HANDBOOK - competition - Sponsored by Pedal Power, Portsmouth Cycle Exchange and Velopy Cycles

                                                            Win a priz
                                                                      e for
                                                          your scho
                                                                    ol in our



   Sponsored by Pedal Power, Portsmouth Cycle Exchange and Velopy Cycles

C o n te n t s
JRSO and Smart Steps competition                             3
Welcome                                                      4
Why is road safety important?                                5
Why is active travel important?                              5
What is Portsmouth Smart Steps?                              6
Important messages for JRSOs to share                        7
Activity Planner                                             9
Activities that count towards your Portsmouth Smart Steps
Awards:                                                     12
Websites to visit                                           17

   Whether you are working towards your Bronze,
 Silver or Gold award, your school can still win one of
                  our amazing prizes!

Scootability training 10 Bike Safety Checks
in the summer term*        and lights**

 Make sure your school works as hard as you can to be
             in with a chance of winning.
 *Scootability session available to all pupils in the winning school
                  who would like to participate.
   ** The winning school has the responsibility to allocate the 10
   safety checks and sets of lights. Bikes need to be taken to the
 Portsmouth Cycle Exchange for the safety check. No replacement
 parts will be provided but the shop will be able to offer you advice.

We l co m e
Congratulations on being chosen to be a Junior Road
Safety Officer (JRSO).
You now have a very important job; to teach pupils, parents and teachers
all about road safety and active travel. You can do this through lots of fun
activities and you will keep people safe and help your whole school.
Look up information on the internet (see page 17 for places to look).
If you complete all the road safety activities for the year, your JRSO team
will be rewarded with a Bronze, Silver or Gold Portsmouth Smart Steps
award for your school.
I hope you really enjoy your JRSO role.
Have fun!
Portsmouth road safety officers

Why is road
safety important?
Traffic accidents are the most dangerous
thing to under 16s. Children are injured on
Portsmouth’s roads each year. The most
                                                     If we can tell
common cause of children being injured is                           people how
                                                     behave in a s              to
running out into the road or crossing                              afe way on t
                                                   roads, we ca                 he
between parked cars.                                            n reduce acc
                                                           and save live

Why is active
travel important?
Active travel is when you walk, cycle or scoot. If you actively travel to school
you can keep cars away from school to make it safer for pupils. If everyone
leaves their cars at home there will be fewer traffic jams and much less
pollution. Cleaner air is better for
everyone and the environment.

    Walking, scooting or
 cycling to school keeps yo
  fit and healthy and most
    importantly it is FUN!

If you live very far from
school, or your grown-up has
to drive, you can still actively
travel into school. You can
ask them to park a little way
from the school site and
walk the rest of the way.
This is called parking
and striding.

What is
                                                                   Any activ
                                                                             ities you
                                                                  carry out
                                                                             must be
                                                                within sch
                                                                           ool bubble
                                                                and must                s

                                                                           follow yo
                                                                school’s c           u r
                                                                   safety po          s

Smart Steps?
Portsmouth Smart Steps is an awards scheme to reward schools that get
pupils, parents and staff travelling actively and safely to school.

   JRSOs help teachers to:
   • Record how people are travelling
   • Do road safety audits to see what is in and around your school to help
     you travel actively and safely
   • Run activities to get more people involved
   • Spread road safety messages to pupils, parents and teachers

Teachers record how you are getting on with a simple spreadsheet and
email evidence of your work to your road safety officer. You will be awarded
a trophy when you complete the activities needed for each level.

Any activ
                                                                                            ities you
                                                                                 carry out
                                                                                            must be

Important messages
                                                                               within sch
                                                                                          ool bubble
                                                                               and must               s
                                                                                          follow you
                                                                               school’s c            r

for JRSOs to share
                                                                                  safety po         s

Here are some important road safety topics. Have a look through and select the messages
that you want to work on this year. Try to discuss as a team and with your teacher which
ones are most important to your school and why.

