Louis M. Klein Middle School - A Celebration - Class of 2020 June 25, 2020 - of the - Harrison Central School ...

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Louis M. Klein Middle School - A Celebration - Class of 2020 June 25, 2020 - of the - Harrison Central School ...
A Celebration

      of the

Louis M. Klein
Middle School
   Harrison, NY

  Class of 2020

  June 25, 2020
Louis M. Klein Middle School - A Celebration - Class of 2020 June 25, 2020 - of the - Harrison Central School ...
Welcome and Greeting.....................Scott Fried
Pledge of Allegiance                         Principal
National Anthem

Remarks..........................Kelly Mulvoy Mangan
                       President, Board of Education

                                  Louis N. Wool, Ed.D.
                           Superintendent of Schools

Looking Back............................Korbii Reiff

Members of the 8th Grade Chorus

The Voice That I Hear.......Composed by J. Papoulis

Looking Ahead........................Juliette Hamlen

Principal’s Address....................Scott Fried

Presentation of Certificates............Mark DiMondo
                                      Natalie Colosimo
                                         Scott Spector

Presentation of Class....................Scott Fried

Recessional.........................Kimberly Beukema
                                         HHS Principal
Samuel      Abreu         Emily         Caragliano*
Nicola      Acocella      Julia         Carrea*
Teama       Adams         Gabrielle     Castellana*
Hadeel      Ahmed         Mia           Cas llo
Sundus      Ahmed         Chris an      Castro
Julian      Ahmetaj       Anthony       Cipriano
Jus n       Alvarado      Marco         Citro*
Stephanie   Andre         Annalia       Ciulla*
Cate        Ansel*        Sofia         Coimbra*
Arianna     Applebaum*    Scarle        Coll
Jordan      Arango*       Caitlin       Connors*
Andrew      Araujo        Fabrizio      Correa
Raquel      Arroyo*       Nicholas      Corse *
Avianna     Artuso*       Ma hew        Corsino*
Fjolla      Balidemaj     Brandon       Corso
Stephen     Baltazar      Dylan         Co ni
Chris an    Barchella     Ashley        Cozayatl
Luca        Barre         Atziry        Cruz
Tyler       Beardsley*    Liam          Curnu
Noah        Birnbaum*     Mason         Danzig*
Galle       Blaustein     Luisa         de Oliveira
Tyler       Bocek         Bryan         De Paz Villamares
Mia         Boda*         Lailah        DeLaRosa
Johnathan   Bonito        Timothy       Denet*
Maya        Boraczek*     Giovanni      Denigris
Giorgio     Borzellino    Giovanni      Denis Santacruz
Aristotle   Bournazos     Bianca        DeOliveira*
Adelaide    Boyle*        Jus n         DiFeo
Ulysses     Bravo Brown   Rocco         DiFeo
Julianna    Bruno         Blessing      Dzidula
Robert      Budde         Gabriel       Enaye
Katelyn     Cabral*       Edison        Eras
Fabio       Camacho*      Carter        Erbelding
Jake        Cancian*      Amelie Izel   Escamilla
Cassandra   Canela        Isabella      Estroff‐Liber
Andrew      Caparelli*    Anna          Faillace*
Alexa       Capocci       Gabriella     Febbraio
Olivia      Fernandez*    Brian         Hotaj
Sandeep     Fernando      Dylan         Hoyos
Ava         Ferrara*      Henry         Hurvitz*
James       Ferris        Alexander     Ianchulev*
Valen na    Fiorino*      Michael       Iannacchino
Olivia      Fokusorgbor   Sharlene      Ibarra Vilca
Jenna       Forgione      Abubakar      Ibrahim
Ariana      Fortuna       Shaddi        Ibrahim*
Kenichiro   Franck        Haruhito      Inoue
Lexi        Frankel*      Honoka        Ise
Gabriella   Fraulini      Logan         Jacobs
Julia       Freysdo r     Laiba         Jan
Nicholas    Gabie
                          Shinnosuke    Jibu
Angelina    Galente*
                          Logan         Kash
Irene       Gallardo
                          Tougo         Kashimada
Ryan        Garofolo*
                          Leah          Kavanagh*
Noah        Geller*
                          Kayleen       Kelly Ramirez
Frank       Giacomo
                          Laura         Kelly*
Salvatore   Giglio
                          Reagan        Kelly*
Jus n       Gilden*
                          Naoki         Kitagawa
Mary        Gilmore*
                          Ririka        Kobayashi
Joseph      Gjokaj
Benjamin    Gold          Sota          Kobayashi
Zoe         Gold          Alexandra     Konigsberg
Brayden     Gonzalez      Sebas an      Konnari
D'Angelo    Gordon        Cameron       Kopczynski*
Nyla        Gordon        Michael       Krachenfels*
Daiki       Goto          Lily          LaBella
Olivia      Greco*        Joseph        Lagani
Sofia       Gulla         Lucia         Lammers*
Mia         Gullo         Alexia        Lansberg*
