Hidden Gems of Russia's Heartland - St. Petersburg to Moscow Aboard Volga Dream - MUSEUM TRAVEL ALLIANCE - Bennington Museum

Page created by Anthony Moore
Hidden Gems of Russia's Heartland - St. Petersburg to Moscow Aboard Volga Dream - MUSEUM TRAVEL ALLIANCE - Bennington Museum

Hidden Gems of Russia’s Heartland
St. Petersburg to Moscow Aboard Volga Dream
               June 9 – 19, 2022
Hidden Gems of Russia's Heartland - St. Petersburg to Moscow Aboard Volga Dream - MUSEUM TRAVEL ALLIANCE - Bennington Museum

Dear Travelers and Friends,

         As the proverb goes, “To know Russia is to know the Volga.” Sailing the Volga River was a royal tradition for
Russia’s imperial rulers, including Peter the Great. In June 2022, join the Museum Travel Alliance for three nights in stately
St. Petersburg, followed by a six-night voyage along some of Russia’s most picturesque lakes and a fabled stretch of the
Volga, Europe’s longest river. You will be joined by an world-renowned expert in European paintings from The Metropolitan
Museum of Art. This personal access to scholars is a feature of all trips from the Museum Travel Alliance.

        You will sail in luxury aboard the appropriately named Volga Dream, redesigned and refitted for your safety and
comfort. As you travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow, step off to explore charming medieval towns throughout the Russian
heartland, beholding dazzling vistas not often seen by international visitors. Look up to see swirling onion domes atop
multicolored cathedrals, and wander through graceful monasteries adorned with breathtaking murals and frescoes.

       Begin your three-night exploration of St. Petersburg with a before-hours viewing of the treasures in the
Hermitage Museum. Enjoy panoramic city views from the Peter and Paul Fortress, the final resting place of various
                                                                            Romanovs, and travel to Peterhof, Peter
                                                                            the Great’s magnificent complex of

                     HIGHLIGHTS                                             palaces and gardens, with a special tour
                                                                            of the luxurious Royal Bathhouse. Delight
ENJOY a before-hours tour of the vast Hermitage                             in a perusal of the gleaming confections
Museum in St. Petersburg, founded in 1764 and home                          within the Fabergé Museum before
to one of the world’s greatest art collections, with                        boarding the elegant Volga Dream.
masterpieces from Italian Renaissance masters and many                                     Take in stunning scenery as you
more gems                                                                         cross Europe’s largest freshwater lake, and
                                                                                  call at Svirstroy, where you will have the
EXPERIENCE the imperial treasures of St. Petersburg                               rare opportunity to observe Russian village
on special tours, including an exploration of Peter the                           life through the eyes of local residents.
Great’s grandiose complex of palaces and gardens at                               Arrive on the magical island of Kizhi,
Peterhof, a behind-the-scenes look at Catherine the                               UNESCO-listed for its striking architecture,
Great’s luxurious Royal Bathhouse, and an up-close viewing                        including a towering wooden church
of the iconic, ornate Easter eggs at the Fabergé Museum                           constructed without nails. In Goritsy,
                                                                                  admire extraordinary medieval Russian
SAIL the elegant Volga Dream to sail the scenic                                   frescoes inside the Ferapontov Monastery.
waterways of Russia, stepping off in historic Golden Ring                         Visit marvelously well-preserved Yaroslavl,
towns, where onion-domed churches, colorful wooden                                the oldest city on the Volga. In medieval
cottages, and medieval fortresses abound                                          Uglich, attend a special a cappella concert
                                                                                  inside a 15th-century lakeside church with
EXPLORE          less-visited UNESCO World Heritage Sites,                        exceptional acoustics.
including the Ferapontov Monastery, with its fully preserved
15th-century frescoes from Russian master Dionisy; and                                    Disembark in the Russian capital,
the fairy-tale island of Kizhi, with its multi-domed wooden                       where you may enjoy an optional two-
churches, amazingly built entirely without nails                                  night postlude. I hope you join us for this
                                                                                  astonishing voyage into the history and
MINGLE with the friendly local residents of the                                   majesty of Russia.
riverside village of Svirstroy, who will share fascinating                                Sincerely,
stories of life since the fall of the Soviet Union

