LIDING NARROMINE ADVENTURES - Gliding Australia Magazine

Page created by Kristen Bowers
LIDING NARROMINE ADVENTURES - Gliding Australia Magazine
   Issue 56 June - August 2021

LIDING NARROMINE ADVENTURES - Gliding Australia Magazine
G             LIDING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         34 TRAINING - STRESS BY JAMES COOPER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Stress affects pilots' performance and decision-making, sometimes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         dangerously. There are ways to work against stress and remain in control.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         36 WINNING THE MENTAL BATTLE PART PT 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Bernard Eckey tells how to deal with confidence, over-confidence,
                                                                                                                                                                      No.   56 JUNE - AUGUST 2021                                                        commitment and self motivation, and why they are important for pilots.

                                                                                                                                                                      COVER: ATTILA BERTOK FLYING HIS ASW20 FROM NARROMINE JANUARY 2021
                                            Parachutes Australia have been                                                                                                                                                                               38 AIRWORTHINESS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CG position for optimal performance is complex and often misunderstood
                                            supplying the world with emergency                                                                                        2 FROM THE GFA & PRESIDENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         among glider pilots, but it can help you fly safer and more competitively.
                                                                                                                                                                      Read the essential updates from the GFA President, Executive
                                            parachute systems for Civilian and                                                                                        Officer, Board Members and Association Departments.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         42 OCCURRENCES

                                            Military applications for over 40 years                                                                                   5 EVENTS - BADGES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         46 CLASSIFIEDS
                                                                                                                                                                      As the 2021 gliding season winds down, check for upcoming events in
                                            The Thinback and Slimpack Emergency Parachute Systems                                                                                                                                                          WELCOME TO GA 56
                                                                                                                                                                      your state, coaching opportunities and competitions.
                                            manufactured by Parachutes Australia are designed, tested                           Slimpack Emergency Parachute System                                                                                            As we head into winter the outlook for the next soaring season
                                            and manufactured beyond regulatory requirements and provide                                                               6 SAFETY - PROFESSOR SIDNEY DEKKER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           looks brighter than it did at this time last year. After a wet and
                                            the maximum safety, performance and comfort.                                                                              Sidney Dekker explains why a just culture is key to learning from pilots‘
                                                                                                                                                                      mistakes instead of simply finding someone to blame.                                 lockdown-affected year, we are all hoping that the health
                                            •   Certified under FAA TSO C23(b) with Certificate of Type Approval issued by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           measures in place will succeed in allowing a full return to our
                                                CASA together with Production Approval No. 515899                                                                     7 FLARM-AZING
                                            •   Manufactured from durable Cordura fabric.                                                                             Keep yourself safe as you glide by matching your Flarm ID to your VH                 beloved sport.
                                            •   Military specification harness webbing and hardware for reliable strength and durability.                             registration number and take better advantge of Flarm tracking.                          This is the fifth issue of GA in the new formats. As long as you
                                            •   Stainless Steel closing grommets and ripcord assembly.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           have an internet connection on your device of choice, you can
                                            •   Thin, soft pack for pilot comfort.                                                                                    8 OPERATIONS
                                                                                                                                                                      Undetected hard landings can damage your glider in ways that aren‘t                  read GA wherever and whenever you like. Go to magazine.
                                            Also available:                                                                                                           always easy to detect. Chris Thorpe explains the procedures.
                                            •   Sheepskin Accessory Option for improved comfort and hygiene.
                                            •   Static Line Deployment Option.                                                                                        10 VICTORIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS                                                         You can also download a PDF version of GA from magazine.
      Thinback Emergency Parachute System                                                                                                                             Gliding Club of Victoria ran the State Championships this year at Benalla, 
                                                                                                                                                                      attracting a surprisingly good turnout of pilots flying challenging AATs..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               You can order a very special DIGITAL PRINT copy of the
                                                                                                                                                                      12 SOUTH GIPPSLAND GLIDING CLUB                                                      magazine as well. Each magazine will be ordered and printed just
                                                                                                                                                                      South Gippsland Gliding Club celebrates the solo successes of two of their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           for you, so it will be a limited edition – rare and collectable. Order
                                                                                                                                                                      enthusiastic, talented junior pilots who tell their stories in their own words.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           your very own copy here
                                                                                                                                                                      14 GLIDER MAIL - HISTORY YOU CAN HOLD                                                    I would love to hear what you think about the new formats and
                                                                                                                                                                      Believe it or not, gliders are a part of air mail history. Learn how to identify
                                                                                                                                                                      pieces of genuine glider mail, where it has travelled and why.                       the magazine in general so please contact me any time. Or you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           can leave me a message on the website at
                                                                                                                                                                      10 BENDIGO GLIDING CLUB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               I hope you enjoy this edition of Gliding Australia Magazine.
                                                                                                                                                                      Despite the challenges of the past year, Bendigo Gliding Club has been
                                                                                                                                                                      growing and flying, and will soon add a new runway.                                      Sean Young

                                                                                                                                                                      20 FLYING NARROMINE - ATTILA BERTOK
                                                                                                                                                                      Attila Bertok shares experiences from the two trips he made to Narromine                 GLIDING AUSTRALIA
                                                                                                                                                                      this year, flying long, unforgettable cross country flights in his ASW20.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               MEMBERSHIP & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION & related
                                                                                                                                                                      24 1000 KM TRIANGLE IN VICTORIA - TOBI GEIGER                                            Tanya Loriot
                                                                                                                                                                      Tobi Geiger started his year by successfully completing his first declared
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AIRWORTHINESS & GFA TRAVEL
                                                                                                                                                                      1,000km task, an FAI triangle in Victoria.                                               Fiona Northey

Online Glider Facility                                                                                                                                                28 VINTAGE - HUNTER VALLEY EASTER RALLLY
                                                                                                                                                                      The Easter Vintage Regatta in the Hunter Valley brought together a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               If you are sending documents they must be emailed to
                                                                                                                                                                      superb lineup of vintage gliders including a newly built Hütter Hü 28.                   SHOP The GFA Online shop has a range of useful
We are excited to offer Australian glider owners a                                                                                                                                                                                                             products including a Form 2 kit,
                                                                                                                                                                      32 AROUND THE CLUBS - FIRST SOLOS                                              
unique glider insurance experience via our online                                                                                                                     During the Autumn months, glider training continued at a rapid pace as                   GFA OFFICE
                                                                                                                                                                      many new pilots around the country achieved first solos
glider facility offering:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Before calling the GFA office, please check out our website
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to buy items, find documents and other information,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and renew your membership.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               9am-5pm Monday - Thursday, 9am-3pm Friday
• Competitive insurance premiums                                                                                                                                       Sean Young
                                                                                                                                                                                                             EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS                             Tel: 03 9359 1613 Fax: 03 9359 9865
                                                                                                                                                                                                             We invite editorial contributions and             C4/ 1-13 The Gateway
                                                                                                                                                                       Editor                                                                                  Broadmeadows VIC 3047
• Broader policy coverage                                                                                                                                                                                    email
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Other large files and photographs
                                                                                                                                                                       Adriene Hurst                                                                           Non GFA members are welcome to subscribe to Gliding Australia.
                                                                                                                                                                       Deputy Editor                         and can be uploaded at                            1 year is $64 inc. GST.
• Option to bind cover on the spot                                                                                                                                                                           DISPLAY ADVERTISING &                            WS Media Design & Publishing Services
                                                                                                                                                                                                             MAGAZINE ENQUIRIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Official publication of Gliding Australia - Gliding Federation of Australia Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             GLIDING AUSTRALIA                                                                                                                                                                             
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ABN 82 433 264 489 (GFA).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The Gliding Australia ia a member of the Féderation Aéronautique International (FAI)

                                                                                                                                                          Contact                                            Tel 0490 502323
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          through the Australian Sport Aviation Confederation (ASAC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Opinions expressed in Gliding Australia are not necessarily those of the publisher, nor does the publisher give
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          assurances or warrants that the information published is accurate. Readers are advised to check any information
                                                                                                                        David Tait or Vanessa Edwards                                                                                                     contained herein. Editorial submissions are welcome but the publisher reserves the right to edit, abridge, amend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and correct any material supplied for publication as the publisher sees fit. All rights reserved. Reproduction without
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          permission is strictly forbidden without the permission of the publisher. © The Gliding Australia
                                                                                                                                            07 3274 4732                                                                                                  Print Post Publication Number PP 381712/02675

