Investigating Failures of Automatic Translation in the Case of Unambiguous Gender

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Investigating Failures of Automatic Translation
                                                                  in the Case of Unambiguous Gender

                                                          Adithya Renduchintala                          Adina Williams
                                                               Facebook AI                             Facebook AI Research

                                                              Abstract                           This suggests that our current training paradigm (or
                                                                                                 the architectures themselves), do not force models
                                            Transformer based models are the modern
arXiv:2104.07838v1 [cs.CL] 16 Apr 2021

                                                                                                 to pay sufficient attention to very basic linguistic
                                            work horses for neural machine translation
                                                                                                 properties of a source sentence during inference.
                                            (NMT), reaching state of the art across several
                                            benchmarks. Despite their impressive accu-           When an NMT model makes mistakes like these,
                                            racy, we observe a systemic and rudimentary          it can degrade the trust a user places on translation
                                            class of errors made by transformer based            quality, or also reinforce representational harms in
                                            models with regards to translating from a            the form of stereotypes (Stanovsky et al., 2019).
                                            language that doesn’t mark gender on nouns              To more systematically explore translation fail-
                                            into others that do. We find that even when the
                                                                                                 ures for gender in unambiguous sentences, we have
                                            surrounding context provides unambiguous
                                            evidence of the appropriate grammatical
                                                                                                 created a benchmark dataset that clearly surfaces
                                            gender marking, no transformer based model           these kinds of errors hoping that the wider NMT
                                            we tested was able to accurately gender occu-        community can devise better, targeted mitigation
                                            pation nouns systematically. We release an           strategies. Our benchmark contains specially con-
                                            evaluation scheme and dataset for measuring          structed English source sentences which unambigu-
                                            the ability of transformer based NMT models          ously belie the gender of a person referred to with a
                                            to translate gender morphology correctly in          noun that can be inflected for multiple grammatical
                                            unambiguous contexts across syntactically
                                                                                                 genders. In our setting, we use sentences contain-
                                            diverse sentences. Our dataset translates from
                                            an English source into 20 languages from             ing occupation nouns from English (which do not
                                            several different language families. With the        bear grammatical gender marking in the source lan-
                                            availability of this dataset, our hope is that the   guage) and translate them into languages for which
                                            NMT community can iterate on solutions for           occupation nouns must bear grammatical gender.
                                            this class of especially egregious errors.              We craft unambiguous source sentences by
                                                                                                 manipulating the context: In our dataset, an unam-
                                         1 Introduction
                                                                                                 biguously gendered word—i.e., a noun (such as
                                         NMT models have come a long way since their             father) or pronoun (such as herself )—obligatorily
                                         widespread adoption. Modern Transformer based           corefers with the occupation noun making it clear
                                         (Vaswani et al., 2017) NMT architectures can            what the gender on the occupation noun must be.
                                         be trained on vast amounts of data, and are con-        Consider “My nurse is a good father”, “I am a nurse
                                         stantly attaining higher BLEU scores on standard        who can inspire herself ”. Although all our occu-
                                         benchmarks (Barrault et al., 2020). Despite this        pations nouns are technically underspecified (i.e.,
                                         impressive performance, we observed that state-of-      able to refer to any gender in the source language),
                                         the-art Transformer-based MT systems are largely        we also vary whether the occupation noun is stereo-
                                         unable to make basic deductions regarding how to        typically more likely to refer to a man or woman
                                         correctly inflect nouns with grammatical gender,        (e.g., janitor vs. nurse). Finally, we vary whether
                                         even when there is ample contextual evidence.           the triggering word appears before or after the
                                         For example, we observe that they struggle inflect      occupation noun, to see if this affects performance:
                                         occupation nouns like “doctor” with the correct         compare “That janitor arrives early for her shift” to
                                         gender when translating sentences like “my mother       “That her own child laughed surprised the janitor”.
                                         is a funny doctor”, despite there being no ambiguity       To show the utility of our benchmark, we
                                         that “doctor” ought to be marked with feminine.         evaluate the accuracy of the gender inflection in the
target language for several state-of-the art Trans-       Source/Target                                      Label
fomer based NMT systems. Previous work focuses           Src:   My sister is a carpenter4 .
primarily on ambiguous cases where the gender of         Tgt:   Mi hermana es carpenteria(f)4 .
                                                         Src:   That nurse1 is a funny man .
an occupation noun is genuinely under-determined                                                             Wrong
                                                         Tgt:   Esa enfermera(f)1 es un tipo gracioso .
