Page created by Jason Hawkins
NZPPI CONFERENCE 2018 | June 27 - 28, Rotorua

HANDBOOK               sponsored by Scion Research

Custom Mix is our name
     Quality growing solutions is our game

    H We understand plants
    H We understand growing media solutions
    H We are not tied to any single brand of ingredients
    H We are able to source and supply the very best growing solution for your
      and of course Lyndale’s own 3 million young plants
    H We are Ecohort Acredited & Certified mix supplier

          plants love the difference
e: enquiries@lyndale.co.nz  p: 09 416 8482  w: lyndalecustommix.co.nz
Welcome                              4

Thank you sponsors                   5

Trade sites                          6

Programme                          7-8

Invited speakers                  9-12

Young Achiever Award Finalists      13

Sponsor & exhibitor profiles     14-18

Gala dinner                         19

Venue Information                   20

General Information                 21

Delegate List                    insert

Welcome to
A World of Opportunity…
We are delighted to have you here with us in Rotorua for NZPPI’s second annual

Plant production is among the fastest growing land-based sectors in New Zealand
with annual growth of 10-15% over the past two years. This growth is driven by
an escalating demand for plants across the food, wine, amenity, biodiversity and
forestry sectors.

This success is a once in a generation opportunity for our sector to align and move
to the next level.

Throughout conference we will be discussing the opportunities to grow your
business and the wider nursery industry, something we will all benefit from.

You are encouraged to network with industry peers, share your views and
experiences and work collaboratively to seize the opportunities available.

The workshops (business planning or succession planning) or the field trip
provide the opportunity to get practical advice for business improvements. So
please make the effort to attend one of these sessions.

Should you need anything during your time at conference please do not hesitate
to contact one of the organising committee.

Your participation and lively debate brings NZPPI to life and helps us to shape an
exciting future for our sector.

Thanks for your attendance. We look forward to the journey ahead.

Best regards,

Matt Dolan
NZPPI Chief Executive
Thank you to these Sponsors
We are pleased to acknowledge and gratefully thank the following sponsors.
We encourage all delegates to support them now and in the future.

                                    Conference Partners

                                         gala dinner



            welcome function                                   speaker session

                                    young achiever award

Trade sites
          A Trade area will be open during conference. It is in the pre-function foyer.
          Exhibitors will be displaying their products and services and is a great
          opportunity for delegates to network with suppliers, clients, and friends while
          learning about “what’s new” in the industry.






                                        TO LIFE
                                        TO    LIFErange
 launches  and
        POS, product                      of range
                                   Extensive  colour
 trade stands
        POS, product
        launches and                  ofstock
                                   Extensive    labels
          launches and
          trade stands                                                          of colour
                                                                               stock labels
          trade stands                                                         stock labels

    In-houseIn-house                                                        Design solutions
                                                                              Design    solutions
            In-house                                                        Design solutions
graphic graphic
                and web
                and web
                                                                              for custom
                                                                              for for  custom
                                                                             printed labels
 design services
         design services                                                        printed
                                                                             printed labelslabels

             Ph: 0800
    TO LOOK YOUR      442227
                  BEST,      Mob: 021
                        CONTACT   ANN 782
             Ph: 0800 442227 Mob: 021 782 684
            Ph:        ann.nicholas@norwood.com.au
                    0800 442227 Mob: 021 782 684

   welcome function sponsored by Growsafe

17:30 - 19:00   Reception Drinks & Quiz (Mez Bar, Rydges Hotel)

   07:30        Registrations open
   08:00        Trade Show & displays open
                Welcome & Opening
   08:45        Mayor Steve Chadwick; Andrew Harrison, NZPPI Chair
                Young Achiever introductions
   Session 1: Keynote Speakers
                Raise your results, lower your stress
                John Shackleton
                The future of selling: Five trends shaping purchase behaviour
                Dr Louise Grimmer, Lecturer in Marketing, University of Tasmania
   10:40        Morning Tea Barista coffee sponsored by Daltons
   Session 2: Future Thinking
                Workforce challenges
                Jerf van Beek, National Seasonal Labour Coordinator, Horticulture NZ
   11:30        Plant Producers                                 Retailers
                This Is Your Time!
                Amanda Woodbridge, Director Matai Partners
                                                                Building a Great Business
                Building a national movement to plant
                                                                Dr Louise Grimmer
                millions more native trees
                Melanie Seyfort, Marketing and
                Communications Manager, Trees That Count
   12:30        Lunch sponsored by GoodtoGrowNZ
   Session 3: Workshops
                Plant Producers                                 Retailers
                Sponsored by Waimea Nurseries                   Sponsored by Yates New Zealand
                                                                Shaping the future of Gardening NZ
                Tree breeding & genetic resource                Facilitated session with Amanda
                Dr Heidi Dungey, Scion Reseach                  Woodbridge and Dr Louise Grimmer