LIDING NARROMINE ADVENTURES - Gliding Australia Magazine
You are encouraged to talk to your
           FROM THE PRESIDENT                                                                         arranged several webinars on these
                                                                                                      topics, and we strongly encourage clubs      Official Observer about the requirements
                                                                                                                                                                                                 our financial year results and the budget
                                                                                                                                                                                                 for our new year, which runs from May to
                                                                                                      to take a stand to ensure member             listed in the FAI Sporting Code. Key          April.
                                                        to make these important areas of our
                                                                                                      behaviours are appropriate for a             issues with claims often revolve around          The Executive and Board have a had a
                                                        organisation work more efficiently.
                                                                                                      harmonious club environment.                 recent changes to the rule on Silver          few meetings to look at budget options
                                                           Currently the Executive and elected
                                                                                                                                                   Distance, and the definition of release       and agreed to a number of changes,
                                                        Board members all sit on the Board.
                                                                                                      THE AIR WE FLY IN                            point and start point.                        which includes a CPI (2%) increase in
                                                        This results in there being no distinct
                                                                                                         Most members would be aware of               You will need to provide a .igc file for   membership and other fees. The key
                                                        separation between the Board, which is
                                                                                                      Airservices Australia’s (AsA) proposal to    all badge claims other than a duration        change was to increase the membership
                                                        largely responsible for policy and
                                                                                                      reduce the lower limit of Class E            flight, and if you can load a declaration     fee to $328 for adults and $170 for
                                                        direction, and the Executive, which is
                                                                                                      airspace along Australia’s eastern           onto your flight recorder it will reduce      Juniors. Form 2 kits have increased to
                                                        charged with the day-to-day running of
                                                                                                      seaboard. As proposed, the new levels        the amount of information that you have       $240.
                                                        the organisation. Naturally, any change
                                                                                                      would have a major impact on many            to write into your application.                  You will notice that the Regional
                                                        to the Articles (constitution) will require
                                                        member support which must be sought           gliding clubs. It is vital that we protect                                                 Association fee of $12, which is passed
                                                                                                      our freedom to fly. Consequently we          GPC TRAINING DOCUMENT                         on to your Regional Association, has
                                                        at an AGM or EGM. We will keep
                                                                                                      have formally communicated, in a             CHANGES                                       previously been charged separately, but        TERRY CUBLEY AM
                                                        members informed as these ideas
                                                                                                      robust manner, our concerns in a                Operations and Soaring Development         is now included within your membership         EXECUTIVE OFFICER
                                                                                                      response to AsA, The Deputy Prime            have been developing a range of new           fee. This makes renewals a little simpler.
                                                                                                      Minister and CASA, detailing how the         resources for Instructors and Coaches
                                                                                                      proposal is flawed and highlighting the      (now referred to as Trainers) to use in         You can see all of the new fees on the
                                                          Gliding Australia’s S2F program, led                                                                                                                                                  NARROMINE WORLD
             Summer is over and I have already                                                        negative impact its implementation           delivering training through to the Glider     GFA web page. Go to Member Area/
                                                        by Mandy Temple, has been heavily                                                                                                                                                       CHAMPIONSHIPS
           had enough of winter, but there again,                                                     would have on gliding and the broader        Pilot Certificate. These documents            Documents/Admin docs then
                                                        promoted over the past 3 years. The                                                                                                                                                     DECEMBER 2023
           winter does give us the opportunity to                                                     sporting aviation community.                 provide details about what the trainers       Membership and AW fees 2021 2022
                                                        Board has decided to move the ideas                                                                                                                                                        Australia won the right to host the
           attend to all those things that we need                                                       Other members of the Australian           have to deliver and the performance           ADMIN0012.
                                                        that S2F has developed into business as                                                                                                                                                 2022 World Gliding Championships for
           to get in place in preparation for the                                                     Sports Aviation Confederation have           standard required, and also provide
                                                        usual, meaning that you will no longer                                                                                                                                                  Club, Standard and 15m classes, but
           next season. The long warm days of a                                                       posted similar responses. AsA has many       detailed information to the Student pilot.    MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS
                                                        read or hear about S2F, but rather you                                                                                                                                                  with Covid impacting world
           new soaring season are indeed                                                              hoops to jump through before its                The first stage has been shared with       AND CHURN
                                                        will see all of the fabulous ideas and                                                                                                                                                  championship scheduling, this
           something to look forward to.                                                              proposal could be implemented - it is        some Instructors and coaches so that the         GFA currently has 2,635 members
                                                        programs that S2F has developed just                                                                                                                                                    championship has been re-scheduled to
                                                                                                      important that we maintain our               project team can get feedback on what         compared to 2,644 in March 2019, so we
                                                        become an integral part of Gliding                                                                                                                                                      December 2023. The event will be held
           CHANGE                                                                                     vigilance and continue to voice our          has been developed so far. This will then     appear to have survived Covid 19 fairly
                                                        Australia’s day-to-day activity –                                                                                                                                                       at Narromine and the organising
              It seems that change is a constant                                                      objections.                                  allow trialling of the new content and        unscathed. Of these members, 2,300 are
                                                        modernise, standardise and prioritise.                                                                                                                                                  committee is already preparing for the
           and if change provides improvements,                                                          Be kind to each other and fly safely,     resources across a few clubs over the         flying members.
                                                        Thank you, Mandy, for the huge effort                                                                                                                                                   event. This will once again provide an
           then change is good and something to                                                          Steve.                                    next few months. The plan is for a launch        For Junior memberships, our number
                                                        that you have put into this initiative.                                                                                                                                                 avenue to display Australia as a great
           be embraced. The new Integrated                                                                                                         to all clubs with training to commence        of juniors remains fairly constant at
                                                                                                         STEVE PEGLER                                                                                                                           gliding location and promote the sport to
           Training Program has been in                                                                                                            before the end of the year. This will         approximately 350, but the number of
                                                        SAFETY MANAGER                                  PRESIDENT                                                                                                                               Australian residents. The Narromine GC
           development for some time and will                                                                                                      mean consistent training, no matter           AAFC memberships has dropped from
                                                           Under Part 149 legislation, one of the                                                                                                                                               web page advises dates and is calling for
           soon be trialled in the real world,                                                             which club you fly from.                      170 down to 46. Given that AAFC is now
                                                        four CASA mandated management                                                                                                                                                           volunteers to assist with the operation.
           followed by a national roll-out later this                                                                                                 The aim of our training system is for      back flying again we are hopeful that this
                                                        positions is that of Safety Manager. Sid
           year. For successful implementation it
           will be essential that clubs, training
                                                        Dekker has been filling this role for         FROM THE EO                                  all members to achieve their Glider Pilot
                                                                                                                                                   Certificate (GPC).
                                                                                                                                                                                                 number will return to the previous values
                                                                                                                                                                                                 over the next year.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CASA PART 149
                                                        some time but would prefer to put his                                                                                                                                                      CASA Part 149 specifies the
           panels, instructors, coaches and                                                                                                                                                         A common expression used is that of
                                                        effort to other areas within the gliding      GFA OFFICE                                                                                                                                requirements for aviation administration
           students all understand and support the                                                                                                 THE GPC QUALIFIED                             ‘churn’, which reflects the process of
                                                        movement. Consequently, we are eager             After 12 months working from home,                                                                                                     organisations involved in sport and
           program. The changes will challenge us                                                                                                  GLIDER PILOT:                                 people joining GFA but then leaving
                                                        to hear from members who have a               GFA Office staff are now back in the                                                                                                      recreational aircraft activities. As a result,
           all and the benefits will be real with a                                                                                                 l Can fly and soar the glider safely         within two years, and currently accounts
                                                        background in safety related matters          office. We have made some                                                                                                                 all sport aviation organisations (gliding,
           seamless student path from first flight                                                                                                 at the required standard,                     for about 70% of new memberships. We
                                                        and would be keen to work with our            improvements to the environment and                                                                                                       parachuting, paragliding etc) have been
           to becoming a competent and confident                                                                                                      l Is aware of the Threats and Errors       should expect that some people will join
                                                        Airworthiness and Operations                  file storage system. The staff are quite                                                                                                  requested to become Part 149
           cross-country pilot. The team that has                                                                                                  that may arise and can manage these,          and decide later that the sport is not for
                                                        departments to help develop and lead a        flexible and can revert back to working                                                                                                   organisations.
           been working on this program are a                                                                                                         l Has the skills to soar the glider        them, or they cannot devote the time
                                                        Part 149 compliant Safety Management          from home as required, should random                                                                                                         GFA has contracted Peter John to assist
           group of highly motivated and skilled                                                                                                   and to competently and safely fly outside     and money required to continue, but
                                                        System. If you have an interest in this       Covid incidents make it necessary.                                                                                                        with preparing our Exposition, which
           people and they have done a                                                                                                             of gliding range of their takeoff airfield,   70% seems excessive.
                                                        area, or you know someone who may                Tanya has reduce her hours of work so                                                                                                  explains how GFA is structured and
           magnificent job – thank you!                                                                                                            navigating to a selected site and                Managing churn places a heavy load
                                                        have, I would be pleased to hear from         the office is not staffed every second                                                                                                    identifies the responsible officers. A small
                                                                                                                                                   complying with all aviation regulations       on club volunteers who deliver the
                                                        you.                                          Friday. The simplest solution is to make                                                                                                  team led by Anthony Smith is finalising
           MORE CHANGE                                                                                                                             within the limits of their authorisations.    training. We have been encouraging
                                                                                                      direct contact with the office Monday to                                                                                                  the Exposition and looking at our Safety
              You have all heard about Part 149, so                                                                                                   l Can fly independently subject to         clubs to review the service that their
                                                        GOVERNANCE AND INTEGRITY                      Thursday 9am-3pm. Email to returns@                                                                                                       and Management systems to align them
           I am not going to bore you with any                                                                                                     maintaining their competency.                 members receive to ensure that club
                                                           From time to time, we hear of     gets good results as                                                                                                 better with CASA requirements. At the
           further specific detail. Part 149 will                                                                                                     As you can see, this goes well beyond      practices are not turning members away,
                                                        complaints from members about                 all staff members can see and respond.                                                                                                    same time, this is enabling us to review
           require some mandated change to our                                                                                                     just flying the aircraft, with the soaring    such as lack of flying opportunities,
                                                        various behaviours seen in some clubs.                                                                                                                                                  and improve our systems in alignment
           organisational structure and while we                                                                                                   aspects taking on a more important            multiple instructors, late starts to the day
                                                        The GFA Board has a Governance and            BADGES AND CLAIMS                                                                                                                         with other aviation organisations. We
           are considering these issues it makes                                                                                                   focus. This soaring aspect is more likely     and so on.
                                                        Integrity Committee that is reviewing all        A few members have complained                                                                                                          plan to submit the Exposition to CASA
           sense to have an overall look at our                                                                                                    to entice the new member to stay in the          The increased focus on GPC skills is
                                                        our policies relating to governance           about the difficulty of submitting a badge                                                                                                before the end of the year. It will provide
           current management structure. Part of                                                                                                   sport and develop their skills further.       one way to encourage members to stay
                                                        matters including member and child            claim for Silver, Gold and Diamond                                                                                                        an opportunity to update the GFA and we
           that consideration might be how the                                                                                                                                                   in the sport. If you have other
                                                        protection. Gliding Australia actively        badges. There has been a review of the                                                                                                    hope that members will support and
           roles of the Board and Executive                                                                                                        GFA FEE CHANGES FOR 21/22                     suggestions on how to address this issue
                                                        promotes good governance at all levels,       system with significant improvement                                                                                                       participate in these improvements.
           interface and how we could re-structure                                                                                                   The GFA board met in April to consider      we look forward to hearing from you.
                                                        including clubs. To this end we have          expected in the next couple of months.