(Stanovsky et al., 2019), since this allows for query-   Src:   The engineer1 is her emotional mother .
ing the underlying (often stereotypical) “assump-        Tgt:   La ingenierı́a(?)1 es su madre emocional .
tions” of the translation model. We argue that our
                                                         Table 1: Examples of source-translation pairs. The
unambiguous task is an even clearer explication of       gender-tags are shown in parenthesis and word-
the failures of NMT models, because in this set up,      alignments indicated with subscript.
morphological gender mistakes are not forgivable.
   Because we expect existing MT systems to              Prates et al., 2019) are reflected by the percentage
struggle on our unambiguous task, we also devised        of examples for which the MT system chooses the
a somewhat simpler setting. It is well known that        gender-stereotypical pronoun as opposed to the
translation systems perform better when provided         anti-gender-stereotypical. However, since both
with more context (i.e., longer sentences; Tiede-        translations are practically possible in reality (for
mann and Scherrer 2017; Miculicich et al. 2018),         example, janitors come in all genders), we feel
so in our simpler setting, we augment our sentences      this setting might be overly optimistic about the
with statistically gender-indicative adjectives (such    capabilities of current models.
as pretty and handsome, the former being used               Our set up has two main components: we have a
more often in practice to modify nouns referring         “trigger” (i.e., a noun or pronoun in the source sen-
to women and the latter, to men) and verbs (which        tence that unambiguously refers to a person with
take arguments that are statistically more likely to     a particular known gender1 ), and we have an occu-
be men or women in large corpora). With these            pation noun which bears no gender-marking in the
sentences, we can determine how much the deter-          source language and can be inflected with various
mination of the gender on gender-indeterminate           genders in the target language. We call the former
nouns is affected by statistically gender-indicative     class “triggers” because they are the unambiguous
contexts. We expect the incidence of correct             signal which triggers a particular grammatical gen-
inflection to rise in cases when a stereotypical         der marking for the occupation noun. Triggers com-
contextual cue is also provided.                         prise all “standard” American English pronouns
   Our contributions are as follows: We offer a          and explicitly gendered kinship terms, which were
new unambiguous benchmark to measure MT                  chosen because they are very common concepts
models’ ability to mark gender appropriately in          cross-linguistically and are (in nearly all cases,
20 languages from English source. We find that           see fn. 1) interpreted as gender-unambiguous.
all tested Transformer-based NMT models reach            Occupation nouns were drawn from the U.S.
fairly low accuracy—at best approximately 70%            Bureau of Labor Statistics2 , following Caliskan
accuracy (Portuguese and German) and at worst            et al. (2017); Rudinger et al. (2017); Zhao et al.
below 50% (Urdu)—and do markedly better when             (2018); Prates et al. (2019), and are statistically
the word that makes the target gender explicit           more likely to be performed by either women or by
(e.g., her, brother) refers to a man as opposed          men respectively. We ensure that there is an equal
to a woman. Moreover, we find that accuracy              number of triggers, occupation words, making our
is higher on examples for which the (statically          benchmark gender-balanced for binary gender. For
more frequent) gender of the occupation matches          a list, see Table 2, and Table 5 in the Appendix.
the gender of the unambiguous triggering word,              Crucially, we measure performance based on the
compared to examples for which they don’t match.         inflection of the occupation noun, which depends
                                                         on the syntactic structure of the sentence. To en-
2 Methods                                                    1
                                                               Gender identity is not strictly binary, and even for our
                                                         strongly gendered triggers, there still could be rare edge-cases:
Our method crucially relies upon on linguistic           consider, for example, a Halloween party where your friend
theory to craft unambiguous examples. In most            Sam, who identifies as a man, dresses up as his own grand-
attempts to measure gender bias in NMT, there            mother. Someone can reasonably refer to Sam during the
                                                         party as a “grandmother” or choose either “she” or “he”; See
has been no ground-truth “correct translation”—          also (Ackerman, 2019).