DELIGHT in the stirring voices of an intimate choral
ensemble, enhanced by the flawless acoustics at the                                       Jim Friedlander,
Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Uglich                                                President, Museum Travel Alliance
Hidden Gems of Russia's Heartland - St. Petersburg to Moscow Aboard Volga Dream - MUSEUM TRAVEL ALLIANCE - Bennington Museum
Hidden Gems of Russia’s Heartland
                     St. Petersburg to Moscow Aboard Volga Dream
                                                                          June 9 – 19, 2022

                             Svir River         Onega                                MONDAY, JUNE 13: ST. PETERSBURG /
                 Lake             Svirstroy                                          EMBARK VOLGA DREAM
Baltic                                                                               Visit the neoclassical Shuvalov Palace, now home to the
 Sea                                                  White
                                              Vo                                     Fabergé Museum. The museum houses an extensive
                                           lga erwa      Lake

            St. Petersburg
                                              —              Goritsy                 collection of decorative arts, including the famous and
                                                                                     refined collection of nine imperial Fabergé Easter eggs.

                                                                                     Later, stroll to St. Isaac’s Cathedral, with its gilded dome
                    RUSSIA                                                           and lavish interiors. Gather for lunch, then embark Volga
                                                                                     Dream to start an enchanting six-night cruise. Familiarize
                                                                                     yourself with the exceptional amenities on board as we
                                                                                     cast off for our adventure. This evening, mingle with
                                     Volga River
                                                           Uglich      Volga River   fellow travelers at a captain’s welcome cocktail party
                                                                                     before dinner.                                          B,L,R,D
                                                   Moscow — Volga
                                                                                     TUESDAY, JUNE 14: SVIRSTROY
                                                      Moscow                         Begin the day standing on deck for a grand natural
             Volga Dream
                                                                                     spectacle as Volga Dream sails through Lake Ladoga,
                                                                                     Europe’s largest freshwater lake, passing graceful willow,
                                                                                     alder, and pine trees along the banks. Later, at the first port
     Depart for St. Petersburg, Russia on an overnight flight.
                                                                                     of call, the village of Svirstroy, you will be welcomed into
     FRIDAY, JUNE 10: ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA                                         a local resident’s home for tea with jam and pirozhki (local
     Arrive in this former imperial capital in the afternoon, and                    pies). Learn about Russian traditions and village lifestyle
     transfer to the elegant Hotel Astoria for the next three                        from our hosts before visiting the nearby town. Return to
     nights. Enjoy a welcome cocktail party, with the remainder                      Volga Dream for the remainder of the afternoon.           B,L,D
     of the afternoon and evening at leisure.                     R
                                                                                     WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15: KIZHI
     SATURDAY, JUNE 11: ST. PETERSBURG                                               Step off on the tiny island of Kizhi, a UNESCO World
     Delight in a special visit to the world-renowned Hermitage                      Heritage Site on Lake Onega, the second largest lake in
