Matters - Cape to Cape Grief Walk to D'Feet MND MND Week 2-8 May 2021 -

Page created by Kyle Howell
Matters - Cape to Cape Grief Walk to D'Feet MND MND Week 2-8 May 2021 -
   Volume 10 Issue 1 January - March 2021

                   Cape to Cape
                   Walk to D’Feet MND
                   MND Week 2-8 May 2021

Matters - Cape to Cape Grief Walk to D'Feet MND MND Week 2-8 May 2021 -
Inside This Issue
Volume 10 Issue 1 January - March 2021
Note from the Executive Officer.................................................................................................                 1
Note from the President............................................................................................................            2-3
Welcome Dr Dev Nathani & Staff..............................................................................................                   4-5
Clients & Carers Satisfaction Survey........................................................................................                     5
Advisor Corner..........................................................................................................................       6-7
VAD Implementation.................................................................................................................            8-9
Sophie’s Soapbox.....................................................................................................................        10-11
Sarah’s Fundraising Files..........................................................................................................             12
Let’ Get Quizzical For MND .....................................................................................................                13
Walk to D’Feet MND.................................................................................................................          14-15
Dive For Dollars........................................................................................................................     16-17
Fundraising in the Community...................................................................................................                 18
Walk to D’Feet MND Poster.......................................................................................................                19   Note from the
Cape to Cape For MND ...........................................................................................................
Grief is the price we pay for love..............................................................................................
Bereavement Support Group...................................................................................................
                                                                                                                                                     Executive Officer
Carer Toolkit.............................................................................................................................      24   Dear Members and Friends,
A Great Place to Stay...............................................................................................................            24
Carers Lunches........................................................................................................................          25   It has been a busy three months since
Grazie Gift Hampers.................................................................................................................            26   Christmas.
Pamper Day..............................................................................................................................        27
Thermomix Raffle.....................................................................................................................           27   We have all settled well into our new Carlisle
A Trip Down Memory Lane.......................................................................................................                  28   premises and enjoying the extra space. We
ECO Early Learning..................................................................................................................            29   have recently added video conferencing facilities
Condolences.............................................................................................................................        30   to the boardroom thanks to a successful grant
In Memory.................................................................................................................................      31   application from Lotterywest.
Support MNDAWA....................................................................................................................              32
MNDAWA Events Calender......................................................................................................                    33   We have also purchased two telehealth units
Support Us With Your Donation................................................................................................                   34   due to the Lotterywest grant and installed them
                                                                                                                                                     into our two small offices. The office is open      We have added a fourth Advisor to the team in
                                                                                                                                                     plan so this will allow staff to have video calls   Perth.
                                                                                                                                                     with clients and carers in a quiet environment.
Motor Neurone Disease Association                                                                            Board of Management
                                                                                                             President: Prof Samar Aoun
of Western Australia                                                                                         Vice-President: Dr Rob Edis             We have added two new staff members this
                                                                                                                                                                                                         A South West Regional Advisor based in
                                                                                                             Treasurer: Helen Kraus                  year.
Unit 1/184 Raleigh Street                                                                                    Secretary: Hannah Ley
Carlisle WA 6101                                                                                                                                                                                         An NDIS Coordinator of Support.
                                                                                                             Member: Drew Bathgate                   Andy Jones joined the team as our Warehouse
                                                                                                             Member: Maureen Bathgate                Manager and has been very busy and                  An Occupational Therapist.
Phone: (08) 6186 4133                                                                                        Member: Lachlan Haughey                 productive organising our equipment.
                                                                                                             Member: Evan Battalis                                                                       Added a grief counselling service.
Email:                                                                                   Member: Dennis Bertoldo                 Vivienne Travlos has very recently joined the
                                                                                                             Member: Dr Loren Flynn                  team. Vivienne is an experienced Respiratory        At the end of March, the board and I will be
                                                                                                             Member: Melissa Cashman                 Physiotherapist and will be working 20 hours        workshopping our strategic plan. Improving the
                                                                                                                                                     a week. Her skills will be a great asset to our     life of our clients is at the heart of everything we
                                                                                                                                                     clients. I would like to thank the McCusker         do and I look forward to making that happen.
Staff                                                                                                        Ambassador                              foundation for funding this position.
Exective Officer: Andrew Hirst                                                                               Kirsten Whitby
Accountant: Ling Lee                                                                                                                                                                                     Until there is a cure, there is care.
                                                                                                                                                     When I started with MNDAWA in January 2018
Fundraising & Events Manager: Sarah Wiley
MND Advisors: Joan Ellis, Leanne Bodley, Bree Martin,                                                        Honorary Positions                      we had 162 clients and today we have 197.
                                                                                                             Hon. Solicitor:
Abi Crisp & Emma Evans (SW)                                                                                                                          A lot has happened in that time. Some highlights Andrew Hirst
                                                                                                             Mr Peter Murray
Accounts Receivable & Administration Officer: Wendy Jones                                                                                            are:                                             Executive Officer
                                                                                                             Hon. Accountant:
Coordinator of Support: Jodie Nicks                                                                          Mr Tony Silipo
Occupational Therapist: Sophie Nunn
Education & Support Group Coordinator: Anne Northall
Receptionist: Lauren Kraus                                                                                   Patrons
Warehouse Manager: Andy Jones                                                                                Narelda Jacobs
Respiratory Physiotherapist: Vivienne Travlos                                                                Keith Potger, AO
                                                                                                             Kim Hughes                                                                                           MND MATTERS Volume 10 Issue 1 - 1
Matters - Cape to Cape Grief Walk to D'Feet MND MND Week 2-8 May 2021 -
MNDAWA hosted a successful Advance               Grief for affected families by MND starts
                                                Care Planning (ACP) workshop, called             from the time the diagnosis is received. I
                                                Plan Ahead, delivered by Palliative Care         was pleased to know that many families
                                                Western Australia. Over seventy people           have already taken the opportunity to seek
                                                attended, approximately half being MND           the assistance of our grief counsellor,
                                                families and half health professionals           Leanne O’Shea. Our free grief counselling
                                                including our MND Advisors. Topics               sessions are making a difference and
                                                discussed were “what matters most to you         developing a compassionate approach to
                                                in life; what treatments do you or don’t you     the care of our families. Change and the
                                                want at the end of life; and who will make       accompanying experience of loss is part
                                                decisions when you can’t”. All attendees         of everyday life. These changes can come
                                                said that they would recommend the               with grief and a feeling of sadness and             MNDAWA team attending the ACP
                                                workshop to family and friends. The              often have a major effect on our personal
                                                proportions feeling confident/very               wellbeing. I encourage the importance                      the issues we faced. It also enabled the
                                                confident in completing the advance care         of reaching out for support, we are here                   Advisor to highlight to [patient] so that he/
                                                planning documents that are important            for you in your time of grief and loss. The                she got a better idea of how I was feeling
                                                to them, rose from 18.8% before the              strengths of the Association are in the                    and what I was going through. If we had
                                                workshop to 67.4% after the workshop:            compassionate support, connections and                     had this earlier, it might have stopped us
                                                “I wasn’t very aware of advanced care            understanding that come from the shared                    getting to the point we got to”. I refer you
                                                planning, so I have found this workshop          experience of MND. Bereavement support                     to the write up on the family carer support
                                                very informative and will make a start and       groups are planned to start in June                        and information online toolkit in this
                                                talk to my family about end of life wishes”;     this year, please see the details in this                  newsletter.
                                                “Changes way of thinking - empowerment           newsletter. I also refer you to the helpful
                                                - assessing values now & in future”;             write-up that our grief counsellor has                     I would like to attract your attention to
                                                “Information on what is out there to help        prepared on this topic for this newsletter.                complete the annual satisfaction survey
                                                with making decisions”.                                                                                     which will be sent out by post in June this
                                                                                                 After a year of trial with regular training                year and will also be available to complete
                                                The implementation of Voluntary Assisted         and professional development of Advisors,                  on-line. It is important that we know from
                                                Dying (VAD) will be in place in Western          the family carers’ support initiative, that                both people with MND and their family
                                                Australia in July this year. MNDAWA              regularly assesses and addresses the                       carers, your experiences and your opinion
                                                staff and Board members have sought              support needs of family carers, is now                     of what needs to be improved. As you
                                                to become more informed so they can              embedded in the routine practice of                        have seen, the Association has taken into
                                                help inform the MND community if,                MNDAWA. Following interviews seeking                       consideration your previous suggestions
                                                and when asked questions about the               the feedback of family carers about their                  and increased the range of support
                                                topic. Dr Rob Edis has kindly provided           experience, positive views and already felt                services and equipment, mainly funded by
                                                a concise and informative summary                benefits were expressed such as: “This                     philanthropic organisations for whom we
Note from the                                   following an information session by the          process really hit the mark in helping me                  are grateful.
                                                health department, that you can read in          address my needs and clarify actions”; “I
President                                       this newsletter with helpful references to
                                                websites for more details.
                                                                                                 think it’s a brilliant idea. It is something that
                                                                                                 should be repeated regularly and would
                                                                                                 have helped alleviate (or prevent) some of
                                                                                                                                                            Finally, I would like to acknowledge
                                                                                                                                                            the hard work and skills of all who
                                                                                                                                                            provide care (MND Advisors- Abi, Bree,
                                                However, one important note of difference                                                                   Leanne, Joan and Emma; OT- Sophie,
Dear MND Community,                             to keep in mind here is that Voluntary                                                                      NDIS Coordinator of Support - Jodie,
                                                Assisted Dying is not part of palliative care                                                               and Respiratory Physiotherapist -
MNDAWA has certainly hit the ground             practice which is defined as: “Palliative                                                                   Vivienne) and other services within the
running in 2021. The team has settled well      care affirms life, and regards dying as a                                                                   Association (including Executive Officer
in the new premises of the Association          normal process that intends neither to                                                                      Andrew, Manager of Fundraising and
after the move late last year. It is of great   hasten nor postpone death. It improves the                                                                  Events Sarah, Education and Support
benefit for smooth operations to have the       quality of life of patients and their families                                                              Group Coordinator Anne, Accountant
warehouse of equipment located on the           facing the problem associated with life                                                                     Ling, Warehouse Manager Andy, and
same premises which was never the case          threatening illness, through the prevention                                                                 Administrative Staff Wendy and Lauren).
before. The staff additions to the team in      and relief of suffering by means of early                                                                   I sincerely thank our staff, Volunteers and
terms of OT, NDIS Coordinator of Support,       identification and impeccable assessment                                                                    Board Members for their commitment and
a Regional Advisor based in the South           and treatment of pain and other problems,                                                                   compassion and the common vision to
West and more recently a Respiratory            physical, psychosocial and spiritual”.                                                                      work together as one team to drive forward
Physiotherapist have bolstered the              There will be an opportunity to expand on                                                                   a better quality of life for families affected
capacity of the Association to expand           this topic in a future newsletter.
                                                                                                                                                            by MND.
these much-needed services to the MND
community.                                                                                       Palliative Care WA facilitators, Lana & Sabena,            Prof Samar Aoun
                                                                                                 Drew Bathgate, Maureen Bathgate & MNDAWA
                                                                                                 President Prof Samar Aoun at the ACP workshop              President MNDAWA

