MARCH 2020 - Bridport Team Ministry

Page created by Aaron Le
MARCH 2020 - Bridport Team Ministry
MARCH 2020

                         Printed by Creeds the Printers
9C Corbin Way, Gore Cross Business Park, Bridport DT6 3UX Telephone: 01308 423411
MARCH 2020 - Bridport Team Ministry
TEAM RECTOR:                                                                                 TEAM ADMINISTRATOR: Dianne Sinclair…..424747
Revd Deb Smith……………..……….01308 301457                                                        Office is inside St Mary’s Church (at the back), South St, Bridport
email: ……...….Day off Friday                                           email: (Available 10-12.30 Mon-Thurs)
                                                                                             Post: The Administrator, c/o The Rectory, 84 South St., Bridport. DT6 3NW

TEAM VICAR/Community Mission Partner:
Revd Pete Stone 426459                                                                       LICENSED LAY MINISTERS:
email: Day off Monday                                       Mr Phil Doughty .................................................. 422096
                                                                                             Mr Graham Purse ................................................ 423220
                                                                                             Mrs Coral Hatton…………………………………………….
                                                                                             Mr Peter Wright .................................................... 456967
Lorna Johnson

                                                                                                  CUPBOARD LOVE                                   (Walk-in-Wednesday)
Martin Whiting
                                                                                                 For all matters please contact: Carrie Gamble
                                                                                              07443596096 or
Revd Janis Moore ………………………………..425644                                                     LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS:
email:….. Day off Weds                                   Mrs Caroline Cooke…………………….…..07859803734
                                                                                          Mrs Anne Stone...................................................426459
Revd Ann Ayling…………………………………424896
                                                                                          Mrs Diana Wright.................................................456967
email:…….Day off Weds
                                                                                          If you are unable to get to Church and would like Home Communion or
Revd Dan Shackell……………………………...426514                                                     a visit, please get in touch with one of the Lay Pastoral Assistants
Revd Kay Watters ………………………………..427290                                                        SECRETARY to the PCC:
email:                                                        Mrs Rosemary Russell…………………………….423013
Revd Philip Ringer……………………….……...425774                                                      HALL BOOKING SECRETARIES:
email:                                                                  St Swithun's Vestry:
                                                                                             Mrs Yvonne Welch ……………………….……. 459587
                                                                                             Bothenhampton Village Hall:
                                                                                             Ray Gibbs…………………………………...……..423071
Beacon Church Bridport, Priory Lane                                                          Bradpole Village Hall:
Geoff Vaine…………………………………….…..456031                                                          Mrs Diane Ellis………………………………….....420771
The Christian Fellowship                                                                     Church House, South St. Bridport:
David Collins…………………………………….....458227                                                       Mr Tony Nott……………………………………....425897
St Mary and St Catherine (Roman Catholic)                                                    Walditch Village Hall:
(Presbytery 424754)    Office………………..….422594                                                Mr and Mrs Peter Tobutt……………………..…..458999
Bridport Quaker Meeting                                                                      Christian Fellowship, King Street
Clerk                                                             Jaquie Webb……………………………………....425738
United Church (Methodist and United Reformed Church)                                         United Church:
Revd Peter Clark…………………………………..425978                                                        Sue Herman…………..….………………..01297 489658

   April 2020 issue deadlines:                                                           Copy………………………….6 March 2020
(delivered to churches 28/29 March 2020)                                               Advertising .................................. 2 March 2020

                               The Bridge Parish Magazine Editorial Team
  EDITOR: Vacancy- any queries please contact Secretary or Revd Philip Ringer…...…..01308 425774
  SECRETARY: Paula Biss ................................................…...….01308 898189
  ADVERTISING MANAGER: Laura Taylor ......................……...01308 420732
       Please contact Laura Taylor for all advertising (including clubs, charity events, concerts etc.) See deadline above
             If you have ideas for an article for “The Bridge” please contact the Editor, otherwise copy must be sent to
             Village Correspondents (details on relevant page) no later than three days before the above deadline.
                         Hand-written/typed copy must be submitted one week before the above deadline.
                  Anything received after the deadline will be included in the following month’s edition if applicable.
        The opinions expressed in “The Bridge” are not necessarily those of either the Clergy or the Editorial Board. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy
                of the contents of this magazine, we cannot accept responsibility for any information given or claims made by our contributors and advertisers.

MARCH 2020 - Bridport Team Ministry
Springing to Life
March is the month of the year when we notice signs of new life, in the countryside, in our gardens, parks,
fields, hedges and trees.
The 20th March (this year 2020) is the official first day of Spring, the Vernal Equinox, we welcome the days
becoming longer and lighter. The 20th March is also the feast day of St Cuthbert, one of the best loved British
saints, missionary, hermit and ultimately Bishop of the Holy Island of Lindisfarne on the Northumberland
coast. Cuthbert began his life as a shepherd in the Scottish lowlands, one night as he cared for his flock, he
saw in the sky a dazzling light and angels carrying a soul up to heaven, he resolved to dedicate his life to
God. He was admitted to Melrose Abbey as a monk and later continued his missionary work at Lindisfarne.
The life and solitude of a hermit or monk may not be our choice of living life but I think we can both admire
and appreciate that Cuthbert cared for God's bountiful creation.
Cuthbert was renowned for his compassion and love of peace in a divided age. At the start of this decade it
may feel that we are still in a divided age, noticeably not in unity with our brothers and sisters around the
world, or striving for a fully inclusive society.
As we travel through the forty days of Lent (which began in February on Ash Wednesday) in preparation for
the great festival of Easter, perhaps it may be possible to set aside a daily time for reflection and to give
thanks for God's bountiful creation. Lent is also a time to remember those who struggle with the pressures of
everyday life and are unable to appreciate God's provision for them, the provision of love, joy and peace.
Gerard Manley Hopkins (1884-1889) whose posthumous fame made him one of the leading Victorian poets
wrote a poem about Spring. Hopkins was a Jesuit priest, having taken the vows of poverty, chastity and
His poem Spring, which begins with the enchanting words 'Nothing is so beautiful as Spring'-
speaks of thrush's eggs as little low heavens and the sweetness of the Garden of Eden before the sinning..
May you enjoy the early Spring season and the miraculous new life emerging once again.
                                                                                            Revd Janis Moore

