Page created by Marion Potter
Republic Day special issue

 Vol. 64 No.05 visit us at             Gangtok (Sunday) January 26, 2020

Republic Day Messages of Governor and Chief Minister of Sikkim
                                                                                                                              Regd. No.WB/SKM/01/2017-19

Rural tourism concept is Our State has evolved as a
increasing rapidly in the state as progressive state with marked
a responsible and sustainable improvements in socio-economic
tourism product.                   indicators
                    - Governor                     - Chief Minister
                                        information for everyone and the         On the auspicious occasion of
                                        modern priority of development           the Republic Day, I convey my
                                        have become a reality for the            felicitation and good wishes to
                                        people of Sikkim due to the far-         the people of Sikkim and my
                                        reaching policies of our                 countrymen. My special greetings
                                        Government. Sikkim which is an           to the Armed Forces, Para-
                                        agricultural state, owing to the         military and the Internal Security
                                        farsighted policies adopted by our       Forces. I pay tribute to the brave
                                        Government, has now also                 soldiers, the security personnel
                                        successfully progressed into the         and their families who made the
                                        field of industrial and service          supreme sacrifice in defending
                                        sector.                                  the country’s territorial integrity
                                                At the same time, the State      and maintaining law and order.
                                        government is making efforts to                  It was on 26 th January,
           Ganga Prasad                                                          1950 that the people gave unto                Prem Singh Tamang
         Governor of Sikkim             develop its tourism capacity by                                                       Chief Minister of Sikkim
                                                                                 themselves a Constitution that
                                        introducing homestays in the rural                                             Let us pay our deepest respects
      On the auspicious occasion                                                 established India as a Sovereign,
                                        areas. This will surely increase the                                           to our forefathers, whose
of the 71st Republic Day of the                                                  Socialist, Secular, Democratic
                                        income of the rural people. Rural                                              commitment has consistently
                                                                                 Republic. On that day, we
nation, I convey my best wishes to      tourism concept is increasing                                                  safeguarded the interest, rights
                                                                                 became the largest democracy of
all the citizens of Sikkim, along       rapidly in the state as a                                                      and liberty of every Indian citizen,
                                                                                 the world. It was with the framing
with the people of India.               responsible and sustainable                                                    irrespective of caste, class or
                                                                                 and adoption of the Constitution
    On January 26, 1950, the            tourism product.                         and the birth of the Republic of      gender. The country today has
Constitution of India, which is                 In the end, I congratulate all   India that we truly achieved the      progressed tremendously in the
considered the world’s largest          the brothers and sisters who have        ethics of equality among all          social, economic, political,
Constitution, which was enacted         succeeded in their own respective        citizens, irrespective of religion,   cultural and technological
and implemented for the largest         fields and have made a mark for          region or community.                  spheres.
democracy. Its architect was Dr.        themselves in the State.                         Republic Day is very          I am happy to state that Sikkim
Bhimrao Ambedkar. The                   Additionally, I congratulate and         significant in our history as it      has made great strides in the
constitution defines frame work of      extend my best wishes to all the         marks the day the Constitution        development process and fully
Executive, Judiciary and                Police Medal winners, the State          came into effect. We follow a         integrated with the country. Our
Legislative. Our Constitution is        Awardees and recipients of Letter        parliamentary system of               State has evolved as a
also a symbol of pride for all          of Appreciation.                         governance with both federal and      progressive state with marked
Indians.                                                                         unitary features further divided      improvements in socio-economic
                                                On this occasion, I extend
    Sikkim is the first Organic state                                            into three branches namely,           indicators, despite facing
                                        my greetings to the Armed
                                                                                 Executive, Legislative and            disadvantages of inadequate
in the world and is a model State       Forces, Paramilitary forces and
                                                                                 Judicial which is the essence of      connectivity, high cost of
for others to emulate. The State        members of their families, who
                                                                                 a democratic country. Almost 284      infrastructure building and
has assimilated development,            provide sustained security to the
                                                                                 members signed the constitution       maintenance with difficulties in
peace, harmony and security.            nation. I pray that your success                                               delivering services to the
                                                                                 on 24 January 1950. Our
There is no problem like                inspires others to strive for the best                                         dispersed population in hilly
                                                                                 constitution is based on three
communal riots or strikes in the        as well.                                                                       areas.