     Museum before opening hours. Savor this splendid art                            Europe. See the Kizhi State Open Air Museum of History,
     palace, exploring its unparalleled masterpieces with rare                       Architecture and Ethnography, including its fairy-tale Church
     intimacy, when crowds are few. Enjoy a welcome lunch                            of the Transfiguration. This afternoon back on Volga Dream,
     nearby. Walk to the Peter and Paul Fortress, the final resting                  learn to make traditional crêpes and dumplings (blini and
     place of various Romanovs, and enjoy panoramic views                             pelmeni) at an onboard cooking class.                  B,L,D
     of the city. This evening, attend a welcome reception and
     dinner at a special venue.                            B,L,R,D
                                                                                                                      Church of the Transfiguration, Kizhi
     This morning, travel to Peterhof, Peter the Great’s
     magnificent complex of palaces and gardens, which has
     been renovated to its former Baroque splendor after near-
     destruction during World War II. In a wonderful highlight,
     delight in a special visit to explore the Royal Bathhouse,
     where Catherine the Great took her baths. Take a private
     hydrofoil back to St. Petersburg for an afternoon at leisure.
     Gather this evening to cruise along the city’s famous canals,
     and experience the “White Nights,” a period when round-
     the-clock daylight illuminates St. Petersburg. Enjoy a light
     reception of wine and canapés while sailing past its pastel
     palaces and monuments. Dinner is at leisure.             B,L,R
THURSDAY, JUNE 16: GORITSY                                                                         SATURDAY, JUNE 18: UGLICH
   Cross Lake Beloye—formerly known as “the tsar’s fishing                                            Visit Uglich, whose medieval buildings loom above a
   grounds.” Then visit the UNESCO-listed Ferapontov                                                  sharp bend in the river. At the five-domed Church of
   Monastery, whose frescoes are considered among the                                                 the Transfiguration, an a cappella concert creates a
   most extraordinary examples of medieval Russian art.                                               starkly beautiful contrast with the glittering iconostasis
   Enjoy free time in this peaceful village, or tour the 14th-                                        surrounding the singers. Learn about the important role
   century Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery (“the Monastery of                                            Uglich played in the rise of the Romanov Dynasty at
   St. Cyril on the White Lake”), once one of the most                                                the Chapel of Dimitry, built on the site where Ivan the
   important in Russia.                                     B,L,D                                     Terrible’s youngest son met his fate. Tonight, join the
                                                                                                      captain for a farewell reception and dinner.           B,L,R,D
   In the morning, learn a few words in Russian at a language                                         SUNDAY, JUNE 19: MOSCOW / DISEMBARK / RETURN
   class before visiting Yaroslavl, the oldest city on the Volga                                      Disembark in Moscow after breakfast, and transfer to the
   River. It was unharmed during World War II, and many                                               airport for flights home.                                B
   religious buildings dating from the 13th to 17th centuries
                                                                                                      An optional postlude in Moscow is offered June 19-21, 2022.
   remain intact. In the Spassky Monastery, see the
   Transfiguration Cathedral, adorned with murals depicting
   the apocalyptic visions of St. John, and view the richly
                                                                                                      DISCLAIMER: The itinerary is subject to change at the
   frescoed Church of Elijah the Prophet. Take a stroll in the                                        discretion of The Museum Travel Alliance and Arrangements
   lively market before returning to Volga Dream.             B,L,D                                   Abroad. For complete details, please carefully read the terms

