Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad" - Ignasi López Verdeguer - Fundación "la Caixa" ...

Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad" - Ignasi López Verdeguer - Fundación "la Caixa" ...
Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal
          "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad”

         Ignasi López Verdeguer – Fundación “la Caixa”
           ilopez@fundaciolacaixa.es – @ignasilopezv
Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad" - Ignasi López Verdeguer - Fundación "la Caixa" ...
Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad" - Ignasi López Verdeguer - Fundación "la Caixa" ...
1.‐ Responsible Research and Innovation

2.‐ RRI Tools, a project to foster Responsible
   Research and Innovation for society, with
Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad" - Ignasi López Verdeguer - Fundación "la Caixa" ...
Tackling Societal Challenges
Horizon 2020 reflects the policy priorities of the Europe 20201
strategy and addresses major concerns shared by citizens in Europe
and elsewhere. A challenge‐based approach will bring together
resources and knowledge across different fields, technologies and
disciplines, including social sciences and the humanities.

Funding will be focused on the following challenges:

‐ Health, demographic change and wellbeing;
‐ Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime
  research, and the bio‐economy
‐ Secure, clean and efficient energy;
‐ Smart, green and integrated transport;
‐ Inclusive, innovative and secure societies;
‐ Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials
Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad" - Ignasi López Verdeguer - Fundación "la Caixa" ...
“We need ambition at a policy level to support the
  best science for the world and not just the best
  science in the world”

                 Morten Østergaard “Science in Dialogue Conference”.
                                          Opening session. Denmark

 “The dialogue between science and society has
 never been so important”.

       Márie Geogheagan‐Quinn, European Commissioner for Research,
                                           Innovation and Science
Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad" - Ignasi López Verdeguer - Fundación "la Caixa" ...

Responsible Innovation, First Edition, Ed. by Richard Owen,
John Bessan and Maggy Heintz. 2013 John Wiley & Sons
Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad" - Ignasi López Verdeguer - Fundación "la Caixa" ...
'Technology acceptance' rationale

           Technology              ?????                       Public


                                         «I               !»
Science in Society
Work Programme 2013
Negotiation Meeting SiS-2013-1
Philippe Galiay,                                          Technology
EC DG RTD-B6 "Ethics and Gender"

                                     Research and
Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad" - Ignasi López Verdeguer - Fundación "la Caixa" ...
'Innovation acceptability' rationale

   New ideas!

    Societal Engagement

      « We         !»

  Innovation     !!!!!!!!!!!

                     Research and
Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad" - Ignasi López Verdeguer - Fundación "la Caixa" ...
Von Schomberg, Rene ( 2013). "A vision of responsible innovation". In: R. Owen, M.
          Heintz and J Bessant (eds.) Responsible Innovation. London: John Wiley
Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad" - Ignasi López Verdeguer - Fundación "la Caixa" ...
Polemics on the scientific method and science comm., specially Open Access
Education       Gender equality
            •   For every male member of a
                commitee of seven, a woman
                candidate has 14% less chance
                of being promoted than a male
                candidate. (Spanish study)

            •   Between 1997 and 2000, ten
                drugs were withdrawn from
                the US market because of life‐
                threatening health effects –
                four of this were more
                dangerous to woman. Part of
                the problem is that preclinical
                research uses primarly male
                  Structural change in research institutions:
                 Enhancing excellence, gender equality and
                   efficiency in research and innovation. EC.
What is the level of involvement citizens should have when it
•   77% of Europeans                                comes to decisions made about science and technology?
    believe that science                            Answer: Public dialogue is required (Req: 55% ‐ Not Req: 37%)

    and technology have
    a positive impact in

•   62% agree that
    science makes our
    way of life change
    too fast

•   55% think that
    public dialogue is
    required when it
    comes to decisions
    made about science
    and technology
                           Special Eurobarometer 401. Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Science and Technology
ESF Science Policy Briefing 50
Responsible Research and Innovation

 “RRI is a transparent, interactive
 process, by which societal actors
 and innovators become mutually
 responsive to each other with a
 view to the (ethical) acceptability,
 sustainability    and      societal
 desirability of the innovation
 process and its marketable
 products (in order to allow a
 proper embedding of scientific
 and technological advances in our
 (Von Shomberg definition)

RRI DIMENSIONS: Anticipatory, reflective, deliberative, responsive. (Owen et al. framework)
La RRI tiene 5 componentes:

                                                                   Public Engagement
• “Escojamos juntos, diseñemos la ciencia
para y con la sociedad”: Hay que involucrar a
toda la sociedad en los procesos de              Gender equality                       Education
investigación e innovación.
• “Desarrollemos todo el potencial”: Todos –
tanto hombres como mujeres‐ deben estar a
bordo. Se ha de afrontar la infra‐
representación de la mujer en la ciencia.               Ethics                         Open access

• “Aprendizaje creativo, ideas frescas”: Hay
que fomentar las vocaciones científicas. Se ha
de mejorar el proceso de educación desde las
edades más tempranas.