                Bio-degradable pots                               • Turning the theory into an inspiring
                Dawn Smith, Scion Research                          in-store experience
                                                                  • Growing future gardeners – Twiglands
                Snippets of science to whet the plant               school holiday programme; Garden to
                producers appetite!                                 Table; Kids Go Gardening.
                Christine Harper, Landcare Research
                                                                  • Gardening NZ update

   14:30        Afternoon Tea Barista coffee sponsored by Daltons

  Session 4: A world of opportunity
                One Billion Trees
                Chris Baddeley, Manager One Billion Trees Programme Te Uru Rākau/Forestry
                New Zealand

                A world of opportunity!
                Roger Robson-Williams, General Manager of Science – Sustainable Production,
                Plant & Food Research

                Leading public gardens in a changing world
                Jack Hobbs, Manager Auckland Botanic Gardens
   16:15        AGM & Forum
   17:00        Trade Show Happy Hour
  TNZ NZPPI Gala Dinner
   18:30        Pre-Drinner Drinks
                TNZ Gala Dinner
                Sponsored by TNZ Growing Products

                Young Achiever speeches
                Guest speaker: Joe Sullivan, Olympic Gold Medallist and recent Americas Cup Winner

                Young Achiever Award presentation
                Sponsored by Horticentre Trust and HortFert Plus


08:30 - 09:00   Trade exhibits and networking
  Session 5: Selling the future
                Economic outlook
                Cameron Bagrie, Bagrie Economics
                Horticulture industry growth challenges & opportunities
                Richard Palmer, Deputy CE, Horticulture NZ
   10:15        Morning Tea Sponsored by ICL Barista coffee sponsored by Egmont Commercial
  Session 6: NZPPI in the Spotlight
                • NZPPI Update
                • Biosecurity – responses & GIA
                Strategy sessions
                • Science strategy
                • Workforce strategy
                • Biosecurity/Advocacy
                Conference summary - an Aussie perspective
                Peter Vaughan, CEO NGI Australia
   12:30        Lunch Sponsored by Transflora
  Session 7: Field Trip & Workshops
                Field trip to Scion
                                                  Business workshop     planning workshop
   13:30        • One Billion Tree nursery
                                                  Cameron Bagrie        Ian Blackman
                • Strategy launch & workshop
   15:30        Conference finishes
Invited Speakers
      John Shackleton
      John has a background in sports psychology and has coached world champions and Olympic
      medallists. In his quest to improve performance he turned to sports psychology to help his
      athletes achieve at their absolute best. Soon John found himself running his own corporate
      training consultancy delivering peak performance programmes to companies in such diverse
      industries as insurance, pharmaceuticals, franchising and IT. After a bout of depression
      brought on by extreme stress, John began studying ways of helping people deal with the huge
      pressures the world is currently throwing at them. He quickly discovered the emerging area of
      Mindfulness and saw it’s potential as a way of dealing with stress. His background of sports
      psychology, performance coaching and professional speaking, plus his own journey through
      depression have given John a unique and powerful approach to helping people deal with their
      ever-increasing stress levels.
      As a powerful speaker with a story borne out of experience, his humorous but hard-hitting style
      will have the audience laughing and crying. More importantly they will find themselves making
      big changes to their thinking processes and taking greater levels of responsibility regarding
      their own mental health.

      Dr Louise Grimmer, University of Tasmania
      Dr Louise Grimmer is a Lecturer in Marketing and a Retail Researcher in the Tasmanian School
      of Business and Economics at the University of Tasmania. Prior to entering academia Louise
      had a twenty-year industry career working in senior roles in public relations, marketing
      communications and retail. Louise has a PhD in retail marketing and strategy, and her research
      focuses on factors affecting small and independent retailers, how marketing communications
      can help retailers grow their firms, and how the digital economy is transforming traditional
      modes of shopping. She is currently conducting several retail research projects including the
      only-known longitudinal study of small and independent retailers.
      Louise is a Member and Certified Practising Marketer (CPM) of the Australian Marketing
      Institute, a Member of the American Marketing Association and a Fellow of the Institute of Place
      Management. She is a regularly sought out by local, national and international media outlets
      for her marketing and retail expertise and she has a regular guest spot on ABC Radio Hobart
      in Tasmania talking about retail matters. Louise is an invited judge for the National Retail
      Association’s Annual Retail Awards. Follow Louise on Twitter @LouiseGrimmer

      Jerf van Beek, National Seasonal Labour Coordinator, Horticulture NZ
      Jerf came to New Zealand in the early 80’s as a backpacker from Holland after completing his
      studies in Agricultural engineering. He started his career in fruit growing apples and stonefruit.
      One of NZ largest pipfruit growing companies offered him a management position which he ran
      parallel with his own export production. During that time Jerf represented the pipfruit industry
      at government level to contribute to the development of The National Seasonal Horticulture and
      Viticulture Seasonal Labour Strategy. He is now responsible for the overall National Strategy for
      Seasonal Labour in the Horticulture and Viticulture industry which has been instrumental in the
      development of the RSE scheme and the complete turnaround of the seasonal labour market.
      During his time as National Coordinator, Jerf developed the Pick Hawkes Bay RSE cooperative,
      which is currently made up of around 52 horticulture employers. Pick HB currently employs
      over 400 RSE workers and has been involved in pilot groups from PNG and Fiji.

