Master of Business Administration (MBA) Academic year 2021-2022

Page created by Jorge Patel
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Academic year 2021-2022
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
               Academic year 2021-2022
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Academic year 2021-2022
      Threedifferent formats
             different       to accommodate
                        formats             your needs
                                  to accommodate   your needs

                FULL-TIME MBA                            EXECUTIVE MBA                               ONLINE MBA

     • 1 year                                   • 2.5-4 years                            • 2.5-4 years
     • Full-time in Maastricht                  • Part-time in Maastricht                • Part-time online
     • Intense, multicultural class            • Multicultural class experience         • S tudy in your own time and location
        experience                              • 4 modules/year (seven 8-days          • Weekly assignments help you
     • Company visits and guest lectures          modules and one 13-days module)           to stay focused
       ersonalized career and                  • Focus on assignments: immediate       • No exams
      personal development track                   application of your knowledge         • Fully online or, optionally,
       ossibility to stay in the Netherlands      and skills to your job/business          some courses on campus
      for one year after studies to find        • Company visits and guest lectures      • Customize through a range of
      a job (orientation year permit)           • Customize through a range of             specializations taking place at
     • Extra-curricular and social activities      specializations                          MSM in Maastricht or online

     • Innovation Week                         • Start: January, April, October 2021   • Stay connected through the
       ustomize through a range of                                                         interactive discussion forum
      specializations                                                                    • Start: June, November 2021
     • Start: January 2021, September 2021


             If your situation changes or you miss a course due to circumstances, you can join one of the other formats
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Academic year 2021-2022
Offering you flexible options to achieve your career goals

The Master in Business Administration (MBA) of Maastricht           Join our diverse and global network
School of Management is an experience in the essence of
organizational leadership and entrepreneurial management            You will share your MBA experience with fellow students
in a fast-changing, multi-cultural and global business              coming from different countries around the world and having
environment.                                                        different cultural and professional backgrounds. You will
                                                                    learn from experienced professors coming from and teaching
                                                                    around the globe. This not only adds to your learning
Benefit from immediate results                                      experience but will help to significantly grow your
                                                                    international network. As one of the oldest and most
Our MBA takes a practice-oriented approach, focusing on             international business schools in the Netherlands, MSM has
putting your newly gained knowledge and skills into your            built a huge worldwide network of students, alumni and
daily professional and personal life. Immediately from the          partners - an interesting network to tap into and to be part of.
first course you can apply what you have learned during the
interactive lectures, practice-based assignments, work visits
and guest lectures (on-campus MBA programs). You round off
your MBA degree with a final project, either an academic
research paper, a business plan or a business consultancy

project. This will offer you the opportunity to apply your
knowledge and skills directly to real business problems or
issues which companies are facing today.

Customize your MBA

The MBA is generalist management program, but at MSM                    Maastricht School of Management (MSM)
you can also challenge yourself by choosing from different
specializations to fully align your MBA with your career                Founded in 1952, Maastricht School of Management
ambitions. Or perhaps you want to move outside of your                  is one of the oldest and most international business
comfort zone and develop yourself in a completely new area.             schools in the Netherlands. MSM offers research-
                                                                        driven and internationally accredited MBA, MSc and
                                                                        MM degrees, as well as many shorter professional
Develop your hard and soft skills to manage                             and executive courses. It is located in the beautiful
effectively and responsibly                                             historical city of Maastricht in the Netherlands - right
                                                                        in the heart of Europe. MSM maintained its European
Pursuing an MBA is more than just theory, it is also about              Tier One MBA ranking in the 2020 CEO Magazine
developing your Soft Skills (sometimes referred to as ‘Complex          Global MBA Ranking. MSM’s MBA program is ranked
Skills’). Throughout the MSM MBA program you will be                    in the top 10 in Western Europe according to the
challenged to develop skills in the area of intercultural               2019 Eduniversal Ranking, making it the #2 in the
communication, team leadership and collaboration, critical              Netherlands. Around 1,000 students graduate every
thinking, creativity, problem solving, self-awareness, resilience       year from MSM’s programs, and MSM alumni occupy
and time management. Moreover, with MSM’s MBA you will                  top positions in business, government and academia.
not only get the knowledge, tools and skills to manage
effectively, but you will also gain a deeper understanding of
how to manage responsibly. MSM subscribes to high ethical
standards in business and strongly promotes corporate social
responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development. We subscribe
to the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME).
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Academic year 2021-2022
Program reputation                                             “The global economy requires managers with a global mindset. Meet
                                                                  and work with managers and professors from around the world and
 The MBA of Maastricht School of Management is inter-            gain a unique international perspective that only MSM’s MBA can offer.”
 nationally accredited, which means you can be assured that
 the program meets high global standards. Three bodies that                   Stuart J. Dixon, PhD,
 accredit MSM’s MBA programs around the world are AMBA,                       Academic Coordinator Global MBA programs
 IACBE, and ACBSP. Only a select few business schools enjoy
 these. For instance, only 2% of business schools have the
 coveted AMBA accreditation. Additionally the full-time MBA,
 Executive MBA and Online MBA conducted in Maastricht have

