Page created by Travis Contreras
                          STUDENT HANDBOOK

                                             Established 1927

                                     2415 South Himes Avenue
                                      Tampa, FL 33629-5134
                                     Telephone: 813-272-3033
                                        Fax: 813-272-0624

                     The District Student Code of Conduct can be found on
                     the District website at http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/conduct.
H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                        -1-|Page
                                        GENERAL INFORMATION

PRINCIPAL’S GREETING                                              4
CODE OF ETHICS                                                    4
ALMA MATER, MOTTO, FIGHT SONG, TRADITION                          4
DELIVERIES OF SCHOOL PURCHASES                                    4
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES                                              4
FIRE AND TORNADO DRILL INSTRUCTIONS                               4
ELEVATOR ACCESS                                                   4
HALLWAYS                                                          5
LOCKERS                                                           5
LOST AND FOUND                                                    5
LUNCH PROGRAM                                                     5
MEDIA CENTER                                                      5
PERSONAL DELIVERIES FOR STUDENTS                                  5
STUDENT PARKING                                                   6
STUDENT TRANSPORTATION                                            6
SCHOOL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT                                      6
GET CONNECTED                                                     6
BETA TUTORING                                                     6
ACADEMIC RELATED INFORMATION                                   7-10
BAND                                                              7
CHORUS                                                            8
DRIVER EDUCATION                                                  8
MAKE UP WORK                                                      8
PEP O’ PLANT                                                      8
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (P.E.)                                         8
VOCATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAMS                                  8
YEARBOOK STAFF                                                    8
STUDENT AFFAIRS OFFICE                                        11-13
ABSENCES AND PREARRANGED ABSENCES                                11
ATTENDANCE                                                       11
CLINIC                                                           11
DETENTION                                                        12
DRESS CODE                                                       12
SATURDAY WORK DETAIL (SWD)                                       12
SCHOOL BUSINESS                                                  12
SIGN IN – TARDY TO SCHOOL                                        12
SIGN OUT – EARLY DISMISSAL                                       13
STUDENT BEHAVIOR                                                 13
H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                     -2-|Page
TARDY POLICY AND PROCEDURES: REVISED                          13
VISITORS TO PLANT HIGH SCHOOL                                 14
STUDENT ACTIVITIES                                            14
ACTIVITIES CALENDAR                                           14
SOCIAL FUNCTIONS                                              14
CONDUCT                                                       14
CLUBS – List with Descriptions                             15-22
  INITIATIONS, HAZING, & ROASTS                               15
  CLUB FILE                                                   15
  INDUCTION CEREMONIES                                        15
  MEETING SCHEDULE FOR CLUBS                                  15
  OFFICERS AND MEMBERSHIP                                     15
  TYPES OF CLUBS                                              15
HONOR CLUBS                                                15-18
INTEREST CLUBS                                             18-21
SERVICE CLUBS                                                 22
CO-CURRICULAR CLUBS                                           22
OTHER ORGANIZATIONS                                        22-24
INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT PERSONNEL                               25
WHERE TO GO AND WHOM TO SEE                                26-27
HONOR CODE FOR ACADEMIC INTEGRITY                             28
H.B. PLANT HIGH SCHOOL 2020-2021 Uniform Discipline Code     29-30

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                 -3-|Page
                                                  GENERAL INFORMATION

Welcome to H. B. Plant High School! It is our intention that we offer our students the best academic program possible, the
most challenging opportunity for social and personal growth, and a host of situations that will provide all the opportunity to
make friends and memorable lifelong experiences. We ask that every one of our students devote time, effort, and concern
for continued improvement of Plant High School in every situation possible.

Adopted by the faculty and Student Council as a way of life, not just meaningless words!
As an American and a student of H. B. Plant High School, I realize that anything pledged on my honor is to be held sacred. I
will strive to uphold the honor of my God, my country, my school, and myself.
I pledge upon my honor that I will recognize my duties to my school and my community and will faithfully fulfill these duties
to the best of my ability.
I pledge upon my honor that I will never willfully do any misdeed that will discredit my God, my country, my school, or myself.
I make these vows upon my honor as a student of H. B. Plant High School.

 ALMA MATER:                         MOTTO:                                     PANTHER'S FIGHT SONG:
 ‘Neath the pines of Palma Ceia                                                 On ye Panthers
 Near the bay’s deep blue,                                                      On ye Panthers
 Stands our noble Alma Mater                                                    Fight, Fight, Fight all night
 Glorious to view                                                               Get the ball and beat that team
 Gather now and lift your voices                                                Touchdown sure this time!
 Praise her to the sky.                                                         Rah, Rah, Rah!
 Hail, to thee, our Alma Mater                                                  On ye Panthers
 Hail all hail Plant High!                                                      On ye Panthers
                                                                                Fight right through that line
                                                                                Panthers Fight, Fight, Fight and win tonight.

School Colors: GOLD & BLACK                  Newspaper: PEP O’ PLANT                 Mascot: PANTHER
Social Event of the Year: PANTHERILLA (PROM) Yearbook: THE PANTHER                   Night to Howl: PANTHER PROWL

No student may order any merchandise for a school organization to be delivered to his or her home. All purchases of any
nature that are related to Plant High School must be delivered to the school (except when the goods need to be delivered to
the site of a school function).

The school and district provide plans for emergency actions. When such conditions exist, we require cooperation of both
students and parents. We request not to use cell phones and/or to enter or leave campus. We ask for strict observance of all
precautions. These precautions are for the safety of YOUR child.

1. The alarm signal is a series of rings on the bell, or an announcement via intercom.
2. Specific instructions will be given by the instructor to each class.
3. Directions will be posted prominently in each room.

Student elevator use is restricted to those students/staff with a physical need including those using a wheelchair/crutches or
a restrictive leg injury, etc. Elevators are located across the hall from rooms 124/225 in the main building and rooms 604/704
in the West Wing.

