INSIDE THE 2018 SPRING ISSUE - Angling Trade

Page created by Cody Owens
INSIDE THE 2018 SPRING ISSUE - Angling Trade
the buzz on the fly-fishing biz                             AT Has Gone Social

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April 2018
INSIDE THE 2018 SPRING ISSUE - Angling Trade
INSIDE THE 2018 SPRING ISSUE - Angling Trade
the buzz on the flyfishing biz

 CONTENTS                                                                                                                                    ®

Features                                            36 Y O U ’ R E S E L L I N G
                                                                                                     Kirk Deeter
20 T H E P O D M A S T E R S .
If video killed the radio star, the podcast                                                          Managing Editor
might just do a number on the video star.                                                            Tim Romano
Check out the numbers some of the most                                                     
successful podcasts earn.
By Geoff Mueller                                                                                     Art Director

                                                    Gizmos are cool. Some are even worth             Tara Kester
24 NAVIGATING THE MUDDY                             your investment. But the smartest play is
WATERS OF DIGITAL DISPLAY                           to realize that you’re really selling the fly-
AND PROGRAMMATIC MEDIA                              fishing experience.
BUYING?                                                                                              Editors-at-Large
                                                    By Joel R. Johnson
                                                                                                     Joel R. Johnson
                                                                                                     Geoff Mueller

                                                    Departments                                      Copy Editors
                                                                                                     Mabon Childs, Sarah Deeter

                                                    4 EDITOR’S COLUMN                                Contributing Editors
                                                                                                     Tom Bie
Your head coming to a point trying to figure
                                                                                                     Ben Romans
out where the real value is in digital marketing?
                                                                                                     Steven B. Schweitzer
No problem; take these lessons to heart.                                                             Greg Vincent
By Zach Lazzari
                                                                                                     Photos unless otherwise noted by
28 P R O D U C T S : T H E N E W                                                                     Tim Romano
                                                                                                     Angling Trade is printed twice a
                                                                                                     year, supplemented with bimonthly
                                                    Tall Cotton.                                     E-Newsletters by Angling Trade, LLC.
                                                    By Kirk Deeter                                   Author and photographic submissions
                                                                                                     should be sent electronically to
                                                    8 CURRENTS                                       Angling Trade is not responsible
                                                                                                     for unsolicited manuscripts and/
                                                                                                     or photo submissions. We ask that
                                                                                                     contributors send formal queries in
A look at Reilly Rod Crafters.                                                                       advance of submissions. For editorial
By Jay Cassell                                                                                       guidelines and calendar, please
                                                                                                     contact the editor via E-mail.
30 FA C E B O O K M A R K E T I N G .
                                                                                                     Printed in the U.S.A.

                                                                                                     Advertising Contact: Tim Romano
                                                                                                     Telephone: 303-495-3967
                                                    A few hot products (Smith combines     
                                                    Chromopop with Glass); How to Further
                                                    Kick Plastic; Pure Jungle Adventure; Why         Mail Address:
                                                                                                                                        | April 2018

                                                    the ASA is Wrong on (and for) Marine             PO Box 17487
                                                    Fisheries, People News, and more.                Boulder, CO 80308

Everything you need to know about promoting                                                          Street Address:
your business though the world’s largest social     38 B A C K C A S T                               3055 24th Street
                                                                                                     Boulder, CO 80304
media player.                                       The Unaccounted For.
By D. Roger Maves                                   By Geoff Mueller                       

INSIDE THE 2018 SPRING ISSUE - Angling Trade
E D I TO R ’ S C O L U M N

                                TALL COTTON                                 was created), and people weren’t           never happen, because A River Runs
                                                                            spending money on leisure activities       Through It was as much a culture-
                                                                            like fly fishing (at least not like they   changing phenomenon as The Wizard
                                                                            did in the 1990s), things are now          of Oz or Star Wars were.
                                                                            indeed looking up. Angling Trade
                                                                            conducts regular, if informal, polls of    The good news is, this fly-fishing
                                                                            its readers (the manufacturers and         market, in this place, at this time,
                                                                            retailers in fly fishing), and by and      doesn’t need a movie to move things
                                                                            large, we’re hearing positive things.      along. As I have said many times
                                                                            Gross sales are up, or at least holding    before, fly fishing is inherently beautiful
                                                                            stable, for those in this business who     in its own right, and families crave
                                                                            weathered the storm.                       wholesome connections to nature
                                                                                                                       more than ever before. Those who
                                                                            There’s reason for continued               “get it” will continue to get it, and
                                                                            optimism. The stock market is              those who could “get it” need only the
                                What you do when business times             chugging along. Jobs numbers are           opportunity to have the fire lit.
                                are good can be as much (or more)           growing. Consumer confidence
                                of a challenge as figuring out what         is high. Enthusiasm for fly fishing,       The bad news is that those
                                to do when times are bad.                   specifically, seems to be experiencing     opportunities are at great risk. And if
                                                                            a rebirth. And that’s all great.           we don’t bond together on issues like
                                When your back is against the wall,                                                    public lands and access… if we don’t
                                it’s pretty clear that belt-tightening      But what goes around, comes around.        draw a line in the sand to protect
                                is in order. But while you’re in “lean      And what I’m telling you is that if all    places like The Everglades and Bristol
                                and mean” mode, the smartest (and           you’re doing now is harvesting the         Bay… if we don’t seriously address
                                strongest) companies also often get         tall cotton and running to the bank,       the issue of climate change… if we roll
                                very focused with their marketing           without some serious thought about         over when people want to eviscerate
                                efforts, because that’s when the            what might happen next, you’re             clean water protections… if we don’t
                                competition is most vulnerable. That’s      making a mistake. Maybe you’re in it       reasonably protect the stocks of fish
                                when the herd is being culled, so if        for the short haul, and that’s fine. But   in our oceans… if we don’t step up
                                you’re strategic, and you’re nimble,        it’s a marathon, not a sprint.             efforts to make our sport younger and
                                and open-minded, and you rifle-                                                        improve diversity within fly fishing…
                                shoot, you have an opportunity to be        After all, we’ve seen the “tall cotton”    we risk pissing it all away.
                                standing stronger and more apart from       phenomenon before. Robert Redford
                                the crowd when the storm passes.            made a great movie (1992) that             Don’t get me wrong. I think we’re
                                                                            starred a budding actor named Brad         collectively on the right track. Good
                                That’s one of the most important            Pitt, that happened to be based on         things are happening on all those
                                lessons my father (a 50-year veteran of     one of the greatest novellas ever          fronts. But the challenges are very real.
                                corporate America who worked with           written (by Norman Maclean), that          And we must do more. So go ahead,
                                some of the biggest consumer brands         also happened to be rooted in fly          and cut that tall cotton, and enjoy the
                                in the country) taught me. But he also      fishing. Concurrently, the tech boom       success you’ve undoubtedly earned
                                taught me that when times are good—         was taking flight… thus Californians       by sticking with fly fishing. We’ve
                                when the crops are tall and everything      and New Yorkers bought half of             dedicated most of this issue to concrete,
                                is looking up—complacency can kill          Montana and Colorado, and the fly          proven, expert advice that will help you
                                you “just as dead.” It just takes longer    shop cash registers from coast to          improve your harvest, right now. Free | April 2018