2 GLIDING AUSTRALIA                                                                                                                                                                                                      GLIDING AUSTRALIA 3
LIDING NARROMINE ADVENTURES - Gliding Australia Magazine
           VALE DAVE SHORTER                                                            robust finances.
                                                                                          In 2014, Dave became                 FAI GLIDING BADGES                                                                          FAI CERTIFICATES
                                                                                        Treasurer of the GFA and made a        1 MARCH - 31 MAY 2021                                                                       faicertificates@glidingaustra-
                                                                                        great contribution in that capacity
                                                                                        until last August. He continued       A CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                                              ERIC DINES			                 BEVERLEY SC                    MAURICE PONTT		                    BUNDABERG GLIDING
                                                                                        his association with the
                                                                                                                              BEN JAMES			                  NORTH QUEENSLAND SSC           ASHLEY SIRR			                     THE GLIDING CLUB OF WA
                                                                                        Federation as Chairman of the
                                                                                                                                                                                           NICK NEYNENS			                    KINGAROY SC
                                                                                        Investment Committee, and in          MAURICE PONTT		               BUNDABERG GLIDING              ZENON BUSSENSCHUTT                 ADELAIDE SC
                                                                                        that role, he guided our finances     HAMISH SCOTHERN		             SOUTH GIPPSLAND GC
                                                                                                                                                                                           JONATHAN BLOOMFIELD                SOUTH GIPPSLAND GC
                                                                                        into an ever stronger position.       JAMES SPENCER		               SOUTH GIPPSLAND GC
                                                                                                                                                                                           RYAN ROGERS			                     ADELAIDE S
                                                                                          In addition to his financial        ASHLEY SIRR			                THE GLIDING CLUB OF WA
                                                                                                                              OLIVIER LAPIERRE		            SOUTHERN CROSS GC
                                                                                        contributions to the sport, he was                                                                 C CERTIFICATE
                                                                                                                              NICK NEYNENS			               KINGAROY SC
                                                                                        a regular task setter, weather        MARK KEECH			                 THE GLIDING CLUB OF WA         ZAC MALAKELLIS		                   BATHURST FLIGHT
                                                                                        forecaster and all-round              ZENON BUSSENSCHUTT            ADELAIDE SC                    KASSANDRA COLE		                   WARWICK FLIGHT
                                                                                        contributor to the harmony and        LEO NELSON			                 BATHURST SC                    ERIC DINES			                      BEVERLEY SC
                                                                                        success of the sport. He regularly    THOMAS CLARK		                GRAMPIANS SC                   MARC HUGELSHOFER		                 MELBOURNE GC /VMFG
                                                                                        wrote articles on his experiences,                                                                 MAURICE PONTT		                    BUNDABERG GLIDING
           TERRY CUBLEY                               He was a good contributor to      including frank lessons from          B CERTIFICATE                                                ASHLEY SIRR			                     THE GLIDING CLUB OF WA
             Dave Shorter was a valuable            the Board's decision-making and     incidents. Many of his features       SCOTT CREW			                 ADELAIDE SC                    NICK NEYNENS			                    KINGAROY SC
           contributor to gliding, nationally       will be missed.                     will be valuable reading for years    ADAM MECHLER		                GEELONG GC                     ZENON BUSSENSCHUTT                 ADELAIDE SC
           through his role as treasurer, and                                           to come.                              MATTHEW SWINN		               MELBOURNE GC/VMFG              RYAN ROGERS			                     ADELAIDE SC
           within the Lake Keepit Soaring           CHRIS BOWMAN                          Dave was winning days at            BEN JAMES			                  NORTH QUEENSLAND SC
           Club.                                      Sadly, we have to report the      Keepit Grand Prix events until a
             Dave was GFA treasurer for             passing of Dave Shorter.            month ago.                                 GFA CALENDAR                       Competition Organiser Cameron        published shortly at
                                                                                          He leaves his wife Carol, four                                              McDonald 0400 581 132      
           seven years, from 2014-2020. He            Dave has been a great                                                        Use the Contact GFA
                                                                                        children and 10 grandchildren,                                                                                     and on the comp web site
           also established the GFA                 contributor to the sport ever                                                  menu at www.                       NSW COACHING WEEK -
                                                                                        and will also leave a gap in the                                                                         
           investment Committee and led             since he commenced gliding                                            to send       NARROMINE
           this group over the past three           more than 30 years ago at           sport.                                     event details to the GFA           14 – 20 November 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                           CLUB AND SPORTS CLASS
                                                                                                                                                                      Narromine Gliding Club,
           years, taking responsibility for         Grafton Gliding Club. Once solo,                                               Secretariat for publishing         All suitably rated pilots are
                                                                                                                                                                                                           NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS:
           investing GFA funds in order to          he quickly progressed to become                                                online and in GA.                                                       12 - 19 December 2021

           get a better financial return. In        an Instructor and then Chief
                                                                                         NATIONAL COACHING                                                            welcome to enter and improve
                                                                                                                                                                      their cross country skills.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sun 12th is a practice day, leaving 7