Ava         Gurgitano     Thomas        Lauder
Julie e     Hamlen*       Jimin         Lee*
Anthony     Harold*       Nicholas      Lena
Era         Hasanramaj    Christopher   LePino
Hailey      Helmer         Iverson      Li
Nathaniel   Hernandez     Mark          Loguidice*
Kaede       Hirose        Jefferson      Lopez
Jordan        Lubowitz*      Eamon           Murphy*
Ma hew        Macchia*       Ayman           Mustafa
Colin         Maddaloni      Mako            Nakagiri
Michael       Mainland       Benjamin        Nelson
Rocco         Maiorana       Lucy            Neureuther*
Edward        Mangan*        Kelly           Newman*
Thomas        Mangan*        Olivia          Nicozisis*
Magda         Mani*          Viktor          Noskov
Giulia        Mannino        Stella          O'Connell*
Eric          Marino*        Charles         O'Sullivan*
Chris         Marku          Yuika           Ochi
Mathew        Marsh          Aidan           Oestreicher*
Margaret      Mar nez*       Emilie          Oestreicher*
Yahaira       Mar nez        Taisei          Oka
Gabriella     Marziliano     Holly           Olszewski*
Caitlin       May            Ruby            Olszewski*
Katherine     McCann*        Michael         Oppedisano
Christopher   McLaughlin*    Gianna          Pagli
Calise        Mendoza        Maria Eduarda   Parca
Kasey         Metzger        Carleigh        Paruta
Gabriella     Miele*         Thomas          Pasqualini
Joseph        Miele          Grace           Peacock
Olivia        Miele*         Kaylee          Pecora
Kotone        Mikuriya       Benjamin        Peligri
Marco         Mile *         Nicholas        Pellegri
Sofia         Miller*        Ma hew          Perez*
Bianca        Minichiello*   Marta           Perez‐Mayor Planchuelo
Olivia        Minichiello*   Stella          Perini*
Ashley        Misaray        Sienna          Post
Ivan          Misic          Samuel          Potkin*
Gianna        Mitarotonda    Madison         Powell
Eisuke        Miyoshi        Eve             Rabin*
Gemma         Mogavero*      Arianna         Radcliffe
Ana           Molero         Filippa         Rasmussen*
Dylan         Mullane        Nolan           Regan*
Calissa       Mullin*        Korbii          Reiff
Kanshu        Murakami       Lindsay         Reis
Alissa      Remeza*                    Samantha     S lo
Kyra        Repa*                      Jus n        Suozzo*
Kasey       Reyes                      Mako         Suzuki*
Camilla     Rivera                     Ava          Tembeck
Dean        Rivers                     Cecelia      Torricelli
Jacob       Robinson*                  Isabela      Toska*
Sarah       Rodriguez*                 Zahra        Touijer*
Valkyria    Roggero*                   Gabriella    Triano*
George      Roggiero                   Max          Tse*
Lindsay     Rosenbaum                  Saki         Tsukamoto
Deborah     Rossi                      Kanata       Tsunashima
Julia       Roth*                      San no       Tucci
Aiden       Rudy                       Camryn       Tuffarelli
Gianna      Salvo*                     Alec         Udell*
Mika        Samejima                   Maki         Ueno
Ariana      Sanchez                    Sean         Valle
Sarah       Sanchez                    Samara       Vallejos
Gianluca    Santarelli*                Devin        Vasilkio
Michael     Santarelli*                Gabriella    Vata
Anelo       Santorelli                 Olivia       Vece*
Jacob       Schnier                    Cris an      Velasquez Lopez
Jadyn       Schwartz*                  Jayson       Viola
Jared       Schwartz                   Elizabeth    Vivanco
Lily        Seibel*
                                       Lana         Waights*
Ava‐Marie   Serpa
                                       Franco       Waisburg*
Douglas     Sheffield*
                                       Madison      Ward*
Jin         Shiraki
                                       Alexander    Weinberg*
Paul        Shopinski
                                       Aidan        White
Eric        Shoshi
                                       Alexandra    Wong*
Vanessa     Silva
                                       Casey        Wu*
Fritz       Simeon
                                       Ines         Xhayet*
Siobhan     Smyth
                                       Hana         Yamazaki
Danielka    Solis
                                       Rion          Yoshimura
Nikhil      Sood*
                                       Saki          Yoshinari*
Braiden     So le
                                       Enzo          Zagami
Abigail     Spataro
                                       Chris na      Zazzarino
                                       Juan          Zepeda
*Denotes Principal’s Honor Roll all three years and every marking period


