J. E. PARKER - Joseph 15'. Parker

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Oct. 5, 1937.                 J. E. PARKER                        2,094,616
                  MAGNETIC   SANDS   OR SILTS FROM STREAMS         v       ;     _
                      Original Filed July L 1933             2 Sheets-Shae’; 1

                                                    _                  :1“ mm“
                                                 Joseph 15'. Parker;
Oct. 5, 1937. ‘                J. E. PARKER                      2,094,616
                      APPARATUS FOR RECOVERY OF BLACK‘ OR OTHER                    ‘
                            Original Filed July 1, 1933         2 Sheets-Sheet 2

~   /
Patented Oct. 5, 1937‘                                                                                          } 2,094,616

                                       APPARATUS FoR RECOVERY oF BLACK OR
                                        OTHER MAGNETIC SANDS 0R sILTs FRoM ,
                                             Joseph E. Parker, Houston, Tex.
                                       Re?led for abandoned application Serial No.
                                        678,712, July 1, 1933. This application Sep
                                        tember 24, 1936, Serial No. 102,429
                                                 ,11 Claims. (Cl. 209-215)
          The invention relates to an apparatus for re                            In the drawings:—--           ‘                       1
        .covering black or other'magnetic sands or silt                           Fig. 1 is a perspective viewof ‘an apparatus con
        from streams and the present application is ?led                       structed in accordance withithis invention, for
        to take the place of an abandoned application                          the recovery of black or other magnetic sands or
 1 5    Serial No. 678,712, ?led July 1, 1933, by mev for                      silts from streams.
        the same subject matter; as that of the present                         ' Fig. 2 is va'tran'sve'rse sectionalview of the same.
        application.          >                               .                   Fig. 3 is a detail View of a portion of one of v
          The object of the present invention is to pro                        the magnet supporting member's, illustrating the
        vide a Simple, practical and efficient apparatus                       arrangement of one ‘of the frontmaghets;
        of strong, durable and comparatively inexpensive                         Fig. 4 is a similar View illustrating thearrange 10
        construction, designed to be arranged upon the                         ment of one of ‘the intermediate magnets.
        bed of a stream, and to extend from the bottom                           Fig. 5 is a View of the wiring diagram.
        of the stream either to the surface of thewater                          In the accompanying drawings in which is i1
        or any distance above or_ below the surface so                         lustrated the preferred embodiment of the in
   ’ as to lie in the path of sand or silt traveling in                        vention, the apparatus ‘for the recovery of black 15
        traction, that is, sliding on the bottom ‘of the " or other magnetic sand or silt from streams com
        stream and also sand or silt ?owing in suspen      prises in its construction aplurality of spaced
        sion and adapted to intercept and attract and                          horizontal magnet. supporting members I, pref
        collect such magnetic sands and silt, and capable                      erably arranged in a rectangular group and com
=20 of being readily hoisted from the ‘bed of a stream                         posed of spaced 'vertical'tiers a'ndformed by hor- 1
        and moved to a position over a container and of                        izontal sets which are detachably and removably
        discharging the collected sand ‘or silt and depos                      vsupported by transverse rods 2.‘ The magnet sup—
        iting the same within a suitable container,                            porting members which may be of‘ any desired
          A further object of the invention is to provide                      number, preferably consist of wooden poles or
        an apparatus of this character equipped with                           tubes which preferably extend longitudinally of
        ‘electro-magnets adapted to be energized by a                          the apparatus, and the transverse rods which are
        ‘generator either on the bank of a stream or on                        ‘horizontally disposed, pass through the .endpor
        a barge or the like,’ and capable of enabling the                      tions of the magnet supporting members and
        electro-magnet to be readily energized and de                          through vertical standards>3 arranged in pairs at
        energized for attracting’and collecting the mag                         the front and rear of thepapparatus and located, 30
        netic values in the stream, and of quickly depos~                       at opposite sides thereof, as clearly shown in Fig.
