Friday 29th January 2021 - Yarrells Preparatory School

Page created by Beatrice Richardson
Friday 29th January 2021 - Yarrells Preparatory School
Friday 29th January 2021
Dear Parents,

I wrote to you earlier this week about the government’s recent announcement of their hopes for a return to school on the
8th March. Whilst we have to take this news on board with a degree of uncertainty as to its likely execution, it has lifted the
spirits of the school community enormously.

I know many children have found the last two weeks of online learning challenging; being in the depths of January with
little light and heavy rain does not inspire light hearts. The days are somewhat monotonous in their structure and there is
little to create variation in their daily routine just now. Please do be reassured that there will be good and bad days for your
children and whatever they can manage on the bad days is completely fine.

Nevertheless, I watched with glee Mrs Wilson’s admirable didgeridoo playing in the Early
Years and Year 1 lessons this week and have dropped into a number of online sessions over the
course of the last few days in which our teaching staff have gone to real lengths to provide
humour and light for their pupils. The pupils have travelled to Ancient Rome, Australia and Brazil
in their online and in-school activities this week and it’s been a lot of good fun!

Our theme for the week has been ‘light in the darkness’ and today we marked National
Holocaust Memorial Day which fell on Wednesday. We talked about the lessons we can and
should learn from history, and indeed, highlighted the fact that the past year’s global events will
be the subject of much discussion in the future, containing many salutary lessons from which
we hope younger generations will learn.

We continued this theme by enjoying the first proper signs of Spring
in the school grounds; bulbs are growing, snowdrops have blossomed
and there is definitely a milder, warmer breeze blowing around
us. Birdsong is now heard throughout the day and all we need now is
the sound of the children’s excited voices when they re-join us!

Teaching staff and I have been in animated conversation about the
return to school and our plans for the summer term, too. There will be
plenty of enjoyable activities for our children to relish and we will
certainly make the most of every moment we have together. It’s
been absolutely wonderful to hold these conversations and, for the first time, feel we may really be able to get back to
running a full school life for your children in the coming months – hooray to that!

I hope your plans for the weekend ahead are restful and restorative and we look forward to carrying your children through
the week ahead when we reconvene on Monday.

All the very best,
Ms Sally Weber

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Friday 29th January 2021 - Yarrells Preparatory School
Yarrells The Four Peaks Challenge

     NUTKINS                Imogen S
     SQUIRRELS: Finn I                        Evie W
     RECEPTION: May B-M                       Sophia W
     YEAR 1:                Alexander W Harry S
     YEAR 2:                Felix W           Elisa T
     YEAR 3:                Edward S          Emma U
     YEAR 4:                Sophie G          Elliot C
     YEAR 5:                Coby Y            Thomas N
     YEAR 6:                Oscar O           Malachi E-C
     YEAR 7:                Freddy M-P
     YEAR 8:                Edward W

                                     Awarded to
                                 Alivia A (Year 2)
          Every morning Alivia’s mum walks their dog at 6:45am for an hour
          and when she got back from her walk Alivia had cleaned the house,
          hoovered the floor and was about to start mopping it. She said she
          wanted to do something nice for her mum as she does it every day
          for everyone else. It was such a kind thing for her to think of to do.

                                  Awarded to
                                Grace S (Year 3)
         Grace decided this week she wanted to spend her pocket money
         wisely, to help others and to think about others. There is a little girl
         in her dance school who has been really poorly and has been in
         Bristol hospital since before Christmas. She is a very brave girl, with
         a lot of sparkle and a love of giraffes so Grace decided that she
         would buy, with her pocket money, a meal for a giraffe and a rhino
         from a wildlife park, Port Lympne Park. They need our help at the
         moment as they are closed due to the current circumstances.

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Friday 29th January 2021 - Yarrells Preparatory School
Awarded to
                             Alexander W (Year 1)
         Since we set the January challenge Alexander has been working hard
         towards the Yarrells 4 peaks challenge, raising money for Julia's House.
         Every day come rain or shine he has been going up and down 37 steps
         of 'Sea Music' on Poole Quay four times a day. Since Friday 8th January
         he has completed 3108 steps and by the end of January he will have
         climbed Ben Nevis and Snowdon combined! We are incredibly proud
         of his enthusiasm and determination!

 Early Years & Pre-Prep
Life was a carnival this week as we explored Brazil, its beautiful rainforest and their colourful culture! All week we have
been busy making rain shakers, carnival masks and beautiful feathery masks ready for a special carnival. Ms Stocken taught
us Samba music as we drummed to the beat and with Mrs May we learnt some Samba dance moves too! It was so much
fun and we discovered throughout the week it was absolutely impossible not to move and wiggle when we heard the upbeat
music! On Wednesday, we dressed as nature explorers and became mini Attenborough’s. We explored our very own
rainforest and found plenty of exotic animals within it. At snack our mummies and daddies supplied us with some delicious
tropical fruit to try and it was delicious! We have learnt all about the unique diversity of the Amazon and we were very sad
to find out it needs our help to save it. We have decided we will do all we can to save it and the animals who live there!

 Year 2’s Trip to Australia                                                                               Ms G Robbins

 Sophia & Freya took some photos of our Year 2 trip to Isla drew a picture of Year 2 William did some fabulous
 Australia!                                            with daisies for Daisy Day, fractions in Maths!
                                                       which was on Thursday.
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Friday 29th January 2021 - Yarrells Preparatory School
Year 4
                                                                                          Mr F McClelland, Mrs K Wyatt
                                                                                                     & Mrs J Ghandour

Year 4 have been learning about different angles, as well as parallel and perpendicular lines in maths this week. They were
challenged to create an image to show off what they had learnt. Here are some super examples of their work.

                       Abdel                               Max                                       Nicole

Nicole also created this very cool piece of 2D shape artwork! The children were given the task of creating a piece of art that
contained triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons and hexagons – with a range of different angles too.

In science, Year 4 have been learning about the diets of different mammals. Here are some examples of their superb work!

Max                                                                                                            Martha

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Friday 29th January 2021 - Yarrells Preparatory School
Battle of the Bands                                                                                      Mr T Lewis

From Monday until 4th February we will be having a battle of the bands! A year group vs year group battle to see who is
working hardest on their times tables! We’re looking for greatest improvement, dedication and top scores from Years 2-8.

You can register your scores between 08:00 and 19:00 every day and the competition opens at 8:00am on Monday 25th
January. Scores will be collected at 16:00 on Thursday 4th February, ready to be announced in assembly.

Good luck!

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