Michaelobrien.com.au - UPDATE COVID-19 RESPONSE NOVEMBER

Page created by Terrance Anderson
Michaelobrien.com.au - UPDATE COVID-19 RESPONSE NOVEMBER

Michaelobrien.com.au - UPDATE COVID-19 RESPONSE NOVEMBER

                       Victorians have endured a lot this year. We battled through the havoc of
                       summer bushfires and the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
                       The effects of the pandemic have been far reaching and touched all of us in
                       different and profound ways. In Victoria, we now face more difficult social and
                       economic recovery from the pandemic than anywhere else in Australia.
                       Victoria needs a plan to keep our community safe from COVID-19, but at the
                       same time to turn our focus to getting Victorians back to work to repair the
                       economic damage that’s been done by the lockdowns.
                       The recovery will be hard, but it is an opportunity to reshape our state, rebuild
Michael O’Brien MP     businesses and industries, and reclaim the Victorian way of life, which made
Liberal Leader         Melbourne the most liveable place in the world.
                       The Victorian Liberal Nationals’ Back to Work Plan will generate new jobs
                       throughout the Victorian economy and return security, and the feeling of security,
                       to all Victorians.
                       This is not a plan for the next election in 2022; Victorians cannot wait that long. This is
                       a plan for immediate action so that Victorians can overcome their concerns about
                       providing for their families, meeting their mortgage and rent payments, educating their
                       kids, keeping healthy and protecting elderly Victorians.
                       Our plan will help Victoria overcome the most significant public policy failure in
                       Australia’s history, in which the Labor Government’s hotel quarantine breaches
                       and failures of Victoria’s contact tracing program, caused the social and economic
                       devastation of the second wave of the pandemic.
                       We encourage you to join us in calling on the State Government to adopt our
Peter Walsh MP         plan to rebuild from the damage done to our jobs, our communities and our
The Nationals Leader   way of life – from today, not after the next election.
                       November 2020

Michaelobrien.com.au - UPDATE COVID-19 RESPONSE NOVEMBER

Getting Victoria Back to Work
and Back in Business





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Michaelobrien.com.au - UPDATE COVID-19 RESPONSE NOVEMBER
The damage to Victoria has been enormous

Victorians have endured a                      The Andrews Labor Government must
                                               deliver change. It cannot continue to
                                                                                                 certainty that the mistakes that caused
                                                                                                 expansive lockdowns and shutdowns will not
period of extreme social                       deliver the same old thinking and expect          be repeated.
dislocation, with some                         a better result.
                                                                                                 The plan must assist businesses of all
of the longest and most                        VICTORIA NEEDS A PLAN                             sizes to recover. This means providing
                                               TO REBUILD OUR LIVES AND                          job-creating industries, targeted policy
draconian lockdown                             LIVELIHOODS                                       support and investment to revitalise and
                                                                                                 create new opportunity – whether in
measures imposed                               The Andrews Labor Government must
                                                                                                 hospitality, manufacturing, construction,
                                               provide a detailed plan to rebuild Victorian
anywhere in the world.                         jobs and livelihoods.
                                                                                                 education or tourism.
                                                                                                 The plan must also support new infrastructure
Our kids have fallen behind at school, and     The Government cannot merely aim for pre-
                                                                                                 builds that generate new jobs and economic
the physical and mental health of Victorians   COVID levels of economic performance and
                                                                                                 growth - affordable housing, transport
has taken a battering.                         government program delivery. That weak
                                                                                                 connections, and development of cheap, clean
                                               goal would leave us permanently behind
Industries have been smashed by                                                                  and reliable energy.
                                               other states which are already rebuilding.
indiscriminate restrictions, and hundreds of                                                     To ensure Victorians are delivered the
thousands of Victorians have lost their job    We need a new plan to rebuild a stronger
                                                                                                 recovery they need, the government must end
or had their hours substantially reduced.      and better performing Victoria.
                                                                                                 its dangerous reliance on emergency powers,
Poorly targeted and inconsistent rules have    The plan must restore business confidence         commit to regular Parliament sittings two
prevented thousands of Victorian small         and investment, generate new growth and           weeks each month, and adopt this plan to get
                                               employment opportunity, and provide               Victoria Back to Work and Back in Business.
businesses and sole traders from safely
making a living. Many will not survive.
While Victoria has continued to fall behind,
                                                                   VICTORIA CONTINUES TO FALL BEHIND
residents of other states like New South                                    IN JOB CREATION
Wales have resumed more normal life and            -10,000               (job losses per million employed before COVID-19)            Recovering