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Welcome                                                                                                                   Vivienne Travlos
                                                                                                                                       Respiratory Physiotherapist

Dr Dev Nathani
                                                                                                                                       Wow! What a wonderful start to being a part of the committed
                                                                                                                                       MNDAWA team. My interest lies in helping individuals and their
                                                                                                                                       families living with rare and rapidly changing neuromuscular
Dr Dev Nathani has joined the Perron                                                                                                   diseases (NMDs) navigate daily life as ‘normally’ as possible,
Institute and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital                                                                                            however that may take shape in each home. When mechanical
multidisciplinary motor neurone disease                                                                                                airway clearance devices such as the Cough Assist® first found
clinic. He has relocated from Canberra to                                                                                              their way into home care in the mid-2000’s, families living with
replace Dr Rob Edis who retired from the                                                                                               NMDs prompted me to find out more about many different
clinic at the end of last year.                                                                                                        respiratory supports. My clinical, research and teaching work
                                                                                                                                       has given me the privilege of learning from and with families how
Dr Nathani completed his medical degree                                                                                                the healthcare team may be able to help, what may be most
at the University of New South Wales in                                                                                                important and useful. My recently completed PhD explored the
2011. He went on to complete his Master of                                                                                             perceptions of young people with NMDs around uptake of life-
Philosophy (Medicine) at the University of                                                                                             extending ventilation. I look forward to sharing insights gained
Sydney in 2019, evaluating the role of nerve                                                                                           with the extended family of individuals navigating MND.
biopsy in modern neurodiagnostics.
                                                                                                                                       You may be able to tell from my nautical terms that my family
“I’ve always found the discipline of Neurology                                                                                         enjoys sailing. Since COVID-19 has separated us from our
to be absolutely fascinating and had made            “During my studies I became familiar with the                                     family in southern Africa, one dream is to sail across with my
up my mind as a 14 year old that this was            excellent work being conducted at the Perron                                      better half and two daughters. For now, though, our daughters’
the way I wanted to serve the community,” Dr         Institute and in Western Australia in general.                                    musical, creative and early high school endeavours keep us
Nathani said.                                        I am honoured to work with such esteemed                                          out of mischief. I very much look forward shaping my role with
                                                     clinicians and researchers.                                                       MDAWA.
“During my training as a Neurologist, I spent
two years as a research fellow at the Brain          “In the short time I’ve been here, Perth
and Mind Centre in Sydney where one of my            seems a wonderful place to live and work.
supervisors was Professor Matthew Kiernan,           My partner and I have already fallen in love
one of the world’s leading experts in MND.           with the city and its people.”
“While there, I was involved in the MND
clinic and saw the immense value of having           In his spare time, Dr Nathani enjoys trekking,
a multidisciplinary care model for the               and for a couple of years he was a volunteer
management of MND patients.                          guide for Emu Trekkers in NSW. He is
                                                     especially looking forward to exploring WA’s     Tell us what’s working or not working for you!
“I feel privileged to have the opportunity to        famous national parks.
care for MND patients as part of the team at
the Perron Institute.                                Welcome, Dr Nathani!                                          Motor Neurone Disease Clients & Carers Satisfaction Survey