MARCH 2020 - Bridport Team Ministry
A DAY IN THE LIFE OF……..          Salud Botella – “Flamenco dancer and teacher”
I met Salud at her beautiful house in Uploders. Salud is married to Jason Webster, a writer, and they have
two boys aged 11 and 9 years.
Salud grew up in Valencia with her parents, two brothers and a sister.
Always wanting to dance she began with ballet, folk dancing and also learning the art of playing castanets,
but with a love of Spanish music, and aged 15, she started to learn flamenco dancing.
In 2013 the family moved to England as the economic crash in Spain meant many hundreds of people were
out of work, and health and education suffered.
Now, with the boys at school, Salud trains every day in her garden studio, or holds “Flamenco” lessons for
                                               those wanting to master the art. This continues until 2pm - it’s
                                               then time for lunch with her husband, Jason, before they both
                                               leave to pick up the boys from school. Salud did mention that
                                               she finds working for herself is difficult on her own, but her
                                               dancing allows her to release all those emotions
                                                “Quirky Questions”
                                                If you could have dinner with anyone who would it be:
                                                “The late Pina Bausch, (1940 – 2009), a contemporary
                                                German dancer who created wonderful and inspiring
                                                choreography, and who believed that expression was more
                                                important than technique.”
                                                Some people have bumper stickers on their car that read
                                                “I’d rather be ...” - what would your bumper sticker say?
                                                “I’d rather be hooking up with friends.”
                                                One of the funniest things that happened to me: “Once, in
                                                Valencia, I was asked at the last minute to stand in as a
                                                dancer/singer at a variety performance (“Moulin Rouge”) - I
                                                had no idea how to do it and ended up getting very mixed up
                                                with the fans and feathers!”
   Photo taken at the Alcázar Royal Palace in   If you could change anything what would it be: “I
                     Seville                    sometimes wish I could live nearer to my family to be able to
                                                help them in their later years.           Interviewed by Lyn Roe

For The Love Of Driftwood
My love of driftwood started about a year and a half ago. I had started spending any spare
time walking on the beach, finding that it was a great way to unwind. As I walked I couldn’t
help noticing how beautiful driftwood is and how many different colours and grains it is made
from. Of course some found its way into my pocket and for a while sat in a box. After much
research, which didn't help at all, I decided to get creative. One of my first creations was a
seagull, chosen from the shape of one particular piece. I presented my masterpiece to my
mother, who like all mums, was delighted. I was a little sceptical as I think she may have been
a little biased in her opinion. However as I went on to make more pieces a few other family
members encouraged me to carry on and think about turning my hobby into a little side line
maybe. So I have developed my skills with much trial and error, but most of all it gives me a
lot of joy. I have been commissioned to make anything from an elephant to a chicken, certainly
                    I never seem to tire of this wonderful skill I have been given. Here are a
                    few examples of my work.

                                                                         Wendy Austin

MARCH GARDENING TIPS - PRUNUS                                                               MARCH
Roses. Finish pruning and applying                                   ALBERT EINSTEIN 1879
Rose fertiliser and compost.                                         In 1907, Einstein had what he called the “happiest thought of
Fuchsias. Cut back to 6 to 8 inches.                                 my life.” It was about a man falling from a building. He
Heathers. Trim winter flowering                                      recognised the connection between gravity and acceleration
heathers to prevent them becoming                                    which became known as the equivalence principle more
woody.                                                               commonly known as ‘the theory of relativity’.
Trees and shrubs. Firm in any newly                                  ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING 1806
planted ones that have been lifted by                                Her first adult collection of poems was published in 1838 and
frost.                                                               she wrote prolifically between 1841 and 1844, producing
Grasses. Cut down any deciduous                                      poetry, translation and prose. She campaigned for the
grasses but take care not to cut the                                 abolition of slavery and her work helped influence reform in
new shoots.                                                          the child labour legislation.
Perovskia (russian sage) and
                                                                     DANIEL CRAIG 1968
Caryopteris can be cut back                                          One of the British theatre's most famous faces, Daniel Craig,
towards the end of the month.                                        who waited at tables as a struggling teenage actor with the
Erigeron karvinklanus. Be brutal                                     National Youth Theatre, has gone on to star as James Bond.
and trim it right to the base.                                       His latest film, ‘Knives Out’ is a murder mystery/comedy.
Tomatoes. When the roots fill the
pots pot them on.                                                    Deaths
Winter Pansies Trim them to encourage flowering.                     C.NORTHCOTE PARKINSON 1993
Borders. Continue tidying and                                        A British naval historian and author of some 60 books, the
dressing with Bone Meal and                                          most famous of which was his best-seller Parkinson's Law
compost.                                                             (1957), in which he advanced that "work expands so as to fill
Lawns Tidy up edges and when                                         the time available for its completion", an insight which led him
it is dry rake out any moss.                                         to be regarded as an important scholar in public
Geraniums. Repot and trim.                                           administration and management.
Raspberries. Cut to ground                                           BARRY SHEENE 2003
level autumn fruiting raspberries.                                   The British professional motorcycle racer competed in Grand
Vegetables . Prepare the ground                                      Prix motorcycle racing and was a two-time world champion,
with good dressing of well-rotted                                    winning consecutive 500cc titles in 1976 and 1977. In 1975
FYM or compost.                                                      he suffered multiple injuries when a blown rear tyre caused
Plan your hanging baskets and enjoy it all!                          him to crash, at 175mph, during the Daytona Classic in
                                                                     Florida. His left leg was shattered, his thigh smashed; he
                                                                     broke six ribs, a wrist and a collarbone - seven weeks later he
              WORLD DAY OF PRAYER                                    was back racing!
                Friday March 6th at 10.30                            DAVE ALLEN 2005
                                                                     He initially followed his father into journalism, firstly joining the
                At Bridport United Church                            Drogheda Argus as a copy boy, but at the age of 19 went to
                       East Street                                   Fleet Street, London. He drifted through a series of jobs,
                         Bridport                                    before becoming a Butlins Redcoat at Skegness. At the
                                                                     height of his career he was Britain's most controversial
  The service this year has been prepared by the women of            comedian, regularly provoking indignation at his frequent
                   Zimbabwe who call us to:                          highlighting of political hypocrisy and disregard for religious
                                                                     authority.                                     Douglas Baldwin
          'Rise, take your mat and walk’
  They encourage us to reflect on the difficulties that have
            plagued their country over many years
 and invite us to share the challenges they have met and the
                hopes they have for the future.
 The Day Of Prayer is celebrated in over 170 countries. It be-
gins in Samoa and prayer in native languages travels through-
                       out the world.                                        Conductor : Arturo Serna, Leader: Alex Ennis
                                                                                            Spring Concert
           Everyone is welcome and refreshments
                      will be provided                                         ST SWITHUN’S HURCH, BRIDPORT
                                                                                  SUNDAY MARCH 29th at
            For details please contact Kathy Hince                                       Plaza - Fuga Criolla
 or 01308 485626                                          Karl Jenkins - Palladio
                                                                                       Philip Glass – Company
                                                                                   Bartok – Romanian Folk Dances
                                                                                      John Dowland - Lachrimae
                                                                           Janacek - movements from Idyll Suite for Strings
                                                                                     Romero - Fuga Con Pajarillo
             FROM THE REGISTERS 2020
                                                                           Tickets £10 from The Book Shop, South Street, Bridport
                       FUNERALS                                                     (cash or cheques only) and on the door
January                                                                                     Student admission free.
9 Patricia Hansford, St Swithun’s
                                                                                  Refreshments available after the concert.
17 Kenneth Holbrook, Holy Trinity Bradpole                                            Registered Charity No XT13407

