MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND May 30TH, 2021 "Remember and Honor"

Page created by Tyler Wood
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND May 30TH, 2021 "Remember and Honor"
    May 30TH, 2021
 “Remember and Honor”
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND May 30TH, 2021 "Remember and Honor"
Saint Augustine of Canterbury
                                        Roman Catholic Church
                                              45 Henderson Road, Kendall Park,
                                                     New Jersey 08824
                                                              May 30, 2021
                                               Reverend Canon Robert G. Lynam, KCHS, Pastor
                                                        Deacon Denis F. Mayer, KHS
                                                            Deacon James Rivera
                                                                                                                      Year of St. Joseph,
                                             Sister Ruthann McGoldrick, SCC, Pastoral Associate                       Patron Saint of the
                                          Sister Mary Louise Shulas, MPF, LHS, Principal/Superior                      Universal Church
                                                   Mr. Edward Modzelewski, Vice Principal
                                      Sister Barbara Takacs, MPF, Director of Religious Education
                                                              Sister Parish
                                                   Mary, Mother of Mercy, Mongolia

                                           THE SACRAMENTAL LIFE OF OUR CHURCH
THE SACRAMENT OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST                                    THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY is celebrated by the Pastor or one of our
THE HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS                                         deacons. Weddings may be scheduled on Friday evening, Saturday, or
Saturday:                  Vigil - 5:00 PM                             Sunday afternoon. Only a ceremony is permitted on Sunday. The pastor
Sunday Schedule:           8:00AM      10:00AM                         will confirm the date so couples should contact the Parish Center at least
                           12 NOON      5:00 PM                        ONE YEAR in advance. All the necessary information will be sent to you.
                                                                       The attendance at Pre-Cana or an Engaged Encounter Weekend is
                                                                       required. One must be a registered member of the parish.
Monday through Saturday:   9:00 AM
Holy Day:                  See Schedule in Bulletin                    THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS and RELIGIOUS LIFE: If you are
                                                                       considering serving God as a priest, deacon, or religious, you may contact
COMMUNION TO THE SICK is taken by Extraordinary Ministers of           your parish priest, deacon, or religious; or phone the Diocesan Office of
                                                                       Vocations at (732) 562-1990.
the Eucharist on a regular basis to those confined to their homes.
Please call the Parish Center.

THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM is celebrated on most Sundays at              THE DEVOTIONAL LIFE OF THE PARISH:
1:00 PM (not during Lent). A family must be registered in the
                                                                       The Liturgy of the Hours is prayed Monday through Saturday at
parish, attend the baptismal preparation class, and cooperate
                                                                       8:45 AM prior to Mass.
with the regulations established by the parish. Our baptismal class
is held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 8:00 PM, in the              Eucharistic Adoration/Devotion is held Monday at 7:00 PM (not on
Augustine Room. Please call the Parish Center to register any          national holidays or during the summer)
time during your pregnancy.
                                                                       Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal is prayed on
THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is celebrated on Saturday              Saturday following the 9:00 AM Mass in the chapel.
between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM in the Chapel or by appointment.
                                                                       Devotion in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is prayed on the
THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION is celebrated once a year,               First Friday of the month following the 9:00 AM Mass.
here at St. Augustine. A candidate must successfully complete
                                                                       St. Elizabeth’s Guild Prays the Rosary after daily Mass.
our Religious Education program. Adult Confirmation is held on
Pentecost Sunday and any interested adults should contact the
Parish Center.                                                           PARISH CENTER:                    (732) 297-3000
                                                                         Monday—Friday Hours:    9 AM- 12 NOON & 1 PM-3 PM
THE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK is administered at home to any
                                                                         CATHOLIC SCHOOL:                        297-6042
Catholic who is seriously ill. Please call the Parish Center. Any
                                                                         RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE:             297-3011
parishioner admitted to a local hospital should contact the
                                                                         OUTREACH MINISTRY:                      297-9713
Catholic Hospital Chaplain through the hospital. A family member         PARISH CENTER FAX:                      940-1746
should contact the parish when someone is admitted to the                SCHOOL FAX:                             297-7062
hospital. We will gladly pray for any members who are sick,              WEBSITE:   
whether at home or in the hospital, at our Sunday Masses;
however, it is necessary for the family to “request” it.
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND May 30TH, 2021 "Remember and Honor"
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND May 30TH, 2021 "Remember and Honor"
                                   May 30, 2021
                                                                                May 30 - June 6, 2021
                                 THE MOST HOLY
                                                      Monday:       Zep 3:14-18a ; Lk 1:39-56
5:00 PM The Bethusamy Family: req. The Bethusamy      Tuesday:      Tb 2:9-14 ; Mk 12:13-17
                                                      Wednesday: Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a ; Mk 12:18-27
8:00 AM Michael & Eva Slavik: req. The Morean         Thursday:     Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a ;
           Family                                                   Mk 12:28-34
10:00 AM Michael Vincent McGann: req. Kathrine        Friday:       Tb 11:5-17 ; Mk 12:35-37
12:00 Noon Joseph F. Lynam                            Saturday:     Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20 ; Mk 12:38-44
5:00 PM Mario D’Angio: req. Joan & Terry Grimes &     Sunday:       Ex 24:3-8 ; Heb 9:11-15 ;
           Family                                                   Mk 14:12-16, 22-26