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                      -4-|Page
Students are to move from class to class in an orderly and quiet manner. To eliminate congestion in the halls, students are
asked to move to their next class as quickly as possible. Avoid lingering at the doorways or stopping in the middle of the
hallways. Before school students get a “grab n go” breakfast in the cafeteria and during the lunch periods students may
gather on the picnic tables on the main patio, in the home bleachers at the football stadium, or in the cafeteria. Students are
not to sit in the halls during this time, as it adds to hall congestion.

Lockers will not be issued at this time. In an effort to aid social distancing in the hallways and to minimize contact with
common surfaces, lockers will not be rented this year.

All articles found in the school area are to be turned in to the Student Affairs Office. Lost articles should be claimed
immediately. Books left in unauthorized places such as halls, on top of lockers, restrooms, cafeteria, etc., will be returned to
the appropriate teacher or department head.

In order to offer a relaxed atmosphere for our students during lunch, sandwiches and other finger foods may be taken to the
gym picnic tables or the main patio. Students are to remove their own trays from tables in the cafeteria and place their
garbage in a proper trash can. Student and teacher lunch times will be one of three periods, 4th, 5th OR 6th. Lunch is the
duration of the assigned class period.
PHS observes a closed-campus for lunch, which means students are to remain on campus. We do not allow lunch drop-offs in
the office or anywhere on campus. Students should come to school with lunch or get lunch from the cafeteria. Students
are also not allowed to sign-out or leave campus for lunch. Students without a lunch may obtain a lunch on credit and pay
for it the next day.
The lunchroom is run on a cash basis. Students who qualify for the Free/Reduced Lunch Program may apply online at the
school district’s website at http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/ and type “Go SNS” in the search bar OR pick up an application in the
Student Affairs Office.

  The Media Center is open daily from 8:00 A.M. until 3:25 P.M.
  Internet access is available on all computers in the center. The Media Center website can be accessed at home. The web
    address is http://plant.mysdhc.org/Resources/Media_Center/Home%20Page. Links to research databases and much
    more information is available on the website.
  Up to four books at a time may be checked out for a period of two weeks and may be renewed.
  Lost books must be paid for or students will be added to the debt list.
  Copiers and printers are available at a cost of 10 cents per page to print.
  Media Center orientation is given in 9th grade English classes and other specific instruction is given when students or
    classes come in.

In an effort to decrease interruptions into classrooms, please limit deliveries for students. Students should come to school
with lunch or get lunch from the cafeteria. Personal deliveries are discouraged and may be refused. Students should
arrive to school prepared and with all necessary items.

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                         -5-|Page
Parking applications are available to SENIORS and some JUNIORS ONLY at an annual cost of $20. Seniors will be given first
priority. Junior Gold Card holders will receive second priority, and junior Black Card holders will receive third priority. Due to
limited parking, SOPHOMORES and FRESHMEN are not authorized to park on campus and may be subject to disciplinary
action if they choose to do so. Parking hangtag should be used ONLY by the student to whom it was issued and in the ONE
car for which it was issued. Misuse of a parking hangtag will cause student(s) to lose their parking privilege and be subject to
other disciplinary action.
Please be reminded that off campus parking carries a risk of protest from residents as well as a security issue. Students
should use caution when parking off campus. Parking fines can exceed $30. Here is a list of common illegal parking seen in
the area. Please avoid them.
  (1) Parked less than 10’ from driveway
  (2) Parked in a no parking zone
  (3) Parked less than 15’ from a fire hydrant
  (4) Parked less than 30’ from a stop sign
  (5) Parked less than 20’ from a crosswalk
  (6) Parked over 12” from curb
  (7) Parked facing traffic
  (8) Parked across from driveway (if road is less than 25’ wide)
Notice: Vehicles on the property of Plant High School are subject to search by school officials. Disciplinary action will be
taken for illegal possession of weapons, alcoholic beverages, drugs, and/or narcotics on the school grounds, surrounding the
school grounds or at any school function. NEW ’20-’21: Student drivers will be entering and exiting at the Dale Mabry gate
(open from 6:30am-8:45am and 3:15pm-4:00pm). If students arrive to school in between these times, the gate will be
locked and they need to proceed to the gate off Himes Ave to be buzzed in by school staff by showing their parking tag.

District school bus schedules are available online at http://webquery.sdhc.k12.fl.us/ and in the Student Affairs Office.
Parents bringing students to school should not enter the Teachers’ Parking Lots. Student “Drop-off” is on Himes Avenue in
the front of the school. Buses will be dropping off and picking up on the Driver Education driving range from the north side
of the school campus through the Sterling Avenue gate off of San Miguel Street.

Plant High School has five school counselors to meet the needs of students, as well as a college and career counselor. The
counseling department focuses on the development of the whole student providing personal-social, academic, and college
and career counseling. Support is provided for students through individual counseling and groups. We encourage students
to establish a rapport with counselors and take advantage of the support we provide.

Visit our website at http://planthighguidance.weebly.com to download Bright Futures Community Service Forms and to have
quick and easy access to resources and important information. Students who wish to meet with a counselor can visit the
guidance office before and after school or during your lunch without need of a pass.

In order for community service hours to count for the Bright Futures Scholarship, students must complete a Community
Service Proposal & Hours Log and submit it to school for documentation. The two forms can be printed from our website.
Pre-approval is not required as long as service meets the guidelines. Students can perform service activities throughout
summer and submit forms to the Plant Guidance Office starting in September. Students should keep copies of all
documentation submitted to the school for official recording. Visit our website to learn about volunteer opportunities.

Get off to the right start with your classes! Get an early start with tutoring through our Beta Honors club. This peer tutoring
program is offered to students through the guidance office and is for all subjects. To find information about Beta Tutoring
Session days, times and locations, visit our website http://planthighguidance.weebly.com during the school year.