                                                                                 prime points which are
State.                                          Come; let us continue to                                                       Important elements in the
                                                                                 Democracy, Secularism and
        The Sikkim Government           work harder, get stronger and                                                  social sector like health, nutrition,
has given top priority to the           come together to achieve our                     Let us today pay homage       poverty eradication, human
development of the grass root           goals. I do believe that with our        to the martyrs and bow our heads      resource development, upliftment
level. Rural livelihood, road           collective effort, the State will        to those great visionaries who        of women and children have been
connectivity, electricity, health       achieve its next level of success        scripted a Constitution in which      adequately            addressed.
facilities, drinking water and          in the near future.                      the principles of justice, equality
housing facilities, essential                                      Jai Hind!     and liberty have been enshrined.                            Contd. on page 2
SIKKIM HERALD                                                  Gangtok (Sunday) January 26, 2020                                                             2
Contd from front page           to eradicate poverty has        initiated. Special care for         the upcoming budget            population exodus has put
                                recognized               the    women and child has                 session, we have decided       pressure on the public
Our State...                    importance of providing         already been started.               to provide more facilities     transport system with
                                quality education along                 With             the        and concessions to the         most commuters relying
I n f r a s t r u c t u r e     with skill development of       implementation             of       people involved in the field   on taxis or on private
developments which              the youth. It has hence         Ayushman Bharat Yojana,             of milk production which       vehicles. This establishes
generate employment and         accorded topmost priority       the Government has                  will motivate and help         the need for a planned
revenue have been put in        to the education sector.        already taken steps to              them to move forward.          public transport system for
place.                          Smart classes, regular          make the entire state                        Our Government        the city of Gangtok. The
         We are an eco-         training of the teachers,       healthier by providing              shall work towards supply      State Government is also
friendly state with its         improvement in the              health        check-ups,            of electricity and safe        mulling over several
unique         group       of   teacher pupil ratio to 1:10     medicines and treatments            drinking water to every        options for long term
communities, rich in            at the primary level and        free of cost.                       household. Adequate            solution.
natural resources, scenic       1:21 at the secondary                   The           State         measures to ensure that                We have also
beauty and an oasis of          level       have      made      Government is well aware            every household in the         been able to provide a
peace and tranquility. We       remarkable improvement          of unemployment issue               State has access to safe,      safe and healthy living
are inarguably one of the       in the overall education        amongst the youth. To               potable drinking water are     space for our women. The
best States in the Country      scenario. It is a matter of     address       this,      our        being adopted. This has        State has set up the One
today.                          pride that a small state like   Government has adopted              been        possible     by    Stop Centre and 181
Sikkim is a model State         Sikkim boasts of 8              youth centric policies, and         implementation            of   Women Helpline to
for the rest of the country     Universities, 12 Colleges       we        have         been         numerous rural drinking        provide service to women
and the world to emulate.       and 768 Schools. We are         encouraging our youths              water schemes in the           affected by violence in
We have credit our              also providing Union            and younger generation to           villages.                      private and public space.
numerous           National     Public             Service      turn towards sports and             Our Government has also        It     also      provides
Awards in various               Commission (UPSC)               games rather than                   proposed to construct of       assistance to girls below
categories conferred by         coaching to our aspiring        indulging in unproductive           3050 pucca houses under        18 years of age in
the Government of India         youth/candidates.               activities.     Financial           the Sikkim Garib Aawas         consultation with District
and other agencies in the               In the health sector,   assistance is also                  Yojana (SGAY) in phase         Child Protection Units. All
field of tourism, education,    our State has made rapid        provided to specific                wise manner to provide a       legal framework and
rural management, health        stride forward. The 1000        projects for promotion of           dignified shelter for our      adequate safeguards
and           environment       bedded Multi Specialty          sports and games. We                people.                        have been put in place.
protection.                     hospital has been setup         are also operating various                   Environmental         The crime and violence
         Our Government’s       and is easily accessible        schemes to achieve                  conservation is a top          rate against women in the
manifesto has laid prime        and affordable. It is well      broad-basing of sports              priority of our Government.    State is minimal. In every
focus on the growth of          equipped with facilities        and excellence in sports.           Recently, the State            sphere, women are given
tourism in an eco-friendly      such as Tertiary Cancer         The scheme relating to              Government has come up         job reservation and seat
and sustainable manner.         Care Centre with Linear         talent search and training          with a unique idea and         reservation       in   the
We         have        been     accelerator             and     is one such endeavour.              launched ‘A Day for            professional avenues.
