Information Guide Term 1, 2020 - (Friday 31st Jan - Thursday 9th April) - Hive Creative Studios

Page created by Darryl Chavez
Information Guide Term 1, 2020 - (Friday 31st Jan - Thursday 9th April) - Hive Creative Studios
Information Guide
        Term 1, 2020
(Friday 31st Jan - Thursday 9th April)
Information Guide Term 1, 2020 - (Friday 31st Jan - Thursday 9th April) - Hive Creative Studios
Providing kids with a creative outlet is

intellectual and emotional development as

to support students in every stage of
childhood from birth to 18 yrs.

From humble beginnings offering home-

evolved her passion into a multidisciplinary
creative school located in Charlestown.

We take great pride in watching our little
bees thrive with the guidance of our
expert teachers who are exceptionally


playful and safe environment that nurtures
the wellbeing of each little bee.

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Information Guide Term 1, 2020 - (Friday 31st Jan - Thursday 9th April) - Hive Creative Studios

MUSICAL THEATRE (K - Yr 2)                               Term 1 Program: Theatre Evolution
What is musical theatre? At this age it is an            The history and styles of musicals from last century. Looking at examples from each decade
introduction into the three main elements that           like; 1920- ‘Anything Goes’, 1960- ‘Mary Poppins’ , 1980- ‘Into the woods’, 1990- ‘The Lion
make up musical theatre. Dancing, acting,                King’, 2010- ‘Come From Away’. Every musical not only has a story to tell, but a role to play
singing. Students will learn the fundamental skills      in the evolution of theatre.
of each and how to apply them all at once in a
fun and energetic class.                                 Term 2 Program: Triple Threat
                                                         The term of the triple threat. Dancing, acting, singing.
MUSICAL THEATRE                                          How they come together and the techniques we
(Yr 3-Yr 4 & Yr 5-Yr 6 )                                 need in each.
Musicals are a complex beauty, with multi-part
songs, an array of dance styles and characters.          Term 3 Program: Show Creation
Exploring all they have to offer is how we can           The creation of a show. From auditions to
learn and put into practice the skills needed,           accolades, scripts to scores, tableaux to
while developing our own performance style.              time-steps, and everything in between.
The practice of learning scripts, lyrics and
choreography all come into play when developing          Term 4 Program: Off & On Stage
a musical.
                                                         learn how a theatre works and all we need to
MUSICAL THEATRE (High-School)                            know on and off the stage.
The practice of performance is what extends our
skill levels and develops us as a musical theatre
performer. Students will learn what is expected
within the musical theatre industry including
audition techniques, reading music, dance call
basics and theatre etiquette. This is a time to
develop, grow, and hone in on skills.

                                             MUSICAL THEATRE TIMETABLE

         MONDAY                          4:00pm - 5:00pm                              KINDER - YR 1                                   Tash
        TUESDAY                          5:00pm - 6:00pm                              KINDER - YR 1                                   Tash
        TUESDAY                          6:00pm - 7:00pm                                  YRS 2 - 4                                   Tash
      WEDNESDAY                          4:00pm - 5:00pm                              KINDER - YR 1                                   Tash
      WEDNESDAY                          5:00pm - 6:00pm                                  YRS 2 - 4                                   Tash
      WEDNESDAY                          6:00pm - 7:00pm                                  YRS 5 - 6                                   Tash
       THURSDAY                          4:00pm - 5:00pm                              KINDER - YR 1                                   Tash
       SATURDAY                         9:30am - 10:30am                                  YRS 2 - 4
       SATURDAY                        10:30am - 12:00pm                                  YRS 5 - 6
       SATURDAY                         12:30pm - 2:00pm                                  YRS 7 - 8

We hold a Showcase in term 2 and term 4 every year. In term 2, students will perform musical theatre songs in their class groups, and in term 4 will perform
a scripted mini musical.
Information Guide Term 1, 2020 - (Friday 31st Jan - Thursday 9th April) - Hive Creative Studios

DRAMA (K-Yr 1 & Yr 2-Yr4)                                Term 1 Program:
Explore the world of the weird and wonderful in          Television Scene Work
group collaboration and create characters, scenes,       learn how to take a scene from the
and different worlds! Work with others to create         page to the stage by exploring real
and accept ideas, develop better listening skills        scripts written for Stage and screen
and make new friends in a safe and nurturing             as well as learning about the audition
environment designed to ignite the imagination.

