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K I NG ’

                          THE LIFE AND DEATH AND LIFE OF
                          MANDY MOORE
                                                    PAGE 8
5                       WAYS TO GREET SOMEONE
                                          WITHOUT TOUCHING THEM

    1. The Cadet Kelly                         lecturing you about washing your         this little number out the next time     5. The Kylie Jenner
    Although you may be more of a lover        hands for 20 seconds (despite the        you speak to your high school friend     Katie Wynne, M.Ed, a fifth-grade
    than a fighter, Wood shares that a         fact that you taught her the “Happy      — the one who just had to cancel her     teacher from Swampscott, MA, tells
    head salute à la Cadet Kelly says: “I      Birthday” hack just yesterday), and      baby shower despite having ordered       Bustle that the most effective way to
    acknowledge you, and I am ready            you desperately want to hang up the      decorations that were just “to die!”     give someone an emotional pat on
    to treat you with respect.” Just relax     phone and get back to marathon-                                                   the back without actually touching
    your shoulders, lift your arms, and        ing Sex and the City for the millionth   4. The Queen Elizabeth                   them is through a “shout-out.”
    expose your palms.                         time, this greeting works as both a      According to Wood, using the same
                                               hello and a buh-bye.                     exaggerated wave at the beginning        “Shout-outs’ are for acknowledg-
    “In first greeting, I do a salute at the                                            and the end of an encounter can help     ing good things like good ideas,
    head and then flip to show the palm        3. The Smiley Miley                      the person you’re speaking with feel     teamwork, being kind,” Wynne says.
    of the hand, so they know they know,       Boho-chic is back, baby. And this        seen and validated. “I’ll make you       “It’s important to acknowledge
    ‘I recognize you, and I’m greeting you     time, it’s here to stay.                 feel connected instead of awkward,”      people and to recognize their positive

                                                                                                                                                                          Photos courtesy of Disney & Tom Burns/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
    from a distance at this point,’” Wood                                               Wood says.                               actions.”
    says.                                      For those of you who live for a “free
                                               love” moment, Wood suggests mak-         In order to accomplish this, hold your   Make like this greeting’s namesake,
    Perfect for greeting your boss over        ing like Miley Cyrus circa Hannah        arm out at a 45-degree angle, and        Kardashian family cash cow Kylie
    Zoom, the Cadet Kelly communi-             Montana and flashing a peace sign,       create an L-shape with your elbow.       Jenner, and validate your crush. Send
    cates friendliness and profession-         otherwise known as a “V” for victory,    Then, with very little wrist mobility,   them a digital “hey” by shouting
    alism, even from a four to six-feet        or the                                         whisk your stiff palm back and     them out in an Instagram story or
    distance.                                  “deuces!”                                      forth like a pendulum. Tuck        feed post caption.
                                               symbol.                                        your thumb in for an extra
    2. The Simple Life                                                                        robotic effect. If you pull this   If you think you’re showing symp-
    Nothing says “loves it” like greeting      This                                           off correctly, critics will even   toms of coronavirus, which include
    someone with a double-kiss from            motion                                         wonder if your hand in ques-       fever, shortness of breath, and
    six feet apart, while loudly smacking      will imply                                     tion is a fake.                    coughing, call NHS 111 in the UK
    your lips and making the “Mwah!            that you’re                                                                       or visit the CDC website in the U.S.
    Mwah!” sound with your mouth.              manifest-                                      Pull this crowd-pleaser out on     for up-to-date information and
    According to Wood, this move can           ing nothing                                    your nemesis. You know what        resources.
    signal that you see them, you hear         but peace                                      they say — keep your friends
    them, and you are paying close             and happiness to whoever you have        close, your enemies closer.
    attention.                                 the pleasure of speaking with, de-
                                               spite stressful and anxiety-inducing
    Ideal for when your mother is              the past few weeks have been. Pull
ed. Howard’s              Howard have criticized Tiger King for     from her first and second husband, the
                                                                     message came              its portrayal of them and the accu-       disappearance of her ex, Don Lewis,”
    C A R O LE BAS KI N’S                                            after Kardashian          sations about Lewis. Carole wrote in      Goode told the publication, in part.
