusted and will have to repay any
                                                       The branch is currently considering re-         overpayment made.In examining individual
support for the idea of the Government explor-
ing the introduction of a four-day week. We’ve       turn-to-work protocols particularly with re-      cases it appears at least in some cases the
seen how employers and workers have inno-            gard to school visits.                            NSSO interpretation is wrong.
vated and adapted in the face of Covid, and
how commuting doesn’t need to be central to          Department of Housing & Local Government
the everyday experience of work.
   “As we live with the virus, and ultimately
move beyond it, there is an opportunity to con-
                                                     OGCIO services role                               Met Éireann IT upgrade
tinue to embrace ideas that boost productivity,      Office of the Government Chief Information        A meeting of all parties has taken place to
reduce pollution and increase wellbeing. The         Officer (OGCIO) will manage shared services       consider a management proposal for tender-
four-day week is one of those ideas,” he added.      for the Department of Housing, Rural & Com-       ing for an upgrade along with a managed
                                                     munity Development, Office of the President,      service and backup system. Fórsa has
                                                     Comptroller and Auditor-General, Children and     requested that new systems are serviced
l Four Day Week Ireland is a campaign coalition
                                                     Youth Affairs, National Shared Services, and      either by existing or new IT staff as set out
of trade unions, businesses, environmental or-
                                                     National Shared Services with the project         in the ‘service delivery options’ contained in
ganisations, women’s rights and civil society or-    rolling out over the next number of years.        the national agreement.
ganisations, academics, health practitioners           Meetings have taken place with DPER,               A further meeting is to place with manage-
and global advocates.                                OGCIO and Housing which are in the first          ment shortly. The union has received propos-
  See or follow Four-         phase. The issue of staff assignment to           als that are unsatisfactory as they set out a
DayWeek Ireland on Twitter. Check out the full       OGCIO has been referred to third party adju-      minimal increase in IT staffing with an
B&A presentation at           dication.                                         emphasis on buying in a managed service.
CSQ OnLInE Autumn 2020
Getting remote working right - CSQ ONLINE SPECIAL - Forsa
Largest ever
reveals huge
for remote
Ireland’s largest ever employee opinion survey
on the issue of remote working has revealed a
huge appetite for working from home, with
most respondents favouring a hybrid model
where they blend time worked remotely and in
the workplace.
   The study, conducted by Amarách Research
for Fórsa trade union over five days in July,
found that 86% of respondents were inter-
ested in working remotely. More than 80% of
those who favour home working expressed a
preference for a hybrid arrangement.
   Over 4,300 workers completed the survey.
Although most were civil and public servants,
Fórsa says its findings broadly mirror similar
research, conducted by the Department of
Business, Enterprise and Innovation (DBEI) last
year, in which the majority of respondents were
from the private sector.
   Seven in 10 of those who had worked at
home during the Covid-19 crisis said remote
working had been a positive or very positive ex-
                                                                                                                           Picture: Bryce Johnson (CC BY 2.0)
                                                                                                         Worryingly, just 28% of those who worked
perience. But this figure fell to 66% for work-    Seven in 10 of those who had                       remotely said a manager had asked them
ers aged under 30, suggesting that younger
                                                    worked at home during the                         about their home working set-up from a health
workers face particular challenges in home
working.                                            Covid-19 crisis said remote                       and safety perspective. The union has now
                                                                                                      called for the Health and Safety Authority
   At 67%, there was a lower-than-average –        working had been a positive or
                                                                                                      (HSA) to draw up specific employer and em-
though still significant – preference for remote   very positive experience. But                      ployee guidelines on remote working, including
working among staff who worked from their
employer’s premises throughout the emer-             this figure fell to 66% for                      mental health risks.
gency.                                               workers aged under 30...                            In its submission to a Government consulta-
   Reduced exposure to Covid-19 was the                                                               tion on remote working, which was delivered
most frequently-cited (81%) positive factor        and health and safety issues. Again, these         last week, Fórsa said: “The HSA and social
associated with home working during the pan-       broadly mirrored the concerns that surfaced in     partners should explore the challenges of risk
demic, followed by improved work-life balance      the 2019 DBEI survey.                              assessment in the context of remote working
(70%), reduced commuting time (67%), and in-         The biggest single negative aspect of home       to seek solutions that will protect the health
creased work flexibility (55%).                    working, cited by 69% of respondents, was          and safety of workers without impeding the ex-
   Half the respondents said home working had      the lack of interaction with colleagues. Almost    pansion of home working.”
improved their productivity, while 45% of          half said they found it harder to find out what       The union says health and safety concerns
those with school-aged children said it had        was happening at work, and a quarter said          include the potential impact of loneliness and
made it easier to manage childcare when            management communicated poorly during the          isolation on mental health, working time issues,
schools and crèches closed during the pan-         pandemic.                                          potential physical impacts arising from inade-
demic.                                               The second most frequently cited disadvan-       quate workstations, and conditions arising
   Concerns about home working related to          tage (51%) was difficulty in separating work       from eyestrain.
four broad areas: disconnection from the work-     from home life, while almost half (48%) said          Fair access to remote working also emerged
place; work encroachment on home life; costs       that they incurred costs that would not arise if   as a major concern for Fórsa members. When
and the appropriateness of home work space;        they were in the workplace.                        asked to rank future priorities for the union,
                                                                                                                                     Autumn 2020 OnLInE CSQ