 NVAO accreditation. MSM holds institutional accreditation
 from ATHEA. MSM’s MBA is ranked European Tier One MBA
 in the 2020 Global MBA ranking from CEO Magazine.
 Additionally it is ranked #2 in the Netherlands and #10 in
 Europe, according to Eduniversal’s 2019 Best Masters ranking
 and draws on MSM’s 68-year experience in management and
 business education. The MSM Executive MBA is ranked #2 in
 the world in the 2020 CEO Magazine Global MBA ranking,
 and the MSM Online MBA #2 in the Netherlands. In 2014
 and 2016, MSM was a finalist for the prestigious Association
 of MBA’s (AMBA) Innovation Award.
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Academic year 2021-2022
ENTREPRENEURSHIP                                                                              MSM EXPERIENCE
• Start own business (in near future or long-term)                                           • Unique multicultural experience
• Learn to think “outside-the-box”                                                            • In the heart of Europe
• Apply entrepreneurial skills to your job                                                   •H  ands-on learning through case-studies,
• Option to do Business Plan as final thesis project                                            group work, class discussions and company
                                                           MSM EXPERIENCE
                                                                                              • Excellent international faculty
                                                                                              • I nternational alumni network of over
                                                                                                 20,000, with many having top positions
                                                                                                 in business, government or academia
                                                                                              •H  ighly ranked and multiple-accredited

    ENTREPRENEURSHIP                                                                             MBA in flexible formats
                                                                                              •D  ifferent specializations to align
                                                                                                 the MBA with your career ambitions

SKILLS                                                               CAREER
• Management skills
• Leadership skills
• Critical Thinking                                                                           CAREER
• Knowledge about specific                  SKILLS                                           • Career Growth
   topics such as finance and                                                                 • Career Change

   accounting, innovation,                                                                    • Networking opportunities
   marketing and strategy,                                                                    •M SM Career and Personal
   digital transformation                                                                       Development Track

“Pursuing the MBA at MSM has been a great opportunity for      “MSM gave us the opportunity to listen and to learn from a wide diversity
  me to prepare myself for the competitive job market. MSM’s      of academics with different professional backgrounds and, most
  position in the heart of Europe offered me the opportunity      importantly, with a solid cosmovision; not only on how to run a business
  to not only gain knowledge in class and get introduced to       from their field of expertise but also on how to see ourselves and how
 the great culture of The Netherlands but also to learn more      to see life itself: a deep, wise cosmovision that only years of experience
  about intercultural processes and different international       and a serious commitment to their careers can offer. More than just
  society behaviors. Studying at MSM has helped us to be          an academic experience, this program was an enriching personal and
  able to adjust quickly to different backgrounds and             professional experience as a whole thanks to all those pieces of life advice.
  cultures of people in the working environment.”                 When I realized that, I knew I took the right choice of business school.”

