Levin Link - Altrusa International District Fifteen

Levin Link - Altrusa International District Fifteen
 August 2021

 Levin Link
 President's Post
Welcome to Lockdown Week 2,

Hope this finds you all well and safe in your bubble. I am in recovery mode from a
cold, and yes I did have a negative Covid-19 test just to be on the safe side, and
following instructions from Dr Ashley.

It was very disappointing not to have our meeting last week, especially as we were
going to make a presentation to the Hospice of the $1,000.00 donation - proceeds
form the Calendar Girls fundraiser. We were also to say "goodbye" to Western
House, where we have had out dinner meeting for a number of years now - we will
surely miss that lovely old house. Also cancelled last week was the Combined
Services Dinner, which no doubt will take place at a later date.

On a personal note, because I had my cold, I was somewhat relieved we were all in
Lockdown, as I was supposed to be having a girl's weekend away with Air-force
friends - at least that can now be rescheduled. I missed out on a road trip organised
in August last year, because I had a cold too. Note to self - do not make plans in the
month of August ever again!

It's just been announced we are in Lockdown until at least Friday! Hope you all enjoy
the time at home tending your gardens, sewing, knitting, baking or whatever you
enjoy doing. Me - I have to now hunt out my mask pattern again, as I seem to have
misplaced my homemade ones in the move, and will soon run out of disposables.

 Fill your life with sunshine
Levin Link - Altrusa International District Fifteen
The Challenge of Lockdown
 - courtesy of Tui

 As the country once again is locked down while the Delta strain of Covid-19 is brought
 (hopefully) under control, we find ourselves unable to see our families and friends. Our
 family is scattered between New Zealand, England, and Australia. Last year we
 attempted weekly zoom sessions, which were always a little awkward, especially for my
generation. This year, we have decided to entertain ourselves in a more creative way. As
 a real treat we have daughter Sue and son-in-law Andy locked down with us as they
can’t get back to Melbourne and their usual life just yet. We are lucky to have them here
 and are making the most of it.

So, enter the 2021 Family Lockdown Challenge series. Each day a different person, from
 our group of ten, posts a different challenge using a Facebook Messenger group we’ve
set up, that we must all complete that day. The challenger then judges and announces a
 winner. The stakes are high, we are competing for a ‘virtual’ chocolate fish! Who knew
 we had such a competitive family! We are nearing the end of our ten challenges, with
 just two more challenges to come … we move in alphabetical order of our first names,
 so I’m at the end. I’ve already decided on my challenge – which is going to be a
 progressive story. I have written the first paragraph, and each person must add 3-5
 sentences to the beginning or end of the story as they get it.

 The challenges have been as diverse as the people dreaming them up.
 So far we have had:
 • Learn to Count to 10 in another language then post a video - daughter Sue did
 Scottish celtic – of course!
 • Draw a portrait of your significant other – Andy’s daughter who is on her own (she’s a
 doctor at Royal Melbourne) - drew a wine glass – drawn with red wine!!
 • Build a structure from a pack of cards – from Jim’s old business cards
 • MasterChef Lockdown Version. We were given 7 staple ingredients; flour, eggs, butter,
sugar, milk, salt, baking powder … and allowed to add just two more. Sue added apple &
 chicken and made a 3 course meal which won her the chocolate fish!!
 • Learn to tie 8 knots and describe their use – we used Jim’s ties but loved the bunny
 knots from a sister in law as being the most entertaining.
 • Count to 10 … using a computer coding program. (this was hard) – I failed (:
 • Grand Designs Lockdown Version. Video a tour of your home/garden in the Kevin
 McCloud style. Sue and I did this together using Kevin McLeod’s music and style of
 speaking using his effusive description of everything – loads of fun. It’s a video so can’t
 show you all of it. Again we won the chocolate fish prize 
 • Today’s challenge is turn trash into a piece of treasure – making a fan from a very old
 and worn out book – still working on this one
Levin Link - Altrusa International District Fifteen
a rn in g to co unt to 10 in
 Le h Masterchef – 7 basic ingredients
 o th e r lan gu age – Scottis
an plus apple & chicken as the two
 Gaelic by Sue additional ones. A three course
 meal was made from these

 fic ant other –
 ortrait of sig wine
 P in r e d

 Card Tower – made
 from Jim’s old
 business cards

 Grand Designs - Levin

 Knots –
 a variation of ‘Bunny Knots’
Levin Link - Altrusa International District Fifteen
Lockdown Recipes
This month, I thought I would give you one of my very favourite recipes!
 Everytime I make this, I get asked for the recipe! It is borrowed from a
 Nga Tawa school cookbook - and is yummy, not to mention healthy!

