Medical Technology in Bavaria PROFILES - GLOBAL PARTNER -

Page created by Melanie Guzman
Medical Technology in Bavaria PROFILES - GLOBAL PARTNER -
Medical Technology
in Bavaria PORTRAITS


Medical Technology in Bavaria PROFILES - GLOBAL PARTNER -
Your Key
 to Bavaria
Easy access to economic partners in Bavaria
Exclusively available at Bayern International, the company database „Key to Bavaria“ comes free of charge
and offers information on more than 32.000 entries of companies from all sectors.

Medical Technology in Bavaria PROFILES - GLOBAL PARTNER -

"One man's joy is another man's sorrow"...

... this is one way to describe the effects of lock-   The COVID-19 crisis shows how important com-
down, where positive business models have made         munication is. Let's keep the future in mind!
people sit up and take notice, and negative results
have taken on a depressive edge.

This publication fills you in on what opportunities
exist during difficult times and how you can still                  Walter Fürst, Managing Director
use funding measures to your advantage:
                                                         This publication is also available online at
 How does Medical Valley promote the health
 economy and health care?
 Are frugal innovations more than a stopgap
                                                       Publisher:               media mind GmbH & Co. KG
 solution?                                                                      Hans-Bunte-Str. 5
                                                                                80992 Munich/Germany
 What are the advantages of compliant mechan-                                   Phone: +49 (0) 89 23 55 57-3
 isms in instrument manufacturing?                                              Telefax: +49 (0) 89 23 55 57-47
 Why is the medical technology of the future                          
 relying on the power of digitization?                 Managing director:       Walter Fürst, Jürgen Bauernschmitt
                                                       Design + DTP:            Jürgen Bauernschmitt
 What effects does demographic development
                                                       Prepress:                media mind, München
 have on social relevance?
                                                       Responsible editor:      Ilse Schallwegg

 How do company founders pursue a career in            Internet:      

 Europe?                                               Published annually:      1 x annually

                                                       © 2020/21 by media mind GmbH & Co. KG, Munich.
 What significance does knowledge sharing              No part of this publication may be stored, copied or
 have for a marketable product?                        reproduced without prior written permission by the editors.
Medical Technology in Bavaria PROFILES - GLOBAL PARTNER -
Make the world
  your home
with Bayern International
                       One of the central players in                                                      the Bavarian Ministry of Economic
                       Bavarian foreign trade promotion                                                   Affairs and combine international
                       is Bayern International, a com-                                                    further training with Bavarian export
                       pany of the Free State of Bavaria.                                                 promotion. This gives Bavarian
                       In cooperation with the Bavarian                                                   companies the chance to establish
                       Ministry of Economic Affairs,                                                      promising business contacts.
                       many projects around the globe
                       are organized every year.                                                          "Key to Bavaria": Easy entry
                       Since 25 years Bayern Interna-                                                     into new markets
                       tional has supported Bavarian           Joint stand of Bayern International at     „Key to Bavaria“ is a free of charge
                       SMEs in their export activitis -        Aquatech 2019                              database containing information
                                                               (Photo: Bayern International)
                       whether in Asia, Africa or North                                                   on Bavarian companies and insti-
                       America. True to the motto "Ser-        Bavarian Ministry of Economic              tutions from 22 key sectors. It
                       vice for your success abroad - Off      Affairs, Bayern International organ-       currently contains more than
                       to new markets", an extensive           izes delegation trips and takes care of    32,000 entries ranging from
                       program is available, ranging from      all travel logistics and the organiza-     health care and life sciences all the
                       trade fair participations to delega-                                               way to the automotive industry
                       tion trips, entrepreneur trips and                                                 and cultural and creative indus-
                       delegation visits.                                                                 tries. It allows potential business
                                                                                                          partners worldwide to identify
                       Benefit from the Bavarian Trade                                                    interesting Bavarian products, ser-
                       Fair Participation Program                                                         vices and technology partners.
                       Foreign trade fairs are an important                                               Bavarian companies and institu-
                       distribution channel to export mar-                                                tions can register and display their
                       kets. The Bavarian Trade Fair Par-                                                 goods/services in the database free
                       ticipation Program offers Bavarian      Arab Health: Business talks at the joint   of charge.
Bayern International

                       companies a comprehensive range         stand of Bayern International
                       of services before and during the       (Photo: Bayern International)

                       fair, financial support from the        tion of the business program. The
                       Bavarian Ministry of Economic           focus is on the export intentions and
                       Affairs and a turnkey trade fair        interests of the participating compa-
                       booth with variable booth areas. In     nies. Small to medium-sized compa-          Contact:
                       addition, Bayern International takes    nies thus get the opportunity to            Bayern International - Bavarian
                       care of all organizational matters      build a network for their export            Bureau for International Business
                       and offers support on site.             activities.
                                                                                                           Landsberger Str. 300
                                                                                                           80687 Munich, Germany
                       Political support for your ex-          Market entry from home:                     Phone: +49 (0) 89 660566-0
                       port activities: Delegation             Delegation visits                           Online:
                       trips by the Bavarian Ministry          The program "Bayern - Fit for Part-
                       of Economic Affairs                     nership" brings decision-makers             Monthly newsletter:
                       Politics is a door opener, especially   from abroad to Bavaria. The delega-         Further communication channels: LinkedIn,
                       when it comes to opening up new         tion visits are carried out by Bayern       Xing, BayernInterKanal on YouTube,
                                                                                                           facebook, Twitter
                       markets. In cooperation with the        International in cooperation with
Medical Technology in Bavaria PROFILES - GLOBAL PARTNER -
Dear readers,                                                   field of healthcare at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.
The coronavirus pandemic has left Bavaria’s medical             Furthermore, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic
industry with ambivalent feelings: On one hand, many            Affairs is consequently pursuing its funding lines for
companies have been and still are economically affected         medical technology and digital health, which have
by the consequences of the lockdown. On the other               been active for years. The Bavarian Cluster for
hand, digital services and business models experience a         Medical Technology is also consistently promoting the
rapid ascent.                                                   creation and further development of functioning net-
                                                                work and cluster structures.
The sector has been engaged with digitalization for
several years already!                                          These are definitely appropriate measures, for it is cer-
                                                                tain that the digitalization will radically transform the
In 2019, Medical Valley EMN e. V. and Forum                     healthcare industry and healthcare provision. Existing
MedTech Pharma e. V., together with other MedTech               care structures and processes will change and generate
clusters in Germany as well as the management con-              entirely new healthcare services. Besides funding, it is
sultancy Econum, have therefore conducted a study cal-          therefore important that these new business models and
led “Under the magnifying glass – implementation sta-           innovations can actually be absorbed by the healthcare
tus of digitization in medium-sized medical technology          systems.
companies”. After all, it is clear that digitalization is the
most important growth driver in the medical tech-               And there is a lot of progress going on in Germany,
nology/healthcare sector, particularly in the context of        right now! The Digital Supply Act (DVG) and the
small and medium-sized businesses.                              Patient Data Protection Act (PDSG), which is current-
                                                                ly being discussed, are opening up a new market for
Key findings of the study are:                                  industrial providers of digital health applications
                                                                (DiGAs). Extra-budgetary financing will shift and
  The medical technology industry expects both direct           expand the previous sectoral supply and financing limits.
  and indirect support through digitalization, e.g. better      Additionally, it is to be expected that the Hospital
  diagnoses and individual therapies and thus, a more           Future Act, which is currently being discussed in
  efficient healthcare system. Data protection plays a          Parliament, will provide further innovative impetus on
  special role here.                                            the inpatient care side.
  Due to new technical developments, a significant
  growth in sales is expected on the medical technology         In order to seize the oppurtunities outlined here,
  market.                                                       transdisciplinary cooperation and genuine teamwork on
  The new technologies and digital approaches – re-             an equal level are required. And this is exactly where we
  gardless of the company size – do not only impact             as Medical Valley EMN e. V. want to contribute effec-
  medical technology products. They also influence the          tively. As a leading edge cluster for medical technology
  company and its processes, methods and procedures as          and digital health hub, Medical Valley functions on the
  well as the business models.                                  principle of transdisciplinary networking, and there-
                                                                by supports all stakeholders in the healthcare sector in
The Free State of Bavaria and the Bavarian state govern-        generating innovations at eye level. Feel free to contact us!
ment are striving to support this transformation with           We look forward to exchanging with you!
funding programs. In the context of Bavaria’s “Hightech
Agenda”, which was pushed once again just last                  Jörg Trinkwalter
September, it was possible, for example, to set up a            Member of the Executive Board
Department for Research and Education on AI in the              Medical Valley EMN e. V.
Medical Technology in Bavaria PROFILES - GLOBAL PARTNER -
Medical Valley Award –
  from Research
to Start-Up
                        Since 2017 the Medical Valley Award has been offering Bavarian research
                        teams access to funding to realize their scientific findings by starting their
                        own enterprise. But what are the requirements for an application and
                        what comes afterwards? In the following, Jonas Jung, Medtech engineer,
                        project lead & techscout at Medical Valley EMN e. V. gives answers to
                        these and further questions - maybe you will be part of the next winning