The Bridport Shakespeare Company came to life in 2016, when I retired from teaching full time
but knew I would miss staging plays. I also knew I had to have Shakespeare in my life, as he has
been since I was about 13 and fell in love with 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?' I used to
scare the neighbours with Very Loud renditions of famous scenes at top volume. Some things
never change. Our first production was the Scottish play, with my own son in the lead role. He
was able to put his own voice projection to good use. Since then we have embraced the diverse
and bountiful talents that Bridport affords, with many of my ex-students but an equal number
of new folk that came for the same reasons as I did: a wish to perform, to develop self-
confidence, to be part of a project that will allow costume and set building as well as making the
most of a chance to escape from life's humdrum or wearying worries and enter into a 'release' ,
'an oasis' (I'm quoting there as many have said those words about our rehearsal sessions). In the
same way as singing is cathartic- we also do sing quite a lot, in fact; taking on a different charac-
ter on a Thursday from 7-9pm at the chapel (upstairs) Rax Lane entrance is a wonderful holiday
from your everyday routine.
Do come and meet us. We are very inclusiv
                                                               ''The willingness is all''
                                                    Contact me on
                                                           or come along on a Thursday.

                                             'The Tempest' is currently underway but we have spaces for small roles and spirits of the island.
                                                    Also help me make some giant shells.
                                                                                                              Valerie Goodwin

                                                               Good Books
                                              St Mary’s Old School, Gundry Lane, Bridport
                                                       Telephone – 01308 420483
                                          Opening Times: 9.00am – 1.00 pm Monday – Friday
                                                     10.00am – 12 noon Saturdays.
                                   Information can be found at
Lent is upon us and I assume most people have found a Bible Study or book to focus on during Lent. If however, you are still looking then come
                     and visit us we have plenty of books suitable for meditation, and prayer as you journey towards Easter.
  As we begin to prepare for Easter we can still order palm crosses and Pascal candles or just transfers, as well as a variety of other items to aid
           your worship, as well as a variety of Easter cards, “Real Easter Eggs”, or other no chocolate related items to give at Easter.
 For example, do you know a keen gardener? We have a new book, “Shedloads of Blessings with fantastic pictures and Bible verses. Or maybe
you know some one who loves cats or dogs. “Cat Psalms “ and “Dog Psalms” are filled with lovely images, as well as thoughts and prayers. One
of our newer books, “The Faith of Queen Elizabeth” has proved very popular. “Now nearing seven decades on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II has
   faced many personal and public storms – an early and surprising ascension….Throughout all the trials and triumphs Her Majesty credits her
                                     personal faith in Jesus Christ as the steadying anchor”, priced at £12.99.
 As I’m sure most of you know we run on volunteer power and are always looking for people with an hour or two to spare to help in the
                                            shop, or help Good Neighbours as a driver.
                                   Information can be found at

Safeguarding is about keeping people safe from harm, protecting our right – and the rights of those around us – to live in
safety, free from abuse. In the church and in all areas of community life safeguarding training has become part and parcel of our
common life. Courses are currently being run in this team.
If any of us needed a reminder of the importance of such awareness, the recent documentary on historic abuse in the Church of
England was a shameful wake-up call. Many of you will have seen the two-part BBC documentary broadcast on 13 and 14 January
about the serial abuser Bishop Peter Ball.
Exposed: The Church's dark secret included testimonies from victims, police, lawyers, and church officers. It criticised the conduct
of senior church leaders, including former Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Carey, for failing to respond to repeated expressions of
concern from a considerable number of people, allegations against Ball, and withholding key information from the police. The
independent chair of the National Safeguarding Panel, Meg Munn, has praised survivors and their families featured in the
documentary. She said the programme “showed the devastating and lifelong impact of abuse...Those who spoke out, showed
incredible bravery”.
It is painful to realise that in the Church of God so many have come to harm and suffered abuse at the hands of those they should
be able to trust. That others still suffer. But it is perhaps even more painful when the church fails to hear the cries of those who
have suffered, when the church has turned a blind eye.
As a Parish, we are committed to safeguarding the vulnerable in our society. When we take safeguarding seriously we open our
ears and our eyes. We remain vigilant and prepared to do something when and where there is a need. We seek to work together to
make the church a place of sanctuary, a safe haven, a community of faith where all are valued as made in the image of God.
                                                                                                                       Revd Deb Smith

CHAPEL IN THE GARDEN                             CHAPEL IN THE GARDEN
Sharing Stillness, White Room, Chapel in the       Sunday meditation White Room, Chapel in
         Garden, Bridport, DT6 3JJ                       the Garden, Bridport DT6 3JJ
  March 11 & 25, April 8 and 22 - 7.30pm             March 1 & 15, April 5 and 19, 4 - 5pm
  Meditation and listening to Eckhart Tolle        Mindful awareness, sacred sound and the
           Nichola 07884 191459                            power of the spoken word.
                                                             Nichola 07884 191459

Replacing the two former wards of Ryberry and Langdon, the new ward named ”Colmers” by popular vote was
opened on Tuesday 28th January 2020 by H M Lord Lieutenant of Dorset, Mr Angus Campbell. After the
customary cutting of the ribbon, he was shown around the new facility, which includes an interactive table in
the ‘day room’. The table cost in excess of £10000.00 and was a gift from the League of Friends of Bridport
Hospital. It attracted considerable attention by the visitors.
The hospital now provides 24 beds on the one ward, together with much improved bathroom facilities. The
Hospital Chapel located on the first floor adjacent to the Matron’s Office, continues to provide a place for quiet
reflection in addition to our weekly services of Holy Communion which take place very Wednesday at 11.00am.
These services are open to anyone who is on the Hospital site at that time. Perhaps we will see you on
Wednesday morning, you will be most welcome.

                                          Demonstration of Torvertafel “magic table”
                                           funded by Bridport’ Hospital’s League of

       Mayor of Bridport and Lord
        Lieutenant of Dorset with
       Colmers Hill in background.