American Ci zenship Award

        Julia Freysdo r, Alexandra Konigsberg, Cameron Kopczynski,
          Ashley Misaray, Taisei Oka, Korbii Reiff, Sarah Rodriguez,
                           Zahra Touijer, Max Tse

This award is sponsored by the Na onal Associa on of Secondary School
Principals and recognizes students that par cipate in school and/or
community service; show a posi ve a tude towards classmates, school and
community; display an understanding and apprecia on of civic responsibility;
possess strength of character and the courage to do what is right; and
promote ci zenship with school or community through other ac vi es.

Susan Appelbaum Math Award

                                  Alec Udell

The Susan Appelbaum Award is presented annually to eighth graders who
have achieved success in math because of con nuous hard work, dedica on,
and a demonstrated apprecia on for educa on.

John J. Culhane Award

                        Alissa Remeza, Jus n Suozzo

The John J. Culhane Award is named for the first principal of Louis M. Klein
Middle School. These awards are given to an eighth grade girl and boy who
are in good academic standing, have been involved in school ac vi es, and
have been ac ve in community service. The awards are sponsored by the
Student Council.
Donald L. Hilton Memorial Award
                    Tyler Beardsley, Gabriella Marziliano
The Donald L. Hilton Memorial Award is given in memory of Donald L. Hilton,
long me physical educa on teacher and coach at Louis M. Klein Middle
School and the Harrison Central School District. The award recognizes
excellence in athle cs, leadership, sportsmanship, and overall school
ci zenship.

Louis and Miriam Klein Service Award
                              Julie e Hamlen

This award is presented to an LMK student who has demonstrated excellent
leadership quali es and who has made a significant contribu on to the

Cer ficate of Special Congressional Recogni on
                               Saki Yoshinari

This award is sponsored by Congresswoman Nita Lowey. It recognizes one
student who has demonstrated outstanding and invaluable service to the

Ac ve Learner Award
      Noah Birnbaum, Fabrizio Correa, Nicholas Corse , Olivia Greco,
      Reagan Kelly, Ma hew Macchia, Kasey Metzger, Ashley Misaray,
    Stella O’Connell, Emilie Oestreicher, Marta Perez‐Mayor Planchuelo,
       Lindsay Reis, Lindsay Rosenbaum, Jus n Suozzo, Saki Yoshinari

The Ac ve Learner Award is sponsored by the Harrison Administrators’
Associa on. The award recognizes students who have been ac ve learners
throughout their years at LMK. They have made contribu ons to their school
and community and have been role models for their peers.
American Associa on of University Women
               Julie e Hamlen, Kelly Newman, Alissa Remeza
With the hope of encouraging female students in their study of mathema cs
and science, the American Associa on of University Women honors three
female students who excel in mathema cs and science in the eighth grade.
The recipients of this award are the students who earned the highest
combined cumula ve average in both mathema cs and science.