           this he was very successful,             Flying Instructor at that Club.
                                                                                         DIRECTOR                                  2021 BUNYAN WAVE CAMP1
                                                                                                                                                                      Contact Armin Kruger – NSW           comp days. See
                                                                                                                                   8 - 25 September 2021
           delivering significantly better            Grafton gliding camps at Lake                                                Canberra Gliding Club - Bunyan
                                                                                           We are looking for                                                         0477 945 387
           returns than we had received             Keepit Soaring Club convinced                                                  Airstrip, Monaro Hwy, Bunyan NSW
                                                                                                                                                                                                           WORLD GLIDING
                                                                                         expressions of interest to                For further details email:
           previously. Since Dave retired           Dave to move his flying inland                                                                                    NARROMINE CUP                        CHAMPIONSHIPS NARROMINE
                                                                                         fill the important role of              21 – 27 November 2021                November - December 2023
           from the role last year, the             where cross-country possibilities
                                                                                         National Coaching Director.                                                  Narromine Gliding Club                 Narromine was the venue for the
           investment committee has                 are greater.                                                                   QUEENSLAND STATE
                                                                                         You would become an                                                          The Narromine Cup will be running    2015 Junior World Championship,
           decided to seek external                   Dave became a keen                                                           CHAMPIONSHIPS                      this year. Contact Beryl Hartley     which was very successful, flying
                                                                                         integral member of the                    26 September - 2 October
           professional advice on                   competitor from the time he                                                                                       on email arnie.hartley@gmail.        on 10 out of a possible 11 contest
                                                                                         Soaring Development Panel                 2021                               com for futher details.              days. It was the venue where
           investments, given that Dave             bought his first glider. He was a
                                                                                         (SDP) in a voluntary role,                Kingaroy Soaring Club                                                   Australian glider pilot Matthew
           was no longer available to take          ferocious opponent, regularly
                                                                                         supporting a group of                     See for     NSW STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS -            Scutter became World Champion
           on this responsibility.                  beating some of Australia’s best,                                              registration details.              NARROMINE                            in Standard Class. Narromine
                                                                                         Soaring Development
             Dave was also insurance officer        and was a constant on the                                                                                         28 November – 4 December             Gliding Club is honoured to be
                                                                                         managers.                                 MULTICLASS NATIONALS               2021                                 selected by the IGC and we look
           and led the Board discussions on         podium.
                                                                                                                                   4 - 11 October 2021                Narromine Gliding Club               forward to hosting an amazing
           improving our insurance policies           He became Treasurer of Lake
                                                                                          Please contact                           Kingaroy Soaring Club              Contact Mick Webster                 gliding competition.
           to ensure better outcomes for the        Keepit Soaring Club 15 years ago                                                                                                                          If you would like to be a part of
                                                                                          Jenny Thompson, Chair                    See for f
           GFA.                                     and served for seven years.                                                    registration details.              or further details                   the organisation and running of
                                                                                         of the Soaring                                                                                                    this World Championship
             Dave had previously been LKSC          During his tenure, Keepit’s
                                                                                         Development Panel                         CARTER CUP - GCWA                  VICTORIAN STATE GLIDING              Competition please go to the
           treasurer, receiving many                Membership grew in numbers
                                                                                                30 Oct – 7 Nov 2021                CHAMPIONSHIPS - BENALLA              Contact Us page and tell us about
           accolades from his club for his          from the mid-70s to more than                                                                                                                          yourself and how you can help.
                                                                                                                                   Gliding Club of WA, Cunderdin      4 – 11 December 2021
           work in this area.                       140 and he left the Club with                                                  Airport, Cunderdin WA              Competition details will be

4 GLIDING AUSTRALIA                                                                                                                                                                GLIDING AUSTRALIA 5
LIDING NARROMINE ADVENTURES - Gliding Australia Magazine

                         JUST CULTURE 1.0
                                                                                   PROFESSOR SIDNEY DEKKER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        BY DAVID JANSEN
                                                                                   National Safety Advisor
                          There is a link between people’s commitment to
                          report safety-critical events or near misses on the                                                                 Did you know that every registered aircraft in the world       signal strength around 42.0 dB. The higher the number,
                          one hand, and how an organization (CASA, the               In other words, where there is a duty to exercise     is assigned an ICAO (International Civil Aviation                 the better the Flarm reception or, in other words, the
                          GFA, your club) handles the aftermath of those           care, reasonable care must be taken to avoid acts       Organization) 24bit binary code that is linked to the             better your Flarm is transmitting. With today’s modern
                          events on the other. Responses that are perceived        or omissions which can reasonably be foreseen to        aircraft registration?                                            Power Flarm and a good aerial install, it is typical to see a
                          to be punitive or retributive obviously put a            be likely to cause harm to persons or property. If,        When a glider is registered, CASA send the Certificate of      glider as far away as 140km from the receiver – and that is
                          damper on people’s willingness to share their            as a result of a failure to act in this reasonably      Registration holder a letter containing a code that looks         great news if someone is looking for you near last light.
                          stories.                                                 skillful way, harm/injury/damage is caused to a         similar to this - 011111000001111011100001.                          As an aside to this, if your club uses DittoLog, the Ditto
                                                                                   person or property, the person whose action                This 24bit binary code is also converted into Decimal          base stations should also have a 7C prefix. CASA will give
                             Nobody wants to unjustly sanction members for
                                                                                   caused the harm is negligent.                           Code, Octal Code and Hex Code.                                    you a code for a ground station if asked. Kingaroy is
                          their involvement in an incident. Nobody wants to
                          jeopardize organizational learning by threatening                                                                   There are various web sites around that can do the             waiting for the assignment of a 7Cxxxx code at the time of
                                                                                   JUDGEMENT CALLS                                         conversion for you, or you can get in touch with CASA,            writing this article.
                          people who disclose their mistakes. Unreflectively
                                                                                     That makes it patently obvious, no? Of course it      give them your VH-xxx registration, and they will forward
                          or arbitrarily punitive regimes destroy the
                                                                                   doesn’t. Because the definition itself is a whole       you a letter with all the information. Their web address is       RESOLVING AIRCRAFT ID
                          opportunity to report safety issues without fear of
                                                                                   series of judgement calls:                              here                                                  So, what happens if you do NOT have a 7Cxxxx Flarm
                          reprisal. This is why you want to put a ‘just culture’
                          policy or program in place. It might seem so                                                                        What we as glider pilots are after is the Hex code             code in your Flarm? The Flarm database in my glider sees
                          simple. But justice, accountability and trust are all          What is 'normal standard'?                        beginning with the combination of 7Cxxxx.                         your Hex code, which might have been registered by an
                          hugely difficult to define and agree on.                   l  How far is 'below'?                                   ‘7C’ is the prefix for Australia and is used to specifically   ASG29 owner flying out of Poppenhausen in Germany,
                             I wrote the first book ‘Just Culture’ in 2007. At       l What is 'reasonably skillful'?                      identify your aircraft.                                           with a registration of D-2929. My LX9000 tells me your
                          the time, just culture was itself mostly understood        l What is 'reasonable care'?                             Your Flarm uses this Hex code and your Flarm code              rego is D-2929 and you are an ASG29, when in fact you
                          in retributive terms. We have come quite a distance        l What is 'prudent'?                                  should match your aircraft registration.                          are an Astir from Lake Keepit.
                          since then. A retributive just culture tries to draw a     l  Was harm indeed 'caused by the negligent                                                                                If I can see your registration electronically, but I’m not
                          line between what it will accept and what it won’t       action'?                                                FROM THE CASA WEB SITE                                            close enough to visually identify you, at least I can have a
                          accept. If something happens that it won’t accept,                                                                  "If you are using your EC device on a registered aircraft      go at contacting you if needed. I believe the GFA is in the
                          it tries to assign proportional, fair consequences to       Just see if you, for your own flying, can –          with an existing ICAO 24-bit address, you must program            process of defining a default cross country frequency, so if
                          whatever transgression was committed.                    objectively, inarguably – define things like ‘normal    this address into your EC device. Contact the civil aircraft      a glider from Narromine meets a glider from Bathurst
                                                                                   in the community,’ ‘a reasonable level of skill,’ ‘a    register if you don’t know the 24-bit address for your            somewhere over the plains, we can at least talk to each
                          REAL WORLD MESSINESS                                     prudent person,’ or that you could achieve ‘a           aircraft."                                                        other in the thermal we share. Wouldn’t that be nice?
                            The idea is that it is simple to say what you          foresight that harm may likely result.’ What, really,      What is an EC (Electronic Conspicuity) device?                 (Maybe try 122.7 until that is actually written in the
                          won’t and will accept, and that it’s easy to             is normal, prudent or reasonable – objectively and         An EC device transmits Automatic Dependent                     MOSP?)
                          recognize this in the messiness of events in the         inarguably? Don’t we all want to improve safety         Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) information about the
                          real world. As it turns out, this is far from simple.    precisely because the activity we are engaged in        position of an aircraft to other airspace users operating         SEARCH AND RESCUE
                          The supposed ‘line’ that a retributive just culture      can result in harm? Of course, research has shown       similar equipment.                                                   There are websites out there that keep a record of your
                          draws actually only exists after it has been drawn,      us a long time ago that once we know the outcome,          While Flarm is not technically an EC device (No ADS-B          flight track. If for some unfortunate reason you are not
                          not before.                                              we overestimate the amount of foresight we, or          Out) it behoves us as aviators to match our Flarm IDs (Hex        home at the end of the day, where will we start to look?
                            Suppose that you don’t accept a wilful violation.      someone else, could and should have had.                Code) to our VH registration numbers.                             Have you ever just gone flying or changed your task in the
                          What is wilful? Philosophers have broken their                                                                      With the advent of Flarm tracking through such services        air? The ground receivers are watching and can help
                          brains over the status of human intention and free       WHAT, NOT WHO                                           as the OGN (Open Glider Network) and commercial sites             locate you if you are in distress.
                          will for millennia, and last I checked, they weren’t       These are all judgement calls that someone will       like FlightRadar24, our aircraft are becoming more visible.
                          quite done yet. Or suppose that you don’t accept         have to make. So who is that someone? It is not            The OGN maintains a database of our Flarm Hex code,            AIRMANSHIP
                          negligence. Sure, that sounds simple. But what is        that we can’t, at some point, make these calls. But     which you may sign up to voluntarily, and uses this data to          As the airspace becomes more congested and Air
                          ‘negligence’?                                            many of them will remain forever contested, also        identify you as you are tracked. If you have not signed up,       Services Australia pushes Class E airspace ever lower, we
                            It turns out that there actually is no such thing      inside of gliding clubs. The important question,        you are still tracked, just not identified.                       need to present a professional image to all those that
                          as ‘negligent behaviour’ because negligence is a         then, is who is going to make that judgement.              The OGN database can be accessed at this location              might like to shut us out. Ever heard the Ed Kilbourne
                          legal judgment, not a psychological category. So         Whom do you trust to do this fairly, equitably and                                               gliding song ‘The Last One Up’ that goes “When the FAA
                          you can judge behaviour to have been negligent if        well? Don’t count on CASA to be all those things.          We have a growing number of voluntarily maintained             puts a TCA over every place that we soar, and keep out
                          you are legally qualified, but even that isn’t so        But what about your own training panel? Your CFI?       OGN receivers going around Australia, as well as                  signs all are posted on our ceilings and our floors, when
                          simple. Just look at the following definition:           The Regional Manager Ops?                               FlightRadar24 receivers – which also receive your Flarm –         the privilege to fly the ridge, comes from Washington DC..”
                            Negligence is conduct that falls below the               Retributive just culture approaches are organised     so it’s time for us to start thinking about surveillance and      You get where we are going here.
                          standard required as normal in the community. It         around finding out who did something wrong and          making the numbers match. Eventually, you might see                  If we can keep our operation as professional as possible,
                          applies to a person who fails to use the reasonable      how to deal with that individual, rather than asking    this as a Form 2 amendment in addition to confirming you          we keep a voice that matters in the big picture.
                          level of skill expected of a person engaged in that      what was responsible for things going wrong and         have the latest Flarm software each year.                            Go for it….and stay safe for yourself and those around
                          particular activity, whether by omitting to do           how to fix that as a community. If the response                                                                           you.
                          something that a prudent and reasonable person           focuses on the individual, the who, then underlying     WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES?
                          would do in the circumstances or by doing                conditions that gave rise to the problem in the first      Checking your Flarm installation!                              FURTHER READING
                          something that no prudent or reasonable person           place can be missed and left unaddressed.                  Ever heard someone ask, “Why can’t I see you on my     
                          would have done in the circumstances. To raise a                                                                 Flarm?” Go to this web site and click on the inverted tear
                          question of negligence, there needs to be a duty of        In the next issue of Gliding Australia , we’ll        drop near the Kingaroy OGN receiver.                                Glider Radar
                          care on the person, and harm must be caused by           look at the robust alternative to this kind of             Glider Tracker                                    Glider and Seek
                          the negligent action.                                    retributive just culture.                                  Explore the information in the top right info box and you
                                                                                                                                           will see that the Ditto base station, a Flarm in itself, has a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                GLIDING AUSTRALIA 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     GLIDING AUSTRALIA 9
LIDING NARROMINE ADVENTURES - Gliding Australia Magazine
GLIDING                                                                                       Come and Fly
                                                                                   CHRISTOPHER THORPE
                                                                                     CLAS Manager, Operations