      Amanda Woodbridge, Director Matai Partners
      Amanda is director of Matai Partners Ltd, a boutique communications consultancy. Amanda
      has worked on some of New Zealand’s most challenging communication projects including
      ANZ’s announcement to offshore nearly 1,000 roles to India and Z’s announcement to acquire
      Chevron’s Mobil assets. Amanda has expertise in helping organisations in the primary sector
      demonstrate their value and build trust.

Melanie Seyfort, Marketing & Communications Manager, Trees That Count
Melanie’s background is in corporate communications and sponsorship and she first started
working with Project Crimson when she was head of the sponsorship team at Meridian Energy,
Project Crimson’s principal sponsor at the time. So inspired was she by the work of the Trust
that she switched over, and for the past eight years has been working with Project Crimson
on a number of large-scale conservation projects that the Trust manages, including Trees That
Count, Living Legends and Treemendous. Melanie’s role with Trees That Count is to manage
communications and marketing to build the social movement, digital development and funding

Heidi Dungey, Science Leader, Genetics & Research Leader, Tree Breeding,
Scion Research
Dr Heidi Dungey specialises in tree breeding and genetic resource characterisation for
commercial forestry species including radiata pine, Douglas-fir, cypresses, eucalypts and
redwoods. Her research encompasses quantitative and ecological genetics and breeding. As
leader of Scion’s genetics research programme, Heidi works closely with New Zealand seed
producers and forest growers to ensure breeding strategies are tailored to meet consumer

Dr Dawn Smith, Senior Scientist; Research Leader, Polymers and Composites;
Project Leader, Packaging
Dr Dawn Smith specialises in the synthesis, characterisation, and formulation of polymers.
Originally from the US, she worked in the biomedical device industry in R&D and new product
development (CIBA Vision, Novartis). Dawn’s current research is on bioplastics, unsaturated
bio-based polyesters, new polymers derived from forestry residues, biomass-filled polymer
systems, and packaging solutions.

Christine Harper, Business Development Manager, Manaaki Whenua –
Landcare Research
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research: As New Zealanders we identify closely with our land
and the rich source of biodiversity and natural resources that define our way of life. Manaaki
Whenua is a Crown Research Institute owned by the NZ government. Our science is about
sustainable management of the environment for the benefit of New Zealand. Preserving our
biodiversity and protecting our environment and economy from invasive biological threats is
central to our work.
Christine Harper is a Business Development Manager at Manaaki Whenua and will provide
insights into current and proposed research on biosecurity (myrtle rust), biodiversity
(indigenous forestry), and land use decision-making (mapping and understanding erosion, soils
and land cover).

Chris Baddeley, Manager One Billion Trees Programme
Te Uru Rākau/Forestry New Zealand
Chris began his career with the New Zealand Forest Service in 1976 and his first years were
spent studying forestry at Canterbury University. He has also worked for Department of
Conservation, the Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry for Primary Industries and has come full
circle with a return to Te Uru Rākau/ Forestry New Zealand.
Early on Chris worked in forest operations, planning and research. For the last 25 years he has
been involved in policy development as an analyst and manager.
He has been involved in forest policy development and a broad range of biosecurity policies
including two biosecurity strategies, Government Industry Agreements and numerous
biosecurity responses. Chris currently leads the One Billion Trees Programme policy team.
Roger Robson-Williams, General Manager of Science –
Sustainable Production, Plant & Food Research
Dr Roger Robson-Williams works at Plant & Food Research, where he has been the General
Manager of Science – Sustainable Production since 2014. Scientists in his portfolio work closely
with the New Zealand kiwifruit, wine, pipfruit, avocado, cropping and vegetable industries, as
well as regional and central government, to enable sustainable intensification of agriculture
and horticulture. Formerly Director of Research Development at the Foundation for Arable
Research, Roger was responsible for research to support the New Zealand cropping sector. Prior
to this, he was Head of Science at the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) in the UK. Here he
managed a team undertaking applied research projects relevant to the nursery trade and home
gardeners. Roger has also held research and science management positions in the UK at the
Home-Grown Cereals Authority, Horticulture Research International and Rothamsted Research.
He is the chairman of the governance committee of the Precision Agriculture Association of New
Zealand and chairman of the Challenge Parties Group for Our Land and Water National Science
Challenge. Throughout his career, Roger has focused on the application of plant sciences to
practical problems facing plant-based industries.