                        1. What exactly is the                  do offer a very good infrastruc-       12-member jury. From the appli-
                        Medical Valley Award?                   ture and many opportunities. Of        cants, 20 potential teams are se-
                                                                course, this is especially noticea-    lected and invited for the pitch. I
                        The Medical Valley Award is a           ble in the highly regulated med-       always like to take the time to
                        pre-pre-seed funding and is expli-      tech sector. Moreover, the infra-      give individual feedback to teams
                        citly directed at scientific teams at   structure for start-ups at research    after the evaluation. I think this is
                        colleges, universities, university      institutes and universities in Ba-     a mandatory, but unfortunately it
                        hospitals & research institutes in      varia is far from homogeneous.         is not always offered as part of
                        Bavaria. The award is sponsored         So, the biggest challenge for me       the funding context. The teams
                        by the Free State of Bavaria            is to find and approach the right      applying for the award deserve
                        (Bavarian State Ministry of Eco-        teams that are willing to show         feedback, as they have already
                        nomic Affairs, Regional Develop-        courage and endurance. These           shown at the time of application
                        ment and Energy).                       are things you need if you want        that they are willing to enter
                                                                to gain a foothold in this field.      unknown territories and to han-
                        It supports high-risk projects that                                            dle justifications. I would like to
Medical Valley Awards

                        show great commercialization            On the other hand, I also enjoy        avoid hindering this spirit of the
                        potential and provide enormous          searching and encouraging poten-       teams, as it can easily happen that
                        added value for the healthcare of       tial teams to apply for MVA. You       some teams are basically just too
                        the future. Teams receive up to         cannot always rely on the technol-     advanced and would fit better into
                        500k Ä to implement their scien-        ogy transfer centers here, instead     another program.
                        tific work and findings in an en-       you more likely have to be in an
                        trepreneurial way.                      Indiana Jones state of mind ??.        We offer all teams a wide range of
                                                                                                       services to help the applicants
                        In short, the Medical Valley            3. Why should you apply for            prepare for the pitch and to
                        Award is intended to help realize       the MVA?                               improve their strategies.
                        potential key technologies for the
                        healthcare of the future and bring      The Medical Valley Award has a         In the event of success, we will
                        them to market.                         two-stage structure and in my          of course provide support
                                                                opinion, it has a very low entry       through our network and indivi-
                        2. What past challenges do              hurdle in respect of application.      dual guidance, so that the com-
                        you like to think back on?              At the beginning, a 5-page project     pany is either ready to be found-
                         Germany is not the most found-         outline is sufficient, which is then   ed or ready for follow-up financ-
                        er-friendly country, although we        evaluated by our interdisciplinary     ing.
Medical Technology in Bavaria PROFILES - GLOBAL PARTNER -
Medical Valley Awards

4. How, where and when can                      individual, and overall, all teams
one apply for the MVA?                          have a very broad spectrum - from
                                                classic medical technology to digi-
That    is     very   simple!   At              tal health. One good option, for you                 example, is the Exist funding pro-
can find all information about the              gram as follow-up financing.
program and the deadlines.
                                                In any case, we would definitely
 5. Are there follow-up grants                  recommend the team an individu-
or programs?                                    al consultation and we would be
                                                happy to assist you in every way
Countless! However, it is not                   we can.
really possible to say in general
which one is best. Each team is                 Just contact us!
                                                                                            Schematische Darstellung der Anbrin-
                                                                                            gung von inContAlert am Unterleib

                                                                                            which can be associated, for example,
A winning team of the Medical Valley                                                        with paraplegia, MS, or Parkinson's
Award 2019:                                                                                 disease, suffer from uncontrolled loss
                                                                                            of urine and the harmful risks of this
inContAlert - a wearable for monitoring                                                     incontinence. Unfortunately, this
                                                                                            suffering is still a taboo, which makes
the filling level of the bladder of                                                         the burden of those affected even
                                                                                            more difficult.
incontinence patients
inContAlert has set itself the goal of          end, a wearable device has been             To ease the consequences of uncon-
supporting people with incontinence             developed that determines the filling       trolled loss of urine, inserts, diapers,
in such a way that they can once                level of the bladder and warns when         or urinal condoms can be worn.
again go through their everyday life            it needs to be emptied. People with         In some cases, however, it may
more freely and unburdened. To this             a neurogenic bladder dysfunction,           not be possible to empty the bladder

