Information for new parents 2019 - Haileybury

Page created by Patrick Todd
Information for new parents 2019 - Haileybury
Information for new parents 2019

The purpose of this booklet is to provide you with
      detailed guidance before your son or daughter arrives at
    Haileybury in September. The information should answer a
    large number of your questions. If any remain unanswered,
       please contact your son or daughter's Housemaster or
    Housemistress (HM), or a member of the Admissions Team.
        The telephone numbers and email addresses for HMs
              are given on page four, as are some other
                           useful numbers.

2          The information contained in this booklet was correct at the time of printing, March 2019.
Introduction                                  2

General information                           3
Contact details                               4
Term dates                                    5
Weekend arrangements                          6
Haileybury Parents’ Association               7
Religious and spiritual life                  7
Communication with parents                    7
Uniform                                       7

New pupils                                     8
Arrival of new pupils (Induction Day)          9
Pupil transport                              10
Computer provision                           10
Lower Sixth pupils – GCSE results            10
Overseas pupils                               11
Frequently asked questions                   14

Administration                               15
Parent Portal                                16
The Bookroom                                 16
Fees                                         16

Medical                                      18

Additional lessons                           21
Learning development                         22
Individual music lessons                     23
LAMDA                                        23
Dance classes and individual dance lessons   23

Uniform and appearance                       24

Co-Curricular                                38
Sport                                        40
Haileybury sports website                    40
International Society                        41
Model United Nations                         42
Overseas trips                               43
C0-curricular activities 2019–20             44

We are sure you share our excitement at the prospect of your son or daughter joining
us at Haileybury. Of course, we understand that some of you will have mixed emotions.
 Indeed it is this combination of emotions that makes for such a worthwhile challenge,
  one which everyone at Haileybury will be focused upon over those crucial few days,
 weeks and months. If everything goes well at that time then it is most likely that their
                  years at Haileybury will be most successful and fulfilling.

The Haileybury experience will, we hope, see all pupils being happy and cheerful; we also
 want them to display a strong sense of purpose allied to serious ambition. At the heart
 of the School lies a value system that emphasises respect for others, a sense of service,
 a generosity of approach and a spirit of inquiry. Our aim is to help all pupils achieve and
grow within this framework. We want them to be given a very wide range of opportunity
so they can discover and develop their talents. We want them to be busy, to get used to
  meeting their academic and personal commitments, to be knowledgeable, skilled and
   self-confident. In our experience, the kind of progress identified above is not visible
                                at all times, nor is it steady.

Rest assured that everyone at Haileybury will be as supportive as possible. Housemasters
and Housemistresses have the prime responsibility in this regard and they will work hard
    with you to build up a link that will help your son or daughter achieve and flourish.
 Of course teachers and prefects, along with others, have the well-being of new pupils as
  a high priority. It is also important to know that tutors who see new pupils three times
   a week have a highly important pastoral role. In other words our aim is for the whole
community to work with you as parents so that all new pupils settle in as well as possible.

      Parents are very welcome to attend concerts, plays, sports fixtures and many of our
                        Chapel Services, School and House functions.
              We look forward to welcoming you all to Haileybury in September!

General information

Contact details

The address for all correspondence to the College is: Haileybury, Hertford, Hertfordshire, SG13 7NU.

The Haileybury website address is

Direct contacts                Name                           Email                                    Telephone

The Master                  Mr Martin Collier                       01992 706 482
Deputy Master               Mr Simon Heard                             01992 706 209
Deputy Head (Academic)      Mr Stephen Campbell                     01992 706 210
Deputy Head (Co-Curricular) Mr Angus Head                               01992 706 336
Head of Lower School        Dr Laura Pugsley                         01992 706 284
(and DSL child protection)
Senior Master                 Mr Ed Bond                                01992 706 408
Head of Sixth Form            Ms Carrie Walshe                        01992 706 467
Head of Middle School         Mrs Olivia Firek      
Removes – Head of Year        Mr Hugo Wilson        
Lower School 1 – Head of Year Miss Susanna McCavana 
IB Coordinator                Dr Kate Brazier                        01992 706 401

Housemistress of Alban’s       Mrs Charlotte Brigden                 01992 706 286
Housemistress of Allenby       Mrs Claudia Densham                   01992 706 289
Housemaster of Bartle Frere    Mr Ben Sadler                          01992706 280
Housemaster of Batten          Mr Michael Owen                          01992 706 248
Housemistress of Colvin        Mrs Emma Tyndall                      01992 706 331
Housemaster of Edmonstone      Mr Peter Blair                          01992 706 282
Housemistress of Hailey        Mrs Alison Baker                        01992 706 273
Housemistress of Highfield     Mrs Gabby Alway                         01992 706 370
Housemaster of Kipling         Mr Harry Baxendale                  01992 706 246
Housemistress of Melvill       Mrs Emma Millo                          01992 706 250
Housemaster of Lawrence        Mr Carl Igolen-Robinson         01992 706 252
Housemaster of Thomason        Mr Dougal Lyon                           01992 706 242
Housemaster of Trevelyan       Mr George Seccombe                   01992 706 235

Bursar                         Mr Michael Schofield                01992 706 333
Financial Controller
& Deputy Bursar                Mrs Debbie Wright                     01992 706 221
Registrar         Mrs Michele Metcalfe                                    01992 706 353
Computer Support  Mr Duncan Spooner-Wells                                       01992 702 580
Chaplain          The Revd Chris Briggs                                      01992 706 314 (Office)
			                                                                                                    01992 462 922 (Home)
School Counsellor Mrs Lindsay Othen-Price                                    01992 706 241
School Doctor     Dr Katie Parkinson                                  01992 706 288

Reception		                                                          01992 706 200
College Administrator 		                                  01992 706 464
Health Centre		                                                   01992 706 288
Uniform Shop		                                                        0113 238 9520

Term dates 2019–2020

			                 Date                                       Times        Notes

Autumn Term 2019 Start of Term Sun 1 Sep 6.00 pm                            U6 College Prefects

Term  start
(staggered)		                  Mon 2 Sep 10.00 am                           All Removes and new Middles
            			                          10.30 am                           All LS1
				                                     12.00 midday                       L6 new pupil induction
    			                                  7.30 pm                            U6, V, M and LS2 boarders