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with US!
                                                                                   Executive SI
             In Issue 54 of the Gliding Australia magazine, I                        ADS          D
                                                                                            N O
                                                                                         ONLI W
                                                                                                                                            Issue 11 March - April 2013

             wrote of an incident where an aircraft was cleared
                                                                                                                                  AUSSIE TEAM AT
             for flight after a hard landing despite suffering                               NE
     News - features            - sPorts - CoNtaCts
             substantial structural damage. The damage
                                                                                                                   WGC ARGENTINA
                                                                                   be followed by a careful inspection
             resulted in the flight crew experiencing aileron                      appropriate to the nature of the
             control difficulties during the subsequent aerotow                    occurrence and in accordance
     The newest   gliding magazine on the grid
             launch.                                                               with the sailplane manufacturer’s
                                                                                   approved data.
     is packed full    of great
                 Incidents involvingstuff   about
                                     sailplanes      gliders,
                                                that have been                        The following advice is provided
              flown with undetected damage following a hard
     gliding and   the pilots who fly them.
              landing are not uncommon. The Airworthiness
                                                                                   as guidance for special inspection requirements to
                                                                                   certificate of registration holders, pilots and
                         Department frequently receives reports from               individuals involved in the maintenance of
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Lake Keepit Soaring Club is a great place to fly…
                         Inspectors who have discovered undetected hard            sailplanes. It is not possible to provide precise
                                                                                                                                                                                                     A 7 day a week club operation with a relaxed, fun
                                                                                                                                                                                                     atmosphere. LKSC has a modern, well maintained
     NOTE If you want to buy or sell a glider,
                         landing damage while conducting an annual
                                                                                   details of inspections to be adopted after every
                                                                                   type of incident due to glider design differences
                                                                                                                                                                                                     fleet and launches are by aerotow and winch. The
     the classified section is now online.
                           A hard landing occurs when a sailplane hits the
                         ground with a greater vertical speed and force than
                                                                                   and the varying nature of the stresses that may
                                                                                                                multiclass - wgc benalla - news - orange week - barnes’ amreica
                                                                                                                                                                                                     region’s varied terrain from plains to mountains
                                                                                                                                                                                                     with plenty of safe out-landing opportunities and
                         in a normal landing. However, the forces involved                                                                                                                           year-round good conditions make LKSC ideal for
      Go to              may not always be apparent, so for most pilots if
                                                                                      Where the sailplane manufacturer provides for
                                                                                                                        Cover_11.indd 1

                                                                                   special inspection requirements, those inspections
                                                                                                                                                                                                     3/5/2013 5:42:27 PM

                                                                                                                                                                                                     pilots wanting to fly further, faster… sooner.
                         they have to question whether that previous landing
                                                                                                               SOMETHING TO SELL
                                                                                   must take priority over the guidance material in this
                                                                                                               TO GLIDER PILOTS?                                                                     If you want to learn to fly gliders, get cross-country
                         was ‘hard’, it probably was! Any landing where
                         tyres or wheels are deflated or damaged should
                                                                                   bulletin. Should the manufacturer’s inspection
                                                                                   requirements be found to       be deficient the
                                                                                                               ADVERTISE                to following
                                                                                                                                              the biggest
                                                                                                                                                                                                     training, fly badge flights, work towards a GPC,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     or be part of the best gliding club in the country,
                         raise this question.                                      advice is provided to supplement          the manufacturer’s
                                                                                                               geographical                  gliding                                                 come to Lake Keepit.
                           Sailplanes are designed to withstand flight and         recommendations.            community in the universe
                         landing loads within specified limits. If design limits      The inspection process must be to such a scope
                         are exceeded the structural integrity of the sailplane                                For Display
                                                                                   as to ensure that all defects,        including Advertising
                                                                                                                                          sub-surface                                                                      Tel: (02) 6769 7514
                         structure may be jeopardised and safety could be          defects, or limitations in  Call      02 9332
                                                                                                                   control      functionality2822are      or email                                           Email:                                                                             ���������
                         impaired. Any report or evidence on the sailplane
                              and click the classified link on the menu bar
                         which suggests that the design limits have been
                                                                                   detected. By virtue of
                                                                                                                     design, sailplanes differ
                                                                                   in the manner in which an abnormal load may
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               24 Gliding Australia
                         exceeded or equipment damaged should, therefore,          manifest itself. Wrinkling or distortion of fuselage or
                                                                                   wing skins may well be an indication that structure
                                                                                   deformation or failure has occurred, and a full