Das Gründerteam um Jannik Lockl (l.) und Tristan Zürl (r.) mit einem Screenshot ihrer App
Medical Technology in Bavaria PROFILES - GLOBAL PARTNER -
Medical Valley Awards

in a targeted manner, as the body's         too high. This allows, for example,        can then use the information about
own controlled emptying is no long-         assistants in nursing homes to moni-       their current fill level and past emp-
er possible due to motor-driven limi-       tor the level of the bladder and           tying cycles to make their daily rou-
tations. Accordingly, catheters are         catheterize only as needed. Both           tines more self-determined and
often used in such cases, but there is      unhygienic "under-catheterization"         easier. We at inContAlert hope
no knowledge about their filling            that endangers the kidneys and             that this better control will help
level, which means that catheteriza-        "over-catheterization" that causes         users to go through life more
tion is based on time intervals or a        urinary tract infections as well as        autonomously and carefree again.
drinking protocol. To prevent               wastes material could be avoided.
uncontrolled urine loss or harmful          The consequence would be reduced
overfilling of the bladder, the fre-        restrictions on the lives of those
quency is then often too high, result-      affected, a decrease in the in the use
ing in a significantly reduced quality      of aids and a reduction in health
of life.                                    damage downstream.

A solution could be a device that           A device like inContAlert could help
determines the patient’s bladder level      with micturition management. The
and enables targeted emptying.              device consists of two components: a
inContAlert is a portable sensor            wearable, which is attached to the
system for non-invasive measure-            clothing at belt height with a clip, and
ment of the bladder level that              an app that displays the fill level and
intends to fulfill this value propositi-    the optimal time for emptying. This
on. The device alerts incontinence          device can be worn for about two to
patients as soon as a predefined and        three days without further medical         MEDICAL VALLEY EMN E.V.
                                                                                       Henkestraße 91
possibly critical filling level is reach-   assistance and the emptying times          D-91052 Erlangen
ed. It digitalizes the current level of     can be recorded. Meanwhile, the            Phone +49 9131-91617-58
the bladder and sends a warning to          device adapts to the individual            Mobil +49 176-66559374
the user's smartphone if the level is       user to optimize the results. Users
Medical Technology in Bavaria PROFILES - GLOBAL PARTNER -
Your product in good hands
Activoris is the German medi-        Engineering                               Future-oriented
cal device specialist, building up   Are you looking for a partner
                                                                              embedded system
on decades of management             who can design and produce
experience in the medtech and        medical devices according to
pharma industry. No matter if        your requirements? For over         Solectrix considers itself as an
you are looking for a manufac-       20 years Ergo-Tec has been          innovator and independent
turing partner or if you need        developing complex medical          service provider in the deve-
strategic advice. We take a          technology - primarily special      lopment of high-end electro-
holistic view on product con-        tables, chairs and medical beds -   nics solutions. With our team
cepts and put your innovative        according to customer require-      of highly qualified experts,
idea into perspective. We sup-       ments and producing them as         we develop and produce elec-
port our clients in setting-up       prototypes and in series. We        tronic assemblies, software
and executing their projects.        are certified according to DIN      solutions, and complete sys-
Due to our management expe-          EN ISO 13485.                       tems for demanding medical
rience of successful fund rai-                                           technology applications. Dur-
sings and exits, we help start-      Manufacturing                       ing the development process,
                                     We supply both assembled            we take a holistic view of all
                                     groups of components as so-cal-     aspects of a complete system
                                     led OEM manufacturers and           and contribute the know-how
                                     complete devices with regula-       of our experts with experien-
                                     tory approval.                      ce in the industry to create an
                                                                         optimum, customized soluti-

up companies defining the
right strategy for their venture.
Jointly with our clients, we
define the regulatory develop-
ment strategy, product con-                                              In order to generate time
cepts and transform this into a      All material used is according      advantages for our customers
compelling business plan. Buil-      to your specifications and we       during development, we also
ding prototypes, organizing          take care of selection, testing,    offer our own solutions, such
clinical studies, taking care of     release and on time procure-        as the SX Mobile Device Kit,
design transfer and launch           ment.                               a flexible housing concept for
management is our business.                                              an easier start in the develop-
Further, we can also take-over       Documentation                       ment of mobile diagnostic
administration, accounting, bud-     An important part of our service    devices that includes hardware
geting, reporting and control-       is preparing all the required       and software.
ling.                                documents - from the specifica-
                                     tion sheet to risk management to

Activoris Medizintechnik GmbH        Ergo-Tec GmbH                       solectrix GmbH
Wohraer Str. 37                      Gewerbestraße 2                     Dieter-Streng-Str. 4
35285 Gemünden (Wohra)               91489 Wilhelmsdorf                  90766 Fürth
Phone: +49 (0)6691.97990.0           Phone: +49 9104 82969-0             Fon: +49 (0)911 30 91 61 – 0
Fax: +49 (0)6691.97990.25            Fax: +49 9104 82969-6               Fax: +49 (0)911 30 91 61 – 299                    E-Mail:                  
Medical Technology in Bavaria PROFILES - GLOBAL PARTNER -
Innovative housing
   solutions – Good ideas
   have to be well packaged             For 40 years, gmbh,      You invest to treat your patients
   Therefore housing solutions          a medium-sized owner-mana-        at the highest professional and
   have to be tailored perfectly to     ged enterprise, has been supp-    medical level.
   the requirements of material as      orting its customers in many
   well as quality and content.         areas of IT quality assurance     Since the costs of in-patient
   Also in competition the optical      and organization — especially     treatment are remunerated
   design plays an important role.      on the rocky road to digita-      through the German DRG
                                        lization.                         accounting system, complete
   acad systems –                                                         and accurate mapping using
   Time to Market                                                         DRG coding is indispensable.
   acad systems develops innova-                                          Only this ensures the cost
   tive housing solutions for the                                         recovery.
   medical field. We produce
   small quantities up to 2,000                                           In times of staff shortages and
   pieces, procure all purchased                                          rising cost pressure, this is
   parts and manage the whole                                             increasingly difficult.
   project – to your advantage:
   cost-effective solutions, high                                         DRG-Control collects the
   quality and a functional, inno-                                        peculiarities of your house,
   vative design.                                                         checks your existing data for
                                        We are market-leaders in the      plausibility in terms of your
   acad prototyping –                   German-speaking regions when      material costs, draws samples
   Driven by Improvement                it comes to development and       and checks your billing. Based
   acad prototyping produces pla-       quality assurance of software     on these results we map the
   stic prototypes with an express      solutions in safety and busin-    medical services of the clinics.
   injection moulding process.          ess critical fields, such as in
   Parts can be delivered within 5      Medical Technology, Auto-                  Contact us.
   to 15 working days. Applicable       motive, Pharmaceutical, Avia-
   are all available thermoplastics,    tion and various other bran-      You decide the further proce-
   multi-component components           ches. Our consulting and IT       dure - subsequent billing cor-
   or structured surfaces – all this    engineering solutions cover       rections or the prospective
   is realizable.                       the entire software lifecycle,    right coding in the current
                                        primarily in highly regulated     billing procedure.
                                                                          Accompanied at the begin-
                                        Yet — no matter what branch       ning by us, later taken over by
                                        we work in — we live by the       your employees. A good co-
Cerbomed Nemos