                                                                                                      MNDAWA’s annual satisfaction survey will be sent out in June this year. This will be posted in the mail and
                                                                                                                                      will be available to complete online.
                                  Andy Jones
                                  Warehouse Manager                                                    It is important that we know from both people with MND and their family carers, your experiences and
                                                                                                          your opinion of what needs to be improved by the Motor Neurone Disease Association of WA. Your
                                  I joined MNDAWA in December 2020 after the recent move to           feedback will assist the association in improving the services offered to you and other people with MND.
                                  our new premises in Carlisle, it soon became apparent that I was
                                  not just an employee but part of the MND family, everybody was         The Association has taken into consideration your previous suggestions and increased the range of
                                  so welcoming and helpful.                                                 support services and equipment. But if you do not tell us, we will not know what is working
                                                                                                                                           (or not working) well for you.
                                  In my role as warehouse manager, I am responsible for general
                                  warehouse duties and equipment.                                      We invite you to complete the surveys, one for the person with MND and one for the family carer. It is a
                                  To obtain equipment please visit our website and complete the              short survey and your contribution will be valuable. So please keep an eye on it early June.
                                  online equipment request form.

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Advisor Corner:
                         Newly Diagnosed                                                                                                                 In times of stress your emotional well-being
                                                                                                                                                         is important. Distraction techniques can shift
                                                                                                                                                         your thinking, if for no other reason than
                                                                                                                                                         to balance the connection between mind
                                                                                                                                                         and body. Focusing on one thing at a time
                                                                                                                                                         may assist in calming your overwhelming
                                                  The impact on you at this significant time                                                             thoughts. Looking at what you are able to
                                                  of being newly diagnosed, can be all                                                                   do in this moment of now, might be helpful
                                                  consuming. Speaking with our MND clients                                                               to maintain what you can control. Be kind to
                                                  and family members, has given us an insight                                                            yourself through this journey of
                                                  into some of the thoughts that can run havoc                                                           self-awareness.
                                                  in your mind. Shock and denial can come
                                                  hand in hand as your emotions travel a                                                                 Your wish for privacy and independence are
                                                  rollercoaster ride. Some questions may be                                                              acknowledged with respect throughout our
                                                  keeping you awake at night. When is the                                                                interactions. Please do not be concerned that
                                                  right time to share information with family                                                            we enter your home to dictate to you. The
                                                  and friends? What is ahead of me and for my                                                            knowledge we impart to you will empower
                                                  family? How will I cope? Why me?                                                                       you to make informed decisions.
If you are someone recently diagnosed with        There is no right or wrong way for anyone
MND, this article may be of particular interest                                                                                                          You will be invited to MND functions
                                                  to respond to this illness. Everyone will                                                              throughout the year. Understandably you
to you. For others who are familiar with our      have their own personality traits and life
services and newsletter, perhaps a time of                                                                                                               may be cautious about meeting other MND
                                                  experiences that will affect how you adjust                                                            clients. Let me clarify for you that our events
reflection.                                       to this new situation. As MND advisors              Carers Lunch Bunbury
                                                                                                                                                         are not dismal. There is much humour and
                                                  we will be alongside you to discuss your                                                               beneficial engagement for you and your
The MND association is in existence for the       concerns and fears. In conjunction with
purpose of improving care and support to                                                                                                                 family at these events.
                                                  this, is supporting your immediate person
you, your carer and family members. You are       in the home, being the spouse or partner.
not alone in this experience of MND.                                                                                                                     From the advisors team Joan, Leanne,
                                                  We extend our support to your loved                                                                    Bree, Abi and Emma we send you all our
                                                  ones, understanding that they too will be           There are three MND clinics in Perth.              warmest regards.
I take this opportunity to explain to you the     experiencing a level of anxiety. If living alone,   One based in Nedlands called the Perron
role of the MND advisors, who with your           we can work together to implement a plan            clinic another at Fiona Stanley hospital
permission, will visit you in your home.          that is in line with your views.                    and the third at Midland hospital. You
                                                                                                      will have appointments with your MND
There are four advisors in the Carlisle office    How much time is needed to process the              neurologist specialist and be introduced to
and one located in Bunbury. We will support       diagnosis is at your discretion. Sharing            a team of health professionals within these
you individually for continuity of care, in       the information with others may lighten the         establishments. Advisors will continue with
addition to team support, if your advisor is      burden. It is with admiration we witness            education on MND and guide you at a pace
out of the office. We facilitate communication    the resilience of people with MND, living           that fits in line with your circumstances. It
processes to the best of our ability to           their daily lives through the landscape             is not unusual for us to hear the comment
advocate on your behalf. MND advisors             of challenges. There is no yardstick for            “we don’t know what to expect” We will
navigate the labyrinth of health services         comparison to others to measure yourself            endeavour to answer your questions with
that you will be introduced to through our        by in this regard. You can only manage with         empathy and clarity, to assist you in these
referrals.                                        what is within your capacity to do so.              times of uncertainty.

                                                                                                      For people under the age of 65 years you
                                                                                                      will be introduced to the National Disability
                                                                                                      Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for people
                                                                                                      over the age of 65 years, the Age Care
                                                                                                      Assessment Team (ACAT) will be the model
                                                                                                      of referral, both systems implemented for
                                                                                                      community services.
                                                                                                                                                      Pamper Day

                                                                               Christmas Lunch                                                                MND MATTERS Volume 10 Issue 1 - 7
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Information on the Implementation of
                        Voluntary Assisted Dying in WA
                                                 Eligibility Criteria

                                                 To be eligible for voluntary assisted dying,
                                                 the person must meet all of the eligibility
                                                 criteria.                                        Further Steps in the VAD Process                     Key points to remember