                                                                                 You’ve been framed
                                                                 My mum kept the picture by her bed till she died. It was of my
                                                                 baby son and encased in a cheap plastic frame she got in a
                                                                 Christmas cracker. When I cleared her bungalow, I couldn’t
                                                                 bear to throw the frame away. She grew up during the war, the
                                                                 make do and mend generation. So that ugly piece of plastic
                                                                 relocated - to beside my bed.
                                                                 Then I moved house and did the inevitable life laundry. As I
                                                                 peeled away the frame’s backing to retrieve the baby picture,
                                                                 tears came. Hidden behind my son’s picture was another pic-
                                                                 ture: me as a teenager. Scribbled on the back in mum’s hand-
                                                                 writing was “Maxine. April 2nd 1976.”
                                                                 I time travelled to the exact day the picture was taken and the
                                                                 endless queue for the photo booth in the post office. It was my
                                                                 parents wedding anniversary and I gave them the picture and
                                                                 a box of Roses chocolates. Mum and I would do the ‘Roses
                                                                 grow on you’ slogan from the TV commercial and she’d let me
                                                                 eat the strawberry one even though it was her favourite.
                                                                 That picture was a moment when I hadn’t
                                                                 heard of a disease called Alzheimer’s and
                                                                 could never have imagined the day when
                                                                 mum forgot not only my name but that she
                                                                 actually had a daughter.
                                                                 Yet for one magical moment, that silly ugly
                                                                 Christmas cracker frame brought my mum
                                                                 back to me. And made me realise she had
                                                                 been there all along, only hidden.
                                                                 Max Riddington. Walditch

                                                                                  MARTIN SIBLEY
                                                                  All Building and Carpentry Work undertaken
                                                                      New Build, Extensions and Alterations
                                                                         Kitchens, Bathrooms and Tiling
                                                                         Telephone 01308 862788
ST. MARY’S Bridport                                       HOLY TRINITY Bothenhampton
           Parish Editor - Peter Wright 456967                        Village Editor - Mrs Barbara Ffooks 423122
         Churchwarden - Lesley Hill Tel 422417                         Churchwarden - Mrs Heather Purse 423220
     Director of Music - Mr Tim Linsley 07830308701              Children and Youth Worker - Mrs Jean Mitchell 422127
          Tower Captain - Bob Hardwick 420632                        Home Communion - Revd KayWatters 427290
                                                                      Director of Music - Mrs Sue Smith 456955
          Church Services - ALL are very welcome                        Church Services - ALL are very welcome
March                                                          March
Sunday 1st         9.30 am       Parish Communion              Sunday 1st   11.15am      Sung Communion
Wednesday 4th      2.30 pm       Communion and Tea             Sunday 8th   11,15am      Matins
Sunday 8th         9.30 am       Parish Communion              Sunday 15th 11.15am       Sung Communion
                                                               Sunday 15th   6.00pm      Evensong
Sunday 15th        9.30 am       Parish Communion
                                                               Sunday 22nd 11.15am        Holy Communion BCP
                   4.00 pm       Songs of Praise               Sunday 29th   10.30am     Team Service at
Sunday 22nd        9.30 am       Parish Communion                                         Holy Trinity Bradpole
Sunday 29th        10.30 am      Team Service at
                                 Holy Trinity Bradpole

                                                             The charity collection at Holy Trinity in March is for
                                                             Tearfund, a Christian charity working in over fifty countries
 MOTHERS UNION PRAYER AND FELLOWSHIP                         to bring an end to extreme poverty.
GROUP will meet on Tuesday 10th March at 2.30 in the
  meeting room at the back of Church. Everyone                    JUST TALK Tuesday 17th March, 10am - 11am
                                                              Come for a chat over a cup of tea or coffee in the church.

                                                                  MOTHERS’ UNION Prayer and Fellowship Group
Pilgrim Course                                                   Tuesday 10th March at 110 Crock Lane, Bothenhampton,
 As we head towards the great celebration of Easter,                                   2.30pm
join us during Lent in exploring the Bible with the
Pilgrim Course. 6 Sessions starting on 7.30pm Wed                    Concert by Cantamus - Saturday 28th March
26th February at St John’s West Bay or 2pm Thurs 27th
                                                                      Choral music for Lent, Holy Week and Easter
February at St Mary’s. For more info look at                           7pm in Holy Trinity Church, £10 on the door or contact Pete on 426459                       Refreshments by Holy Trinity Social Committee

                                                                 There will be a working party in the Old Churchyard,
                                                                            Saturday 4th April, 2pm – 4pm.
                                                                This is to continue the good work done last October and to
                                                                             get It tidied up for the summer.
                                                                  If you are able to help please bring your own tools and

                                                                        COFFEE MORNING AT HOLY TRINITY
                                                                          Saturday 7th March, 10am – 12 noon
                                                                                Books, cards and raffle

                                                             The service celebrating Holy Trinity’s 130th anniversary on
                                                             19th January was a most uplifting occasion and very well
                                                             attended. The Archdeacon of Sherborne, the Venerable
                                                             Penny Sayer, gave an address and presided at Communion.
                                                             Following the service a celebratory cake made by Heather
                                                             Purse and splendidly decorated with a picture of the church
                                                             on the top, was enjoyed by everyone. The Social Committee
                                                             is planning various events to continue the celebrations
                                                             throughout the year.
                                                             At the Carols for All on 29th December the collection for The
                                                             Children’s Society raised £106 and a further £40 resulting
                                                             from a raffle for a Countryfile calendar donated by Revd Kay,
                                                             was also given. Thanks to all who came and also to Sue
                                                             Smith for playing the piano.

                                                                   FILM EVENING Saturday 21st March, 7.30pm
                                                                               “DOWNTON ABBEY”
                                                                   Bothenhampton Village Hall Doors open 7pm
                                                              £5, £4 for Film Cub members - details from Ray 423071

HOLY TRINITY Bradpole                                                    ST. MARY’S Walditch
           Village Editor – Douglas Baldwin 424232                                Village Editor -
   Churchwardens – John Adams 425766, Lyn Roe 425804                           Churchwarden - Chris Wellman-Herold 281096
            Tower Captain – Peter Carnell 420716                                        Verger - Pat Stapleton 456421
    If you have any Pastoral/personal issues, please contact               If you have any Pastoral/personal issues, please contact
     The Revd Janis Moore 425644 (Day off Wednesday)                         The Revd Ann Ayling 424896 (Day off Wednesday)

                                                                                   CHURCH SERVICES—ALL ARE WELCOME!
                Church Services—ALL are welcome                        March
March                                                                  Sunday 1      6pm        Evensong (Tea in Hall from 5pm)
Sunday 1        9.30 Informal service                                  Sunday 8      11.15      BCP Communion
Tuesday 3       2.30 ‘Tuesdays Together’ with tea after                Sunday 15     11.15      CW Eucharist (DCC AGM after)
Sunday 8        9.30 Communion service                                 Sunday 22     10.15      Mothering Sunday Service
Sunday 15       9.30 Informal service                                                           NB. Earlier Start Time
Sunday 22       9.30 Communion service for Mothering Sunday            Sunday 29     10.30      Team Service, Holy Trinity, Bradpole
Sunday 29       10.30 Team Service
        Coffee or tea will be served after the morning services
                                                                                            LIGHT THE SPIRE
                                                                         The church is lit in March in loving memory of my Dad
                     Bradpole Brunch                                        Bob Mayo. Dad passed away suddenly a few
 Brunch will be on Sunday 1st in the village hall at 11.30.                       days after we made Walditch our
 This is ‘A Fresh Expression of Church’ for all the family.
 For more details see the separate advert in this                          permanent home. March would have been dad's
 magazine. We look forward to seeing you there.                                               birthday month.