                                                         Term 2 Program: Masks
DRAMA (Yr 5-Yr 6)                                        What is a mask? A Mask is an ancient form of theatrical
Explore and Apply theatrical techniques in a
variety of contexts and build skills in spontaneity,     using movement, space, imagination and magic.
voice, movement, characterization, improvisation
and more. Work collaboratively and develop
performance skills and your own technique in             Term 3 Program: Showcase Theatrics.
performance craft.                                       Using the theatrical tools and skills we have learnt throughout the year, perform your chosen
                                                         piece in front of a live audience on stage in a showcase style of diverse group collaborations.

DRAMA (High-School)                                      Term 4 Program: Create Your Own Play
Learn fundamental skills of performance craft            Create your very own play/story using play building techniques such as voice, movement,
by creating and exploring real characters and            improvisation, character work, and script writing in any genre and perform the original work
the world in which they live. Build skills in Voice,     for family and friends at Hive.
Improvisation, script writing and group work. Use
advanced theatrical techniques and learn about the

                                                        DRAMA TIMETABLE

         MONDAY                           4:00pm - 5:00pm                                                      *                        Beth
         MONDAY                           5:00pm - 6:00pm                                                      *                        Beth
         MONDAY                           6:00pm - 7:00pm                               YRS 9 - 12                                      Beth
        TUESDAY                           4:00pm - 5:00pm                            KINDER - YR 1                                      Alex
        TUESDAY                           5:00pm - 6:00pm                                YRS 2 - 4                                      Alex
        TUESDAY                           6:00pm - 7:00pm                                                      *                        Alex
      WEDNESDAY                           4:00pm - 5:00pm                             KINDER-YR 1                                       TBA
      WEDNESDAY                           5:00pm - 6:00pm                                YRS 5 - 6                                      TBA
       THURSDAY                           4:00pm - 5:00pm                                YRS 2 - 4                                      Alex
       THURSDAY                           5:00pm - 6:00pm                                YRS 5 - 6                                      Alex
       THURSDAY                           6:00pm - 7:00pm                                YRS 7 - 8                                      Alex
       SATURDAY                          9:00am - 10:30am                                YRS 5 - 6                                      Beth
       SATURDAY                         10:30am - 11.30am                                YRS 2 - 4                                      Beth

* Selective class entry is by audition

DRAMA SHOWCASE: Our drama school is designed to develop authentic acting skills with a focus on screen acting. In term 3 we all take to the
stage in our yearly showcase where each class group will perform a 10-15 min piece, with the scripts and characters developed by the students.
Information Guide Term 1, 2020 - (Friday 31st Jan - Thursday 9th April) - Hive Creative Studios

 ART BUZZ (5-8 yrs)                                                                PAINTING (8-14 yrs)
 Each term kids explore art themes using a range of sculpture,                     Students are introduced to a variety of painting techniques and styles,
 drawing & painting materials and techniques. A fun, experimental                  working with different mediums and brushes. We also establish
 program which provides a great variety of both skill development                  foundations of painting through colour theory, scale, proportion, texture,
                                                                                   perspective, and rhythm.
 proud to display.

Term 1 Program: Hairy Maclary                                                      Term 1 Program: Artist focus (Ken Done)
Join Hairy Maclary and friends as we learn to draw, paint and sculpt               Painting classes will be looking at the works of renowned Australian
and illustrate these lovable characters from this classic book series.             Artist Ken Done, learning about his colourful painting style and
Each week we will develop our drawing skills as we draw a different                developing their own wow-factor art works incorporating his
character, learning how to make the animal hair look shaggy, curly,                impressionistic style, as well as a local beach scene and learning to
                                                                                   paint still life.
watercolours, oil pastels, acrylic paint or sculpt a clay character to
create a collectible set. Finally we’ll sculpt a dog basket and weave a
blanket for our little clay characters to sleep in!