                                                                                  VOLGA DREAM
                                                        SUN DECK
                                                                                                                      One of the finest riverboats in Russia, Volga Dream
                                               411      409 407 405       403
                                                                                                                      is ideally suited to explore the scenic lakes and
                                                                                                                      waterways between St. Petersburg and Moscow.
                                                412 410 408 406   404     402
                                                                                                                      Completely redesigned and refitted, this charming
                                                                                                                      ship is kept scrupulously clean by a professional
                                                    PROMENADE DECK                                                    crew for whom safety is always a priority. All 56
                                                                                                                      staterooms have river views, marble-accented
                                                                                                                      bathrooms, air conditioning, telephones, flat-screen

                                323 321 319   317      315 313 311 309 307        305 303 301

                                                                                                                      satellite TVs, and a safe. Meals feature Continental

                                324 322 320   318      316 314 312 310 308        306 304 302
                                                                                                                      cuisine alongside Russian specialties. The lounge,
                                                                                                                      showcasing paintings by contemporary Russian
                                                       MAIN DECK                                                      artists, offers panoramic views and live music. The
                                                    209 207 205 203 201               DINING
                                                                                                                      full-length sun deck is a lovely setting for relaxing
                                                                                      ROOM                            and basking in the scenery. Other amenities include
                                                                                                                      a fitness room, massage room, and sauna. A
                                                    210 208 206 204 202
                                                                                                                      physician accompanies each cruise.
                                                       CABIN DECK
                                                        107 105 103 101
                                                                                                                                          RATE INCLUDES
                                                                                                                      n   Three nights hotel accommodations at the Hotel
                                                                                                                          Astoria in St. Petersburg
                                                        108 106 104 102                                               n   Six nights cabin accommodations aboard Volga Dream
                                                                                                                      n   Meals as per the itinerary (B=Breakfast, L=Lunch,
          LAND/CRUISE RATES                                       (Per Person, Double Occupancy)
                                                                                                                          R=Reception, D=Dinner); bottled water,
                                                                                                                          soft drinks, juices, and coffee/tea with all meals;
				                                                                                     Double       Single
Cabins Decks                                                                             Rates        Rates               house wine at welcome and farewell dinners;
                                                                                                                          complimentary open bar aboard the cruise with
                                       SPECIAL OFFER FOR SINGLE TRAVELERS                                                 opportunities to taste authentic Russian vodka
Standard Single Cabins 325, 326 & 410                        Promenade & Sun Decks --------           $8,999              and cuisine
Standard Cabins 101 to 108                                   Cabin Deck                  $7,999       $9,999          n   Live piano performances on board Volga Dream
   Twin beds.                                                                                                         n   Airport/hotel/pier/airport group transfers for all
Superior Cabins 201 to 210                                   Main Deck                   $9,999       $14,999             participants on suggested flights
   Twin beds.                                                                                                         n   Escorted sightseeing, transportation, and entrance
                                                                                                                          fees for all included visits
Deluxe Cabins 301 to 315 & 317 to 324                        Promenade Deck              $10,499 $15,749
   Double beds.                                                                                                       n   Enrichment program of lectures and talks; gratuities
                                                                                                                          to local guides and drivers
Superior Staterooms 406 to 409, 411 & 412 Sun Deck		                                     $10,999 Inquire
                                                                                                                          Customary shipboard gratuities
   Twin beds.

                                                                                                                          Taxes, service, and porterage charges; gratuities to
 Junior Suites 316 & 405		                                   Promenade & Sun Decks $11,999 Inquire

                                                                                                                          local guides and drivers, as well as ship gratuities
   Double beds.
                                                                                                                      NOT INCLUDED IN RATE: International airfare; passport/
 Superior Junior Suites 402 to 404                           Sun Deck		                  $13,999 Inquire              visa fees; meals not specified; alcoholic beverages other than
   Double beds.                                                                                                       noted in inclusions; personal items and expenses; airport
                                                                                                                      transfers other than for those on suggested flights; excess
 Owner’s Suite 300                                           Promenade Deck              $15,999 Inquire              baggage; trip insurance; optional Moscow postlude; any
   Double beds.                                                                                                       other items not specifically mentioned as included.
Cyril-Belozersky Monastery, Kirillov

                                                                    MUSEUM TRAVEL ALLIANCE
                                      HIDDEN GEMS OF RUSSIA’S HEARTLAND                                                  n
                                                                                                                             JUNE 9–19, 2022
                                                                          RESERVATION FORM

To reserve a place, please call Museum Travel Alliance at phone: 212-324-1893 or 855-533-0033, fax: 212-344-7493; or complete and return this form with
your deposit of $1,000 per person (fully refundable until 120 days before departure) payable to Museum Travel Alliance. Mail to: Museum Travel Alliance,
1040 Avenue of the Americas, 23rd floor, New York, NY 10018-3721.

Name(s) in full as on passport(s). Please print.



City                                                             			                     State                		                             Zip

Telephone (home)                                                			                      (business)

Fax                                                             			                      E-mail

Volga Dream cabin preference (1)             __________________________________________________________________    (2)   ___________________________________________________________________

I wish to share a cabin with         __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

MTA MUSEUM AFFILIATION _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

p I/We would like to join the optional poslude in Moscow
Hotel Room Preference                    p One bed              p Two beds              p Single

p Enclosed is my check (payable to Museum Travel Alliance)                               p Debit card             p Credit card

Name on credit card

Credit card number

3- or 4-digit security code                                                                                       		                         Expiration date

I/We confirm that I/we have carefully read and agree to the Terms & Conditions of this Program (see https://museumtravelalliance.com/faq.php to
review or call for a copy). I/We agree to full payment 120 days prior to departure. Each participant must sign below.

Signature (required)                                                                                              			                        Date

Signature (required)                                                                                              			                        Date

On the front cover: Cathedral of the Annunciation, Moscow                                                                                          B_22VDRLED0609_MTA         CST 2059789-40
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