Happiness: the key to business success in 2019 - eBook - Interact Intranet

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Happiness: the key to business success in 2019 - eBook - Interact Intranet

Happiness: the key
to business success
in 2019
Happiness: the key to business success in 2019 - eBook - Interact Intranet
Happiness: the key to business success in 2019                                                Happiness: the key to business success in 2019

                                                 Create a productive and happy workplace                                     3

                                                 1. Engage employees at an emotional level                                   4

                                                 2. Effective communication that goes both ways                              5

                                                 3. Create a culture of trust                                                6

                                                 4. The importance of work-life balance                                      8

                                                 5. You get what you pay for                                                10

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Happiness: the key to business success in 2019 - eBook - Interact Intranet
Happiness: the key to business success in 2019                                                                                                      Happiness: the key to business success in 2019

            Create a productive and                                                             1. Engage employees at an
            happy workplace                                                                     emotional level

                   ould the key to business           a long time to be dissatisfied! This is   Employee engagement is big                committed to achieving its objectives.
                   success in 2019 really be...       also a a main reason why the average      news, particularly in internal            They are approachable, willing to help,
                   happiness? A study by the          person holds between 12 and 15 jobs       communications and HR. According          and you will probably never hear them
            University of Warwick states: “happy      in their lifetime. Turnover, though, is   to the Workplace Research                 say ‘that’s not my job.’
            people are 12 percent more productive     an expensive prospect for businesses.     Foundation, increasing employee
            than ‘normal’ people.” This shouldn’t     According to the Work Institute's 2018    engagement investments by 10%             Unfortunately, despite a heavy
            come as a surprise as the average         Retention report, it costs employers      can increase profits by $2,400 per        emphasis on employee engagement
            person spends most of their adult life    33% of a worker's annual salary to hire   employee, per year.                       solutions, Gallup’s State of The
            at work; approximately 92,120 hours,      a replacement, based on two factors:                                                American Workplace reports that only
                                                                                                Employee engagement is ‘the               33% of U.S. employees are engaged
                                                                                                emotional commitment the employee         in their job, and that figure has barely
                Recruitment and training of new hire                                            has to the organization and its goals.’   moved over the past 5 years.
                                                                                                An emotional commitment from an
                Lost productivity during training                                               employee means they are engaged
                                                                                                beyond turning up to get paid. They
                                                                                                believe in the company values and are

            Furthermore, Gallup showed in its         are estimated to cost the US between
            'State of the Global Workplace' report    $450 and $550 billion in lost             So, what can your company do to engage more employees at
            that unhappiness doesn't just get         productivity every year. By constrast,    this level?
            costly when the employee in question      happy employees bring a host of
            leaves - in fact, unhappy employees       business benefits, including:
                                                                                                At Interact we believe company values     Team is not exhibiting the values,
                                                                                                should be lived, not laminated. If you    then it’s highly unlikely your
                                                                                                want your employees to believe in the     employees will.
                Higher productivity - up to 2x                                                  values of your company, those at the
                                                                                                top need to ensure that the decisions     Recognize and reward employees
                Increased retention - up to 5x longer then unhappy staff                        they make and the behavior they           who exemplify your values. This
                                                                                                demonstrate are in line with those        demonstrates their importance to the
                Up to 6x more energy to their role                                              values. Culture filters from the top      rest of the company and inspires other
                                                                                                down, so if the Senior Management         employees to follow suit.
                10x less sick leave

            Increasing happiness at work should be a no brainer. It's mutually beneficial,
            and as the following tips show, it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg.

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Happiness: the key to business success in 2019                                                                                              Happiness: the key to business success in 2019

            2. Effective communication
            that goes both ways

            Your team is only as strong as your      them to connect with each other, you
            communication skills. With open          are creating an environment that will
            lines of communication, you will         nurture innovation and cultivate new
            know when an employee is struggling      ideas to stay one step ahead of
            or when a project needs an extra pair    the competition.
            of hands. You will also be right there
            when someone on your team deserves       Make communication a two-way
            recognition for a job well done, and     street to encourage employee
            that is key to employee happiness.       participation and build engagement.
                                                     When employees feel they can speak
            Unfortunately, many companies in         candidly about their triumphs and
            today’s tech-savvy era still lead with   struggles, they are more likely to
            top-down communications. In fact,        communicate positively with both
            86% of employees and executives          their peers and managers. This

                                                                                             3. Create a culture
            cite lack of collaboration or            reduces blame culture and helps the
            ineffective communication for            entire team to tackle problems

                                                                                             of trust
            workplace failures.                      head-on.