 DRAWING (8-14 yrs)                                         Term 1 Program: Mysteries
 Our drawing program helps students to develop              We’ll be looking at illustrations for mystery
                                                            novels, and we’ll dive into how to create mood and narrative in our drawings as we create
 animals to identify the shapes, patterns, light and        our own mysteries. Students will learn new techniques such as pen drawing, watercolor
 dark that they see, and then to draw what they             pencils, markers, and more. In this course, Sia will teach students, step by step, the process
 are seeing.                                                to experiment and unlock creativity with manual techniques that will also help to create a
                                                            freehand illustrated notebook.
Information Guide Term 1, 2020 - (Friday 31st Jan - Thursday 9th April) - Hive Creative Studios
FINE ART (8-14 yrs)                                  Term 1 Program: Anime
The follow-on program to ‘Art Buzz’, Fine Art
uses the same format as the younger program.         Anime art as they develop their own anime characters, learn
However, students are challenged to develop more     drawing techniques and how to create expressions and
                                                     moods for their characters. Then we’ll develop our skills in
painting. These classes have a provide kids with a
positive and creative, after-school outlet.          using clay. Finally we will paint our favourite anime character
                                                     in a mixed media artwork.

DRAWING (13-18 yrs)                                  Term 1 Program: Anime
In this program, students will increase their        This illustrators course has a strong focus on drawing in the anime style, developing the
                                                     ability to create expression, mood and mystery in our drawings, with a particular focus on the
foundations of drawing and imagination! Suitable     story: “Spirited Away”. Students will learn new techniques such as pen drawing, watercolor
for dedicated students who have a passion for        pencils, markers, and more. They will experience what happens to their drawings and their
drawing and want to improve their own ability.       own style when they mix techniques, change tools or combine all of them.

                                                     ART TIMETABLE

        MONDAY                          4:00pm - 5:00pm                    DRAWING YRS 3 - 6                                    Sia
        MONDAY                          5:00pm - 6:00pm                    DRAWING YRS 3 - 6                                    Sia
        MONDAY                          6:00pm - 7:30pm                     FINE ART YRS 3 - 6                                  Sia
       TUESDAY                          4:00pm - 5:00pm                     ART BUZZ K - YR 3                                   Sia
       TUESDAY                          5:00pm - 6:00pm                    DRAWING YRS 3 - 6                                    Sia
       TUESDAY                          6:00pm - 7:30pm                     FINE ART YRS 3 - 6                                  Sia
    WEDNESDAY                           4:00pm - 5:00pm                     ART BUZZ K - YR 3                                   Sia
    WEDNESDAY                           5:00pm - 6:00pm                     ART BUZZ K - YR 3                                   Sia
    WEDNESDAY                           6:00pm - 7:30pm                     FINE ART YRS 3 - 6                                  Sia
      THURSDAY                          4:00pm - 5:00pm                      ART BUZZ K- YR 3                                   Sia
      THURSDAY                          5:00pm - 6:00pm                     PAINTING YRS 3 - 6                                  Sia
      THURSDAY                          6:00pm - 7:30pm                   DRAWING YRS 7 - 10                                    Sia
Information Guide Term 1, 2020 - (Friday 31st Jan - Thursday 9th April) - Hive Creative Studios

DID YOU KNOW? All of our 0-5 music programs follow the award-winning Kindermusik Program. Kindermusik is the world’s leading provider of

years most critical to brain development. Since 1978, Kindermusik has helped millions of children around the world build a strong foundation for a lifetime
love of learning. To learn more about this amazing program, go to

BABY BEES (0-8 m)                                          Term 1 Program (Weeks 1-5): Nighty Night!
Immersing your baby in music from birth causes             Let’s use our vision to explore the night. We’ll see the moon and the twinkling stars, and say
your baby’s brain to connect and grow neural               hello to Wee Willie Winkie and the man in the moon! Finally, it’s time to get ready for beddy-
pathways that will form the foundations of their           bye—with bath time, a little playtime, and then it’s time to say Nighty Night!
creative talent in music, art, language and maths          Term 1 Program (Weeks 6-10): Peekaboo!
for their future. The optimum time for this to
occur is while the brain is still rapidly growing –        peeks into the “1, 2, 3, punch” patterns of repetition, anticipation, and surprise. Have fun with
between birth and 3 years of age.                          vocal play, sensory exploration, and learning through play.