    		                         Tue 3 Sep 8.10 am                            U6, V, M and LS2 day pupils
                 		                      8.50 am                            Lessons begin for all pupils

		                Non-Exeat Weekend     Sat 7–Sun 8 Sep

 		 Long Exeat Weekend Fri 27 Sep       1.00 pm    All depart
			                    Sun 29 Sep       by 9.30 pm Boarders return

		  Start of half-term Fri 18 Oct       1.30 pm    Half term starts

		  End of half-term   Sun 3 Nov        by 7.30 pm Boarders return
			                    Mon 4 Nov        by 8.10 am Day pupils return

		  Non-Exeat Weekend  Sat 9–Sun 10 Nov

		 Long Exeat Weekend Fri 22 Nov 1.00 pm    All depart
			                   Sun 24 Nov by 9.30 pm Boarders return

		 End of Autumn Term Fri 13 Dec 1.30 pm    All depart

Spring Term 2020 Start of Term          Mon 6 Jan              7.30 pm      Boarders return
			                                     Tue 7 Jan              8.10 am      Day pupils return

		                Non-Exeat Weekend     Sat 11–Sun 12 Jan

		 Long Exeat Weekend                   Fri 24 Jan             1.00 pm      All depart
			                                     Sun 26 Jan             by 9.30 pm   Boarders return
		                Start of half-term    Fri 14 Feb             1.30 pm      Half term starts

		                End of half-term      Sun 23 Feb             7.30 pm      Boarders return
       		                               Mon 24 Feb             8.10 am      Day pupils return

 		               Non-Exeat Weekend     Sat 29 Feb–Sun 1 Mar

		                End of Spring Term    Thurs 26 Mar           1.30 pm      All depart

Summer Term 2020 Start of Term          Sun 19 April           7.30 pm      Boarders return
			                                     Mon 20 April           8.10 am      Day pupils return

		                Speech Day            Sat 23 May

		                Start of half-term    Sat 23 May             2.30 pm      Half term starts
		                End of half-term      Sunday 31 May          7.30 pm      Boarders return
			                                     Mon 1 June             8.10 am      Day pupils return

  		              Non-Exeat Weekend     Sat 20–Sun 21 June

		                End of term           Fri 26 Jun             1.30 pm      All depart

Weekend arrangements
Boarders may choose to stay at School or go home (or go to their guardians) on most weekends. If they choose to stay at
School there are events or trips on both the Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. If they choose not to stay at School,
boarders may leave after their sporting commitment on Saturdays.

    • Parents must give permission to the HM if their daughter or son is to leave School for a Saturday night and stay with
      anybody apart from them.

    • Parents must give their consent to the HM or coach for their daughter or son to travel home from a fixture with
      another parent.

Boarding pupils should return to Houses by 9.30 pm on Sundays or alternatively, with the permission of their HM on Mondays
by 8.10 am. The exceptions to these arrangements are on non-exeat weekends.

There are weekend trips and activities available every weekend. Every Sunday morning the Dining Hall offers ‘brunch’ from
11.00 am to 1.00 pm, which is a traditional English breakfast and very popular with pupils and staff.

Speech Day
The School Speech Day takes place on Saturday 23 May 2020; all pupils are required to attend and all parents are invited.

Non-exeat weekends
There are five non-exeat weekends every year. On these weekends all boarders stay at School on Saturday night and until
after the School Chapel Service on Sunday morning. With permission from HMs, pupils may go home from 11.30am until
9.30pm on the non-exeat weekend Sundays.

Non-exeat weekends for 2019–20
Autumn Term:
   Saturday 7–Sunday 8 September 2019
   Saturday 9–Sunday 10 November 2019

Spring Term:
   Saturday 11–Sunday 12 January 2020
   Saturday 29 February–Sunday 1 March 2020

Summer Term:
  Saturday 20–Sunday 21 June 2020

Long exeat weekends
   Friday 27–Sunday 29 September 2019
   Friday 22–Sunday 24 November 2019
   Friday 24–Sunday 26 January 2020

On long exeat weekends pupils can go home or to their guardians from 1.00 pm on the Friday and return to school by
9.30 pm on the Sunday or as with a normal weekend, with the permission of the HM by 8.10 am on the Monday.

School Calendar
To stay up-to-date with school events, please visit the school calendar which is published online and updated regularly.

Haileybury Parents’ Association
The Haileybury Parents’ Association (HPA) should not be confused with the PTA role in many other schools. The HPA role is
to bring together parents, pupils and staff through social events, functions and new initiatives. The HPA is not a fund-raising
organisation, it exists simply to enhance the parent experience at Haileybury.

The structure of the HPA is a committee comprising a representative (House Rep) from each House, plus Chair, Secretary and
Treasurer. All roles are voluntarily undertaken by parents of current pupils. A list of the current committee can be found on
the Haileybury website. Parents are regularly updated by their House Rep and by the HPA committee on upcoming events.

The HPA is here to support parents and hopes that its events and functions are supported reciprocally.
Contact: Sacha Cole – HPA Chair

                                         Religious and spiritual life
Haileybury has an Anglican Christian foundation and the beautiful Chapel is the focus of spiritual life here. During term,
most days start with a service in the Chapel. On Sundays there are a variety of services to which pupils, parents and visitors
are warmly welcomed. All boarding pupils are expected to attend the morning services that take place on the five non-exeat
weekends each year. The dates and times of all services are published on the website.

Each year 20 to 30 pupils are prepared for confirmation and confirmed in a service presided over by the Bishop of St Albans or
the Bishop of Hertford.

Whilst we are sensitive to the needs of pupils from other denominations and religions and will make provision for pupils
to worship elsewhere when they wish, we nonetheless prefer all pupils, regardless of religious tradition, to join together in
Chapel. Any queries about these arrangements should be made directly to The Master.

Haileybury’s Chaplain, The Revd. Chris Briggs is a full-time member of staff and lives on the campus. He is available to
provide support, pastoral care and spiritual counsel to the whole community. The Chaplain has a unique role within the
Haileybury community and his availability for pastoral support is highly regarded by the pupils and staff.