    HU S B AND WANTS KI M                                            started tweet-
                                                                     ing about Tiger
                                                                                               her March 22 blog that directors Eric
                                                                                               Goode and Rebecca Chaiklin present-       Despite Carole and Howard’s opinions,
    K A R D A SHIA N TO VI S I T                                     King on March
                                                                     22. In one of her
                                                                                               ed Tiger King as a “big cat version of
                                                                                               Blackfish,” but that the docuseries
                                                                                                                                         the mystery surrounding Lewis isn’t go-
                                                                                                                                         ing away anytime soon. Thanks to Tiger
    B IG C AT RESCUE                                                 multiple tweets,
                                                                     she wrote, “Wow
                                                                                               turned out to be nothing but “salacious
                                                                                               and sensational.”
                                                                                                                                         King, Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad
                                                                                                                                         Chronister is even seeking new leads
                                                                     the amount of             Goode and Chailkin responded to Car-      about Lewis. No doubt Kim Kardashian
                                                                     texts I’ve gotten         ole’s criticism in a March 26 Los Ange-   will be following the news closely.

                                                about Tiger King since I tweeted about         les Times piece. “Carole talked about
          ll you cool cats and kittens listen   it all have mentioned their belief that        her personal life, her childhood, abuse
          up, because Carole Baskin’s           Carol killed her husband! What are
          husband invited Kim Kardashian        your thoughts? Do you think Carol
 to visit Big Cat Rescue. Howard Baskin         killed him?”
 believes if the Keeping Up With the
 Kardashians star were to visit the             Carole’s second husband disappeared
 center in Tampa, Florida, not only could       in 1997 and was declared dead in
 she learn about their sanctuary, but           2002. However, as alleged in Tiger
 that Kardashian would also realize that        King, there are claims that Carole was
 Carole certainly did not kill her second       involved with Lewis’ disappearance.
 husband, Jack Donald Lewis, as was             Joe Exotic, her rival, even claimed that
 alleged by some subjects in Netflix’           she may have put Lewis in a meat
 Tiger King docuseries.                         grinder and fed him to her tigers.
                                                There are also other claims that Lewis’
 “I doubt if Kim will see this video, but       body is buried under a septic tank on
 if she were to come and spend an hour          the Big Cat Rescue property.
 with Carole I know she would have her          Carole has repeatedly denied that
 answer and I know what it would be,”           she had anything to do with Lewis’
 Howard said in a March 28 DailyBigCat          disappearance, calling the allegations
 video posted on YouTube. As of pub-            “the most ludicrous of all the lies” in
 lication, Kardashian hasn’t respond-           a March 22 blog. And both she and
                                                                                           Photo courtesy of Netflix

 Who’s Who of Netflix’s ‘Tiger King’                            By JOHNNY BRAYSON

                                                                                                a $75 million illegal
Joe Exotic - The “Tiger King” and former                              he new Netflix
                                                                      documentary se-
                                                                                                drug operation in                 W HE R E I S ‘ T IG E R
owner of The Greater Wynnewood Exotic                                                           south Florida, and
Animal Park (GW Zoo)                                                  ries Tiger King has
                                                               completely taken over
                                                                                                testimony during                    K I N G ’ S M A RIO
                                                                                                his 1989 trial even
Carole Baskin - Big Cat Rescue Owner and
                                                               pop culture since its re-
                                                                                                accused Tabraue                    TA B R A U E N OW?