• “Hagamos lo correcto y hagámoslo bien”: La sociedad europea se basa en valores
compartidos. Hay que respetar los derechos fundamentales. El 4º componente es la Ética
• “Compartamos los resultados para avanzar” El acceso abierto a los resultados debe ser una
Inspired in Phillipe Galiay presentation at EC and EFC Workshop RRI & Foundations, Brussels, 2013
We are not alone. FP7 Projects on RRI (2012)

                           Towards a European normative model for Responsible Research
                           and Innovation globally, using constitutional values as a driver to
                           inform societal desirability (NEWSLETTER)

                           Governance for Responsible Innovation

                           Responsible Research and Innovation in a Distributed
                           Anticipatory Governance Frame. A Constructive Socio‐normative

                            Global Model and Observatory for International Responsible
                            Research and Innovation Coordination
RRI Tools will help transform Research and Innovation
in Europe into a process targeted at the grand
challenges of our time (science for society)
where deliberation and reflection are coupled with
action (science with society)
by training science leaders in the RRI process and by
raising awareness of the concept through Europe.
                                           From the DoW
RRI Hubs Network

• I am already responsible!
• Tension between science for society and the
  principle of scientific freedom
• Lack of knowledge and capacity for RRI
• What is RRI in the different domains of science?
• What is a tool? Which are the most needed tools?
• Regional diversity
• ...

From R. Owen, M Heintz and J. Bessant (eds.) Responsible Innovation. London, Wiley 2013
                                                                             And DoW
1.   The consortium
2.   The experts
3.   We are not alone
4.   The RRI Hubs
5.   The Community of Practice
6.   Work Packages description
7.   The timeline
8.   The expected impact
1. The Consortium

                                  The Management Board

      Coordinator                                        WP2 Leader

      Diputy Coordinator                                 WP4 Leader

      Hubs Coordinator                                   WP5 Leader

      WP1 Leader                                         WP6 Leader

     Technological Partner   Networks

      Hub Leaders
2. The experts and the Advisory Board

                          •     The AB provides strategic guidance and
                          support to the project coordinator and the
                          Management Board to ensure excellence and
                          relevance of the project. Meets on a yearly basis.
                          •   Composed by 12 renowned experts on RRI or RRI
                              key issues:
                                • Richard Owen (RRI)
                                • Carsten Mann (Governance)
    ...                         • Lars Kluver (Governance)
                                • Inés Sánchez de Madariaga (Gender)
                                • Lut Mergaert (Gender)
                                • Claudia Neubauer (Engagement)
                                • Justin Dillon (Education)
                                • Roser Pintó (Education)
                                • Pere Puigdomenech (Ethics)
                                • Prof. Jeroen van den Hoven (Ethics)
                                • Maria Cassella (Open Access)
                                • David Lynn (Open Access)
3. We are not alone. FP7 Projects on RRI (2013)
4. The RRI Hubs

•    Network of 19 National
RRI Hubs

•    Covering 24 member
states and 6 Associated

•   Coordinated by a member of
    the consortium

•   Formed by 2/3 other
    institutions and the National
    network around them

•   Will participate in all phases
    of the project
5 . The Community of Practice (CoP)
6. Workpackages description

 1st Phase                    2nd Phase   3rd Phase
1rst Phase: Analysis
The first objective of the project will be to gather all relevant knowledge about RRI, establish
a common, working definition for it and test it in an iterative process with the wide range of
stakeholders that will be part of the project

       WP1: Compilation of good
                                                           WP2: Assessing the needs and
       practices and developement
                                                           constraints of RRI Stakeholders.
       on good practice standards.
WP1: Compilation of good practices ‐ Athena
‐ Define a working definition for RRI and a working methodology for collection of good
practice standards.
‐ Gather good practice standards (GPS) on RRI and its Key components, develop a catalogue
of GPS.