                    Village Lunch Club
 Lunches at The King’s Head will be on Tuesdays 10th                                      TEA AND CHAT
 and 24th at 12.30pm. New members will be welcome –                    Thursday, 12th March at 3pm, hosted by Sally Brown.
 contact Daphne King on 01308 427552.
                       ‘TOTS @ TEN’
                                                                                            LENT LUNCH
 Parents and carers meet with others with pre-school
 children for coffee and a chat in the church from 10-11.30
                                                                       Lent Lunches began in February and continue in March.
 every Wednesday in term time.                                         Our Lent Lunch at St. Mary’s, Walditch this year will
                                                                           be on Friday, 20th March from 12.30 to 1.30pm.
                      Tuesday Club
The club meets every Tuesday in the village hall at 6pm.                           All proceeds go to Christian Aid.
in term time for 6-11year olds, so do come along and join                 (Suggested donation of £3.50 payable at the door).
in the fun.                                                            Please support this worthy cause and enjoy the fine food
                                                                           and convivial atmosphere Walditch is known for.
                    Mothers’ Union
  Our meeting will be on Tuesday 17th at 2.30pm at 11
                                                                          SPRING CLEAN OF CHURCH & CHURCHYARD
               Fox Close for fellowship.                                   Thursday 26h March between 10am and 2pm
                                                                                    Come and join friends and
                            DIY TEAM                                                   Neighbours for an hour or two.
 Could you spare a couple of hours on the 3rd Tuesday of                             Whatever time you can
 the month and enjoy some Bradpole fresh air? The team                           make will be most appreciated
 needs help from anyone interested in keeping the church-                        and will make a real difference.
 yard looking neat and tidy with small jobs - no mowing! It                     TEAS, COFFEES & HOT SOUP
 doesn’t matter if you can’t turn up every month, any help
 will be appreciated. We start with coffee at 10am. The
 March meeting will be on the 17th.
                                                                                  W.O.W WOMEN OF WALDITCH
                   Housewives United                                   Walditch morning W.I was officially closed on January
 Our house meeting at 2.30pm at 11 Fox Close is on                     21st. However, the 23 members attending decided they
 Wednesday 4th. We will meet for lunch at 1pm on the                   wanted to continue to meet monthly for coffee, activities
 18th. You will be welcome to join us.                                 & speakers. A new group was formed & named W.O.W.
     Further information from Daphne King on 01308                     Women of Walditch. Meetings will be as before on 3rd
                         427552.                                       Tuesday of the month at 10am.Anyone wishing to join is
                                                                       welcome. For more detail please call Angela on 456427
               Lines Written in Early Spring
Through primrose tufts, in that green bower,                                          WALDITCH GARDENERS
The periwinkle trailed its wreaths;
And ’tis my faith that every flower                                    Walditch Gardeners meet on the last Thursday of each
Enjoys the air it breathes.                                            month at 10.00am in Walditch Village Hall.
The birds around me hopped and played,                                 Our next meeting is on Thursday 26th March. Do come
Their thoughts I cannot measure:—                                      and join us - everyone is welcome. For details contact
But the least motion which they made                                   Robin Stapleton 01308 456421
It seemed a thrill of pleasure… William Wordsworth

ST. SWITHUN’S Allington                                                    ST. JOHN’S West Bay
        Village Editor - Mrs June Goodburn - 423061                             Village Editor - Sue Pollock 07903558568
        Churchwardens - Mrs Mandi Sturrock 420304,                            Chapel Warden - Mrs Rosemary Russell 423013
                   Mrs Jo George - 426457
            Children and Youth Worker - 423061                                     Church Services - ALL are very welcome
      Organist/Choirmaster - Mr Donald Allcock 485402                 March
                                                                      Sunday 1       11.15am         Holy Communion
            Church Services - ALL are very welcome                    Sunday 8       11.15am         Holy Communion
March                                                                                 6.30pm         Haven
Sundays 1st, 8th. 15th. 22rd, 29th                                    Sunday 15      11.15am         Holy Communion
Low Mass               8.00am                                                         6.30pm         Haven
Sung Mass              9.30am                                         Sunday 22      11.15am         Holy Communion
March 8th. 15th. 22nd 29th                                                            6.30pm         Haven
                       4.00pm.        Stations of the Cross           Sunday 29      10.30am         Team Service, H T Bradpole
March 22nd.            Mothering Sunday with a distribution of        Sunday 29       6.00pm         Wholeness & Healing
                       flowers to the Ladies.
                                                                      Round and About in West Bay
Weekday Services
                                                                      Things have been pretty quiet in West Bay which is not
Thursdays.                                                            unusual for this time of the year. The weather has been wet
Low Mass                                                and windy so not too many visitors around but on sunny days
                                                                      the car parks begin to fill up. The large rock fall on the East
                                                                      beach fortunately happened during the night which meant
                   Saints days in March                               there was little risk to life. It was widely reported in both local
1 St David’s Day Patron Saint of Wales.                               and national newspapers.
When it is customary to wear a Daffodil.
                                                                      Upcoming events in West Bay
17th St Patrick’s Day. Patron Saint of Ireland.                       The Discovery Centre will be open on weekends in March until
When it is customary to wear Shamrock.                                24 March when it will then be open 6 days a week. The first
                                                                      exhibition on the Railway will be on display from 24 March.
                                                                      The coffee morning in January resulted in 5 possible new
Other Events:                                                         volunteers for the Centre and hopefully they will learn so much
                                                                      about West Bay that they did not know. It is amazing how
                                                                      much information you get from the visitors, many of whom
Thursday 5th.10.45am – 11.45am
                                                                      have spent family holidays here.
Free Real Coffee Morning
Please join us for free coffee or tea                                 Coast Snap Project Plymouth Coastal Observatory have
and cakes, all are welcome.                                           installed two special cradles on East & West Beaches where
                                                                      members of the public can place their mobile phones on to
                                                                      take photos in order to monitor the beaches and assess how
                                                                      effective the recent flood defence work carried by the
                                                                      Environment Agency has been. The photos then can either be
                                                                      emailed or uploaded onto a website. In addition the first high
                                                                      powered sensor has been placed on the promenade area of
                                                                      West beach to monitor coastal flooding over the winter.

