IT'S HERE - NOW WHAT? - The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020: riskCanvas

Page created by Adam Williamson
IT'S HERE - NOW WHAT? - The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020: riskCanvas

The Anti-Money
Laundering Act of 2020:

The most significant financial crime regulation passed in two
decades increases the expectation of AML and CFT efforts for
U.S. Institutions. This whitepaper provides a summary of the
regulation and actionable insights.
IT'S HERE - NOW WHAT? - The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020: riskCanvas
2                                                  The AMLA of 2020

    Table of Contents
    01   Preface

    02   Summary of The AMLA of 2020

    03   The AMLA 2020 Will Drive Change for FIs

    04   The Specifics of AMLA 2020

    05   What Financial Institutions Can Do Now

    06   Conclusion

    07   Note on New Beneficial Ownership Requirements
IT'S HERE - NOW WHAT? - The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020: riskCanvas
White Paper                                                                                                        3

The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020                                                 The US will set AML/CFT national
is the most significant addition to financial
                                                                                      priorities. These national priorities
crime regulation since the USA PATRI-
                                                                                      will sharpen regulatory and law
OT Act passed nearly 20 years ago. The
                                                                                      enforcement focus.             Financial
new law requires the US government to
set national Anti-Money Laundering and                                                institutions must align their programs
Counter Terror Financing priorities to ex-                                            with these priorities as part of a risk-
pand FinCEN’s power, directs regulator                                                based program to combat money
and law enforcement agencies to better                                                laundering and the financing of
coordinate, and increases Congressional                                               terrorism.

oversight of the Department of Justice                                                The AMLA 2020 increases FinCEN’s
and Treasury, including FinCEN.                                                       power. FinCEN’s responsibility in both
When Congress grants regulators and                                                   regulatory examinations and law
law enforcement more authority to fight                                               enforcement investigations increases
financial crime and explicitly directs them                                           substantially, as does Congress      ’s
to do more with that power, institutions                                              oversight of FinCEN. This new power
and those that lead Anti-Money Launder-                                               and Congressional oversight means
ing and Counter Terror Financing (AML/                                                a greater US government emphasis
CFT) programs must take notice. The An-                                               on AML/CFT regulation and
ti-Money Laundering Act 2020 (AMLA                                                    enforcement. Financial institutions
2020) creates new compliance require-                                                 must prepare for more rigorous
ments and increases expectations that                                                 AML/CFT examinations, particularly
financial institutions improve their AML/                                             around suspicious activity detection,
CFT programs.[1]                                                                      investigation,      and     reporting
AML officers must assess the AMLA’s                                                   processes.
impact on their existing compliance pro-

grams. In particular, AML officers should                                             The AMLA 2020 mandates regulators
evaluate whether their current program                                                remove barriers and encourage
will withstand inevitable heightened reg-                                             financial institutions to modernize
ulatory and enforcement scrutiny. A few of                                            AML/CFT software systems. The law
the new AMLA 2020 requirements of in-                                                 requires regulators to specify how
terest to AML/CFT officers include:                                                   banks should upgrade technology.
                                                                                      Financial institutions will feel
                                                                                      pressure to modernize AML/CFT
                                                                                      technology systems which in many
                                                                                      cases, have not be updated in more
                                                                                      than a decade.
   [1] “Regulators” refers collectively to the Federal functional regulators defined by Gramm-Leach-Biley Act to include the Federal Reserve,
  the Office of Comptroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Company, the National Credit Union Association Board, and the
  Securities and Exchange Commission. It also refers to relevant State regulators. “Law enforcement” refers to Federal law enforcement
IT'S HERE - NOW WHAT? - The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020: riskCanvas
4                                                                  The AMLA of 2020

Summary of The AMLA of 2020

The purposes of the AMLA 2020, which became law on January
1, 2021, are:

   1. To improve coordination and information sharing among
      regulatory, law enforcement, national security agencies,
      intelligence agencies, and financial institutions.
   2. To modernize AML/CFT laws to adapt to the government
      and private sector to new and emerging threats.
   3. To encourage AML/CFT technological innovation by
      financial institutions.
   4. To emphasize the financial institution’s AML/CFT policy,
      procedures, and controls should be risked-based.
   5. To establish uniform beneficial ownership reporting

It appears the purpose of the AMLA 2020 is to strengthen
the “whole of government” approach to AML/CFT efforts.
Prior AML/CFT laws, like the USA PATRIOT Act, emphasized
financial institutions be required to create and maintain
specific programs like Customer Identification Programs
and SAR reporting. The AMLA 2020 focuses less on new
requirements for financial institutions and much more on
new responsibilities and requirements on FinCEN, DOJ, and
regulators. In particular, FinCEN’s role expands to become
the national coordinator of AML/CFT efforts among law
enforcement, regulators, national security and intelligence
agencies, and the private sector. With the new power, FinCEN
will be subject to more Congressional oversight.