already made progress recovering their lives       -20,000                                                                            NSW
and livelihoods.
The Victorian Treasury has forecast up
to 325,000 job losses this year. With the          -40,000

Victorian economy in recession since before        -50,000                                                                                Declining

the COVID pandemic and state government            -60,000
debt forecast to almost triple – to cover                                                                                                 VIC
project blowouts and black holes – we have         -70,000

a difficult road to recovery ahead.                          Mar 2020   Apr 2020   May 2020   Jun 2020   Jul 2020   Aug 2020   Sep 2020

Michaelobrien.com.au - UPDATE COVID-19 RESPONSE NOVEMBER
Staying on target to                                                                                COVID-19

ensure our recovery                                                                                 NOVEMBER

It’s vital to know whether our state is on track to achieve the economic and social recovery that Victoria
needs. These targets will be set and tracked for Victorians on our COVID-19 Recovery Community
Dashboard which can be accessed here: www.michaelobrien.com.au/covid-dashboard

         JOBS                              YOUTH JOBS                         SKILLS & TRAINING
     Create 380,000                        Restore 143,000               Deliver 57,000 apprenticeship and
       new jobs by                          youth jobs by 1               traineeship commencements in
       1 July 2022                           January 2022                     the year to 31 March 2022

         TAXES                          SMALL BUSINESS                         MENTAL HEALTH
        No new or                     Deliver continued business          Reduce the annual number of
        increased                       growth in Victoria with          mental health-related emergency
          taxes                       704,000 small businesses           department presentations below
                                       operating by 1 July 2022             90,000 by 1 January 2022

        HEALTH                              EDUCATION                        COMMUNITY SAFETY
   Elective surgery wait           10 per cent more students above         Reduce youth crimes against
  list reduced to 39,000            the bottom 3 bands of NAPLAN             the person to December
 people by 1 January 2022          in literacy and numeracy by 2022         2014 levels by 1 July 2022

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Michaelobrien.com.au - UPDATE COVID-19 RESPONSE NOVEMBER

                        ersonal financial
                       security means
                       financial peace
                       of mind.

Michaelobrien.com.au - UPDATE COVID-19 RESPONSE NOVEMBER

Cost of living pressures                        	Work with the Federal Government to
                                                 provide affordable childcare so that
have been getting                                every parent, and particularly every
progressively tougher,                           woman, who is offered work is able to
                                                 accept it.
with COVID-19 suddenly                          	Implement the Liberal Nationals’ Zero
and drastically making                           to Landfill plan to create a new, low
                                                 emissions baseload energy supply
things much worse.                               for Victoria.
                                                	Immediately remove the current
Victoria’s unemployment is through               moratorium on conventional
the roof and job losses could reach              onshore natural gas, and fast-track
more than 325,000 by the end of 2020.            the development of new natural
On top of that, tens of thousands of             gas production.
families have experienced a reduction           	Freeze all household water and
in take-home wages.                              sewerage charges until 30 June 2022.
                                                	Scrap the 60 per cent increase to the
  	No new taxes                                 Landfill Levy.
	The Andrews Government has
  introduced 28 new or expanded taxes        	Transport fees and charges
  despite promising not to do so before it      	Freeze all toll road charges with
  was elected.                                   Transurban and ConnectEast until
                                                 30 June 2022.                            	Waive registration payments for
      	There must not be any increased or
                                                	Freeze all metropolitan and              commercial vehicles grounded
       new taxes to fund the Government’s                                                  because of restrictions, and allow
                                                 V/Line public transport fares until
       unprecedented debt blowout.                                                         private vehicle registrations to be
                                                 30 June 2022
  	Real action to reduce                       	Free public transport for school         paused for up to 12 months.
    household bills                              and university students until 1          	Half price registration to all P-plate
                                                 January 2022.                             drivers until 30 June 2022.
      	Freeze all local government rates
       until 30 June 2022 with funding
       support from the Andrews
       Government.                                           reate 380,000 new jobs by 1 July 2022 to
      	A one-off increase to the energy                    make up for those that have been lost.
       concession to $1000 per household
       until 1 January 2022.