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                         -6-|Page
Band is a daily class that offers a performing arts credit for all students and honors credit for juniors and seniors. Band is
divided up into various ability levels and only an audition is required for the advanced Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, and
Drumline. Marching Band is highly encouraged, but not required. Other forms of participation include Stands Only and Non-
Marcher. The band performs 3-4 concerts a year, participates at football games and local parades, and supports the total
school spirit throughout the year. Students from the band program may enter into extra opportunities such as the All-State
and All-County Music Festival, and various honor bands held at universities across the state. The school has certain basic
instruments to loan for a small rental fee. Student are expected to supply any necessary equipment to maintain his/her
instrument throughout the year. More information about the band program can be found at, www.plantband.com or by
talking with the Band Director, Mr. Dell.

PHS Academic Honesty Policy - As a Plant High student, you are expected to understand and abide by the universally
accepted view of academic honesty. All academic work (including but not limited to homework, quizzes, labs, reports,
essays, tests, exams, etc.) must represent your own authentic efforts and abilities. Be sure to understand and comply with
the policies of your teachers; it is your responsibility to ask for explanation. Academic dishonesty takes many forms;
therefore, it is impossible to list every example. The following information will help you understand some examples of
academic dishonesty, but when in doubt, you are responsible for seeking clarification.

CHEATING: giving or getting unauthorized help in an attempt to receive a higher grade. Some examples are:
 o Giving or using unauthorized information, answers, or materials before, during, or after an assessment of any kind
 o Discussing an assessment with or in the presence of another student that has not yet taken it
 o Communicating information or answers in any way during an assessment
 o Taking, copying, photographing, using or giving an assessment document (in part or whole) without teacher permission
 o Selling, buying, providing, or gaining access to a previously given assessment document
 o Claiming to have read a written work when, instead, having watched the movie, read summary notes, or taken some
   other “shortcut”
 o Buying or downloading an assignment and turning it in as your own
 o Submitting as new, a paper or project you or someone else previously submitted

INAPPROPRIATE COLLABORATION: copying or sharing assignments (in part or whole), unless given specific teacher
permission to collaborate. Some examples are:
 o Providing assessments or assignments to be copied by another student, or copying another student’s work
 o Allowing someone else to do your work, or doing work for another student

PLAGIARISM: using someone else’s words or ideas and claiming them as your own. Examples include, but are not limited
 o “Cutting and pasting” portions of another’s work without proper citation
 o Switching a few words from another’s work without proper citation
 o Using an author’s ideas, style or language without proper citation
 o Submitting written work that is identical or significantly similar to another student’s

CONSEQUENCES OF ACADEMIC DISHONESTY (be it intentional or not) are determined by the seriousness of the immediate
violation as well as your student record of previous violations. Consequences may include but are not limited to:
 o Referral to the PHS Honor Council for a confidential peer conference
 o Receiving a zero on the assignment or assessment
 o Referral to Administration for disciplinary action
 o Loss of school privileges (parking decals, incentive cards, leadership positions, etc.)
 o Suspension or loss of membership in honor societies

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                     -7-|Page
The choral program offers one full performing arts credit per year and is open to all those interested in singing. The choral
program provides opportunities for participation in annual Fall, Winter and Spring concerts, Madrigal Dinners, Rick’s Café,
district choral and solo music performance assessment, all-county and all-state honor choirs, as well as anthem singing and
additional performances for campus events and throughout our community.
This course is offered to both drivers and non-drivers. It consists of a detailed study of traffic laws and safety in driving and an
average of six hours of actual driving time in new, automatic-geared cars. Students must comply with all state laws regarding
school attendance and drug-alcohol education necessary to receive a restricted driver’s license. There is a nominal charge for
this course.

An excused absence allows the student the opportunity to make up missed work. The student should, within the three-day
period after the student’s return, arrange a mutually agreed upon make-up time frame with his or her teachers. Know and
follow any make-up policy communicated to you by any teacher.

It is advisable, when a student knows he or she will be absent for an excused reason and/or for school business, to seek
missed work prior to the absences. Make-up work is solely the student’s responsibility.

The school newspaper, Pep O’ Plant and online website https://phsnews.com/, serve as a written picture of high school life
and thoughts. Students accept responsibility for completing writing, photography/videography, and/or design assignments,
meeting deadlines, and selling advertisements. Students acquire an understanding of the rigors of research, first-hand
observation, and dealing with others in a professional manner.
Students are admitted into the program based on successful completion of an application, work sample, and favorable
recommendations from former teachers and/or adviser invitation.

Students participating in physical education must meet the following requirements:
     Students are required to purchase a P.E. uniform for $16.00 (a shirt and shorts) and wear the proper footwear.
     If the student’s physical condition necessitates limited participation for more than three days, it is recommended
        that a letter from a physician be cleared through the Student Affairs Office.
     Physical education is an activity course. Therefore, lack of participation affects a student’s grade. Days of non-
        participation should be held to a minimum.
     Lockers for storing student clothing will be mandatory for all students. (Sharing lockers is not allowed.)
     Dressing out for class is required on all activity days. If a student is excused from active participation due to illness or
        injury on game day, he or she is expected to dress out and remain with his or her class.
     Each time a student fails to dress out, points will be deducted from his or her participation grade.
     Dressing out is wearing the Plant P.E. shorts and shirt and athletic shoes. No credit is given for a partial outfit.

These programs consist of designated courses designed to prepare students to enter the specific occupational work area, or
to continue advanced training at either the college or vocational trade school level.

The Yearbook staff publishes the yearbook, The Panther. Yearbook Staff is an elective credit of the English department and
grades are based on performance of class assignments.
In the spring, staff membership is opened to current freshman, sophomores and juniors. Selection is made based on teacher
recommendations, testing of writing or photography ability, and interviews.