            Your employees have the knowledge
            to solve problems, and by enabling

                                                                                             Trust is important in both peoples’   their own decisions and ultimately
                                                                                             personal and work lives; it’s the     fail or succeed on their own terms.
                                                                                             foundation that relationships are     Empowerment breeds innovation.
                                                                                             built on. A workplace without trust   Without the freedom to try new
                                                                                             can cause many issues, including      things, creativity is stemmed, and
                                                                                             a breakdown in communication,         you end up with a workforce of ‘yes
                                                                                             reduced employee morale and           men’ and a company that is constantly
                                                                                             a general lack of respect for the     lagging behind competitors.
                                                                                             company and one another.
                                                                                                                                   Feeling trusted makes people believe
                                                                                             According to Tolero Solutions, 45%    in their abilities, which is engaging
                                                                                             of employees say a lack of trust      and ultimately boosts job satisfaction
                                                                                             in leadership is the biggest issue    and happiness.
                                                                                             impacting work performance. People
                                                                                             need to feel empowered to make

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Happiness: the key to business success in 2019                                                                                                         Happiness: the key to business success in 2019

            The Jacobs Model, developed by Susanne Jacobs, a specialist in employee
            motivation, identifies eight intrinsic drivers of trust in the workplace:

                  Belong and connect
                  People need to feel connected to their team

                  Significance and position
                  When people don’t feel valued they can feel threatened, which negatively
                  impacts their performance

                  Learn and challenge
                  Research shows that employees who feel challenged are more productive

                  Security and certainty                                                          4. The importance of
                  If workers aren’t secure in their position, they can feel threatened, leading
                  to negative effects on performance and productivity levels                      work-life balance
                  Voice and recognition
                  People should be encouraged to express views and ideas in the workplace,        Companies are increasingly moving          Technology has had both a positive
                  so they feel their contributions are recognized and appreciated                 away from the traditional nine to          and negative effect on today’s
                                                                                                  five, with 21% of Americans working        workforce, with most companies
                                                                                                  between 50 and 59 hours per week.          offering some form of flexible hours
                                                                                                  This increase in hours culminates in       or the ability to work remotely. This
                  Employees who feel like they aren’t being treated fairly experience high
                                                                                                  increased work-related stress, which       may seem like work-life balance has
                  levels of stress and low productivity
                                                                                                  is estimated to cost US companies          been achieved, but the advent of
                                                                                                  upwards of $300 billion per year.          smartphones enables workers to be
                  Choice and autonomy                                                                                                        on call 24/7, regardless of location or
                  Giving employees a degree of control and the ability to make their own          Employees need the time and freedom        time zone. The only way to turn off is
                  choices empowers them to manage their work-life balance                         to focus on their personal lives. With     to stop responding!
                                                                                                  a good work-life balance, people
                                                                                                  naturally become more productive.          Many large enterprises, such as IBM,
                  Purpose                                                                         19th-century British industrialist,        Merrill Lynch, Pfizer, and Accenture,
                  Workers with a clear sense of purpose are more likely to be engaged             William Lever, once said: “If we leave     have introduced work-life programs
                                                                                                  the human factor out of our business       to help their employees balance their
                                                                                                  calculations, we shall fail every time.”   work and personal lives. They, like
                                                                                                  He understood that to get the best out     William Lever, believe that it makes
            According to the Jacobs Model, when        performance. On the flipside, missing
                                                                                                  of his employees, he had to ensure         good business sense to look after their
            these eight drivers are satisfied, the     any of them can lead to withdrawal,
                                                                                                  that they were healthy and happy.          employees’ wellbeing.
            result is engagement, energy release,      distress, absenteeism, and reduced
            increased well-being, and improved         performance.

