Investor Presentation - November 2021 TSX: CRRX Canada's Largest Seniors Care Pharmacy Provider - Seeking Alpha

Page created by Aaron Ellis
Investor Presentation - November 2021 TSX: CRRX Canada's Largest Seniors Care Pharmacy Provider - Seeking Alpha
Canada’s Largest Seniors
Care Pharmacy Provider

Investor Presentation
November 2021
Investor Presentation - November 2021 TSX: CRRX Canada's Largest Seniors Care Pharmacy Provider - Seeking Alpha
Forward Looking Statements
Certain of the statements contained in this presentation are "forward looking information within the meaning of applicable
Canadian securities legislation. Forward looking information includes, but is not limited to, business strategy, plans and other
expectations, beliefs, goals, objectives, information and statements about possible future events. Forward looking information
generally can be identified by the use of forward looking terminology such as “outlook ”, “objective”, “may”, “will”, “expect”,
“intend”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “should”, “plans” or “continue”, or similar expressions suggesting future outcomes or
events. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking information. Forward looking information is based
on current expectations, estimates and assumptions that involve a number of risks that are set out under the heading “Risks and
Uncertainties” in CareRx’s most recently filed Management’s Discussion and Analysis available on SEDAR at,
which could cause actual results to vary and in some instances to differ materially from those anticipated by CareRx and
described in the forward looking information contained in this presentation. No assurance can be given that any of the events
anticipated by the forward looking information will transpire or occur or, if any of them do so, what benefits CareRx will derive
therefrom and neither CareRx nor any other person assumes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of any forward
looking information. Other than as specifically required by applicable laws, CareRx assumes no obligation and expressly
disclaims any obligation to update or alter the forward-looking information whether as a result of new information, future events
or otherwise.

All dollar figures are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.

Investor Presentation - November 2021 TSX: CRRX Canada's Largest Seniors Care Pharmacy Provider - Seeking Alpha
Canada’s largest and
fastest growing
provider of pharmacy
services to seniors
housing communities
and other congregate
care settings

Investor Presentation - November 2021 TSX: CRRX Canada's Largest Seniors Care Pharmacy Provider - Seeking Alpha
The typical senior        Medication supply and
in a long-term            management is a critical
care or retirement        component of seniors home care
home takes                •   Optimize medication regimen for optimal
                              resident outcomes

      4 to 12             •
                              Ensure highest levels of safety
                              Minimize hospital visits
                              Resident oversight by geriatric-certified
medications               •

daily                         clinical pharmacists

          Never has the level of care for these residents
4 4                    been so important
Investor Presentation - November 2021 TSX: CRRX Canada's Largest Seniors Care Pharmacy Provider - Seeking Alpha
Add an image of a
Best-in-Class Institutional                        pharmacist at work
Pharmacy Capabilities
• High-volume solutions for cost-effective
  supply of chronic medication
• Highest level of safety and adherence for
  individuals with complex medication regimes

• Industry-leading team of clinical pharmacists
  who work with home operators to provide
  exceptional medication management
• Largest national footprint enables delivery of
  responsive, high-touch, local service

Investor Presentation - November 2021 TSX: CRRX Canada's Largest Seniors Care Pharmacy Provider - Seeking Alpha
Best-in-Class Medication
Management Technology
       PACMED®                         PACVision®
       Automated strip                 Automated pouch
       packaging technology            verification technology

           Digital Pen               Nexsys ADC™
                                     Automated dispensing cabinet

    PharmaPod                                      PharmaConnect
    Medication incident       eMAR                 Interactive patient portal
    management system

       Technology leadership will increasingly be a competitive
     advantage in providing pharmacy services to seniors housing
Investor Presentation - November 2021 TSX: CRRX Canada's Largest Seniors Care Pharmacy Provider - Seeking Alpha
Our Growing                                                                     Strongest Network in the Sector

    National Scale
>96,000                        beds serviced

                              seniors housing
                                                                                   Geographies: Ontario &
                                                                                   Western Canada

                              monthly                                               Strong Bed Growth
>3.1 M                        prescriptions                                        100,000

361                           fulfillment
                                                                                   40,000    20,000

      1. Prior to planned further consolidation of fulfillment centres resulting
                from the integration of the Medical Pharmacies acquisition.
Investor Presentation - November 2021 TSX: CRRX Canada's Largest Seniors Care Pharmacy Provider - Seeking Alpha
Total seniors housing                                                    Over the next ~15 years,
beds in Canada                                                           the number of beds is
                                                                         forecast to grow
    ~425,000 (and growing)


                                       9%            Comp A
    Rest of Market

8          Note: Incumbent bed counts per management estimates; Total
          seniors housing beds per CMHC Seniors Housing Report Canada.
Multiple Opportunities for Growth
                    Increase beds under contract
                    Well capitalized and positioned to win new
                    large, national and regional contracts
Today                • Expand with our seniors housing community
                                                                   2021 Year-End
                       customers                                   Target
>96,000              • Add new seniors housing communities