                                for rigor mortis to set in.                 coast rang and rang.                       of charge. That’s what we do. Our only
                                                                                                                       caveat is that we hope you’ll use this
                                I’m not trying to be a buzz-killer. After   But some folks then spent the next         information with a conscience.
                                so many years when the American             25 years wondering when the next
                                economy was in the doldrums (the            great novella, or movie, would
                                recurring script since Angling Trade        happen. Let’s talk truth: that might       –Kirk Deeter, Editor

INSIDE THE 2018 SPRING ISSUE - Angling Trade
Every inch counts. They say most fish are caught at less than 40 feet… we say less than 480 inches.
                                                                                                                                                         | April 2018

You took care to plan your stalk, ease into position, and perfectly time your cast to that hypercritical fish. Put the fly on target - and it’s game on.
Miss by a couple inches - and it’s game over. That’s why Scott has been designing and crafting rods for pin-point precision for over 40 years.
When you arm yourself with the right fishing tool, you’ll hit the mark more - and that means less cursing and more high-fiving.
Scott’s new G Series rods bring feel to those short- to mid-range casts with the stability to track true and the accuracy to place the fly on target.
They have great control for tricky mends and technical presentations, and they bend deeply and evenly to protect the lightest tippets.
So next time you plan to get up close and personal with a wary fish, take a G Series, because it’s only a matter of inches.

Scott Fly Rod Company                |   2 3 5 5 A i r P a r k W a y, M o n t r o s e , C o l o r a d o 8 1 4 0 1   |   970-249-3180        |          5
INSIDE THE 2018 SPRING ISSUE - Angling Trade
Doesn’t matter how you get here.
        Just don’t miss it.
   The largest international gathering of fly fishing manufacturers,
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  the industry – the people, products, innovations, emerging trends and the leading
  brand presentations of the 2018/2019 fly fishing season.
  • See all the latest gear, equipment, waders, fly line, tippet and accessories for the
  2018/2019 season.
  • Experience proven new ideas to grow your business and increase your customer
  base through educational sessions.
  • Save thousands of dollars by benefiting from show discounts from all of the fly
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  • Get new ideas and creative ways of growing your business by being at the center
  of the fly fishing industry – the 2018 International Fly Tackle Dealer Show.


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           For exhibit space information please contact: Ben Bulis • 406-522-1556 •
INSIDE THE 2018 SPRING ISSUE - Angling Trade
INSIDE THE 2018 SPRING ISSUE - Angling Trade

Check Out “The School of Trout”                                                                                            The Angling Trade editors are
                                                                                                                           honored and pleased to have
                                                                                                                           been invited to take part in a new
                                                                                                                           endeavor called the “School of
                                                                                                                           Trout.” https://www.schooloftrout.
                                                                                                                           com/ Guide, author, and
                                                                                                                           Conservation Hawks http://www.
                                                                                                                  lead man
                                                                                                                           Todd Tanner is the School of Trout’s
                                                                                                                           creator and headmaster. It’s a
                                                                                                                           weeklong school that will allow
                                                                                                                           students to dive into the sport of
                                                                                                                           fly fishing under the instruction of
                                                                                                                           some notable faculty members,
                                                                                                                           including Orvis’ Tom Rosenbauer,
                                                                                                                           legendary angler Craig Matthews,
                                                                                                                           artist Bob White, and author/
                                                                                                                           activist/guide Hilary Hutcheson.
                                                                                                                           The initial School of Trout will be
                                                                                                                           held at Trouthunter on the Henry’s
                                                                                                                           Fork in Idaho, October 7-13,
                                                                                                                           and it will focus on beginner to
                                                                                                                           intermediate anglers.
                                                                     Affordable impulse items for
Books & DVDs                                                         anglers of all types & budgets                        The mission is straightforward:
                                                                                                                           help students dramatically improve
                                                                                                                           their skills and grow their passions
                                                                                                                           for angling by fully immersing in a
                                                                                                                           course created and led by a cadre
                                                                           Hardcover: $39.95 srp

                                                                                                                           of recognized professionals who
                                                                                                                           have fished near and far, and who
              HC: $17.99 srp

                                                                                                                           have worked for years to grow the
                                                                                                                           sport and protect its resources.
                                                                                                                           Maximum enrollment is 12 anglers.

                                                                                                                           If you know some potential
                                                                                                                           “students” who might want to apply
                                                                                                                           (over 16, and students 16-18 must
                                            Hardcover: $145.00 srp

                                                                                                   Softcover: $29.95 srp

                                                                                                                           be accompanied by an adult) and
              DVD: $29.95 srp

                                                                                                                           take part in this unique opportunity
                                                                                                                           in one of the country’s classic trout
                                                                                                                           environs, please refer them to the
                                                                                                                           School of Trout website.

                           ANGLER’S BOOK SUPPLY 800.260.3869
                                                                                                                           Your assistance is greatly
                           Featuring the very best books, dvds,
                           calendars & gifts that fly-fishing has to offer.                                                appreciated, and they’ll surely come
                                                                                                                           back eager for you to help them                                                                                                  continue their evolution in fly fishing.

                                                                                                                                       continued on next page...
INSIDE THE 2018 SPRING ISSUE - Angling Trade
INSIDE THE 2018 SPRING ISSUE - Angling Trade
Premium Hooks for fly Tying

     Premium fly Tying Tools

                Premium sPliT sHoT

                                     People News:

      Premium fisHing flies

    your AmeriCAn sourCe
E-Mail: info@anglErsportgroup.coM
          (800) 332-3305             Bernard “Lefty” Kreh, 1925-2018

                                                                       continued on next page...
No rod has ever silenced all the variables.
No engineer has ever found a way to transfer back-cast energy directly into forward accuracy.
                               No angler has ever erased all the doubt from his or her mind.
                                                        FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING.

                                Matt Smythe Heads                                                                     that Scott Forristall has joined the
                                Communications for AFFTA                                                              company as President and CEO.

                                                                                                                      Scott has been involved in the
                                                                                                                      fishing and outdoor market for the
                                                                                                                      past 25 years. He started as GM
                                                                                                                      for Tycoon Fin-Nor and moved
                                                                                                                      to Eagle Claw Fishing Tackle,
                                                                                                                      then on to Johnson Outdoors
                                                                                                                      where he was the Director of the
                                                                                                                      Watercraft Business Unit. His most
                                                                                                                      recent position was VP of Sales
                                                                                                                      for Far Bank Enterprises. Scott
                                                                                                                      brings years of successful business
                                                                                                                      experience to direct the future of
                                                                                                                      Winston and Bauer.