                                                               lease on March 20. With
Exotic’s biggest enemy; suspected by many of                                                    of using a machete
                                                               movie theaters closed,
killing her former husband                                                                      in an attempt to
                                                               TV productions shut                                          Tabraue has focused on      which 48 exotic animals
                                                                                                dismember the body of
                                                               down, and live sports                                        running his Miami zoo,      were killed by law
                                                                                                a federal informant who
Don Lewis - Baskin’s former husband;                           canceled due to the
                                                                                                had been murdered by        the Zoological Wildlife     enforcement after they
disappeared in 1997                                            coronavirus pandemic,                                        Foundation. The zoo’s       were released by their
                                                                                                some of his men. At the
                                                               streaming is experienc-                                      website lists the former    owner in Zanesville,
                                                                                                conclusion of the four-
                                                               ing an even bigger boom                                      drug kingpin as its pres-   OH. The act would have
Jeff Lowe - The new owner of GW Zoo;                           than usual. And the
                                                                                                month trial, Tabraue was
                                                                                                ultimately sentenced to     ident and director, while   made it more difficult for
convicted felon who became Exotic’s business                   true crime series about                                      his wife Maria Tabraue is   people to obtain exotic
partner at one point                                                                            100 years behind bars.
                                                               eccentric zoo owner                                          labeled its co-president    animals and would seek
                                                                                                You don’t have to be a
                                                               Joe Exotic has been just                                     and director. The couple    to regulate and provide
                                                                                                math whiz to determine
Allen Glover - Lowe’s handyman; was given                      what the doctor ordered
                                                                                                that a century has not      opened the center in        oversight to the industry.
money by Exotic to kill Baskin                                 to fight the quaran-                                         2001, shortly after         Tabraue greatly opposed
                                                                                                yet passed since 1989
                                                               tine-induced cabin ever.                                     Tabraue’s release from      the legislation, and paid
                                                                                                as the year is only 2020.
                                                               But Exotic is hardly the                                     prison.                     a D.C. lobbyist to fight it.
Bhagavan “Doc” Antle - The Myrtle Beach                        only seedy character
                                                                                                So why is Tabraue out of
                                                                                                prison already?                                         The bill did not advance,
Safari Owner; acquaintance of Exotic                           featured in Tiger King.                                      For someone who served      but updated versions of
                                                               There’s also zoo owner/                                      such a high-profile and     the bill were introduced
                                                                                                Tabraue was released
John Finlay, Travis Maldonado, Dillon                          drug emperor Mario                                           serious prison sentence,    in both the House and
                                                                                                from prison in 2000
Passage - Exotic’s husbands, past and present                  Tabraue, who might be
                                                                                                after serving just a        Tabraue hasn’t exactly      Senate in 2019 by Illinois
                                                               even more outlandish                                         kept a low profile in       democrat Mike Quigley
                                                                                                dozen years behind bars.
Mario Tabraue - Convicted drug kingpin;                        than Exotic. So where is                                     recent years. In 2014,      in the House and
                                                                                                He received such a stag-
                                                               Mario Tabraue now?                                           the zoo owner made          Connecticut democrat
owner of Miami’s Zoological Wildlife                                                            geringly early release
                                                                                                thanks to his acting as     headlines for his lobby-    Richard Blumenthal in
Foundation                                                     Unlike Exotic, Ta-
                                                                                                an informant for federal    ing efforts in Washing-     the Senate, respectively.
                                                               braue is not currently                                       ton, D.C. A proposal at
                                                                                                authorities, helping im-
Joshua Dial - Exotic’s presidential and                        incarcerated — though                                        the time called the Big     While he may have left
                                                                                                plicate murderers, mon-
gubernatorial campaign manager                                 some might argue that                                        Cats and Public Safety      his more nefarious deal-
                                                                                                ey launderers, and drug
                                                               he should be. In 1987,                                       Protection Act was          ings in his past, Tabraue
                                                                                                traffickers, according to
James Garretson - Federal informant in the                     Tabraue was arrested on                                      introduced by California    remains a controversial
                                                                                                the South Florida Sun
                                                               racketeering and narcot-                                     republican Buck McK-        figure due to his ongoing
Joe Exotic case                                                                                 Sentinel. In the two-de-
                                                               ics charges. He is alleged                                   eon, who was inspired       work in the exotic animal
                                                                                                cades since his release,
                                                               to have been a kingpin of                                    by a tragic 2011 event in   trade.