The new emphasis on government coordination does not
diminish the fact that financial institutions will need to update
old AML/CFT practices and implement new ones. After all,
financial institutions are a crucial part of the nation’s efforts to
detect and prevent crime, and it is clear that the AMLA 2020
heightens the importance of AML/CFT program compliance.
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White Paper                                                                    5

The AMLA 2020 Will Drive
Change for FIs
The AMLA 2020 mandates FinCEN, law                   capable of identifying, tracking and tracing
enforcement, and regulators to strengthen            money laundering and terrorist-financing
the US AML/CFT regime. As Congress seeks             networks in order to conduct and support
to determine the AMLA’s effectiveness, it            criminal AML and CFT investigation(.)” In
will press regulators and law enforcement            order to the Analytical Hub to be effective,
to ensure financial institutions improve their       FinCEN must rely on the quality of data it
AML/CFT programs. As a result, FinCEN and            receives, in this case SARs, CTRs, and other
the regulators will require financial institutions   BSA reports. Increased emphasis will be
to strengthen their AML/CFT programs.                placed upon whether SARs and CTRs are
                                                     filed on time, are complete and are accurate.
New requirements placed on FinCEN and                Financial institutions should be aware that
regulators inevitably cascade onto financial         as regulators intensify examinations, what
institutions. To illustrate this point, take the     was considered adequate for AML/CFT
AMLA 2020 mandate that FinCEN create a               compliance over the past few years may no
new “Analytical Hub” with “financial experts         longer be so.
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6                                                             The AMLA of 2020

The Specifics
of AMLA 2020

National AML/CFT Priorities                    The AMLA 2020 does not change the
                                               regulator’s role in conducting AML/CFT
Will Focus the Government’s                    examinations. However, the AMLA 2020
Attention                                      requires examiners from each agency to
                                               receive annual training. The training must
By July 1, 2021, the Secretary of the Treasury,include financial crime patterns and trends,
consulting law enforcement, national security  why law enforcement sees AML/CFT
agencies, intelligence agencies, and state     programs as critical to its missions, and the
and federal regulators must publicize national effects of de-risking. This annual training
AML/CMT priorities. These priorities must      serves to focus the examiner’s attention on
be consistent with the National Strategy for   the national AML/CFT priorities.
Combating Terrorist and Other Illicit Finance,
last published in February 2020. The Secretary An often-heard complaint among AML/CFT
must update the national AML/CFT priorities officers is that regulatory examinations are
at least every four years.                      not aligned with the BSA’s purpose and intent,
                                                because examiners sometimes focus on literal
Strengthening FinCEN and compliance versus effective compliance. It
Congressional                  Oversight would seem lawmakers are aware of this
                                                complaint.      By requiring annual training,
Increases Expectations on ensuring examiners focus on the issues
Financial Institutions                          FinCEN considers most important, financial
                                                institutions should see more predictable and
The AMLA 2020 directs FinCEN to increase its consistent examinations in 2021 and beyond.
domestic and foreign staff, work closely with
federal and state regulators, and develop and The AMLA 2020 clarifies that Congress now
provide expert support to law enforcement will exercise more oversight of FinCEN than
and national security agencies. Notably, the it has in the past. With FinCEN’s increased
AMLA 2020 requires FinCEN now regularly budget and responsibility comes increased
report its activities to Congress, exposing the accountability.
bureau to more scrutiny.
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White Paper                                                              7