model “preferences” (Stanovsky et al., 2019;         
sure that we have unambiguous sentences, we con-                   Type         F                       M
structed a short English phrase structure grammar                  Trigger    she, her, hers, her-      he, him, his, him-
comprising 82 commands to construct our corpus.                               self, sister , mother,    self, brother, father,
                                                                              aunt, grandmother,        uncle, grandfather,
Although previous datasets for measuring gender                               daughter,        niece,   son, niece, husband,
failures in translation have had a handful unambigu-                          wife , girlfriend         boyfriend
ous examples (Stanovsky et al., 2019), our dataset                 Occupation editor, accountant,       engineer, physician,
                                                                              auditor, attendant,       plumber, carpenter,
is unique in having only unambiguous examples                                 assistant, designer,      laborer,       driver,
(see also González et al. 2020). We also make use                            writer, baker, clerk,     sheriff,       mover,
of Binding Theory (Chomsky, 1980, 1981; Büring,                              cashier, counselor,       developer, farmer,
                                                                              librarian, teacher,       guard, chief, janitor,
2005) to ensure that (i) all of our pronoun triggers                          cleaner,        house-    lawyer, CEO, ana-
(both pronominals like “she” and anaphors like                                keeper,         nurse,    lyst, manager, super-
“herself”) are strictly coreferring with the occu-                            receptionist, hair-       visor, salesperson
                                                                              dresser, secretary
pations and (ii) that no other interpretations are
possible.3 Moreover, having a grammar is useful,                  Table 2: Gendered words from our dataset. Accuracy
since it allows for an increased diversity of source              is measured on the occupation word, and the Trigger(s)
                                                                  provide unambiguous information about the gender
sentences and better control over the context.
                                                                  identity of the person being referred to in the sentence.
   Since we anticipated poor performance on the                   Establishing co-reference between the two is obligatory,
task, we also devised an easier scenario, where we                based on the syntactic structures included in the dataset.
provide additionally contextual cues to the gender
of the relevant entity. In this work, we explore                  to what extent do these different syntactic factors
two types of contextual cues, adjectives and verbs.               interact with each other or vary across languages?
Our list of adjectives is the union of stereotyped
traits from several works in the social psychology                2.1     Models
literature on traits as gender stereotyping (Bem,
                                                                  We evaluate gendered translation of two pretrained
1981; Prentice and Carranza, 2002; Haines et al.,
                                                                  open-source models, (i) OPUS-MT is a collection
2016; Eagly et al., 2020), where they were normed
                                                                  of 1000+ bilingual and multilingual (for certain
in the context of English. Verbs were automatically
                                                                  translation directions) models (Tiedemann and
discovered from Wikipedia using dependency
                                                                  Thottingal, 2020). The architecture of each model
parses to find verbs that take women or men
                                                                  was based on a standard transformer (Vaswani et al.,
preferentially highly as subjects or direct objects
                                                                  2017) setup with 6 self-attentive layers in both,
(Hoyle et al., 2019).
                                                                  the encoder and decoder network with 8 attention
   Finally, given that we had already written a toy               heads in each layer. (ii) M2M-100 is a large mul-
grammar for English, we also craft our grammar                    tilingual model which supports “many-to-many”
to enable the exploration of a couple subsidiary                  translation directions (Fan et al., 2020). M2M-100
questions about the nature of anaphoric relations:                pretrained models are available in three sizes (418
for example, does accuracy depend on whether                      Million parameters, 1.2 Billion parameters and 15
the occupation precedes or follows the trigger?                   Billion parameters). We employ the small sized
Moreover, when we include a contextual cue that                   models for our experiments which are based on
is predictive of the gender required by the trigger               the transformer architecture with 12 encoder and
(e.g., handsome for brother), does accuracy change                decoder layers and 16 attention heads.
when we attach it to the occupation (e.g., that hand-
some nurse is my brother) instead of to the trigger               2.2     Evaluation
(that nurse is my handsome brother)? And finally,
                                                                  Using our grammar, we generate English source
      Consider the sentence “Carlotta’s dog accompanies her
                                                                  sentences and translate these into supported
to kindergarden” (Büring, 2005, p.5). In this sentence, we can   target languages.      To ascertain whether the
interpret this sentence as meaning that the dog accompanies       translation applied the correct morphological
Carlotta to kindergarden, or that the dog accompanies some
other woman or girl to kindergarden—to strengthen this            marker on the target-side occupation noun, we
reading you can append to the front of the sentence the clause    design a “reference-free” evaluation scheme.