              C O R O N AV I R U S U P D AT E
            SHOWS HE’S ON THE MEND


           oronavirus discrim-      the global pandemic. “I now      according to Entertainment         to the UK’s National Health
           inates against no        find myself on the other side    Tonight. He’s also still isolat-   Service. “Our thoughts and
           one — even the           of the illness but still in no   ed from his mother, Queen          prayers are very much with
    Royal Family is not immune.     less a state of social dis-      Elizabeth II, and the families     those marvelous people
    Following his bout with the     tance and general isolation,”    of his sons Prince William         whose extraordinary skills
    illness, Prince Charles spoke   he said. “This is a strange,     and Prince Harry, whose            and utter selfless devotion
    out about his coronavirus       frustrating and often dis-       royal exit became official as      to duty and the care of their
    diagnosis for the first time    tressing experience, when        of March 31.                       patients make us so very
    in a moving video posted        the presence of family and                                          proud,” he said. He also
    on Wednesday, April 1. Last     friends is no longer possible    But, just because he is re-        made special mention of
    month, it was revealed that     and the normal structures of     covering and still practicing      two British charities, Age UK
    the 71-year-old Prince of       life are suddenly removed.”      social distancing doesn’t          and Silver Line, which are
    Wales tested positive for                                        mean Prince Charles is step-       helping the elderly through
                                                                                                                                          Photo courtesy of WPA Pool/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
    COVID-19 and was iso-           Although                                           ping back        this crisis.
    lating himself from other
    royal family members. But
                                    he has
                                    recov-    I now find myself on                     from his
                                                                                       royal duties.    He ended his video on a

                                                the other side of
    after seven days, the royal     ered, he                                           He used his      more hopeful and sentimen-
    patriarch has made a speedy     remains                                            coronavi-        tal note, assuring the public
    recovery and is talking about   separat-                                           rus update       than an end to this mayhem
    his experience with the rap-
    idly spreading virus.
                                    ed from
                                    his wife
                                                  the illness                          to show
                                                                                       his and
                                                                                       his wife’s
                                                                                                        will come in time. “None of
                                                                                                        us can say when this will
                                                                                                        end, but end it will,” he said.
    In the new video, Prince        the Duchess of Cornwall,         gratitude for the doctors          “Until it does, let us try and
    Charles explained that he       who is in quarantine until       and medical workers who            live with hope and, with faith
    only experienced mild symp-     the end of this week as a        are risking their lives to treat   in ourselves and each other,
    toms and talked about how       precaution, despite testing      patients, and those who            look forward to better times
    people are being affected by    negative for coronavirus,        have volunteered their time        to come.” Amen to that.
               The Life And Death
                   And Life Of


            wenty years ago,       from it and fight for their       they’re entertainers and      both “I can hold all of your
            music executives       time in the sun.                  they’re performers. They      problems for you,” and
            in midtown Man-                                          give their all — and cos-     “Don’t be mad at me.”
    hattan’s Sony building         Mandy Moore and I are             tume changes! — and they      Whenever she raises her
    were excited about a           eating lunch 528 feet from        can live on that level. And   eyebrows like this during
    14-year-old girl from          that building where it all        that was never going to be    our conversation, well, first
    Orlando. She’d just start-     started two decades ago.          me.”                          of all, I notice, because it’s
    ed her freshman year of        “I was just looking at the                                      noticeable, and second of
    high school back home in       Sony building thinking,           Moore showed up to our        all, I welcome it, because
    Florida, the number one        whoa. If I had told myself        lunch alone, wearing an       you can’t help but just feel
    song in the country was        20 years ago that this            oatmeal-colored sweater.      better about everything
    “I Don’t Want To Miss A        would be my life, I’d still be    It’s soft, and I know that    when someone looks at
    Thing” by Aerosmith, and       doing this in some capac-         because she gave me a         you like that. She apolo-
    a month later in October       ity, it’s insane.” I ask her if   hug. Her hair is brown, but   gized for being late, which
    1998, Jive Records would       she ever thought she was          brown in a suspiciously       she wasn’t.