                                                                                                                      *Stay tuned for the “Show” issue
                                                                                                                      of Angling Trade, where we will
                                The American Fly Fishing Trade             kids, Smythe is an avid outdoorsman        run a feature on the blockbuster
                                Association is pleased to announce         who grew up fishing, bowhunting, and       senior management team at Simms
                                that Matt Smythe has been hired as         camping, learning how to fly fish during   Fishing Tackle.
                                communications director.                   grad school—a passion that made a
                                                                           profound impact on both his personal
                                “We are all excited to have Matt, with     and professional life. Coupled with his
                                his considerable talents, join the AFFTA   professional background in marketing
                                team,” said AFFTA president Ben            communications at the national level,
                                Bulis. “His passion for the outdoors,      his experience will be a huge asset to
                                especially fly-fishing, coupled with his   AFFTA and its membership.
                                communications skills will ensure our
                                members and the public know about the
                                important work we are doing.”
                                                                                                                      IGFA Conservation Award
                                A freelance writer since 2011, Smythe
                                                                                                                      Winners Announced
                                has worked in advertising since 2004
                                holding positions from business
                                development to creative direction on                                                  The International Game Fish
                                brands like General Motors, Blue Cross                                                Association (IGFA) recently
                                Blue Shield, Thomas & Thomas, and                                                     announced its 2018 Conservation
                                ScentBlocker. He’s also a filmmaker and                                               Award winners honoring IGFA
                                published writer with stories and poetry                                              representatives, individuals and
                                appearing in Fly Fish Journal, The                                                    corporations for their leadership
                                Drake, Midcurrent, Boating Magazine,                                                  on a range of angling-related
                                Southern Culture on the Fly, Post                                                     conservation topics. | April 2018

                                Magazine, and others.                      Forristall Takes the Helm at
                                                                           Winston/Bauer                              “Conservation efforts that protect
                                An Army veteran and native of the                                                     our fisheries and waterways for
                                Finger Lakes region in western New York    The R.L. Winston Rod Company               future generations have been a
                                where he lives with his wife and three     and Bauer Fly Reels announced              cornerstone of the IGFA since

                                                                                       1004 Principale
1939,” said Nehl Horton, IGFA                                                          Ste-Melanie, QC. Canada JOK 3AO
                                                                                       Tel: 450-889-8054
President. “Conservation requires                                                      Toll-Free: 1-877-889-8054
collaborative effort. Taking time                                                      Fax: 450-889-5887
to recognize those who work                                                            Email:

alongside our organization in these
endeavors is critical to our mission                                                   NEW FOR 2018
and encourages more people and
companies to get involved.”                                                                 UNI-Thread 8/0
Theresa Labriola and Bouncer Smith                                                          Waxed or Unwaxed
recognized with IGFA Individual                                                             on spools of
Conservation Awards                                                                         50 or 200 yds

Theresa Labriola is the Pacific
Program Director for Wild Oceans                                                            AXXEL 6
– an organization that partnered                                                            Orange and
with IGFA to pass the federal Billfish                                                      Salmon
Conservation Act in the U.S. Labriola                                                       on spools of
works diligently to remove drift                                                            7 yds
gill nets from California waters;
conducts significant outreach to the
National Marine Fisheries Service,
Pacific Fishery Management Council                      Look to UNI for the best in spooled fly-tying materials!

                                                            www. uniproducts .com
and the California Department of
Fish and Wildlife; and has been
a leader in building a coalition
consisting of Coastal Conservation
Association California, IGFA,
American Sportfishing Association
and Wild Oceans to address a
variety of conservation challenges.       unmatched knowledge and infectious        said Smith. “I want to thank the
                                          love of the sport. Smith has              IGFA and its members for their
                                          participated in numerous important        daily efforts toward fisheries
“I work to make sure the voice of                                                   conservation.”
                                          tagging studies for saltwater species
recreational anglers is heard above
                                          and is a staunch proponent of
other interests,” said Labriola. “For                                               Steve Yatomi receives the IGFA
                                          catch-and-release methods. Smith
me, it’s about pushing fisheries and                                                Representative Conservation Award
                                          was one of the first captains in
commercial fleets to use cleaner,
                                          South Florida to start using circle
more sustainable gear and making                                                    For three years, Steve Yatomi has
                                          hooks and has also participated
sure the big fish we love to catch will                                             worked with the Apoteri Village in
                                          in several scientific studies that
be there in the future.”                                                            Guyana to develop a sustainable
                                          documented their efficacy as a
                                          conservation tool. Furthermore, his       fishing ecotourism program that
Since he first started captaining         influence in fishing clubs and with       helps the village gather income
boats at age 19 in South Florida,         tournament organizers was crucial in      and provide jobs for area youth.
                                                                                                                    | April 2018

Bouncer Smith has been an                 the acceptance of circle hooks in all     The project has raised more than
institution in the offshore fishing       billfish tournaments in South Florida.    $384,000, led to five IGFA World
world, serving as mentor to many                                                    Records on fly-fishing tackle; and
anglers on issues of marine               “I’m striving to give fishing to          expanded to include a stretch of fly
conservation and sharing his              our children and grandchildren,”          fishing-only water that will create up

                                                                                                continued on next page...    13

to 100 additional jobs for villagers.   change for the planet in their own          about conservation and fly-fishing
Committed to the success of the         backyards and waterways.                    equipment and techniques.
operation, Yatomi spent 200 days
on site this past year alone to help
                                        Product News:                               DOWN BY THE RIVER has already
develop the project and is currently                                                garnered advance praise, including
                                        A Book to Sell:
looking for volunteers interested in                                                a starred review from Kirkus calling
donating their time.                                                                it an “authentic, heartwarming
                                                                                    story,” as well as kind words
Patagonia earns the IGFA                                                            from industry heavyweights Yvon
Corporate Conservation Award                                                        Chouinard, James Prosek, Chris
                                                                                    Santella, and John Gierach.
Patagonia focuses on making
products from materials that have
                                                                                    The “deep review” product news
low ecological footprints, including
                                                                                    is naturally going to be loaded
hemp and organic cotton as well as
                                                                                    into the Show Issue of Angling
recycled polyester, nylon and wool.
                                                                                    Trade, which prints in just a couple
Since 1972, through its membership
                                                                                    months. If you want to jumpstart
in “1% For The Planet®,” Patagonia
                                        DOWN BY THE RIVER                           your product, and want it in there…
has donated more than $74 million
to thousands of community-based                                                     please send it to us now.
                                        Consider adding DOWN BY THE
groups working to create positive
                                        RIVER, a heartwarming picture               For now, here are two products
                                        book about fishing and family,              we think are worth a hard look…
                                        to your book section this spring.
                                        Written by Andrew Weiner, a
                                        longtime publishing industry vet and
                                        illustrated by rising artistic star April
                                        Chu, DOWN BY THE RIVER follows a
                                        young boy as he discovers fly fishing
                                        with his mother and grandfather.
                                        We’ve reviewed a copy ourselves,
                                        and found it to be beautifully
                                        produced, from words to images. It
                                        is an excellent choice as a gift to the
                                        young angler, the would-be angler,
                                        or the parent or grandparent who
                                        wants to nurture a future angler.           Smith Optics: ChromaPop…
                                                                                    in Glass.

                                        DOWN BY THE RIVER is a
                                                                                    I like Smith ChromaPop lenses, and
                                        celebration of the power of the
                                        sport to draw families together             have since they were introduced a
                                        and back to cherished natural               few years ago. Playing off the green
                                        places. It is a multigenerational           center of the spectrum, Smith claims
                                        family story and the heart of the           these lenses accentuate the way
                                        book is young protagonist Art’s             we see things. Things do indeed
                                        relationship with his grandfather.          “pop” or stand out a bit (at least
                                        Based on the author’s own decades           in my mind) which is an obvious
                                        of experience fly fishing, the book         advantage for the sight-fishing
                                        exudes a strong regard for nature.          angler. So I do drink the Kool-Aid
                                        It includes extensive backmatter            to a degree on the technology.