        iting such values when the apparatus has been                          -1 of the drawings.v Any number of the stand
        ‘moved over a container or receptacle for the                           ards and‘ sets of transverse rods may, of course,
        ‘magnetic sand or silt.                                                 be employed, and‘ the transverse rods are de
         ’ It is also an object of .the invention to equip                      tachably secured to the standards by any suit
        ‘the apparatus witha grizzly adapted to’ form a                         able means to enable them to be removed for de
         combined guard and de?ector in addition to per                        taching any'of the magnet supporting members _
         mitting the sand and silt to pass through it to                       for the repair of eleCtro-magnets 4 and'5, or
         the magnets so that the sand and silt will be                         other'purpose.    ‘      '   '   -   "           "   g

        operated onv by the apparatus and rocks and                              The standards 3 which are vertical, are pref
        ‘floating debris, such as logs, will be deflected and                 erably provided at their upper ends with suitable
         caused to pass to'either' side of ‘the apparatus                     -eyes,6 which receivetransverse rods 7'! and spac
        and thereby prevented from‘passing through and                        ‘ingl'tubes 8 which space'the lowerends of chains
        lodging in the apparatus. ,          '                                 9>of ahoisting apparatus.                .   >               »

1-145     With the above and other objects in View, the                           The hoisting. apparatus which- may’ be of ~ any
        invention consists in the construction and novel                       desired construction and which in-practice will
        combination and arrangement of parts herein                            be operated by a suitable powerincludes a beam
        after, fully described, illustrated in the accom                      ,or boom ID, a cable II and the said chains!)
        panying drawings and pointed out in the claims                        which are connected at their upper ends to the
        hereto appended, it being understood that various                      lower end of the cable and extend; downwardly, 50
        changes in the form, proportion ‘and minor de    and outwardly in a diagonal direction and at an '
        tails of construction, within the scope of the , inclination to the upper ends of the standards 3.
         claims, 'may be resorted to without departing ‘ The rods 1 pass through suitable end linksfof the
        .from the spirit or sacri?cing any of the advan : chains ‘and the spacing tubes'or ‘sleeves 8 main
I155 tages     of   the invention-.;    ‘,       -   1   ‘-       >   r       - tain the ends of, the‘ chains in proper position at A
2                                              2,094,616
        the sides of the apparatus at the front and back     ating a switch and cutting off the current to the
        thereof. The apparatus is designed to be ar          magnets and thereby de-energizing the same.
        ranged at and rest upon the bottom or bed of         After a load or accumulation has been deposited
        the stream and the hoisting mechanism will en        in the container the switch is operated to re
        able the apparatus to be readily deposited in the    energize the magnets and the apparatus is re
        stream upon the bed thereof, and will also en        turned to the bottom of the stream for repeating
        able the same to be easily and quickly removed       the operation. The magnet supporting members,
        therefrom for discharging and depositing in a        the means for securing and connecting the same
   suitable container an accumulation of magnetic            and the grizzly constitutes the frame of the ap
10 sand or silt collected and recovered by the appa          paratus and the weight of the apparatus is am~ 1O
   ratus.                                                    ple for maintaining it in proper position on the
     The electro-magnets may be of any desired               bed of the stream. The wiring of the electro
   form or construction, either horseshoe magnets            magnets and the feed wires for supplying the
        or straight bar or core magnets. The electro         electro-magnets with current may be insulated in
        magnets 4 are mounted upon the front ends of         any desired manner and may be of any preferred 15
        the supporting members I which are bored at          arrangement, the chains 9, the cable II and the
   intervals between their ends to provide openings          boom or beam [0 forming ample supports for
   l2 for the reception of the intermediate magnets          the feed wires.