    release “...Baby One More      as good as Spears.                beautiful, shiny way that
    Time.” That song would go                                        only celebrities and duch-    After signing her record
    on to top the charts in the    “When I look back on be-          esses can achieve. Her        deal, Moore left normal
    United States and 18 other     ing a pop star, those girls,      eyebrows raise as if some-    high school behind to work
    countries, become one of       they were made for it.”           one is holding on tight       on her album and to go on
    the best selling singles of    She’s talking about Spears        to the outer end so that      tour opening for *NSYNC
    all time, and launch Britney   and Christina Aguilera,           only the inner parts move     and the Backstreet Boys.
    Spears into stardom with       of course. (She could             upwards — it’s amazing.       Her debut single “Candy”
    a propulsion so strong,        be talking about Jessica          It’s a look of sweetness      came out in the summer
    the Earth would crack and      Simpson, but it’s... unlike-      and fearful sadness, and      of 1999. It never made
    little Britneys would spring   ly.) “They’re dancers and         somehow communicates          the Billboard Top 40; it
8                                                                                                                                   9
me. There was no room         to discover herself as a
                                                               but most of them were         though, and of what she
                                                                                                                                                                                        for me to have anything       singer and performer and
                                                               young teenage girls there     accomplished (three stu-
                                                                                                                                                                                        else in my life.”             live the life she’s always
                                                               to see someone else. Yes,     dio albums in three years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      dreamed of living. Her
                                                               she helped make late ‘90s     from 1999 to 2001, the
                                                                                                                                                                                        Moore tried to find her       character in that one felt
                                                               pop music, spaghetti strap    music videos, the touring,
                                                                                                                                                                                        way back to the light; she    that running away was
                                                               tanks, cargo pants, but-      the hosting gigs on MTV,
                                                                                                                                                                                        just wasn’t successful. “I    the solution; she ends up
                                                               terfly clips, and shiny lip   the trips to the mall with
                                                                                                                                                                                        put all the emphasis and      getting a job as a singing
                                                               gloss must-have trends,       her friends) while the rest
                                                                                                                                                                                        pressure on, well, I can      birthday party princess.
                                                               but it wasn’t her — she       of us watched in Sunny-D-
                                                                                                                                                                                        just dig myself out of this
                                                               was wearing a costume,        stained sweatshirts.
                                                                                                                                                                                        hole by finding fulfillment   In real life, Moore was
                                                               dressed up by somebody
                                                                                                                                                                                        strictly from a career per-   hoping work would correct
                                                                        else in pop star     Plus, not being a pop icon
                                                                                                                                                                                        spective.”                    her course, but the start-
                                                                        clothes. She never   freed her up to do other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      stop momentum of it was
                                                                        viewed herself as    things. After her medium
                                                                                                                                                                                        To that end, she audi-        tough and made her think,
                                                                        a trendsetter, and   music success in the late
                                                                                                                                                                                        tioned for several TV         “Oh, OK, well maybe my
                                                                        when she wasn’t      ‘90s and early two-thou,
                                                                                                                                                                                        pilots that came devas-       time has passed.” She
                                                                        styled for her       Moore found her footing
                                                                                                                                                                                        tatingly close to getting     considered maybe going
                                                                        concerts or MTV      as an actor with a break-
                                                                                                                                                                                        picked up, but never were.    back to school, maybe
                                                                        appearances or       out role in The Princess
                                                                                                                                                                                        There was an hour-long        blogging. And maybe,
                                                                        award shows, she     Diaries, a starring role in
                                                                                                                                                                                        CBS drama with Ben McK-       getting back into music.