                                                                                                continued on next page...

                                                                                                                    Costa Silver Sunrise Glasses

                                                                                                                    Another relatively new lens I’ve
                                                                                                                    been testing and fishing a lot r
                                                                                                                    ecently is the Sunrise Silver Mirror
                                                                                                                    from Costa. As the name implies,
                                                                                                                    it’s a low light, early morning or
                                                                                                                    evening lens. I think it might very
                                                                                                                    well be the best early morning
                                                                                                                    tarpon flat lens out there—ideal for
                                                                                                                    situations where the light is lower
                                                                                                                    and the sun is not at full intensity,
                                                                                                                    but there’s still glare on the water. I
                                                                                                                    also wouldn’t undersell it, however,
                                                                                                                    as a midday flat light (overcast
                                                                                                                    conditions) lens for use in most trout,
                                                                                                                    steelhead and salmon situations.

                                                                                                                    I think the mirror aspect does a lot to
                                                                                                                    knock back the glare, and I like this
                                                                                                                    particular tint a whole lot more than
                                                                                                                    I do a simple yellow lens. For my
                                                                                                                    money, low-light fishing conditions
                                                                                                                    really do require a special lens (you
                                But I like glass lenses more. Always      both bright and overcast days, and        can switch to almost anything in
                                have, always will prefer the clarity…     I will vouch for the “kicked up a         the middle of the day… your call)
                                which in and of itself seems to be as     notch” performance of glass met           but as early mornings and evenings
                                important as any lens technology, in      with ChromaPop. I’m at the age            are typically the “magic hour” for
                                                                                                                    many fishing environs, I’d counsel
                                my opinion, provided I land on the        when I need magnification to tie on
                                                                                                                    customers to make sunglasses for
                                right tint for the right conditions.      a fly, especially in low light (if it’s
                                                                                                                    these times a priority.
                                Problem was, you couldn’t enjoy           bright enough outside, I can still
                                the advantages of glass with the          go without and tie flies on fine…         To me, that really boils down to
                                advantages of ChromaPop at the            apparently, it all has to do with the     a few options, but the ones I like
                                same time… until now. Smith has           brightness factor. The brighter it is,    best are Smith’s Low-Light Ignitor,
                                applied ChromaPop on glass lenses,        the better I still see at close range.)   and now the Sunrise Silver Mirror
                                and will begin marketing these            Wearing these glasses, I can tie          from Costa. Everyone has their own
                                glasses this summer. I see that as the    on flies in dimmer conditions than        preferences (and eyes!) but these are
                                                                                                                    the two lenses I recommend most.
                                whole concept really reaching fruition.   normal. Moreover, I can see fish at
                                                                          greater distances with more clarity. | April 2018

                                                                                                                    On another, perhaps equally
                                I’ve been field testing a pair of         I’ve been testing the “Guide’s
                                                                                                                    important, note, I will admit that
                                ChromaPop glass sunglasses for            Choice” with brown lenses. Of             I tend to bounce back and forth
                                the past month. I’ve worn them            course, everyone is different, but this   between Costa and Smith optics
                                skiing, done some trout fishing on        is something you should check out.        most for another simple reason—

Costa Silver Sunrise Glasses

these are the two companies that         products, but few do nearly as much
have shown the longest and               as Costa does for the sport. That
strongest attachment to fly fishing in   should matter.
general, and fly dealers in specific.
Costa now leads by best example.         Get serious about “Kick Plastic”
There are a lot of other eyewear         with the HydraPak Expedition 8L
companies that come and go, and
some of them actually have great         I’ve sworn off plastic bottles on
                                         my boat (and in my car, my pack,
                                         etc.) but a lightweight, feasible
                                                                                   lid and try to pour out of a soft-
                                         eco-friendly for large amounts (all
                                                                                   sided vessel every time you want
                                         day supply) of H2O aren’t that easy
                                                                                   water. It doesn’t drip, and though
                                         to come by. The new HydraPak
                                                                                   I’ve been pretty rough on mine, it
                                         Expedition 8L ($60) is a really, really
                                                                                   doesn’t leak either. Granted, you’re
                                         smart option.
                                                                                   not going to carry this amount of
                                                                                   water on your back or hip. This is a
                                         It’s flexible, so it packs down and
                                         weighs very little when it isn’t filled   basecamp option, or a boat option,

                                         with water. When filled, however,         or an option for keeping in the back
                                         it holds 8 liters, which I’ve found       of the vehicle. One non fishing
                                         to be just about the right amount         use I’ve found for this HydraPak is
                                         for three people in a dory. I fill        keeping a water supply in the back
                                         it with fresh water, lay it on ice in     of my truck for my hunting dog.
                                         the cooler, and boom… ice cold            We’ll go work the field, come back
                                                                                                                  | April 2018

                                         hydration is at hand, all day long.       to the truck for a break… I pull out
                                         What I really like about this product     her bowl and open the spout… and
                                         is that it has a “plug-and-play”          she’s back in business (and very
                                         spigot (like a valve on a beer keg) so    happy) after a long, cold drink. It’s
                                         you don’t have to open the whole          probably the best hunting dog

                                                                                               continued on next page...   17

                                                       BACK BY                        ISSUES:                                Benefiting Louisiana’s Estuaries
                                                   POPULAR DEMAND                                                            in St. Bernard and Plaquemines

                                      Slim Line
                                                                                                                             parishes, Louisiana; Torres del Paine
                                                                                 tm                                          Legacy Fund in Torres del Paine
                                                                                                                             National Park, Chile; and the Punta
                                      FLY BOXES
                                         QUALITY • TRADITION • SINCE 1860
                                                                                                                             Allen Primary School in Punta Allen

                                                                                                                             YDCCF provides a mechanism for all
                                                                                                                             anglers to support the destinations
                                   This style box has           S TA N D A R D

                                   not been available                                                                        and communities they care about
                                       since 1950                                                                            and help other nonprofits and
                                                                                                                             businesses connect with local
                                                                                                                             communities on-the-ground. As
                                                                                                                             anglers, this work not only fulfills the
                                                                                      Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures       responsibility to be good stewards
                                      50% the width of a standard Wheatley
                                        box, with the same fly capacity.              Gives Back to the Communities          of fisheries resources, it also defines
                                                                                      and Fisheries Anglers Care About       our legacy for future generations.