                                                                                    Build it yourself Glider Trailer Kit
                                                                                   investigation should be carried out. Any jamming,
                                                                                   binding or limited travel of controls must be fully
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ad_Pages.indd 24

                                                                                    •  Light weight
                                                                                   investigated.      Aluminium
                                                                                                   A wing    frequency  Clamshell
                                                                                                                              check should   Trailer   also
                                                                                                                                                                               LKSC AD Gliding Australia 20-6-11.indd 1                                                                20/06/11 9:38

                                                                                   be conducted in accordance with paragraph
                                                                                       Tail / Wing and Belly Dollies included
                                                                                   of GFA publication Basic Sailplane Engineering

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           SO YOU’VE HAD
                                                                                      Should the inspection process reveal that the
                                                                                   sailplane has suffered major damage, the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ASO YOU’VECALL?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             CLOSE    HAD
                                                                                   Maintenance Release must be endorsed that the
                                                                                   sailplane is unairworthy (i.e. enter a Major Defect in

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A CLOSE CALL?
                                                                                   Part 2). The Maintenance Release will then cease to
                                                                                   be in force pursuant to paragraph 19.5.2 of MOSP 3
                                                                                   until the defect has been cleared by an appropriately                                                        Often the experience is something you’ll never forget and you have learned from it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Why not share your story so that others can learn
                                                                                   authorised person.                                                                                           Whyfrom     notit share
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    too? If weyour   story
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                publish        so that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           it, we’ll  give others
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            you $500.  can learn from it too?
                                                                                      If a sailplane has been flown through conditions
 V- Towing Bar, Auto- Reverse, Spare                                                                                                                                                            If we       publish       it,  we’ll
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Email us at  give     you    $500.
                                                                                   of severe turbulence, or has been subjected to
 Wheel, long retractable Jockey Wheel, lockable one - hand
 central Latch on Back of Clamshell, large Hatch in front, Vent                    flight manoeuvres in excess of the manufacturer’s                                                            Articles      should
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Articles       be between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     should           450 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               be between      4501000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1000 Ifwords.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     preferred, your identity
 Grill on back, Solar Vent in centre - all standard                                recommended limits, or has suffered a hard or                                                                will be     kept confidential.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         If preferred,            Email us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          your identity 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           willatbe  kept confidential. Clearly mark
                                                                                   overweight (e.g., with water ballast) landing,                                                               your Ifsubmission
                                                                                                                                                                                                            you have video       footage,field
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         in the subject      feelasfree  to submit this CLOSE CALL’
 Bed made from 25mm GFRP Panels, Clamshell constructed                             including a ground-loop, the sailplane must be                                                                        with your close call.
 from cnc - cut and bent aluminium sheet parts Clamshell is                        taken out of service and assessed for damage. The                                                            Please do not submit
 structural when latched giving torsional stiffness to the bed for                                                                                                                              articles regarding events
                                                                                   inspector must understand the loads which the                                                                that are the subject
 speeds tested in excess of 100mph.                                                                                                                                                             of a current official
                                                                                   sailplane is likely to have been subjected to so that                                                        investigation.
 Approx Cost: Starting from 6,700 Euro ex. Factory + Shipping & GST.               the inspection can cover the likely damage points.                                                           Submissions may be
                                                                                   A person holding an Annual Inspector or higher                                                               edited for clarity, length
                                                                                                                                                                                                and reader focus.
                                                                                   authority is authorised to perform the inspection
                                                                                   and release the sailplane to service.
                                ORDER A PRINT EDITION                                 The inspections andRegister
                                                                                                               actionsyour     interest now soprior
                                                                                                                           recommended                  you
                                      OF GA 56                                     to further flight are detaileddon’tin  miss    out. Costs
                                                                                                                              Chapter        25 on  of the
                                                                                                          shipping will be kept to a minimum,
                                   BIT.LY/3C7X0CP                                  GFA publication ‘Basic Sailplane
                                                                                                                 as a number Engineering’.
                                                                                                                                    of flat packs
                                                                                                        will easily fit into our shipping container
                                                                                                                                                                  .                                      Please do not submit articles regarding events that are the subject of a current official investigation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Submissions may be edited for clarity, length and reader focus.
                                        For more information ANZ Agent - Swain Johnson: 0412827252                                                                                                                                                                                                                                GLIDING AUSTRALIA 9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Gliding Australia 25

                                           or email or
LIDING NARROMINE ADVENTURES - Gliding Australia Magazine
                                                                                                                                                              that reasonably often, but it is cruel when it happens day
                                                                                                                                                              after day.

               VICTORIAN STATE                                                                                                                                   Each of the first four competition days were lowish
                                                                                                                                                              and generally blue, with the occasional cumulus. Speeds

                                                                                                                                                              were typically below 100kph, and often below 70kph.
                                                                                                                                                              The final day was a marked improvement with climbs to
                                                                                                                                                              7,000ft. It was a short day with thermals predicted to
                                                                                                                                                              end at 5pm, and reports indicate that this was the case.
               BY TERRY CUBLEY                                                                                                                                So short tasks were set, but were still very competitive.
                                                                                                                                                              Ballasted Class was fairly well determined before the last
                                                                                                                                                              task, as long as Tobi did not outland. Tobi won the last
                                                                                                                                                              day at 116kph to confirm his overall win.
                                                                                                                                                                 In Unballasted Class the overall scores were still very
                                                                                                                                                              much in play with podium places up for grabs. Jack Hart
                                                                                                                                                              won the last day at 92kph, which ensured an overall win.
                                                                                                                                                              He was just ahead of Matt Woodhouse and Mark
                                                                                                                                                              Goodley on the day.