Patrick McHenry is the top Republican on            understand the need for this legislation.
the House Financial Services Committee,             No such data was forthcoming. Rather,
the Committee responsible for the                   FinCEN gave anecdotes of very scary
House’s contributions to the AMLA 2020.             stories to justify the need for a new
Congressman McHenry’s December 8,                   reporting regime. It is my expectation
2020 remarks to the House clarify an                that FinCEN will provide Congress with
influential Member’s view of FinCEN. Part of        the necessary data to justify this new
McHenry’s statement includes the following:         reporting regime and the burdens it is
                                                    placing on legitimate companies.”
  “For far too long FinCEN has evaded
  any type of congressional check on its          AML officers, their teams, and financial
  activities. Yet, it has amassed a great deal    service institution executives should
  of authority. Now, Congress will shine a        read McHenry’s words closely. Congress
  light on its operations. It is my expectation   expects FinCEN to move past “anecdotes
  that FinCEN will provide Congress with          of very scary stories” and now provide
  hard data on its effectiveness in targeting     “hard data on its effectiveness…”. An active
  bad actors(.)”                                  Congress impacts AML/CFT compliance.
                                                  Congressional investigations of Riggs Bank
McHenry goes on to say;                           and HSBC ushered in periods of intense
                                                  and punitive regulatory enforcement. To
  “In the months leading up to the House’s        avoid future Congressional heat, regulators
  consideration of H.R. 2513 last October,        and law enforcement must show Congress
  I sought data from FinCEN and from              that they are vigorously examining financial
  the Treasury Department, along with             institutions’ compliance with the AMLA
  the Department of Justice, to better            2020.

    Congress expects FinCEN to move past
    ‘anecdotes of very scary stories’ and now
    provide ‘hard data’ on its effectiveness…
IT'S HERE - NOW WHAT? - The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020: riskCanvas
8                                                                 The AMLA of 2020

AML/CFT Data Analysis                              Congress has reacted to banks’ legitimate
                                                   complaints that regulators have focused on
Required and Data Sharing                          SAR quantity rather than quality, and FinCEN
                                                   does not provide enough feedback on SARs
For years, AML professionals have wondered
                                                   filed by banks. As a result, the AMLA 2020
if all the SARs and CTRs filed are useful to
                                                   instructs FinCEN to publish twice a year
law enforcement. It seems Congressman
                                                   the “Sharing of Threat Pattern and Trend
McHenry has the same question. The AMLA
                                                   Information” report. FinCEN will share with
2020 requires this question be answered
                                                   financial institutions and regulators financial
every year. By December 31, 2021, and every
                                                   crime typologies as well as data about
year onward, the Attorney General working
                                                   typologies that can be used to improve
with Federal law enforcement and intelligence
                                                   transaction monitoring algorithms.
agencies, and the regulators must submit to
the Treasury Department (FinCEN) a, “report
                                                   In addition to this twice a year report, the AMLA
that contains statistics, metrics, and other
                                                   2020 establishes a “FinCEN Exchange,” a
information on the use of the data derived
                                                   public – private information sharing partnership
from financial institutions reporting under the
                                                   between law enforcement, regulators, and
Bank Secrecy Act.”
                                                   financial institutions.
The report is required to publish whether the
BSA data (SARs, CTRs for example) includes         AML/CFT    Modernization
“actionable information” that leads to law         Means AML/CFT Programs
enforcement action such as subpoenas,              Must Modernize
warrants, or arrests.” The annual report must
also state how quickly the SARs and CTRs led to    It’s been nearly two decades since the USA
law enforcement action, whether subsequent         PATRIOT Act became law. To comply with
investigation subjects were individuals or         requirements to identify customers, monitor
businesses, how often investigations involve       transactions, and report suspicious activity,
cross border transactions, and maybe most          financial institutions spent heavily on software.
importantly, how often BSA information             Unfortunately,       transaction      monitoring
provided by financial institutions leads to        software generates unmanageable numbers
arrests, convictions, forfeitures, or actions by   of low value or false positive alerts, burdening
national security or intelligence agencies. In     investigators and jeopardizing compliance.
other words, Congress wants to see evidence        While the exact cost of outdated AML/CFT
the BSA is working.                                software is probably incalculable, no one
                                                   disagrees that hundreds of millions of dollars a
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White Paper                                                               9