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Happiness: the key to business success in 2019                                                                                                    Happiness: the key to business success in 2019

                                                                                               5. You get what you pay for
           Benefits of work-life balance and employee wellbeing include:

                Reduced stress, absenteeism, and health costs

                Improved staff morale and engagement                                           Everyone needs to make a living. No       and encouragement. They want
                                                                                               matter how great a workplace is or        recognition of the effort they put in.
                                                                                               how much a person enjoys their job, if    Cultivating a workplace that drives
                 Improved customer satisfaction
                                                                                               you're underpaying your workers, they     collaboration and knowledge sharing
                                                                                               won't stick around.                       requires a system that allows visible
                Reduced office and utilities costs (for remote workers)
                                                                                                                                         recognition of these behaviors.
                                                                                               Studies have found that paying
                Improved recruitment, retention, and reduced turnover
                                                                                               employees a living wage drastically       You’d be hard-pressed to find
                                                                                               reduces turnover and sick leave,          something that tops the feeling that
                                                                                               boosts motivation, improves               comes from knowing your hard
           Companies should actively encourage        These values should be reflected in
                                                                                               reputation, and increases productivity.   work has been seen, appreciated,
           employees to use their vacation days       a rewards and recognition program.
                                                                                               A massive 80% of employers also           and celebrated. It goes a long way
           and create a culture of openness so        Once employees see the culture
                                                                                               reported their staff delivered a higher   to ensuring employees feel valued.
           employees feel they can speak up if        shift from the top, they will realize
                                                                                               quality of work after paying them a       However, recognition should be used
           the demands placed on them are too         the importance of taking time out
                                                                                               living wage, with 75% of employees        carefully; don’t reward sub-standard
           great. Additionally, they can advocate     to recharge, not just for their own
                                                                                               agreeing that the quality of their work   behavior. Done correctly, recognition
           working smarter and place emphasis         wellbeing, but also for the success of
                                                                                               improved.                                 is one of the best ways to demonstrate
           on quality of work, rather than            the company.
                                                                                                                                         how much a company values the
           quantity of hours worked.
                                                                                               Recognition also helps boost              extra effort an individual puts in to
                                                                                               employee happiness and productivity;      contribute to business success.
                                                                                               it's a key tool in employee retention
                                                                                               programs for a reason. People want
                                                                                               more than constructive feedback

                                                                                               Could happiness be the key to business
                                                                                               success for your organization?

                                                                                               When it comes to business, there’s        Don’t let unhappy employees be the
                                                                                               no doubt that happy employees             reason your company suffers. By
                                                                                               make a happy workplace. Do they           focusing on happiness, organizations
                                                                                               find their work interesting? Do they      can ensure that employees are
                                                                                               feel a sense of purpose? Do they feel     genuinely engaged and trigger a
                                                                                               appreciated? All these factors connect    plethora of positive benefits for both
                                                                                               work experiences directly to employee     themselves and the employee.
                                                                                               engagement and most importantly –
                                                                                               how happy they are.

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Happiness: the key to business success in 2019                                                       Happiness: the key to business success in 2019

                                                 About Interact
                                                 Interact is a global enterprise software company that serves intranet software
                                                 to over one million users across more than 850 organizations. We specialize in
                                                 solving internal communication and collaboration challenges by combining
                                                 our sophisticated intranet software with outstanding professional services,
                                                 focusing on developing long-term strategic partnerships with our customers.

                                                 Interact has offices in Manchester and
                                                 New York, and operates across the whole of
                                                 the US and Canada, EMEA, and Australia.

                                                 Enjoyed this guide? Looking to learn more about social collaboration
                                                 technology? Our free 4-part eBook series is for you. In the series, we explore:

                                                    01           WHY do I need social in the workplace?

                                                                 Making the case for social and collaborative technology

                                                    02           HOW to get the boss to say 'yes'

                                                                 Securing stakeholder buy-in for your project

                                                    03           WHICH social collaboration tool is right for my business?

                                                                 Understanding social technology, and choosing a platform to
                                                                 meet your needs

                                                   04            Intranets: are they still relevant?

                                                                 Exploring the role of the intranet in today's digital workplace

                                                 Contact us today:
                                                 New York: +1 (646) 564 5775
                                                 Manchester: +44 (0)161 927 322


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