                                    Responsible Experts of Key Components
                                    ‐ King Badouin Foundation ‐ Governance of Research and Innovation
                                    ‐ “la Caixa” Foundation / IrsiCaixa ‐ Engaging society
                                    ‐ Experimentarium ‐ Gender
                                    ‐ Cariplo Foundation ‐ Access to scientific information
                                    ‐ EUN ‐ Science education
                                    ‐ Athena Institute – Ethics
                                    ‐ and others with relevant knowledge, UCL, Cipast...

          1 Workshop               1 Workshop each Hub                 Wide participation through SN
Some best practices

We have to build on existing RRI best practices and tools (to be decided by WP1)

                               Geoingeniering project of
                                                           A new open‐access
                               UK Universities
                                                                               20 laboratory engagement
FP7 Tolkit on Gender in Research                                               studies on labs to integrate
                                                                               broader societal considerations
                                                                               into their work

     Research councils with RRI programs/statements:
Some best practices
Workpackages description

 1st Phase                 2nd Phase   3rd Phase
2nd Phase: Building the Toolkit
WP3: Production of the Toolkit ‐ “la Caixa” Foundation

     ‐   With the results of WP1 and WP2 identify, prioritize and then produce from 15 to 20
     ‐   Develop the Toolkit, the multimedia 2.0 collaborative platform and the Community of
         Practice (CoP)

                                                    FLC and IrsiCaixa
                                                    WP1 and WP2 leaders and participants
What is a tool?

Credit: Anup Shah/Nature Picture Library
What is a tool in RRI Tools?

    “Stakeholdarized” tools

1. Self‐assessment tools: To auto evaluate performance on RRI
2. RRI Digital capsules: From text to video, guidelines on specific
   actions to “become RRI”
3. Good Practice Standards: Good practices with guides for
4. Training and advocacy resources: Sets of instructions for trainers of
   the toolkit
5. Library: A repository of reports, papers, handbooks, books… on RRI.
6. Dissemination materials Leaflefts, posters...etc
What is a tool?   Feasibility vs.

6. Workpackages description

 1st Phase                    2nd Phase   3rd Phase
3rd Phase: Training and Advocacy
WP4: Training and Advocacy on the RRI Toolkit ‐ University College London

     ‐    Will develop and enable implementation of both a training programme and an advocacy
          programme based on the RRI Toolkit
     ‐    It will develop materials, carry a “train the trainers” workshop in Brussels for the Hubs and
          asses the RRI Hubs in carrying out local trainings.

         Train the Trainers Workshop.
         Month 24. 3 day workshop in Brussels.
         2 Attendees per HUB
                                                          Implementation of multiplying training
                                                          workshops and of the advocacy program
                                                          (at least 40 workshops, at least 120 meetings
                                                          with Policy Makers)
WP5: Monitoring and Evaluation – Zentrum for Social Innovation

 ‐   Quality control and evaluation of the project’s
     research, training and dissemination processes.
 ‐   Validates thee RRI Toolkit (outward‐looking
 ‐   Collaborates in the co‐production of the self‐
     assessment tool

            All innovations are socially relevant
WP6: Disemination ‐ Euroscience

‐   Will develop the communication (understood as dialogue) and dissemination strategy Will
    appoint a Communication manager and take care of media and social media relations.
‐   Will take care of the Engagement of the Community of Practice and of the coordination of
    the participation of the Consortium in conferences (Esof, Ecsite...)
WP7: Management – “la Caixa” Foundation

‐ Takes care of the Project coordination, the internal communication, the
  contractual, financial and adm. Management and the Quality Contro

  The Management Board
  ‐ Will meet every four
    months presentially and
    digitally every 2 months
“We need ambition at a policy level to support the
  best science for the world and not just the best
  science in the world”

                 Morten Østergaard “Science in Dialogue Conference”.
                                          Opening session. Denmark

 “The dialogue between science and society has
 never been so important”.

       Márie Geogheagan‐Quinn, European Commissioner for Research,
                                           Innovation and Science
Horizon 2020: Jornada sobre el Programa Transversal
          "Ciencia con y por la Sociedad”

         Ignasi López Verdeguer – “la Caixa” Foundation
           ilopez@fundaciolacaixa.es – @ignasilopezv
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