                                                 This includes that they:                         If found eligible for VAD, there will initially be   (1) To access VAD, the person must undergo
                                                                                                  3 “Nurse Navigators” (based at Fiona Stanley         eligibility assessments by 2 independent
                                                 • are aged 18 years or over                      Hospital) to whom patients can be referred           medical practitioners, most likely general
                                                                                                  for further guidance, and for help in locating       practitioners but may be specialists, (called
                                                 • are an Australian citizen or permanent         a medical practitioner who has completed the         the coordinating practitioner and the
                                                 resident who has been ordinarily resident in     mandatory VAD training module and who can            consulting practitioner). Nurse Navigators
                                                 Western Australia for at least 12 months         then opt to be the “coordinating practitioner”       can help in contacting eligible and accredited
                                                                                                  to whom the First Request for VAD must be            doctors. However, doctors and other health
                                                 • have been diagnosed with at least 1            made.                                                practitioners have a right to conscientiously
                                                 disease, illness or medical condition that is                                                         object to participation in VAD.
                                                 advanced, progressive and will cause death;      An independent second “consulting
Dr Robert Edis (Neurologist)                     and, will, on the balance of probabilities       practitioner” will then be engaged and will          (2) The MND Clinic neurologists are available
Vice-President MNDAWA                            cause death within a period of 6 months (or      confirm eligibility and that the VAD request is      for their advice if requested by patients or
                                                 12 months for neurodegenerative); and, is        both voluntary and competent.                        the coordinating medical practitioner or
Voluntary assisted dying (VAD) is the term       causing suffering that cannot be relieved in a                                                        nurse practitioner. MNDAWA advisors can
that has evolved in Australia in recent years    manner that the person considers tolerable       Either one or both of these Drs may then be          give information but the discussion must be
to refer to the legislated assistance provided                                                    the “administering practitioner” of the VAD          initiated by the patient.
by a health practitioner to an eligible person   • must have decision-making capacity in          substance causing death (this may also be
with a terminal illness and intolerable          relation to voluntary assisted dying             a Nurse Practitioner, particularly in a rural        (3) The 10 basic steps in the VAD process
suffering to end their life through access to                                                     setting).                                            are outlined in an Information sheet on-line
specified medication. “Voluntary” indicates      • must be acting voluntarily and without                                                              from the Health Department (“Overview of
that it is the person’s voluntary choice, and    coercion                                         After a third request for VAD is received;           the process” at
that he or she is competent (has capacity) to                                                     a prescription will be made for either the 
decide access to VAD.                            • must have an enduring request for access       oral medication to be obtained from the
                                                 to voluntary assisted dying                      single Statewide Pharmacy site to be taken           (4) There are strict safeguards that apply
With the VAD implementation starting in July                                                      by the patient orally; or the administering          to the VAD process, including information
2021 in WA, The MNDAWA Board members,            Discussing VAD in relation to MND and            Dr will obtain the Intravenous medication,           requirements, oversight and supervision,
Advisors, general staff and neurologists         assessing eligibility                            depending on the choice of the patient.              mandatory reporting and requirements
attended a briefing and Q&A session by WA                                                                                                              regarding prescription, disposal and safe
Health on March 10th so they can better          By the WA VAD Law, only medical and nurse        The place of death will be mostly in the             storage of VAD medication.
inform the MND community. Good planning          practitioners are permitted to bring up and      person’s home with the support from their
progress has been made by the Health             discuss VAD with patients; but the MNDAWA        family; otherwise, it can be in a participating      (5) These requirements are quite onerous
Department with Information Sheets on every      Advisors are also permitted to discuss VAD if    hospital, hospice, or nursing home (RACF).           on the participating Drs and Nurse
aspect of the process now available              the patient raises the subject first. However,   However, some services will not participate          Practitioners with no medical practitioner
on-line for interested patients and families     everyone will be informed about their            in VAD if it does not align with the purpose or      funding assistance model yet in place. (costs
and health professionals                         palliative care options.                         values of the service (but it is anticipated that    may have to be borne by the patient). The                                                       they will continue their care in tandem with         mandatory on-line VAD practitioner Training
                                                 The MND Clinic neurologists will have            the independent VAD practitioners).                  Module will be available in June 2021 for
This article summarises some key points.         a role if requested, in giving an opinion                                                             interested medical practitioners.
                                                 on eligibility to VAD (including through         There is no reference to VAD on the person’s
                                                 Telehealth interviews) based on the patient’s    Death Certificate to protect the privacy of
                                                 competency and a prognosis of a likely death     the patient and the family. A VAD preference
                                                 within 6 - 12 months. This is an advisory role   cannot be included in an Advance Health
                                                 only and takes into account a knowledge of       Directive.
                                                 the patient’s type of MND (ALS; progressive
                                                 bulbar palsy; flail arm or flail leg; primary
                                                 lateral sclerosis); rate of progression;
                                                 and forced vital capacity in breathing; but
                                                 relies ultimately on the judgement of the
                                                 experienced MND neurologist.

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Shower stools and shower chairs

                                                     Shower stools and chairs are designed for people                                                                      Sliding transfer bench
                                                     who have poor balance or cannot stand for long
                                                     periods in the shower.                                                                                                It is preferred that showers have level access for
                                                                                                                                                                           wheeled devices such as a commode. If there is a
                                                     Shower stools tend to have a smaller frame which                                                                      shower hob and it is not possible to have it removed,
                                                     suits smaller spaces.                                                                                                 a transfer bench positioned over the hob may be of
                                                     Shower chairs provide stability and back support                                                                      use. This enables the person to sit on a seat which
                                                     and have drainage holes in the seat to allow water to                                                                 can slide across, bringing them into the shower
                                                     pass through.                                                                                                         recess. The person may require support to lift their
                                                                                                                                                                           legs up and over the hob as they move across. This
                                                     Both are available with or without armrests. Armrests                                                                 item can also be used over a bathtub.
                                                     make it easier to transfer from a sitting to standing

                                                     The frames typically have height adjustable legs to
                                                     cater to individual needs. In sitting, ensure your feet
                                                     can be comfortably planted flat on the floor as this
                                                     provides stability. If your feet are dangling above
                                                     the floor, then the seat is too high and should be
                                                     adjusted.                                                   Handheld shower hose

                                                                                                                 A removable, handheld shower hose makes it a lot
                                                                                                                 easier to clean your entire body. Adjusting the height
                                                                                                                 of the shower head makes for a more comfortable
                                                                                                                 water flow for those who sit for showering. Being
                                                                                                                 able to remove the shower head enables you to
                                                                                                                 direct the flow of water toward areas it would not
                                                                                                                 otherwise reach as easily.