year is spent on AML/CFT work that produces CFT technology. The standards “may include
little value.                                   an emphasis on using innovative approaches
                                                such as machine learning or other enhanced
Despite this massive cost, financial data analytics processes.” The new standards
institutions are slow to scrap old systems. may also include specific criteria for how
Because replacing systems is costly and risky, institutions conduct risk-based comparison
many banks decide that keeping existing testing of new technology against existing
applications is better than purchasing new systems. This allows new technology to be
software.                                       validated as effective before and after new
                                                software is implemented, bringing clarity to
Realizing this, the AMLA 2020 incentivizes a vexing problem – how to transition from
government agencies and financial institutions old monitoring systems to new monitoring
to modernize AML/CFT technology and systems without running afoul of regulators.
promotes using machine learning and artificial With clear standards on replacing outdated
intelligence to do so.                          systems, financial institutions are more likely
                                                to act, accelerating much-needed financial
The Bank Secrecy Act Advisory Group or crime compliance technology change.
“BSAAG” was formed by The Annunzio-
Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act of 1992. To emphasize the significance of these new
The BSAAG is a group of government and technological testing standards, the AMLA
industry executives whose purpose is to 2020 directs that the FFIEC BSA/AML
advise the Secretary of Treasury on AML/ Examination Manual be updated to include
CFT issues. The AMLA 2020 creates a new them. By creating and documenting new
BSAAG “Subcommittee on Innovation and uniform technology testing requirements,
Technology” whose mission is to advise financial institutions now have a published,
Treasury on how Federal regulators “can consistent process to follow when
most effectively encourage and support implementing new software.
technological innovation” in AML/CFT
programs. In addition, the Subcommittee is In addition to promoting technological
to “reduce…obstacles to innovation that may innovation as a means to modernize, the
arise from existing regulations, guidance, and AMLA 2020 codifies into law its October
examination practices…”                         3, 2018, Interagency Statement of Sharing
                                                Bank Secrecy Act Resources [INSERT LINK].
With the AMLA 2020 now specifically directing In that statement, Federal regulators permit
regulatory agencies to “reduce examination institutions to enter into agreements to “pool
and guidance obstacles” to technological human, technology, or other resources to
innovation, the time for meaningful AML/CFT reduce costs, increase operational efficiencies,
software modernization is here.                 and leverage specialized expertise.” Perhaps
                                                the AMLA 2020 will spur smaller institutions
Perhaps most significantly, the AMLA 2020 to form AML/CFT consortiums where they
directs Treasury to specify standards financial can combine staff and technology systems to
institutions will follow to implement new AML/ improve compliance and manage costs.
10                                                                     The AMLA of 2020

What Financial Institutions
Can Do Now
The AMLA 2020 significantly changes many aspects of AML/CFT compliance. FinCEN’s new
responsibilities will lead to increasing attention on financial institution AML/CFT programs. The
push to modernize technology will accelerate much-needed software changes, and greater
coordination between regulators and law enforcement are all reasons financial institutions
need to look closely at their 2021 – 2022 AML/CFT plans. In particular, in response to the
AMLA 2020, the following AML/CFT program areas should be assessed:

            1                          2                          3                          4

Updating Risk Assessments Updating Customer Risk        Updating AML/CMT              Assessing AML/CFT
to incorporate national AML/ Rating and De-Risking technology systems detection,         staffing needs
        CMT priorities             Processes         investigation, and reporting

Update Enterprise AML/CFT Risk Assessment to Include
National Priorities
By July 1, 2021, The Secretary of Treasury             the US government may prioritize, AML
must publish the US national AML/CFT                   officers should read the 2020 National
priorities. Once published, the national               Strategy for Combating Terrorist and Other
priorities will drive the US regulatory and            Illicit Financing, whose primary author is the
enforcement agenda. As a result, regulators            US Department of Treasury. Assessing the
will examine how financial institutions adapt          AML/CFT risks Treasury called out in 2020 is
their AML/CFT programs to align with the US            an excellent place to understand Treasury’s
national priorities, starting with examining           financial crime-fighting priorities. The risks
how each institution updates its AML/CFT               Treasury identified in 2020 include narcotics
Risk Assessment. It will be expected that              trafficking, terrorist financing, weapons of
every financial institution’s AML/CFT Risk             mass destruction proliferation, organized
Assessment includes assessing whether                  crime, human trafficking, corruption,
the national priorities present a risk to your         beneficial ownership identification, real
financial institution and, if so, what is that         estate purchases and sales, correspondent
risk, how is that risk identified, mitigated,          banking, cash and trade-based money
managed, and tracked. Without this new                 laundering, digital currencies, complicit
work, the AML/CFT risk assessment will be              actors       within    financial  institutions,
insufficient.                                          gatekeeps like attorneys, money service
                                                       businesses, securities broker-dealers, and
The 2021 national AML/CFT priorities will              casinos. It makes sense to see these risks
not be published for six months. However,              are addressed in your most recent AML/CFT
in anticipation of understanding which risks           Risk Assessment.
White Paper                                                               11

                     After decades, AML laws have been updated and national
                     security and law enforcement officials are combatting
                     emerging threats by working on updating obsolete tools
                     to prevent kleptocrats and criminals’ from sophisticated