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Michaelobrien.com.au - UPDATE COVID-19 RESPONSE NOVEMBER
                 FOR LOCAL BUSINESS
 he State Government’s
gross negligence has
smashed small businesses
and sole traders, and
many will never recover.
They are paying an
enormous personal
cost for the Andrews
Labor Government’s
Urgent support is required for these
businesses whether they are in general
retail, hairdressers and beauty services,
gyms, landscape gardeners, or local cafés
to survive this year and recover through
2021 and beyond.                                            aise the payroll tax threshold so businesses
Young Victorians have been particularly
impacted, with more than 143,000
                                                           do not pay this tax on the first $10 million of
Victorians under 25 out of work since the                  payroll to 30 June 2022.
start of 2020. Youth unemployment now
exceeds 14 per cent. Now is the time for                                                 accessed free TAFE but now need to
bold action to turn this around.               	Deliver 57,000 apprenticeship
                                                and traineeship commencements            retrain in a different industry where
     	Get the employment rate back to          in the year to 31 March 2022 and         demand and opportunity exists.
       pre-COVID-19 levels                      provide retraining scholarships for      	Expand free TAFE to make all training
        	Create 380,000 new jobs by            people of all ages looking to re-skill    free for occupations experiencing skill
         1 July 2022 to make up for those       in priority areas.                        shortages in Victoria.
         that have been lost (based on         	Expand pre-apprenticeship               	Clear the backlog of TAFE
         September ABS statistics).              programs and promote greater             students waiting to complete
        	Labor must commit to restoring the     participation of women in trades.        work placements or practical
         143,000 jobs young Victorians have    	Free TAFE should be extended             assessments to demonstrate
         lost by 1 January 2022.                to people who have previously             competency by 30 June 2021.

Michaelobrien.com.au - UPDATE COVID-19 RESPONSE NOVEMBER

                   stablish a $1 billion “Bringing Manufacturing
                  Home” fund to encourage manufacturers to
                  locate their facilities in Victoria.
  	Cut employment taxes and                       manufacture, medical research,
                                                   defence procurement, pharmaceuticals
    charges for businesses
                                                   and rare earths processing.
		Raise the payroll tax threshold so
                                                  	Invest in a “Victorian Made”
   businesses do not pay this tax on               marketing campaign, to showcase
   the first $10 million of payroll to             the quality and benefits of locally
   30 June 2022.                                   produced goods and services.
      	Freeze fees and charges for
                                               	Strengthen Victoria’s                       improving change identified during
       businesses to 30 June 2022,
                                                 economic base                               lockdown restrictions.
       including business licensing fees,
       and labour hire registration scheme        	Diversify our import base to ensure      	Support improved access to seed
                                                   we are not dependent on any single         funding for startups.
       fees and place a moratorium on
                                                   country for more than 15 per cent of
       the employer levy under the long            our goods imports.                        	Expand Global Victoria in emerging
       service leave portability scheme.                                                      economies throughout South-
                                                  	Develop an international student
      	Provide WorkCover premium relief                                                      east Asia, India and Africa by
                                                   recommencement plan to return
       to businesses to 30 June 2022.                                                         substantially increasing Victoria’s
                                                   international students (tertiary and
                                                                                              outbound trade opportunities by
  	Bring manufacturing home                       secondary) to study in Victoria.
                                                                                              June 2021.
    to Victoria                                   	Support increased commercialisation
                                                                                             	Ensure Victoria is getting the
	Under successive Labor Governments               between research institutions and
                                                                                              best representation in ongoing
  over the past 20 years, the number               industry in Victoria.
                                                                                              negotiations for the Australia-UK
  of manufacturing jobs in Victoria has           	Launch a $100 million Science             Free Trade Agreement.
  fallen by more than 50,000.                      and Technology Innovation grants
                                                   program to create new opportunities    	Restore local small businesses
      	Establish a $1 billion “Bringing           for the scientific and business          and sole traders
       Manufacturing Home” fund to                 community to collaborate in 2020-21.      	Discount local government
       encourage manufacturers to locate          	Re-introduce innovation vouchers          rates and permit fees for small
       their facilities in Victoria.               for Victorian businesses to                businesses until 30 June 2022,
      	Prioritise support for industries of       adopt new innovations and                  with funding from the Victorian
       national importance such as PPE             take advantage of productivity             Government.