Jack Hobbs, Manager, Auckland Botanic Gardens
Jack is Manager of the Auckland Botanic Gardens, a role he has held since 1997. To ensure the
Botanic Gardens are aligned with current community interests and values, market research is
commissioned to inform business planning and to monitor the effectiveness of programmes.
The Botanic Gardens are committed to engaging people with plants and gardens and making
them more important in everyday lives.
Researching and promoting a sustainable approach to gardening led to ceasing the use of
insecticides and fungicides in the early 2000’s, and the trialling and promoting of outstanding
garden plants that do not require pesticides. Linked to this is a breeding programme at the
Botanic Gardens that aims to produce hybrids resistant to pests and diseases.
Jack has also proactively promoted horticulture as a career so more talented newcomers are
attracted into the industry. This has included active involvement in the Young Horticulturist of
the Year competition since its inception.

Joe Sullivan, Olympic Gold Medalist and Recent Americas Cup Winner
Joe’s star potential was evident at a young age when he won three consecutive National
Secondary School team rowing titles and two individual rowing world titles back to back.
However, it was in London at the 2012 Olympics that Joe shot to national fame, winning a gold
medal in the men’s double sculls and a Halberg for New Zealand’s Favourite Sporting Moment
for their miraculous comeback in the final.
In 2014 Joe retired from competitive rowing to pursue his other passion of firefighting full time,
but in 2016 he announced that he was joining Emirates Team NZ to compete in the Americas
Cup. Joe’s sporting success continued with Team NZ as a key part of their victory over Oracle
Team USA in The Americas Cup in 2017. This had not been achieved by a New Zealand team
since 2000. Joe is in rare company as an Olympic and America’s Cup champion and the only
person ever to win an Olympic gold not in Sailing and an America’s cup.
Joe received a New Zealand Order of Merit in 2013 for services to rowing. His passion for
community service has meant juggling his sporting achievements with his service as a firefighter.

Cameron Bagrie, Economic consultant
Cameron has been an economist for 20 years. For over 11 years he was the Chief Economist
at ANZ, heading a team that was consistently ranked No. 1 for its analysis of the New Zealand
economy. He developed a reputation for taking a forthright stand on even the hardest of
economic issues. He’s also worked as an economist at the National Bank, Treasury and Statistics
New Zealand.
At ANZ Cameron took the team beyond commentary on the usual economic indicators and wrote
extensively on everything from agriculture to banking and credit facilitation, key industries and
Government fiscal policy.
His approach to economics is pragmatic and non-ideological. Too much commentary focuses
on what the Reserve Bank does while ignoring microeconomics and the wider economy. As
a public speaker Cameron has a real talent for communicating complex issues in layperson’s
language. Cameron holds B Com from the University of Otago and an M Com from the University
of Canterbury.

Richard Palmer, Deputy CE, Horticulture NZ
Richard is the Deputy Chief Executive of Horticulture New Zealand, covering the biosecurity,
trade policy and food safety portfolios for pan-industry. He has had a lifelong involvement in
horticulture and is still involved in a family horticulture operation in Nelson (apples, kiwifruit,
wine grapes and hops), a packing and cool storage business, and a plant variety management
company. In former roles he’s worked for the Australian Department of Agriculture, was the
General Manager of Freshco Nelson, and a Director of Pipfruit New Zealand. He is married to
an Australian diplomat and as a result is heading off to Indonesia later in 2018 for three years.

Peter Vaughan, CEO Nursey & Garden Industry Australia
Peter joined NGIA as the Chief Executive Officer in April 2015. Peter has worked across several
Australian agricultural industries over the last 25 years including horticulture, seed, grains and
livestock in a range of management, commercial and technical roles. The roles have always
been at the interface between research and development and commercialisation activities
to identify the opportunities and capture the value of intellectual property as a licensor and

Ian Blackman, Consultant, BlackmanSpargo Rural Law
Ian’s diverse career experience included employment with the Treasury, the Department of
Inland Revenue, the Department of Labour and the Rural Banking & Finance Corporation.
In the early 1980s, Ian was the lending manager of the Rural Bank in Rotorua and in 1985 he
moved into private practice in Rotorua. He utilised his rural banking background to build a
strong rural client base.
Ian specialised in commercial rural legal work. A significant aspect of his work involved legal
structures, estate planning and succession planning for farming families.
Ian speaks publicly to groups of farmers and professionals, including the BNZ Farmers
Conference in Rotorua, the Large Herds Conference in Christchurch and the Succession Planning
Summit at Massey University.
Ian has written a book on trusts and succession planning entitled “Keeping Farming in the
Family – a guide to farm succession”. The book is an indispensable guide for rural families who
are interested in creating a workable succession plan.
Ian retired in 2017 and spent time revising his book to expand on fairness and making decisions.
Young Achiever Award Finalists
The winner will be announced at the TNZ NZPPI Gala Dinner Wednesday 27th June.
Finalists are listed in alphabetical order.

                       Arron Harvie
                       Arron works at Smart Garden in Auckland. He has always loved gardening and studied
                       horticulture at MIT after leaving school. After one year he had achieved Level 4 in Horticulture
                       and the following year completed a Diploma in Horticulture. He has entered the competition
                       to enhance his horticultural knowledge and experience, and to measure what he might need
                       to work on. And to come out of it with new friendships and industry connections. Out of work,
                       Arron enjoys creating espalier fruit trees, tennis, fishing, painting, gaming and more gardening!