                                                                                                     Picture: Travis Isaacs (CC BY 2.0)
this was cited by the largest number (70%) of                                 Harbor said strong employer support for re-
respondents, with more than a third (36%)                                     mote working had also been identified in earlier
ranking it as their top priority.
   Fórsa’s submission to the State’s public con-     Key findings...          studies, including in research conducted by the
                                                                              DBEI last year.
sultation makes 20 recommendations. It calls                                    He explained: “The experience of remote
on the Government to open a dialogue – with          l 7 in 10 say remote     working during the Covid-19 emergency has
unions and employers – aimed at strengthening                                 demonstrated that many roles can be carried
the legal framework around remote working,
                                                     working positive         out remotely in ways that are productive, cost-
including the possibility of a legal right for em-   experience               effective and attractive to employers and their
ployees to seek remote working and other flex-                                staff. Workers value the flexibility that remote
ible working arrangements.                           l 86% interested         working can bring, while managers cite access
   And it says official guidance should require
employers to set objective criteria for deter-       in remote working         Remote working during the
mining the tasks and staff selected for home                                    Covid-19 emergency has
working arrangements. The union adds that re-        l Half of respondents    demonstrated many roles can
mote working is not sustainable for all workers,
and says employees should have the right to
                                                     flagged up improved        be carried out remotely in
refuse home working without having to give           productivity benefit       ways that are productive,
their reasons.                                                                cost-effective and attractive
   It insists that those working remotely should     l 51% found some            to employers and staff
benefit from the same rights, guaranteed by
legislation and collective agreements, as com-
                                                     difficulty separating
parable staff at their employer’s premises. And      home and work life       to talent, improved productivity and cost sav-
                                                                              ings as benefits. Enhanced remote working
it calls for strong safeguards with regard to
                                                     while working remotely   also has huge potential to boost climate action
surveillance, privacy, data protection and
cyber-security.                                                               and regional development.
   The union’s submission notes that additional                                 “The need to address barriers to increased
household costs accrue from home working,                                     remote working, including the lack of a clear
and that these are likely to rise in the winter                               legislative framework and awareness of sup-
months. “This was not addressed in temporary                                  ports, has become more pressing. Legal rights
arrangements introduced during the Covid-19                                   to request access to remote working and other
emergency, but a different approach is re-                                    forms of flexible work are stronger in a range
quired for long-term arrangements where em-                                   of comparable countries, and working people
ployees are based at home for significant                                     also deserve protections to ensure that new
periods of work time,” it said.                                               arrangements don’t undermine their incomes
   Fórsa’s head of communications Bernard                                     and working conditions,” he added.
CSQ OnLInE Autumn 2020
     Level 1                     Level 2                        Level 3                        Level 4                        Level 5
     Work from                   Work from                      Work from                      Only essential                 Work from home
     home if possible.           home if possible.              home unless                    or other                       unless
     Attend work                 Only attend                    absolutely                     designated                     it is for working
     for specific                work for                       necessary                      workers should                 in health,
     business                    essential                      to attend                      go to work                     social care or
     requirements                on-site                        in person                                                     other essential
     and on a                    meetings,                                                                                    service and
     staggered                    inductions and                                                                              cannot be done
     attendance                  training                                                                                     from home