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Michaelobrien.com.au - UPDATE COVID-19 RESPONSE NOVEMBER
                FOR LOCAL BUSINESS
      	Overhaul the Victorian Government’s       Connecting regional Victoria            	Deliver the Murray Basin Rail
       onerous turnover caps for small                                                     Project in full by December 2022 to
                                                    	Immediately reinstate the Country
       construction companies applying for                                                 revolutionise supply chains in north-
                                                     Roads and Bridges Program.
       government tenders.                                                                 west Victoria.
                                                    	Begin construction of other major
      	Prioritise Victorian Government                                                   	Provide $10 million for the
                                                     regional roads such as the Kilmore
       purchasing and procurement from                                                     agricultural sector to digitise supply
                                                     Bypass, Shepparton Bypass,
       local suppliers.                                                                    chains in order to unlock new trade
                                                     Gippsland Princes Highway
      	Make payment on government                   duplication, Ballarat Western         opportunities and provide a faster
       contracts within seven days.                  Link Road (Stage 2) and Princes       flow of money for our farmers.
      	Streamline red tape and enforce              Highway (west of Colac) upgrade.
       statutory timeframes on Victorian
       Government decision-making.
  	Boost investment and housing
    affordability in Melbourne
      	Repeal C270 to promote flexibility
       and employment growth.
      	Allow purchasers of new builds in
       2020-21 to defer payment of stamp
       duty until 30 June 2022.
      	Open up the HomeBuilder scheme to
       more Victorians by paying the grant
       upfront for new builds, allowing more
       Victorians to use it as a deposit on
       building a new home.
      	Remove the cladding levy for any
       project that has 85 per cent or more
       local content until 30 June 2022.
      	Work with industry to deliver 50,000
       new homes under ‘Build to Rent’
       projects, with 10 per cent of these to
       be provided as public housing.
      	Release additional residential land for
       new housing developments.


                rovide $400 million to develop and upgrade
               tourist attractions across Victoria in 2021.

	Kick-start Victorian tourism                    	Restore domestic and international
   	Establish a dedicated $300 million            air services to Avalon Airport as
    Victorian Tourism Fund to support              soon as possible.
    tourism operators in country                  	Complete tourism infrastructure
    communities to recover and                     projects including the Grampians
    promote local tourism.                         Peaks Trail, the Twelve Apostles
   	Establish ‘Road Trip for Victoria’            Visitor Centre, Warburton
    vouchers offering Victorians a                 Mountain Bike Destination, save
    50 per cent discount up to $200                the Cape Otway Lighthouse, and
    on tours or accommodation when                 upgrade nature-based facilities
    booking three nights or more, to               to get people back to bushfire-
    stimulate Victorian tourism.                   impacted north-east Victoria
                                                   and Gippsland.
   	Ensure state borders reopen for
    interstate visitors as soon as possible.      	Undertake urgent reform to
                                                   streamline statutory planning
   	Scrap all Government self-
                                                   approvals processes for tourism
    promotional advertising and
                                                   projects that deliver regional jobs.
    redirect into advertising Victorian
    tourism.                                   	Investing in transport
   	Provide $400 million to develop             infrastructure for Melbourne
    and upgrade tourist attractions               	Immediately commence
    across Victoria in 2021 and fast-               infrastructure projects where
    track community supported private               planning and business cases
    investment in tourism infrastructure            exist, and federal money is
    on private land.                                available and allocated including
   	Return the tourism sector to                   the East West Link, Calder Park
    December 2019 bed night                         Drive upgrade, Jetty Road
    accommodation levels by the end                 overpass in Rosebud, and
    of 2021.                                        Frankston Rail Line electrification.