Sophie’s Soapbox                                                                                                                                                           Bath mit

                                                                                                                                                                           For those who experience weakness in their hands,
DON’T DROP THE SOAP                                                                                                                                                        maintaining a grasp on a flannel can be difficult.
                                                                                                                                                                           Consider using an elasticated mit as this means you
Regular showering is important for maintaining                                                                                                                             will not have to grasp anything. These are available
personal hygiene, however for those who                                                                                                                                    at most chain supermarkets and pharmacies, I found
experience fatigue and mobility issues, it can       Shower commodes                                                                                                       a 2 pack of them at Target for $4.
become an arduous activity. Some of the key issues
experienced by people with MND that impact on        A mobile showering commode provides a greater
showering tasks include fatigue, limited tolerance   level of support, and simply put can be likened to
for standing, reduced strength and balance, and      a waterproof wheelchair. The seat has an aperture
impaired fine motor control.                         (opening) and so can also be positioned over a              Soap dispensers
                                                     toilet, eliminating the need for additional transfers
There is a plethora of equipment available to        between toilet and shower. There is a range of              A dispenser can release soap at the press of a lever,
enhance safety and support energy conservation.      features that can be selected depending on what             designed to be used one handed. There are also
Here are some examples of equipment and              you require. For those who struggle to maintain an          automated dispensers that pump out soap when
strategies to promote safety and independence in     upright trunk position, a ‘tilt in space’ function can be   motion is detected directly in front of it. This can be
showering.                                           used to tilt the chair back slightly, which increases       more efficient than manipulating heavy canisters.
                                                     postural support. A padded pressure care seat can           Such dispensers can be used for soaps, shampoo,
                                                     be used to improve comfort, especially for those who        conditioner, lotions etc.
                                                     sit for longer periods of time.

                                                                                                                     These ideas are just a drop in the ocean of what is available. Everyone has their own unique
                                                                                                                     routines, preferences, abilities, and bathroom environments. An occupational therapist can
                                                                                                                     provide assessment and recommendations for interventions, particularly around bathroom
                                                                                                                     modifications, strategies, and equipment prescription to support individuals to optimise safety
                                                                                                                     and independence in showering.

10 - MND MATTERS Volume 10 Issue 1                                                                                                                                                    MND MATTERS Volume 10 Issue 1 - 11
Matters - Cape to Cape Grief Walk to D'Feet MND MND Week 2-8 May 2021 -
2.Social Media is your friend.

                                                  Asking for money can be hard, although
                                                  it is important to remember that you are
                                                  asking for money to help someone else, not
                                                  yourself! But social media is a great way
                                                  to collect donations without having to ask
                                                  someone directly! I recommend posting
                                                  about your event / fundraising activity every
                                                  couple of days (and more often in the week
                                                  of the activity).

                                                  “Only 10 sleeps until XYZ. Please support
                                                  me and help to raise much needed funds
                                                  for Motor Neurone Disease WA. Everyday
                                                  in Australia 2 people are diagnosed and 2
                                                  people pass away from MND. MNDAWA are
                                                  there for people when they need it the most,
                                                  right here, right now!”
    Sarah’s Fundraising Files:                    3.Every cent counts!
  I often get told “I’m not a fundraiser, I       You do not have to raise $1 000’s to be a
  wouldn’t know where to start” then suddenly,    successful fundraiser. If everyone on our
  with a few pointers, they have exceeded their   database raised just $30 a year ($2.50 a
  wildest fundraising dreams!                     month, 57c a week, 8c a day) we would have
                                                  enough money to run our services each and
  Everyone can fundraise. Fundraising             every year!
  should not be scary. Fundraising should be
                                                  Imagine what we
                                                  could do if everyone
  Here are my top 3 fundraising tips to get you

  1.What do you and your friends / family         raised 20c a day?!
  like to do?

  Generally, you will be asking people you
  know for money so have a think what you
  would enjoy doing as a group. There is no
  point in organizing a movie night if you and
  your crew NEVER go to the movies. But
  every Sunday a group of you go to the park
  for a picnic and have a mini cricket match;

  Charity Picnic and Cricket - $10 donation
  per person and everyone brings a plate.
  Hold a raffle whilst you are there (ask
  local businesses for prizes) and sell MND
  (Email: for more info.)

12 - MND MATTERS Volume 10 Issue 1                                                                MND MATTERS Volume 10 Issue 1 - 13
Matters - Cape to Cape Grief Walk to D'Feet MND MND Week 2-8 May 2021 -
Walk To D’Feet MND

Our signature event, Walk to D’Feet MND,        the Burswood Park Board, Optus Stadium,
is back in May but we need you!                 City of Perth, Main Roads and the Town of
                                                Victoria Park for their support of this event!
The Perth walk marks the commencement of
MND awareness week, which is recognised         For the second year Walk to D’Feet MND
throughout Australia from 2 to 8 May 2021.      Geraldton is being held on Sunday 16
                                                May 2021. Walking 4km along Geraldton
Our Perth walk will be held in Burswood         foreshore.
Park again this year on Sunday 2 May 2021.
Everyone who did the walk in November last      Thank you to the City of Greater Geraldton.
year was very impressed with this location so
we are very excited to be back at Burswood      Our Bunbury walk is back for the fourth year
Park this year.                                 on Sunday 30 May 2021 at the beautiful
                                                Koombana Bay! This 4km walk goes along
The 5.5km route starts at Burswood Park,        the foreshore and around the inlet before we
goes past Optus Stadium, over the Windan        turn around and come back again.
Bridge, through East Perth and over the
iconic Matagarup Bridge before heading          Thank you to the City of Bunbury.
back to Burswood Park. There is also a 4km
option for those who need it.                   All walks start at 11am but the “walk villages”
                                                will be open from 9am for registrations and to
Our thanks go to Brightside Live, Hertz         get into the Walk to D’Feet MND spirit.
Australia, Yahava Koffee Van, Rotary Club
of Como, Street Hassle events, Wasamba,         Information on how to register for this year’s
                                                walks will be on our website soon.

                                                                                                  FUNDRAISING                                     It costs over $1,000,000 a year to support
                                                                                                  We rely heavily on your fundraising as your     local people living with MND and Walk to
                                                                                                  registration fee simply covers putting on       D’Feet is our largest fundraising event in
                                                                                                  the events! When you register you will get      the year! This year we aim to raise $40,000
                                                                                                  your own fundraising page which you can         from Walk to D’Feet MND Perth, $10,000
                                                                                                  personalise. A personal story is always a       from Bunbury and $5,000 from our Geraldton
                                                                                                  winner when it comes to fundraising.            event.

                                                                                                  You can share your page on social media
                                                                                                  or via email and ask people to donate to        VOLUNTEERS
                                                                                                  you that way! Or why not get your friends       We are always on the look out for volunteers
                                                                                                  together and put on some small events to        to help with our walks. Jobs include parking
                                                                                                  raise even more money… a sausage sizzle         marshals, registration, raffle ticket sellers,
                                                                                                  in your street or maybe a virtual quiz night!   route marshals plus lots more.
                                                                                                  Call Sarah on 6186 4133 if you want any
                                                                                                  ideas or to discuss fundraising.                Please email Anne on
                                                                                                                                         or phone
                                                                                                                                                  6186 4133 if you would like to volunteer.

10 - MND MATTERS Volume 10
14                      9 Issue
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                                                                                                                                                                          9 Issue 41 - 11
Matters - Cape to Cape Grief Walk to D'Feet MND MND Week 2-8 May 2021 -
Dive For

           Our favourite weekend of the fundraising year -Dive
           For Dollars Rottnest!

           On Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 March 16 brave souls put
           their fears aside to jump out of a plane and raise $50,000
           for MNDAWA!