                                                                                      The Yellow Dog Community and           On hearing of their grant award
                                                                                      Conservation Foundation (YDCCF)        Charlie Conn, Executive Director
                                                                                      was established in 2016 by             of The Taimen Fund (TTF),
                                                                                      Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures       commented: "TTF greatly admires
                                                                                      to support the local fisheries,        YDCCF's commitment to work
                                                                                      ecosystems and communities             with local communities to protect
                                                                                      where Yellow Dog customers             fisheries worldwide. We are
                                                                                      travel and where great angling         honored to receive a grant from
                                      Ideal for Trout, Steelhead                                                             YDCCF and look forward to growing
                                                                                      is found. During 2017, YDCCF
                                          and Salmon flies.                                                                  a long lasting partnership with a
                                                                                      leveraged more than $42,000 for
                                   • Available in all clip, “Easy Grip”,                                                     committed organization."
                                     “Easy Slot”, “Flat Foam”, “Tube Fly”,            grass-roots projects in Alaska, the
                                     and “Build Your Own” configurations              Bahamas, Belize, the Cook Islands,
                                   • Anodized in Silver (clear), Black,               Cuba, Florida, Idaho, Mexico and       “Giving back is the right thing
                                     and Forest Green
                                   • GraFx Anodize available upon                     Montana.                               to do, and this Foundation is the
                                     request                                                                                 perfect mechanism that allows
                                                                                                                             our company and our clients to
                                                                 The Board of YDCCF met again
                                                                                                                             make a difference in so many of
                                                                                      on March 6, 2018 and approved
                                                               another $20,000 for eight new          these areas,” says Yellow Dog
                                      860-749-3476, X-202                             grants to projects in Belize, Chile,   Flyfishing Adventures Co-Founder
                                                                                      Louisiana, Mexico, Mongolia,           Jim Klug. "The Yellow Dog model
                                                                                      and Montana. These newest              has always included philanthropy,
                                                                                      grants are illustrative of YDCCF’s     and now through YDCCF, we can
                                                                                      continued commitment to                support more relevant projects and
                                                                                      fisheries restoration, protection      leverage even more money in the | April 2018

                                                                                      and education, and community           communities where we work, fish
                                water supply option I’ve ever used.                                                          and travel.”
                                                                                      assistance. Groups funded include
                                It’s easy to carry with a handle,
                                and doesn’tleave your car or boat                     the Madison Conservation District
                                littered with plastic jugs or bottles.                in Ennis, Montana; the Taimen          For more information about YDCCF,
                                                                                      Conservation Fund in the Eg            their grants, and how to apply,
                                –KD                                                   Watershed, Mongolia; Anglers           please visit
If you want to stay in the loop with the latest
information related to the business of fly fishing
as it happens, be sure that your information is
up to date in the Angling Trade database.

We simply want to be sure we have
accurate info on who you are, where you are, and what
you do in this industry.

Please help us so we can continue to help you.

Thank you.

* If a current subscriber please be sure to check the “I’m a current subscriber” box.
AT Has Gone Social… Please Check That Out (and Like Us)
Some of you may have already noticed that Angling Trade
is making a strong social media push of late. While we
remain primarily a business-to-business media company,
we are going to be expanding the offering, primarily
by doing a LOT of product reviews. Check us out on
Facebook and Instagram.

                                THE PODMASTERS
                                Written by Geoff Mueller

                                With all the ways in which to convey    screaming toddlers while in transit to      pods a year later.
                                a fly fishing thought these days, one   tranquil flats or for staying on-mission
                                might assume that the basic spoken      during a marathon road-trip to the          “We were struggling with drought
                                word has lost some of its luster. If    cutty kingdom.                              conditions in the area,” he says, “and
                                you’ve been following the growth                                                    I was looking for something to be
                                of podcasts over the past several       And whether or not you’re currently         positive about, as well as a means to
                                years, however, you’re likely hearing   listening or creating, paying attention     spread that positivity and contribute
                                a different story.                      to all this pod-making could be worth       to the conversation.”
                                                                        your while.
                                The long-form friendly medium,                                                      During those parched times,
                                loosely defined as audio created at     At least it has been for Jim Litchfield,    Litchfield was building his email list, | April 2018

                                least in part for digital release, is   the owner of northern Nevada’s Reno         writing periodic blogs, and managing
                                abundantly available and topically      Fly Shop, who’s both an avid pod            a growing customer base at the
                                bottomless. That also goes for its      crafter and consumer. After opening         shop. The podcast was a natural
                                deep anthology of fly fishing-centric   his brick-and-mortar business in April      progression, he says, another tool in
                                pods, perfect for drowning out          2014, Litchfield went live with his first   the kit to reach more people. The

                                              enjoyment and human engagement               of an idea back in 2014, during her
                                              than anything else. “Honestly, I just        steelhead guiding days on the Dean.
                                              like them,” he says. “Even before            “A place for stories from people
                                              the term ‘podcast’ was coined, I was         who maybe don’t have social media
                                              listening to recorded lectures from          platforms,” she adds, “people who
                                              Stanford [University].” Today, rarely a      my generation have maybe never
                                              day goes by without Litchfield receiving     heard of.”
                                              an organic reference to the podcast,
                                              wholly unsolicited from the customer.        Vokey’s guest list is good. Especially
                                              “We may not have a huge following            if you’re into the historiography of
                                              like April Vokey, or someone like that,      steelheading across the loamy, moss-
                                              but I feel like our pods are impactful       cloaked Pacific Northwest. To that end,
                                              nonetheless.”                                from Waller to Trey Combs, and from
                                                                                           Jerry French to John McMillan, you’ll
Reno Fly Shop Pod has since evolved           Good stories are indiscriminate. They        find a collection of narratives on topics
into a regular source for regional            don’t care whether they’re watched,          from moviemaking to writing, and from
fishing information, plus more.               read, or listened to. You may have           Intruder tying to conserving steelhead.
                                              enjoyed Fight Club as directed by            But furrow deeper into the marrow
“I try to mix it up and provide different
                                              David Fincher, or preferred it in book       and you’ll also find conversations
things to different people—everything
                                              form as written by Chuck Palahniuk, or       with noted outdoors names such
from technical fishing stuff to color
                                              favored an audio reading as conveyed         as Steven Rinella (author and fellow
pieces that focus on lifestyle,” Litchfield
                                              by an anonymous voice. All that              podcaster) and Les Stroud (of TV show
says. “It’s also really opportunistic. If I
                                              matters is that Tyler Durden exists          Survivorman fame).
have access to someone interesting, I’ll
                                              to beat the shit out of monotonous
sit down with them on Skype, record it,                                                    Donald Trump Jr.—hunter, fly fisher,
                                              entertainment. It’s then up to you to
then drop it in and go live right away.”                                                   son of POTUS—even gets a seat at
                                              choose the medium that bests suits
Recent guests range from Montana              your consumptive habits.                     the mic.
streamer-swami Kelly Galloup to
Nevada-based biologist and taimen             For Vokey, podcasting it the preferred
researcher Dr. Sudeep Chandra. And            method for sharing rich stories
in addition to picking the brains of          centered on people of historical note,
intriguing personalities, Litchfield          living in the fly-fishing community—and
uses his pods to promote local fishing        sometimes outside of it, resting on the
opportunities, from conditions for            fringe. As Litchfield notes, Vokey’s pod,
the Pyramid Lake opener to hatch              Anchored, is a colossus in the fly-fishing
happenings on the Truckee. What you           realm. During the span of its now
won’t find, surprisingly, are product         70-episode upbringing, it’s collected
plugs. That could pivot, Litchfield           more than 4.5 million downloads.
says, with the pending launch of an           Steelheader Lani Waller, interviewed
e-commerce site. For now, however,            inside a dank wall tent in northern
he’s stashing away good granular data.        B.C., was Vokey’s first rap session. She
“That info’s absolutely fascinating, and      hoped the episode might pull in a
                                              hundred or so listeners. So far it’s been    “The standard fishing story—tell me
                                                                                                                                 | April 2018

when I do launch my ecommerce site,
                                              heard by hundreds of thousands.              your favorite place to fish, or tell me
I’ll have some very good analytics to
                                                                                           your favorite 5-weight—doesn’t appeal
apply toward targeted advertising.”
                                              “From the get-go, I thought it would         to me, and it doesn’t fit with my format,
Meantime, Litchfield is churning              be this underground deal,” Vokey says        which is more just about bringing good
out fresh pods more for personal              of her pod, which began as a kernel          storytelling into the fold.”