                       Corey Ronaldson
                       Corey is employed at Kericell Nursery, Kerikeri, where he has been for 4 years. Since entering
                       Young Achiever 2017 he has been promoted to production manager, organising and supervising
                       a team of staff and ensuring that Kericell is producing at an optimal rate. He is currently studying
                       to achieve Level 1 to 4 advanced certificates in horticulture, which he’d like to complete this
                       year. Corey recognises the potential for him to diversify his knowledge and skills both within the
                       Kericell environment and outside it. His main ambition is to own his own horticultural business.

                       Devin Westley
                       Devin’s interest in plants began when he studied Biochem / Ecology at University of Canterbury.
                       He realised he would much prefer to work hands on so switched his study to horticulture at
                       Lincoln. Devin completed a Diploma in Horticulture and a Diploma in Horticultural Management.
                       After a summer of work experience he ended up as retail and site consultant at Southernwoods
                       Nursery. Outside of work he enjoys power lifting and won a gold medal at the Canterbury
                       amateurs. He sees entry to the competition as a great opportunity to network with industry
                       leaders and get career exposure.

Tuesday – practical activities and interviews with the judging panel.
Wednesday night – Gala Dinner - speeches to conference delegates, results and winner announced

Trina Tully               Helen van der Werff        Liza Whalley         Andrew Bowman
Lyndale Custom Mix        Primary ITO                Primary ITO          Twining Valley Nurseries


Sponsor Profiles
Lyndale Custom Mix                                                                 Horticentre / HortFert Plus
CONFERENCE PARTNER                                                                 CONFERENCE PARTNER, AWARD SPONSOR,
                                                                                   TRADE EXHIBITOR

                                                                                          For all your Potting Media
                                                                                     For all your Potting Media
                                                                                     Nutritional Supplies & Advice.
 Lyndale Custom Mix Ltd produces the highest quality growing
 media solutions for the diverse interests and growing situations
                                                                                    Nutritional Supplies & Advice.
 that abound in the realm of plant production today.

 Malcolm Woolmore, Director of both Lyndale Nurseries Auckland
 Ltd, a volume young plant producer and Lyndale Custom Mix
 Ltd, called on his science background to ensure that Lyndale
 Nurseries consistently had the best quality growing substrate
 available for all of Lyndale Nurseries varied crop requirements.

 It is this demand for consistency utilizing the best of available
 growing media ingredients backed by a fully verifiable track and
 trace system which has led to our accreditation in New Zealand
 as a Growing Media Supplier accompanied by our EcoHort
 Certification. It is this knowledge and experience that we share
 with our Custom Mix Clients.

 As our name suggests, Custom Mix designs growing solutions
 for our customer base which extends from high profile branded
 bagged product through solutions for state-of-the–art seedling
 production, Tissue Culture transplants and revegetation
 formulations for environmentally sensitive locations to name
 a few.
 Try us. Plants love the difference.

 e: enquiries@lyndale.co.nz 
 p: 09 416 8482  w: www.lyndalecustommix.co.nz

TNZ Growing Products                                                               Norwood Industries
GALA DINNER SPONSOR                                                                SILVER SPONSOR

 TNZ Growing Products are custom manufacturers of horticultural
 blends and environmental products for the New Zealand and Australian

 TNZ mixes are tailor-made using a wide range of base materials and additives to
 ensure that each blend gives the best performance for the customers’ needs.

 TNZ consult with leading fertiliser manufacturers to achieve optimum growth and    Contact: Ann Nicholas
 performance with their blends.
                                                                                    6 Wedgewood Road, Hallam
 QUALITY IS ASSURED WITH TNZ PRODUCTS                                               Victoria, Australia
 TNZ manage the mixing process throughout, beginning with their own peat            Ph: 021 782 684
 resources and bark processing plants and ending with our in-house packing          Email: ann.nicholas@norwood.com.au
 facilities. This along with TNZ’s strict quality control procedures and testing
 regimes gives customers peace of mind in knowing the physical and chemical         Web: www.norwood.com.au
 properties of their mixes are as required.
                                                                                    Norwood Industries was established in 1960 and
                  www.tnzgrow.co.nz                                                 has grown into a leader in the Australasian printing
                                                                                    Norwood is renowned globally in the horticulture
 Call us today to discuss your requirements
                                                                                    market for their printing innovation. This
 Invercargill Operation (Head Office)       Nelson Operation
 9 Matheson Road, Kennington,               580 Lower Queen Street, Richmond,       includes promotional packaging, retail and visual
 Invercargill 9871, New Zealand             Nelson 7081, New Zealand                merchandising, trade shows and plastic plant tags.
 Ph: +64 3 230 3085                         Ph: +64 3 544 4505
 E: sales@tnzgrow.co.nz                     E: sales@tnzgrow.co.nz
Scion Research                                                 Growsafe
SILVER SPONSOR                                                 FUNCTION SPONSOR

Crown research institute Scion specialises in research,         Jane Lamb
science and technology development for the forestry, wood       027 5908344
product, wood-derived materials, and other biomaterial          Jane.lamb@growsafe.co.nz
sectors. Our purpose is to create economic value across
the entire forestry value chain and contribute to beneficial    GROWSAFE is provided by the New Zealand Agrichemical
environmental and social outcomes for New Zealand.              Education Trust (NZAET), an industry-owned, not-for-profit
                                                                organisation. We administer a national agrichemical
We achieve our purpose through providing research,              training and certification scheme to ensure that all
technology and knowledge in partnership with industry,          agrichemical users have the skills and knowledge to use
government and Māori.                                           agrichemicals in a safe, responsible and effective manner.