something like “whenever Mary’s parents have to go to work        Following Stanovsky et al. (2019), we extract
early, Carlotta’s dog accompanies her to kindergarden”. In
this way, “her” can refer to either Carlotta or to Mary. We       token-alignments between the source occupation
have avoided such ambiguity in our dataset.                       noun token and its translation in the target side. We
also extract morphological features for every token            Language    %Correct    %Wrong     %N/A
in the target sequence, using a morphological tag-                de            0.73       0.26     0.01
ger. Thus, we can ascertain the gender associated                 pt            0.72       0.26     0.02
                                                                  cs            0.67       0.30     0.03
with the translated occupation noun (as judged by                 lt            0.63       0.35     0.02
the morphological tagger) and measure the NMT                     pl            0.65       0.33     0.03
models’ accuracy concerning gender translation.                   hr            0.65       0.31     0.04
                                                                  fr            0.63       0.30     0.07
We use Dou and Neubig (2021) for word-alignment                   lv            0.62       0.36     0.02
and Qi et al. (2020) as our morphological tagger.                 es            0.61       0.21     0.17
Note that our evaluation scheme only checks if                    ru            0.60       0.38     0.02
                                                                  uk            0.60       0.37     0.03
the appropriate gender marking is applied on the                  el            0.59       0.34     0.07
occupation noun and does not check if the occupa-                 ro            0.59       0.33     0.08
tion noun itself has been translated correctly. Thus,             ca            0.56       0.23     0.21
                                                                  he            0.55       0.32     0.13
we do not prescribe our evaluation scheme as a                    it            0.53       0.25     0.22
replacement for traditional MT evaluation using                   sr            0.52       0.42     0.06
                                                                  hi            0.51       0.39     0.10
BLEU or chrF++ scores (Papineni et al., 2002;                     be            0.51       0.33     0.17
Popović, 2015).                                                  ur            0.44       0.37     0.19
   Under our evaluation scheme, there are three
                                                        Table 3: Aggregated accuracy for all languages and all
possible evaluation outcomes for each sentence.         data for M2M-100-1.2B.
We deem the output (i) correct if the gender
of the target-side occupation noun is the ex-
                                                        in aggregate, these results likely reflect the cultural
pected gender (based on the source-side trigger
                                                        fact than many (but not all) languages utilize mascu-
gender). (ii) wrong if the gender of the target–
                                                        line to refer to generic people (Gastil, 1990; Hamil-
side occupation is explicitly the wrong gender,
                                                        ton, 1991). Despite this, all our triggers are high fre-
and (iii) inconclusive if we are unable to make a
                                                        quency words, so we believe that a frequency based
gender-determination of the target-side occupation
                                                        explanation of our findings won’t be sufficient.
noun. A translation can result be inconclusive if
there are errors in the translation, word-alignments    Accuracy is higher when trigger gender and
or morphological tagger. In most, cases we find         occupation gender match, than when they
translation errors as the root cause of the inconclu-   don’t. . . As we see in Figure 1, the M2M models
sive result. Note: if errors predominate more for       perform better on inflecting occupations nouns
one gender, this can also be taken as evidence of an    correctly when they are statistically more likely to
imbalance that needs rectification.                     refer to a person whose gender matches the gender
                                                        required by the trigger: for example, our models
                                                        is better at correctly morphologically gender
3 Results
                                                        marking nanny (a statistically feminine-indicative
Our dataset is very difficult for current               occupation) in the context of mother than they
transformer-based models. We observe that ac-           are at morphologically gender marking janitor
curacy doesn’t exceed the low 70s for any language      (a statistically masculine-indicative one). This
(see Table 3). This suggests that our dataset is ap-    finding replicates previous work (Stanovsky et al.,
preciably difficult, suggesting that it provides good   2019) that showed that six then-state-of-the-art
signal about the failures of our current best models.   models were very susceptible to statistical gender
                                                        biases encoded in occupation words.