   5. The openings l2 are arranged both vertically             What is claimed is:—
20 and horizontally to dispose the magnets alter               1. An apparatus of the class described includ 20
   nately in a horizontal and vertical position, but         ing a frame adapted to be'arranged upon the
   they may be arranged in any other position. and           bed of a stream in the path of sand and silt
   may, if desired, extend from two opposite faces           traveling down the stream, said frame including
        of the supporting member or from only one side       a plurality of longitudinally disposed magnet
        or face thereof.                                     supporting members consisting of poles and ar
          The electro-magnets are designed to be sup         ranged in vertical tiers, the members of each
        plied with current from a generator l3 which         tier being spaced apart and the tiers being spaced
        may be operated by a gasoline engine, or any         from one another, end electro-magnets mounted
        other suitable power, and which may be located       on the supporting members at the front ends
        either on the bank of a stream or on a barge,        thereof, intermediate electro-magnets carried by 30
        ?oat or the like. A suitable switch M is provided    the supporting members and arranged at inter
        for enabling the current to be turned on or cut      vals along the same in openings thereof, and
        off for energizing and de-energizing the magnets     hoisting mechanism connected with the frame
        to enable the apparatus to collect a load of the     for handling the same.
        magnetic material moving along the bottom of           2. An apparatus of the class described includ       35
        the stream or floatingin suspension in the stream    ing a frame adapted to be arranged upon the
        and to quickly release and discharge the accumu      bed of a stream in the path of sand and silt
        lated material when the apparatus is lifted from     traveling down the stream, said frame compris
        the stream and moved over a suitable container.      ing a plurality of longitudinally disposed magnet
 40        The apparatus is provided at its front with an    supporting members spaced vertically and hori
        approximately V-shaped grizzly I5 forming a          zontally and forming an approximately rectan
        combined guard and de?ector and composed of          gular group, standards located at opposite sides
     two sides arranged at an angle and connected
     together at the front ends and at their rear ends       of the group, transverse rods connecting the
                                                             standards and passing throughv the magnet sup
 4.5 with the adjacent standards 3 or other portion of       porting members, electro-magnets carried by the 45
         the apparatus. The grizzly which is preferably
    constructed of steel, is provided at each side with      supporting members, and hoisting mechanism
    a grating which may be formed by spaced paral            connected with the said standards for handling
    lel strips 16 extending over an opening I1, as           the frame.
                                                                3. An apparatus of the class described includ
 50 clearly illustrated in Fig. 1 of the drawings, but        ing a frame adapted to be arranged upon the
    the grating may be of any desired construction,
    and the slits or openings in the grating are pref         bed of a stream in the path of sand and silt
    erably horizontal, asshown and are of su?icient           traveling down the stream, said frame compris
    size to permit sand and silt to readily pass              ing a plurality of longitudinally disposed magnet
 55 through the grizzly so as to be operated on by the
                                                              supporting members spaced vertically and hori
    magnets of the apparatus and the said openings            zontally and forming an approximately rectan
         or slits in the grizzly are suf?ciently narrow to    gular group, vertical standards located at oppo
         prevent any rock or floating debris from passing     site sides of the group of supporting members,
         through the grizzly and lodging in the machine.      means for connecting the supporting members
. .60
            The grizzly or any of the parts thereof may       with the standards, transverse rods connecting
         be magnetized and be in the form of either per       the upper ends of the standards, hoisting mecha
         manent or electro-magnets. The apparatus may         nism having. ?exible connections connected with
         be made of any desired size and may extend           the upper ends ofv the standards, and electro
         either from the bottom of the stream to the sur      magnets carried by thesupporting members and
         face thereof, or to a point above the surface, or    arranged at intervals on the same.                   65
         it may terminate at a point below the surface.         4. An apparatus of ‘the class described includ—
         It may be left unattended at intervals for con       ing a frame adapted to be located in a stream
         tinuous operation and after it has accumulated a     in the path of sand and silt traveling down the
         sufficient quantity of magnetic sand or silt, it     stream, said frame including a plurality of longi
         may be readily lifted from the bottom of a stream    tudinally disposed magnet supporting members
         and moved to a position above a container for        arranged in vertical tiers, the members of each
         the reception of the recovered values. The ac       “tier being spaced apart and the tiers being spaced
         cumulated magnetic sand and silt may be quickly      from‘ one another, and means extending trans
         and thoroughly discharged from the apparatus         versely of the frame for the support of said mag
         and deposited in the receptacle by simply oper~      net supporting members, and electro-magnets'
2,094,616                                              3
     mounted on the supporting members at intervals       and electro-magnets mounted in said transverse
     along the same.                                      openings of the supporting members, the up
       5. An apparatus of the class described includ      stream end of each of the magnet supporting
     ing a frame adapted to be arranged in a stream       members having an opening therein and an elec
     in the path of sand and silt traveling down the      tro-magnet disposed in each of the last men "it
     stream, said frame including a plurality of lon      tioned openings.