                               motto: Ensuring          operation - through the re-
                                        Quality Digitalization! Quality   vision in the context of billing
                                        ensures success, our expertise    trouble-free and low-friction.
                                        ensures your success!

        acad group GmbH        gmbh                     DRG-Control e.K.
        Gutenbergstraße 26              Headquarter                       Reuther Straße 79
        D-91560 Heilsbronn              Gewerbering 9                     91301 Forchheim
        Telefon: +49 (0)9872 95339 00   91341 Röttenbach                  Tel.: +49 (0)9191 3 40 44-0
        Telefax: +49 (0)9872 95339 01   Fon: +49 (0) 9195 - 931 - 0       Fax: +49 (0)9191 3 40 44-99
        E-Mail:                   E-Mail:               
MedStage® was certified by           VTplus is a leading provider
Talkingeyes&More GmbH as             of highly integrated, easy to
the first cloud based electronic     use Virtual Reality Expo-
patient record in Germany as         sure Systems with virtual en-
Medical Device IIa. MedStage®        vironments that have been
links data-secure medical data       scientifically tested.
and image acquisition systems
with remote medical diagnoses.       VTplus VR exposure sys-
With MedStage® all medical           tems can be used to easily
processes of a medical treatment     carry out behavioural exerci-
can be mapped: From cloudba-         ses that would be too difficult,
sed appointment allocation,          dangerous or time-consuming
anamnesis and image recording,       in vivo.
standardized diagnosis of images
and data to automatic generation     VTplus Virtual Reality Ex-
of medical letters.                  posure Systems provide the
                                     following benefits:
                                       complete control of the
                                       virtual situation
                                       repeatable and gradable
                                       independent from weather
                                       and environmental condi-
                                       higher acceptance for get-
                                       ting started with exposure
This makes a large number of
telemedical applications in          VTplus VR research systems
ophthalmology technically and        enable data to be collected in a
regulatory possible:                 controlled manner and with
                                     high ecological validity. The
1. Mobile Tele-Augenkonsil           services provided by VTplus
for occupational physicians, in-     range from VR-laboratory
terdisciplinary emergency rooms      concepts to the implementa-
and for interdisciplinary diabetic   tion of research and develop-
care                                 ment projects. VTplus solu-
                                     tions are successfully used for
2. HomeCare applications             behavioural exercises and
with VR perimetry and self-          empirical research in the fields
tonometry for glaucoma pati-         of psychotherapy, psychiatry,
ents.                                psychosomatics, neurology and
                                     pharmacological effectiveness as
3. Digital therapy with c-Di-        well as security research.
gital Vision Trainer® for ambly-
                                     VTplus GmbH
Talkingeyes&More GmbH                virtual therapy + research systems
                                     An den Breiten 4
Henkestr. 91, D-91052 Erlangen
                                     97078 Würzburg
                                     Tel.: +49 931 30699754
Prof. Michelson
The Digital Health Application Center from
   Medical Valley and the H+ Digital
Health Innovation Programme: How to
 realise and seize the opportunities of
digitalisation in the healthcare sector.
   Since 2019 dmac – Digital Health Application Center has been a substant-
   ial hub in the Medical Valley eco system where companies that work on
   solutions regarding the digital medicine of tomorrow can find guidance,
   support, and expertise. Additionally, a cross-industry programme that
   focuses on digital health start-ups was launched in September 2020.

                                    The digital healthcare pioneers at       idea: a cross-industry programme       wed down, putting the spotlight on
                                    dmac enable integration of ideas         that specifically support Digital      the most promising companies for
                                    and products into healthcare and         Health start-ups that want to gain     investor meetings and a concluding
                                    research, moderates patient-centered     market access for their digital        “Health X Insurance. Digital Health
                                    development and validation trials        healthcare solution. Accordingly,      Showcase”. Due to the current
                                    and makes technical solutions in a       the resulting H+ Digital Health        situation, the H+ Programme will
Digital Health Application Center

                                    newly developing digital health          Innovation Programme operates          be accessible remotely.
                                    ecosystem perceptible. Through           at the interface between health
                                    the connection of medical and            and insurance. It is composed of       “Though H+ is not specifically designed
                                    health technologies to target            various programme points: The          to solve COVID 19-related issues, many
                                    group-oriented provision services,       Business Development Weeks are         start-ups take into account the changing
                                    an individual guidance for patients      primarily concerned with establis-     needs and wishes of patients, customers
                                    can be realized through prevention,      hing business contacts and further     and healthcare providers.”
                                    diagnosis, therapy monitoring and        developing the company’s own           (Marco Wendel, CEO, dmac)
                                    care. When the Digital Healthcare        business model. Furthermore,
                                    Act (DVG) became effective? on           Business Development Weeks, a          Over 2000 founders in the
                                    December 19, 2019, dmac was able         continuous curriculum with indus-      pre-selection process
                                    to fall back on exactly this expertise   try knowledge and entrepreneur-        Throughout the planning and scout-
                                    and optimally meet the increased         ship frameworks or specialized         ing phase, the two hub teams and
                                    demand for operational support in        workshops like a “Pitch Clinic”        their partners interviewed more than
                                    the development of digital health        are designed to add as much value      2000 founders from all over the
                                    solutions.                               as possible. A continuous curricu-     world. At the end of this process 41
                                                                             lum and workshops with experts         startups were selected to participate
                                    Effective support for Digital            from various relevant disciplines      in this year’s H+ Digital Health
                                    Health start-ups: the H+ Digi-           serve to provide in-depth entre-       Innovation Programme. The start-
                                    tal Health Innovation Pro-               preneurship and industry know-         ups come from 17 different coun-
                                    gramme                                   ledge. In addition, experienced        tries, more than 50 percent are based
                                    At the same time, the DVG was a          mentors support the participating      outside of Germany. Additionally,
                                    perfect kick-start for the already       startups. The entire program is        the organizers registered significantly
                                    initiated cooperation between            designed to generate the greatest      more female participants compared to
                                    dmac as part of the Medical Val-         possible added value for the foun-     previous Innovation Programmes of
                                    ley/Digital Health Hub and the           ders. In two “Review Events” the       the InsurTech Hub Munich. genen
                                    InsurTech Hub Munich. The                field of participants will be narro-   Innovation Programmes.
Digital Health Application Center