                                                                      West Bay WI. Needlecraft will take place on
                                                                      Wednesday 5th March at 10 am, and then on
                                                                      Wednesday March 11th a talk will be given by Elizabeth
                               CLOCKS GO FORWARD                      Friend entitled ‘My life & Animals’. All details regarding
                               SUNDAY 29 MARCH 2020                   the club can be obtained from Sue Rider on 01308

 When two or three are gathered in my name...
 We believe these words of Jesus, when he promises to be with us as we join together in worship, even in very small
 number. But how does gathering in bigger numbers grab you?
 In the Bridport Team some of us are thinking and praying about how we gather. And in particular how we worship in our
 team churches on Sunday evenings. Sometimes we have very similar services happening at the same time across the
 team churches. So why don't we gather to worship in one place together? Then perhaps we can experience new styles
 of worship, deepen the bonds between us and take seriously who we say we are – the Bridport Team!
 After Easter we will be piloting new evening worship – with just one evening service each week in one of our churches.
 If it happens in the evening (or an afternoon) it will be a team service. It could be anything from choral evensong, Iona,
 or Taizé, to contemporary worship, a service of wholeness and healing or monastic compline.
 Are you interested in getting involved with a team choir to support this new initiative?
 Maybe you love choral evensong and would enjoy singing with others from time to time. Or perhaps you would like to
 help lead the singing at a Taizé or Iona service.
 If you are interested in knowing more please contact the Team Rector.                                        Revd Deb Smith


Batting For the Poor – the authorised biography of the
                celebrated cricketer and bishop,
         David Sheppard (ISBN 978-0-281-08105-9)
With England’s recent success at cricket in South Africa this
seems an appropriate time to review a book that chronicles
the life of David Sheppard.
He first came to prominence as a cricketer in the 1950’s
while still at Cambridge. A decade later he became a leading
campaigner in the endeavor to sever sporting links with
South Africa, which became a crucial factor in the ending of
In his book about this remarkable man, his biographer
Andrew Bradstock had access to all of Sheppard’s archive
papers and conducted 250 personal interviews during his
He was ordained in 1955 and served his title curacy in St.
Mary’s Islington, a far reach from his background in public                              ISBN-10: 1785925474
school at Sherborne and at university.                                                 ISBN-13: 978-1785925474
Later he worked at the Mayflower Centre in London’s
Canning Tower for nine years before he was consecrated                  Profound, practical, gentle, adventurous, simple, witty -
Bishop of Woolwich by Archbishop Michael Ramsey on St.                  this book reflects the journey and personality of a daring,
Luke’s Day, 18th October 1969. The Diocese of Southwark                 devout disciple. It offers joyful, if never easy, ways to
played a large part in Sheppard’s episcopal formation. Here             heal our loneliness and brokenness through being
he learned how to bring the church alongside working                    together: listening, working, laughing, walking and
people. This was a trait that became the hallmark for the rest          making peace.
of his life.
In 1975 David was installed as Bishop of Liverpool, His                 Tobias Jones, author of A Place of Refuge
ministry here will best be remembered. A year later Derek
Worlock was consecrated as the Roman Catholic Archbishop                This beautifully written book draws on a rich fund of
of Liverpool and a friendly and formal working relationship             stories of community, ministry, and pilgrimage, and on
began between the two churches in Liverpool that had far                centuries of spiritual wisdom from many traditions and
                                                                        cultures, in describing what it means to accompany
reaching consequences and provided many challenges and
                                                                        another, and so resist the deepening culture of isolation
                                                                        fostered by modern individualism. Once you start reading
Among those were the outbreak of the Toxteth riots in 1981,
                                                                        you will find it hard to put down, as I did! And you will be
which I remember well, and the subsequent publication of                blessed by the sense that in the voice of the author, you
the Church’s ‘Faith in the City ‘ report which inaugurated the          feel something of how it is to be accompanied by him.
Church Urban Fund some four years later.
In April 1989 the tragedy at the Hillsborough Stadium                   Michael Northcott, Emeritus Professor of Ethics,
occurred when 94 Liverpool fans lost their lives. Bishop                University of Edinburgh
David Sheppard gave counsel and compassion to many of
those families involved.                                                Jonathan Herbert, the Author, is ordained in the
This book is compulsive reading for anyone who has an                   Church and currently a member of Hilfield Friary in
interest in what some of our more notable Bishops have                  Dorset, where he takes a role in leading the
achieved in their ministry. It also provides a valuable insight         community, which welcomes people from many
into the complexities of the man, his marriage, his                     different walks of life to stay. He is also C of E
relationships and his unswerving love of God.                           chaplain to Gypsies and Travellers in Dorset and
Former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, said the book                      Wiltshire. He has lived and worked in many
‘captures the charisma of Bishop David Sheppard, who                    communities across England, Palestine and Africa.
inspired a generation of young people and his influence lives
                                                                                                                        Maureen Frost
on today.’
I warmly recommend this book.
                                                  Philip Ringer
                                              Hospital Chaplain
                                                                        BRIDPORT CARERS SUPPORT GROUP
    Companionship and Cleaning                                             The group meets on the first Friday of the month at
                                                                   Bridport Community Hospital at Greenfields (bottom of
          Specialising in Senior Citizens                                          hospital car park)
       in their own homes - £15.00 per hour
                                                                               at 10.15 am till 12 noon. All carers welcome.
                Further information:                                    Chat and refreshments. Information, books, leaflets are also
             Telephone 01308 281366                                         available. There are speakers on various subjects.
              Mobile    07753573590                                            Ex-carers are also welcome for the help they can give.
                                                                       For more info. please contact M. Wrighton 01308 427494
           or email

                                                                                  5.30pm 16th March
                                                                          Learn more about dementia and how it can affect a
                                                                              person in a free 1 hour, interactive, informal,
                                                                          information session. Find out how you could make
                                                                               small changes that make a big difference.
                                                                         Dementia Friends is an Alzheimer’s Society initiative
                                                                           and the session will be run by 2 members of the
                                                                           local Dementia Friendly Bridport steering group.
                                                                         Anyone of any age can become a Dementia Friend.
                                                                          Venue: Beacon Church Hall, Priory Lane, Bridport,
                                                                                           DT6 3RW
                                                                          Just turn up or for more information contact Carole
                    SIMON SCOTT                                                      Emmerson on 07812 350451
              Simon Scott Electrical
           Approved NICEIC Contractors
           01308 424634 - 07976 320564                                          A SPACE for LIVING SPIRITUALITY
                                                                         at The Quaker Meeting House 95, South Street, Bridport,
         Unit C, Old Laundry Trading Estate                                       Dorset. DT6 3NZ. 10.00am - 4.00pm.
                 Bridport DT6 3BD.
                                                                          Series 9 - “Spiritual Practice - Meditation Practices
                                                                                    from different Faith Traditions ”
                     ‘TOTS @ TEN’                                            Event 1: Saturday March 14th. 2020. 10.00 - 4.00
           Parents and Carers are invited                                     “One River, Many Wells” led by Gary Pulman
to come and meet others with pre-school children for                                  (One Spirit Interfaith Minister)
    coffee and tea and lots of fun for the children,                       Exploring our relationship with the essence through
           Holy Trinity Church Bradpole                                         movement, prayer, meditation and chant.
             10.00am to 11.30am every                                        Donations £10-£40 per day: bring and share lunch.
              Wednesday (term time)                                        Space limited so booking is required Contact Janet Lake