For all languages and all MT systems, accuracy
is higher when the trigger unambiguously refers         . . . However, gender marking accuracy drops
to a man than when it unambiguously refers to           less when the occupation is mismatched with a
a woman. In general, accuracy is lower when the         masculine trigger than when it is mismatched
trigger requires feminine morphology, hovering          with a feminine one. Although statistical gender
around 40% in most languages. The only language         biases in how women are presented of the kind
for which accuracy on feminine triggers exceeds         presented in Figure 1 are relatively well described
50% is Serbian. For some languages, such as Urdu,       in NLP and adjacent fields (Bolukbasi et al., 2016;
occupation nouns are rarely inflected with the cor-     Hovy and Spruit, 2016; Caliskan et al., 2017;
rect gender marking for feminine triggers. Taken        Rudinger et al., 2017; Garg et al., 2018; Garimella
1                                                         1
 0.8                                                       0.8
 0.6                                                       0.6
 0.4                                                       0.4
 0.2                                                       0.2
   0                                                         0





















                (a) M-trigger, M-occupation                                (b) F-trigger, F-occupation
   1                                                         1
 0.8                                                       0.8
 0.6                                                       0.6
 0.4                                                       0.4
 0.2                                                       0.2
   0                                                         0




















                (c) M-trigger, F-occupation                                (d) F-trigger, M-occupation
Figure 1: Results for M2M model (1.2B). Proportion of correct (green), incorrect (red) and not available (yellow)
are provided. Across the board, for all languages, gender inflection (green) are more correct for masculine triggers,
MM (a) and MF (c) than feminine triggers FF (b) and FM (d). Accuracy is high for both masculine- and feminine-
triggers when the the occupation is indicative of the target gender (a, b) than when it isn’t (c,d). However, accuracy
falls more more for F-triggers than for M-triggers when target occupation is indicative of the mismatched gender.

et al., 2019; Gonen and Goldberg, 2019; Dinan               occupations (e.g. houskeeper, nurse, secretary
et al., 2020a,b), we further observe in our results yet     in Figure 2 b, d) reach the level of accuracy that
a higher order type of stereotyping that negatively         the model achieves on most masculine-indicative
affects women, namely androcentrism (Bem, 1993;             occupations (in Figure 2 a, c). We also note that
Hegarty et al., 2013; Bailey et al., 2019). Androcen-       variation in accuracy is much higher for feminine-
trism is a wide reaching cultural phenomenon that           indicative occupations across both trigger types
treats the “male experience. . . as a neutral standard      (compare Figure 2 b to c). These results also lend
or norm for the culture of the species as a whole”          support to a cultural androcentrism hypothesis.
(Bem, 1993, p. 41)—one consequence of this
cultural phenomenon is that women are restricted            4    Related Work
to their stereotypical domains more than men are
to theirs. We see some tentative evidence that our          Recently, several works (Stanovsky et al., 2019;
MT systems encode this cultural androcentrism               Prates et al., 2019; Gonen and Webster, 2020;
bias in the fact that the drop in accuracy is greater       González et al., 2020) investigated gender bias in
for sentences with feminine triggers (e.g., mother)         multiple languages with complex morphology, and
and masculine-indicative occupations (janitor)              showed that state-of-the-art MT systems resolve
than for the converse (compare the magnitude of             gender-unbalanced occupation nouns (from the
the drop in Figure 1 and Figure 2 between a and c           US Bureau of Labor Statistics) more often to
to the drop between b and d, as well as Table 4).           masculine than feminine pronouns, despite the fact
                                                            that people of many genders participate in all listed
Models achieve higher accuracy for masculine-               occupations. Our work improves upon these prior
indicative than feminine-indicative occupation              approaches by exploring the effects of gender-
(and there is some variation). Finally, to                  indicative contexts (e.g., additionally stereotypi-
understand the behavior of particular occupations,          cally masculine and feminine traits and events) in
we plot the M2M 1.2B accuracy by occupation                 range of syntactic positions (e.g., preceding or fol-
averaged across all languages. Recall that all              lowing the clue, directly adjacent to the occupation,
occupations are frequent, are either statistically          etc.). While Prates et al. (2019) did investigate
biased towards either men or towards women in the           some stereotypical traits in their work, they only
source, and are balanced in the dataset. In Figure 2,       investigate a few of them, only in the context of the
we observe that in the case of feminine grammati-           ambiguous paradigm, and were narrowly focused
cal gender triggers, only a few feminine-indicative         on measuring the translation abilities of one com-
1                                                           1
 0.8                                                         0.8
 0.6                                                         0.6
 0.4                                                         0.4
 0.2                                                         0.2
   0                                                           0














                 (a) M-trigger M-occupation                                  (b) F-trigger F-occupation
   1                                                           1
 0.8                                                         0.8
 0.6                                                         0.6
 0.4                                                         0.4
 0.2                                                         0.2
   0                                                           0


















                 (c) M-trigger F-occupation                                 (d) F-trigger, M-occupation

Figure 2: Results for M2M model (1.2B). Proportion of correct (green), incorrect (red) and not available (yellow) are
provided. Across the board, for all occupations, accuracy is higher when triggered gender matches the occupation
(a, b), then when it mismatches (c, d). Additionally, accuracy is higher for masculine triggers (a, c) than for feminine
ones (b, d).