recognized as the top 10        Brachytherapy and CT                    Measures are also           Mother Earth’ (a unique                After securing the
global tourist destination.     simulator machines facility     being taken to spread               initiative to spread           mandate of the people our
Sikkim has ventured into        and Cath Lab of                 awareness amongst the               awareness about climate        Government             has
village eco-tourism, home       Cardiology department           youth about the harmful             change) at Kitchu Dumra,       announced many pro-
stay, adventure tourism         (saving more than 200           effect of drug abuse,               Kamrang, South Sikkim,         people and progressive
like rafting, para gliding,     lives suffering from heart      suicide      and      other         with an aim to work            policies which aim at
and trekking. Various           ailments        since     its   problems that plague the            towards contributing to the    uplifting the society and
tourist       spots     and     commencement, last year)        society.                            national target of carbon      increasing the happiness
amenities have been                     Our Government is               Several national            sequestration of 3 billion     index of the people. Let
created for the benefit of      also addressing the             flagship schemes such as            tonnes from forest by          me briefly state some of
the tourists. Sikkim also       menace of other diseases        Make in India, Start-Up             2030. As a part of this        the major achievements
has a range of tourist          such as hypertension,           India, Stand-Up India and           initiative, all vehicular      so far:
attractions,           from     diabetes and kidney             bank loan programme to              movements in the State         1. Enhanced the salary of
pilgrimage to nature and        failure. The Government         assist Scheduled Caste,             were stopped to reduce         MGNREGA from `177 to
adventure to historical         has increased the 5             Scheduled Tribe and                 carbon emissions for           `320 for semi-skilled
trade routes.                   dialysis machines of            women borrowers have                seven minutes from 11: 00      workers and `335 for
         More than fifteen      STNM Hospital to 10             been set up.                        am to 11:07 AM on July 7,      skilled workers.
lakh tourists visited Sikkim    Dialysis        machines.               Alleviating the             2019 as one of the State’s     2. Approval of the
for various purposes last       Further, Namchi Hospital        conditions of the rural             affirmative action for         government for the
year. I advise the              has been provided 5 such        population and improving            ameliorating            the    appointment of 170
stakeholders to opt for         machines and Gyalshing          their standard of living is         detrimental effects of         numbers of Sanskrit
responsible             and     District Hospital is soon to    one of our Government’s             global climate change.         Graduate Teachers in all
sustainable tourism for the     be equipped with the            focal point. In a first of its               To     curb    the    Secondary and Senior
benefit of all concerned. I     same. The Government            kind, my Government has             menace          of   traffic   Secondary schools in the
also urge everyone to           has also installed a fully      empowered the Self-Help             congestion, especially in      state under Rastriya
participate in preserving       functional blood bank at        Groups by allotting                 Gangtok, our Government        Sanskrit Sansthan.
the flora and fauna of          STNM Hospital and               stitching      works       of       has held high level            3. Removed pilot vehicles
Sikkim and contribute           Namchi District Hospital.       Government          School          meetings         with    all   which were assigned to
towards keeping the                     From the coming         uniforms from the current           stakeholders. One new          the Ministers except Dy.
surroundings clean. It is       new financial year, a health    academic session.                   road has been built from       Speaker, Speaker and the
upon us to educate the          plan will be implemented                We have also                Adampool to Banjhakri          Chief Minister.
tourists and set an             so that government              decided to provide                  falls. Another small road      4. Replaced expensive
example for everyone who        employees, including            incentives for people               from Shyari will connect       vehicle with Scorpio for
visits our state. A clean       retired employees, and          involved in agriculture and         Jalipool/ Ranipool. These      the use of Chief Minister
environment will lead to a      senior citizens will have       livestock. The incentives           two new roads should           and the Council of
healthy and prosperous          many benefits through           will be divided into                reduce traffic chaos to        Ministers.
Sikkim.                         which overall timely            sections and depending              some extent this year. The     5. 100% arrear to all the
         The          State     checkup and treatment           on the criteria one can             rise in tourist inflow and
Government in its efforts       related benefits will be        avail of these facilities. In       the rural to urban                     Contd. on page 3
SIKKIM HERALD                                                           Gangtok (Sunday) January 26, 2020                                                                  3
Contd from page 2                 Division,      Transport
                                                                                                     History of Republic Day
Our State...                              The dream of my                        India achieved independence from British Raj on 15 August 1947 following the Indian
                                  Government is to make                  independence movement. The independence came through the Indian Independence Act 1947,
State        Government           Sikkim into a conscious,
                                                                         an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that partitioned British India into the two new
employees.                                                               independent Dominions of the British Commonwealth (later Commonwealth of Nations). India
                                  well informed, robust and              obtained its independence on 15 August 1947 as a constitutional monarchy with George VI
6. 100% arrear to all the         capable entity where the               as head of state and the Earl Mountbatten as Governor-General. The country, though, did not
State        Government           people can live with dignity           yet have a permanent constitution; instead its laws were based on the modified colonial
Pensioners.                       and happiness. Let us, on              Government of India Act 1935.