                                                                                                                                      Illustration:Roblin Hutton
                                                                                                                                             (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Flexible working overhaul needed
                                                     over recent weeks we ensured a return of flexi-      cater for various health requirements such as
Derek Mullen
Head of Civil Service Division
                                                     time for those working normal patterns. How-         social distancing and also to allow members to
                                                     ever Fórsa is seeking a review of the flexible       cope with the demands of childcare and other
As CSQ goes to print we are pressing Govern-         working hours agreement for the Civil and Pub-       caring responsibilities. It is clear that these ar-
ment to ensure that departments do all in their      lic Service.                                         rangements did not undermine productivity
power, particularly in counties at Level 3, to en-       Borrowing from the Government’s theme            levels across the Civil and Public Service.
sure as much remote working as possible.             voiced throughout the pandemic of one public            It is appropriate, therefore, to consider a re-
   Concern is being expressed by members in          service, we believe it is timely to consider revi-   view of the Flexible Working Agreement to take
departments such as DEASP that not enough            sions of the scheme to apply uniformly across        account of the pandemic experience and to
is being done to minimise office attendance          the whole public service.                            provide ongoing and greater flexibility for
and to ensure the staff and customer interac-                                                             members and employers into the future.
tion is kept at a low level, to minimise potential   Agile and flexible                                      This, in our view, requires a review of the
contacts.                                              Working arrangements throughout the pan-           flexible working hours agreement and ensuring
   We have reminded departments that Level 3         demic have proven the Public Service’s ability       that flexi-time should apply as the default time
in the Government framework requires home            to be agile and flexible in responding to a major    and attendance system for all members, in-
working unless it is absolutely necessary to at-     health crisis and has led us to consider a range     cluding those who will continue to work re-
tend in person.As members returned to offices        of different approaches to flexible working to       motely.

                                                                                                               Obituary Willie Sargent
                                  A true gentleman and the best of us
                                 During the month of August we lost        telling me not to forget the al-          A true gentleman whom she said
                                 our good friend and comrade, Willie       lowance he had been working on            she felt glad to know and how
                                 Sargent. Willie passed away after a       with Cliodhna McNamara on behalf          dearly she would miss him.
                                 short illness.                            of architectural assistants in the          Willie was the best of us and we
                                    He served on the Civil Service         OPW. Fitting that it was agreed and       send our heartfelt condolences to
                                 Divisional Executive Committee            sent for                                  his friends and colleagues but in
                                 right until the very end and the           payment during August.                   particular his beloved family, wife
                                 news of his passing was a big                Cliodhna worked with Willie            Rose and sons and daughters
                                 shock for all his colleagues includ-      closely and she wrote eloquently in       Conall, Aislinn and Anna.
                                 ing at his in beloved AEH Branch,         the wake of his passing when she            Rest in peace, Willie, you were
                                 where he worked tirelessly over the       said he’d never leave a member            the best of us Ar dheis Dé go raibh
                                 years. Testament to Willie was his        hanging, regardless of whether            a anam
                                 call to me a week before he died          they were within his branch or not.                              Derek Mullen
12                                                                                                                                       Autumn 2020 OnLInE CSQ
 GENERAL COUNCIL UPDATE                                                                                                          By Derek

 The General Council is the main industrial relations forum for Civil Service unions, comprising mainly of senior, elected and full-time officials
 from Fórsa and other unions as well as senior officials from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER). The Council
  is established under the Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme. The Committee meets every month to consider claims from the
 union or management side and ongoing policy matters that affect the terms and conditions of civil servants.

    Transfer of functions                                                                                 Employee relations
                                                                                                          hearings set for review
    Talks are continuing in departments over
    the transfer of functions following the
    formation of the new government in June.
       This includes discussions in Housing                                                               We will review the arrangements for remote employee
    with the transfer of Heritage; Transport                                                              relations hearings in late September. The arrangements
    to Communication and Climate; Justice                                                                 entered into as a result of the pandemic have worked
    functions to the Department of Children                                                               reasonably well, including at hearings of the Civil
    and the new Higher Education Depart-                                                                  Service Disciplinary Appeals Board.
    ment among others.                                                                                       There are a couple of issues to address including the
       In so far as is possible Fórsa is seeking                                                          often-necessary exchange of messages between an
    to have as limited an impact on staffing                                                              official and a member at a meeting.
    as possible, and in some instances we                                                                    In situ hearings have also happened following Fórsa
    have managed to protect promotions
                                                                                                          requests through the case conference mechanism. This
    rights in former departments for a period
                                                                                                          has turned out to be important for those hearings which
    of time.
                                                                                                          are not suited to a remote approach.