                     • Expand into additional provinces
                    Make strategic acquisitions
                    Consolidate a highly fragmented market
                    through accretive acquisitions to increase
                    scale and realize operational efficiencies

            Significant operating leverage as number of beds
                         under contract expands
Disciplined Acquisition Strategy

     1       Highly               2      With strong             3     At accretive
             complementary               synergy potential             purchase multiples

         Leverage current             Ability to realize             Highly accretive
         market dynamics to           substantial synergies          acquisitions at
         make opportunistic           through rationalization,       discounts to CareRx’s
         roll-up acquisitions         improved purchasing            average trading
         that grow bed count          power, and by                  multiple result in
         and improve scale            implementing CareRx’s          strong value creation
                  …At Accretive       best practices                 opportunities

                         Proven ability to rapidly integrate
10                       acquisitions and realize synergies
Successful Execution of Acquisition Strategy
       May 2020                           April 2021                             June 2021
       Remedy’sRx                         SmartMeds                              Rexall
       Specialty Pharmacy                 High-Quality Tuck-In                   Portion of LTC Pharmacy
       Transformational                   Acquisition                            Business
     • +18,500 beds                     • +2,400 beds                          • +4,000 beds
     • Created strongest national       • Strengthened market position in ON   • Included fulfilment centre in
       footprint in the sector          • Leader in innovation, quality, and     Sudbury, Ontario
     • Added capacity to scale and        customer service
                                                                               • Expected to contribute annualized
       absorb new beds                  • Expected to contribute annualized      run-rate revenue of ~$14 M &
     • Integration completed ahead of     run-rate revenue of $13 M &            nominal Adjusted EBITDA prior to
       schedule, realizing $3 M in        Adjusted EBITDA of $1.5 M prior to     any integration synergies
       annual cost saving synergies       any integration synergies
       Purchase         $39 M + up to     Purchase       $4.5 M + up to          Purchase
       Price:           $5 M earn out     Price:                                 Price:                     $3.5M
                                                         $2.9 M earn out

11       All acquisitions performing in line or ahead of expectations
Medical Pharmacies: Our                                • Purchase Price:
Largest & Most Significant                                • $70 M cash
                                                          • 550,359 CareRx common shares
Acquisition to Date
                                                       • Financing:
August 23, 2021: Completed Acquisition of                 • $63.3 M private placement
LTC Division of Medical Pharmacies                        • $39 M incremental debt (and
• Added ~36,000 beds, serviced through 17 centres           concurrent refinancing of existing
  in Ontario & Western Canada                               senior and subordinated credit
• Further expanded Canada’s largest national
                                                       • Immediately accretive to earnings
• Expected to contribute run-rate annualized
  revenue of ~$150 M & Adjusted EBITDA of $10-12 M
• Further strengthened best-in-class offering, while
  enhancing growth opportunities

       On track to realize minimum expected cost savings synergies of $5 M
     One location consolidated in Q3 with four additional locations expected to
                         be consolidated by end of the year
Successful Execution of Our Growth Strategy
Ave. Beds Serviced                         Revenue                        Adj. EBITDA                         Revenue                               Adj. EBITDA
           (000s)                   (from continuing ops)             (from continuing ops)           (from continuing ops)                 (from continuing ops)
                                         ($ millions)                      ($ millions)                    ($ millions)                          ($ millions)

                         81.8                              71.3                                                                   165.8
                 49.3                              45.6                                      6.9
                                                                                                       89.1     92.4
         31.3                      27.9    31.4                                                                                                        6.9
 29.0                                                                                3.8
Q3 2018 Q3 2019 Q3 2020 Q3 2021   Q3 2018 Q3 2019 Q3 2020 Q3 2021   Q3 2018 Q3 2019 Q3 2020 Q3 2021   YTD '18   YTD '19 YTD '20   YTD '21   YTD '18   YTD '19 YTD '20   YTD '21

                                  Currently servicing beds >96,000 beds in
 13                                >1,600 seniors and other communities
A New Baseline for                                                                     >96,0001 beds
Continued Growth
• Positioned to benefit from increased scale
  and enhanced capabilities                          77%
• Experiencing accelerated organic growth
• Significantly strengthened position as a
                                                Market Opportunity via
  natural consolidator in a highly fragmented
                                                Organic Growth & Acquisitions
   • Strong pipeline of opportunities           ~329,000 seniors housing beds1
                                                   1. Other bed opportunities available, including group homes, corrections
                                                                              facilities and other congregate living settings.

        Better positioned than ever to continue to execute on
14       acquisitions and organic growth in what remains a
                      highly fragmented market
1                         2                       3
     Large, high-growth        Canada’s largest       Leading customer
       seniors market            seniors care       value proposition and
                              pharmacy provider        national network

                          4                         5
             Natural consolidator in       Significant operating
              a highly fragmented                 leverage
Canada’s Largest Seniors
Care Pharmacy Provider

Investor Presentation
November 2021
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