           The weather wasn’t kind to us on the Saturday but
           thankfully the clouds blew over and our jumps were able
           to happen, albeit 3 hours late!

           We are grateful to all our jumpers but a special shout out
           to Judith Harvey, who is living with MND, and fulfilled a
           dream to see the island from the sky, having spent years
           researching the Rottnest flora.

           Sunday’s weather couldn’t have been better, blue skies
           and not a cloud in sight! Thanks again to everyone
           who jumped but we would like to acknowledge Graham
           Bullock who is also living with MND! His support crew
           of over 30 people were able to watch his incredible
           achievement and there wasn’t a dry eye between us all!

           We will be jumping again on 5 & 6 March 2022, which is
           a long weekend so why not make the most of it and enjoy
           a staycation on the island!

           Registrations will open on 1 May but please call Sarah on
           6186 4133 if you would like more information!

                                MND MATTERS Volume 10 Issue 1 - 17
Fundraising in the Community
Want to hold a fundraising event for MNDAWA?

MNDAWA relies heavily on the generosity and support of the community to enable us to continue
our vital family care and support services.

If you would like to fundraise for MNDAWA or discuss ways in which you may be able to support
us please contact Sarah, our Fundraising and Events Manager on 6186 4133 or

If you have organised a fundraiser and would like your story shared in the newsletter please let us

                                                                                                      WALK TO D’FEET MND


                                                                                                               REGISTER ONLINE:
We have many generous groups and individuals who fundraise for us throughout the year and
we always like to mention those who raise awareness and funds for people living with MND in the

We would like to thank the following for their fundraising and donations:
Our Blackbird preview screening fundraiser
was held on Wednesday 17 February 2021
                                                                                                      Walk in Honour, Walk in Memory, Walk in Hope
at Luna Palace Windsor Cinemas, 110
people attended, and we raised $3000.
                                                                                                                                      MNDAWA’s largest
Tina Ingraham for organising Run for MND
at Leighton Beach on 20 February 2021 over                                                                                             community event
100 people took part and they raised $3562.

Perth Hash House Harriets Blue Dress Run
                                                                                                               2 MAY                raising vital funds and
                                                                                                                                     awareness to D’Feet
was held on Tuesday 2 March 2021 and                                                                         BURSWOOD PARK
raised $1775. This annual run is in honour
                                                                                                                                       Motor Neurone
of their beloved life member “Waddles” who
sadly lost her battle with MND 20 years ago.
                                                                                                              16 MAY                        Registrations
                                                                                                           GERALDTON FORESHORE              (early bird until 9am - Monday 12 April)

                                                                                                                                                           Adult - $25
                                                                                                              SUNDAY                                        Child - $10
                                                                                                                                                        Fur Baby - $10
                                                                                                              30 MAY                                      Family - $50
                                                   The second ‘Playing Through for MND’ Golf                                                       (2 Adults & 2 Children under 16)

                                                   Fundraising Day was held at Araluen Golf              KOOMBANA BAY FORESHORE
                                                   Resort on Friday 12 March. We are pleased
                                                   to share that just over $6000 was raised                     BUNBURY                  Walk t-shirts, Socks, Dog
                                                   on the day and much fun was had by all. A                                      Bandanas and other merchandise
                                                   massive thank you to the team at Araluen,                                          available to purchase online
                                                   along with all our supporters and participants
                                                   on the day. The next ‘Playing Through for
                                                   MND’ event will be held on Friday 29 October
                                                   2021. Feel free to email Trudy Renshaw at            route suitable for all - 11am start
                                          or contact 0413 891 885
                                                   if you’re keen to be involved and have a
                                                   tee-rific time!

10 - MND MATTERS Volume 10
18                      9 Issue
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                                                                                                                                                         9 Issue 41 - 11
Cape to Cape For MND                                                                                 Day 4 - Gracetown to Margaret River Mouth

                                                                                                                     A soft and sandy 17.5km today and we officially
                                                                                                                     passed the halfway mark at the Margaret River Mouth.
On 20 March, 16 fundraisers headed down to Cape                                                                      The day started with our usual preparation strapping
Naturalist to start their EPIC adventure walking the                                                                 of feet, magnesium oil and of course coffee. Many of
Cape to Cape track for MND!                                                                                          us expecting that this would be the day we would ‘find
                                                                                                                     our legs’.
The group have been training for over a year for this
trip of a lifetime and spirits were very high!                                                                       We have challenged ourselves physically and
                                                                                                                     supported each other to get through some tough
Cape to Cape Diary:                                                                                                  sections.
Day 1 – Cape Naturalist to Yallingup                                                                                 It has only been 4 days, yet it feels like we have been
Just the beginning...                                                                                                together for weeks. There is something really special
                                                                                                                     about a group of people who come together with a
8am, bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to bus our                                                                   shared purpose or experience. We have laughed and
way to the start of our epic adventure. 1pm, 4 wee                                                                   cried as a group and shared the emotional stories
stops and a 5 hour bus journey the 16 arrived at Cape                                                                that have brought us all together, forging some lasting
Naturaliste, ready and raring to go!                                                                                 friendships, on a journey like no other.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Day 5 - Margaret River Mouth to Boranup Forest
I’m not sure any of us were prepared for what lay
ahead but the views, camaraderie and finishing                                                                                                                                   26km was never going to be a stroll in the park but oh
sunset chased all the aches and pains away!                                                                                                                                      what a day we had. Hills, caves, ocean, forest, stairs,
                                                                                                                                                                                 sand, sore toes and aching muscles. Today we saw it
15km, 3 sore toes, 5 dodgy knees, 2 broken Achilles,                                                                                                                             all and we feel blessed to live in such a beautiful part
1 March Fly bite and a lot of chafing (luckily there was                                                                                                                         of the world.
a suggestion that lip balm has several uses). Roll on
Day 2.                                                                                                                                                                           Loved ones were close today as we fought through
                                                                                                                                                                                 the pain. It’s incredible what the body can achieve
                                                                                                                                                                                 when the mind is willing.

                                                           Day 2 - Yallingup to Injidup                              Day 6 - Boranup Forest to Cosy Corner
                                                           ‘Plans do Change’
                                                                                                                     Is there any greater show of “mateship” than walking
                                                           After a rocky start we headed out for another gruelling   in someone else’s footsteps to make the beach walk
                                                           but rewarding day. Today brought changing terrains,       that little easier?
                                                           multiple dolphin sightings, some challenging beach
                                                           walks and the most unforgiving surf breaks.               After 7km past Karri trees and in the cool of the forest,
                                                                                                                     like lines of elephants holding tails the team walked
                                                           For those of us that chose to swim, we experienced        along 8kms of gruelling beach followed up by up and
                                                           the full power of Mother Nature as we navigated the       down and up and down and up... you get the picture,
                                                           strong currents and dumping waves and got spat out.       for a final 6km.
                                                           Back in Margs we enjoyed recovery time by the pool        Toes are taped and backs are sore but we have
                                                           and bonded over shared story telling and precious         memories to last a lifetime and more love in our hearts
                                                           memories shared of our loved ones we have lost to         than we ever thought possible on a 7 day hike with
                                                           MND.                                                      strangers!
                                                           Together we can something so              Finally, singing on the bus on the way back to the
                                                           challenging to the individual...seem so effortless?       hotel. A true show of camaraderie mixed with a little
                                                                                                                     bit of delirium following 114km of hiking over the last 6
                                                           Simple answer.....because we have each other!             days.