                           St Mary’s, Bridport
                                Tots Time                                       FOR ALL YOUR HEATING AND PLUMBING NEEDS

                            A baby and toddler
                                  group                                                 MICHAEL SCADDING
                                                                                    PLUMBING and HEATING ENGINEERS
                                                                                       7 St Katherines Drive BRIDPORT
           at Church House, South Street
 Every Friday (term time) from 9.30 to 11.00                                  Tel 01308 425356   
 Search for Tots Time Bridport on Facebook                                        HEATING / PLUMBING / BATHROOMS / TILING / KITCHENS

                  TUESDAY CLUB
                    Are you 6-11 years old?
                 THEN COME AND JOIN US!!
              Bring your best friend for an hour of
                   fun and creativity
                at the Bradpole Village Hall
               TUESDAYS 6-7pm (term time)
              Sponsored by Holy Trinity Church
                                                                                  PLANNING APPLICATIONS
                                                                                      John Moseley Architects
                         COLMER WI
                                                                                    75 South Street, Bridport DT6 3NZ
            The WI Hall, North Street - 7.30pm
                                                                              New Build-Extensions-Conversions-Alterations
 Thursday 12 March - Jill Jenkinson - “Wheels for                                            & Listed Buildings
                  the World”
                                                                                              01308 424239
    Thursday 9 April AGM/Resolution evening                                     Email:
 Contact: Sarah Nicks 01308 459855 Maureen Rossbrook 01308 423001                Visit:

WEST DORSET                                              BRITISH SUGARCRAFT
                       FLOWER CLUB                                                     GUILD
                                                                                 BRIDPORT BRANCH
                              9th March
                                                                Come along to our meetings to find out more!
          Julie Jeans - ‘Sweet Nostalgia’                       We meet on the 2nd Tuesday in every month in the Ivy
              New members and visitors welcome                                    House Cafe at
         We meet at WI Hall, North Street, Bridport at          Groves Garden Centre, West Bay Road, Bridport.
                            2.30pm                                         7.15pm for 7.30pm - 9.30pm
                                                                 We have demonstrations and workshops on all aspects of
           For further information please Telephone:                sugar craft. All levels of experience are welcome.
                       01308 456339                               Please contact Merril on 01297 24708 for more details

BRIDPORT BLIND CLUB                                                               If you know someone who needs to learn
                                                                                                       to read or to improve
       A local social club for the visually impaired.                                   their reading skills. Please ring Vee
                We meet twice a month
          at the United Church at 2.30pm.                                                                 07707259905
        We chat to each other, we have a game,                                            or email:
         an entertainment or listen to a speaker
                followed by afternoon tea.
           Twice a year we have a coach trip
   If you are interested for yourself or someone else                         Pathways to Care
      who is visually impaired, please get in touch.             Co-ordinates both Bridport and District Good Neighbours scheme,
    We can generally provide transport to meetings.           providing help where needed like gardening, shopping, transport, changing
                     Please contact:                             a light bulb etc. and Hopeful Hampers, food for those in need. We’d
                  Tel 01308 898484                              welcome more volunteers but are also happy to hear from anyone who
                                                                  might need our help. Find out more at Good Books or Tel: 420483

  Bridport Stroke Club                                          Bridport and District Friendship Centre
               (Registered Charity No. 1138968)                         We meet on the last Friday of each month
                                                                     At St. Swithun's Church Hall, Allington, Bridport
  If you have had a stroke do come and join us                                    between 3.00 - 5.00 pm
     on Wednesday mornings. We meet from                             We have interesting speakers or demonstrations
   10am to 12noon in the Community Room at:                                       and a welcome cuppa.
         Vernon’s Court, Normandy Way.                                     We also have monthly pub lunches,
                                                                       and occasional afternoon or all day outings.
           Enjoy a chat, cup of coffee                                          Interested? Feeling bored?
          and our outings and activities.
        We can usually arrange transport.                          Meet people and make new friends?
                                                                     Contact Ann on 01308 422162 or
For further information please contact Barbara Powell
               on 01308 897389 or email

*BRADPOLE BRUNCH*                                                  Bridport Hearing Club
We welcome you to a Fresh Expression of Church                     (NEW venue is Good Books, Gundry Lane)
             for all the family                                    We are looking forward to welcoming new members
                                                                           to join our social group in Bridport.
   WHEN: First Sunday of the month:
              11.30am -12.30pm                                         FIRST MONDAY of each month
                                                                              from 2pm to 4pm
      WHERE: Village Hall, Higher Street, Bradpole              Our new venue is within level walking distance from the
   Lively Bible stories - craft - activities - songs           town centre. We enjoy various events and speakers on a
               puppets - prayer time                            range of topics. We are a small club and are looking to
       Come and enjoy our delicious bacon rolls, cheese      grow in numbers. Everyone is welcome and your first meet-
               toasties, coffee/tea and fruit.               ing is FREE. There is a nominal charge for each meeting of
                                                                             £1.50 to cover refreshments.
           We look forward to seeing you there
                  (see Bradpole Church column)                    For more info: 01308 862608

                                   DISTRIBUTORS for the Bridge always needed.
            If you can help, please contact the Village Editor for your area (usually found on Pages 9 -11)

Talks will take
                                                                                                      place on
                                                                                                   Thursdays at
                                                                                                   2.30pm in The
                                                                                                 Town Hall, Bridport

                                                                                      19 March
                                                                 American Glamour: 150 Years of Tiffany
                                                                        Speaker: Clare Phillips
                                                                                 16 April
                                                             The Architecture of Ambition: The first Duke of
                                                                Marlborough, Sir John Vanbrugh and the
                                                              building of Blenheim Palace. Speaker: James
  BURTON BRADSTOCK DUPLICATE                                        Tel. 01305 848390 for further information
        BRIDGE GROUP                                            

                                                             The National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies'
      TUESDAYS 1.45 – 4.45 PM
   at Burton Bradstock Village Hall
                                                                                  West Dorset Group
          New Members Welcome
                                                                                   6th March
             Contact Kathy on                                                ‘Secret Life of Moths’

