ITALY AND EUROPEANA An overview 10 August 2021

Page created by Norman Wheeler
ITALY AND EUROPEANA An overview 10 August 2021
An overview      Serie fotografica Venezia, 1947-1940
                      Fondazione Biblioteca Europea di
                          Informazione e Cultura (BEIC)
10 August 2021                                CC BY-SA
ITALY AND EUROPEANA An overview 10 August 2021
Italy and Europeana: an overview

Table of contents


   Intro                                 3

   Presidency of the Council of the
   European Union                        4

   Highlights                            5

   Funding and projects                  6

   Professional participation -
   Europeana Network Association         7

   Italy’s culture showcased
   in Europeana Collections              7

   Italy in Europeana Collections        9

   End notes                             11
ITALY AND EUROPEANA An overview 10 August 2021
Italy and Europeana: an overview


    The Europeana Initiative drives digital            available through Europeana Collections.
    transformation and is responsible for              With content from every EU country (and
    Europeana Collections - Europe’s                   beyond), an interface available in every
    platform for digital cultural heritage. It is      EU language, and an award-winning
    financed by the European Union’s                   series of APIs that give access to its
    Connecting Europe Facility and                     content, Europeana Collections is the
    European Union Member States.                      only place that offers up Europe’s
                                                       treasure trove of cultural heritage to the
    Italy and its cultural heritage institutions       world. By encouraging open licensing,
    are indispensable partners, supporting             the Europeana Initiative makes more
    the Europeana Initiative and Europeana             culture available to more people, so it
    Foundation financially, and contributing           can be used in education, research and
    to the diversity of content                        the creative industries.

                       Europeana Collections, Europeana, 2018, Public Domain

ITALY AND EUROPEANA An overview 10 August 2021
Italy and Europeana: an overview

Presidency of the Council of the
European Union
   Slovenian Presidency Europeana                 Portuguese Presidency Europeana
   conference 2-3 December 2021                   conference 3-4 June 2021
   An accompanying event of the Slovenian         During the Portuguese Presidency of the
   Presidency, the Europeana Conference           Council, Europeana held a conference to
   ‘Driving engagement - participatory            explore digital capacity building in the
   approaches to digital cultural heritage’ on    cultural heritage sector.
   2-3 December 2021 was held in
   collaboration with the Ministry of Culture
   of Slovenia. It involved 150 participants
   over two days. The conference mainly
   aimed to explore aspects of public
   engagement and participation with digital
   cultural heritage, showcasing real-world
   examples. It explored opportunities for
   public participation in collecting,
   classifying, translating, analysing, and
   contextualising elements of digital
   cultural heritage. The attendees were
   introduced to current practices and fresh
   perspectives on public participation—its
   benefits, opportunities and challenges.
   The key outcomes of the conference will
   include insights, guidelines, and
   inspiration to drive effective participation
   and will be published on Europeana Pro
   by 30 March 2022.

Italy and Europeana: an overview

   Defining digital transformation for the        Principles to guide Europe’s digital
   cultural heritage sector                       future - European Commission’s
   Europeana has developed a shared               consultation on a ‘Declaration of
   working definition of digital transformation   Digital Principles’
   for the cultural heritage sector.              The Europeana Initiative submitted a
   Explore the definition                         joint response to the European
                                                  Commission’s recent consultation on the
   New European Bauhaus                           proposed digital principles.The
   The European Commission’s new                  Europeana initiative agrees that the
   initiative aims to shape future ways of        rights and values promoted for society
   living that answer the challenges we face      should also be reflected and practiced
   today. Through a series of Europeana           online, and that the digital environment
   Café online events and interviews,             should be human-centred, secure and
   Europeana explores how the cultural            open. The Europeana Initiative also
   heritage sector can promote                    suggests universal access to cultural
   collaboration and innovation to support        heritage online, and that the principle of
   the goals of the New European Bauhaus,         a secure and trusted online environment
   and how our sector can contribute to           should be expanded to encompass the
   beautiful, sustainable and inclusive           development of an open, decentralised,
   places.                                        and trusted European digital public
   Explore further                                space.
                                                  Read the entire Europeana statement

Italy and Europeana: an overview

Funding and projects

    Since 2008, Italy has contributed €100,000.       12 partners from Italy are currently
                                                      contributing to ongoing projects, which
    To date, €4,993,844 from the budget               directly support content, knowledge and
    provided by the EU to fund Europeana              technology sharing between libraries,
    Initiative projects has contributed to            museums, archives, software agencies,
    activities in Italy.                              university research departments and the
                                                      Europeana Initiative.

Italy and Europeana: an overview

Professional participation - Europeana
Network Association
   The Europeana Network Association is a    The Europeana Network Association
   strong and democratic community of        elects a Members Council which plays a
   experts working in the field of digital   crucial role across all the Europeana
   heritage, united by a shared mission to   Initiative’s activities. The Members
   expand and improve access to Europe’s     Council is made up of 36 people,
   digital cultural heritage.                including Flavia Bruni from ICCU,
                                             Francesca Condorelli from University of
   Currently, 296 people from Italy are a    Padua, Vincenza Ferrara from Sapienza
   Europeana Network Association             University of Rome, Antonio Davide
   member, and as such are involved in a     Madonna from ICCU, Marianna Marcucci
   range of activities, sharing best         from Invasioni Digitali, Anna Maria
   practices, learning and collaborating     Marras from Università di Torino and
   within the cultural heritage sector.      Altheo Valentini from EGInA Srl.
                                             Marianna Marcucci also sits on the
                                             Management Board of the Europeana
                                             Network Association.