The New Pupils’ and Parents’ Service, for all new pupils to the school and as many parents as can make the journey, will be in
Chapel on Sunday 6 October 2019 at 7.00 pm.

                                     Communication with parents
As far as possible Haileybury seeks to communicate regular information with parents and guardians by email only. It is
therefore vital that the School has your up-to-date email address.

Notification of Reports’ availability is sent by email, as are most information circulars. The College Administrator will contact
you annually in September to check that the data we hold is up to date.

The clothing lists can be found at the end of this booklet. We appreciate parental support in ensuring that pupils arrive at
Haileybury correctly dressed. Casual dress may be worn at various times during the week, as defined in the Pupil Handbook.
The decision as to what is deemed acceptable rests with the Deputy Master.
Parents are responsible for ensuring that any uniform purchased conforms to the School’s uniform regulations. The uniform
suppliers are Perry Uniform. Uniform can be purchased online or from the Uniform Shop at Haileybury.
Perry Uniform operates an internet-based service and parents should visit their website at
to order items of uniform. The helpline for Perry Uniform is 0113 238 9520 and the email address is
All queries should be directed to Perry Uniform. Please see the uniform section in this booklet for further information.

New pupils

Arrival of new pupils (Induction Day)
Induction Day is designed to welcome all new pupils and their families into the School community. The first week of
term will be an induction week comprising of a number of events and arrangements to assist them in adjusting to their
new life at Haileybury.

Arrival of new Lower School 1 pupils – Monday 2 September 2019

10.30 am              Arrive at the Lower School Recreation Room. Your son or daughter should be wearing school uniform.
                      Welcome from the Master, followed by lunch.
                      Afternoon of activities.
3.00 pm               Parents and day pupils depart. Boarders settle into Highfield.

Full details concerning the beginning of term arrangements for all Lower School pupils will be communicated directly
by Dr Laura Pugsley, Head of Lower School, and Mrs Gabby Alway, Housemistress of Highfield, in August.

Arrival of new Removes and Middles pupils – Monday 2 September 2019

10.00 am              Removes and new Middles pupils – please arrive directly at your House. Your son or daughter
                      should be wearing school uniform.
                      After tea/coffee with your child’s HM, parents will be taken to Big School for a welcome address
                      from the Master and Heads of School, followed by lunch in the Dining Hall.
1.30 pm               Parents depart.
6.15 pm               Parents of day pupils return to collect their children.

Arrival of new Lower Sixth pupils – Monday 2 September 2019

12.00 pm              New Lower Sixth pupils – please arrive directly at your House. Your son or daughter should be wearing
                      school uniform.
                      Meetings with Housemaster/mistress, House Matron, followed by lunch, a welcome from the Master
                      and an opportunity to meet with your son/daughter’s Tutor.
3.00 pm               Parents depart.
6.15 pm               Parents of day pupils return to collect their children.

Please note: Your son’s or daughter’s HM will communicate directly with you if there is any change to the times specified above.

Pupils will spend Induction Day familiarising themselves with Haileybury through activities which are designed to encourage
pupils to meet other students in their year group.

Please could Removes and Middles bring their sports kit and musical instruments (if your son or daughter plays
an instrument).

Parents who have any particular matters that they wish to discuss with their son’s or daughter’s HM are advised to contact
them well in advance to arrange a time other than on this day. Likewise, if parents wish to see the School Doctor on any
matter related to health or medical history, they should also arrange an appointment in advance by calling the Health Centre
on 01992 706 288.

Pupil transport
Haileybury offers a limited bus service to pupils. Using our own fleet of modern Ford Transit minibuses, we operate
bus runs from Monday to Friday arriving at School for 8.10 am each morning and departing at 6.35pm each evening. All
our drivers are enhanced DBS checked.
School transport routes
Daily routes operate Monday to Friday from Stevenage, Royston, Bishops Stortford, Buckhurst Hill, Winchmore Hill, High
Barnet, Brookman’s Park, St Alban’s and Harpenden.
To collect Boarding Pupils on Sunday evening in term time, weekly routes operate from Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire,
Kent and London.
The service only runs if there is sufficient demand and seats on the buses are limited. Parents are advised to check
availability with our Transport Manager.
School bus application form
To register for a place to use the school transport, please complete the application form which can be accessed online
Parents are advised to place their child on the waiting list at the earliest opportunity. Charges for the bus service are made
termly in arrears with the cost being added to the pupil’s bill. Cancellation of the use of the service requires a term’s notice.
The transport service is offered on a whole-week basis only.
If you would like more information regarding the transport service, please contact our Transport Manager:
+44 (0)1992 706 460
Transfers to airports
Haileybury offers an airport transfer to Heathrow Airport at the end of each half term. The coach leaves Haileybury
at 1.50 pm and takes between 1.5 to 2.5 hours to get to Heathrow dependent upon traffic. It is advisable to make
sure your flight times are not before 6.00 pm to allow time for check in. Pupils wishing to use this service are emailed
by the transport manager during term and asked to reserve a place on the bus. There is a chaperone on the coach,
though they are not able to escort you to check in; the coach goes to each terminal drop off point. The cost of this
service is currently £60 but is dependent on uptake and added to the school fees in arrears. Please note that the
airport transfer will not run in the May half term, due to Speech Day.

                                               Computer provision
Each summer, the Computer Support Department launches a new laptop scheme with different models of laptop on offer.
The scheme proposes a bundle of accessories with each laptop which includes a bag or case with extended warranty and
accidental damage insurance to protect your purchase. Participation in the scheme is optional. Procuring a laptop is via
outright purchase only; there is no deferred payment option available. For laptops purchased via one of the scheme bundles
the Computer Support Department will be pleased to provide technical support should repair work be needed during the
warranty period. Details will be sent out via email at the beginning of the Summer holiday.
Scheme and non-scheme laptops can be connected to the Haileybury network which will allow access to the internet, school
email and in most cases documents stored on the network. All pupils are also entitled to a copy of Microsoft Office while
they attend Haileybury. There are no additional charges for these services.
Pupils may be asked to complete work on various different web-based programmes: they will be provided with consistent
log-in details, and links to these services will be provided through the student intranet.
All new pupils will be allocated their own email address when they arrive in September.