   Safe places to cross - zebra crossings, lollypop people, traffic lights, pelican and toucan
   crossings, traffic islands, footbridges and subways are all safe places to cross. Crossing
   between parked cars or on busy roads is very dangerous. Can people identify safe
   places to cross? Sometimes people HAVE to cross between parked cars so they must do
   the Green Cross Code twice (once at the kerbside before stepping into the road, and
   again at the edge of the cars they are crossing between).

                                    t sorts                  Do you know h
 The dangers of distractions - wha                                          ow long it take
                                                             cars to stop? Lo               s for
                                    n you
 of things can be a distraction whe                         distances and
                                                                              ok up stopping
 are crossing the road? How can you                         the playgroun
                                                                            mark them out
 avoid being distracted and make                            can see.
                                                                           d so that every
                                                                                          o ne
 you give the road your full attentio

                                                          How can we encourage everyone
                                ne                                                           to
 The Green Cross Code - everyo                            actively travel? Do people know
                        LISTEN eve ry                                                     why
 must STOP, LOOK and                                      active travel is important? Promo
                                sure                                                        te
 time they cross the road. Make                           parking and striding too.
 everyone knows, and uses, their
 Cross Code.

     Are your year five or year six
     pupils doing Bikeability training in
     school? Make sure they book on.

       Does everyone know the ABC
       of bike checks? (Air, Brakes and
       Chain). Can you show them?

More important messages
     for JRSOs to share
 To share information throughout the year,             We must make sure that everyone knows
 why not create JRSO notice boards (you                how to travel actively AND safely. Give
 may need more than one, so that each                  messages about safe walking, scooting and
 bubble can see one!)? Plan assemblies and             cycling. What are the top tips? Has your
 have a dedicated section on the school                school done any Child Pedestrian training or
 website.                                              Scootability training?

Let everyone know why being                  What are the dangers on the roads near to your school?
bright is important and how                  Can you identify them and tell everyone how to stay safe?
they can make themselves as                  Make sure people know where the safe crossing points
visible as possible to drivers.              are around your school and that they must use them!

                           If you are going by car                  Do parents and other grown-up
Think about in-car safety.                                                                         s
                           know about high back                     know that they must keep the
always make sure people
                              e of these until you are              school zigzags clear? Why is
booster seats (you need on
                           ars-old), the importance of              this important and how can you
either 135cm tall or 12 ye
                            st not distract the driver.             remind them?
seatbelts and that you mu

 Think about how the weather and seasons affect road safety. There are lots more people out
 when it’s warm so the roads and pavements are busier. In winter, the mornings and evenings
 are dark so you need to be bright. At Christmas time lots of people get new bikes and
 scooters, so some cycle training in January is a good idea.

                                    You may no
                                               nswers to
                              know the a                 To
                           all of these                  ese
                                            re about th
                           find out mo
                             p a g e 1 6  fo r useful we
                                                  et search
                                Do an intern
                               k  y o u r te a chers and o
                                                   ad safety
                                  Ask your ro r

Ac t i v i ty
                                              The best JRSO team
                                                                   s carefully plan activ
                                              throughout the year.                        ities

                                              Think about:

          e  r
                                              When is best for a Be

     n n
                                                                  Bright event?

Pl a
                                             When do most people
                                                                   get new bikes?
                                             When are people outs
                                                                  ide most?
                                             These are the things
                                                                  you need to do to ac
                                             the Portsmouth Smar                       hieve
                                                                  t Steps Awards:

                    BRONZE                         SILVER                      GOLD

  Month                Bronze                        Silver                       Gold
                       Recruit the JRSO team and do the induction with your teacher
                                            Set up regular meetings
                                             Make plans for events
              Do a hands-up survey to      Do a hands-up survey         Do a hands-up survey
              see people how travel to     and questionnaire for        and questionnaire for
 November     school                       parents and pupils to see    parents and pupils to see
                                           how they travel to school    how they travel to school.
                                                                        Write a report on your
                                                                        findings. Create a plan to
                                                                        increase active travel to
                                                                        and from school. See
                                                                        what works best.
                                         Complete the road safety audit
                      Do your first activity or event to work towards your Portsmouth
                                              Smart Steps Award
                                           Create a plan to get staff   Run a focus group with
                                           actively travelling to and   staff and create a plan to
                                           from school                  get staff actively
                                                                        travelling to and from
                                           Recruit Infant Road          Recruit Infant Road
 December                                  Safety Officers              Safety Officers and
                 You can recruit                                        complete Child
               infant JRSO’s with                                       Pedestrian training for
             the help of a member                                       them
              of school staff within
            each bubble to help with                                    Do your second activity
            child pedestrian training.                                  or event to work towards
                Remember - you                                          your Portsmouth Smart
              cannot mix bubbles.                                       Steps Award
                                                                        Update your headteacher
                                                                        and governors

                       CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS

BRONZE                        SILVER                      GOLD

 Month                   Bronze                      Silver                        Gold
                              Check that your school is booked to have Bikeability
                                           Do your second activity      Do your third activity or
                                           or event to work towards     event to work towards
                                           your Portsmouth Smart        your Portsmouth Smart
                                           Steps Award                  Steps Award
                                                                        Do your fourth activity or
                                                                        event to work towards
                                                                        your Portsmouth Smart
                                                                        Steps Award

                                           Update your head             Update your head
                                           teacher and governors,       teacher and governors
                                           and engage them in an        and engage them in an
                                           activity                     activity
              Do your second activity      Do your third activity or    Do your fifth activity or
              or event to work towards     event to work towards        event to work towards
              your Portsmouth Smart        your Portsmouth Smart        your Portsmouth Smart
              Steps Award                  Steps Award                  Steps Award
                                           Attend the JRSO              Attend the JRSO
                                           networking event run by      networking event run by
Febraury     Unfortunately g               your road safety officer     your road safety officer.
            JRSO netwo ities                                            Arrange a joint event
                    nd  a ctiv
           events a                                                     with another school
                      p lac e right
           can’t take         your                                      Meet with your road
            now. Speak to ting
            RSO about m S
                                                                        safety officer to discuss
              up th ro u g h  M                                         plans to make your route
                   Te am  s .                                           to school safer

                                      HALF TERM
              Update pupils, parents,      Update pupils, parents,
              RSO or the school            RSO or the school
              webpage with your            webpage with your
              achievements                 achievements
                                           Do your fourth activity or   Do your sixth activity or
 March                                     event to work towards        event to work towards
                                           your Portsmouth Smart        your Portsmouth Smart
                                           Steps Award                  Steps Award
                                           Do a hands-up Survey to see how people travel to
                                           school now that you have started your activities -
                                           have they had any effect?

BRONZE                         SILVER                    GOLD

Month            Bronze                        Silver                      Gold
        Do your third activity or    Do your fifth activity or   Do your seventh activity
        event to work towards        event to work towards       or event to work towards
        your Portsmouth Smart        your Portsmouth Smart       your Portsmouth Smart
April   Steps Award                  Steps Award                 Steps Award
                                     Update headteacher and
                                     governors on your

                     EASTER HOLIDAYS
        Do your fourth activity or   Do your sixth activity or   Do your eighth activity or
        event to work towards        event to work towards       event to work towards
        your Portsmouth Smart        your Portsmouth Smart       your Portsmouth Smart
        Steps Award                  Steps Award                 Steps Award
        Make sure you have           Update your head
        updated your head            teacher and governors
        teacher and governors        on your hard work
        on your hard work

                            HALF TERM
        Do a hands-up Survey to see how people travel to school to see the effect that
                                  your activities have had.