     gitudinally disposed magnet supporting members         9. An apparatus of the class described, includ
   arranged in vertical tiers, the members of each        ing a frame adapted to be arranged in a stream
   tier being spaced apart and the tiers being spaced     in the path of sand and silt traveling down the
10 from one another, means extending transversely         stream, said frame comprising a plurality of ion 10'
   of'the frame and transverselythrough said mag          gitudinally disposed magnet supporting members,
   net supporting members to' support the magnet          spaced vertically and horizontally and forming '
     supporting members, and electro-magnets car          an, approximately rectangular group, vertical
     ried by the supporting members and arranged at       standards located at opposite sides of the group
     intervals along the same.                            of supporting members, means for connecting
       6. An apparatus of theclass described includ       the supporting members with the standards,
     ing a frame adapted to be arranged in a stream       transverse rods disposed in angular relation
     in the path of sand and silt traveling down the      I with the supporting members and connecting op
     stream, said frame including a plurality of lon      posite standards, and electro-magnets carried by
20   gitudinally disposed magnet supporting members       the supporting members.                          20
     arranged in vertical tiers, the members of each        10. An apparatus of the class described includ
     tier being spaced apart and the tiers being spaced   ing a frame adapted to be arranged in a stream
   from one another, means extending transversely         in the path of sand and silt traveling down the
   of the frame and transversely through said mag         stream, said frame comprising a plurality of lon
25 net supporting members tosupport the magnet            gitudinally disposed magnet supporting members
     supporting members, said magnet supporting           spaced vertically and horizontally and forming
     members having openings therein, and electro         an approximately rectangular group, vertical
     magnets disposed in said openings.                   standards located at opposite sides of the group
       '7. An apparatus of the class described includ     of supporting members, means for connecting
     ing a frame adapted to be arranged in a stream       the supporting members with the standards,
     in the path of the sand and silt traveling down      transverse rods connecting the standards, elec
     the stream, said frameincluding a plurality of       tro-magnets carried by the supporting members,
     longitudinally disposed magnet supporting mem-_      and a grizzly of approximately V-shape having
     bers, arranged in vertical tiers, the members of     angularly related sides adapted to de?ect debris
     each tier being spaced apart and the tiers being     and prevent the same from lodging in the device,
     spaced from one another, transversely disposed       said sides of the grizzly having a grating with
     rods having engagement with the longitudinally       apertures for the passage of sand andsilt.
     disposed magnet supporting members to support           11. An apparatus of the class described includ- ,
     the same, the magnet supporting members hav          ing a frame adapted to be arranged in a stream
     ing transverse openings therein arranged alter       in the path of sand and silt traveling down the 40
     nately at different angles with relation to one an   stream, said frame comprising a plurality of lon-v
     other, and electro-magnets mounted in said           itudinally disposed magnet supporting members
     transverse openings of the supporting members.       spaced vertically and horizontally and forming
        8. An apparatus of the class described includ     an approximately rectangular group, rods ex
     ing a frame adapted to be arranged in a stream in    tending transversely across the frame and having 45
     the path of the sand and silt traveling down the     engagement with said magnet supporting mem
     stream, said frame including a plurality of lon      bers to support the latter effectively in‘the frame,
     gitudinally disposed magnet supporting mem           electro-magnets carried by the supporting mem
     bers, arranged in vertical tiers, the members of     bers and arranged at intervals along the same,
     each tier being spaced apart and the tiers being     and an apertured grizzly connected to the frame 50
     spaced from one another, transversely disposed       at the upstream end of the latter to prevent de
     rods having engagement with the longitudinally       bris from gaining access to the interior of the
     disposed magnet supporting, members to support       frame and yet permit of the passage of sand and
     the same, the magnet supporting members having       silt to the interior of the frame.
     transverse openings therein arranged alternately
     at different angles with relation to one another,                             JOSEPH E. PARKER.
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