                                  Lower Sixth pupils – GCSE results
GCSE results are due to be released on Thursday 22 August 2019. Results, along with your son or daughter’s Unique
Candidate Identifier Number (UCI), must be provided to the Registrar on results day. A copy of your son or daughter’s
Statement of Results will show the UCI, details of the subjects taken and the grades achieved. If you have a ULN (Unique
Learner Number), please could you provide this at the same time.
A copy of the Statement of Results is also required to be sent by post or email to the Admissions Department prior to the
beginning of term.

Overseas pupils
EU pupils (Brexit)
Firstly, we want to reassure you that our experienced staff are on hand to guide and support all our European Union (EU)
pupils who will be joining us in September. Currently the status of EU nationals already living and studying in the UK remains
unchanged until 30 June 2021.
While there is still some uncertainty as to the final outcome of the Brexit negotiations we remain confident that whatever the
outcome, our EU pupils will be able to continue to study in the UK much the same way as they have always done. We will of
course keep you updated with all the latest developments.
In addition, we retain an excellent firm of immigration lawyers, Fragomen LLP who operate at parliamentary level and provide
us with the very best advice and support for all our families. We have established a Brexit Hotline, manned by a team of legal
experts at Fragomen LLP, who can provide high level advice relating to Brexit and reassurance to our EU families. Please feel free
to use the Hotline during office hours (9.00 am–5.00 pm), Monday to Friday. The Hotline number is 0044 207 090 9548.

International pupils–visa requirements
If your child does not hold a UK/EU/EEA passport, they will need to apply for a Tier 4 (child) student visa in order to study at
Haileybury will provide a Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies ("CAS") number at the beginning of June 2019, providing that
we have received all the required documentation requested. You should already have received a checklist of these requirements.
A CAS is a unique identifier number which confirms that the Home Office has given Haileybury permission to sponsor your Tier
4 (Child) application.
The CAS number provided on its own will NOT provide your child entry into the UK. You must use the CAS number to
obtain your visa in your home country. Please read the Tier 4 guidance thoroughly. The guidance is available at:
Visa applications can be submitted from three months prior to the start date of your child's course.
Please contact the Registrar should you have any queries.

Police registration
For pupils over the age of 16, you may need to register with the police as a condition of your visa if you are from the following
countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Cuba,
Egypt, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Korea (North), Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco,
Oman, Palestine, Peru, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab
Emirates, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Yemen.
A stamp or sticker will be placed in your child’s passport or a biometric card will be provided on arrival in the UK clearly
stating the requirement to register with the police within seven days of arrival in the UK.
The cost of registration is currently £34 and the documents required for registration are: the child's passport, the Tier 4
Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) card and the visa approval letter from the UK Home Office, a letter from the School
confirming that he or she is a full time pupil and two passport photographs. The Admissions Department will assist your child
in organising this registration.
On registration, a ‘Police Registration Certificate’ will be provided to the pupil. This document should be stored with the passport.
Once registered the pupil is required to inform the police and the Admissions Department of any change as below:
                        • Any new landing conditions
                        • Extensions to your visa granted by the Home Office
                        • New passport
                        • New study information or change to educational establishment
                        • Exemption from Police Registration
                        • Change of Nationality
Upon completion of their studies at Haileybury, all registered pupils are required to inform the police of their destination,
even if returning home.

If you live outside the EU/EEA, your child will need to have a guardian. A guardian is someone who will take responsibility for
your child while they are in the UK and provide a home if necessary. It is not always possible for some children to return
home during the shorter school holidays, i.e. half-terms, and Haileybury cannot be responsible for children during this time.
A good guardian should provide a home for your child, take a genuine interest in their progress and welfare and look after
them just as you would at home. In addition, you may need help with arrangements for travel and visas, for the purchase of
school uniform and the many practicalities associated with sending a child to a school overseas.
You may have friends or relatives in the UK, but this is not always ideal if they live far from the College. As an alternative,
there are professional guardianship organisations accredited by AEGIS (The Association of Educational Guardians for
International Students), which demands high standards of care.
T +44 (0)1453 821293             				               

Please note that we will be unable to issue your child a CAS number until a guardian has been appointed.
Your appointed guardian will be required to visit Haileybury, in person, within the first two weeks of the start of your child’s
course. During this visit, they will be introduced to your child’s Housemaster or Housemistress, in order that communication
lines can be established. A copy of the guardian’s passport and proof of UK residency will have been submitted prior to your
child’s arrival at Haileybury.

Arrival in the UK
If your child is under the age of 16 and will be travelling alone to the UK, please ensure that they are always met by an adult
at the airport. This appointed adult must also accompany them back to Haileybury.
In addition, every time a pupil travels to the UK, they must carry with them all of their personal identification documents
and a parental letter of consent allowing them to travel on their own. A sample letter has been provided opposite, to assist with
the required wording. Please do check with the airline before travel, regarding their own policy regarding Unaccompanied Minors as
the minimum age requirement varies across the airlines. There is normally a surcharge for using the Unaccompanied Minor service.

To Whom It May Concern

                  Parental Consent for International Travel

I, name of parent(s) of full contact address of parent(s), declare that I am the lawful
parent of:

   Full name of child (as written on passport), male/female, born date of birth in
   country of birth.

   Type of passport (country of origin) numbered 0000000, issued on date and place
   of Issue.

My/Our child, child’s name, has my/our consent to travel to the United Kingdom,
without an adult present. My child will be leaving on or about date of departure, and
returning to Country of origin on return date.

Upon my son/daughter’s arrival in the United Kingdom, he/she will be met from her
flight by her school/guardian/relative. Their full name and address is: XXXXXXX. Their
phone number is: 00000000. XXXXX will accompany my son/daughter back to his/her
school Haileybury & Imperial Service College, Hertford Heath, Hertford, SG13 7NU,
where he/she is a full time boarding pupil. The contact name and number of his/her
Housemaster/mistress is XXXXX.