“In our innovation programmes we      For the first time two Bavarian      For more information please go to:
emphasize Internationality and        Innovation Digital Hubs join
Diversity: That’s why this time, we   forces                     
are particularly very proud to wel-   The H+ Digital Health Innovation
come a very large number of female    Programme is the first to combine    https://www.insurtech-
founders.”                            the expertise of two Digital Hub
(Corine     Ackermann,      Startup   institutions from the Digital-
Relations Lead, InsurTech Hub         Hub-Initiative of the Federal
Munich)                               Ministry for Economic Affairs and
                                      Energy. The aim of this initiative
The different topics covered by       is to promote innovation in a wide
the start-ups illustrate how multi-   range of industries. While the       Author:
faceted the healthcare industry is:   Digital Health Hub Nurem-                                 Marco Wendel
the focus ranges from prevention      berg/Erlangen contributes its ex-
to diagnostics and rehabilitation.    perience from the healthcare
To solve their industry problems,     industry in a targeted manner, the
the start-ups use valuable tools      InsurTech Hub Munich brings in
and methods from other areas,         an excellent know-how in promot-
such as data analysis, IoT or arti-   ing innovations in the insurance
ficial intelligence. The various      sector. Both hubs are also funded    Medical Valley
topics demonstrate the broad          by the Bavarian Ministry of Eco-     Digital Health Application Center
variety of the healthcare sector:     nomic Affairs, Regional Develop-     Promenadestraße 6a
prevention, diagnosis and rehabili-   ment and Energy. Please find         D-96047 Bamberg
tation as well as data analytics,     news and updates online under:       +49 951 964 300 65
IoT and AI.                 

    Evolution like animal joints –
Automatic design of compliant medical
   instruments using bionic structural
      optimization methods

 Compliant mechanisms are much easier to sterilize than rigid-link-based mechanisms. There-
 fore, they are often used in biomedical engineering, such as the disposable compliant forceps.
 However, it is time consuming and inefficient to design the compliant mechanisms using
 empirical kinematic methods. To automate the design process, the Institute of Micro Technolo-
 gy and Medical Device Technology uses bionic structural optimization methods inspired by the
 evolutionary development of animal joints. The entire design process is performed in MATLAB
 using our automated design toolbox (Solid Geometry Library). In addition, the automatically
 designed medical instruments can be quickly printed using selective laser sintering (SLS). These
 instruments are available as individual parts at low cost and as disposable medical devices.

                       The main advantage of the com-
                       pliant mechanism over the classi-
                       cal mechanism is that the compli-
                       ant mechanism does not require
                       complicated assembly work. This
                       greatly simplifies the sterilization
                       process of medical instruments,
                       as the contact surfaces in rigid-
                       link-based mechanisms are diffi-
                       cult to sterilize. Therefore, the      Fig. 1: Medical forceps with conventional und compliant mechanisms.
                       compliant mechanisms are often

                       used in medical technology. For        Bionic structural optimization               the two optimization methods are
                       the design of classical rigid-body     methods                                      limited to static structures only.
                       joint based medical mechanisms,        In the research, numerical opti-             Another interesting phenomenon
                       usually the gear theory or multi-      mization methods already exist,              from nature is the evolutionary
                       body simulation is used. How-          which are inspired by the biologi-           development of animal joints. In
                       ever, such rigid-link-based meth-      cal self-optimization process. A             contrast to the CAO and SKO
                       ods for the design of compliant        well-known example is Com-                   methods, this occurs over a much
                       mechanisms are inefficient due to      puter-Aided-Optimization (CAO),              longer period of time through
                       the monolithic continuum struc-        which imitates the cell growth of            natural selection and mutation
                       ture (Fig. 1). Since the flexible      a tree to optimize the stress dis-           (Fig. 2). It would be revolutionary
                       property of compliant mecha-           tribution on the surface of a com-           if the principle of the theory of
                       nisms is similar to that of living     ponent. The method Soft-Kill-                evolution is also applied to the
                       organisms in nature, the Institute     Option (SKO) on the other hand               design of the mobile mechanisms.
                       of Micro Technology and Medi-          imitates the phenomenon of cell              For this reason, the method "Soft
                       cal Device Technology is develop-      degradation of the bone, which               Kill Option for Large Displace-
                       ing bionic methods to accelerate       uses lightweight structures to               ment (SKOLD)" is being devel-
                       the design of compliant medical        optimize the distribution of stress          oped at our institute in order to
                       instruments.                           inside the component. However,               automatically design various me-
Medizingerätetechnik                                                                                                                21

                                                                                          Future work
                                                                                          The entire SKOLD method is
                                                                                          implemented in MATLAB using
                                                                                          our automated design toolbox
                                                                                          (Solid Geometry Library). Since
                                                                                          the Solid Geometry Library is
                                                                                          easily extensible, we plan to further
                                                                                          develop the SKOLD method in
                                                                                          the future to create compliant
                                                                                          medical instruments with special
                                                                                          functions (Fig. 4) [2].

                                                                                          [1] Y. Sun, Y. Liu, L. Xu, and T. C.
                                                                                          Lueth, “Design of a disposable com-
                                                                                          pliant medical forceps using topology
                                                                                          optimization techniques,” in 2019
                                                                                          IEEE International Conference on
Fig. 2: The natural selection of the hand of different animals.                           Robotics and Biomimetics (RO-
                                                                                          BIO). IEEE, 2019, pp. 924—929.
dical instruments according to the              the developed SKOLD method, a
theory of evolution, which also                 patient-specific instrument can be        [2] Y. Sun, Y. Liu, L. Xu, Y. Zou, A.
incorporates the flexible property              designed in a short time. In addition,    Faragasso, and T. C. Lueth, “Auto-
of the biological joints into the               the medical instruments developed         matic design of compliant surgical
design. The SKOLD method is                     in this project can be quickly 3D-        forceps with adaptive grasping func-
realized mathematically by ad-                  printed with the biocompatible            tions,” IEEE Robotics and Automa-
vanced topology optimization. Fig. 3            material polyamide, which are availa-     tion Letters, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1095—
shows an example of the SKOLD                   ble as individual parts at low cost and   1102, 2020.
method [1].                                     as disposable medical devices (Fig. 4).