    HEO/AO mobility 2021 launch                                           DPER discussions on new Arbitration Board
    We have received a draft timetable from the Mobility                  The Arbitration Board’s term was up in July and we are now discussing a
    team which sees the HEO/AO launch set for the first                   full replacement of the three-person Board with DPER. We expect the new
    quarter of 2021. The testing of the portal for HEO                    Board will be in place until the transition from the C&A scheme to the state
    and AO transfers was successful. Fórsa is seeking in-                 machinery.
    troduction of this in the fourth quarter of 2020.                       We also hope to be able to deal with a significant issue regarding gender
       Fórsa was seeking to have mobility for CO and EO                   balance on the Board. It is expected that nominees to the Board will be
    resumed in September but a decision on the move is                    approved by the Minister in coming weeks. Meanwhile, work continues on
    still pending.                                                        the WRC/Labour Court transition.

                                                                                                                                   Industrial News
  Garda Area                                                                             Courts Service

Reps for divisional change teams Jury trials are re-introduced
Following the change in how the            all the operational model reps.              The Courts Service has been proactive on the back-to-work protocol
proposed operational model is              Planning on communications                   which is being kept under review, while the return of flexi is being man-
being rolled out, a communica-             with members at divisional level             aged at a local level.
tion has been issued to all divi-          is also continuing.                             Meanwhile, the Courts Service has reintroduced jury trials and 11
sional APs outlining Fórsa’s                  A central engagement meet-                areas outside of the CCJ have been identified. Contingency plans over
position over engagements on                       ing took place on 18th               jury selection have been put in place in line with Covid-19 guidelines.
members’ issues.                                   September and a specific
   The appointing of local
reps to each of the 19 di-
                                                   central meeting on fi-                 OPW
                                                   nance     processes      is

                                                                                        talks continue on PCW 1% payments
visional change teams is                           planned for the near fu-
continuing and an internal                         ture.
Fórsa engagement and                                 Meanwhile, discussions             Discussions are continuing over              agreement over the next AP com-
communication structure                            continue over the civilian-          arrangements to update and pay               petition to be held without short-
has been put in place. Vir-                        isation process of which             overdue monies under the PCW                 listing.
tual information/training                          the    new    operational            1% for technical and professional               Fórsa has met with the commit-
modules are planned for                            model is an integral part.           grades.                                      tee and received comments and
                                                                                           Meanwhile, a competitions                 observations about the policy.
 Prison Service                                                                         shortlisting policy is nearing the
                                                                                        final stages of agreement. The de-
                                                                                                                                        This will be followed up in a sub-
                                                                                                                                     sequent meeting with manage-

BTW protocols in place
                                                                                        partment has yet to confirm an               ment.

Back-to-work protocols are now in place with                                            Architectural Assistants allowance
the cohort of staff continuing to work from                                             Following agreement between the parties, PeoplePoint has been in-
home. According to Fórsa, no serious issues of                                          structed by the department – as of 14th August – to pay the allowance
note have been received. Meanwhile, prison                                              and make it retrospective to April of this year (when the agreement was
chaplins have now joined Fórsa and manage-                                              brokered). This allowance was championed by our former colleague
ment has been informed of this.                             CHAPLINS join Fórsa         Willie Sargent, who sadly passed away during the summer. Obit: p12
CSQ OnLInE Autumn 2020
                                                                                                                     Industrial News
Department of Justice & Equality                                    Eugene Quinn

update on BMu Sunday payments
The temporary paper calculation of Sun-   claim for on-call allowance for HEO shift
day attendance is now automatic follow-   managers was lodged at Departmental
ing an upgrade by NSSO. The issue of      Council. A response on this is due at
arrears was referred for adjudication     next Departmental Council.
under the C&A scheme and the union’s        Meanwhile, Border Management Unit
statement of claim issued to DPER on      staff members are now collecting forms
20th April 2020. Management’s             for passengers who have to self-isolate
counter statement was also received. A    because of Covid-19.
date for a remote hearing is awaited. A