Any questions regarding this document may be addressed to me at:

Full name and address

Primary number: 00000000
Secondary number: 00000000

Parents’ signature & date

Frequently asked questions
1. How do I buy my uniform if I live overseas?
Uniform items can be ordered online from or purchased from the Uniform Shop during term time.
Appointments may be made via Perry Uniform to purchase uniform at the Shop at particular times in the summer holidays.
The helpline for Perry Uniform is 0113 2389520 and the email address is All queries should be
directed to Perry Uniform.

2. How do I obtain name labels?
Perry Uniform provides a name taping service. Please visit the Perry Uniform web site for further details. Additional name
labels, for non-Perry items, can be ordered from Perry Uniform or purchased in the Uniform Shop.

3. Is there a second hand uniform shop?
Second hand uniform is available to purchase ONLY on a Wednesday afternoon from the Haileybury Uniform Shop.
All profits made from the sale of second hand uniform goes to our charity HYT (Haileybury Youth Trust).
Current parents can donate their uniform to house matrons who will ensure it is sent through to the Uniform Shop.

4. How much money will my child need?
Generally pupils are not encouraged to have a great deal of money with them at School. Books, stationery, music lessons etc.
will be put on your bill and so usually £20 per week is more than enough. Money can be deposited with your child’s HM at
any time and will be kept securely in the House safe.

5. Can my child return late at the start of term or leave early at the end of a term if we can’t arrange the necessary flights?
The term dates for the next academic year are published in this booklet. It is very disruptive to the School if children leave
before the end of term or arrive late as vital work will be missed. If there is a genuine need for a child to be absent from
School during term time, written permission should be requested in advance from The Master.

6. How can I arrange private health insurance?
There are several companies in the UK which provide private health insurance. Below are a few contacts:
       BUPA                                      0808 271 4138
       Aviva                                     0800 068 3827
       AXA PPP Healthcare                        0800 111 4004

7. Is there any accommodation near to Haileybury where parents can stay if visiting?
There are several B&B’s, guesthouses and hotels close to Haileybury. A full list can be found on our website in the
Contact Us / Where to Stay section.

8. What sports equipment will I need to bring?
The School will provide basic equipment for all Games Activities. However, those choosing an activity generally prefer to have
their own equipment, particularly those playing for School teams. The activities requiring specific equipment are as follows :
Autumn Term – Girls’ Hockey sticks and Lacrosse sticks. Lower School boys’ Hockey sticks.
Spring Term – Girls’ Lacrosse sticks and Boys’ Hockey sticks
Summer Term – Boys’ and Girls’ Tennis rackets. Boys’ Cricket equipment
If Parents are unsure if they need to buy specific equipment, or not, they should contact Andy Searson, Director of Sport,

9. Can I leave suitcases/belongings in school at the end of each term/ half term?
Overseas students can leave their suitcase in the House store at each half term/ end of term. The store is locked, but the
School cannot be responsible for any loss or damage to property left at Haileybury.


Parent Portal
The Parent Portal is a secure website which is accessed from our main website and will be an essential part of our
communications with you.
One of the main features of our portal is the publishing of pupil reports to this secure facility which will allow you to view and
print your child’s most recent report. You will also be able to view past reports as these are not deleted.
You will receive an email from our Computer Support Department, around the same time as you receive this booklet,
introducing the Parent Portal to you and giving you, your secure login details, to register for this. Please can we ask that you
Register on the Parent Portal as soon as you are able to do so.
When you have successfully registered, you will also be able to view all the contact details which we have for you and your
child on our database and you can update these as often as is necessary. It is vital that we have your up to date contact
telephone number, address and email addresses at all times.
If you should have any difficulty registering or using the new Parent Portal or have any concerns associated with this, our
Computer Support Department are on hand to assist. Please email

                                                    The Bookroom
The Bookroom supplies all educational text books. Text books are provided for the Lower School and Middle School and
need to be returned in good condition at the end of the course or a charge may be applicable. All Sixth Form text books
are chargeable. Sixth Form academic books can be returned to the Bookroom for credit at the end of the academic year,
depending on condition and subject to future curricular requirement. These second-hand books are available to new pupils
at a reduced cost and added to the school bill.
The Bookroom also supplies a range of stationery, as well as some personal items (i.e. toiletries, tights, etc.). These are all
chargeable to the termly account but items may also be purchased for cash.

The figures below refer to those applicable for the academic year 2018/2019.*
                              Main School                  Lower School
Boarding                      £11,474 per term             £7,279 per term
                              £34,422 per year             £21,837 per year

Day                            £8,540 per term                £5,677 per term
                               £25,620 per year               £17,031 per year
* Please note the fees for the academic year 2019/2020 will be published at the end of June 2019.

The Standard Terms and Conditions require that fees should be paid in such a way as to arrive at our bank no later than one
week before the beginning of each term. Invoices are normally sent out with details of any extras incurred at least 30 days
before payment is due. Please would you make certain that your payments are made on or before the due date which you
will find noted on the invoice. If, for any reason, you anticipate difficulty in meeting this timetable please do get in touch with
the Bursar either in writing, by email or by telephone. Please note that, under the Standard Terms and Conditions, overdue
accounts will accrue simple interest at the rate of 2% per month (24% APR).

Fee remission on account of absence
Fees are charged for the year and although split into three equal amounts do not directly relate to each term thus it is not
expected that pupils will change from boarding to day during an academic year. Notice is required for both withdrawing a
pupil from the School and for changing from boarding to day, please see the Standard Terms and Conditions for details. In an
exam year therefore, although pupils may be on exam leave before the official end of term no refund of fees will be granted.

Personal property and the insurance of valuable property
All personal property should be clearly marked with name and House. All pupils have a lockable space that they can padlock
for belongings. Combination and key padlocks can be bought from the ‘Bookroom’.

All personal property is brought to the school at the owner’s risk and will not be covered by the school insurance except in
the event of destruction resulting from a building fire. This limitation also applies to cash and all pupils are strongly advised to
limit the cash sums in their possession (rather than in the House Bank) to a minimum. Particularly where valuable items such
as watches, sound or speaker systems, tablets, computers, mobile phones, cameras and musical instruments are concerned,
parents are advised to consider insuring them under their own “All Risks” policies.