3D printable disposable medi-
cal devices with patient-spe-
cific design
The conventional medical instru-
ments are usually made of stainless                                                        Authors:
steel. They are expensive and are                                                                              Yilun Sun, M.Sc.
therefore reusable. It is unfavorable                                                                          author)
in terms of cost and design effort to            Fig. 4: LS-printed compliant medical
develop a metallic instrument espe-              instruments with the function of adap-
                                                 tive grasping.
cially for an individual patient. With

                                                                                                               Prof. Dr. Tim Lüth

                                                                                           Technical University of Munich
                                                                                           Institute of Micro Technology and
                                                                                           Medical Device Technology
                                                                                           Boltzmannstr. 15, 85748 Garching
                                                                                           Tel.: 089/28915159
                                                                                           Fax.: 089/28915192
Fig. 3: Automatic design of a compliant forceps for open surgery.                
From vision
to practice:
 Medical Engineering Campus
  in Weiden
                                     5G - the new generation of the                                                      are used that enable the availabili-
                                     cellular standard is taking the                                                     ty of patient data from anywhere
                                     existing network further. Thanks                                                    and specific measures for tele-
                                     to high bandwidths and transmis-                                                    medical therapy and diagnostics
                                     sion rates, real-time applications                                                  (Implement teleconsultation. A vir-
                                     such as automated and networked                                                     tual supply center, complemen-
                                     driving or mass networking and                                                      tary to a conventional medical
                                     communication in the Internet of                                                    supply center, enables perma-
                                     Things are taken to a new level.                                                    nently available, high-quality and
                                     Unimagined possibilities are also                                                   efficient care by experts.
                                     opening up in the health sector.
                                                                            Jetzt als Studiengang in Weiden: Physician
                                                                            Assistance (PA,„Arztassistent“)              Use case home care
                                     In order to develop concepts for                                                    An equally consistent digital
                                     innovative 5G mobile communi-          and clinics, the 15-person re-               health-based approach that explic-
Institut für Medizintechnik Weiden

                                     cations applications, the Federal      search team works with practical-            itly addresses home care and sup-
                                     Ministry of Transportation and         use cases: How can the single, 81-           ply in rural areas: To optimize the
                                     Infrastructure is funding six re-      year-old Edith, who suffers from             logistics for home-care patients, a
                                     search projects across Germany.        high blood pressure and diabetes,            communication platform in the
                                     One of these highlight projects is     and lives in a northern Bavarian             form of an innovative, mobile IT
                                     based at the Technical University      village without public transport             collaboration tool is being set up –
                                     of Applied Sciences (OTH)              Local transport, benefit from                integrating doctor’s office, phar-
                                     Amberg-Weiden and deals with           telemedicine or blood sugar meas-            macy, medical supply store, nursing
                                     the health care of tomorrow. Pro-      urement using sensors in the                 staff and patient/relatives. The
                                     fessors Clemens Bulitta and Stef-      future?                                      infrastructure is supplemented by
                                     fen Hamm have named their                                                           the use of assistance solutions and
                                     project 5G4Healthcare.                 Using such exemplary scenarios,              smart devices for a self-determined
                                                                            which added value and which                  life in everyday life (Ambient
                                     The name says it all: The aim is       effects can be realized through              Assisted Living) as well as auto-
                                     to find the best possible uses for     digital solutions in health care and         mated solutions in patient care.
                                     5G technology that enable real         which additional potential can be            The Corona crisis in particular
                                     progress in prevention, diagnos-       tapped through 5G technology                 has shown how important digital
                                     tics, therapy, rehabilitation or       are determined. To do this, the              communication is, explains Dr.
                                     care. "With 5G4Healthcare, a           researchers investigate health eco-          Clemens Bulitta. 5G can support
                                     platform will be created on which      nomic, technical, legal and ethical          telemedicine, and large amounts of
                                     digital applications in rural health   questions.                                   image data can be transmitted more
                                     care scenarios can be developed,                                                    quickly. In addition, with a higher
                                     tested and evaluated in living labs    Use case integrated care                     network capacity, many users could
                                     (real environments) and test beds      A consistently digital health-               be active at the same time without
                                     based on 5G technology," ex-           based, integrated medical care               the network becoming overloaded.
                                     plains Prof. Dr. Steffen Hamm.         approach - with both outpatient              In the case of urgent, sensitive data
                                     So that in the end there are con-      and inpatient structures - in rural          in particular, the connection must
                                     crete recommendations for action       areas: For example, electronic               function without any problems. In
                                     for politicians, medical companies     files and telemedical procedures             addition to the possibilities, the
Institut für Medizintechnik Weiden

                                                                                    and information and communica-
                                                                                    tion technologies. After comple-
                                                                                    ting their studies, graduates are
                                                                                    able to understand processes and
                                                                                    complex interrelationships in the
                                                                                    health market, evaluate (health)
                                                                                    economics and use digital tech-
                                                                                    nologies based on them sensibly
                                                                                    and effectively.

                                                                                    Infos & Contact
                                                                                    Institut für Medizintechnik:
Digital Healthcare Management vermittelt technische, medizinische und
betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse
5G4Healthcare team also wants to              possible for the special require-
explore the limits of technology.             ments of the specialist area. The     und-kooperieren/aktuelles-in-
Because only if possible dangers              focus is on easing the burden on      der-forschung/5g4healthcare/
are recognized at an early stage,             doctors in clinics and private        aktuelles/
one can safely move from the vi-              practices. Graduates have the
sion to practical implementation.             very best career opportunities.       Studium:
                                              The OTH Amberg-Weiden was             Bachelor:
In trend:                                     the first and is one of only two
Physician Assistance                          state universities in Bavaria where   gaenge-und-bildungsangebote/
For doctors practicing there,                 you can study the Physician Assis-    studienangebote/bachelor-stu-
everyday life in German clinics is            tance degree program - without        diengaenge/digital-healthcare-
characterized by overtime and                 fees and without prior profes-        management/studium-digital-
24-hour shifts. A new vocation                sional medical training.              healthcare-management/
can help here: Physician Assis-
tant. Medical assistants, as is the           In focus: Digital Healthcare
German name, can take on medi-                Management                            gaenge-und-bildungsangebote/
cal or administrative tasks and               The Corona pandemic has re-           studienangebote/bachelor-studi-
thus, relieve the burden of docu-             lentlessly uncovered the backlog      engaenge/physician-assistance/
mentation tasks, organization of              that Germany is recording in the      studium-physician-assistance/
rounds or operating room man-                 area of digitization. The German
agement.                                      healthcare system is also under-      Master:
                                              digitized in country and industry
Because of the interesting and                comparisons. But when so-ter-         gaenge-und-bildungsangebote/
varied range of tasks, the medical            med P4 medicine - personalized,       studienangebote/master-studien-
assistant role, which came to                 preventive, predictive and par-       gaenge/medizintechnik/studium-
Germany from the USA via the                  ticipatory - becomes a reality,       medizintechnik/
Netherlands in the 2000s, be-                 the path to it must be consistent-    Contact:
came one of the trend occupa-                 ly followed. This is impossible                         Prof. Dr. med.
tions of 2019. Students find this             without digital solutions, without                      Clemens Bulitta
profession as an interesting alter-           appropriate health policy and                           Dekan Fakultät Wirt-
native to medical studies. The                legal framework.                                        und Leitung Institut für
OTH Amberg-Weiden is there-                                                                           Medizintechnik (IfMZ)