              David Pata Saung, Indonesia                                      Gina Montero, Peru
              Auditor BKP Indonesia                                            MBA 2018
              MBA 2017
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Academic year 2021-2022
MSM Full-time MBA
     The MSM full-time MBA is a one-year program conducted at
     the MSM campus in Maastricht. You will have full day classes,
     consisting of interactive lectures, individual and group
     assignments, work visits and guest lectures.                             Language: English

                                                                              Duration: 1 year Full-time
     Designed for professionals preferring the full MSM
     student experience
                                                                              70 ECTS = 1960 hours study load
     Joining the full-time MBA program means that you can enjoy all
     benefits of studying full-time at the MSM campus in Maastricht.
                                                                              Start: January and September 2021
     Besides the regular classes and activities we offer you the following:

     Skills Development                                                       A typical MSM full-time MBA class*
                                                                              Students: 30
     Career and Personal Development Track                                    Gender: male 59%, female 41%
     At MSM we recognize the importance of our Career Services,               Nationalities: 20
     and we have created a special optional Career and Personal               Age range: 24-40, average age: 32
     Development Track (CPDT) to help our students achieve their              Work experience range: 3-15 years

     goals. The CPDT aims at providing you with the tools necessary           Average work experience: 8 years
     to help you find a job upon completion of your MBA degree at
     MSM. Throughout the year, you will train your soft-skills and
     prepare yourself for a successful career. Personal development           Nationality                       Job areas
     training is also integrated in some of the courses of the curriculum.
                                                                                     18 9                                33
     What you may expect
                                                                                    11                               5            24
     • Networking events, a.o. Corporate Week                                     2                               5
                                                                               8                 42
     • Collaboration with regional corporate partners that are                                                    6
        specifically looking for international / foreign students               818                                  8            24
     •C  V book published by MSM that we will send to our corporate                                                      17
        partners to facilitate the recruitment of our students                        18 18
     • Business challenges, company visits and guest speakers
     • Various trainings including CV and motivational letter writing              Asia                            Sales & Marketing
        for the Dutch market (along with individual feedback sessions),             Africa                          Finance
        presentation skills, training on how to approach the Dutch                  Europe                          General Management
        market, LinkedIn and video resume, and elevator pitch workshops             Middle East                     HR
     • Individual self-awareness and self-development coaching                     Latin America                   Operations
     • Holistic life balance trainings (e.g. mindfulness, healthy living,          North America                   Consultant
        stress management).                                                                                         Engineering
     • Participation in student competitions.                                                                       IT
                                                                              * Data based on average              Logistics
                                                                                of several intakes                  Other
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Academic year 2021-2022
After graduating from the full-time MBA program at MSM,
you may be eligible for an orientation year permit. This means
you can stay in the Netherlands for one year in order to search
for a job as a highly skilled migrant. If you find a job in the
Netherlands, the work permit process is designed to be much
easier for graduates of MSM’s full time program.

Innovation Week                                                     Social and networking activities
The Innovation Week is held in Maastricht and combines              Throughout the program MSM organizes various activities
interactive workshop activity, interspersed with lectures from      for professional and social networking, such as:
guest speakers leading innovation and innovation management         •D  ebate nights
across various business sectors. The course consists of two         • I nternational student dinner: prepared by all students
modules:                                                               on the MSM campus
                                                                    •M  ovie nights
Agile Project Planning                                              •P  articipation in the European Sustainable Development
Agile has emerged from its software development roots into a           Week
discipline used worldwide across all business sectors. In order     •P  echaKucha night, introducing and performing the
to maintain competitiveness in today’s faster paced and more           PechaKucha presentation format.
complex environments, companies need to be able to master           •S  tudent - Alumni events
continuous change and are looking for agile and adaptable

new employees to meet this task. This course covers the
emergence of the agile movement, agile tools and through
workshop activity, course members will experience value driven      “During my one-year MBA journey, I was able to build a strong
development in support of a customer in various scenarios. At        understanding of structures and dynamics of global industries,
the end of this module, students will have experienced scaled        enlarge my knowledge and application of current technologies
scrum in a non-software development environment and will             and demand developments, and gained profound exposure to
be able to offer this as an extra skill set to future employers.     19 different nationalities that were part of my class.”

Service Design                                                                    Yvan Gatoto, Rwanda
“When we have 2 coffee shops right next to each other, selling                    MBA 2018
the exact same coffee at the exact same price, service design
is what makes you walk into the one and not the other, come
back often and tell your friend about it.” (See 31 Volts “Service
Design”). The Service Design module builds on the agile module      “With a purely legal background and an ambition to change my career
and requires course members to be capable of working in teams         path, pursuing the MBA provided me with new ways of thinking and
to combine the design of a system and its processes to offer a        allowed me to gain a broad range of new skills; both soft skills and
holistic service to the customer. The course will cover research,     technical skills in areas outside of Law. This was incredibly valuable
ideation, prototyping, process and management, including              in placing myself in the best position to successfully make the
service design tools, customer journey and process mapping            transition into a career in finance in which I find myself today.”
through scenario based learning. On completion of this
module, participants will have a good understanding of                            Vincent van Biljon, Namibia
Service Design fundamentals and be able to apply it in the                        Advisor Ernst and Young
workplace to improve or create new services.                                      MBA 2016
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Academic year 2021-2022
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Academic year 2021-2022
MSM Executive MBA
The MSM Executive MBA is a part-time program designed to
balance the pressures of work with study. Classes are conducted
through eight modules which can be completed in 2 years,
however you can take longer if needed.                                  Language: English