BABY BEES (8-16 m)                                         Term 1 Program (Weeks 1-5): Family All Around Me
Each class is designed to nurture your little bee’s        For babies and toddlers, “family” means everyone who loves them! They are often
intellectual, speech, social, physical, creative and       surrounded by family members, friends, and other loving caregivers who look after them
emotional development through music, rhyme,                and shape their days. Family All Around Me celebrates these bonds and offers lots of
                                                           opportunities for fun, connection, movement, and instrument play.
to bond, laugh and create precious memories                Term 1 Program (Weeks 6-10): Busy Days
with your baby.                                            Who says babies have it easy? These sure are Busy Days–all around town, with errands
                                                           here and adventures there, and fun and movement ’til the day is done.

                                           We offer a supportive environment where our lovely
                                           Hive mummies are treated to a baby music session,
                                           valuable information & guest speakers, fresh
                                           espresso coffee, sugary delights and social
                                           interaction with other mums! A real outing to look
                                           forward to every week with your baby bee.

  Baby Bee                                 Clients can attend UNLIMITED BABY BEE CLASSES

    Mothers Groups                         more mothers in an already existing mothers group

                                                       BABY BEES TIMETABLE

         MONDAY                        11:15am - 12:30pm                             BABY BEES 0-8m                                  Melissa S
         MONDAY                         12:30pm - 1:20pm                            BABY BEES 8-16m                                  Melissa S
        TUESDAY                         12:30pm - 1:20pm                             BABY BEES 0-8m                                  Melissa S
        TUESDAY                          1:30pm - 2:20pm                            BABY BEES 8-16m                                  Melissa S
       THURSDAY                        11:15am - 12:05pm                            BABY BEES 8-16m                                  Melissa S
       THURSDAY                         12:30pm - 1:20pm                            BABY BEES 8-16m                                  Amanda B
       THURSDAY                         12:30pm - 1:20pm                             BABY BEES 0-8m                                  Melissa S
          FRIDAY                        12:30pm - 1:20pm                            BABY BEES 8-16m                                  Melissa S
Information Guide Term 1, 2020 - (Friday 31st Jan - Thursday 9th April) - Hive Creative Studios
TINY BEES (1 yr)                                    Term 1 Program (Weeks 1-5): Big Back Yard
Music has been proven many times over to be         Parks, playgrounds, and yards of all shapes and sizes were made for play, play, play! Our
the best way to stimulate brain development         bodies get a gross-motor “goose” when we go on a pretend adventure in our Big Back Yard.
in children. Our research-based Kindermusik         Term 1 Program (Weeks 6-10): Way Up High
                                                    Experience opposite concepts with your voices, bodies, and movements, as well as
playing and vibrant music making that will help
them to develop body coordination, movement,        as you explore spatial development and positional vocabulary, multisensory learning, and
speech and language.                                more.

BOUNCING BEES (2 yr)                                Term 1 Program (Weeks 1-5): Down on the Ground
                                                    Explore the world of creatures found at our feet. We’ll hop like bunnies, crawl like
                                                    caterpillars, and move high and low like squirrels. We’ll hear and imitate crickets chirping
vocabulary skills in our Bouncing Bees program.
Your child will enthusiastically tap and bang on    too.
our huge drums, will love dancing with scarves      Term 1 Program (Weeks 6-10): Pet Parade
and ribbons, shaking the parachute plus learning    It’s time for some pet-themed fun as we sing, dance, play instruments, and share our
new movement and actions.                           experiences of the animals that bring love and laughter into our lives. We’ll gallop like

                                                    recall, imagination, and so much more.