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                          -8-|Page
Each class receives a combination of three grades [2 quarter (9-weeks) grades and 1 exam*] for each course each semester.
These are averaged together on a 4-point system to calculate the final semester grade which will be on the student’s
* For second semester, however, several classes are exempt from semester exams including year-long AP courses, year-long
Intensive Reading and any or all courses for ONLY those SENIORS who meet the requirements for exempting one or more
exams. In these cases the two quarter grades are averaged.
HCPS Student Progression Plan, full text: http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/docs/00/00/21/33/studentprogressionplan.pdf
Following are the matrices to identify semester grades for classes with an exemption from the 2nd semester examination or
that have an HCPS District exam, or an EOC (State, End of Course) exam.

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                  -9-|Page
H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22   - 10 - | P a g e
To report a student’s absence as excused, a parent must explain the reason either in person or by telephone at 813-272-3033
on the day of the absence but no later than three (3) business days after or the absence will remain unexcused.
A student must be in class at least one-half of the period to be counted present. A student absent for more than one-half of a
period will count as an absence in that class.
NOTE: To maintain consistency with district and state attendance guidelines, absences will not be changed after the three
business-day grace period.

When a student requests permission for an absence from school, a phone call from the parent requesting this permission
must be approved in the Student Affairs Office. A three-day (earlier if possible) advanced notice is required prior to the
A Prearranged Absence form will be given to the student if the student will be absent for an extended period of time. The
student must have the form signed by their teachers whose classes will be missed and the form must be returned prior to the
absence to a secretary in the Student Affairs Office.

Contact with parent is necessary to establish the reason for all absences, but the Student Affairs Office has final authority as
to whether or not the absence is to be considered excused. Securing class assignments from teachers is possible if (1) the
student will be out five days or more, and (2) if the request is made by the parent through the Student Affairs Office and
permits the teachers involved to have at least 24 hours advanced notice.
A student must be in class at least one-half of the period to be counted present. A student absent for more than one-half of a
period will count as an absence.
Full Text HCPS District Student Attendance Policy: http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/policymanual/detail/220

The Board recognizes that the misuse of drugs is a serious problem with legal, physical, and social implications for the whole
school community.
As the educational institution of this community, the schools should strive to prevent drug abuse and help drug abusers by
educational rather than punitive means.
For purposes of this policy, "drugs" shall mean:
  A. All dangerous controlled substances as so designated and prohibited by Florida statute
  B. All chemicals which release toxic vapors
  C. All alcoholic beverages
  D. Any prescription or patent drug, except those for which permission to use in school has been granted pursuant to Board
  E. Anabolic steroids
  F. Any substance that is a "look-alike" to any noted in A-E
The Board prohibits the use, possession, concealment, or distribution of any drug or any drug-related paraphernalia as the
term is defined by law, or the misuse of a product containing a substance that can provide an intoxicating or mood-altering
effect on school grounds, on school vehicles, and at any school-sponsored event.
The Board further establishes a drug-free zone within 1000 feet of any facility used by the District for educational purposes.
HCPS Full Text: http://www.sdhc.k12.fl.us/policymanual/detail/255

Students too ill to remain in class must obtain a HALL PASS from their teacher to report to the clinic. Students who remain in
the clinic and miss an entire class period will be marked absent for that class.
Parents or guardians will be contacted and the determination made whether the student will go home or return to class.
Students returning to class will be given an admit indicating the time spent in the clinic. Please Note: After 3:00 pm, the clinic
will be open for emergencies ONLY.

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                       - 11 - | P a g e
Detention instituted as one of the disciplinary actions taken in most cases prior to a student’s suspension. Students are
supervised by a teacher and/or an administrator and are required to do school work while in detention.
Detention periods are:
   Lunch Detention is held Monday- Friday in Room 016. Student must arrive within 5 minutes of the start of his/her lunch.
   After School Detention held on Tuesday through Thursday for an hour from 3:35 pm until 4:35 pm.
    o As an alternative to after school, TWO (2) 30 minute Morning Detentions can be served and are held on Monday
      through Friday from 7:50 A.M. to 8:20 A.M. in room 223.
Non-compliance with any assigned detention will result in Saturday Work Detail.

 • Shoes shall be worn. Skate tennis shoes and bedroom slippers are unacceptable and not allowed.
 • Clothing that exposes the entire shoulder, tube tops, spaghetti straps, or similar type of clothing may only be worn with a
   blouse or shirt. Clothing exposing the torso or the midriff, either front, back, or sides shall not be worn. Underwear shall
   not be visible.
  Clothing shall not expose the mid-chest area. Clothing not properly fastened or with tears that are indecent shall not be
  Clothing traditionally designed as undergarments or sleepwear shall not be worn as outer garments. All pants and shorts
   shall be secured at the waist. Boys’ shirts shall have sleeves. Mini-skirts, mini-dresses, and short shorts shall not be
   permitted. Hemlines shall be no shorter than fingertip length.
 • Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed. Head coverings shall not be worn in the building unless required for religious
   observance or health-related reasons.
 • Garments and/or jewelry that display or suggest sexual, vulgar, drug, gang, weapons, or alcohol-related wording or
   graphics, or that provoke or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in the school, shall not be worn. Wallet chains
   shall not be worn.

SWD is conducted on scheduled Saturdays during the school year. The SWD program is one of the disciplinary actions taken
in most cases prior to a student’s suspension. SWD occurs from 9:00 A.M. until noon, rain or shine. Students meet at Dads’
Stadium, (visitor’s side which is closest to the school). Students are to wear work-appropriate clothing for light yard work
(raking, weeding, collecting garbage, etc.). Non-compliance with SWD will result in In-School Suspension (ISS).

School Business for club/class field trips and the like will have paperwork to be processed and approved through the
sponsoring teacher. This paperwork must be completed by students and the sponsor no less than three days prior to the
School Business for college invitation, etc. must be pre-approved by the Principal. Provide documents to the Principal’s
secretary to begin the process. A maximum of two school days per year may be authorized for college invites. If approved,
students have up to 3 business days upon his or her return to school to make arrangements for missed work. Know and
follow any make-up work policy communicated to you by your teachers.