There are four modules each year, always in January, April, July
                                                                        Duration: 2.5-4 years part-time
and October. Most of the modules are 8-days long (Saturday
- Saturday). The Specialization Module, which always takes
place in June/July of the second year of studies, is 13 days long.      70 ECTS = 1960 hours study load
Classes are conducted at MSM in Maastricht and consist of
interactive lectures, group assignments, topic related guest
                                                                        Start: January, April and October 2021
lectures and work visits.

Designed for working professionals                                      2nd Best Executive MBA in the world
                                                                        Did you know that the MSM Executive
The practice-oriented approach in the MSM Executive MBA                 MBA is ranked #2 in the world in the
enables you to apply the newly gained knowledge and skills              2020 CEO Magazine Global MBA ranking?
directly to the daily practice of your organization. Being an           This makes it the best Executive MBA in
MBA program for working professionals, the MSM Executive                the Netherlands.

MBA is less about exams, but more about individual, applied
assignments. Usually, for each course you complete both group
and individual assignments focusing on actual problems of an            A typical MSM Executive MBA class*
organization which you can apply to your own organization.              Students: 30
This not only helps you to put your knowledge into practice,            Gender: male 67%, female 33%
your company benefits from your knowledge right from the                Nationalities: 17
first course.                                                           Age range: 28-55, average age: 39
                                                                        Work experience range: 5-28 years
The final Executive MBA project will be either an academic              Average work experience: 13 years
research project, a business consulting project or a business
plan completely dedicated to your organization. In this way
you actively contribute to improving the performance of your            Nationality                       Job areas
                                                                               2 5     16                         12   9
“The Executive MBA program meant two years of really hard work                              8                              17
  which, in addition to a full time job, was not always an easy task.                                       15
  But the structure of the program and the time between lecturing                           10
 weeks did provide the best possible balance between work                                                    12            24
                                                                               59                                  6
 and study. Whereas the MBA program enriched my business
 understanding, the degree significantly broadened my
 opportunities and subsequently opened new doors. I still                  Asia                              Finance
 consider joining this program as one of my best business                  Africa                            General Management
 decisions.“                                                               Europe                            Sales & Marketing
                                                                           Middle East                       Operations Management
                  Frank Kaufmann, The Netherlands                          Latin America                     Entrepreneur
                  General Manager, Philips                                 North America                     Engineering/Science
                  Executive MBA 2000                                                                         IT
                                                                          ata based on average              Other
                                                                         of several intakes
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Academic year 2021-2022
MSM Online MBA
     The MSM Online MBA provides you with the same high quality
     management education as our on-campus MBA programs -
     the only differences are in its delivery and its flexibility to allow
     you to study where you want, and whenever it fits your busy              Language: English

                                                                              Duration: 2.5-4 years part-time
     The 100% online set-up of the program will save you time and
     money for travelling abroad. This does not mean that you study
     in isolation. Through the interactive discussion forum you               70 ECTS = 1960 hours study load
     can stay connected with your peers and professors to share
     experiences, pose questions, discuss real business cases and
                                                                              Start: June and November 2021
     initiate debates. You can also choose the blended option by
     following the specialization courses or other modules on
     campus in Maastricht.