         Get your progress spreadsheets sent to your road safety officer by the middle
        of June to be considered for JRSO Champion of Champions and to receive your
                         Portsmouth Smart Steps by the end of term

                                        JRSO Champion of
                                         Champions event

                                       Awards presented to                  Champion o ’t
                                                                                       w  o n
                                         JRSOs in school                  Champions year.
                                                                         take place th plete
                                                                        You can still      ss
                                                                            your progre r a
                                                                                        ts fo
                                                                          spreadshee          an
                                                                                       w  in
                                                                           chance to          for
                                                                           amazing p   rize
                                                                              your sc  h o o l!

Here are some of the activities that
  count towards your Portsmouth
        Smart Steps Awards:
Assemblies by JRSOs and                          1 x Assembly                         Alternat
external speakers. You can invite
                                      BRONZE                                      assembly ive
                                                                               Present th ideas!
your school crossing patroller,                                                            e asse
Hampshire Fire Service, the                                                          yourselve mbly
                                                                           Record an             s
                                                                          e            interview
police, civil enforcement officers               2 x Assemblies            xternal spea            with
                                       SILVER                                            ker throug an
(traffic wardens), or community                                                 Teams o              h MS
wardens to come and speak in                                                 Get in tou r Zoom.
                                                                                        ch with
assembly. Your road safety                                                        arrange th us to
                                                 3 x Assemblies (one with                     is
officer can help you to arrange        GOLD
this.                                            parents and governors)

      Walk to Sch
                 ool                 More activities
       Challeng  e
       Suspended          • Pompey Monster Walk to School
                            Challenge                                               The winn
                                                                                  will win S ing school
                                                                               training       coota
                          • Pompey Monster Walk to School Week                            . Wait un bility
                                                                              told it’s s          til we are
                          • Glow Day (come to school in high vis)              only one to do this (but
                                                                                       in the en can win
                          • Poster competitions

                          • Scootability training

                          • Install scooter storage or bike storage in
                            your school

                          • Put up information posters and a notice

                          • Run a Bikers Breakfast (pupils and staff
                            that cycle to school get a healthy
                            breakfast on arrival)

                          • Create a Parent Pledge (ask parents to
            g buse
                    s       pledge to keep the school site car free)              breakers
      Walkin e within                                                           mus kfas
      must b les          • Set up a walking bus                                 bub e within
         bubb                                                                        bles

More activities                                       N
                                                                                 recom ot
                                                                               at this mended
                                                                               social ime due to

                   • Ticket cars on zigzags (either make own tickets or go
                      out with civil enforcement officers)

                   • Write a termly newsletter to parents

  Write a er       • Hold a Clean Air Day (a day where no one drives to

 newslett             school)

                   • Promote Park and Stride maps to parents (your road
                      safety officer can help you with this)                    Start a
                   • Put a JRSO noticeboard somewhere visible                         oard
                      to pupils

                   • Run Child Pedestrian Training sessions (your road
                      safety officer can provide everything you need for

                   • Hold lessons on air pollution

                   • Use air pollution monitors in your school grounds

                   • Create songs or a film

                   • Post road safety messages on your school social
                      media or webpage
                                                                                     a song
                   • Run workshops                                             or a film
Design a
                   • Design puzzles, colouring pages and fact files for

           There is so much you can do! Be as creative as you like.
           Your road safety officer can give you help and advice on
           any of these activities.

        can’t co y Monsters
        schools e to any of the
                  at the m
     Pupils ca              oment.
              n still us
        to help w       e charac
                  ith  im        ters
      messag             po
               es or to rtant
       colourfu           cre
                l notice b ate a

                                                                                         rs can’t
                                                                            come to
The Pompey Monsters are Portsmouth’s road safety                        schools        a ny of th
                                                                                  at the m        e
monsters. Each one has a special road safety message:                Pupils c                 o ment.
                                                                             an still u
                                                                        to help         s e cha
                                                                                with imp racters
                                                                      messag                ortant
                                                                               es or to
                                                                       colourfu            c reate a
                                                                                l notice
                           Stomper - the leader of the Pompey                               board
                           Monsters. He loves to get everyone
                           walking safely to school. “I can get to
                           school quickly on my fantastic feet,
                           and you can stomp to school along
                           the street”

Eagle Eyes - is all about the ‘look’ part of the Green
Cross Code; he looks out for dangers on the road. “My
eyes are huge I look all around, I look out for cars to
stay safe and sound.”