Any student reporting late (tardy) to school at any time after first period begins MUST report to the Student Affairs Office
IMMEDIATELY upon arrival to school and receive an admit to class. Failure to do so will be considered skipping class and
subject to disciplinary action. Students are not permitted to go to the cafeteria, library, or any classroom without signing in
first. Students are allowed to sign in EXCUSED late a maximum of five (5) times (either by parent call-in or parent walk-in) for
each nine-week period. Any additional sign-ins will be considered unexcused unless the student signs in with a doctor’s note.
All parent calls to 813-272-3033 x230 regarding tardiness must be received no later than 8:00 A.M. the following day or the
tardy will remain officially recorded as “unexcused.”

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                      - 12 - | P a g e
All students must sign out (early dismissal) in the Student Affairs Office prior to leaving campus during the school day.
Parental contact must be made prior to any sign out. Signing out more than five (5) times per quarter will require a doctor’s
note to be considered excused. It is REQUESTED that sign-outs during pep rallies and other school events be limited to
emergencies. A current emergency card must be on file before a student will be permitted to sign-out. Names for emergency
contacts are extremely important and strictly enforced.
NOTE: Students who leave campus without signing out are considered skipping class and subject to disciplinary actions.
Please Note: Signing-IN or OUT can affect 2nd semester Senior Exam Exemption status. This includes PEP-RALLY DAYS.

All PHS students are expected to behave in a manner that will reflect favorably on the school not only during school hours but
also at any out-of-school activity connected with the school. This includes school functions, field trips, football and basketball
games, etc. Behavior at any such activity will be considered as part of the student’s record, and misbehavior will be dealt with
by the Sponsor or an Assistant Principal for Student Affairs.

Severe disciplinary actions will be taken if any student is found smoking, drinking alcohol, in possession of alcoholic
beverages, smoking paraphernalia, and/or ANY controlled substance at any school function. The student will be subject to
losing the privilege of attending school functions, taking part in school activities including accepting or retaining membership
in honor clubs, suspensions, and legal fines. When entering the BUILDING, hats and visors should be removed and voices
lowered. The no hat policy applies to girls as well as boys.

An adult-type behavior should prevail. Students are not to run, wrestle, push, horseplay, or shove inside the building. Public
display of affection in the hallways or in any area of the PHS campus will not be permitted. Public display of affection shall be
defined as kissing or embracing and other related physical actions.
Profanity will not be tolerated on the PHS campus. Failure to observe this policy will result in suspension.

1. An unexcused tardy exists when a student is not in his or her assigned seat or station when the tardy bell begins to ring.
   Incidences of tardy are cumulative across class periods.
2. A student should make every effort to be in class on time; however, any student failing in this effort will be considered
   tardy and subject, therefore, to disciplinary action including suspension.
3. Excessive unexcused tardiness shall be considered willful disobedience and the student will be subject to disciplinary
    A student accumulating two (2) unexcused tardies within a 9-weeks grading period will be assigned a warning from the
     Assistant Principal. The Assistant Principal will notify the student’s parent(s) of tardy violation via text message.
    A student accumulating four (4) tardies within a 9-weeks grading period will be issued a Guidance Referral.
    A student accumulating six (6) unexcused tardies within a 9-weeks grading period will be referred to his/her Assistant
     Principal and will be assigned lunch detention and parent contacted.
    A student accumulating eight (8) unexcused tardies within a 9-weeks grading period will be assigned (2) morning
     detentions or one after school detention and parent contacted.
    A student accumulating ten (10) tardies within a 9-weeks grading period will be assigned one (1) day of Saturday Work
     Detail and parent contacted.
    A student accumulating twelve (12) tardies within a 9-weeks grading period will be considered willfully disobedient
     and assigned one (1) day of ISS and parent contacted.
    A student accumulating fourteen (14) tardies within a 9-weeks grading period will be considered willfully disobedient
     and assigned two (2) days of ISS and parent contacted.
4. Non-compliance with any of the assigned discipline will result in further consequences.
5. Excessive continued tardiness during each quarter of the school year, will be considered willful disobedience and
   consequences assigned at Administrator Discretion.

PHS students are not to arrange for friends or relatives from other schools or out-of-town to visit the school at any time. Any
individual considered a non-student at PHS must obtain Main Office clearance and a Visitor’s Pass prior to entering any part
of the building. Any individual found on campus without a clearance from one of the Assistant Principals will be subject to
arrest for trespassing.

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                       - 13 - | P a g e
The club program and extracurricular activities are a vital and educational part of our curriculum. Activities are organized at
PHS to improve the school in general and the student body as a whole by offering to each student opportunities for exhibiting
beneficial leadership and service.

The Assistant Principal for Administration (APA) keeps an activities calendar. No social or miscellaneous event will be
scheduled for any club within the school without first being approved by the APA.
  Any social activity within the school will be held only when all necessary procedures have been cleared as stated under
“Social Functions.” Any school-sponsored trip approved by Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) must have one
adult chaperone for every ten students.
  Prior to any club or function being organized at PHS, official permission must be given by the school administration. Parent
permission forms must be completed and returned prior to the particular event. Medical information is required.
Transportation arrangements should be closely monitored and observed per School Board policy.

   The organization president and sponsor will first confer with the Assistant Principal for Administration concerning the
   A checklist must be completed and filed with the Assistant Principal at least 10 days before the proposed date of function
    (Forms are available in the Assistant Principal’s office).
   The services of the following must be secured: A) One police officer who will be paid the standard rate. Depending on the
    event, more than one police officer may be required. B) A custodian will be paid for his or her services in compliance with
    the prevalent rate as determined by Hillsborough County Policy.
   Arrangements for the use of cafeteria facilities will be made with the lunchroom manager by the sponsor only after
    having cleared the activity and date with the Assistant Principal. Details of these arrangements will be indicated on the
    proper forms.
   Failure to follow proper procedure may result in cancellation of an event.