                                                                        shopped at Aber-     A Walk To Remember,
                                                                                                                                                                                        enzie, in which she played    She was lost. “No wonder
                                                                        crombie & Fitch      and a slew of other roles
                                                                                                                                                                                        a former attorney turned      those TV pilots never hap-
                                                                        and Claire’s at      in movies from 2002 to
                                                                                                                                                                                        victims’ advocate, that al-   pened,” she says now.
 peaked at number 41, but                                               the mall with her    2010 that kept her, if not    Dreamz, Because I Said         ic, seven-time Grammy         most was; a comedy pilot
 gosh darn if the music                                                 friends.             a household name, then        So, License To Wed, and        nominated alt/rock/folk       in which Moore’s char-        Moore and Adams an-
 video didn’t make a lime                                                                    an every-other-household      Tangled, in which she                                                                      nounced in January 2015

                                                                                                                                                              Once I did that hard
 green Volkswagen New                                                 She’s proud of         name. She was in Chasing      voiced Rapunzel, officially
                               BBMak, if you even re-                                                                                                                                                                 that their marriage was
 Beetle (the bubbly, flower-                                   having worked hard,           Liberty, Saved!, American     marking any actor’s rite of
                               member BBMak. (Spears                                                                                                                                                                  over. Moore had come to
 vase-in-the-console 1998      has had five number one                                                                     passage as a Disney prin-                                                                  the realization that finding
 remix of the original punch
 buggy, which was replaced
                               hits over her career, 13 that
                               made the top 10, and 35
                                                                                                                           cess. And then she sort of
                                                                                                                           disappeared.                      work, life opened up in a                                work, while nice, wouldn’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      make her feel better

                                                                                                                                                             way that I never could
 in 2012 by a new-New          that charted. Aguilera has                                                                                                                                                             about herself. It wouldn’t
 Beetle) look very cool.       had five number one hits,                                                                   Moore was effectively                                                                      have given her the kind of
 Moore’s only other well-      11 that made the top 10,                                                                    out of the spotlight for                                                                   confidence she needed.
 known song, “I Wanna
 Be With You,” peaked at
 number 24 on the charts
                               and 30 that charted. Simp-
                               son… who cares, she’s a
                               bagillionaire shoe empress
                                                                                                                           about five years starting in
                                                                                                                           2010. That’s equivalent to
                                                                                                                           roughly 750 in Hollywood
                                                                                                                                                                 have expected.”                                      She tried the role of wife
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      in that relationship, but it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      wasn’t for her, wasn’t her
 in August 2000, likely bol-   now.)                                                                                       Years, and to crawl out of     singer-songwriter. It was     acter and her husband         style, as hard as she tried
 stered by its place on the                                                                                                that shadowy purgatory         not the right relationship.   (James Roday) go to a         to make it fit. “I exhausted
 soundtrack of ballet-movie    Moore is remarkably                                                                         is nearly impossible once      She thought she could fill    marriage counselor (Trac-     every effort before I was
 masterpiece, Center Stage.    unguarded and apparently                                                                    you’ve had your moment         the emptiness with work,      ey Ullman) to figure out if   like, ‘OK, well, that has to
                               unperturbed by her third-                                                                   on stage (unless you have      but her work suffered. She    they want to have a baby,     be addressed,’” she says.
 That’s two singles that       or fourth-place ranking as                                                                  a fashion line up your         was terribly lonely and       and find out they have a      Ultimately, she moved
 made moderate waves           a pop star. Over the years                                                                  sleeve — hat tip, Simp-        unhappy.                      host of other issues; and     on, but not without all of
 off two albums (So Real       she’s said that she didn’t                                                                  son).                                                        another show by one of        the attending heartache.
 in December 1999, and         like the music she was                                                                                                     “When I think back to that    the heads of Family Guy in    “Those monumental shifts
 I Wanna Be With You in        making and joked that she                                                                   And dark down there, it        particular time period that   which Moore would have        in your life … they come
 May 2000) that include        wanted to refund anyone                                                                     was.                           we’re talking about ... It    starred as a woman who’s      at a big cost,” she reflects.