Personal accident insurance
All pupils are covered by the school’s own policy with Marsh Insurance Brokers which covers permanent injury. Parents are
additionally invited to take out dental insurance through the School’s Denplan Scheme. Leaflets giving further details about
these schemes will be sent to you with the invoice for the term’s fees in July.

Medical arrangements
When a pupil is admitted to the Health Centre, parents will routinely be kept informed of progress by the HM or Health
Centre. In cases of serious illness or emergency the School Doctor will inform parents directly.

It is a condition of acceptance at the School that the School Doctor should have unlimited right to inform the parents or
guardians and the Master of confidential information about the pupil if the School Doctor considers that it is in the best
interest of the patient or necessary for the protection of other pupils.

Registration for boarding pupils
Under normal circumstances parents would be given the right to choose for their son and/or daughter any doctor in the
area in which the School is situated. As the Governors can allow only the School Doctor to make use of the facilities of the
School’s Health Centre, free choice for boarders is impractical and, of necessity, boarders will have to be on the list of the
School Doctor.

Parents are asked to signify their consent by completing the “Family Doctor Services Registration” purple coloured form
(GMS1). Please enter the address of the School as the home address and the pupil’s home address as the previous address.
Please supply as much information as possible, including your child’s NHS number if known. For pupils who have not lived in
the UK before, their date of birth and place of birth is sufficient. The name and address of your child’s last registered doctor
is essential. This form should be completed and returned to the Admissions Team by Friday 24 May 2019. Please contact
a member of the Admissions Team if you have not received either of these forms. Parents are also asked to complete the
Anaphylaxis and Asthma forms by Friday 24 May 2019.

Medical examinations
All new pupils are asked to attend a medical examination in the first term they are at Haileybury. The medical is carried out
by one of the School nurses and each pupil also has a consultation with the doctor. The purpose of the medical is to discuss
any ongoing medical issues, record any regular medication and familiarise new pupils with the Health Centre and the services
it provides.

The School Doctor will contact parents directly if he or she discovers any medical condition requiring further investigation
during the school medical.

Tetanus, Polio booster and Meningitis C
The School Doctor recommends that all pupils have a booster of tetanus, diphtheria and polio. This will generally be done
during their time in Middles (Year 10) and is in line with Department of Health recommendations.

BCG vaccinations
Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust no longer provides Heaf testing or BCG vaccinations for 13-14 year old school children.
There has been a change in emphasis for the prevention of TB and ‘at risk’ groups are now identified and targeted. This may
affect some overseas pupils, as immigration currently x-ray screen passengers arriving from high-risk countries. Overseas
pupils may be asked to attend the QEII hospital in Welwyn Garden City for a TB immunity test. Testing is mandatory even if
the pupil has evidence of having had a BCG vaccination.

Some parents have raised concerns as their children have not had the BCG vaccination. This is particularly worrying when
travelling abroad. The only advice we can give at the moment is to arrange for your child to have the BCG vaccination
carried out privately.

HPV Vaccinations
HPV is a vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. The Hertfordshire Primary Care Trust Plan introduced an immunisation
programme in September 2008. The HPV vaccine will be offered to all Year 8 girls.

Medical treatment during holidays
Whilst away from Haileybury (i.e. during school holidays), pupils requiring medical attention should make it clear to the
doctor attending them that they wish to be seen as “temporary residents” only. This will avoid the need to re-register with
the School Doctor on their return.

Prescription charges
Pupils who are 18 years of age and under (and in full-time education) are not required to pay for their prescriptions.

Private treatment
Private health insurance is not provided by the School. Experience has shown that insurance schemes for private patient
treatment are very advantageous in the saving of school time, and parents are recommended to subscribe to one or other of
the private patient schemes.

Medical arrangements for day pupils
The preceding paragraphs apply specifically (but not exclusively) to boarders. Day pupils may be registered with the doctor of
their choice. The School will carry out all first aid measures in the event of an accident or emergency. Parents, or the pupil’s
family doctor, will then take whatever further action is required.

It would be a great help, however, if parents of day pupils would kindly complete the Medical Query Paper (day pupils). Please
contact a member of the Admissions Team if you have not received this form.

In an emergency situation, the Health Centre staff will accept consent from a person who has authorisation to discharge
responsibility on behalf of the person with parental responsibility, as long as they are in possession of all the necessary facts
and that the actions are in the best interest of the young patient, for example School staff.

All boarders’ parents sign consent to emergency treatment at the time of enrolling at Haileybury.

‘Medical Alert’ Information
Where a pupil, boarder or day, has a medical condition which may suddenly surface in class, in games, in an activity at
School or on a school trip, it is important that relevant staff are alert to this before the problem arises. Obvious examples are
epilepsy, severe asthma and severe allergies. This is especially important where the pupil has to have special medicine close
to hand. To this end, it would be helpful to show such information on the pupil entry in the main school database, accessible
to teaching staff. On the Medical Query Paper, please indicate that you give permission for this information to be held on
this database. Note: only this specific information will be accessible to teaching staff, not any other information you give on
this return.

                                           Medication for boarders
Medication can only be kept in House with consent from the Haileybury Health Centre. The Health Centre may consent
for pupils to keep and self-administer medication or may request that pupils report to their HM or Matron for their
medication. The HM or Matron will take responsibility for any medication that requires refrigeration. Medication that pupils
are permitted to keep must be stored and locked in the pupil’s lockable space. They must not allow any other pupil to access
or take this medication.

Pupils (or parents) must report to the Health Centre all medication brought from home. The Health Centre will provide the
appropriate consent. HMs can store medication overnight until consent has been obtained. Pupils with consent to keep
medication such as an Asthma Inhaler or an Epi Pen must carry these to activities.