The following schedule will be observed as closing time for all evening activities in order to observe city curfew.
  a. Friday and Saturday nights: 11:30 P.M.
  b. All other nights: 9:30 P.M.
      Cars will park in the Driver Education Training area and student parking lot. Sitting in parked cars will be off-limits
         during a function.
      Manners and dress will be appropriate. Any student violating this requirement will be asked to leave. He or she may
         be denied the privilege of attending future social functions of PHS.
      Smoking and alcohol are not permitted.
      Students will remain in the immediate vicinity of the social function.
      Preparation and decoration must be accomplished outside of school hours.
      The building will be left clean and orderly after the function.
      The sponsor is responsible for closing the building.

Generally, students are not allowed to drive themselves or other students to or from school sponsored events. This is
consistent with School Board policy. Some competitive events however, prevent bussing or adult-driven automobile
transportation. If parents have reservations about such situations, family members should agree upon whether or not the
child participates.

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Clubs are a great way for students to get involved within the school. Plant High School offers a wide variety of clubs from
which students may choose. Clubs are student based school organizations that exist with the guidance of a school sponsor.
Students join clubs for many different reasons, leading to a very diverse group of individuals. Clubs are a major part of
helping with the community organizations. Many organizations reach out to clubs for community service help. Joining a club
is also a great way to make new friends. Each club has a specific set of requirements. Some of the requirements for the
active clubs are:

There will be NO initiations, roasts, or hazing by clubs. Under no circumstances should a school organization be involved in
any action or situation that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for purposes of initiation or
admission into or affiliation with any school-sanctioned organization. Hazing demoralizes a person and sets the wrong tone
for the organization. No PHS organization may request students to dress or act in such a manner as to disturb the routine of
the school day.

A folder containing the constitution, list of officers, proposed activities, and money-raising projects for the year for each club
is to be on file with the sponsor. Any changes in club policies or functions must be promptly recorded in this folder.

Formal induction ceremonies of new club members will be scheduled with the Assistant Principal for Administration.
Inductions of a roasting or hazing nature violate the policies of the school. All club inductions will be given only with the club
sponsor present.

No club will meet, either at a home or at school, unless a sponsor is present. Clubs will meet according to a rotation schedule
determined by an Assistant Principal. The schedule will be posted in the school calendar accessible to the club sponsor.
Monthly meetings will take place during the appropriate announced period or as called by the sponsor and president.

  Membership in any organization is voluntary. Thus, students taking part in the activities program at PHS assume
responsibility associated with these organizations. Whenever meetings and duties conflict with academic work, the student
involved is responsible for contacting the teacher before the time of the activity.
  Accepting an officer’s position in any organization is an honor but carries with it additional responsibilities. Any student
who feels he or she cannot meet these responsibilities should decline this nomination. Any officer who fails to meet his or her
responsibilities may be removed from that office.
  A student may be a member of only one service club. Honor Club membership is earned and therefore not limited to only
one club. Membership in interest clubs also demands time and effort; therefore, selection should be deliberate and limited.

TYPES OF CLUBS There are four main categories of clubs at PHS. These clubs include honor clubs, service clubs, interest clubs,
and vocational clubs. Membership in the various clubs varies according to the type of club. Students and faculty members can
organize new clubs to meet the needs and interests of the students with approval. Applications for new clubs must be made
through the Assistant Principal assigned to oversee clubs and be approved by the Inter-Club Council (ICC).

Honor Club
Purpose:                To bring together students who have achieved high standards of achievement.
Membership:             Students must meet specific academic requirements and other criteria as outlined by the honor club.

Interest Club
Purpose:                To give students an opportunity to supplement formal studies in an area of special interest.
Membership:             Open to all students.

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                        - 15 - | P a g e
Service Club
Purpose:                To be of service to the school and the community.
Membership:             By application open to all students who maintain an unweighted GPA of 2.0 or higher.

Co-Curricular Club
Purpose:                To be an integral part of vocational and technical education programs.
Membership:             Students must be currently enrolled in a vocational or technical program of study.

Honor clubs recognize outstanding students in the areas of scholarship, athletics, and service to the school. Membership in
these clubs is earned by those students who achieve the required academic or athletic standing set up by the constitution of
the individual club and meet other prerequisites for membership.

Beta Honor Club
Beta Club is a national organization whose motto is “Let us lead by serving others.” The primary qualification for this honor
club is a minimum of a 3.8 cumulative unweighted GPA. Qualified tenth, eleventh, and twelfth graders will be invited to apply
in the fall. All who complete the application and pay the dues will then be inducted in the latter part of the first semester. To
maintain membership, students must have a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.5 or higher, complete 3 hours of education
related service a semester and no serious disciplinary infractions.

French Honor Society
All students who have taken three (3) semesters of French and have a minimum 3.5 GPA in French and an overall minimum
3.0 GPA are eligible for membership.

Gold and Black
The Order of the Gold and Black is Plant’s oldest and most prestigious honor society, recognizing seniors and rising seniors
who have contributed the most to their school during their time at Plant in the combined areas of Scholastic Achievement,
School Involvement, Leadership, Athletics, and Service. There are two application windows - Spring of Junior year and Fall of
Senior year. During each window, the twenty seniors (who complete applications) who rank the highest across all areas
outlined above are tapped for induction.

International Honor Society for High School Theatre Students
Founded in 1929, is an honorary organization for high school theatre students located at more than 4,200 affiliated
secondary schools across America, Canada, and abroad. The mission of ITS is to honor student achievement in the theatre
arts. High school inductees are known as Thespians, and ITS is a division of the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) -
The Thespian troupe is a subset of the Plant High School theatre arts program. It is a separate student organization, and
membership is earned. Any student may be a member of the Plant theatre program, but only students who have been
officially inducted and registered with the EdTA are members of both the theatre program and the International Thespian
Society. Only students who are active members of the PHS Theatre Department may apply for membership in the ITS.
Students are accepted into the ITS annually at the Theatre Department Banquet, and pledges must meet the following
minimum requirements in order to be inducted:
     Must be a member in good standing of the Plant High School Theatre Department
     Must be at least a current freshman with a minimum of 10 Thespian points (one (1) point equates to approximately
        two (2) hours of “work”) and points are earned for myriad activities, which include, but are not limited to:
        o Acting (major role, minor role, walk-on, etc.)
        o Production (stage manager, lighting crew, costumer, musician, etc.)
        o Directing (student director, music director, choreographer, etc.)
        o Writing (play, radio script, TV script, etc.)
        o Miscellaneous (oral interpretation, participation in theatre festivals, advocacy events, officer positions, audience
           membership, etc.)
Members of the International Thespians are eligible to earn distinguished awards and scholarships through their membership
and service to the troupe.