 tinny, colorless supporting   who paid money for it. Yes,                                                                                                was heavy. It was dark. It    about to get married but      “It wasn’t a decision that I
 tracks as memorable as        she performed for 20,000                                                                    In 2009, Moore married         was confusing. It was lone-   suddenly goes a different     made flippantly.”
 the names of the guys in      people waving glow sticks,                                                                  Ryan Adams, a prolif-          ly. There was no room for     route, moving to New York
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SEE PAGE 14
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11
                A N AT O M Y ’ S E A S O N 1 6 F I N A L E ?
                C O R O N AV I R U S C H A N G E D A B C ’ S


            he outbreak of COVID-19         able to fully complete before so-                                           enough to have about 300 of the
            has created a major shake-      cial distancing took effect in the     While the characters may not be      coveted N95 masks which we
            up for numerous TV shows,       wake of the coronavirus pandem-        able to entertain us on-screen,      donated to our local fire sta-
     many of which have been forced         ic. It’s unclear how they’ll pick up   behind-the-scenes workers are        tion,” Krista Vernoff, who serves
     to shut down production for the        the story when production can          doing everything they can to help    as executive producer of both
     foreseeable future. This means         resume.                                with the current health crisis and   Station 19 and Grey’s Anatomy,
     that shows like Grey’s Anatomy                                                the shortage of medical supplies.    said in a statement. “They were
     have been unable to finish filming     Grey’s is known for delivering         CBS News spoke with an ABC           tremendously grateful. At Grey’s
     their current season and only          some truly unforgettable season        spokesperson, who confirmed          Anatomy, we have a backstock of
     have a handful of episodes left        finales in the past, which makes       that Grey’s Anatomy has donated      gowns and gloves which we are
     that are ready to air. Given these     not being able to see how Season       gloves and gowns to health-          donating as well.”
     unprecedented circumstances,           16 was supposed to end feel all        care workers, while Station 19
     the Grey’s Anatomy Season 16           the more                                                                        It just goes to show that
     finale won’t be happening as           frustrat-                                                                       Grey’s Anatomy can hit us
     planned. In fact, it won’t be hap-     ing. The                                                                        right in the feels, both on
                                                                                                                                                              Photos courtesy of Bonnie Osborne/ABC & Christopher Willard/ABC
     pening at all — at least, not in the   April 9                                                                         and off-screen long before
     way it was originally intended.        episode                                                                         it returns for Season 17 later
                                            may                                                                             this year.
     On Friday, March 27, ABC               serve
     announced, as per Entertain-           as the                                                                           If you think you’re showing
     ment Weekly, that the beloved          season                                                                           symptoms of coronavirus,
     medical drama would be pushing         finale, but                                                                      which include fever, short-
     up its finale date to Thursday,        it won’t                                                                         ness of breath, and cough,
     April 9. (The date for the final       have the                                                                         call your doctor before
     episode was originally sched-          same feel                                                                        going to get tested. If you’re
     uled for Thursday, May 16.) The        as the fi-                                                                       anxious about the virus’s
     shift comes from the network’s         nales that have come before it —       provided N95 masks to the City       spread in your community, visit
     decision to have Episode 21 of the     mostly because it wasn’t meant         of Ontario Fire Department and a     the CDC or NHS 111 in the UK
     season, titled “Put on a Happy         to be a finale at all. Which means     firehouse in Los Angeles.            for up-to-date information and
     Face,” serve as the finale since it    that maybe the beginning of Sea-                                            resources, or seek out mental
12   was the last one production was        son 17 will be action packed.          “At Station 19, we were lucky        health support.