                                                                                                        continued on next page...         21
                                                                                                                             Rosenbauer home in on the wants and
                                                                                                                             needs of his audience. “As a marketer
                                                                                                                             it’s gold, because it gives me a really
                                                                                                                             good feel for what people understand
                                                                                                                             and what they don’t,” he says. “So when
                                                                                                                             we’re trying to create catalog or website
                                                                                                                             copy, or tech bulletins—I know the
                                                                                                                             questions that people want answered.”

                                                                                                                             Like Litchfield’s fly shop episodes, the
                                                                                                                             Orvis pod generally skips direct sales
                                                                                                                             pitches. “I don’t think we have to,”
                                                                                                                             Rosenbauer says. “From the beginning,
                                                                                                                             we’ve always been about education and
                                Donald Jr., who Vokey says was a toss-          Guide Podcast. Here, listeners get the       about building our brand as an authority
                                up for inclusion, ultimately fit that mold,     nuts and bolts on reading water, tying       in flyfishing. It builds trust and loyalty in
                                because people were pining to hear              knots, making casts, and matching            people when we don’t blatantly try to
                                a Trumpian POV on the public lands              hatches. It’s a detailed dose of service-y   sell them something.”
                                debate. Vokey says she took some flack          information that, thanks to Rosenbauer’s
                                for the interview, which included a rebuttal    wry sense of humor, is driven by a           It’s a soft pitch. And with all the way to
                                from Patagonia. “I knew there would             decidedly fun streak.                        convey a flyfishing thought these days,
                                be some blowback, but it’s my job as an                                                      this one—when done well—comes with
                                interviewer to capture the story; and it’s up   Rosenbauer says his rise to Orvis            a captive audience. For Litchfield, that’s
                                to the listeners to then decide how they        Podfather was accidental. It all began       where its value lies: “I think it’s critical.
                                feel about it,” she says. “If anyone wants      a decade ago when the mega-brand’s           And I’m surprised more fly shops aren’t
                                to argue with me that Don Jr. isn’t an          now former social media director,            doing it.”
                                influential and informed outdoorsman—           James Hathaway, pitched the plan
                                whether good, bad, or otherwise—I’d tell        to his skeptical supervisor. “I thought      Fill Your Ears
                                them they’re on drugs.”                         it was a dumb idea... but anyways,
                                                                                James persisted and convinced me to          Three more fishy pods for your
                                                                                do it,” Rosenbauer says. “I thought it       springtime playlist.
                                If politics makes you want to down
                                                                                was strange because flyfishing is such
                                a mouthful of valium, don’t worry,                                                           The DrakeCast
                                                                                a visual sport. What are you going to
                                the majority of Anchored’s featured
                                                                                do with a podcast that’s going to help
                                personalities have never run for office.
                                Vokey’s most memorable interview thus
                                far was with flyfishing trailblazer Joan        Hundreds of episodes downloaded
                                Wulff. “She’s a hero of mine,” Vokey            by hundreds of thousands of listeners
                                says. “It was really special to be able to      later, clearly, the answer is plenty. The
                                sit across from here, at her own table,         Orvis pod has spawned a dedicated
                                and to look into her eyes and to hear           fan base focused on learning. And
                                about all the things she’s seen.”               Rosenbauer says it’s been a runaway
                                                                                success, underscored by the daily | April 2018

                                Veteran Orvis marketer, Tom                     correspondences he receives from
                                Rosenbauer, has also seen a thing or            people expressing their appreciation for
                                two in his day. And more often than not,        the kind of information that makes their
                                he’s talking about what he’s witnessed—         fishing more productive… and fun.
                                on the water—as the frontman of Orvis’                                                       Hosted by editor, angler, and minivan-
                                successful how-to spiced Fly-Fishing            Hosting the show has also helped             owner Elliott Adler, The DrakeCast is a

 “It’s a soft pitch. And with all the way to
convey a flyfishing thought these days, this
one—when done well—comes with a captive
audience. For Litchfield, that’s where its
value lies: “I think it’s critical. And I’m
surprised more fly shops aren’t doing it.”

world-traveling pod driven by the kind        Jason Rolfe is an Olympia, WA-based
of stirring storytelling you’ll find in The   fly-fishing guide and writer, with a
Drake Magazine. You’ll like it because        passion for catching bright steelhead
unlike dull pods recorded within four         and conveying brilliant stories. The
walls, Adler ventures into the river, or      Fly Tapes was born of Rolfe’s road-
onto the skiff, bringing audiences along      tripping “Writers on the Fly” event
for the experience with each sharp,           series, which features live readings
well-crafted episode. Subscribe via           from some of the industry’s leading
iTunes, Stitcher, or Soundcloud.              scribes and scribblers. “I’m really
                                              worried less about all the fishing
The Fly Tapes                                 people do,” Rolfe says. “Instead,
                                              the pods focus on who people
                                              are and creating a space for good
                                              conversations on why people do what
                                              they do.”
                                                   the country. It’s a format “loosely
                                                                                      based on fly-fishing,” Littrell says.
                                              Tailer Trash Fly Fishing                “It’s more about the social event. The
                                                                                                                            | April 2018

                                                                                      byproduct is us recording how stupid
                                              Larry Littrell, one of a handful of     we are. And people, amazingly, listen
                                              beer-seasoned voices behind the         to it.” Tailer Trash is the antithesis of
                                              Tailer Trash fly-fishing pod, helps     the instructional pod, and you’ll be
                                              bring a distinct South Florida vibe     amazed when you can’t stop listening
                                              to curious eardrums from across         to it either.” Available on iTunes.

                                NAVIGATING THE MUDDY WATERS
                                OF DIGITAL DISPLAY AND
                                PROGRAMMATIC MEDIA BUYING
                                Written by Zach Lazzari

                                Has an agency or ad tech sales          direct conversations with ad tech        time exclusive to Fortune 500 level
                                rep knocked on your door with a         sales reps or their agency partners.     spending power capable of meeting
                                complex pitch involving programmatic    Most fly shops, outfitters and smaller   budget minimums of $10-20k per
                                display advertising? If not, it will    brands have been excluded from           month. The market has evolved
                                likely happen soon, and educating       programmatic buys but are likely in      as more agencies and individuals | April 2018

                                yourself is a matter of protecting      the crosshairs of sales teams as spend   become privy to the high margins
                                your bottom line while maximizing       minimums drop and an increasingly        and profit potential. But what is
                                return on your ad dollars. The larger   competitive market races to swallow      programmatic display exactly and how
                                manufacturers in the fly-fishing        every available ad dollar.               is it most beneficial to the media mix
                                industry are likely familiar with the                                            of fly-fishing brands, outfitters and
                                world of digital display and have had   The digital display market was at one    retail outlets?