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                      - 16 - | P a g e
Mu Alpha Theta
Mu Alpha Theta is the National Math Honor Society. The chapter’s goals are to recognize those students who distinguish
themselves in the field of mathematics, and to develop further the interest of the student body in the mathematics.
The requirements for membership in Mu Alpha Theta are:
     Six (6) semesters of college prep math courses plus present enrollment in a college prep math course.
     Teacher recommendation required.
     A minimum of 3.5 GPA in math courses
      Four (4) semesters of college prep math courses plus present enrollment in a college prep math course.
      Teacher recommendation required.
      A minimum of 3.75 GPA in math courses.

National English Honor Society
The National English Honor Society (NEHS) is about students! Membership is an honor bestowed on students selected for
their accomplishments in the field of English and in overall academic achievement. NEHS provides recognition for past
achievement. NEHS is the organization for students who have experienced the power of literature, the pleasures of good
writing, and the excitement of language studies.
      Be a current Junior or Senior
      Be currently enrolled in an AP English class
      Have a 3.5 un-weighted GPA in English
      Have a recommendation from an English or Social Studies teacher.
      $20.00 by deadline or no membership.

National Honor Society
Membership in the National Honor Society is truly an honor bestowed upon a student. Membership is granted only to those
students who demonstrate outstanding scholarship, character, leadership, and service. Once selected, members have the
responsibility to continue to demonstrate these qualities.
Eligible Seniors will receive an invitation via Edsby message in early September and eligible Juniors and Sophomores will
receive an invitation via Edsby message in early February. Invitations must be printed and then returned on or before the
due date. No incomplete or late paperwork will be accepted.
To be eligible for membership the candidate must (1) be a member of the Sophomore, Junior or Senior class and have been in
attendance at PHS for one semester, AND (2) have a cumulative unweighted state grade point average (GPA) of at least a
3.50, AND (3) have at least 50 service hours completed and documented with the Guidance Office by early August for the
Seniors and prior to Winter Break for Juniors and Sophomores, AND (4) must be in good standing with the Student Affairs
MEMBERSHIP DISMISSAL: Members who fall below the standards, shall be warned in writing by the chapter adviser and be
given one semester to correct the deficiency. Members who are found to be in flagrant violation of school rules or have
served an Out-of-School Suspension may be dismissed without warning.

Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Journalists
Recognizes student achievement in journalism and scholastic publications. Membership is available to students in their
second year on a publication staff, with an A average in that class and a 3.0 unweighted overall GPA. Dues are a one-time fee
of $25.

Scholars II
An Honor Club sponsored by Administration that focuses on INNOVATIVE ways to close the Achievement Gap(s) here at Plant
High School.
Requirements for Membership:
    Must have an un-weighted GPA of 3.0 or showing steady progress towards it. Report Card(s), EDSBY Account(s),
      Transcript(s) or Teacher Record(s) are acceptable forms of progress verification.
    Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors qualify.
    Must participate in at least one Extracurricular Activity while a member.
    Must be enrolled in at least two Honors/Gifted courses and at least one AP course.
    Must pay dues of $25.00
H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                   - 17 - | P a g e
 Attendance and participation in ALL Scholars II Initiatives is a requirement unless absence is approved by a Club

Science Honor Society
To be eligible for membership students must:
        have an overall minimum unweighted 3.5 GPA, and
        a minimum unweighted GPA in science courses of either 3.6 (12th grade) or 3.75 (10th and 11th grade), and
        enrollment in and/or passing of AP science courses, and
        academic integrity, and other requirements based on grade level. Please look for applications ASAP when school
         begins for specific requirements by grade level.
Students must (re)apply each school year.

Social Studies National Honor Society
For all junior and senior students who excel in the study of social sciences.
      Dues are $20.00
      For juniors and seniors only. Must be currently enrolled in an Advanced Placement (AP) Social Studies course.
      Must have a cumulative ≥3.5 GPA from Social Studies courses, if a senior, must have taken an AP Social Studies course
        as a junior.
      Seniors must reapply even though they were accepted in their junior year.

Spanish National Honor Society
The H.B. Plant Spanish National Honor Society chapter is sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and
Portuguese, La Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica and La Florida Chapter. It honors outstanding students of Spanish, encourages
their continued study of the Spanish language and fosters their interest in the culture and the Spanish language.
Dues are $35.00 for new members and $20 for returning members. Freshmen are excluded from membership.
    Minimum 2 years of Spanish
    Has a GPA of at least 3.5 in Spanish classes
    no grade lower than a B in Spanish classes
    Has an overall GPA of at least a 3.5
Benefits of membership:
    Community service involving the language and culture
    National Spanish Exam
    Scholarships
    Field trips
    Contests
    Publication in the Albricias magazine

Honor society for secondary school music students. Provides a means of recognizing the efforts and achievements of music
students who volunteer their time and share their musical talent with others. The goal of the Tri-M Music Honor Society is to
foster greater interest in band, orchestra, and choral performance and to provide more opportunities for personal musical
expression. Students are selected for membership in the honor society on the basis of musicianship, scholarship, character,
leadership, and service to their school and community. The organization’s high standards serve to challenge students to
greater effort and achievement and to encourage them in the pursuit of excellence.