Additional lessons

Learning development
Parents are asked to inform the Head of Learning Support of any diagnosed Learning Needs or Disabilities and if their son or
daughter has been receiving extra tuition at a previous school before their entry to Haileybury.
At Haileybury, we will screen all pupils after they join the Lower School, Removes or Lower Sixth. On the basis of the
outcome of the screening tests, parents will be advised if we detect any difficulties which should be addressed. During the
course of the year should any learning difficulties be apparent, parents will be informed and individual assessments offered.
There is an administrative charge for this service and parents will receive a full report. In the event that extra tuition is
appropriate, this is normally taught one-to-one or in a small group. Parents must accept responsibility for the payment of
lessons, which are charged at the published private tuition rate. Details of the rates will be sent to you with the first term’s

Specialist tuition, tailored to personal needs, is available to all pupils at Haileybury, on an individual basis. Although many
learning development sessions take place outside normal lesson times, this is not always possible and part of a lesson might
be missed, particularly in the Lower and Middle School. A rotation of lessons will be carried out to minimise any impact.

Those with a Specific Learning Difficulty, such as dyslexia or dyspraxia, are usually identified before entry from information
passed on by their prep or primary school, or by parents sending in relevant information, including a report by an Educational
Psychologist. The Head of Learning Support who is the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) will contact
parents to ascertain whether individual tuition should continue from the outset. Even where this is not deemed necessary,
monitoring by the SENCo will take place throughout the pupil’s career at Haileybury. Those with a Specific Learning
Difficulty will normally be placed on the school’s Learning Support Register, unless parents specifically request otherwise. For
pupils entering the school after the Removes (usually in the Middles or Lower Sixth) it is essential that details of any past, or
current, learning difficulties are disclosed. It will not be possible for concessions for public examinations to be granted later
on if the school has not been notified at the start of the academic year that these may be required. Should parents feel that
further investigation of a possible learning difficulty is required, they must discuss this with the pupil’s HM or the SENCo, on
arrival at the school.

Lower School One, Removes and Lower Sixth are given a series of screening tests during the first few weeks of term. If this
process identifies any unexpected difficulties, parents will be contacted by the SENCo and monitoring, further assessment, or
some individual support might be recommended.

Basic skills are closely monitored throughout the first five years at Haileybury and any pupil who appears to require extra
help with English, Mathematics, time management and organisation, or any other area of study skills, could be referred by
teachers or tutors to the SENCo. As well as internal referrals, parents may request assistance, through the HM or tutor, or by
contacting the SENCo.

Focus, where required, in the Sixth Form, will be on study skills, time management and essay writing. Lessons generally
take place during a private study period. At this point, the objective is not to give extra lessons in the specific subjects being
studied, but to facilitate learning in a more general way and to promote autonomy.

An additional charge as set on the Schedule of Fees, paid termly with the school fees, is made for any tuition received.

Head of Learning Support
Mrs Wendy Suter
+44 (0)1992 706243 (term time only)

Individual music lessons
Music lessons are taught on a one-to-one basis by the visiting and full time staff of the Music Department. Tuition is offered
in all orchestral instruments as well as piano, organ, singing, percussion (both drum kit and orchestral percussion), saxophone,
harp and guitar (classical and electric). Pupils learning instruments are expected to participate in orchestras, bands, choirs or
ensembles when they have become proficient. To provide motivation, progress and fulfilment, we encourage all pupils to take
examinations and perform in concerts. All pupils will be encouraged to improve their general musicianship (reading notation,
sight reading, aural skills etc.); music theory teaching in a small group setting is also offered free of charge up to Grade 5 level.
We welcome pupils to use our extensive facilities for practice in their free time between the hours of 7.00 am and 10.00 pm.
Pupils use House codes for secure areas in the evenings and early mornings.
If your child is to learn an instrument outside of Haileybury we would still like to involve them in school ensembles; please
complete the appropriate section of the form and return it to the Admissions Department.
If you wish your child to have instrumental music lessons, please complete the form on the Parent Portal by Friday 24 May 2019.
Please note written notice is required to cancel music lessons. Please refer to the full terms and conditions under the music
section of the main website for further information.

The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) is offered throughout the school as part of a wider programme of
activities including sports, arts and other interests. Details of these are provided at the beginning of term. Candidates take
LAMDA examinations regularly. If you wish your child to take part please complete the form on the Parent Portal
by Friday 24 May 2019.
LAMDA examinations are designed to equip candidates with a range of skills that will serve them throughout life, to develop
communication skills and to refine technical artistry. There are many choices in the LAMDA syllabus and we offer all grades
and Bronze, Silver and Gold medals. LAMDA examinations now give pupils UCAS points which can assist in University entry
and both British and foreign pupils find LAMDA most beneficial with their English studies. It gives students confidence and
our students regularly achieve Gold medals in Acting, Public Speaking, Devised Performance and Verse and Prose. Some of
our previous students have gone on to study at professional acting schools and in any event, the skills gained by studying
LAMDA can be used in all areas of a student’s life.
Lower School pupils will be asked at the beginning of term to sign up for LAMDA. A consent form is sent to parents at the
beginning of the Academic Year by Dr Pugsley.
Main School pupils wishing to have individual or small group lessons require parents’ permission. Please complete the form on
the Parent Portal by Friday 24 May 2019.
Enquiries should be made to

                         Dance classes and individual dance lessons
Haileybury offers dance lessons in Lower School Street, Ballet, Modern, Tap and Street Dance (Hip Hop/Commercial Street).
Classes are taught by visiting professionals from Cheshunt Dance School. Pupils taking classes are encouraged to participate
in troupes and to take up performance opportunities when they have become proficient.
Current terms for dance lessons may be summarised as follows:
  • Dance lessons are offered every Tuesday and are 45 minutes in duration.
  • The cost is payable in three instalments. Payments are added to the end of term bill.
  • The charge for the academic year 2019–2020 is £210 per dance style, payable in three termly instalments of £70.00.
Pupils should be certain of their commitment to Dance Lessons before registering for a series of lessons. If they want to
cancel dance for the following whole term, notice should be given before half term during the term before. A free taster may
be taken for any dance option before committing to a series of lessons.
If you wish your daughter or son to take dance lessons, please complete the form on the Parent Portal by Friday 24 May
2019. If you have any questions please get in touch with Jacob Thomas
Lower School, Removes and Upper Sixth pupils should note that Dance Lessons are part of a wider programme of activities
including sports, arts and other interests. Details of these are provided at the beginning of term

     & appearance
Haileybury school uniform
Perry is the official supplier of Haileybury school uniform items.
   +44 (0)113 238 9520

How to order
The company operates an internet-based service and parents should visit their website to order items of uniform.
Uniform items can be ordered for delivery to home address or for delivery at Haileybury. Perry offers a comprehensive
online service.