Programmatic Display Advertising
in Simple Terms
                                        "Ad networks occupy the upper tier of this food
Display ads are present on
nearly every major digital outlet       chain and there’s really only one. Google rules the
in existence. Display refers to
the banner advertisements on
                                        land. Bing and Yahoo have networks but they are a
any given website in desktop,
tablet and mobile formats. The
units can show static, dynamic or
                                        sliver of the market and are more oriented towards
video advertisements. In essence,
display is simple and doesn’t
                                        paid search advertising."
differ much from a magazine
advertisement. Programmatic
simply refers to real-time buying
and selling of display ad space. The    and the system provides an efficient    a DSP service like DataXu to access
transactional sequence connecting       platform to buy and sell display        inventory, data and ultimately
the advertiser’s creative unit to       ad space for desktop, tablet and        deliver ads. Some creative agencies
the display ad space is, however,       mobile devices. Publishers connect      do this in-house but many openly
fundamentally flawed.                   their inventory and advertisers         contract or whitelabel the ad tech to
                                        purchase through this system. While     manage this complex process.
Ad network - Exchange - DSP -           it’s not all that simple to execute,
Ad-tech - Agency. The general           buying and selling ad space is the      Is Display Bad?
flow of things.                         primary function of the exchange.
                                                                                Display advertising is an effective
I won’t blame you for scanning this     DSP’s (or demand side platforms)        medium when executed in an
section and jumping to the end.         sit on top of the exchanges and are     honest digital environment.
It’s overly complex, marginally         used by ad tech companies and           Sadly, the latter marketplace is
important and I’ll eventually boil it   sophisticated agencies to access        rich with fraud and your dollar is
all down to a few important points.     and utilize some serious first and      chopped to pieces as it passes
In the meantime, here’s how it all      third party data sets. Ever feel like   through multiple middlemen. The
ties together.                          your digital activity is constantly     extensive spreadsheets and reports
                                        monitored and stored? This is where     delivered might look great with
Ad networks occupy the upper tier       that data is accessed and utilized.     big impression numbers but unless
of this food chain and there’s really   Stored contextual and behavioral        you are tracking conversions and
only one. Google rules the land.        data is used to determine how you       know your actual CPC (cost per
Bing and Yahoo have networks but        navigate the Internet and when you      conversion), they aren’t really telling
they are a sliver of the market and     are most likely to make a purchase.     the whole story. Here’s where your
are more oriented towards paid          The behavioral data collected is        money is really going in the current
search advertising.                     intensive, to say the least, but it     display marketplace:
                                        functions as a great tool for tight
Ad networks have exchanges              targeting and retargeting campaigns     Fraud - It’s no accident that fraud
                                                                                                                    | April 2018

where ad servers make transactions      that convert well. It also means        is rarely tracked and reported. I’ve
possible. Each exchange acts like       consumers are served ads relevant       heard ad-ops teams reporting fraud
a stock markets where inventory is      to their interests.                     at 50-70 percent in many cases.
bought and sold through a real-time                                             Fraud tracking software is available
bidding system (programmatic).          Ad tech and agency providers either     but is costly and not always
DoubleClick is Google’s exchange        use Google’s DoubleClick directly or    accurate. Unless you are running

                                                                                            continued on next page...        25
                                six-figure campaigns, realistic fraud     access major publications and while it   inventory on the cheap, one of the
                                tracking is likely not an option.         feels great knowing your ad is serving   major benefits of the whole system.
                                According to a 2017 survey, 75            on The Wall Street Journal, it doesn’t   In a fraud-free world, this would be
                                percent of clicks on 300x600 display      necessarily mean the ad is seen by       great but the current ecosystem is
                                units are fraudulent (      your audience. Remnant inventory         unpredictable at best. Personally,
                       reported a massive           means your creative is showing in        I’d rather pay more for a few real
                                7.2 billion loss to ad fraud in 2016.     the obituary section (backpages),        customers than less for thousands of
                                Industry leader Ad Age also made          typically below the fold where it’s      fraud bots. Creative agencies often
                                a 2015 claim stating one in every         happily pinged by fraud bots. This       take a simple 20-percent cut against
                                three dollars goes to fraud. Fraud        is bottom of the barrel inventory.       your spend. This is expected and
                                is an industry in itself and losses are   Remnant inventory can be tracked         very acceptable in the agency-client
                                ultimately eaten by the advertiser.       and mitigated but again, small           relationship. A valued agency partner
                                                                          spends simply don’t get any love and     is a major asset for many business
                                Remnant Inventory - When you sign         most moderate budget campaigns           models. The ad tech take is upward
                                a campaign deal, requesting your          will deliver to 80-percent or greater    of 64-percent which is an exorbitant
                                whitelist and blacklist is a prudent      remnant inventory.                       margin and motive to hard sell
                                practice. You want to know where                                                   display campaigns with the primary
                                your ads are serving (whitelisted)        Pricing - Ad tech and Agency Cuts -      KPI (Key Performance Indicator)
                                and you want to avoid sites that          There are numerous pricing models        of brand awareness. Awareness
                                are either competition or low             but the CPM is most common. It           campaigns are the lowest cost, least
                                quality (blacklisted). Sales reps and     stands for Cost per Mil which is cost    effort, highest-margin option for the
                                account managers love the wow             per 1,000 impressions (not clicks,       ad tech. They are also the lowest
                                factor generated by whitelist name        engagements or conversions). Real        yield for advertisers.
                                dropping. A small business can            time bidding means you can access

                                "Fraud tracking software is available but is costly and not always accurate.

                                Unless you are running six-figure campaigns, realistic fraud tracking is

                                likely not an option. According to a 2017 survey, 75 percent of clicks on

                                300x600 display units are fraudulent ( reported

                                a massive 7.2 billion loss to ad fraud in 2016. Industry leader Ad Age also

                                made a 2015 claim stating one in every three dollars goes to fraud. Fraud is | April 2018

                                an industry in itself and losses are ultimately eaten by the advertiser."

"The highest yield, lowest cost digital marketing programs
for fly fishing and outdoor industry business models is
ultimately through organic reach and a well-planned
approach to paid media. Create original, engaging content
and build an audience by sharing this content through your
website, newsletter and social channels."