                                                                  SPIRITUAL REMEMBRANCE
9:00 AM For the Men & Women who gave their lives
                                                                    TABERNACLE CANDLES
        in Service to Our Country
                                                                  For the Intentions of Diana Kinkela
TUESDAY                                                                     Donated by Mom
9:00 AM All Living and Deceased Parishioners of St.
        Augustine’s                                                  SANCTUARY FLOWERS
WEDNESDAY                                                            For the Intentions of Fr. Bob
9:00 AM The Deceased Members of the Campisano                    Donated by Lawrence & Miriam Bruni
        Family: req. Joan Campisano

THURSDAY                                              EUCHARISTIC ADORATION
9:00 AM Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ng: req. Shirley Fung
                                                      Monday, May 24, completed Eucharistic Adoration
                                                      for this Church Year. We will resume Adoration
9:00 AM    Purgatorial Society                        on Monday, September 24. Please make a note of
                                                      this. Thank you.
9:00 AM Intentions of St. A’s Parishioners
                                                                  MEDITATION FOR May 30, 2021
5:00 PM Living & Deceased Family & Friends of the
        Galaro Family: req. The Galaro Family         We are commissioned to carry the Good News to all the
SUNDAY                                                Today’s readings talk about our relationship with God:
8:00 AM Isabella Conenna: req. Marie & Frank          that He has revealed Himself to us, provided for us,
           Conenna                                    taught us, disciplined us, and given us the way to t
10:00 AM Marion & Peter Cannata: req. Sophie          eternal life. We are led by the Spirit, and commissioned
           Benzinger                                  to carry the Good News to all the world.
12:00 Noon Phillip W. Barrood: req. Marie Barrood &   Moses speaks to the people and has them consider all the
           Family                                     ways God has cared for them and revealed Himself to
5:00 PM Maria Scotto DAniello: req. Mr. & Mrs.        them. That is why they must keep His statues and
           Giuseppe Scotto DAniello                   Commandments. Paul tells the Romans that all who are
                                                      led by the Spirit of God are children of God and heirs
                                                      with Christ. In the Gospel, Jesus tells the eleven
                                                      disciples to go and make disciples of all nations,
                                                      baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
                                                      and of the Holy Spirit.
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND May 30TH, 2021 "Remember and Honor"
THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR                                                      INTENTIONS OF OUR HOLY
                                                                          FATHER FOR MAY
                                                                          We are invited to unite with our Holy
                                                                          Father, Pope Francis, for this universal
       8:00 PM AA Meeting
                                                                          intention during the month of May.
                                                                          The World of Finance. Let us pray that
June 1 7:00 PM K of C Meeting
                                                             those in charge of finance will work with
                                                             governments to regulate the financial sphere and
Wednesday                                                    protect citizens from its dangers.
June 2 10:00 AM School Mass for Grades 2-5
Thursday                                                     OUR LADY OF FATIMA STATUE
June 3 10:00 AM School Mass for Grades 6-8
        6:30 PM Columbiettes’ Board Meeting                  This week the Fatima statue will be in the home of The
        7:00 PM Bereavement Meeting                          Macalany Family.
Friday                                                       Please remember to pick up the 2 black bags and
June 4    7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Meeting
                                                             returning them and the statue back to the priest’s sacristy
Saturday                                                     on Saturday, June 5th, 2021. While this virus is still
June 5 11:30 AM Confessions                                  circulating, would you please wipe down the statue with
Sunday                                                       disinfectant not alcohol. Thank you for taking Our Lady
June 6               No Events Scheduled                     on a journey through our parish.

