Curriculum Update Briefing the Board April 2017 - Claire Sly Manager of Curriculum - AISWA

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Curriculum Update Briefing the Board April 2017 - Claire Sly Manager of Curriculum - AISWA
Curriculum Update
Briefing the Board

    April 2017

   Claire Sly
   Manager of Curriculum
Curriculum Update Briefing the Board April 2017 - Claire Sly Manager of Curriculum - AISWA

• Registration Standards for Curriculum
• WA Curriculum and Assessment Outline
• SCSA reporting policy and policy standards
   • Implementation Timeline
   • Reporting on student achievement
       • 2.1 Components of written reports
       • 2.2 Achievement in learning areas
       • 2.3 Modified reports

• Year 11 and 12
   • WACE requirements
• AISWA support
Curriculum Update Briefing the Board April 2017 - Claire Sly Manager of Curriculum - AISWA
Registration Standards for Non-Government
           Schools – Curriculum

      The curriculum is approved, accredited or recognised
      by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
      Curriculum for pre-kindergarten is consistent with the
      principles, practice and learning outcomes of the Early
      Years Learning Framework.
      • For kindergarten a school is to use the School Curriculum and
        Standards Authority’s (SCSA’s) Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines
        unless it has received SCSA approval for an alternative curriculum.
Curriculum Update Briefing the Board April 2017 - Claire Sly Manager of Curriculum - AISWA
Australian Curriculum, Assessment and
               Reporting Authority

          • Developing the P-12 Australian Curriculum
          • National Assessments, NAPLAN
          • Data collection and reporting, MySchool
Curriculum Update Briefing the Board April 2017 - Claire Sly Manager of Curriculum - AISWA
School Curriculum and Standards Authority

• Is responsible for Kindergarten to Year 12 curriculum, assessment,
  standards and reporting for all Western Australian schools.

• Curriculum for pre-kindergarten is consistent with the principles,
  practice and learning outcomes of the Early Years Learning
Curriculum Update Briefing the Board April 2017 - Claire Sly Manager of Curriculum - AISWA
Curriculum Update Briefing the Board April 2017 - Claire Sly Manager of Curriculum - AISWA
SCSA K-10 Outline: Teaching
Curriculum Update Briefing the Board April 2017 - Claire Sly Manager of Curriculum - AISWA
WA Curriculum                                                              8

Health and Physical Education
Personal, social and community health and Movement and physical activity

Humanities and Social Sciences
History and Geography from Pre-primary. Civics and Citizenship from Year 3 and
Economics and Business in Year 5.
Curriculum Update Briefing the Board April 2017 - Claire Sly Manager of Curriculum - AISWA
WA Curriculum                                                                   9

Six subjects: Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian and Japanese:
from Pre-primary to Year 10. (Year 3 in 2018, Year 4 in 2019, Year 5 in 2020, Year 6 in
2021, Year 7 in 2022, Year 8 in 2023).
In Years 9 and 10 the study of Languages is optional.
Design and Technologies and Digital Technologies
All students study both Technologies subjects from Pre-primary to the end of Year 8.
In Years 9 and 10 the study of Technologies is optional.
The Arts
Dance, Drama, Media Arts, Music and Visual Arts. All students study at least two Arts
subjects, from Pre-primary to the end of Year 8, one performance and one visual
In Years 9 and 10 the study of the Arts is optional.
Curriculum Update Briefing the Board April 2017 - Claire Sly Manager of Curriculum - AISWA
General Capabilities   10
Cross-curriculum priorities                                            11

  •Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
  •Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia

The cross-curriculum priorities are not assessed unless they are identified within
the core content of the Western Australian Curriculum.
Pre-primary to Year 10: Teaching, Assessing
              and Reporting Policy and Policy Standards

• Requires all schools to implement the WA
  Curriculum and Assessment Outline.
Minimum requirements

                        Pre-primary to Year 10: Curriculum

          The curriculum is the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes
          that students are expected to be taught, regardless of where they live or their
                  Pre-primary to Year 10: Assessment

       Assessment is the process of gathering information about students and their
       learning, and using the data gathered to make judgments about achievement,
       in terms of agreed standards. This information forms the basis of planning for
       teaching and learning.

       Principles of Assessment
       Assessments should
       • be an integral part of Teaching and Learning
       • be educative
       • be fair
       • be designed to meet their specific purposes
       • lead to informative reporting
       • should lead to school-wide evaluation processes
                        Pre-primary to Year 10: Reporting

   2. Reporting on student achievement
          2.1 Components of written reports
          2.2 Achievement in learning areas
          • Letter grades and achievement descriptors
          • Pre primary
          • Years 1 and 2
          • Years 3 to 10

          2.3 Modified reports
                        Reporting Policy
  Schools will:
  • use plain language to report to parents/carers on the achievements of students in
     terms of the Western Australian achievement standards.

  Reports will be provided:
  • formally, an end of semester report using a five-point scale.
  • informally, throughout the year in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons, and
  • as requested, providing information on how a student’s achievement compares with the
     student’s peer group at the school
      • disseminate to parents/carers the reports from national and statewide assessments
         and, as appropriate, provide opportunity for discussion between teachers and
      • submit to the Authority end of Semester Two achievement descriptors/grades for
         individual Pre primary to Year 10 – not currently implemented
                       2.1 Components of written reports

   a) are readily understandable
   b) give an accurate and objective assessment of the student's progress and
   c) include an assessment of the student's achievement in terms of the WA
      achievement standards
          I.      on a five point scale (A-E)
          II.     in relation to the performance of the student’s peer group

   d) include information about the student's attitude, behaviour and effort in
      terms – use a different scale
   e) include any additional information the school considers relevant, including an
      overall teacher comment.
Performance of the student's peer group

  Australian Education Regulation 2013 requirement for reporting relative to the performance of
  the student's peer group, schools must prepare the following information

  •     that shows the number of students in each of the five achievement levels for each of the
        learning areas taught in each year.