New pupil appointments
If you require a personal fitting service for your child, you can arrange an appointment to visit the Uniform Shop at
Haileybury or the Perry showroom in London. Appointments can be booked online at
Select Haileybury Shop for an appointment at the school or London Showroom – May to October for an appointment
in London.

Haileybury Uniform Shop
The Haileybury Uniform Shop offers a personal fitting service and also stocks a range of items as supplied by Perry.
In addition, the uniform shop supplies additional items for sport.

   Haileybury Uniform Shop
   Beside the Sport Complex
   Haileybury, SG13 7NU

   Appointments via Perry

Haileybury Shop opening hours (term time only)
   1.00–4.00 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
   10.00 am–2.00 pm on Saturday.

Perry London showroom
   185–187 Brompton Road
   Ist floor – entrance in Beauchamp Place
   London SW3 1NE

Appointments via Perry

Please note that this is a showroom for fittings and they do not hold stock of the uniform. After the appointment, your order
will be delivered to a UK address of your choosing.

Secondhand uniform
Secondhand Uniform is available to purchase ONLY on a Wednesday afternoon from the Haileybury Uniform Shop.
All profits made from the sale of second hand uniform goes to our charity HYT (Haileybury Youth Trust). Current parents can
donate their uniform to House Matrons who will ensure it is sent through to the Uniform Shop.

Parents are responsible for ensuring that any uniform purchased conforms to the School’s uniform regulations.

Lower School uniform
Clothing should be clean and in good repair.

Glasses should have shatterproof lenses which are suitable for playing sports, or specific sports glasses should be used.
Smart glasses are not permitted.

Jewellery may not be worn except:
1 fine gold or silver chain with a small hanging pendant with permission of the Head of Lower School
1 pair of discrete gold or silver ear studs in the ear lobes (girls only)
1 wristwatch
All of the above must be removed for games/PE

All hair must be clean, tidy, of natural colour and of reasonable length and sensible style.
Hair beyond shoulder length must be tied back when in uniform or sports kit.

Casual dress
After lessons, pupils may wear casual clothes but they are still expected to look tidy and presentable. Casual clothes may
also be worn at the weekends from 3.30 pm on Saturdays except for formal School events. Casual clothes may be worn on
trips out of school (e.g. to theatres etc.). Pupils should dress appropriately for the destination of the trip and respect the
instructions given by the supervising staff. Day pupils must arrive at school each day in school wear.

Sports equipment
Equipment is provided for all sports although those playing in teams may prefer to purchase their own. If you are unsure of
any aspect of the games kit, please email the Director of Sport, Andy Searson

All uniform and sports kit must be named. Perry provides embroidered name tapes and a sew-in service for orders placed
before 14 August each year.

When ordering name tapes parents need to provide the House initials as well as the pupil’s name which should appear in the
following format.

     Lower School             Highfield (for boarders only)   Pupil’s forename                 Pupil’s surname
     LS 			                   Hi 		                           Mary 		                          Brown

     e.g. LS Hi MARY BROWN

Please provide your child with additional labels so House Matrons may label newly-purchased items where necessary.

If you are uncertain about any aspect of this clothing list, please ask Dr Pugsley (or the Housemistress of Highfield for
boarders) when you meet at the Welcome Day, or make contact directly.

Scholars’ ties and badges are awarded by the Deputy Master after the start of term.

Lower School girls’ clothing
Compulsory regulation uniform only available from Perry:
1 or 2 navy blue Haileybury blazer/s with magenta lining
1 pack of 2 Lower School brooches
2 of either Haileybury kilts or dark grey trousers (any combination). Trousers must not be tailored or altered.
2 plain navy V-neck jumpers with self-coloured Haileybury crest
6 Haileybury blouses (fine blue/white stripe)
The 6 blouses can be 6 long-sleeved or a combination of short and long-sleeved

Compulsory regulation uniform available from a retailer of your choice:
8 pairs of opaque tights – navy blue or black
2 pairs plain low-heeled (less than 2.5 cm) black shoes (no suede, canvas, moccasin or
boot styles, plimsolls or Vans), suitable for walking round our large campus.
1 plain black or navy overcoat or waterproof. Coats with ostentatious / furry hoods are not permitted.
The school’s heavyweight winter sports jacket can also be worn as a school coat.
1 plain, dark shoulder bag for carrying books/files

Compulsory additional items for boarders available from a retailer of your choice:
2 duvet covers (sheets, pillows and cases are provided)
2 bath towels (looped)
1 wash bag with toiletries (including hairbrush, toothbrush)
1 dressing gown
1 pair of slippers
1 shoe cleaning kit
1 overnight bag
1 trunk/suitcase
1 laundry bag/box for storing dirty laundry
Boarders will also need casual clothes and shoes, nightwear, underwear, coat hangers, a small meshed laundry bag (named,
for smaller laundry items) and sufficient name tapes to label every individual item of clothing. All pupils in Lower School
require a small combination padlock
It is recommended they have 1 tuckbox (lockable and named) not to exceed 55cm x 40cm x 35cm.

Compulsory games kit only available from Perry:
1 Haileybury tracksuit (tracksuit top and bottoms)
1 Haileybury sports hoody – to wear under the tracksuit
2 Haileybury skort
1 Haileybury magenta games shirt
2 Haileybury white/magenta polo shirt
1 Haileybury leggings
1 set white or navy Haileybury upper body skins
2 pairs Haileybury blue games socks with white tops
1 Haileybury sports bag

Compulsory games kit available from a retailer of your choice:
1 pair white non-marking indoor sports trainers
1 pair outdoor sports trainers
4 pairs short white towelling socks
1 navy blue swimming costume
1 sports towel
1 football boots for lacrosse
1 astroturf shoes for hockey
1 pair shin pads
1 mouthguard (hockey, lacrosse and rugby)
1 hockey stick

1 Haileybury beanie hat
1 heavyweight winter sports jacket. This can also be worn as a school coat.
1 scarf: Haileybury (available from the uniform shop), or plain black/navy

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