In 1983, the Tri-M Music Honor Society became a program of NAfME: The National Association for Music Education. NAfME,
with more than 150,000 members, is the world’s largest arts education organization and is dedicated to the advancement of
music education at the national and local levels. NAfME’s activities and resources have been largely responsible for the
establishment of music education as a profession and the promotion and guidance of music study as an integral part of the
school curriculum.

H. B. Plant High School Handbook  2021-22                                                                   - 18 - | P a g e
INTEREST CLUBS (NOTE: All of these do not necessarily function every year.)
Students may join any Interest Club they wish but consideration should be given to time constraints and other obligations.

Alliance of Plant Republicans (APR)
APR is a student interest club meeting to discuss the Conservative, Libertarian and Republican response to political and social
issues of the day. We will discuss local, state, and national candidates and the platform stances espoused by these
individuals. We will provide members with information regarding local events and volunteer opportunities for students to
get involved with their favorite political candidates and the "hot button" issues current for Tampa Bay, Florida and the nation.

Art Honor Club
Provides members with "open studio" time in which they may complete artworks, pursue special projects, and assist in
departmental exhibitions or events with the intent of nurturing an exciting visual arts culture and legacy at Plant High
School. Requirements for membership: enrollment in an AP visual arts course and commitment to club responsibilities
including attendance of club meetings. Parent permission slips must be signed, and students must have safe transportation
home after meetings. Annual dues are $10.00.

Astronomy Club
Have you ever seen the moons of Jupiter or mountains on the Moon? The Astronomy Club aims to stimulate an interest in
high quality science and technology through an active involvement in astronomy. The club brings together students with
similar interests in amateur astronomy for group discussions and observations. Club officers and volunteers will help host
"star watch" events for our feeder schools and our club on certain nights of the school year.

Best Buddies
Open to all students who want to create one-to-one friendships with fellow students with/without intellectual and
developmental disabilities (IDD). In this time of heightened social and emotional development that can be difficult even for
teenagers without IDD, Best Buddies helps break through social barriers at an important time in a young person’s life.
Through their participation, people with IDD form meaningful connections with their peers, gain self-confidence and self-
esteem, and share interests, experiences and activities that many other individuals enjoy. Throughout the year, Best Buddies
hosts several events to raise funds and spread awareness about our mission. Best Buddies also encourages all members to
participate in different initiatives on their campuses to further the social inclusion of people with IDD, like Spread the Word to
End the Word. Club applications are online at https://www.bestbuddiesonline.org/default.aspx Membership Dues are $25
and include a club shirt.

Branches International Student Club
If you are Military, International, new to Plant, or simply interested in other cultures, join Branches/Student2Student Club!
The club provides opportunities to:
      Meet other International and Military students at PHS
      Share experiences of living/moving cross-culturally
      Help new students transition into PHS and/or Tampa
      Learn about fellow students’ cultures and experiences
      Support each other – this is your place to ask questions about school, culture, travel and share cultural food!


Club Chai
Club Chai is an organization of people who want to learn about Jewish traditions and culture. We will also perform
community service and discuss the ongoing crisis in the Middle East. Club dues are $25.00, which includes a club T-shirt.

Dedicated Alliance of Democratic Students (DADS)
Allows students a safe place to express their political opinions. We maintain a connection with the democratic community of
south Tampa which opens new political involvement opportunities for students. DADS also offers volunteering projects in
which members can participate. Club dues are $20.

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Ecology Club
Open to all students who have an interest in environmental concerns. Students are involved at school and in the community
doing beautification projects and clean-ups. The Ecology Club maintains the turtle pond. Dues are $20.00.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is an interest club open to all students. During club meetings, students will hear the Christian
message through student and guest speakers, musical presentations or participate in activities designed to encourage
fellowship. FCA has been active at Plant High School for fifteen years and currently has over 250 members. September is the
membership drive. Optional $10.00 for t-shirt, in addition to member dues. T-shirts are ordered in September with no

Film Club
For any student who finds a benefit in viewing and discussing various films beyond plot. Films are viewed on the student's
own time, but are discussed, in depth, at bi-weekly meetings.

First Priority
Clubs for Christian students to make friends, grow stronger in their faith, and to be encouraged by one another. Dues are

French Club
This club is for all students interested in French culture, especially French food. It is open to all who are presently enrolled in
a French class, all who previously took French and all who have an interest in French culture. Annual dues are $15.00.

Gay/Straight Alliance
This club promotes diversity awareness and fosters understanding among peers.

High Schoolers Against Cancer (HAC)
A service-based club, created by the American Cancer Society, designed to spread awareness and provide volunteers for our
community. We ask that all of our members join our Relay For Life team. The only cost is the optional Club t-shirt to be worn
at each event. From our evening learning about HPV to our all-nighter at Relay we are High Schoolers Against Cancer and we,
together, can make a difference.

Ice Hockey Club
The H.B. Plant Ice Hockey Club is a forum for students interested in the game of ice hockey. Members of the club are not
required to play hockey, only to participate in assisting in the operation of the ice hockey club. The club is open to all students
in grades 9 thru 12. There are no other requirements.

Latin Club
The PHS Latin Club is an active member of both FJCL and NJCL. In order to become a member, a student either must be
currently taking Latin or have completed two years of Latin. After three years of Latin, a student is eligible to become a
member of the Latin Honor Society. An “A” average in Latin is necessary to become a member of the Honor Society.

Literary Club
The Literary Club involves students in both creative writing and artwork, and at the end of the year it publishes these in its
student-produced Literary Magazine. The club also makes announcements regarding writing opportunities, such as
scholarships and competitions.

Marine Science
Open to all students who share an interest in protecting the ocean. Members of the club plan and participate in activities
which often include coastal clean ups, guest speakers, animal adoptions, fishing trips, conferences, and competitions. Club
dues are $20 and include your club T-shirt.

Panther Outdoorsmen Alliance (POA)
Open to all students interested in everything outdoors. This includes fishing, hunting, archery, camping, boating, hiking, etc.

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