2021 Bishop’s Annual Appeal                                                       HAVE YOU REGISTERED
As of May 25, 2021, the Development Office has                                    YOUR CHILDREN??
received pledges totaling $121,242.50 and payments
totaling $106,071.25 from 374 parishioners. This                                  RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
represents 83.0% of your $146,000.00 goal. Thank you                              CLASSES BEGIN IN SEPTEMBER
for your efforts.                                            Re-registration forms were mailed in March.
                                                             If you did not receive your packet or you are registering
                                “Jesus came and stood
                                among them and said to       a new student please contact the Religious Education
                                them, ‘Peace be with         Office at 732-297-3011 or to
                                you.’” John 20:19            request a form.
                                                             You may also pick up forms in the Parish Center.
Take a moment when you see someone new and say
“hello” to them. This may be the new neighbor moving         Please note that classes are finalized in June. In order to
in, the new work colleague on a Zoom call, or a new          reserve a place for your child register now.
parishioner you see here at Mass.
Let us also live a life pleasing to God as we provide        Thank you-
blessings to others through the gifts and talents given to
us by God.                                                                            Catechists Needed
                                                                                      Religious education classes
Sunday Collection, May 23        $ 18,435.00                                          begin in September. Classes
                                                                                      are on Wednesdays from
                Wire Transfer to Mongolia                                             6:00pm to 7:15pm. Please
                  from Outreach Ministry                                              consider volunteering to teach
$15,000 Apostolic Prefecture Project (see inside bulletin)                            our parish youth. For more
$1,500 Mary, Mother of Mercy parish                                                   information contact the office at
$1,000 Donation from a family towards office furniture,                               732-297-3011 or
etc. for Apostolic Prefecture Project                                       
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND May 30TH, 2021 "Remember and Honor"
                   CATHOLIC? … OR                                          ATTENDANCE
… perhaps you are a baptized Catholic, but have not
completed the Sacraments of Initiation (Confirmation and      As per the guidelines for the State of New Jersey and
Eucharist). The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults        the Diocese of Metuchen as of MAY 19th there will no
(RCIA) is just for you! Gather with others who desire to      longer be a cap for Church attendance. We will return
know the Lord Jesus Christ in the truth of the Catholic       to 100% capacity with the Faithful using their common
Faith, as we undergo catechesis, reflect on the scriptures,   sense regarding social distancing.
and contemplate our call to faith in Christ in preparation
for Baptism and/or reception and completion of the            It was on the feast of Corpus Christi, June 2020, that
Sacraments of Initiation. Meetings are held on Sundays        the Governor of New Jersey allowed us to celebrate
at 8:30 am in Father McGivney Hall (followed by 10:30         public Mass with 25% capacity. Presently we are at
am Mass). If you are interested in getting connected,
                                                              50% capacity (375 attending here at Saint Augustine).
please call the Parish Center 732-297-3000.
                                      Deacon Denis            Effective on the Feast of Corpus Christi 2021 - June
                                                              5/6, 2021 - the dispensation from attending Sunday
                                                              Mass is being lifted by Bishop James Checchio.
Music Ministry Thank You!                                     Please share this joyous information with your family
                                                              and friends! We look forward to seeing you again!
                     Last Sunday, May 23, the
                     Feast of Pentecost, marked                    RECEPTION OF HOLY COMMUNION
                     the final time the Hand Bell                         AT SUNDAY MASS
                     Choirs rang for this music               After consultation with the parish Pastoral Board, I
                     year.     The week before                have made the decision that on the Feast of Corpus
marked the final time the Chime Choir rang for                Christi (the weekend of June 5/6) we will return to
this music year. This has been a unique year,                 the practice of receiving holy Communion at the
with no permission to have Choirs sing at Mass                regular time of Mass. The practice of distributing
due to the pandemic, instead many                             holy communion after the final blessing will no longer
parishioners came through and donated their                   be taking place.
time and talent in ringing choirs. The Chime
                                                              This decision has been shared with Bishop Checchio
Choir: – third grade thru junior high, the Youth
                                                              and he shared with me that many parishes of the
Bells: – high-school and college aged students,
                                                              diocese have returned to the practice as well.
the Tintinnabulum Ringers and Adult
Handbell Choirs all rang monthly liturgies,                   Please note: At the 10AM Mass only, we will have
with special masses on Christ the King,                       four (4) Communion Stations to allow the flow of
Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, Mother’s Day                    the Communion line to move. Two (2) additional
and Pentecost. The Adult Handbell Choir will                  stations will be in front of the first pews in the
meet next week to polish the bells getting them               center.
ready for next year. As we move into the                      Following the final hymn at Mass, the faithful are
relaxed time of summer, we thank all these                    invited to use your discretion on leaving the church
musicians who gifted the parish by sharing                    keeping in mind “social distancing.” With the nicer
their time and talent throughout the year. They               weather you are free to exchange greetings outside the
have kept the music alive even through mask                   Church. The wearing of masks covering your nose
wearing, temperature checking, private gloves,                and mouth will be optional with no further social
and social distance ringing. Thank you Bell                   distancing per the directive of the Governor while in
and Chime Choirs! Enjoy your well deserved                    Church.
break, and we look forward to hearing you
                                                              Every Friday the church and school (while in session),
again in the fall, with hopes that singing choirs
                                                              will continue to be electro-statically cleaned and
will join you. Thank you and God bless you for
your work.
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND May 30TH, 2021 "Remember and Honor"
From: "Reverend Canon Robert G. Lynam"
Date: May 17, 2021 at 11:44:47 AM EDT
To: "Most Rev. James F. Checchio"
Subject: Giving hope to the Church in Mongolia
Dear Bishop:

On May 12, 2021, I received the attached letter from the Most Reverend Giorgio Marengo, IMC, Apostolic
Prefect of Ulaanbaatar, asking for assistance in a special project to build up the Church in Mongolia. I always
share with my people that God speaks to us in the ordinary events of our lives, and I was moved that the letter
was written on May 12th, the anniversary of my priestly ordination and the Feast of Saint Lucy Filippini.

The letter speaks for itself regarding the special project in “giving hope to the Church in Mongolia.” The
Apostolic Nuncio, the Most Reverend Alfred Xuereb, has given his blessing to the letter that was sent to me.
Archbishop Xuereb has celebrated Mass several times here at Saint Augustine.

It is also Providential that the request comes during these days of “novena to the Holy Spirit” in preparation for
the Feast of Pentecost, the birth of the Church! The Church in Mongolia is at its infantile stages and as you
know, at the request of the Apostolic Nuncio we adopted the parish of Mary, Mother of Mercy, in Mongolia,
and through our Outreach Ministry and donations dedicated to this parish we are able to send a wire transfer to
help that particular parish build up its community.

Bishop Giorgio Marengo, IMC, asked if we could complete the project by making a donation of $15,000.
Presently in the Diocesan accounts, Saint Augustine Parish has in reserve in the “Outreach Ministry” funds
$17,940.31. The account has not been updated with the interest received since June 2020, so Patricia Murtha
could inform me of the present balance in the account. The money in that account was for a possible Saint
Vincent de Paul Thrift shop that never materialized for several reasons.

I consulted with the two parish trustees, Mrs. Kathleen Lakarosky and Mr. John Golubieski, as well as Deacon
Denis Mayer who visited our sister parish, Mary, Mother of Mercy several years ago with his wife, Carol, and
Barbara Corio, a pastoral board member. After reading the letter from Bishop Giorgio whom they met prior to
his consecration as a Bishop, as the pastor of Mary, Mother of Mercy parish, all three concurred for me to send
via a wire transfer, the amount of $15,000 to complete the project. The remaining money in the account would
be transferred in the parish Outreach Ministry account.

I informed Bishop Giorgio Marengo, IMC, and Archbishop Alfred Xuereb of our decision and as you can
imagine they were filled with great joy...CHE GIOIA! I spoke with Archbishop Xuereb last evening after he
talked to Bishop Marengo, IMC, about the blessings of Saint Augustine. I believe as we prepare for the Feast
of Pentecost, it is really the work of the Holy Spirit!