                                 TINY BEES & BOUNCING BEES TIMETABLE

         MONDAY                         9:15am - 10:05am                        TINY BEES 1yr                                 Melissa S
         MONDAY                        10:15am - 11:05am                   BOUNCING BEES 2yr                                  Melissa S
        TUESDAY                         9:15am - 10:05am                        TINY BEES 1yr                                 Melissa S
        TUESDAY                        10:15am - 11:05am                   BOUNCING BEES 2yr                                  Melissa S
        TUESDAY                        11:15am - 12:05pm                   BOUNCING BEES 2yr                                  Melissa S
     WEDNESDAY                          9:15am - 10:05am                        TINY BEES 1yr                                 Melissa S
     WEDNESDAY                          9:15am - 10:05am                        TINY BEES 1yr                                 Amanda B
     WEDNESDAY                         10:15am - 11:05am                   BOUNCING BEES 2yr                                  Melissa S
     WEDNESDAY                         10:15am - 11:05am                   BOUNCING BEES 2yr                                  Amanda B
       THURSDAY                         9:15am - 10:05am                        TINY BEES 1yr                                 Melissa S
       THURSDAY                         9:15am - 10:05am                        TINY BEES 1yr                                 Amanda B
       THURSDAY                        10:15am - 11:05am                   BOUNCING BEES 2yr                                  Amanda B
       THURSDAY                        10:15am - 11:05am                  BOUNCING BEES 2yr*                                  Melissa S
          FRIDAY                        9:15am - 10:05am                        TINY BEES 1yr                                 Melissa S
          FRIDAY                        9:15am - 10:05am                        TINY BEES 1yr                                 Amanda B
          FRIDAY                       10:15am - 11:05am                   BOUNCING BEES 2yr                                  Amanda B
          FRIDAY                       10:15am - 11:05am                   BOUNCING BEES 2yr                                  Melissa S

* + Younger siblings welcome

MUSICAL BEES (3 yrs)                                Term 1 Program (Weeks 1-5): Around the Farm
Our 3-4 yrs Program wraps your little one           We’ll waddle like ducks, moo like cows, go on a hayride, and listen to the wind blowing in the
in a world of make-believe accompanied by
incredible musical learning. Your child will tune   inhibitory control, explore timbre, and so much more.
up their singing voices, respond to musical         Term 1 Program (Weeks 6-10): Wild Animal Park
patterns, strum chords on the ukulele, use their    Let’s take a trip to the Wild Animal Park! Slither like snakes and pounce like leopards,
                                                    encounter tiny tree frogs and enormous elephants, and visit amazing habitats that are high
movement and gain a sense of rhythm.                and low, hot and cold, dry and rainy.
Information Guide Term 1, 2020 - (Friday 31st Jan - Thursday 9th April) - Hive Creative Studios
MUSICAL BEES (4-5 yrs)                                   Term 1 Program (Weeks 1-5): Drums, Drums, Drums
Our 4-5 yr old Musical Bees Program nurtures             In this unit, we’ll focus on drums, percussion instruments, and music from Africa and South
                                                         America as we clap, tap, move, play, and echo different rhythms. You’ll learn to recognize
natural connection they share with the marvel            the sights and sounds of many different drums, play a drum, and get up and move your body
                                                         to the rhythms, too!
skill to create their own. Your child will progress      Term 1 Program (Weeks 6-10): Jumping Beans
to creating stories through sound, develop the           Let’s take a trip to the Wild Animal Park! Slither like snakes and pounce like leopards,
skills to hear and playback tunes, sing in tune,         encounter tiny tree frogs and enormous elephants, and visit amazing habitats that are high
discover how music is written.                           and low, hot and cold, dry and rainy.

MUSICAL BEES (K- Yr 1)                                   Term 1 Program (Weeks 1-5):
In musical bees our trained and experienced              This term in Musical Bees our focus is on learning the concept of playing the piano. We’ll
teachers provide a thorough step-by-step
approach to this class to ensure your child’s
                                                         ensemble savvy, composing, improvising, lesson-ready music maker!
thrive. The classes involve singing, movement
to music, ensemble playing, reading and writing
music, and playing by ear.