                                      michaelobrien.com.au                                      P11
                FOR LOCAL BUSINESS
      	Provide additional funding to
       immediately advance planning
       works for the construction of
       Rowville Rail.
      	Fast-track development of the
       Melbourne Airport Rail project.
      	Commence upgrades of Southern
       Cross Station and Flinders Street
       Station where opportunity and
       plans exist to immediately progress
       projects with the private sector.
      	Establish a new $200 million
       Metropolitan Road and Bike Paths
       Fund for smaller projects around
       greater Melbourne.                        $20 million for a Regional Victorian Art   	Establish a $100 million Creative
                                                 Trail Fund with supported infrastructure    Industries Restoration Fund to help
  	Support events and hospitality               and COVID-safe plans.                       our world-class music and arts thrive
      	Launch an ‘Eat out for Victoria’       	Facilitate the recovery of the creative    in a COVID-normal world.
       program for a period of four weeks        industries sector, which has lost tens
       as soon as dine-in restaurants are        of thousands of jobs, to pre-COVID-19
       permitted to operate at a COVID           employment levels by 1 January 2022.
       normal capacity. This would subsidize
       50 per cent of bills up to a maximum
       of $20 per person.                           he “Eat Out for
      	Support the events industry by
       developing a proactive plan to
                                                   Victoria” proposal is
       get small and large events up and           just what our pubs and
       running again as soon as possible
       with supported COVID safe plans
                                                   restaurants need to get
       and infrastructure.                         up and going after the
      	Provide $50 million towards                lockdowns.
       attracting new events for Melbourne
       and Regional Victoria that appeal       	PAUL DIMATTINA, Lamaro’s
       to the Australian market, and             Hotel, South Melbourne


                   Our plan focuses
                   on generating
                   new jobs and
                   rebuilding our
                   economy to be
                   the strongest
                   and most diverse
                   in Australia.

michaelobrien.com.au              P13
3                INVESTING IN HEALTH
                 AND EDUCATION
The Victorian Government
must manage the threat
of COVID-19, while
providing Victorians with
the opportunity to resume
living in a ‘COVID-normal’
environment until there is
a vaccine.
Victoria’s elective surgery wait list had
blown out past record levels in March and
is now worse than ever. On top of this other
Victorians are stuck on the ‘hidden waitlist’,
and many have deferred treatment due to
                                                 	Make Victoria self-sufficient,         	Provide stronger support and better
government restrictions.
                                                  ensuring we have adequate supplies       partnerships with providers in aged
The social dislocation of lockdown has            of personal protective equipment,        care, mental health and disability
caused a significant increase in mental           ventilators and essential medical        sectors and strengthen provision of
health issues experienced by Victorians.          equipment in preparation for any         services in community health.
Improved resources to support those at risk       future health crisis.
must be prioritised.                                                                      	Split the current Department
                                                 	Fast-track the building of new          of Health and Human Services
Our children’s schooling has been severely       and upgraded community                   into separate Health and Human
 disrupted by the pandemic. Parents and           hospitals previously committed           Services departments.
 teachers have done their best but nothing        to, in metropolitan Melbourne and
 replaces time in the classroom. A serious        throughout Regional Victoria.           	Establish a permanent state
 plan for catch-up is needed or a whole                                                    committee of health experts,
 generation of young Victorians face a           	Increase funding to the Victorian      similar to the Australian Health
 wasted year.                                     Infectious Disease Centre at Royal
                                                                                           Protection Principal Committee,
                                                  Melbourne Hospital to guarantee
                                                                                           to monitor all major global and
  	A stronger health system                      best practice in confronting this and
                                                                                           local health threats, and provide
       	Commit to ongoing rapid testing          future pandemics.
                                                                                           regular reports to government on
        for health services, aged care, and      	Provide additional funding to ensure    appropriate responses.
        other sectors where a high risk of        medical research for cancer and other
        COVID-19 transmission exists.             chronic diseases is not left behind.