Our forest science research is grouped under five broad         From 1 January 2018, the GROWSAFE Introductory
categories:                                                     certificate was replaced with two certificates:

• Forest systems. Maximising forest productivity through        - GROWSAFE Basic for users working under supervision
  the interactions between trees and the environment.             and first-time agrichemical users. This course provides
• Forest genetics. Using traditional and modern techniques        practical, task-related knowledge with a focus on
  to develop the best trees.                                      personal safety
• Forest protection. Managing and mitigating biological
                                                                - GROWSAFE Standard for those taking responsibility
  and physical risks to forests.
                                                                  for a workplace or site and may have responsibility for
• Forest industry informatics. Developing tools and
                                                                  managing or supervising others. This will prepare you
  systems to increase the performance of the forestry
                                                                  for the Certified Handler certificate as well as meeting
                                                                  EPA requirements
• Value chain optimisation. Logistics, supply and value
  chain design and market intelligence.
                                                               GROWSAFE recommends that all staff using agrichemicals
                                                               attend a GROWSAFE Basic course and at least one person
Scion employs more than 300 people with its main campus        from each workplace hold a GROWSAFE Standard certificate.
in Rotorua, plus a team in Christchurch.

ICL Ltd                                                         Daltons Ltd
BRONZE SPONSOR                                                  BRONZE SPONSOR, TRADE EXHIBITOR

Nicola Rochester
027 490 8438

ICL is one of the world’s leaders in the market of
specialty fertilizers. Everything we do is focused on
one aim: making plants, crops and grass grow better.                  SOLUTIONS
We leverage state-of-the-art precision nutrition
and technologies to ensure maximum growth. We
offer a wide range of high quality fertilizers, plant
                                                               POTS | TRAYS | SPECIALTY FERTILISERS
protection products and wetting agents and our
team of specialised experts are always here to help            WATERING TOOLS | POTTING MACHINES
and support our customer.
                                                               0800 808 150 | www.daltons.co.nz

GoodToGrow                                                    Egmont Commercial

                                                              PO Box 37326
                                                              Halswell, Christchurch
GoodToGrow NZ Limited                                         03 3495546 or
6 Fendalton Place                                             Auckland 09 8382960
Hatfields Beach                                               enquiries@egmontnz.com
Orewa 0931                                                    www.egmontnz.com
New Zealand                                                   Egmont Commercial are a proven performer in the
Mobile/TxT: 027 347 0392                                      commercial and retail sectors of the horticultural industry,
Email: richard@goodtogrownz.co.nz                             providing wholesale goods to growers, nurseries and
Website: www.goodtogrownz.co.nz                               council projects, as well as retail products to garden centres
                                                              and commercial retail outlets.
GoodToGrow NZ Limited is an Auckland based specialist
supplier of horticultural products to the nursery & retail    Imported products are sourced from reliable suppliers
gardening sectors. With warehousing in Auckland and           around the world with long-standing reputations for
Christchurch we are able to distribute products nationwide.   quality.

Our Product Range includes:                                   Our obliging staff, with years of industry experience,
                                                              provide excellent service and support to all levels of
• Fertilisers – Controlled Release, Slow Release, Organic     customers.
  Based, Tablets, Trace Element Mix, MycoGro Biofertiliser
• Growing Media – Pelemix Bulk Coir & Mr Coco Retail Coir     Key product lines include printed pots – personalised
  Range, European Peat, Perlite, Vermiculite                  designs a possibility, Jiffy pots and stakes for commercial
• Nursery Products – ARS Secateurs & Snips, Bamboo            use and a wide variety of retail products from fertiliser to
  Canes, Labels, Pots & Trays, Tapeners & Tying Equipment     irrigation to propagation equipment.
• Crop Protection/Chemicals
• Gloves – WonderGrip, Latex, Nitrile Gloves
• Greenwall Products – Commercial & DIY

 Egmont Seed Company                                          Transflora
 BRONZE SPONSOR                                               BRONZE SPONSOR

 PO Box 674                                                   Transflora provides specialist plant transport services
 New Plymouth                                                 for the nursery industry. We operate a hub and spoke
 Phone: 06 753-2269                                           service through our Auckland depot, with scheduled
 Email: info@egmontseeds.co.nz                                services to all North Island destinations each week.We
                                                              have a fleet of 7 trucks, and 276 plant trolleys, which is
                                                              primarily how we move the majority of plants. We also
 Egmont Seeds is a totally NZ owned and operated family       act as the North Island agent for Plant Trolleys Limited.
 business, supplying both flower and vegetable seeds across   We strive to provide an efficient regular service. Using
 NZ to Professional Growers, Nurseries, Councils and Home     plant trolleys allows us to keep damages to a minimum.
 Gardeners.                                                   Should you wish to try our services, please do not
                                                              hesitate to contact us at the below address.