                                                      MUSICAL BEES TIMETABLE

         MONDAY                          10:15am - 11:15am                                                                          Tash
         MONDAY                          11:15am - 12:05pm                                                  *                       Tash
        TUESDAY                          10:15am - 11:05am                                                  *                       Tash
        TUESDAY                          11:15am - 12:15pm                                                                          Tash
      WEDNESDAY                          9:15am - 10:15am                                                                       Amanda B
      WEDNESDAY                          11:15am - 12:15pm                                                                      Amanda B
      WEDNESDAY                          11:15am - 12:15pm                                                  *                    Melissa S
       THURSDAY                          11:15am - 12:05pm                                                  *                   Amanda B
          FRIDAY                         11:15am - 12:05pm                                                                       Melissa S
          FRIDAY                         11:15am - 12:05pm                                                  *                   Amanda B
          FRIDAY                         12:30pm - 1:20pm                                                                       Amanda B

* + Younger siblings welcome

                                              LEARN TO PLAY MUSIC (7+ YRS)

  Piano Lesson
  Join a Simply Piano beginners class and learn a wide range of musical skills including improvisation, chords, playing by ear and reading music.

      WEDNESDAY                           4:30pm - 5:00pm                        BEGINNER PIANO                                   Hannah

  Singing Lesson
  Learn to sing with Caroline Hill....

        TUESDAY                          BY APPOINTMENT                                 SINGING                                   Caroline
      WEDNESDAY                          BY APPOINTMENT                                 SINGING                                   Caroline
       THURSDAY                          BY APPOINTMENT                                 SINGING                                   Caroline
Information Guide Term 1, 2020 - (Friday 31st Jan - Thursday 9th April) - Hive Creative Studios

                                                WHAT IS BEE-SCHOOL?
                                                How much simpler would life be for you as a parent if all your child’s activities could be in one place,
                                                scheduled in one block of time? And even more importantly, that this is the place where your child
                                                thrives and grows – socially, emotionally, creatively, musically and intellectually. Welcome to Bee-
                                                School! Hive’s premium creative learning program for 3 – 6 yr olds.

                                                Hive’s innovative Bee-School program is unique and designed to help give your child the best quality

                                                interactive classes in music, drama, art, dance, school readiness and Spanish where they’ll learn

                                                Programs run for 3 hrs and you can combine 2 programs for a full day of learning fun!

ELOQUENT BEES                             EXPRESSIVE BEES                        CLEVER BEES                              VIBRANT BEES
(3hrs)                                    (3hrs)                                 (3hrs)                                   (3hrs)
• Spanish                                 • Music                                • Music Masters                          • Dance
• Music Movers                            • Fine Art                             • Brain Buzz                             • Designer Bees
• Fine Art                                • Drama                                • Designer Bees                          • Musical Theatre

Communication, empathy and                Combining the three core               There’s a lot involved in getting        “Vibrant” perfectly describes the
                                          elements of creative expression,       your child school-ready, and our
for any child to develop. In our          Expressive Bees is designed to         Bee-School team have every               dance, and explore creativity and
Eloquent Bees program, your               progressively develop authentic        aspect covered in this exciting          it perfectly describes this thriving
child has the opportunity to not          skill in Music, Art and Acting.        3 hour learning session. From
only learn to communicate in              Developing these skills at an          core strength, to hand-eye               movement, song, dance, and
another language, but also to             early age gives your child             coordination, pencil grip, following     colourful hands-on play based
broaden their minds to other                                                     instructions and communication,
cultures. Your little Bee will laugh,     the arts as well as creating the       not to mention creative thinking,        as much as girls, and especially
play, move and sing their way             neural pathways necessary to           this program is full of exciting
through learning Spanish, they’ll         develop creative talent.               opportunities for kids each week.        movement classes.
get their hands busy making

their singing voice as they move,
sing and play in our music class.

                                                  BEE-SCHOOL TIMETABLE

     TUESDAY                            9:00am - 12:00pm
     TUESDAY                            12:00pm - 3:00pm
  WEDNESDAY                             9:00am - 12:00pm
  WEDNESDAY                             9:00am - 12:00pm
  WEDNESDAY                             12:00pm - 3:00pm
  WEDNESDAY                             12:00pm - 3:00pm
       FRIDAY                           9:00am - 12:00pm
       FRIDAY                           9:00am - 12:00pm
       FRIDAY                           12:00pm - 3:00pm
       FRIDAY                           12:00pm - 3:00pm

                                                     Keeping kids busy and organising care in the school holidays can be tough. At Hive we offer full
                                                     and half-day art, drama and musical theatre workshops for all interests and age groups. We love
                                                     having our term students back during the break, as well as welcome new faces. They are fun,
                                                     action-packed days that always have the kids wanting more.
                                                     Workshop details are released week 7 of every term and Creative kids vouchers are welcome.