PMP Solutions                              with great engagement at a fraction      your own goals and hold the vendor
                                           of normal costs. The network is          accountable.
The private marketplace is a great         Traffic Junky and they manage
solution to combat the fraud and           advertising on all of the major porn     An outfitter paying a five-dollar CPA
confusion associated with display.         sites. It’s nothing short of ironic      and booking 20 percent of the leads
This is essentially a rolodex style deal   that porn is the most honest and         is averaging $25 per booking. Not a
where the advertiser deals through         accountable platform in the business.    bad deal if the vendor can actually hit
a single broker or directly with the       Mainstream businesses tend to avoid      that mark. Achieving a result of that
publisher. The CPM or flat rate price      this network with fears of negative      nature requires more man hours and
is typically higher but you know           brand association. If you don’t mind     less margin for the vendor. Don’t be
exactly where the ad displays and          the association, spend minimums          surprised if they avoid that route and
ultimately you get more bang for your      are extremely low and testing the        push for awarenessonly campaigns.
buck. A PMP buy is ideal for the fly       platform is easy.
fishing industry where a few websites                                               Diversify Your Media Mix
have a large majority of the organic       Safety in Conversion Campaigns
traffic. Advertisers can still monitor                                              The highest yield, lowest cost digital
impressions, clicks, behavior and          If you are dead set on running a         marketing programs for fly fishing and
conversions while testing and rotating     programmatic display campaign,           outdoor industry business models is
different creative assets to find          force the hand and push for a CPC or     ultimately through organic reach and a
your most effective units. Consider        CPA. The cost per conversion means       well-planned approach to paid media.
brokering direct deals until the fraud     you can track your dollar down to        Create original, engaging content
issues and high margins are resolved       the purchase level, a good option        and build an audience by sharing
in the larger marketplace.                 for ecommerce and realistic ROI          this content through your website,
                                           measurements. CPA means cost per         newsletter and social channels.
Traffic Junky - The Best Impressions       acquisition and works well for lead      Advertising through social media, paid
Money Can Buy                              generation. Booking agencies, lodges     search, display and traditional media
                                           and outfitters can take this approach    will deliver an audience but great
One low fraud, low cost ad network         and monitor the quality of their leads   content and customer service builds
does exist for bold businesses. Ad         while measuring ROI as well. You         loyalty, creates a community and keeps
units reach highly targeted audiences      can negotiate a CPA or CPC to meet       those people coming back.
                                COMPANY PROFILE: REILLY ROD
                                CRAFTERS – NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK
                                Written by Jay Cassell

                                If you’re in the fishing tackle business,   remain profitable, much less start a         time who feel the same way. ‘Where
                                chances are you attend the annual           business and make it work?                   are the fly rods that I grew up on?’
                                ICAST and International Fly Tackle                                                       they’ll ask. ‘Where are the rods we
                                Dealer show in Orlando, Florida. This is    One business that is making a serious        learned on?’
                                the main event, the monster trade show      go at it is Reilly Rod Crafters. Based in
                                where manufacturers from around the         Palmyra, Virginia, Reilly specializes in     “I wanted to make rods that pretty
                                world display their products and write      making affordable, user-friendly fly rods,   much anyone can handle, whether
                                up orders with buyers who, in 2017,         three of them signature series with Stu      they’re beginners or are well into their
                                came from 73 countries. According to        Apte, legendary fly tier Chuck Kraft, and    careers as fly fishermen.”
                                recent estimates, the tackle business       Florida bass guide Joe Mahler. I tracked
                                accounts for $40 billion dollars in         down President Chris Reilly and asked        Stu Apte, multiple IGFA record holder, | April 2018

                                retail product sales just in the U.S.       him what his company was all about.          told me that many manufacturers are
                                The competition is intense. In fact,                                                     producing fly rods that are primarily fly-
                                according to the ICAST catalog there        “One of the things that motivated            casting rods, rods that you can take out
                                were 111 dealers in the ‘Rods and           me to get into fly-rod design was my         on the lawn or pond and practice with.
                                Rod Accessories’ category alone. How        loathing of very fast action rods,” he
                                on earth do you stay in business and        told me. “And I run into people all the      “As far as I’m concerned, these are not

                                                                                          They’re all over the board. It’s really
                                                                                          a matter of how the rod and line feel

                                                                                          Mahler also helped Reilly develop
                                                                                          a unique pro staff program. Instead
                                                                                          of only giving pro staffers free or
                                                                                          discounted rods, Reilly puts rods on
                                                                                          guides’ boats so clients can fish with
                                                                                          them if they want to.

                                                                                          “When people have a good day of
                                                                                          fishing, and they were casting well, at
                                                                                          the end of the day they’ll ask about
                                                                                          the rod. Chances are they may buy
fly-fishing rods,” he said. “I designed my     show up with $1000 fly rods that they      one. So If I’m responsible for that sale,
Stu Apte Series Fly Rods to be the easiest     have no business handling.                 I should benefit. Our pro guides have
casting rods on the market. They let                                                      cards with promo codes on them, and
you make presentations with ease...and         “Chris came to me and asked if I would     the client will get 15 to 20 percent off
that translates into improved accuracy.”       design some rods for him. What I           the rod if they use that code when they
Put another way, Apte’s rods let you           wanted was a rod that is easy to cast,     order online. The guide also gets a
concentrate on your presentations, on          even at short distances, and one that      percentage.
your fishing, as you don’t have to worry       you can feel load up. A lot of these
so much about your casting.                    new, high-modulus, stiff rods, you
                                                                                          “Realistically, you can’t go into a shop,
                                               can’t feel them load. I also wanted
                                                                                          pick up a rod, shake it a bit, and say
According to Reilly, “Stu’s rods are great     something that was accurate. And these
                                                                                          yeah, this feels good, I’ll buy it. It’s
all-round rods, but where they shine is        rods are. They’re especially good for
                                                                                          better for a potential rod buyer to
making what Stu calls ‘fast casts.’” As        anglers who might have trouble with
                                                                                          spend time with a guide who knows
Reilly explained, Stu’s rods let you shoot     the high-modulus rods.
                                                                                          the rod and can explain it, can help the
out 65 to 75 feet of line with a minimum                                                  client cast it. And there is no pressure. If
of false casting. “If you’re trophy fishing,   “Don’t get me wrong, there are great       a client likes the rod, great. If not, that’s
you need to get that fly where it needs        high-modulus rods out there. And if        fine too.”
to be as quickly as you can,” Reilly           people like them, that’s fine. But my
concluded. Which is what Stu’s rods do.        rods are just easy to cast at normal       Reilly Rods is making reasonably priced,
                                               casting distances. Plus, they’re priced    made-in-the-USA rods that cast well
“Chuck’s rods have a little bit faster         reasonably.”                               and accurately. Each line of rods is
action,” Reilly continued. “I’d call                                                      slightly different, so getting out there
them moderate-action rods. They’re a           The third signature series of rods was     and using them will help you make your
bit heavier than some of the fast rods,        designed by Joe Mahler, who guides in      decision, if you’re in the market for a
but who cares about a few tenths of            Florida, mostly freshwater for the likes   new rod.
an ounce?”                                     of peacock and largemouth bass.
                                                                                                                                    | April 2018

                                                                                          “We got back into making fishing
Kraft describes his rods, which are all        “I’ve got a 5/6 and a 7/8 in my series,    rods,” Chris Reilly sums up. That idea
four-piece rods, Weights 5 to 8, thusly:       because these are the types of rods I      is working and the company is gaining
“I’ve been guiding for smallmouths for         use every day,” he said. “And I wanted     traction. Just don’t be surprised if
30 years,” he told me. “And over the           two rods, because I don’t think line       you end up fishing with a Reilly rod
years, I can’t tell you how many anglers       designations mean much anymore.            someday.

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