fore the first and one of only                The OTH Amberg-Weiden
two Bavarian universities to date             offers the right course for the
to offer the bachelor's degree in             future of health care. Digital
                                                                                    Ostbayerische Technische
Physician Assistance.                         Healthcare Management imparts         Hochschule (OTH) Amberg-Weiden
                                              a profound understanding of the       Hetzenrichter Weg 15
The training takes place inter-               health system and health eco-         D-92637 Weiden i.d. Opf.
facing between people, medicine,              nomic issues. The aim is an           Phone +49 (961) 382-1620
                                                                                    Fax +49 (961) 382-2620
technology and the health in-                 interdisciplinary education inter-
dustry and thus qualifies as best             facing between health, business
Future healthcare
  Tomorrow‘s Know-how for Future Healthcare
                    Future Medtech will not happen
                    without digitalization. We can
                    observe that – besides the real
                    patient – the “digital twin” is
                    increasingly gaining importance
                    and attention. It would mean no
                    less than a technical quantum
                    jump if a human being could be
                    replaced by data – like it is already
                    done in the industrial field.
                    Digitalization has revolutionary
                    potential for both the patients’
                    therapy and the medical staff’s
                    possibilities. It can mean an           trust them blindly. Health systems     investment in time and cost. 100%
                    important relief to the doctor and      worldwide are exposed to an            safety is mandatory as medical
                    the health system.                      enormous cost pressure while           data are legally protected personal
                    Already today image processing          quality requirements keep increas-     data and unauthorized access –
                    algorithms reliably detect tumors       ing constantly. The solution will      e.g. to an insulin pump or diagnostic
                    and other physical transforma-          be integrated digitalization and       protocols – can lead to vital risks.
                    tions in the human body. Still data     cross-linking: the internet of         Healthcare digitalization promises
                    are hard to come by: do we pos-         things is ready for the job! Tailor-   an exciting future — come along
                    sess sufficient digital knowlegde       made dataflow along clinical           with us into a successful future!
                    (comparative data) in order to          workflows promises more quality        Let us show you 3 examples of
                    reliably recognize every transfor-      patient centered care and seemless     how we see the successful way to
                    mation in any concrete case?            scooping of service- and optimiza-     future healthcare:
Future Healthcare

                    MedTech development has gone            tion-potential for business pro-
                    through a process of constant           cesses. Medical processes can be       The “Digital twin” as an
                    acceleration. Meanwhile we are          managed – we’re ready for the          online-validation laboratory
                    able to load more innovative and        tackle!                                Medical devices are often operated as
                    precise algorithms over-the-air on      Certainly, waving good-bye to          part of an IT-network (Medical Devi-
                    the treating device. Learning al-       isolated solutions will bring new      ces Network). These kinds of net-
                    gorithms and BigData-Solutions          challenges to both producers and       works usually connect medical de-
                    will soon be able to recognize          operators because data exchange        vices of diverse types and producers.
                    deseases which had been undis-          between the medical products           They don’t only have to be protected
                    closed so far.                          among each other and the adja-         from IT-risks like cyber attacks, it is
                    But what, if the computer goes          cent IT-systems has to be most         equally important to guarantee relia-
                    wrong? The question to be               easy and safe at the same time. Most   ble interaction of the connected de-
                    answered is “how will we manage         easy, in order to integrate, replace   vices in order to guarantee safe ope-
                    to control selflearning algo-           or supplement medical devices          ration even after structural changes
                    rithms?”, so that we won’t have to      and systems without unreasonable       within the net or after updates.
Future Healthcare

                                                                                  web-based prototpye of an
                                                                                  exemplary solution assisting in
                                                                                  the image analysis of eye diseases
                                                                                  using deep learning methods.
                                                                                  This approach offers the specia-
                                                                                  list the possibility to have his
                                                                                  diagnosis checked by a second
                                                                                  opinion – the one of the algo-
                                                                                  At the same time the doctor‘s
                                                                                  diagnosis can be compared with
                                                                                  other diagnoses. Quality counts!

                                                                                  The         deep-learning

                                                                                   Separation of training-, valida-
                                                                                   tion- and testdata according to
                                                                                   best practices of machine
                                                                                   Making use of data-modelling
                                                                                   and imaging of combinatorics
                                                                                   in graphic flowcharts by means
                                                                                   of MBTsuite, the automatic
                                                                                   test case generator developed
                                                                                   by, in cooperation with the          status as well as an early warning      Important: training- and valida-
radiation clinic of the Friedrich-Alex-    system. makes use of arti-     tions data must be representa-
ander Universität Erlangen-Nürn-           ficial intelligence in this context.    tive, normed, available and
berg, is currently envolved in a re-       Real-time network-analysis in           relevant!
search program “Information- and           order to predict future operating
Communication Technology” spon-            conditions and to define preven-       In this model the use of MBTsuite
sored by the State of Bavaria. These       tive maintenance measures.             as a test case generator will always
are the contributions:                                                   deliver the minimum set of test
                                           Automatical identification of ab-      data, covering any class of equiva-
  Construction of an online living-        normal behaviour                       lence or limiting value. Thus you
  lab to serve as an online-valida-                                               will get a new set of test data with
  tion-laboratory to safe-guard and        An additional level of intelligence    every change you make. This
  validate the clinical processes and      uses prescriptive analysis to pre-     increases the variance of the tests.
  the technical environment of the         dict critical situations.              We control the algorithm by
  medical-device-network.                                                         applying the DICE-coefficient,
                                          2nd opinion – safe diagnosis by         Hausdorff metric or execution
 Creation of a “digital twin” to the      digital consultation                    time metric.
 medical-device-network, suitable for     With the application “2nd opin- works with the follow-
 real-time-control of the network         ion” developed the             ing test workflow.
Future Healthcare

Agile software development              ly checked by an inbuilt validation-
for medtech in combination              consultant. This is how we prevent
with validation process know-           unnoticed changes of artefacts in         Contact:
how for admission to the ger-           retrospect. The key to successful                            Dipl. Inf.
man market or by the FDA in             certification is traceability.                               Florian Prester
the USA                                                                                              CEO, gmbh
Agile software development makes        We will take you to successful
also possible the sprint based devel-   digitalization
opment of medical products. Thus        You will find quick results compli-
we can react more flexible and          ant with standards, while your team
speedy to new ideas and requirements.   and customer stay in good spirits.
                                                                                                     M.A. Wirtschafts-
Regulatory requirements are paralle-    Trust in our portfolio, no matter                            und Politikwissen-
                                        what your upcoming challenges in                             schaften
                                        future healthcare will be, we will                           Felix Winter
                                        facilitate you to meet them all. You                         Business Development
                                        choose the contract: overall re-                             Consultant
                                        sponsibility (requirements, devel-
                                        opment and test) or selected services,
                                        agile or conventional, agile fix price
                                        or factory mode.                 gmbh
                                                                                  Gewerbering 9. D-91341 Röttenbach
                               will be the perfect    ,
                                        partner for your projects!
Central Institute
   of Medical Engineering
(ZiMT): Medical Engineering
In view of demographic develop-
ments, the scientific focus on medi-
cal engineering is of the greatest
social relevance and is embedded in
an excellent research environment
at the Friedrich-Alexander-Univer-
sität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU).
Over 90 lecturers are active in this
field at the university and have been
working together in this institution-
al framework since the founding of