The Triple “C” Award
                         Tyler Bocek, Camilla Rivera

This award is sponsored by the New York State A orney General,
Le a James. It recognizes students for their “Character, Courage and Com-

The New York State Comptroller Achievement Award
                       Aidan Oestreicher, Lana Waights

This award is sponsored by the New York State Comptroller, Thomas P.
DiNapoli and recognizes students who have shown academic excellence and
the poten al for leadership through involvement in ac vi es that improve the
community and who have devoted a significant amount of me to helping
their school and/or community.

The New York State Ci zenship Award
      Emily Caragliano, Lucia Lammers, Jefferson Lopez, Kasey Metzger,
                 Marco Mille , Stella O’Connell, Eve Rabin
This award is sponsored by the Na onal Associa on of Secondary School Prin-
cipals and recognize students that par cipate in school and/or community
service; show a posi ve a tude towards classmates, school and community;
display an understanding and apprecia on of civic responsibility; posses a
strength of character and the courage to do what is right; and promote ci -
zenship with school or community through other ac vi es.
Scott Fried
 Natalie Colosimo                     Scott Spector
 Assistant Principal                  Assistant Principal

                   MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY

Melina Argeros                        Scott Dahlke
John Bergen                           Christina Dakin
Erin Bermudez                         Louis D’Alessandro
Kathryn Biggs                         Deanna D’Onofrio
Sara Blecher                          Phillip Dearstyne
Sandra Bodnar                         Angela Diecidue
Laura Brain                           Mark DiMondo
Charles Briem                         Marco DiRuocco
Allana Brown                          Michael Dunning
Emily Bryant                          Kathleen Ennis
Lisa Cannistraci                      Sharlene Ferrer
Angela Carapella                      Emily Fiore
Veronica Cedillo-Tenaglia             Roseann Fiore
Chelsea Cioffi                        Derrick Fish
Jay Ciraco                            Teresa Fox
Matthew Ciraco                        Diane Frawley
Lee Conklin                           Marisa Frusciante
Maria Conte                           Gina Funicello
Andrea Courtney                       Alanna Galletti
Linda Criniti                         Tracy Gilman
Nicholas Curtiss-Rowlands
Steven Goodstein         Lisa O’Reilly
Philip Gussmann          Christina Palma
Nina Haberli             Caitlin Pastor
Danielle Hampson         Domenico Petrillo
Sara Hansen              Jessica Pinto
Ashley Harvey            Michelle Pohlman
Johanna Henley           Rosaria Prezioso
Jeffrey Jakubowski       Amy Price
Kristin Kearney          Daniel Recktenwalt
Christine Keesler        Nicole Reed
Renee Kegley             Olympia Riccio
Amy Kiernan              Toby Ring
Bruce Kinisky            Donald Roane
Stacie Kloepfer-Brooks   Danielle Rosen
Frances Lanzetta         Aurora Russo
Jenny Lona               Robert Sachs
Julia Long               Lara Sawamukai
Lenore Lore              Jinnette Schaudt
Lisa Luciano             Anthony Shay
Rachel Lukashok          Anastasia Sofos
Deirdre MacNeill         Jill Stump
Ariel Mankes             Scott Test
Joan McNeece             Kathleen Vaccaro
Dana Morello             Ellen Vassallo
Chandana Neureuther      Jennifer Velardo
Michelle Newman          Joanna Venditto
Brittany O’Donnell       Danielle Viverito
Natania Oliverio
Harrison Central School District

       Board of Educa on

  Kelly Mulvoy Mangan, President
  Lindy Wolverton, Vice-President

        Dennis Di Lorenzo
            Kelly Kozak
          Noreen Lucey
       Placido Dino Puccio
        Robert Sullivan, Jr.

   Superintendent of Schools
       Louis N. Wool, Ed.D.
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