                           Chatter Natter - loves to chat to her grown-up and friends
                           on the way to school. It’s much better doing this when you
                           are walking, cycling or scooting! “I like chatting to school, I
                           can talk all the way, but stop to cross the road so I am safe
                           every day”.

 Stripes - knows what all the lines on the road mean; the
 yellow zigzags mean cars can’t stop outside schools,
 and zebra crossings are safe places to cross. “Zebra
 crossings are great and easy to see, that’s why I have
 black and white stripes all over me”.

                           Scoot - loves to whizz everywhere, but he knows how to
                           stay safe. “Scooting is great and keeps you fit, but if it’s
                           crowded or busy I stop for a bit”.

                                                                                          rs can’t
                                                                             come to
                                                                         schools        a ny of th
                                                                                   at the m        e
                            Breezy - our clean air monster.           Pupils c                 o m e nt.
                            She loves active travel to keep                   an still u
                                                                         to help         se cha
                            the air we breathe nice and                           with imp racters
                                                                       messag                ortant
                            clean. “Cars make pollution so                       es or to
                                                                           colourfu         c reate a
                            let’s keep them away; to keep                             l notice
                            the air nice and fresh walk, scoot                 board e
                            or cycle every day!”

Wheels - loves to cycle. He knows how important
Bikeability is and always wears his helmet. “My two
wheels are speedy and I can cycle so well. I have a
helmet a horn and even a bell”.

                            Neon - can glow in the dark! He knows that drivers can
                            only see people at night if they are dressed up nice and
                            bright. “I am always colourful and extra bright so cars
                            can see me on a really dark night”.

Your road safety officer can tell you all     over the summer holidays where you can
about the Pompey Monsters and might be        win your own cuddly Pompey Monster!
able to arrange a special visit from
                                              Find out more about Pompey Monsters
Stomper himself! There is a seven week
                                              and their activities at www.portsmouth.
Pompey Monsters Walk to School
                                              gov.uk and search ‘Pompey
                                                                  ‘Pompey Monsters
Challenge available to a few selected
schools each year where pupils that walk      If you would like to include the Pompey
to school can collect Pompey Monster          Monsters in your activities please
keyrings for their book bags. There is also   contact your road safety officer and we
a Pompey Monsters Walk to School Week         can let you know how.
and the Stomp For Stamps scavenger hunt

We b s i te s to v i s i t
Have a look at the following webpages for useful road safety and active travel info:
Click My Journey Hampshire or visit www.myjourneyhampshire.com/education
Click Clean Air Day or visit www.cleanairday.org.uk
Click Brake or visit www.brake.org
Click Think! or visit www.think.gov.uk/education-resources
Click Road Safety Week or visit www.roadsafetyweek.org.uk
Click Travel in Portsmouth or visit www.portsmouth.gov.uk; search ‘Travel’
Click Pompey Monsters or visit www.portsmouth.gov.uk; search ‘Pompey Monsters’
Click My Journey Portsmouth or visit www.myjourneyportsmouth.com
If you find any other useful webpages and resources please write them here and share
them with your road safety officer and other JRSO teams!

No te s

No te s

                  You can get this information in large
                  print, Braille, audio or in another
         åã       language by calling 023 9284 1193
Produced by: marketing@portsmouthcc.gov.uk • Published: November 2020 • Ref: 128.169

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