                                                                                                                                                              NEW COMPETITORS
                                                                                                                                                                 Four pilots were flying their first competition at this
                                                                                                                                                              event. Flying a comp is not that difficult – the good thing
                                                                                                                                                              is that someone tells you what the weather is and where
                                                                                                                                                              you have to fly. By talking to other pilots, you can get
                                                                                                                                                              good advice on how to plan the flight. The actual flying
                                                                                                                                                              just takes practice to develop the techniques – some
                                                                                                                                                              two-seat coaching is a real benefit in developing this.
When the VSA were looking for a club to host the State Championships,                                                                                         Actually flying the comp is a great experience and all of
                                                                                          WHAT IS AN AAT?
now that flying was almost back to normal following the various lockdowns,                                                                                    the new pilots commented on how much they learned over
                                                                                             Gliding competition is about racing against your fellow
the Gliding Club of Victoria committee suggested that we could run it. I was                                                                                  the five days.
                                                                                          competitors to see who can complete the set task at the
just too slow and ended up agreeing to be the Competition Director. The                                                                                          On the flip side, many of the remaining pilots were very
                                                                                          fastest speed. Originally, tasks were fixed. For example, you
critical rule is that the CD and the Safety Officer cannot fly.                                                                                               experienced and skilled. This included Australian team pilots
                                                                                          would fly from Benalla to Katamatite and then Corowa and
                                                                                                                                                              Tobi Geiger, Ailsa McMillan and Bernie Sizer, plus many
                                                                                          come back to Benalla. A fast glider might achieve this flight
                            Bruce Cowan was CD for Horsham week in February and                                                                               others with extensive skill developed over many years.
                                                                                          in 2 hours, while the slow competitors might take 4 hours,
                          wasn’t available to help with the State comps – other than
                                                                                          meaning that they have to start early and/or finish late when
                          actually flying. Luckily, members of his management team                                                                            DAY WINNERS
                                                                                          conditions are weak. The AAT sets a time for the task and
                          agreed to keep working in their roles at Benalla, so we had                                                                           Ballasted Class: Tobi Geiger, Tim Wilson, John Orton, Tobi
                                                                                          the competitors fly as far as they can within this time by
                          Tim Shirley doing the weather forecasts, John Orton setting                                                                         Geiger, Tobi Geiger
                                                                                          flying to a series of areas where the scoring system identifies
                          Tasks and Neil Campbell scoring.                                                                                                      Unballasted Class: Jack Hart, Mark Goodley, Kirk Amos &
                                                                                          one point in each area to maximise the distance achieved.
                            It was easy having a well honed team, all I had to do was                                                                         Steve Hobby, Ailsa McMillan, Jack Har
                          speak at Briefing. Fortunately, Gary Cropley agreed to be the
                                                                                          THE FLYING AND OUTLANDING
                          Safety Officer for the event, as he is well experienced and                                                                         PRESENTATION DINNER
                                                                                             The first competition day on Thursday, 4 March was
                          capable for that role.                                                                                                                 The final night was on Wednesday 10 March and Sue from
                                                                                          meant to be a straightforward flight but the weather did not
                                                                                                                                                              Absolutely Delicious opened her restaurant which was well
                                                                                          cooperate. Three pilots in Ballasted Class made it around,
                          GOOD TURNOUT                                                                                                                        attended by all pilots, organisers, ground crew and friends.
                                                                                          with Tobi Geiger winning at only 74kph, which indicates how
                             As it was late in the season after such a delayed start, I                                                                       We spent a very pleasant evening, with Viv Drew (VSA
                                                                                          difficult the day was, just ahead of John Orton and Arnold
                          initially thought that we would struggle to get many entries.                                                                       President) closing the championships and
                                                                                          Niewand (Horsham). Three pilots in Unballasted Class also
                          Neil Campbell set up our web page and Rhonda did some                                                                               presenting the trophies and prizes – a
                          promotion on social media, and of course she contacted all
                                                                                          made it around with Jack Hart (Bendigo) winning at 59kph
                                                                                          with Garry Stevenson and Mark Goodley also completing the
                                                                                                                                                              great end to an enjoyable but challenging       VICTORIAN STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS BENALLA
                          GCV members to encourage them to participate.                                                                                       week.
                                                                                          trip. This meant that 12 gliders either landed out or used
                             By the time the competition started we had 21 entries,                                                                                                                           4 - 10 MARCH 2021
                                                                                          their engine to get back, and 66.6% failed to complete.
                          many more than we had hoped for. We had three competitors                                                                           STATE COMPS AND                                 UNBALLASTED
                                                                                             Outlanding, typically a safe exercise, is always possible
                          from other clubs – Tocumwal, Bendigo and Horsham – plus                                                                             NATIONALS IN DECEMBER 2021                      1 FQC JACK HART 		            BENDIGO GC    MOSQUITO 		                         3,713
                                                                                          with cross country flying and you get to meet all sorts of
                          Keith Willis from Bordertown who just wanted to go flying                                                                              The 2021/22 State comps will also to be      2 AJ  AILSA MCMILLAN          GCV		         LS 4B 			                           3,568
                                                                                          people. The best stories often result from experiences with
                          and volunteered to be the ‘sniffer’ – launching early and                                                                           held at Benalla, from Friday 3 December to
                                                                                          outlanding. Competition flying does slightly increase the                                                           3 MU MARK GOODLEY             GCV 		        HORNET WL 		                        3,434
                          providing feedback on conditions so that the launch could                                                                           Friday 10 December – a much better time
                                                                                          chances of outlanding because you get to fly on days when
                          proceed.                                                                                                                            of year for weather.
                             The practice day was held on Wednesday 3 March with
                                                                                          you might otherwise leave the glider in the hangar. Even so,
                                                                                          two-thirds of all competitors landing out is a little careless on                                                   1 VG         TOBIAS GEIGER    GCV		         VENTUS 2 AX 		                      4,034
                          approximately half of the competitors taking part. A short
                                                                                          behalf of the organisation.
                          Assigned Area Task (AAT) was set but the weather was less                                                                              The Club and Sports Class National           2 DW         JOHN ORTON 		    GCV A		       SG 29/18M 		                        3,729
                                                                                             In previous weeks we have had lift to 10,000ft and quite a
                          than optimal and no one completed the task. John Orton                                                                              Championships will be held a week later         3 N2         MATT GAGE 		     GCV 		        VENTUS 2CXT/18M                     3,407
                                                                                          number of cumulus days, but the State comps was
                          travelled 104km to achieve the maximum distance. At least                                                                           from Saturday 11 December to Saturday
                                                                                          consistently blue with climbs to 4,000-5,500ft, and many
                          it gave us a good run-through of the launch, start and                                                                              18 December, so we should receive a good        Full results at
                                                                                          days where the lift got weaker and lower as a pilots tried to
                          scoring, so we felt well enough prepared to start the                                                                               number of entries for both events.    
                                                                                          get home into the cool Southerly wind. We have days like
                          competition on the next day.                                                                                                

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LIDING NARROMINE ADVENTURES - Gliding Australia Magazine

                             JUNIORS AT SOUTH GIPPSLAND
                             GLIDING CLUB

                                                                                                                                         know that I could talk to them about anything I might         TOP LEFT: Instructor Kevin Owen congratulates
                                                                                                                                         need, not only in the air, but on the ground as well.         James Spencer after his first solo.
                                                                                                                                            “There is always something to do at the hangar to          BOTTOM LEFT: Hamish Scothern on take off first
                                                                                                                                         help out, and everyone is so friendly and willing to          solo.
                                                                                                                                         teach and pass on their knowledge of how things are
                 South Gippsland Gliding Club operates at Leongatha           We incorporated the use of our two seat simulator                                                                        ABOVE: Hamish Scothern (centre) after first solo
                                                                                                                                         done. This sharing of knowledge enables us junior             with instructors Kevin Owen and Ian Shadbolt.
                 Aerodrome with a fleet of four gliders – two Twin Astir   into their training during our wetter months, which           members to also teach others who might be new to
                 and two Astir CS. Our club is a VSA Accredited Youth      aided in their progress. The simulator was built with         gliding. The overall environment of the club is very          doing most of the flying and some of the landings.
                 Gliding club and we have a number of junior pilots. In    funding assistance from VSA and technical assistance          welcoming and you always feel respected, seen and                “My future ambitions include something related to
                 the first two weeks of April we sent two of our junior    from Alby James of GCV.                                       valued as a part of the whole ‘team.’ I always feel like I    flying such as the Air Force, agriculture, even aerobatic
                 members solo, both age 15.                                   Having keen young members gives the club a breath          get so much from club days, not only regarding my             flights or competitions. There are many opportunities
                 James Spencer is from Leongatha South and Hamish          of fresh air and they are all very integral to our club. We   flying skills and knowledge, but also from the time           for my future. I want to buy an aeroplane one day, and
                 Scothern comes from Wattle Bank.                          have asked Hamish, James and Josiah, who is age 14, to        spent with all the people I meet and learn from.”             tow gliders up, explore and go on holidays to places I’ve
                                                                                              put their experiences into words,                                                                        never been before. The coolest thing I have done in a
                                                                                              below.                                     JAMES SPENCER                                                 glider so far would have to be a loop. I have always
                                                                                                                                            “I’m James Spencer. I am 15 years old and a junior         wanted to feel positive and negative g-force and when I
                                                                                             HAMISH SCOTHERN                             member in the South Gippsland Gliding Club. I have just       did the loop, it was the best feeling when I got to
                                                                                                “My name is Hamish and I am 15           completed my first solo flight and it was the biggest         experience it. Even after I have achieved my aeroplane
                                                                                             years old. I am a recent scholarship        thrill. I have been training under great instructors, Kevin   licences, I would to still love to continue gliding as it
                                                                                             holder at the South Gippsland Gliding       (Kiwi) Owen and Max Speedy. Currently I am working on         was the start of my flying passion.”
                                                                                             Club, and I also sit on the club            my A certificate and have three out of the required five
                                                                                             committee as the junior member. In          solo flights to go. One of my check flights must have         JOSIAH WELLS
                                                                                             this role, I represent the other junior     the altimeter and airspeed covered up.                        “I am Josiah Wells and I joined the South Gippsland
                                                                                             members of the club by speaking on             “I got into gliding after attending the Avalon Airshow     Gliding Club this summer with my dad. I have enjoyed
                                                                                             their behalf at meetings. I can’t even      in 2019 with my dad and grandad. I was lucky enough           gliding from my first flight, because of the amazing
                                                                                             begin to say how much I love and            to get a ticket on an F/A 18F Super Hornet simulator.         view from Inverloch and Phillip Island to Wilson’s Prom,
                                                                                             enjoy gliding. The fact that I am able      The instructor supervising the simulator trains fighter       as well as feeling in control of the glider. I have had 20
                                                                                             to fly still blows my mind. Gliding         pilots. He advised that a great way to get into flying is     flights and logged just over six hours, and I am currently
                                                                                             makes me realise that I am able to do       to start with gliding. The club has built a simulator in      working towards being able to fly solo. The club is
                                                                                             whatever I put my mind to, even if at       the hangar. It is made out of an old K7 glider that the       fantastic. It’s great to hear the adults share stories and
                                                                                             first, I don’t think I can.                 club once flew. After the club finished building the          advice, and they’re always so kind and willing to help
                                                                                                “I have made many close mates            simulator, Hamish and myself started our training.            you. I learn so much every day at the gliding club and
                                                                                             within the club, both junior and senior     Previously to the simulator, I had only started doing         during school I often find myself studying the cloud
                                                                                             members. I see my instructors as            upper air work in the Twin Astir. The simulator helped        base. I would definitely recommend gliding to anyone
                                                                                             mentors both in flying and in life and I    me out immensely when we started flying again. I was          who wants a fun challenge.”