                                                                             A typical MSM Online MBA class*
     Study at a distance but with unlimited                                  Students: 20
     opportunities for online networking                                     Gender: male 60%, female 40%
                                                                             Nationalities: 15
     Courses are delivered in 8-weeks modules, in an active learning         Age range: 28-48, average age: 37

     format. To stay focused and to guide you through the program            Work experience range: 5-23 years
     you will fulfill practice-oriented assignments every week.              Average work experience: 12 years
     These assignments can consist of different tasks, all related to
     the topic of the course and can vary per week. Literature reading,
     debates in the discussion forum on video cases or journal               Nationality                        Job areas
     entries, following lecture casts are all elements of the program.
     Video cases in the discussion forum will initiate the debate                          7                              15
     with your fellow students while animated videos will introduce
                                                                                                15                5             25
     you to the weekly topic. Every two weeks you will discuss journal
     entries which relate to the topic of the course. You follow online          56                 11           5
     presentations by experienced faculty in the lecture casts.
                                                                                                                  5              15
     The discussion forum is the place where you connect, interact,                            11
     share experiences and work together with fellow professionals
     making you part of a diverse and international virtual classroom.
     You finalize each module with a final assignment/project.                   Asia                                 General Management
                                                                                 Africa                               Engineering/Science
     To monitor your progress during a course you will reflect on                Europe                               Sales & Marketing
     your performance through self-assessment activities.                        Middle East                          Operations Management
     Our international faculty are highly experienced in the delivery            North America                        IT
     of online courses and will guide you through the program.                                                        Finance
     Career service presentations and consultations are also                                                          Entrepreneur
     available for Online MBA students.                                                                               Other

                                                                               ata based on average of several intakes
The MSM Online MBA provides you with the same high quality management
education as our on-campus MBA programs - the only differences are in its
delivery and its flexibility to allow you to study where you want, and whenever
it fits your busy schedule.

Choose 100% online or blended                                     Designed for working professionals preferring

                                                                  online flexibility
You can follow the MSM Online MBA completely online with
no obligations for residential weeks. However if you would        The online MBA offers you the flexibility of combining your job
prefer to have a face-to-face experience, you can join the        responsibilities and/or family obligations with studying an MBA.
specialization courses at MSM in Maastricht. The travel, living   The format of the program offers you the opportunity to study
and accomodation cost for joining the specialization courses      wherever you want and whenever it suits your schedule. You
or one of the other MBA modules at the campus in                  will have no exams, but to keep you focused and on track you
Maaastricht, are at your own expense.                             will submit weekly assignments. These assignments are very
                                                                  practice-oriented, focused on current developments in business
                                                                  and immediately applicable to your own organization.
The MBA of MSM provides you with the knowledge
     and skills to boost your career
Curriculum of all MBA programs

The 70 ECTS* MSM MBA program consists of eight modular lecture sessions and the completion of a final project, being either an
academic research paper, business consultancy project or business plan.

Phase**                    Courses                                                               Educational hours***       ECTS

Understanding Finance      • Finance                                                                               84             3
                           • Accounting for Managers                                                               84             3

Developing a Business      • Digital Transformation                                                                84             3
                           • Entrepreneurship                                                                      84             3

Business Research Tools    • Research Methods                                                                      84             3
                           • Decision-Making Tools                                                                 84             3

Creating Value             • Marketing in a Global Context                                                         84             3
                           • Global Supply Chain Management                                                        84             3

Strategic Orientation      • Economics for Managers                                                                84             3
                           • Global Corporate Strategy                                                             84             3

Changing World             • Change Management                                                                     84             3
                           • Leadership and Organizational Behavior                                                84             3

Global Responsibility      • Managing Cultural Diversity                                                           84             3
                           • Corporate Responsibility and Ethics                                                   84             3

Specialization****         Specialization courses
                            • Course 1                                                                             84             3
                            • Course 2                                                                             84             3
                            • Course 3                                                                             84             3
                            • Course 4                                                                             84             3

Final Project              Academic Research Paper/Business Consultancy Project/Business Plan,                    448            16
                           incl. presentation

                                                                                                         TOTAL 1960              70

*	The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a student-centered system based on the student
     workload required to achieve the objectives of a program.
** For the Executive MBA courses are delivered in ‘phases’ with the two courses always grouped together in one module.
     For the Full-time and Online MBA the courses may occur in a different order.
*** 1 ECTS corresponds with 28 hours of study (includes both face-to-face and self-study)
**** Choose one of the available specializations at MSM. For more information check:
     Choose from different specializations to fully align your MBA
     with your career ambitions