DJE management sets up oversight group
Due to Covid-19 most staff are now working remotely with a skeleton staff in
Corporate Services, IPAS, IPO and INIS.
   Management has set up a management oversight group drawn from HR, Fa-
cilities and Corporate Services to carry out risk assessments and schedule a
return-to-work programme.                                                                PASSPORt CONtROL Bmu worker welcomes overseas visitor
   The Lead Worker Representative will have direct access to this group and may                                                                Picture: Fórsa
be invited to attend meetings. In most offices no more than 30% are due in at
any one time.                                                                             PRAI
Clarification over internal promotions Phased return to work under way
Recent internal promotions (EO and        on transfer.                                  A phased return to work at the Property Registration
HEO) competitions have taken place.          Following representations by Fórsa it      Authority Ireland in accordance with the Covid-19 RTW
With part of DJE functions being trans-   is now agreed that these staff will re-       Protocol is under way and a number of workplace repre-
ferred to Department of Children there    main on DJE panel and if their position       sentatives have been nominated.
was a concern by successful candidates    is reached will transfer back to DJE to         Meanwhile, a small number of people with underlying
who are due to transfer that they would   take up the promotion. This will remain       medical conditions are being facilitated by being able to
lose out by being removed from panels     in place until end of June 2021.              work from home.

Central Statistics Office                                                                 valuation Office
                         Discussions on jump increments                                                               Change proposals
                         Meetings on the outcome of the Arbitration Board on                                          Valuation Officers have
                         jump increments for statisticians have now recom-                                            received proposals for
                         menced. The management board has approved a joint                                            changes in work practices
                         proposal and we are awaiting a meeting of the supervi-                                       and are willing to consider
                         sory group before it is forwarded to DPER. Meanwhile,                                        these as Covid-19 temporary
                         the majority of staff continue to work remotely. A num-                                      changes. A meeting with
                         ber of offices are reopening with staff rostered to at-                                      HR is to be arranged.

                                   Foreign Affairs                                                                             Report: Sean Carabini

                                  Clarification over attendance rules
                                  Following a summer of engage-           is beginning to define ‘essential          not possible for 100% of staff to
                                  ment with Passport Office man-          work’ as ‘work that cannot be done         attend the workplace on pre-Covid
                                  agement, we hope to bring some          at home’. We are hopeful that a            hours. Therefore, a blend of full-
                                  stability to Passport Office work-      protocol will shortly issue that will      time working alongside temporary
                                  ers by having a very clear set of       see:
                                                                                                                     shift working is the proposed solu-
                                  rules for office attendance issued         l A commitment to reviewing all
                                  to staff.                               passport office jobs to identify           tion.
                                     They follow from a series of on-     where home working is possible.               The shift working will be six
                                  line consultation meetings that            l A commitment to safely move           hours a day alternating between
                                  Fórsa conducted with the staff          as many staff as possible back to          morning and afternoon starts. In
                                  (and more will follow shortly).         pre-Covid working arrangements             Dublin, approximately 75% of
                                     The difficulty has been a mixture    with immediate effect (this will, in       staff will be able to return to pre-
                                  of very difficult staff/local manage-   particular, help with caring ar-           Covid hours, meaning only 25%
                                  ment interactions, a large number       rangements).
                                                                                                                     will have to do shifts.
                                  of childcare arrangements required         l A mechanism for identifying
                                  and the fact that a lot of the work     what staff can work pre-Covid                 The biggest difficulty is likely to
                                  cannot be done from home.               hours and which will have to work a        arise in the Cork office, where it is
                                     This makes things particularly       shift.                                     the inverse of this. Fórsa will con-
                                  difficult given that the Government        A particular difficulty is that it is   sult with staff on their position.
CSQ OnLInE Autumn 2020
Industrial News
 Department of Agriculture and the Marine                                                                                                 Report: Des Fagan