                                                                                             	Return the elective surgery wait list
                                                                                              to 39,000 people by 1 January 2022.
              dditional funding to bring Victoria’s                                         	Return wait-times for general
             mental health funding and service to at                                          dental to pre COVID-19 levels by
                                                                                              1 January 2022.
             least the national average.
                                                                                             	Review the impact of deferred
                                                                                              treatment for chronic disease on
	Support mental health and                   	Increase the number of mental
                                                                                              individuals and the health system.
  community well-being                         health outreach support services.
   	Provide extra funding to                                                             	Quality education and early
                                              	Expand the Hospital Outreach
    bring Victoria’s mental health                                                          childhood learning
                                               Post-suicidal Engagement initiative
    funding and service to at least                                                          	Immediately commence intensive
    the national average.                      to additional hospitals across
                                               Victoriain 2021.                               catch-up classes and small-group
   	Increase clinical support for young                                                      tutoring focused on literacy and
    people and the acute bed rate to the      	Scrap the proposed Mental Health Tax.         numeracy, with all necessary
    national average.                                                                         additional assessment and
                                           	Reduce Victoria’s healthcare
   	Immediately improve access to                                                            curricular support resources made
                                             wait lists
    mental health services.                                                                   available to schools to ensure
   	Develop and implement a detailed         	Set and publish targets for referral to       students are catching up as quickly
    strategy to mitigate harm caused by        treatment times so Victorians know             as possible.
    lockdown and its residual impact on        how long they’ll actually be waiting
                                                                                             	Provide dedicated mental health
    the mental health of Victorians.           for elective surgery.
                                                                                              practitioners to all state primary
                                                                                              schools in 2021 to ensure quick and
                                                                                              reliable access to support.
                                                                                             	Provide $7 million for education
                                                                                              support agencies to expand their
                                                                                              literacy and numeracy skill-building
                                                                                              programs and well-being support
                                                                                              services in high-needs areas.

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3               INVESTING IN HEALTH
                AND EDUCATION
  	Provide vouchers for primary school kids
   to participate in educational, creative or
   sporting activity programs over summer
   so they have the opportunity to be both
   social and active during the break.
  	Work with outdoor education, camps
   providers and alpine resorts to offer
   3-5 day camps in January 2021 for
   children who have suffered socially and
   emotionally and provide incentives to
   schools booking camps in term 1.
  	Accelerate the roll out of 15 hours of
   Funded Three-Year-Old Kindergarten
   to all areas of Victoria.
  	Work with the Federal Government to
   provide affordable childcare that includes
   extended hours care for all kindergartens.
  	Immediately undertake a maintenance
   blitz of government schools.
  	All funding previously committed for
   improvements to Independent and
   Catholic schools should be brought
   forward and delivered by local contractors,
   using local materials.

      It’s so important that
       our kids have the
       chance to catch up
       after the disruption                      	Immediately commence intensive catch-up
       of this year.                                classes and small-group tutoring focused on
                                                    literacy and numeracy.
      SARA JOHNSON, Hampton

              SUPPORTING                                                                                              RESPONSE
              OUR COMMUNITIES                                                                                          UPDATE