                                                                                                                     Last day tomorrow but truly none of us want it to end!

                                                                                                                                                                                 Day 7 - Cosy Corner to The End (Cape Leeuwin)

                                                                                                                                                                                 “Simply the best”

Day 3 - Injidup Beach to Gracetown                                                                                                                                               The last day was always going to be interesting.
                                                                                                                                                                                 21km with sore legs and feet, full hearts and a steely
Following the slowest day known to man on day 2,                                                                                                                                 determination...
day 3 started with an extra 8km walk... taking us to
our 2nd longest day for the week and 22km.                                                                                                                                       Beautiful, challenging, breathtaking and hilly. All with
                                                                                                                                                                                 the lighthouse in the distance. Slowly getting closer
Sand, boulders, hills, wind and a few sore toes but                                                                                                                              and closer.
without doubt the best day so far!
                                                                                                                                                                                 We walked in memory of many loved ones today but
Friendships have been firmly formed and the talk                                                                                                                                 hold one person closer.
about loved ones lost today will forever be imprinted in
our memories. How incredibly special!                                                                                                                                            Vale Mark.

22km is no small feat but knowing why we are doing                                                                                                                               Friendships will last a lifetime. Memories will last even
what we are doing keeps us plodding onwards.                                                                                                                                     longer.
Grief is the price we pay for love

                                                      can also grieve things they long for but never got.
                                                      • Grief touches everyone; it doesn’t discriminate
                                                                                                                   Motor Neurone Disease
                                                      across age, gender, income, religion or culture.

                                                      Grief and mourning are necessary.

                                                      • Grief is on the inside; mourning is on the
                                                      outside. Grief is an internal response to a
                                                                                                                 Bereavement Support Group
                                                      loss, including the thoughts and feelings we          Join us as we support each other and discuss some of the ways the loss of a loved one to MND
                                                      have. Mourning is an external expression of
                                                      those thoughts and feelings. Crying, talking,         can affect our lives.
                                                      writing, painting, running, and making music are
                                                      examples of mourning.
                                                      • To be bereaved refers to the experience of loss     The purpose of this group is to provide information about the grief process; to share
Supporting our MND community over the last            that comes from the death of a close relation or      experiences; and to alleviate the feeling of isolation.
couple of months has highlighted the importance       friend.
of grief and the need for support, education          • Mourning is an essential part of the healing
and connection within our community. Grief is a       journey.                                              This group will be facilitated by Leanne O’shea our grief & bereavement counsellor from the
very natural and important response to loss and       • Mourning is a learned skill.
caring for someone with MND and navigating            • Rituals where people mourn together are a           South West Grief & Loss Centre and will run over six sessions.
the illness. Loss will occur as you adjust to the     powerful part of the grieving and healing process.
diagnosis, disease progression and daily lifestyle                                                          When:             Mondays
changes.                                              There’s no one way or right way to grieve or
                                                      mourn.                                                14/6/2021, 12/7/2021, 9/8/2021, 13/9/2021, 11/10/2021 & 8/11/2021
Grief is the emotional response to many losses
we experience and allowing yourself to express,       • There are no easy formulas for dealing with
explore and observe your grief will develop           grief.
self-awareness, the importance of growing your        • Each person has their own experience of living
connections, the trust of community and the                                                                 TIME:             3.00 pm to 4.00 pm online via Zoom
                                                      with and growing through the process.
safety of a listening ear. Grief evokes feelings,     • There is no fixed timeframe for grieving or
pain, questions and understanding.                    mourning
“Grief is not a disorder, a disease, or a sign                                                              RSVP:              By 1 June 2021
                                                      Apart from one on one free grief counselling
of weakness. It is an emotional physical and          sessions available to our clients and families,                          Phone: 6186 4133 or email
spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love.      MNDAWA is also developing support groups for
The only cure for grief is to grieve” Rabbi Earl A.   members who are bereaved from losing a loved                             Please advise name & email address of person attending
Grollman, Ph.D.                                       one to MND. This important program allows you
                                                      to maintain contact with our organisation along
The way in which we manage loss is                    with other members experiencing the same loss         Though grief and healing has its own pace, professional support can facilitate this difficult
very important, as it can greatly affect our          and shared experience. You are not alone in           journey.
relationships and self-care. We may initially         navigating your emotions of grief and connecting
feel like we can cope on our own, but feelings        with us for support is one of our most basic
of grief can catch up with us. Grief is a natural     human needs. I encourage you to be open to            MNDAWA offers free grief support programs to carers, families and loved ones who have lost
phenomenon, a process and a journey we                support. Our bereavement support groups are
must be willing to travel. In order to move with                                                            someone to MND. Our experienced bereavement counsellor provides support in a calm and
                                                      confidential, compassionate and safe for you
MND we need to be willing to take the next step       to share your stories; helping others to do the       supportive setting, we will help you understand the grieving process and teach you ways to
forward. We need to grieve the loss before we         same.
can accept it.                                                                                              manage grief and find the strength to heal.
                                                      Allowing yourself permission to grieve and
A few tips to help you navigate your personal         develop awareness at all stages of MND is
grief, supporting family and friends.                                                                                   For further information on the support group please contact:
                                                      important to your wellbeing; therefore remember
• Grief is normal, painful, and messy.
                                                      l am available to all MNDAWA families for grief                                  Leanne O’Shea on 0407 995 978
                                                      and loss support. Please call the office on
• Love and grief are a package deal and are           6186 4133 or Leanne directly on 0407 995 978 to
always intertwined. We can’t love without grief or                                                          “Grief is not a disorder, a disease or sign of weakness. It is an emotional,
                                                      schedule your sessions. Also available afterhours
grieve without love.                                  and on weekends – upon request.                       physical and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure
• The only pain that can be avoided is the pain                                                             for grief is to grieve.” Earl Grollman
that comes from trying to avoid the pain.             Leanne Oshea
• People grieve many things (not only the death
of someone they care about). People grieve the        MNDAWA Grief Counsellor
loss of a job or their health, a former home or
community, the end of a partnership, children
who’ve moved out, the death of a pet, ecological
destruction and other global tragedies. People                                                                                                                                    MND MATTERS Volume 10 Issue 1 - 23
Online Toolkit for Family Carers now available
                                                                                                                  Carers and Past Carers Lunches
Family and friends play an important role in caring for their loved ones who have MND. MNDAWA
is delighted to announce the release of our online toolkit to support MND family carers and provide
them with a ‘one stop shop’ for information and resources.                                                Our last Carers Lunch was held at Catalano’s in Victoria Park on Wednesday 31 March
Based on research, the toolkit has nine sections that provide information and relevant links for
carers. It supplements our existing supports for carers (e.g., through our MND Advisors and other         We would like to invite carers and past carers to come along and enjoy a meal together
supports provided by MNDAWA) and will allow carers to look for information in their own time.             in a supportive environment and share ideas with each other about caring for someone
Please also discuss your support needs with your MND Advisor.                                             with Motor Neurone Disease.