Return to work talks                   cuss the role of the area supervi-                                                    Forestry Branch members carry
Discussions are continuing at          sor as well as other matters of                                                       out their duties in an efficient and
Agriculture relating to a return to    concern to the branch.                                                                professional manner.
work. There are particular issues         Members in some areas have
in Johnstown Castle, Wexford,          been asked to undertake Covid-19                                                      Agrilabs Branch
which has nine separate sections       checks in the smaller meat pro-                                                       Proposals to recruit laboratory an-
and almost nine different return-      cessing plants in their regions on                                                    alyst grades into the Seed Certifi-
to-work terms as well as no LWR        behalf of DAFM. The information                                                       cation Unit have been queried by
training, and work-site inspec-        is, if necessary, being passed to                                                     the union. Queries relate to the
tions, These issues were raised at     the Health and Safety Authority.                                                      number of posts in the competi-
a partnership meeting on 8th                                                                                                 tion and other matters. DAFM has
September.                             DAFM talks with Forestry                                                              offered all seed analysts an inter-
   Management are also to re-          Inspectors Branch                                                                     nal promotional competition to lab
spond to concerns raised over a        Discussions have taken place with                                                     analyst as well as a further two
recent AP completion and discus-       branch officers and the DAFM
                                                                                        Picture: Terry Ballard (CC BY 2.0)   new posts of higher seed analyst
sions continue on the sheep and        over the standard operating proce-    licences granted in the area.                   and one senior analyst post.
goat census.                           dures and the certification pro-      Added to that, there is the backlog
                                       cess in Forestry applications. It     created by the licensing system                 Brexit
Agriculture No.1 Branch                follows reports in the media relat-   being unable to process applica-                Discussions continue with the
Efforts to conclude a settlement       ing to hold-ups in the processing     tions or deal with appeals.                     DAFM over the implementation of
of the badger vaccination claim        application system.                      Media reports claim this is                  Covid-19-specific measures at
are on-going with DPER. A meet-          Most hold-ups involve the vast      threatening thousands of jobs.                  the ports as well as issues relating
ing has also been arranged to dis-     number of appeals lodged against      Talks continue with DAFM to help                to assignments.

Culture, Heritage & the Gaeltacht                                            Attorney General’s Office

Heritage functions transfer                                                  Fórsa call to revive Dept Council
The legislation to allow for the transfer of heritage functions from         The Attorney General’s Office has not had a Departmental Council
the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht to the                 structure in place for a number of years. This has effectively meant that
Department of Housing as announced recently is not yet in place.             there has been little real engagement on staffing matters, competitions,
There is likely to be some confusion over advancing employee
                                                                             etc. We have requested that the Departmental Council structure be
matters until this is resolved.
                                                                             revived immediately and, failing that, we may need to move the entire
                                                                             matter of industrial relations engagement in the AGs to a third party.
Business, Enterprise & Innovation
                                                                             Department of transport
talks continue on PCW 1%
Discussions are under way about re-introducing a scheme for the award
of the PCW 1% for the legal professionals in the Department of Busi-
                                                                             Agreement reached over
                                                                             media monitoring function
ness, Enterprise and Innovation. Although constituting a small number
of people, it will impact the legal professionals working in the depart-
ment, WRC, Labour Court, CRO and ODCE.
                                                                             Negotiations are continuing in                  ceased. This was regular and
Chief State Solicitor’s Office                                               the Department of Transport                     rostered overtime by a small
                                                                             following the sudden outsourc-                  group of COs. This function had

Agreement reached on posts
                                                                             ing of the media monitoring                     been performed by COs for
                                                                             function performed by staff.                    more than two decades.
A lack of staff in the Immigration and Asylum section has led to the           This outsourcing occurred at                    Following numerous bilateral
union considering issuing an instruction to members not to take on           the start of the lockdown and                   meetings between Fórsa and
additional cases. Following engagement with management and                   was not negotiated or agreed                    management, the union side has
members, agreement has been reached in this dispute. Competi-                with the union.                                 achieved agreement that this
tions for a number of posts are under way.                                                                                   function should return back in-
                                                                               The background to this issue                  house.
Starting wage for solicitors                                                 relates to Clerical Officers in the
                                                                             Department of Transport moni-                      This will be trialled through a
                                                                                                                             ‘pilot’ as the function of extract-
                                                                             toring daily newspapers for rel-
An issue had arisen in recent          begin to receive applications from                                                    ing the relevant news articles
                                                                             evant news articles for each
years with legal offices generally     suitable candidates for the posi-                                                     will be done through online sub-
                                                                             section in the Department.
being unable to attract suitably-      tions. DPER reduced this to point                                                     scriptions to the relevant news-
experienced solicitors due to the      7 last year – something that was        This job was done by                          papers – which is necessary as
wages that were on offer.              considered unacceptable by many       physically reading through the                  staff continue to work remotely.
  In the past, experience taught       legal offices. However, since         papers and extracting relevant                    Currently the terms and
the legal offices that only if there   March the starting wage of up to      information.                                    conditions of the pilot are being
was a dispensation to start staff      point 7 is actually attracting new     When staff were instructed to                  negotiated through the union
on point 10 of the scale, did they     solicitors into employment.           work from home this function                    official and local reps.
                                                                                                                                             Autumn 2020 OnLInE CSQ