 Antis Brown Rice Salad
 2 x cups of brown rice
 1/2 x cup of soy sauce Deirdre's Tips
 1 x cup of peanuts I use Tamari s
 auce, for the s
 1 x cup of sesame seeds sauce. I use w oy
 hatever nuts I
 1 x cup of sunflower seeds often mixed n have -
 uts. I use the ja
 1/2 x cup of apricots (chopped) crushed ginge rs of
 r and garlic, if
 3 x spring onions (chopped) is not available fresh
 . I have also u
 2 x celery sticks (chopped) other seeds, & sed
 used currants
 1 x green & 1 x red pepper (chopped) don't have apr if I
 icots. I also ad
 bunch of parsley (chopped) lemon juice to d some
 the dressing, a
 3/4 cup of olive oil love lemon. I d sI
 on't tend to m
 Rind of 1 x lemon anything! Try easure
 1 x Tbsp of root ginger (grated)
 it, it's amazing
 1 x clove crushed garlic

 Soft boil rice, then drain and soak the cooked rice in soy sauce for 2 x hours, or
overnight. Roast the peanuts, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds. Add apricots,
 spring onions, celery sticks, green and red peppers, and parsley. Mix in a large
bowl. For the dressing, shake together oil, lemon rind, ginger and garlic and chill
 overnight. Mix the rice salad with the dressing and serve.

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Levin Link - Altrusa International District Fifteen
by Shirley Gilzean
Membership Minute
 "We need old friends to help us grow old...
 and new friends to help us stay young.."

 - courtesy of Tui

This is another Lockdown activity completed today - a book from the
Altrusa bag! If anyone want to try it Tui will send the link! It's fun and
 mirrors our Literacy theme. Such a cool thing to do!

 From these beginnings

 to this Artwork

 Let's share projects done doing Lockdown! Tui's
 inspired me - I have 2 x tops to make - will send
 photos when finished!
Levin Link - Altrusa International District Fifteen
Accent: Helen Bartlett
 Helen Bartlett was from Christchurch Altrusa Club and was the
 District 15 Governor from 1997-1999.

Just before her passing, she became an Emeritus member of Altrusa.

 In her honour, the District Fifteen Helen Bartlett Award is give for
 Club communication and marketing.

 This award is based on points for:
 Internal Communications and Promotional items, including
 newsletter, pamphlets, rack cards and Club directories.
 Distribution of the Club newsletter, including distribution to club
 members, past members, District Fifteen Governor, Board and
 website, and also public places.
 Club orientation and induction materials, including orientation
 booklets, new members pack and list of items in the pack.
 Induction programme, including international and district
 information, and mentoring / buddy system for new members.
 External promotion, including newspaper articles and wider
 public coverage eg. noticeboards, radio, and tv
 Social media, including Facebook page, Club page on district
 website, and other digital channels, eg. instagram, snapchat,
 Other creative marketing - eg. bookmarks, teardrop flags, and
 new recruitment drives.

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Levin Link - Altrusa International District Fifteen
 Palmerston North
 6th - 8th May 2022

 Hosting the conference are the dedicated members of Altrusa Levin.
We are here to Nourish you with some of the more interesting sights and activities
 of the Manawatu/Horowhenua region and ensure you Flourish throughout the
Throw away any preconceptions you may have of Palmerston North, there is more
 to do and see here than you might expect. Your welcome pack at conference will
 give you a few more details, but here’s a few teasers:

 Take the opportunity to meander through the
 Square and the beautiful gardens at the Esplanade.

 Visit the great shops in George Street aka,
 the’ Palmerston North Parnell’ the trendiest café and
 shopping spot in town just 2 minutes from the venue
 – a bastion of boutique owner-operated stores

 Best shoe shop around (recommended by Marvynne )

 If rugby is your thing, the Rugby Museum attracts
 people from all over the world

 Visit the recently opened wildlife Recovery Centre,
 well worth a visit

 Walk along the lovely He Ara Kotahi Bridge in
 Dittmer Drive
Levin Link - Altrusa International District Fifteen
Altrusa Levin - Board of 2021 - 2022

 Our current Board (above from left to right):
 Airini Bowler - Immediate Past President
 Deirdre Burnell - President Elect (front left) :
 Ruth Rawlings - Treasurer nt - Denys
 P r eside
 a lt ru sa.org.nz
 Denys Astin - President t.levin@
 Jackie Jory - Secretary (front right) y - Jackie
 Secretar @ a lt ru sa.org.nz
 Jan Wikstrom - Second Director y.levin
 Maureen Laing - First Director
 Trish Tough - Vice President

Communications Literacy Membership Service
Helen Clifford (Chair) Trish Tough (Chair) Diane Goodin (Chair) Sandra Webb (Chair)
Alison Gracey Annette Rowe Cherry Matthews Airini Bowler
Catherine Campbell Bev Foubister Jan Wikstrom Cushla Lash
Christine Douglas (Co) Diane Cotter Lynette Haywood Dot Wenham
Deirdre Burnell Marie Williams Lyn Jarden Heather Birrell
Glen Hayes Suzanne Ferrick Moira Dowman Jan Jordan
Jackie Jory Tui Hunter Ruth Rawlings Maureen Laing
Jill Graves Shirley Gilzean

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Levin Link - Altrusa International District Fifteen Levin Link - Altrusa International District Fifteen
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