                                                                                                                          Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik (ZiMT)
the Central Institute of Medical
Engineering (ZiMT) in December
2009. The aim is to further expand       boundaries is a particular focus at     tion of the competencies of the
the research network in the priority     FAU, the unifying motto being           numerous member institutions as
area of medical engineering both         "Knowledge in motion". For the          well as the bachelor and master's
within and outside the university        second year in a row, FAU took first    degree programs in medical en-
and to ensure a more transparent         place in the Reuters Innovation         gineering at FAU. In addition, the
external presentation of the highly      Ranking in Germany (2nd place in        ZiMT offers funding structures to
dynamic field of medical engineer-       Europe, 14th place worldwide). In       support interdisciplinary projects
ing at FAU. The ZiMT acts as an          2020, FAU was selected as the           and assistance with applications at
interface between industry, clinic       "Health" node in the HighTech           local, state, national and European
and science.                             Agenda Bavaria. In the course of        levels.
The university research and teach-       this, the new department "Artificial
ing activities interact closely with a   Intelligence in Biomedical Engineer-
high concentration of medical            ing (AIBE)" with 12 chairs and 4
engineering companies within a 50-       junior professorships is currently
km radius that is unparalleled.          being established at FAU (desig-
Headed by Siemens Healthineers,          nated speaker: Prof. Eskofier). The
the national excellence cluster          FAU is also a "Core Partner" in the
"Medical Valley European Metro-          "European Institute of Innovation
politan Region of Nuremberg",            and Technology Health" (EIT
which has been funded by the             Health), in which European institu-
BMBF since 2010, is one of the           tions and industries in the field of
world's strongest economic and           digital health and medical engineer-
scientifically active medical tech-      ing are networked.
nology clusters and focuses on the       The MedTech Map, a new compe-
prevention, diagnosis, therapy and       tence map of the FAU, summarizes        Prof. Dr.             Dr.-Ing.
                                                                                 Bjoern Eskofier       Heike Leutheuser
rehabilitation of diseases elicited by   for medical engineering its focal       Speaker of the ZiMT   Director
demographic change.                      points imaging, sensors and robotics,   Directorial Board

FAU is one of the largest, research-     biomaterials, digital health and        Central Institute of Medical Enginee-
intense and internationally oriented     medical processes, as well as medical   ring (ZiMT)
                                                                                 Henkestr. 127, 91052 Erlangen
full universities in Germany. In         engineering in society.                 Phone: +49 9131 85 26861
addition to disciplinary excellence,     The core tasks of the ZiMT thus
cooperation across disciplinary          include in particular the coordina-
Targeted Therapies
 in Chronic-Inflammatory
Diseases and Cancer
    Advanced diagnostic methods and therapies in a new research building for the
    Deutsches Zentrum Immuntherapie (DZI) at the Universitätsklinikum Erlangen.

                                     Studies of the past years show
                                     that inflammatory diseases and
                                     cancer are treated with great suc-
                                     cess     using    immunotherapies.
                                     However, not all patients are re-
                                     sponsive to the immunotherapeu-
                                     tic treatments that are currently
                                     available. Therefore, a new mo-                                                    The treatment at DZI focuses on chronic-
                                                                              From the left: Prof. Neurath (spokesman
                                     lecular understanding of these           of DZI), Bernd Sibler (Bavarian State
                                                                                                                        inflammatory diseases (e.g. Psoriasis, Rheu-
                                     diseases is crucial. “The better the                                               matoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Inflam-
DZI, Universitätsklinikum Erlangen

                                                                              Minister for Science and the Arts), and
                                                                                                                        matory Bowel Disease) and cancer (e. g.
                                     understanding of the immuno-             Prof. Hornegger (President of FAU)
                                                                                                                        Leukemia, Melanoma, Colorectal Cancer,
                                                                              during a press conference to inform
                                     logical processes in the inflamed tis-                                             Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer). Hotline:
                                                                              about the CITABLE research concept,
                                     sues, the more targeted the indi-                                                  +49 9131 85-44944. Photographer: Michael
                                                                              specific benefits for patients and the
                                                                                                                        Rabenstein/Uni-Klinikum Erlangen.
                                     vidualized therapy can be chosen.        construction planning. Photographer:
                                     By taking the latest biophysical         Michael Rabenstein/Uni-Klinikum           research and promising research
                                     measurement methods and digital                                                    findings can directly be transferred
                                     analytics into account, appropriate      ber of malignant diseases. An ear-        to the patients in form of new
                                     immunotherapies can be deter-            ly diagnosis as well as an opti-          therapies in clinical studies.
                                     mined and prescribed for the affect-     mized therapy are therefore of            CITABLE will be locally suppor-
                                     ed patients”, explains Prof. Neu-        major significance.                       ted by the Translational Research
                                     rath, head of Department of              The second major step for DZI             Center (TRC) as well as the new
                                     Medicine 1 (Gastroenterology,            after opening the clinical units is       Max-Planck-Center for Physics
                                     Pneumology and Endocrinology)            now the construction of a new             and Medicine (MPZPM), focusing
                                     of the Universitätsklinikum Erlan-       research building entitled “Center        on the development of new physi-
                                     gen, dean of the Faculty of Medi-        for Immunotherapy, Biophysics &           cal measurement techniques. It
                                     cine and spokesman of DZI.               Digital Medicine (CITABLE)” in            also offers excellent opportunities
                                     As a first step along this novel         order to combine latest immuno-           for local cooperations with differ-
                                     path, the Deutsches Zentrum              therapeutic strategies with inno-         ent institutions and medical device
                                     Immuntherapie in Erlangen was            vative analytical biophysical meth-       companies.
                                     founded in 2018 enabling interdis-       ods and the opportunities offered by       Contact:
                                     ciplinary specialist consultancy         digital medicine.                          Dr. Sylvia Schreiner
                                     and targeted immunotherapeutic           A direct constructional link to the        Leitung Geschäftsstelle DZI
                                     treatments of patients with chron-       DZI, focused on patient care, will         Universitätsklinikum Erlangen
                                     ic-inflammatory diseases and can-        enable a bi-directional translat-          Deutsches Zentrum Immuntherapie (DZI)
                                                                                                                         Ulmenweg 18
                                     cer.                                     ional research strategy to be im-          91054 Erlangen
                                     Chronic inflammations often trig-        plemented in a perfect manner.             Tel.: 09131 85-40333
                                     ger the development of cancer            The physicians directly contribute
                                     and control the growth of a num-         their high level of expertise in
You can also read