mercial translation product. We, on the other hand,           to make obligatory the local coreference (in this
explore not only more diverse example traits as well          case cataphora) as in “That her own child cried, sur-
as additional verbal contextual cues, but we do so in         prised the doctor”. We take our work to be wholly
unambiguously gendered sentences with a diverse               complementary to theirs; while their approach
range of sentences structures that allow us to vary           focuses on more source languages, fewer target
linear precedence of contextual cues as well as their         languages, and a wider range of tasks, we focus
prevalence. Gonen and Webster (2020) also made                on fewer source languages, more target languages,
use of minimally different sentences via an innova-           and sentences from a wider range of (source) syn-
tive perturbation method that mines examples from             tactic structures (as determined by our grammar).
real world data and moves away from static word                  Concurrently, another approach to pronoun
lists; however, their benchmark is also collected             coreference utilized a hand-crafted grammar to
for the standard ambiguous gender setting.                    generate sentences for measuring fairness (Sore-
   Of particular note here is González et al. (2020)         mekun et al., 2020), but in the context of NLP tasks
which also focused on “unforgivable” grammatical              other than NMT. Although Soremekun et al. (2020)
gender-related errors in translation (as well as on           are interested in measuring performance for unam-
other tasks) that come about as a result of syntactic         biguous examples, it does not focused on the NMT
structure and unambiguous coreference. In partic-             use case, and its examples require cross-sentential
ular, González et al. investigated four languages            coreferences, which will likely require a more
(Danish, Russian, Chinese, Swedish) that affix a              complex linguistic toolbox than our intrasentential
reflexive marker to disambiguate whether a 3rd                case (Szabolcsi, 2003; Hardmeier and Federico,
person possessive pronoun (e.g., his) must be obli-           2010; Reinhart, 2016). Moreover, the grammar
gatorily bound by its local referent (i.e., the subject       created in that work is much less developed than
of the sentence) or not. This approach is somewhat            ours: it does not manipulate the location of the trig-
analogous to some of our examples, except that we             ger, there is limited syntactic diversity, and there
rely on syntactic context to construct unambiguous            is no incorporation of statistically gender-biased
examples as opposed to language-internal proper-              words above and beyond occupation nouns.
ties: e.g., particularly those that make use of “own”            At a high level, our work resurfaces problems
M2M-100-1.2B        Opus MT               measuring gender bias in machine translation
       Language     ∆M       ∆F        ∆M     ∆F              for gender unambiguous sentences. Our dataset
           be        0.17      0.25                           supports translation from an English source into 20
           ca        0.13      0.25    0.20    0.29
           cs        0.23      0.33    0.16    0.19
                                                              languages, and is designed to answer questions not
           de        0.16      0.30    0.16    0.22           only about particular occupation words and gender
           el        0.08      0.19                           triggering words, but also to further explicate
           es        0.14      0.27    0.14    0.20
           fr        0.15      0.25    0.16    0.24           the role of context in how MT systems translate
           he        0.00      0.29   -0.02    0.29           gender morphology. We hope that our dataset will
           hi       -0.04      0.02                           encourage the community to improve on this new
           hr        0.22      0.28
           it        0.11      0.23    0.17    0.23           setting for measuring gender biases in language.
           lt        0.05      0.10
           lv        0.15      0.20
           pl        0.19      0.34
           pt        0.15      0.25
           ro        0.12      0.17    0.14    0.22           References
           sr        0.16      0.23
           uk        0.19      0.30    0.12    0.19           Lauren Ackerman. 2019. Syntactic and cognitive issues
           ur       -0.02     -0.01                             in investigating gendered coreference. Glossa: a
                                                                journal of general linguistics, 4(1).