With the severe economic
damage and social
disruption caused by
lockdowns, Victoria needs
a proactive approach to
support our communities,
protect the vulnerable and
improve quality of life for all.
 	Support Victorians relocating
   to regional Victoria
    	Provide a $250 million fund to assist
     businesses and government agencies        			Probus, multicultural seniors’ groups      to support their work in family
     to permanently transform their                 and U3As to defeat isolation.              violence, homelessness and other
     operations to allow their staff to work                                                   home programs.
                                                     	Boost capital works upgrades for
     from home more often and live where              public aged care facilities to make
     they want to.
                                                                                             Improve our local environment
                                                      sure all have single rooms and
                                                                                               	Immediately implement the Liberal
    	Abolish regional payroll tax to                 ensuites to help stop the spread of
                                                                                                Nationals’ Zero to Landfill plan to
     30 June 2022 to encourage more                   infectious disease such as COVID-19.
                                                                                                boost recycling and use waste as an
     businesses to move operations into              	Reduce the social housing wait list      energy source.
     the regions.                                     to 42,000 by 1 January 2022.             	Victoria must fast-track
    	Establish a process for local                  	Increase funding to the not-for-         implementation of the Container
     government areas adjacent to                     profit and community sector               Deposit Scheme.
     metropolitan Melbourne to be
     reclassified as regional Victoria.

 	Community services for                                        bolish regional payroll tax to 30 June 2022 to
   vulnerable Victorians                                        encourage more businesses to move operations
    	Provide $10 million for reboot grants                     into the regions.
     to senior citizens’ clubs, including

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4                 SUPPORTING
                  OUR COMMUNITIES

      	Plant 1 million new trees in Victoria
       a year over the next two years.                $100 Sports and Recreation Participation
      	More funding to Victorian Landcare,                     vouchers for eligible all Victorian primary and
       and grants should be expanded to                         secondary school students.
       support community organisations
       and disability support employers to
                                            			school students to claim as a
       grow, plant and care for trees.
                                                 discount on local sport and
                                                                                       Clubs like ours have battled
  	Support local sport and recreation           recreation membership fees when        this year. Grants like those
                                                 registering with a sporting club,
      	Grants of up to $50,000 to               dance school, learn to swim or         proposed by the Liberal &
       grassroots clubs to assist recovery
       following the losses caused by
                                                 other recreation providers before 1
                                                 January 2022.
                                                                                        Nationals is just what we
                                                	Matched funding of up to $1           need to get going.
      	$100 Sports and Recreation               million to any grassroots club to
       Participation vouchers for all            commence capital works projects     	TEENA JOHNSON,
       Victorian primary and secondary           prior to 31 December 2021.             Morwell Bowls club


	Get police back into local                	Keep justice moving
  communities                                  	Provide $10 million for VCAT
   	Ensure that Protective Services            to undertake a case blitz by
    Officers are returned to our train          employing temporary tribunal
    stations from 6.00pm until last train       members to tackle case backlogs
    as soon as possible.                        and return listing times to normal.
   	Urgently reopen every one of              	Urgently implement video
    the recently closed police stations         conferencing and other technology
    to the community as soon as it is           to keep the courts moving and
    safe to do so.                              ensure the caseload backlogs for
                                                2020-2021 are no more than those
   	Bring forward police and emergency         in 2018-2019 in the Children’s and
    services infrastructure upgrade             Magistrates Courts.
    programs to give our hard working          	Return of jury trials as soon as
    first responders the infrastructure         possible.
    they deserve, while supporting
    local builders, tradies and other
    small businesses.
   	Rebuild key 24-hour police                e are focused on
    stations such as Narre Warren,
    Benalla, Prahran and Hamilton,            tackling the causes
    and prioritise new emergency              of crime not just the
    services infrastructure for growing
    communities.                              symptoms.

                                     michaelobrien.com.au                                 P19
Liberal Party                                                         The Nationals Victoria
     evel 12
    L                                                                     evel 9, Suite 908
    257 Collins Street                                                   343 Little Collins Street
    Melbourne Vic 3000                                                   Melbourne Vic 3000
    03 9654 2255                                                         03 9600 1424
    libs@vic.liberal.org.au                                              vic@nationals.org.au
    vic.liberal.org.au                                                   vic.nationals.org.au

Authorised by S McQuestin, Level 12, 257 Collins St, Melbourne 3000
Printed by Fishprint, 447 Nepean Highway, Brighton East 3187
No taxpayer funds were used in the production of this material.

  UPDATE                   michaelobrien.com.au
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