                                 Ian Gary, executive director of the FACT Coalition

Update Customer Risk Rating and De-Risking Processes
With national AML/CFT priorities established     The AMLA 2020 includes a “sense of
by July 1, 2021, AML programs will be            Congress” section in which lawmakers
expected to review and update Customer           acknowledge the unintended consequence
Risk Rating (CRR) policies and procedures.       of de-risking embassies, charities, MSBs,
Treasury’s published national AML/CFT            and foreign correspondent accounts. The
priorities will identify specific types of       legislation states that because many of these
customers, products, services, and locations     “underserved individuals” and organizations
it considers high risk. Financial institutions   are excluded from the banking system, their
must determine if their current High-Risk        need to send and receive funds is driven into
Customer identification, enhanced due            less transparent markets. In other words,
diligence, and on-going monitoring policies,     it is possible de-risking ends up increasing
procedures, and processes include all those      money laundering and terrorist financing
Treasury calls out. If not, then updating        risk.
Customer Risk Rating and Enhanced Due
Diligence policies and procedures are            The Government Accounting Office (GAO)
required.                                        is directed to deliver a De-Risking Analysis
                                                 report to Congress by December 31, 2021.
The AMLA 2020 addresses an issue that            Once this report is published, the AMLA 2020
has challenged AML/CFT departments               instructs the federal functional regulators
since 2004 when specific categories of           to spend 2022 updating examination
customers became “too high risk.” In 2004,       standards and regulatory guidance to
these “too high-risk customers” included         “consider the adverse consequences of de-
foreign embassy, Money Service Business          risking entire categories” of customers. The
(MSB), and charity accounts. Since 2004,         law explicitly cites charities, embassies, and
other customers, including many foreign          money service businesses as account types
correspondent banking accounts, are also         regulators must considering in drafting new
considered especially high risk. As a result,    de-risking (or “non-de-risking”) rules.
many institutions have policies that prohibit
the banking of these types of customers, a       At this point, financial institutions should
process known as “de-risking.”                   continue to refine their de-risking policies
                                                 while paying attention to forthcoming
                                                 government guidance.
12                                                            The AMLA of 2020

Upgrade Software and Incorporate New
Technology Approaches
The best way to strengthen AML/CFT        In 2021 AML/CFT officers need
compliance is to measure how useful       to look more seriously at new
law enforcement finds SARs. The           detection and reporting software
AMLA 2020 requires DOJ to report to       as well as incorporating modern
Congress every year “the frequency        computer       science    approaches
with which the reported data (SARs        like machine learning. For some
and CTRs) contain actionable              institutions, this may mean installing
information that leads to” law            new transaction monitoring and
enforcement investigations, arrests,      case management applications.
national intelligence action, and other   For many other institutions, it may
national security or legal process. As    mean looking closely at software
a result, financial institutions should   hosted in the cloud, also known as
expect more regulatory scrutiny of        Software as a Service, or SaaS, where
their suspicious activity detection       implementation time, expenses, and
and reporting programs.                   on-going maintenance costs are
Financial    institutions        must
demonstrate they have effective           Regardless of whether institutions
software systems, people, and             install or subscribe to new software
processes to file timely, accurate,       systems, all AML/CFT officers should
and complete SARs. Lacking this           consider how modern approaches will
capability means inevitable AML/          strengthen compliance. In addition to
CFT program failure, as it always has.    machine learning, AML/CFT officers
                                          should consider improvements
Congress is telling FinCEN to             Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
modernize its operations, and the         and data analytics brings to everyday
AMLA 2020 is pushing industry to          AML/CFT work. RPA can automate
do the same. As a result, financial       much of the time-consuming data
institutions must consider that using     gathering investigators endure.
software installed 10 or 15 years ago     Better data analysis can reveal
that buries analysts and investigators    inefficient   processes, measure
under piles of false-positive alerts,     individual investigator performance,
distracting them from work that           and identify transactions and
matters, is no longer acceptable.         customer behavior that can improve
                                          detection scenarios.
White Paper                                       13

              Assess Staffing Needs
              Modernizing AML/CFT should also
              prompt      assessing    long-standing
              compliance      staffing   approaches.
              For 20 years, the response to new
              AML/CFT requirements was to add
              more people, which as a practice is
              unsustainable. Much of the work that
              drives hiring additional people stems
              from outdated software that generates
              too many alerts. As better software
              proliferates, AML leaders must assess
              current approaches to staffing.