 WILL WE EvER GEt BACK tO tHIS ROOM? Cathaoirleach John O’Flanagan (right) chairs a meeting of the Civil Service Divisional Executive Committee in January

Pay and hours will be to the fore in talks
John O’Flanagan                            This concept began well within       mounting. A pay increase has just       prism of aligned grades. Reports
Cathaoirleach, Civil Service DEC        the Divisional Executive Commit-        been processed. Let there be no         from these committees are now
After many years of activism in         tee but has not been without its        doubt this is money owed and not        standing items on DEC meetings.
Met Éireann, I was finally pro-         own difficulties. Its format and        money on account. We are enter-            There is a gap in the extent of
jected into the role of Cathaoir-       style will be examined collectively     ing public service pay talks where      this equivalent grade representa-
leach of the Civil Service              by the group shortly in order to op-    pay and hours will be among high        tion. No forum has yet been es-
Divisional Executive Committee          timise its effectiveness.               priority Fórsa issues.                  tablished to afford similar grade
(DEC) of my union last spring. It          I am an advocate of virtual             Within Fórsa I am pleased to re-     representation or focus to mem-
arose after Niall McGuirk resigned      meetings and, by extension, re-         port that civil servant representa-     bers serving above the grades
from the role.                          mote working.                           tives are to the forefront of
                                                                                                                        currently catered for.
   Since then there have been fur-         This does not rule out physical      activities on the Fórsa equivalent
                                                                                                                           This is an issue that needs to
ther changes at officer level with      meetings where possible or in-          grades committees.
                                                                                                                        be addressed.
the departure of Kathleen McGee         deed in circumstances where                This stratified, indigenous level
                                                                                                                           The 2020 Biennial Union Con-
on promotion, and the installation      being physically presence is            of representation within a union of
                                        deemed a necessity.                     our size and diversity is both a        ference will be held on a virtual
at Leas Cathaoirligh of Melissa
                                           Challenges before us in the          necessary and beneficial innova-        platform on Thursday 19th
Brennan (Department of Justice)
and Helen Linehan (Courts Ser-          spring may have dissipated in           tion and development.                   November, a Biennial Divisional
vice). I wish them all well.            some cases. There are instances            As a cross-divisional strand of      Conference is scheduled for next
   My elevation also coincided          of improvements to working con-         representation it has enormous          year and a Divisional Consultative
with the emergence of Covid-19          ditions as a result of the pandemic     potential.                              Council is being planned.
on this island. This was a prelude      but overall the scale of challenge         Certain symmetries of topics            I look forward to meeting you at
to a lockdown and new virtual           and the situational, departmental       have emerged but these topics           or in the lead up to these events.
ways of doing business.                 tests that are before us are            are then considered through the         Stay safe, stay together.

Changes at DEC as focus turns to flexible and remote working
Kathleen McGee, Vice Chair of the DEC, was           Congratulations to Helen and to Tom Mad-               It is likely that they will continue to meet
promoted recently. CSQ sends its best                den and Deirdre Fanning who were also co-            online throughout the rest of this year in line
wishes and congratulations to her as well as         opted to fill consequential vacancies at the         with Government guidelines.
a big thank you for all the great work she did       DEC table.                                             While it has been agreed that the main
on the DEC, NEC and the DEASP commit-                  The DEC will be focusing on flexible work-         Fórsa Conference, deferred from May, will
tees. It is much appreciated.                        ing, remote working and – indeed– the range          now be a virtual conference, to be held on
  Helen Linehan, of the Courts Service, was          of ongoing industrial relations issues con-          19th November, it is too early yet to state
unchallenged in replacing Kathleen as Vice           cerning our members in the Civil Service             whether the Civil Service Division Confer-
Chair. Helen also fills Kathleen’s NEC seat.         over the coming months.                              ence can proceed in May of next year.
CSQ OnLInE Autumn 2020
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