parents a lot about This       such a disservice. And I
                                                                    Is Us. She and Goldsmith       think, not to make a gen-
                                                                    are planning a really small    eralization, but I think it
                                                                    and really quiet wedding;      often afflicts women more
                                                                    she says he’s a beautiful      than men, where we make
                                                                    influence in her life and      ourselves feel so small to
                                                                    a reason she’s excited to      make other people com-
                                                                    get up in the morning. Her     fortable. I think I did that
                                                                    eyebrows indicate that she     for so long because I was
                                                                    is genuinely happy.            scared of ruffling feath-
                                                                                                   ers. I just didn’t want to
                                                                    Moore shared something         cause trouble. I felt like
                                                                    on Instagram, though, that     somebody else was more
                                                                    makes it seem like there’s     important. Somebody
                                                                    a part of her still stuck      else’s choices or time, or
                                                                    in that purgatory — and        whatever, should come
                                                                    slowly angling toward the      before me.”
                                                                    light. In July, she posted
                                                                    a short video of a studio      “Once you sort of” — she
                                                                    mixing board. Moore can        makes a whooshing sound
                                                                    be heard singing a moody,      and fans her face at once
                                                                    almost-country-accent-         with both hands, her eyes
                                                                    ed vocal lick that cuts        wide open, her eyebrows
                But it was the        Moore a bonafide TV star;     in with what sounds to         being her eyebrows —
     right one. “It’s no coin-        she was nominated for the     be her singing the lyric,      “wake up and realize that
     cidence to me that once          Best Performance by an        “don’t underestimate.” The     that is so not the case,
     I did that hard work, life       Actress in a Supporting       song, the small part that      and you have to be your
     opened up in a way that I        Role Golden Globe last        is audible anyway, is thick    biggest advocate. No one’s
     never could have expect-         year.                         and emotional. So is the       going to do it for you. It’s
     ed. Once I did that, it was                                    caption she wrote for that     a stunning realization.”
     like, the sun came back out      Second, Moore and folk        post:                          Moore says this awaken-
     again. In every respect I        singer-songwriter Taylor                                     ing was recent, and it’s still
     felt like, ‘Oh, now I’m living   Goldsmith got engaged in      Getting back to it. It’s       a struggle. “The emotions
     the life that I’m supposed       late summer 2017 after        time. I miss it. I’m not       are right there under the
     to be living.’”                  dating for two years. He’s    scared anymore. No more        surface,” she says. More
                                      in the indie band Dawes,      excuses. No more allowing      tears well. “There’s a lot
     In two very obvious ways,        and he plays guitar around    someone’s else insecuri-       of weirdness wrapped
     that’s true. First, in 2016,     the house. Thanksgiving is    ties to dictate my relation-   up in music for me that I
     This Is Us premiered, star-      going to be at their place    ship to music and singing.     still have to work through.
     ring Moore as matriarch          this year. (Let me just say   Boom. Also- this is just       That I don’t think I’m
     Rebecca Pearson. The NBC         here that I asked what        a little demo of some-         good enough. That I don’t
     hit drama and its cast and       would happen if Moore         thing @themikeviola and I      think I’m deserving. That
     crew have been nominated         was to run into Spears        worked on yesterday... but     I allowed other people to
     for more than 90 awards          at an L.A. grocery store      still, it’s a start!           make me feel bad about
     combined, including the          while shopping for turkey                                    wanting to do it. That I
     Emmy for Outstanding             stuff — would she say         When I read these words        clearly have to go to ther-
     Drama Series (nominat-           hi? Moore’s 50/50 on          out loud to her, Moore         apy for, so...” she laughs
     ed, 2018) and the SAG            that — for one, she thinks    starts to cry.                 a small laugh. “It’s just an
     for Outstanding Perfor-          Spears has “absolutely                                       ongoing effort.“
     mance by an Ensemble             no idea” who she is, and      “Crying in a restaurant,
     in a Drama Series (won,          two, Moore is pretty shy.)    sorry.” She wipes tears        Photos courtesy of
                                                                                                   Matthew Priestley/Bustle
     2018). The show has made         She talks to Goldsmith’s      away. “We do ourselves
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