                                                              E: transflora@xtra.co.nz
                                                              P: 09 2651270
                                                              F: 09 2651272
                                                              M: 021533433 (Andrew) or 021447123 (Lesley)
                                                              PO Box 258-048, Botany 21638 Bostock Place,
                                                              East Tamaki
Yates New Zealand                                                      Waimea Nurseries
WORKSHOP SPONSOR                                                       WORKSHOP SPONSOR

                                                                             Waimea Nurseries grows fruit trees for orchardists, and
                                                                             fruit, ornamental and berry plants for garden retailers.
                                                                             Established in 1971, the nursery now covers over 100
                                                                             hectares of field and container production.
                                                                        79 Golden Hills Road,
                                                                             Address: 79 Golden Hills Road, RD1 Richmond, Nelson.
                                                                        RD 1 Richmond,
                                                                             Ph: 03 544 2700
                                                                             Email: kate@waimeanurseries.co.nz
Contact: David Mortimer
373 Neilson Street,                                                     Ph: 03 544 2700
Onehunga, Auckland                                                      Email: kate@waimeanurseries.co.nz
Ph 09 636 2842                                                          Web: www.waimeanurseries.co.nz
Email: david.mortimer@yates.co.nz
Web: www.yates.co.nz                                                    Waimea Nurseries grows fruit trees for orchardists, and
                                                                        fruit, ornamental
                                                              Waimea Nurseries      growsand   berry
                                                                                            fruit    plants
                                                                                                  trees for for garden retailers.
                                                                                                            orchardists,  and
Yates, a leader in New Zealand horticulture for more than a             Established in 1971, the nursery now covers over 100
century, manufactures and distributes an extensive range      fruit, ornamental
                                                                        hectares ofand  berry
                                                                                    field      plants for
                                                                                          and container    garden retailers.
of products for home gardener. The Yates range includes       Established in 1971, the nursery now covers over 100
seeds, fertilisers, plant protection solutions, books and
growing mixes. A continuing commitment to quality and to
                                                              hectares of field and container production.
both understanding and meeting the needs of New Zealand       Address: 79 Golden Hills Road, RD1 Richmond, Nelson.
gardeners has helped Yates be the most trusted gardening
                                                              Ph: 03 544 2700
brand in New Zealand.
                                                              Email: kate@waimeanurseries.co.nz

Biogrow                                                                Passfield
TRADE EXHIBITOR                                                        TRADE EXHIBITOR

Contact: Duncan Place
                                                                       Passfield Data Systems:
139C Maleme St, Greerton, Tauranga 3112
                                                                       Business Management for Production Nurseries
Ph: 07 5439377
Email: sales@biogrow.co.nz
                                                                       Contact: Adam Townend
Web: www.biogrow.co.nz
                                                                       Email: enquiries@passfield.com.au
                                                                       Web: www.passfield.com.au
Biogrow offers tried and tested Eco-Friendly/Organic
products for nurseries, growers and garden centres.
                                                                       Passfield is a powerful software system that is purpose
Products are available in both commercial quantities
                                                                       built for the horticultural industry. Passfield gives
and retail packaged sizes depending on requirement and
                                                                       nurseries unprecedented control from customer relations
industry sector.
                                                                       management, sales and stock control through to production
                                                                       planning and purchasing.
We look to provide integrated growing solutions that
benefit customers whilst saving them money. Our range
                                                                       Passfield has an extensive range of functionality that can
of Biogro certified products offer genuine sustainable
                                                                       be configured to suit your nursery’s operations making
alternatives across all sectors and business size; whilst
                                                                       Passfield the perfect nursery management tool for all
improving long term soil and environment inputs.
                                                                       nurseries from small family businesses to large multi-site
Key products include:
Biodegradable Fertilpots; Fertiss Plugs; Bamboo Biochar
                                                                       Come and see why Passfield has a proven track record in the
Fertiliser; DEBug Insect Dust; DEGranules; Bamboo Vinegar
                                                                       UK and a increasing presence in Australia and New Zealand.
Liquid; Natural Organic Fertiliser; Ecofelt Grow Bags;Wool
Biomats; Bamboo Fibre Gloves.
                                                                       Key features:
                                                                       Inventory management, Sales, Pricing, E-Trading (EDI),
                                                                       Account package links, Barcode Management, Labelling,
                                                                       Purchasing, Product Management, extensive reporting


 Contact: Lisa Lowe
 530 Cambridge Road, Tauriko, Tauranga 3110
 Ph: 021442273
 Email: info@vegepod.co.nz
 Web: www.vegepod.co.nz

 Vegepod offers vegetable garden kits designed to make
 growing vegetables easy and successful. Self-watering
 wicking system and mist spray irrigation reduces watering
 by up to 80%. Protective covers keep out pests and harsh
 weather and create a microclimate for rapid growth year

 Available in 3 sizes with optional stands and trolleys to
 raise your garden to waist height. Products come flat-
 packed for easy shipping and storage. Made from safe
 food-grade plastic and UV stabilised for durability.