                                                                                                          If you are a carer or past carer and would like to attend any of the carers lunches please
                                                                                                          contact the office via email: or phone: 6186 4133. Please advise
                                                                                                          name, phone number, email address.

                                                                                                          The next carers lunches are planned for:

                                                                                                          1 Friday 16 April 2021, 11.30 am to 1.30 pm Mia Cucina, 1/45 Northside Drive, Hillarys.
                                                                                                          Please RSVP by Thursday 8 April 2021.

                                                                                                          2 Wednesday 19 May 2021, 11.30 am to 1.30 pm, Tree of Life Café, 31 Sholl Street,
                                                                                                          Mandurah. Please RSVP by Tuesday 11 May 2021.

                                                                                                          3 Wednesday 9 June 2021, 11.30 am to 1.30 pm Oakover Grounds, 14 Yukich Close,
                                                                                                          Middle Swan. Please RSVP by Tuesday 1 June 2021.

                                                                                                          MND Global Day Function

The toolkit is available from the home page of our website – or directly at             Every year the International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations celebrates 21 June as the                                                            global day in recognition of ALS/MND. A disease that affects people in every country of
                                                                                                          the globe.
We’d love to hear your feedback on the toolkit, especially if you think there is additional information
or resources we can include. Please complete the feedback form on the website to tell us about            Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a global problem. It does not discriminate on the basis
your experience.                                                                                          of race, ethnicity or demographic. It is a devastating disease that affects over 350,000
                                                                                                          of the world’s population and kills over 100,000 people every year (International Alliance
                                                                                                          of ALS/MND Associations). For every person diagnosed with MND, the impact of the
           A Great Place to Stay                                                                          disease will be forever felt by their loved ones.

                                                                                                          WHY 21 JUNE? June 21 is a solstice – a turning point – and each year the ALS/MND
                                                                                                          community undertake a range of activities to express their hope that this day will be
We recently went on a family holiday and booked into the Ramada Hotel in Dunsborough.                     another turning point in the search for cause, treatment and cure of MND.
This hotel location and facilities were excellent for my wife who has MND.                                This year MNDAWA will be holding our global day function at the WA Museum Boola
                                                                                                          Bardip in the Perth Cultural Centre.
We had a great room on the ground floor with all disability requirements. We were able to use all
the ground facilities via her mobility scooter. My wife was able to follow the grand kids using their     We invite clients and their carer to join MNDAWA for lunch on Monday 21 June 2021 at
scooters on the paths and follow them down to the playground. This was great as she was fully             12.00 pm. After lunch you are welcome to wander around the museum at your leisure.
inclusive in everything we did.
                                                                                                          Registrations are required for this event so please RSVP by Tuesday 1 June 2021 via
The grounds including the pool area were all on one level and very accessible for my wife. Access         email: or phone: 6186 4133. Please advise your name, phone
into the pool was easy with a handrail and big area steps so carers can assist. The pool was the          number, email address and any dietary requirements.
perfect depth and brilliant for exercise or just moving around. The grounds also had free BBQs
where I could cook and all the family could play on the grass, kicking a football. Very enjoyable.

The staff were excellent and very helpful.

I would recommend the Ramada as a great get-away.


 24 - MND MATTERS Volume 9
 10                      10Issue
                             Issue41                                                                                                                            MND MATTERS Volume 10 Issue 1 - 25
Grazie Gifts has partnered with MNDAWA to help make a difference in the lives of
people suffering MND and their families.

Purchase a gift from their MNDAWA gift collection and they will donate a percentage
of the proceeds to Motor Neurone Disease Association of WA.

Suitable for many occasions, treat yourself or a loved one while supporting

Please use the following link to access the website:

1.Sweetness- $60 delivery not included             2. Thinking of You $100 - delivery not
- $5.00 donation to MNDAWA                         included -$10 donation to MNDAWA

                                                                                            Always wanted to own a

                                                                                            How about the chance of owning one
                                                                                            for $25?

                                                                                            Our Thermomix raffle gives you a 1 in
                                                                                            200 chance of taking home a brand
                                                                                            new Thermomix plus a cooking lesson
                                                                                            from Michaela Carr.

                                                                                            To purchase tickets please email

3. Afternoon Delight $120 - delivery not           4. Let’s Share- $150 delivery not
included- $15 donation to MNDAWA                   included- $20 donation to MNDAWA
26 - MND MATTERS Volume 10 Issue 1                                                              MND MATTERS Volume 10 Issue 1 - 27
A Trip Down Memory Lane

                                               The Motor Neurone Disease Association’s
                                               annual street appeal in 2003 collected twice
                                               as much money as the 2002 appeal because
                                               of help from people such as Joy.

                                               Joy runs a craft group that raises money for
                                               the association and is a volunteer visitor to
                                               people living with the disease.

                                               Joy was also on the association’s Board and
                                               used to travel to lend support to her parents
                                               on weekends.

During our office move we came across          “When you have been exposed to the
some old newspapers, files and photos so       devastating effects of MND first-hand, you
we have decided to cover some of these         want to do everything you can to raise funds
in our newsletter under the heading “A Trip    to support MND patients and assist the
Down Memory Lane”                              association’s ongoing research into this cruel
                                               disease”, she said.
This article is about Joy Diver, who spent
many years volunteering her time to MNDWA      Joy has been part of the association since
since its inception and made a significant     it first started meeting once a month in a
contribution over the years by raising funds   church hall.
and being an active member of the Board.
Joy sadly passed away last year during         “I really don’t want others to lose their family
COVID and her family held a memorial           or friends to MND like I lost my father,
service in March to celebrate her life.        defeating this disease really has become my
                                               mission”, she said
This is an article that was published in the
Stirling Times on Tuesday 13 January 2004      “Everyone needs support, now there is a lot
and was written by Pamela Medlen.              more support and care available to people
                                               and carers”.
Joy’s Mission to Help
                                               The 2003 appeal raised $6500 for the
One woman’s experience with motor neurone      support of people who live with the disease.
disease has driven her to raise money for
research into the disease.

Joy Diver’s father died from the disease
(MND) 20 years ago and she made it her
mission to do something about it.

10 - MND MATTERS Volume 10
28                      9 Issue
                            Issue41                                                                MNDMATTERS
                                                                                                  MND  MATTERSVolume
                                                                                                                      9 Issue 41 - 11
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