              Modern software changes how AML/
              CFT teams collect and access data.
              Better software produces better
              alerts, which in turn produces more
              useful investigations and better SARs.
              However, because of the massive
              volume of financial transactions
              worldwide, and the fact that money
              laundering and terror financing often
              look like legitimate economic activity,
              even better software will continue to
              produce alerts that do not end up as
              SARs. 2021 is time for AML/CFT leaders
              to think about alternatives to hiring and
              maintaining large staffs dedicated to
              high volume repetitive work.

              Over the past several years, institutions
              began to outsource high volume,
              simpler, repetitive work. It is time to
              assess an AML/CFT department’s
              makeup and determine which tasks
              require more experience, more specific
              knowledge, and are of higher value.
              Perhaps these jobs remain in-house,
              and the more straightforward, repetitive
              work is outsourced or, as the AMLA
              2020 codifies into law, shared with
              other financial institutions.
14                                                The AMLA of 2020

     Writing the numerous regulations
     that implement the directives of new
     laws takes time. It also takes time for
     regulators to incorporate the new
     regulations into their examinations.
     Using the USA PATRIOT Act passed in
     late 2001 as an example, it took about a
     year before the first signs of intensified
     regulatory examinations uncovered
     glaring weaknesses in AML/CFT

     Of course, in 2021, AML/CFT programs
     are more sophisticated and seasoned
     than 20 years ago. However, the
     US government and most other
     governments around the world have
     massively grown their regulatory
     and enforcement infrastructure to
     review, assess, and determine the
     effectiveness of AML/CFT programs.
     The AMLA 2020 further expands
     this power in the US. With it comes
     increased expectations from Congress
     and the public that financial institutions
     will do more to detect, prevent, and
     report financial crime. For institutions
     that do not meet the new standards,
     the consequences will be severe.
     As 2021 begins, every financial
     institution’s work around assessing,
     strengthening, and modernizing their
     AML/CFT programs must begin.
White Paper                                                             15

Note on New Beneficial
Ownership Requirements
“The Corporate Transparency Act” is         existing policy and procedures. It is
enacted as part of the AMLA 2020.           likely Financial institutions will need to
To AML/CFT professionals, this Act          update their policies and procedures
may become known as something               to include how they collect FinCEN
like the “Beneficial Ownership              CTA registration numbers, how to
Database.” Under the AMLA 2020,             request customers approve access
financial institutions and their AML/       to the FinCEN database, procedures
CFT departments are not permitted           if customers deny access to the
access to the Beneficial Ownership          database, and the processes the
Database except only when customers         financial institution undertakes to
give permission for the bank to do          access the Database. Policies will
so. Instead, FinCEN maintains the           also need to include requirements to
database for use by law enforcement         document results and maintain the
and other government agencies. Strict       security of those results. Until 2022,
procedures will govern access to the        financial institutions must continue
Beneficial Ownership Database, and          to collect beneficial ownership
all information must be protected and       information as they do now. After
considered confidential.                    2022, changes to beneficial ownership
                                            information may change, or they may
The Corporate Transparency Act              not.
(CTA) is to take affect by January
1, 2022. By that time FinCEN will           Requiring corporate entities to register
have established a database to store        should make gathering Beneficial
the collected beneficial ownership          Ownership information easier for
information. FinCEN is instructed to        financial institutions.       Because
work with states to where feasible          registering with FinCEN will be
to use existing business registration       required, all companies will have the
processes to collect beneficial             necessary documents and receive a
ownership information. Over the next        FinCEN registration number proving
year, FinCEN will need to publish a         they have registered. Perhaps as the
considerable number of regulations          Database and the registration process
to govern the CTA. AML/CFT officers         matures, financial institutions can
will need to follow these regulations       fulfill their Beneficial Ownership due
to understand how the new beneficial        diligence requirements merely by
ownership information collection            obtaining and verifying the FinCEN
rules will impact financial institution’s   registration number. One can hope.
In 2015, riskCanvas™ Holdings, LLC has developed a technology solution and consulting
services focused on financial crime risk management. Its heritage stems from designing
and delivering big data systems and analytics to the US Government Intelligence
Agencies and DOD, which empowers riskCanvas™ with a deep understanding of the
technologies, trade-craft, and illicit finance subject matter and creates a competitive
advantage relative to the existing space. riskCanvas™ is the future of financial crime
compliance technology and leverages the most cutting-edge big data, automation, and
machine learning technologies to deliver compliance, efficiency, and automation to its
clients. As of January 8th, 2019, riskCanvas™ was acquired by Genpact and operates as
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Joseph Gillespie      Quinten Hout                 David Caruso
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