     To allow you to customize your MBA around your specific         A global community
     study needs and career perspectives, MSM offers a number of
     specializations. Currently specializations are available:       The 2-week specialization module takes place each year in
                                                                     June/July. MSM organizes residential specialization weeks in
     • Entrepreneurship                                              Maastricht bringing together all students from the MSM
     • International Business & Sustainable Development              on-campus MBA programs, the online MBA (optional) and
     • Accounting & Finance                                          participants from MSM’s Global Partner Network to jointly
     • The Digital Economy                                           follow the specialization courses. This provides you with an
     • Supply Chain Management                                       additional opportunity to interact with more students coming
     • Healthcare Management                                         from all corners of the world and from a diverse range of
                                                                     professional backgrounds. An ideal chance to further expand
                                                                     your network.
     MSM reserves the right to cancel a specialization in case the
     required minimum number of participants is not met.
                                                                     More information

                                                                     For detailed information about our MBA specializations,
                                                                     check our website:
Practical information
     Application deadlines                                            Admission process

     Program       Start program Non-EU residents      EU-residents   Phase 1
     Full-time MBA January  2021 4 November            7 December     Upload the following documents to MSM’s online
                   September 2021 15 July              15 September   application portal:
     Executive MBA January 2021    14 December         14 December    •B  achelor’s degree from a recognized university as well
                   April 2021      9 April             9 April           as the transcript
                   October 2021 1 October              1 October      •P  ersonal résumé / CV demonstrating the minimum
     Online MBA June 2021          1 June              1 June            requirement of three or more years of relevant working
                   November   2021 1 November          1 November        experience, obtained after your bachelor’s degree for the
                                                                         Full-time and Online MBA, five or more years for the
                                                                         Executive MBA
     Apply                                                            • Two employer letters of recommendation (a reference
                                                                         request can be sent directly via our application portal)
     To apply please fill in the online application form on the MSM   •A  letter of motivation (structure and criteria of this letter
     website:                                           can be found on our website, under the admissions section
                                                                         of the MBA program)
                                                                      •P  roof of English proficiency: non-native English speaking
     Program fees and scholarships                                       candidates and candidates whose previous education has
                                                                         been in a different language than English must submit

     Full tuition fee: € 32,500                                          evidence of English proficiency. For the recognized tests
     Application fee: € 95 (non-refundable)                              and required scores please check our website.
                                                                      •C  opy of your passport or your EU identity card
     Extra cost could include: Visa, health insurance and study          (valid on the start date of your program)
                                                                      Phase 2
     MSM offers a selected number of partial scholarships up to a     MSM will conduct an interview (Phone, Skype Zoom or in
     maximum of 50% of the tuition fee. For more information,          Person).
     please check our website
                                                                      Phase 3
                                                                      After payment of 1st installment and prior to the start of the
                                                                      MBA program, four, online leveling (foundation) courses
                                                                      (Accounting, Finance, Statistics and Economics) are required to
                                                                      be satisfactorily completed. Alternatively, if you have completed
                                                                      the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) with a score
                                                                      of 600 or higher (or a GRE with an equivalent score), the leveling
                                                                      courses are waived.
     Working together for better
                                                                      Note: All information in this brochure might be subject to
     global management                                                change. Please check our website for
                                                                      the most up-to-date information.
     Tuition Fee & Scholarships Full Time MBA, Part-time Executive MBA and Online MBA | Intake 2021-2022

      Full Tuition fee: € 32.500,-

     Scholarships*          Amount        Conditions                                                                                   Number of scholarships
     Early Bird Discount    € 3.500,-     25% net tuition fee payment by the following dates:                                          Unlimited
                            discount      Full Time MBA: 1 May (for September 2021 intake)
                                          Online MBA: 1 April (for June intake) and 1 September (For November intake)
                                          Executive MBA: 1 February (for April intake), 1 August (for October intake, 1 November
                                          (for January intake)
                                          For more information check the MSM website.
                                          Please take into account the 3-week processing time for applications.
     Academic               Up to 50%     For remarkable talents who showcase, for example:                                            3
     Excellence                           • a solid academic & professional background and/or GMAT Score of 650+
     Scholarship                          • an excellent motivation letter
                                          • thirst for knowledge through various trainings
     Women                  Up to 50%     For women who can showcase eligibility in a 2-3 page essay, providing:                 3
     Ambassadorship                       • c oncrete examples in which they took on a leadership role/position during studies/
     Scholarship                            in professional career
                                          • at least one challenge they faced as a woman in leadership, and how they overcame it
                                          • how the MSM MBA will help develop their leadership goals in the future