                                                        BIRTHDAY PARTIES

decorations, your very own party host and the clean up. All you need to do is organise the catering.
                   or cal 1300 03 03 79.

                                                                OUR STAFF
                        Melissa Saunders - Head of Music

                        Director and also as a Voice Teacher and Choir Director. Melissa’s skills extend to the stage as well, where she has many years of
                        experience in writing, directing and producing musicals and dramatic theatre productions. She’s also a singer and songwriter – you

                        Melissa Box - Musical Theatre, Bee-School Teacher
                        Melissa has a background in early childhood teaching, singing, acting and performing – bringing a complete educational and

                        shows. With her expertise in Musical Theatre and acting she brings a vibrancy to all her classes that is infectious and engaging
                        for kids and adults! While living in South America, Melissa developed a love for the Spanish language and brings this same
                        enthusiasm for language to her Spanish classes which are full of songs, games, stories and fun.

                      Alex Hussein - Head of Drama

                      Urdang academy in London. Prior to completing her degree, Alex worked as an Actor in both Australia and London. Aside from
                      performing in classical theatre, Alex performed in a variety of Children’s shows which toured extensively throughout the UK and

                      for over ten years.

                      Beth Aubrey - Drama Teacher

                      as touring nationally for 3 years in various Shakespeare and Contemporary productions. She is the voice over artist used in the Radio
                      and Television campaigns for The Sunday Telegraph, Weight Watchers, Foxtel, The Forsher Express and corporate video Narration and

                       Lauren Harvey - Head of Musical Theatre
                       Lauren Harvey is a performer, choreographer, costume designer and performing arts teacher originating from Newcastle, NSW. With
                       over 15 years experience teaching a variety of skills within the theatre realm including dance, drama, vocal and costume design, she
                       has worked both on stage and behind the curtain with performers of all ages and has also worked with local primary and high schools
                       preparing pieces for in-school performances and state showcases
Caroline Hill - Vocal Teacher
Caroline has been teaching for 20 years, with students achieving excellent exam results, from Preliminary Grade right up to
Diploma level. She has been exposed to many styles of vocal music and during her studies developed a passion for musical
theatre. She has performed in many productions in Newcastle and Maitland as both an ensemble member and Principal.

students here at Hive Creative.

Natasha Gibbs - Kindermusik, Bee-School & Musical Theatre Teacher
Natasha grew up “on the stage” surrounded by music, dance, art and theatre as her Mum – Melissa Saunders – ran choirs,
musical theatre shows and drama groups and both her Mum and Dad taught piano and voice lessons.

she has a beautiful way of engaging young children in meaningful learning through happy structured play experiences.

Hannah Cizzio - Piano Teacher
Hannah has a holistic approach to teaching piano and a high commitment to excellence in teaching. Hannah is in her 4th year
of teaching, and works closely with each child to engage them in learning that develops their ear, their reading and their playing

teacher for children as well as teenagers.
Hannah is passionate about nurturing creativity and skill in young children and she is very dedicated to her students.

Sia Cox - Art Teacher
Sia Cox is an interdisciplinary artist, working across painting, drawing and sculpture. In 2009 Sia graduated from The National Art
School, Sydney and moved to Alice Springs where she spent the next eight years exploring the desert, developing her practice and
exhibiting in solo and group exhibitions in Alice Springs, Darwin and Sydney.
Sia has worked as an art teacher at TAFE and in community centres. She has offered professional development in Aboriginal art
centres throughout Central and Western Australia and worked as a guest artist with Melbourne based, Kids Own Publishing.

Amanda Batterham - Bee-School Director & Kindermusik Teacher
Amanda is a very talented singer, songwriter and performer, with numerous appearances on stage at local events, including the

working with vocal groups, choirs and in performing arts.
With years of experience in teaching children both in Kindermusik classes and in private lessons, Amanda is a supportive, kind and
inspiring teacher for our young bees.