Once again please read the attached letter from Bishop Giorgio Marengo, and it is a grace for the parish of
Saint Augustine to share the blessings with the Universal Church! I remain,

In the Peace of Christ,
Father Bob
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND May 30TH, 2021 "Remember and Honor"
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND May 30TH, 2021 "Remember and Honor"
MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND May 30TH, 2021 "Remember and Honor"
PURGATORIAL SOCIETY JUNE                              John Christian            Diana Kwiatkowski
                                                      Peter Ferendez            The Hitchman Family
In Memory Of:           Requested By:                 Jesse Santos              The Gonzales Family
Kit Chow                Our Parish Family             Ricky Nauyoks             Gregory & Bernadette &
Arverta Viana           Our Parish Family             Family
John Kirchner           Our Parish Family             Frank Wiley, Jr.         Theresa McGann
Ruthann Weaver          Our Parish Family                                      Maryann Almestica
Virginia Paradela       Joy Verdad                                             Lorna Geydoshek
Alejandra Jalijali      Marina Castro & Family                                 Kathleen Michalski
                                                      Felicitas Zaldivar       The Zalddivar Family
FIRST SATURDAY MASS INTENTIONS JUNE                   Joy Montefusco           The Canvin Family
                                                      Emiliana O’Brien         The Canvin Family
In Memory Of:          Requested By:                  Giuseppe & Maria Caputo Terri & Joe
Jose de Sousa Pinto    Pavla Aravjo & Family          Vincenza & Salvatore
Fr. Ed Flanagan        Jadwiga                               Saffiotti         Terri & Joe
Mario D’Angio          Maryann Almestica              Franklin H. College, Jr. Terri & Joseph Saffiotti
Joseph Ferrara         Peter & Lottie Frein           Frances Pulomena         John & Sandra Reiser
Daniel Kemp            Kathleen Kaelin                Paul Freda               Loving wife, Pat
Orazio Castellana      Sr. Mary Louise & the School
                             Community                For the Intentions Of:  Requested By:
Raymond Snyder         Sr. Mary Louise                Paulette Kozak & Family Sophie Benzinger
Clara Palancia         Sr. Mary Louise                The Intentions of Our
Orazio Castellana      The Cooper Family                    Grandchildren     Terri & Joe
Irudaya Michael Raj    The Raj Family
Thomas McCann          The Seymour Family             UNANNOUNCED MASSES MAY
Michael Vincent McGann Pat & Pete Varisco
Irene Zalameda         The Cordova Family             In Memory Of:             Requested By:
Sylvia Sadueste        The Cordova & Liebeck          Isabella Lucien           Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Karkenny
Walter F. Polosky      Eva, Walt & Erik

    Let us pray for God’s Blessings on our Newly      ARE YOU A REGISTERED PARISHIONER?
     Confirmed who received the Sacrament on
                                                      If you recently moved into the area and have not yet
              Sunday, May 23, 2021, by
                                                      registered in the parish, we encourage you to become a
   The Reverend Canon Robert G. Lynam, KCHS,
                       Pastor                         registered member. Ask an usher for a registration
                     Celebrant                        packet after Mass or stop by or call the Parish Office to
                    Delegated by                      obtain a registration packet.
         Bishop James Checchio, JCD, MBA,             Once registered, you will receive quarterly mailing of
                 Bishop of Metuchen                   parish offertory envelopes. The use of an Offertory
               Ainatou Lydia Lompo                    envelope helps us to track Mass attendance which
               Paul Francis Caffiero                  affects your status as an active or inactive parishioner.
             Jeremy Joseph Rodriguez                  Mass attendance, not the content of the offertory
              Renee Isabella Pateman                  envelope, is reviewed twice a year and a letter is sent to
                                                      those who have not used their envelopes in a specified
               Tiffany Regina Bunn
                                                      time period.
           John Christopher Esmeraldino
            Marielle Therese Rodriguez                Thank you for being alert to this important matter.
St. Joseph’s High School Retires Daniel Anderl’s number,
                     will rename the field in his honor.

Daniel’s coaches and teammates gather with his parents, Esther and Mark, center of picture,
                              on Saturday, May 22, 2021.

          Daniel’s parents, Esther and Mark, stand on the pitcher’s mound where
                       the left-hander would pitch for the Falcons.
Two of the current players hold a poster of Daniel’s jersey prior to the game on Saturday.
                                      The team went on to win 4-0.

The new field design with Daniel’s name
          behind home plate.
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