     Alumni Lifelong        Up to 50%     For MSM alumni wanting to join the MBA program                                               Unlimited
     Public Service/        Up to 25%     This scholarship aims to contribute to the development of candidates with past/current       Unlimited
     NGO Scholarship                      experience in NGOs (in the last 2-3 years). Students are required to send proof of their
                                          employment via a statement of employment or a reference letter.
     Dean’s                 € 13.000,-    Depending on country. Please check the MBA program of your choice on our website             Unlimited
     Development            € 10.000, -   and in the TAB Scholarships choose the country of your origin in the dropdown menu
     Fund                   € 8.000, -    to see the actual scholarship for your country.
                            € 3.500,-
     European Fund          20%           For nationals and permanent residents of one of the 27 member countries of the               Unlimited
                                          European Union.
     SDG Change-maker       Up to 25%     For candidates that can showcase eligibility in a 2-3 page essay, providing                  Unlimited
     Scholarship                          • how they have contributed to the achievement of the SDGs so far
                                          • why the SDGs are important for business
                                          • how the MSM MBA will help them to play an even more important role as a SDG
     Entrepreneurship/      Up to 25%     For candidates who can show evidence that the company/family business was                    Unlimited
     Family Business                      legally founded more than 1 year ago and that there has been financial activity
     Scholarship                          of € 10.000,- or more in the past 2 years.
     Orange Tulip           80% - 60%     For 9 OTS countries (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, Russia, South Africa,   1 of each per country
     Scholarships (OTS)**                 Vietnam). Deadline 1 April, application needs to be done at MSM and at Nuffic NESO.
                                          Please take into account the 3-week processing time for applications.
     Corporate Discounts 25% - 50%        2 students: 25% discount, 3+ students up to 50% discount.                                    Unlimited

     * 	Scholarship opportunities can be combined up to to a maximum of 50% of the full tuition fee (including the Early Bird Discount). The OTS
         scholarships are the only exception to this rule, which cannot be combined with any other MSM scholarships or early bird discounts
Tuition Fee & Scholarships Full Time MBA, Part-time Executive MBA and Online MBA | Intake 2021-2022

Additional cost (required)                 Amount
Tuberculosis Vaccination upon arrival       € 45,-            Required by Dutch Law
(depending on nationality)
Medical insurance                           € 500,-           Required by Dutch Law
Application fee                             € 95,-            Non-refundable
MBA specialization                          € 3.500,-         For students interested in an extra specialization module (2-weeks),
(separate admissions requirements exist)                      an additional application process and cost is involved.

Estimated related cost
Visa application & Police Registration**    € 192,-           Only for non-EU residents. 2021 fee, subject to change.
Living expenses**                           € 11.100,- (min.) Includes lodging expenses (based on average basic single room in Maastricht),
                                                              food and other living expenses.
Books***                                    € 900,- (approx.) Some courses require a textbook. You can purchase required textbooks from
                                                              the InfoCenter in either a physical version or electronic version. Costs will vary
                                                              based on the textbook being used. On average textbooks are between € 50-75.

                                                              There are also a limited number of textbooks available in the library in case you
                                                              choose to not purchase a required textbook. However, keep in mind that:
                                                              1) a copy may not always be available,
                                                              2) you cannot mark-in or take notes in the library copy,
                                                              3) you may not be able to check out reference copies, and thus you will be limited
                                                                  to InfoCenter opening hours.
Security & prepayment of rent**             Varies            Up to 1 month rent
Initial costs/incidentals**                 € 600,-

** 	For full-time MBA only, estimates apply to one person’s (basic) expenses in the Netherlands and are based on attending the standard 52 -week
     full-time MBA program. Students who need to apply for a student permit, are required to show evidence of financial resources of minimum
     € 11,100 for living
*** For full-time and part-time executive MBA, not for Online MBA

Rabobank: P.O. Box 200, 6200 AE Maastricht, The Netherlands
EURO bank account: | IBAN code: NL44RABO0151355347 | BIC Code: RABONL2U
Endepolsdomein 150, 6229 EP Maastricht, The Netherlands
T: +31 43 387 08 08 | E:

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                                                          January 2021
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