Lee Seaman - Bee-School Art Teacher
Hello! My name is Lee and you could say I wear many pants. Wife, mum, Artist, Graphic Designer / Art Director and published

Emma Carter - Customer Service/Finance
Emma works in our Hive reception area and answers your phone calls and emails Mon-Fri 10am to 2pm during term time.
During holidays, she’s still available by phone and email between these hours. Emma also looks after our customer payments
and accounts.

Zara Lynch - Customer Service/Enrolments
Zara works in our Hive reception area and answers your phone calls Mon-Thurs 3:30pm to 6:30pm.
Zara also looks after new enrolment requests and any enrolment changes.
PARENT INFORMATION                                                                       WEBSITE                    • Check timetables
                                                                                                                    • Enrol
                                                                                       • Workshops
TERM DATES 2020                              PAYMENT DATES 2020                                                     • Access Client Portal
                                                                                                                    • Blog.
TERM 1 Friday 31st January                   TERM 1 Jan 20th, Feb 20th,
           - Thursday 09th April                        Mar 20th
                                                                                         PHONE                      • Phone is answered by Hive staff
TERM 2 Monday 27 April th
                                             TERM 2 Apr 20th, May 20th                                              between 10am-2pm & 4pm-6pm.
                                                                                         1300 03 03 79              Calls will be directed to our offsite
           - Friday 3rd July                            Jun 20th
                                                                                                                    helpdesk outside of these hours.
TERM 3 Monday 20th July                      TERM 3 Jul 10th, Aug 10th,
           - Friday 25th September                      Sep 10th
                                                                                         EMAIL                      • Contact a class teacher, accounts or
TERM 4 Monday 12th October                   TERM 4 Oct 10th, Nov 10th                                              the Hive Director plus general enquiries.
           - Friday 18 December
                                                        Dec 10th                      Unless your enquiry is urgent, we will
                                                                                                                    reply within 3 business days.
• Change your enrolment                  • Pause or cancel your enrolment                ADDRESS                    Hive is located next to the Charlestown
                                                                                                                    Swim Centre. There’s plenty of street
• Notify an absence                      • Update Account information                    8 Frederick Street,        parking available in addition to our
                                                                                         Charlestown                carpark off Dickinson Street.
• Book a makeup class
• Online shop                            • Redeem Creative Kids Voucher
                                                                                         RECEPTION                  Reception is open between:
 USERNAME                               PASSWORD                                                                    Monday - Friday
                                                                                                                    10am - 2pm
Hive members: Your enrolment is continuous and will be rolled forward from
                                                                                                                    Monday - Thursday
                                                                                                                    4pm - 6pm
the Client Portal, click the cancel button to send your notice.

CLASSES                                                                        SET PRICE                                 RESOURCE LEVY / CLASS
All Group Music Classes (except those below)                                   $21.00 / Class (Billed as $70.00/month)   N/A
Private Tuition                                                                                                          $14.00
Small Group Piano Lesson                                                                                                 $4.00
All Guitar Group Classes                                                                                                 N/A
Group Drama Class                                                              $21.00 / Class                            N/A
                                                                               $21.00 / Class                            $4.00
                                                                               $21.00 / Class                            $6.00
Toddler / Preschool Art Playgroup                                              $21.00 / Class                            N/A
2 Hour Session                                                                 $35 / Child                               N/A
3 Hour Session                                                                 $45 / Child                               N/A
2 Sessions / Week                                                              $85 / Week                                N/A
3 Sessions / Week                                                              $125 / Week                               N/A
4 Sessions / Week                                                              $160 / Week                               N/A
CLASS DISCOUNTS                                                        SET PRICE                                         RESOURCE LEVY / CLASS
                                                                                                                         *Plus applicable levies
                                                                       $18.90* / Child
                                                                                                                         as above

                                                                       $29.70 / Class
Sibling under 12 months is free.
                                                                       $35.00* for 2 classes                             *Plus applicable levies
                                                                       $50.00* for 3 classes                             as above.
                                                                       $60.00* for 4 classes
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