 Vegepods are for any age, section size and novice to
 experienced gardeners. Easy set-up that clips together
 and fill with bagged potting mix. Easily relocatable for
 temporary residents.

 Key products include:
 Vegepod Garden Kits, Stands, Trolleys, Winter/Propagation

      Transport Act 1998 | Health and Safety at Work
    Act 2015 (HSWA) | General Risk and Workplace
   Management Regulations 2016 | Hazardous
  Substances Regulations 2017 | Hazardous Substances
 and New Organisms Act 1996 (HSNO Act)
 GlobalG.A.P. | NZGAP | Hazardous Substances
  (Hazardous Property Controls) Notice 2017
   Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines
     (ACVM) Act 1997 | Resource Management Act
        (RMA) 1991 | Regional plan | Quality assurance
          programmes | Industry audit
               Market requirements


                                 Designed to make it easy
                                 to meet all your regulatory
                                 and market requirements
                                 for agrichemical use


TNZ NZPPI Gala Dinner
Wednesday 27th June from 6.30pm, Rydges Hotel, Rotorua.

                  Join us for a mid-conference dinner to celebrate
                  the success of the past year, listen to guest
                  speaker Joe Sullivan, Olympic Gold medallist and
                  member of Emirates Team New Zealand.

Sponsored by

And we announce the winner of Young Achiever 2018

Sponsored by

Rydges Rotorua
Located in a park like setting on the edge of Rotorua’s Arawa Racecourse, Rydges Rotorua boasts
panoramic views over Arawa Racecourse and the city. The hotel is close to Rotorua’s famous
attractions and activities, and an easy walk to the CBD, Convention Centre and Whakarewarewa

Rydges is pleased to provide its guests with Free WI-FI throughout the hotel, helping to make it a
convenient and comfortable Rotorua accommodation.

The Rydges hotel in Rotorua also offers the award-winning Atrium Restaurant where you can dine
and enjoy modern and classic cuisine. Before dinner, relax in our Mezz Bar, overlooking the Atrium

Housekeeping Notes
In case of any emergency –
• Exit doors are clearly labelled and assembly point is at the rear of the Hotel – in the Rear Car park
• Rydges Rotorua is a No Smoking Property and all smoking areas are located outside the Hotel

General Information
Registration Desk                                        Toilets
The Registration Desk is located in the Pre-Function     Public Toilets are located on the Lobby Floor to the
area. It will be open from 7:00am Wednesday              right and also in the Mezz Bar on the Second Floor.
morning and remain open throughout the
Conference. If you need any information about the
conference programme, social events, venue or other      Mobile Phones
information, or need to contact someone, this is the     Please be considerate to other conference delegates
place to ask!                                            and speakers during sessions by turning mobile
                                                         phones off or by switching devices to silent mode.
Name Badges
Name badges should be worn at all times for entry        Taxis
to conference sessions, trade exhibits and social        If you wish to book a taxi, contact the Hotel staff.
Storage                                                  There is ample free parking to the right-hand side of
Bags and coats can be stored at the registration desk    the hotel.
during the conference. Items are left at your risk as
the desk may not be attended at all times.               Insurance
                                                         Insurance is the responsibility of each delegate.
Catering                                                 The organising team will not be responsible for any
On both days, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea       eventuality involving death, illness, injury, accident
will be held in the Pre-Function and trades space.       or financial loss to any person attending Conference.
If you indicated on your registration form that you
have a special dietary requirement, please liaise
with the registration desk regarding the collection of
  TNZ Growing Products are custom manufacturers of horticultural blends
  and environmental products for the New Zealand and Australian market.
  We consult with leading fertiliser manufacturers to     We can supply the mixes in bulk, or in various
  ensure that our formulations meet your specific         packaging options from 25L to 50L loose filled bags;
  requirements. TNZ has in-house facilities to perform    50L to 100L compressed bales or larger 3-4.5m3
  chemical and physical property testing of your mixes    compressed bales.
  so you can rest assured that your media is of the
  highest quality.


Call us today to discuss your requirements
Invercargill Operation (Head Office)                     Nelson Operation
9 Matheson Road, Kennington, Ph: +64 3 230 3085          580 Lower Queen Street, Richmond, Ph: +64 3 544 4505
Invercargill 9871, New Zealand E: sales@tnzgrow.co.nz    Nelson 7081, New Zealand          E: sales@tnzgrow.co.nz
Proud sponsor of NZPPI conference 2018

Nutritional supplies and advice
  for commercial crops and
        potting media.
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