Italy’s culture showcased in Europeana
   Europeana Collections features over 58    Cultural heritage institutions
   million objects of which 2,337,675 are
   provided by Italian institutions.         130 cultural heritage institutions in Italy
                                             contribute collections to Europeana. The
   Aggregation                               largest partners are listed in the
                                             following table. A full breakdown of
   All objects aggregated by Italy can be    institutions and objects can be found
   found here2. The main point of contact    here3.
   for Italy is CulturaItalia.

Italy and Europeana: an overview

                                                                                              OBJECTS ON EUROPEANA
                                       DATA PARTNERS

Istituto Luce - Cinecittà                                                                                412,526

Istituto Sturzo, Roma                                                                                    213,810

Archivio storico della Presidenza della Repubblica                                                       207,717

Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense - Milano                                                                  192,856

National Central Library of Rome                                                                         102,529

University of Trieste                                                                                    101,316

SAN - National Archival System                                                                            99,934

Internet Culturale                                                                                        80,983

Epigraphic Database Roma                                                                                  71,826

Film Library of Bologna                                                                                   67,804

MetsTeca                                                                                                  62,225

Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries                                            51,825

Luigi Micheletti Foundation                                                                               51,676

Internet Culturale / Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense - Milano                                              42,613

Epigraphic Dabatase Bari                                                                                  40,277

Internet Culturale / Museo Nazionale del Cinema - Torino                                                  40,240

Fondazione Biblioteca Europea di Informazione e Cultura (BEIC)                                            31,491

Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana - Venezia                                                                   29,589

Galleria Civica di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea - Torino                                                  29,377

$descSource_2_facet                                                                                       25,973

          Openly licensed data                                       7.4% of the 2,337,675 objects in
                                                                     Europeana provided by Italy are openly
          Openly licensed material can be                            licensed4. 1.3% of these objects are
          promoted widely, reaching millions more                    shown with the internationally
          people, and can be used in innovative                      accredited Public Domain mark5, 4.2% is
          products, apps and services that bring                     licensed under CC BY-SA6, 1.5% is
          culture to the classroom, the newsroom,                    licensed under CC BY7 and 0.4% is
          the science lab and the kickstarters.                      licensed under CC08.

Italy and Europeana: an overview

                              Rosa ‘Bloomfield Abundance’, Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, CC BY-SA

Italy in Europeana Collections
                                                              2019                                2020                              2021

Visits to Europeana Collections
                                                                     191,131                               293,825                          132,620
from Italy

Total views of objects from Italy
                                                                     217,977                               231,141                          121,540

                                                    Gabriele Ferzetti e la
Most-viewed object from Italy                       moglie, Maria Grazia           Piano medio di Teddy Reno              La moglie di Audie Mur-
worldwide                                         Eminente, tra gli invita-           e la moglie Vania Protti10            phy, Pamela Archer11
                                                      ti del ricevimento9
           92% of visits from Italy browsed
           Europeana Collections in Italian, 5% in
           English, 1% in German while 2% used
           other languages.

           Objects on thematic Collections:
           Migration: 818
           1914-1918: 35,818
           Art: 98,829
           Sport: 8,693

Italy and Europeana: an overwiew

                                   Serie fotografica
                                          Serie fotografica
                                                      Italia, Italia,
                                                              Europea Europea
                                                                        di    di
                                                        e Cultura
                                                                e Cultura
                                                                   (BEIC) (BEIC)
                                                                CC BY-SA
                                                                       CC BY-SA
Italy and Europeana: an overview

End notes

   1             material in any medium or format
   right-in-the-cultural-heritage-sector-out-        Adapt — remix, transform, and build
   comes-of-the-german-presidency-event              upon the material for any purpose, even
                                                     commercially. - https://creativecom-
   aly&q=*%3A*&view=grid                             8
                                                       The person who associated a work with
                                                     this deed has dedicated the work to the
   3               public domain by waiving all of his or her
   search?f%5BCOUNTRY%5D%5B%5D=it-                   rights to the work worldwide under
   aly&q=*%3A*&view=grid                             copyright law, including all related and
                                                     neighboring rights, to the extent allowed
    Open data and content can be freely              by law.
   used, modified, and shared by anyone              You can copy, modify, distribute and
   for any purpose - http://opendefinition.          perform the work, even for commercial
   org/                                              purposes, all without asking permission.
     This work has been identified as being          main/zero/1.0/
   free of known restrictions under copy-
   right law, including all related and              9
   neighboring rights.                               record/08602/NonAVCreation_luce_it_IL_
   You can copy, modify, distribute and              NonAVCreation_IL0020024245_1.html
   perform the work, even for commercial
   purposes, all without asking permission.          10
   -           item/08602/NonAVCreation_luce_it_IL_
   main/mark/1.0/                                    NonAVCreation_IL0010023485_gen8_1

    You are free to:                                 11
   Share — copy and redistribute the                 item/08602/VedoIL0000003661_gen4
   material in any medium or format
   Adapt — remix, transform, and build
   upon the material for any purpose, even
   commercially. - https://creativecom-

    You are free to:
   Share — copy and redistribute the

Italy and Europeana: an overview

End notes

Europeana is an initiative of the European Union, financed by
the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility and European
Union Member States. It is operated by a consortium led by
the Europeana Foundation, under a service contract with the
European Commission.

The sole responsibility for this publication lies with the author.
Neither the European Commission, nor any person acting on the
European Commission’s behalf, is responsible or liable for the
accuracy or use of the information in this publication.
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