  •     Schools may choose to provide this comparative information to parents as part of the
        normal reporting process
  • to provide parents with advice that this information is available on request.

  'You can ask the school to provide you with written information that clearly shows your child's
  achievements in the subjects studied in comparison with that of other students in the student’s
  peer group at school. This information will show you the number of students in each of the five
  achievement levels'.
                                     A                B                C               D   E
                                     3                5                12              3   2
                    Letter grades and achievement descriptors
                    2.2 Achievement in learning areas at different ages
 • Pre-primary
          •    Report for English and Mathematics, strongly encouraged to report on Science
          •    Achievement descriptors, system or school based, without grades
          •    Report progress in personal and social learning

 • Years 1–2
          •    Report for all subjects
          •    Achievement descriptors, system or school based, may use grades
          •    Report progress in personal and social learning

 • For Years 3–10
          •    Report for all subjects
          •    Letter grades and achievement descriptors, as per Table 3

 • Recognition of an alternative method of reporting student achievement
          •    Schools must obtain approval from the Authority
Reporting requirements for each semester                       22

                     Fine-grained level

        • English
           • Reading and Viewing, Writing, Speaking and Listening
        • Mathematics
           • Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry, Statistics &
        • Science
           • Biological Science, Chemical Science, Earth & Space Sciences,
              Physical Sciences
        • Humanities and Social Sciences
           • Civics & Citizenship, Economics & Business, Geography, History
        • Languages
           • Listening, and responding, and speaking
           • Reading, viewing and responding
                     Notional hours
                   Modified curriculum, assessment and reporting:

        A modified curriculum is any documented (Individual Learning Plan)
        variation to the WA curriculum that a school negotiates with the student,
        parents/carers in order to cater for the individual learning needs of the

        • For students with disability or EAL/D, reporting on their
          progress/achievement in terms of year-level achievement standards is
          not required.

        • Schools may use the ABLEWA assessment tool or/and the EAL/D
          Progress Map.
                  Support materials provided by SCSA
Year 11 and 12

              WACE Requirements
 Completion of a minimum of 20 units, which may include unit equivalents attained
 through VET and/or endorsed programs.

 This requirement must include at least:
    • a minimum of ten Year 12 units, or the equivalent
    • four units from an English course, post-Year 10, including at least one pair of
         Year 12 units from an English course
    • one pair of Year 12 units from each of List A (arts/languages/social sciences)
         and List B (mathematics/science/technology).
 Achievement standard
   • Achievement of at least 14 C grades or higher (or the equivalent) in Year 11 and
        12 units, including at least six C grades (or equivalents) in Year 12 units.

    •    Completion of at least four Year 12 ATAR courses or a Certificate II (or higher)
         VET qualification.

 Literacy and numeracy standard - OLNA
    • Demonstration of the minimum standard of literacy and numeracy.
  SCSA’s moderation processes help ensure the comparability of school marks and grades.
  Comparability between schools occurs when the same result in the same course unit has the
  same value across the state.

  To achieve comparability, SCSA provides:
  • a quality syllabus for each course unit, which clearly specifies the content and
     assessment requirements
  • grade descriptions which are the criteria for assigning a grades for each course unit
  • quality assessment support materials for teachers which are available from the course
     page on the SCSA extranet
  • seminars/workshops for teachers to enhance understanding of the syllabus, assessment
     requirements and course standards
  • a moderation process involving
       • consensus moderation meetings
       • small group moderation partnerships
       • a school moderation program
              Important Dates

• Students enrolled in a Year 12 course are unable to transfer into another course
  after the final date for transfer provided in the Activities Schedule.
   Wednesday, 5 April 2017

• Application for special examination arrangement must be received by
   Tuesday, 16 May 2017.

Year 12 students are able to withdraw from:
• ATAR courses with practical examination components up until Friday, 28 July 2017
• ATAR courses which do not have practical examination components up until
    Friday, 25 August 2017.
              Special Considerations
 The VET WACE Requirements Special Considerations Committee will consider
 requests from schools

 • to review situations where students, who are not eligible to receive an ATAR,
   have not met the Certificate II or higher minimum requirement, or situations
   where issues with VET have impacted on other WACE requirements.

 • on behalf of multiple students when their WACE achievement has been
   adversely affected by complications with an RTO partnership through a bulk
       AISWA support

• Consultants
• Resources
• Curriculum updates
• Professional Learning Calendar

• Curriculum updates
• Subject specific information
         AISWA curriculum support
•   Early childhood
•   English/EALD/Literacy
•   Languages
•   Humanities and social sciences
•   Health and physical education
•   Maths/Numeracy
•   Science
•   Technologies
•   The Arts
•   Vocational and education and training (VET) and workplace learning

In-school workshops and individual support, centralised presentations, network
meetings and seminars

Feedback & Evaluation

Survey monkey will be sent out over the
next week
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