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                                                                                                                                                                    Roter Teufel (Red Devil) brand machine of the model type

                              GLIDER MAIL – HISTORY YOU CAN                                                                                                         Hols der Teufel, which translates as ‘Devil Take It’ or just ‘Go To
                                                                                                                                                                    Hell’. Wikipedia has this to say on the Hols der Teufel:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Image 3

                                                                                                                                                                       The first glider to be named the Hols der Teufel was the
                                                                                                                                                                    influential Djävaler Anamma, designed by Alexander Lippisch
                                                                                                                                                                    in 1923. Its key structural feature was an A-frame which
                              BY JOHN PATTERSON                                                                                                                     carried wire braced wings and linked to a flat girder rear
                                                                                                                                                                    fuselage. It later evolved through the Schneider Grunau 9 into
                                                                                                                                                                    the very popular Zögling, which avoided the controversial
                                                                                                                                                                    "skullsplitter" forward member of the A-frame with a vertical
                                                                                                                                                                    strut behind the pilot.
                                                                                                                                                                       This plane was the first series production undertaken by
                                                                                                                                                                    famed sailplane designer and manufacturer Alexander
                                                                                                                                                                    Schleicher after he started his own business. Interestingly, he
                                                                                                                                                                    also has a connection with the next item.

                                                                                                                                                                    IIMAGES 3 & 4
                                                                                                                                                                       Another very early glider mail item, this illustrated letter
                                                                                                                                                                    card was prepared for the 6th German gliding competition in
     Image 1                                                                                                                                                        August 1925 and was flown about 5km on 31 August from the
                                                                                                                                                                    well known gliding centre of Wasserkuppe to the nearby town
                                                                                                                                                                    of Gersfeld. Information available on the web indicates that
                                                                                                                                                                    “the mail was transported by the well known Rhone veteran
                                                                                                                                                                    Gottlobb Espenlaub who dropped the mailbag in front of the                                                                                   Image 4

                           Aerophilately is the branch of philately that specialises in the study of airmail. Since the beginning of                                post office at Gersfeld”. From Gersfeld it was transported
                         aviation, enthusiasts have created, collected and studied paper ephemera relating to all aspects of the                                    through the German mail system to its final destination in the
                         transport of mail by flight.                                                                                                               nearby town of Fulda.
                                                                                                                                                                       The front of the card features a fascinating photo of people
                             This ephemera can take many forms including official              envelopes and cards, other characteristics commonly found            watching early gliders in action, with a hand written attribution
                          government issued flight related postage stamps, unofficial          on glider mail include custom made rubber stamps known as            to a gliding meet at Gersfeld. The reverse features a printed
                          privately produced non-postal stamps (often referred to as           a cachet promoting the flight or an associated event, printed        cachet with an eagle on the left that promotes the competition
                          vignettes or cinderellas), envelopes or specially created cards      glider related imagery, a written indication of the type of          as well as the name of the event sponsor, the Rhon Rossitten
                          carried on important flights or in aviation competitions and         glider used and/or the name of the pilot, and occasionally           company. This company provides the link to Alexander
                          often signed by the pilot, aerogrammes and even baggage              even a standard ‘Par Avion’ type of air mail label.                  Schleicher mentioned above – he worked on sailplane
                          labels.                                                                 Some glider mail will be transported through normal mail          construction for the Rhon Rossitten company at Wasserkuppe
                             Within aerophilately there are numerous popular specialist        channels after having been carried on a flight and will thus         before going out on his own and building the Hols der Teufel.
                          areas of interest such as pigeon mail, rocket mail, balloon          also include the non aviation related postal stamps and                 On the right side of the reverse is a postal cancel mark
                          mail, parachute mail and air crash mail. The latter one – as         cancels. Occasionally, a piece of glider mail will have all of       created by the German Reichspost as a one-off for this flight.                                                                               Image 5
                          the name implies – is mail that has been retrieved from a            these characteristics.                                               Apparently this cancel was designed by a member of the
                          crashed aircraft.                                                       A glider mail cover can be like a little package of clues that,   Vereinigung ehemaliger Feldfliegertruppen (Association of
                             Not unexpectedly, there is also a sub branch of aerophilately     if properly interpreted, can provide quite specific insight into     Former Field Pilots), which would account for the fairly
                          known as glider mail. To qualify as glider mail, the item in         the origin and purpose of the artefact. To a gliding enthusiast,     militaristic nature of the cross and eagle imagery. This
                          question needs to have been transported in a glider at some          they can provide a direct link to important moments in gliding       connection points to the important role that ex-members of
                          point in its journey to its ultimate recipient, and should include   history and trigger whole new avenues of glider research.            the German air force played in the development of aviation,
                          some physical indicator to confirm that.                                To demonstrate these various forms of iconography, here           and particularly gliding, in their country in the years following
                             In addition to the ephemera listed above such as official         are some interesting examples of glider mail originating from        World War 1.
                          and unofficial stamps, pilots' signatures and specially created      outside Australia that are available on a popular auction site          The reverse also features a very early German Mit Luftpost
Image 2                                                                                        at the time of writing:                                              (By Airmail) sticker and a small red hand stamp identifying
                                                                                                                                                                    the item as having been flown by glider between Wasserkuppe
                                                                                               IMAGES 1 & 2                                                         and Gersfeld.
                                                                                                  An extremely early example of German glider mail dating              The pilot Gottlob Espenlaub was himself a noted early                                                                                        Image 6
                                                                                               from November 1924, this card was carried by glider from the         sailplane designer who is co-credited, along with Gerhard
                                                                                               town of Buchelburg to the town of Lehningen, a distance of           Fieseler, as the first person to demonstrate the effectiveness
                                                                                               about 50km as the crow flies. This trip is indicated by a hand-      of the aerotow – their demonstrations lead to the eventual            flew to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington DC, releasing
                                                                                               applied rubber stamp. The card was then transported a few            broad adoption of the launch technique. Espenlaub went on             one glider over each city carrying mail intended for that city.
                                                                                               kilometres to the town of Neuhausen where it entered the             to spend much of the rest of his career designing rocket-             Figure 5 shows a cover flown to Philadelphia, while Figure 6, a
                                                                                               postal system and was delivered to its ultimate destination,         propelled gliders – which sounds like a tautology to me.              cover flown all the way to Washington, has been signed by all
                                                                                               most likely the town of Gorlitz, some hundreds of kilometres                                                                               four pilots on the sky train and thus is considerably scarcer.
                                                                                               further away near the Polish border.                                 IMAGES 5 & 6
                                                                                                  The card obviously had some money raising purpose for               These two covers dating from 3 August 1934 are artefacts            IMAGES 7 & 8
                                                                                               the publisher, the Aviation Club of Pforzheim, because the           carried on the ‘Lustig Sky Train’ – a remarkable experiment to           These two fabulous Polish covers dating from 1958 and
                                                                                               text indicates that any profits will be used to further aviation     test the potential effectiveness of the glider as a regular mail      1963 each feature a dazzling array of iconography, including
                                                                                               activities.                                                          and goods delivery service. A powered plane took off from             printed envelopes, special vignette stamps, numerous stamps
                                                                                                  The card is also a promotion for the featured aeroplane, a        New York towing three Franklin PS-2 Gliders. This sky train           referencing Glider Mail, the model and call number of the

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