              01308 485626                                       An talk by Paul Butler, Dorset Moth Group,

                                                                                3rd April
                    BRIDPORT and DISTRICT                       ‘From Linnets to Limpets’ talk by Imogen
                         GARDENING CLUB                       Davenport, Dorset Wildlife Trust, preceded by
                                                                              group AGM
                   We hold friendly meetings on the
   CLUB             3rd Thursday of every month at          Venue for the talk: Bridport United Church Hall, East
                        the WI Hall, North Street,                       Street, Bridport, DT6 3LJ.
                           Bridport at 7.30 pm
                                                             Talks starts at 7:30pm, suggested donation £2, to
 16 April - “Dahlias and Chrysanthemums”                                    include refreshments.
               Bryan Madders

We have coach trips to lovely gardens and a holiday
          Please contact: Peter Gough
                                                                            Carpet World
             01308 459469                                                            Est. 30 years
                                                              Carpet , Vinyl, Orient al Rugs and Cont rac t Flooring
for details or go to
                                                                         W e em ploy our o wn Expert Fit t ers
     New members and visitors always welcome                 Free Fit t ing Term s wit h Free Es t im at es and Planning
            Open to Non-members - £2.00                      Only at 52A W est St reet , Bridport (Next t o W ait ros e )
                                                                        Telephone 01308 427081

Bereavement Support
                                                                                       Cruse Bereavement Care runs an
                                                                                       informal monthly meeting at Bridport
                                                                                       Hospital for any who have been
                                                                                       bereaved. Feel free to drop in any time
                                                                                         10.00am and 12.00pm
                                                                                         3rd Friday of each month
                                                                                        You are welcome to come and have a “cuppa” and a chat
                                                                                        Contact Diana Wright on 07810 560 683

                          We meet every Thursday                                                        Abbeyfield Lyme Regis
                                                                                                       Westhill, Silver Street, Lyme Regis
                              9am—12 noon
                             at Vernons Court
                                                                                                      Independent living
                          Community Room, South St                                                        in a friendly community.
                                                                                       We have 10 en-suite studio apartments which offer
Wheelchair access and facilities, tea and coffee etc.                                  our residents a choice of their own furniture, décor
       Just call in for a chat or advice                                               etc. There is a residents’ lounge and lunch and
                                                                                       evening meals are provided in the dining room.
          in a friendly atmosphere                                                     Come along and visit us for coffee.
                       ALL WELCOME
   For further information please telephone                                            Contact Christine Holden on (01297) 443783
      01308 423620, 421213 or 427819                                                   or Email:

                    Bridport Probus is a luncheon club for                                    BRIDPORT BRIDGE CLUB
                    retired and semi-retired professional and                          We are a friendly club that meets at 6.50pm every
                    business men with the object of promoting                              Wednesday and Thursday to play a good
                    good fellowship. We meets at the Eype’s
                    Mouth Hotel on the third Wednesday of the                           standard of duplicate bridge from 7 pm – 10 pm
                    month for drinks at12 noon, followed by lunch                       The club also meets on the first 2 Fridays each
                    and a speaker.                                                        month for relaxed bridge from 2pm - 5pm at
                                         Required dress code is jacket and tie.
Prospective members are invited to attend a lunch as the paying
                                                                                           St. Swithun's Vestry Hall, North Allington,
guest of a member to enable them to experience the club’s                                                   Bridport.
principle activity before making the commitment to join. It has a
ladies’ section, mainly the wives of members, which meets at the
                                                                                        We have parking, disabled access, lessons and
same time and place but has a separate lunch and different                                 refreshments, and can provide partners
speakers. Anyone interested or requiring further information should
contact the club secretary as follows:                                                        Contact: Roy Tarsnane on
   Graham Pitts Telephone: 01297 561569                                                             01308 425298

                               Just Cats
                     Let Busypets look after your cat
                      whilst you are away. Pet visits to fit
                      around your routine - please telephone:
01308 420050 or 07816 166367
              ...other small pets considered too!
Tuition for KS2 maths and English, 11+ or GCSE
                                        Visit or ‘phone
                                           01308 425708 for further details.

     Clean and tidy worker
                                           GARDEN MAINTENANCE
      25 years experience                  Hedge, grass and tree cutting
        No job too small
                                               Garden Clearance
01308 424940 or 078807 07806    Call Andy: 01308 423330 or 07969695929

                                       MILLSIDE FRAMING
                                          Picture Framing Service
                                         Competitive Pricing – Quick and Efficient
                                           Tel No: 07941 935138
                                    Mangerton Mill, Mangerton Lane, Bridport DT6 3SG

                                             If your back goes out more than you do …
                                       us for help with aches and pains.
                                             LIZA ADAMS and ASSOCIATES
                                                     Twist and Shout
                                                Osteopathic Health Centre
                                       32 South Street, Bridport DT6 3NQ, 01308 459996
                                    Also acupuncture, TCM, counselling, chiropody

Virginia Bowley RGN RSCN MBACP                                                          HANDYMAN
               (Accred) Cert.CBT Counsellor                                         RELIABLE AND EXPERIENCED
 Experienced therapist available to help with a wide range of issues.                  For jobs in the house and garden
 Working with individuals, couples, children and families                     Driving also available. Contact Graeme Innes
   and also as a supervisor for counselling students.                 01308 422208                       07950 560954 or 01308 426592
                                                                                       HELP IN YOUR HOME
                                                                              Home Help/Cleaner available for immediate start
                                                                                     with regular hours to suit in the
                                                                                     Bridport and surrounding area.
                                                                                  Friendly, honest, reliable service with
                                                                                        established local company
                                                                                  Tel: 07929 091504 or 01308 423563

                                                                             CHIROPODIST / PODIATRIST
                                                                                Stephen Waplington MSSCh/MBChA
                                                                                      Friendly, professional treatment
                                                                                       in the comfort of your own home
                                                                                    Please call: 01308 456724
                                                                                       HPC Registered – number CH 20529

                 We Care For You by Caring About You
                 Daley Home Care, backed by years of the
                                                                                           HANDY MAN
                 very highest quality experience, is ready to                                 Painting, Decorating
                 look after you.                                                              Fencing, Decking, or
                 Whatever your needs, our superbly trained                               any other odd jobs BIG or small
                 carers will ensure the dignity and respect you                        Just call JON on 07341 554 340
 deserve as we assist you to remain independent in your own
 home. From a simple check call to full palliative care we
 provide the very best service every day of the year, at a time
 and frequency that suits you.
 We offer a complete range of services from personal care to
 cleaning, cooking and shopping.
Contact: Mark Roberts or Julie Daley, Daley Home Care
01308 898345 email:

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