Table 4: Accuracy drop (∆) is greater for feminine
triggers when the occupation is statistically indicative of
                                                              Roee Aharoni and Yoav Goldberg. 2017. Towards
the mismatched gender (M) than for masculine triggers           string-to-tree neural machine translation.     In
when the occupations is statistically indicative of the         Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the As-
mismatched gender (F) For example, ∆M refers to the             sociation for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2:
drop in accuracy for sentences with triggers referring to       Short Papers), pages 132–140, Vancouver, Canada.
men when the occupation is switched to stereotypically          Association for Computational Linguistics.
referring to women (e.g., difference in accuracy between
“my father is a funny doctor” and “my father is a funny       April H Bailey, Marianne LaFrance, and John F Dovidio.
nurse”. Bold marks the delta with larger accuracy drop.         2019. Is man the measure of all things? a social
                                                                cognitive account of androcentrism. Personality and
                                                                Social Psychology Review, 23(4):307–331.
with syntactic agreement in machine translation.
While neural machine translations are more fluent             Loı̈c Barrault, Magdalena Biesialska, Ondřej Bojar,
that phrase-based machine translation, it has long              Marta R. Costa-jussà, Christian Federmann, Yvette
been observed that even high-resource models can                Graham, Roman Grundkiewicz, Barry Haddow,
                                                                Matthias Huck, Eric Joanis, Tom Kocmi, Philipp
struggle to generate faithful translations that are
                                                                Koehn, Chi-kiu Lo, Nikola Ljubešić, Christof
also syntactically correct (Isabelle et al., 2017) and          Monz, Makoto Morishita, Masaaki Nagata, Toshiaki
the problem intensifies for longer sentences with               Nakazawa, Santanu Pal, Matt Post, and Marcos
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Type           F                            M
ContextAdj     affected,      affection-    aggressive, active, ad-
               ate,       appreciative,     venturous, aggressive,
               emotional, excitable,        ambitious, analytical,
               imaginative, impres-         arrogant,       assertive,
               sionable, intelligent,       athletic,     autocratic,
               organized, outgoing,         enterprising, indepen-
               unambitious, under-          dent, indifferent, indi-
               standing, unintelligent,     vidualistic, initiative,
               unselfish,      unstable,    innovative,      intense,
               cautious, changeable,        inventive, obnoxious,
               charming,          cheer-    opinionated,       oppor-
               ful, childlike, clean,       tunistic,     unfriendly,
               compassionate, com-          unscrupulous, bossy,
               plaining, complicated,       broad-shouldered,
               confused, cooperative,       capable, coarse, com-
               creative, critical, cu-      petitive,      conceited,
               rious, dainty, delicate,     confident, consistent,
               dependent,       dreamy,     controlling,       coura-
               family-oriented, fash-       geous, cruel, cynical,
               ionable, fault-finding,      decisive, demanding,
               fearful,       feminine,     dependable,         deter-
               fickle, flatterable, flir-   mined,       disciplined,
               tatious, foolish, forgiv-    disorderly, dominant,
               ing, friendly, frivolous,    forceful, greedy, hard-
               fussy, gentle, graceful,     hearted, hardworking,
               gullible, helpful, hon-      humorous,        jealous,
               est, kind, loyal, melo-      lazy, level-headed, log-
               dramatic, mild, mod-         ical, loud, masculine,
               est, naive, nervous, pa-     muscular,       pleasure-
               tient, pleasant, polite,     seeking, possessive,
               prudish, romantic, self-     precise, progressive,
               pitying, sensitive, sen-     promiscuous, proud,
               timental, sexy, short,       quick, rational, re-
               shy,       small-boned,      alistic,      rebellious,
               smart,     soft,    soft-    reckless, resourceful,
               hearted, sophisticated,      rigid, robust, self-
               spiritual, submissive,       confident, self-reliant,
               suggestive, supersti-        self-righteous,      self-
               tious,     sympathetic,      sufficient,       selfish,
               talkative,        tender,    serious, sharp-witted,
               timid, touchy, warm,         show-off,        solemn,
               weak,      well-dressed,     solid, steady, stern,
               well-mannered, whole-        stingy, stolid, strong,
               some,          worrying,     stubborn, sturdy, tall,
               yielding                     tough,        well-built,
ContextV-OBJ   protect, treat, shame,       reward, glorify, thank,
               exploit insult, scare,       praise, honor, inspire,
               frighten,      distract,     enrich, appease, con-
               escort                       gratulate,       respect,
                                            flatter, destroy, de-
                                            ceive, bore, offend,
                                            scold, pay, fight, defeat
ContextV-SUBJ smile, dance, laugh,          succeed, flourish, pros-
              play, giggle, weep,           per, win, protest, kill,
              faint, scream, gossip,        threaten, rush, speak
              complain,        lament,
              spin, celebrate, clap

Table 5: Gendered context words from our dataset.
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