7. Declaration of A Day to        this happy occasion,
                                                                                 On 29 August 1947, a resolution was moved for the appointment of Drafting Committee,
Mother Earth on the first                                                Drafting Committee was appointed to draft a permanent constitution, with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
                                  resolve to maintain and                as chairman. While India's Independence Day celebrates its freedom from British Rule, the
week of July of every year.       enrich the good tradition of           Republic Day celebrates the coming into force of its constitution. A draft constitution was
8. Regularization of              peace, brotherhood and                 prepared by the committee and submitted to the Constituent Assembly on 4 November 1947.
Service of 382 employees          communal harmony. Let                  The Assembly met, in sessions open to public, for 166 days, spread over a period of two
of National Health Mission        us also be responsible
                                                                         years, 11 months and 18 days before adopting the Constitution. After many deliberations and
for all categories.                                                      some modifications, the 308 members of the Assembly signed two hand-written copies of the
                                  citizens and pledge to re-             document (one each in Hindi and English) on 24 January 1950. Two days later which was on
9. Weekly permit is               dedicate ourselves to the              26 January 1950, it came into effect throughout the whole nation.
introduced for taxi on            service of our State and                       On that day began Dr. Rajendra Prasad's first term of office as President of the Indian
payment of `100/- instead         contribute in the process              Union. The Constituent Assembly became the Parliament of India under the transitional
of one day.                       of Nation Building.
                                                                         provisions of the new Constitution. This date is celebrated in India as the Republic Day.
10. Launched the online                                                   Celebrations
                                         JAI SIKKIM…                             President Rajendra Prasad (in the horse-drawn carriage) readies to take part in the
tax payment system under                  JAI HIND !!!                   first Republic Day parade on Rajpath, New Delhi, in 1950.
the      Motor     Vehicle                                                The main Republic Day celebration is held in the national capital, New Delhi, at the Rajpath
                                                                         before the President of India. On this day, ceremonious parades take place at the Rajpath,
Programme for Republic Day                                               which are performed as a tribute to India; its unity in diversity and rich cultural heritage.

Celebration 2020                                                                                               Health Tips
 Venue:                  Paljor Stadium, Gangtok                                 Integrate Activity into Your Everyday Life
 09.30 hrs.     -        Arrival of Guests                                Vigorous exercise is important. However, if your hectic schedule leaves you with no time to
 09.45 hrs.     -        Parade forms up                                 hit the gym, you can try integrating some activity in the course of the day for increasing your
 09.55 hrs.     -        Arrival of Hon’ble Chief Minister               productivity and staying fit.
                         He is received by the Chief Secretary              Take a walk when you are conversing on the phone.
                         and DGP                                             Instead of the lift, take the stairs.
                                                                            Take short breaks and step away from workstation.
                          General Salute
                                                                             Workouts at home, such as sit-ups, push-ups, crunches, lunges and squats, keep you in
 10.00 hrs.     -        Arrival of Hon’ble Governor
                         He is received by the Chief Secretary
                                                                                 Eat Healthy and on Time
                         and DGP
                                                                          Foods which are low in nutritional value and have too many calories can pose serious health
                -        Unfurling of National Flag followed by
                                                                          problems, including weight gain, cardiovascular problems and diabetes. It is important to
                         National Salute and playing of National         stick to a healthy diet and a strict routine.
                         Anthem.                                           Instead of starchy foods, choose wholegrain variants which contain more fibre, and keep
                -        Hon’ble Governor reviews the Parade               you feeling full.
                -        March Past by ITBP, SSB, SAP, 2nd                 Feel like snacking in the middle of the day? Stock up on nuts and seeds or citrus fruits that
                         IRBn, 3rd IRBn, Sikkim Police (Male             are known to cure fatigue and stimulate alertness.
                         Platoon), Sikkim Police (Female                  To keep your energy up and your metabolism on overdrive, eat breakfast and smaller meals
                         Platoon), Sikkim Home Guards,                   throughout the day, rather than 3 big meals.
                         NCC,Army Band, Sikkim Police (Pipe/              Have sufficient liquids through the day to avoid dehydration.
                         Brass Band).                                     Avoid processed or packaged foods that contain too much sugar.
                -        Three cheers for Rashtrapati and parade           Excess sugar has been linked to energy spikes followed by a crash, while too much salt
                          peels off                                      can lead to high blood pressure and an increased risk of strokes and heart disease.
                -        Showering of flower petals (from the                    Sleep is Important
                         helicopter)                                       Finding it difficult to get a good night’s sleep? Sleep deprivation can lead to fatigue, confusion,
 10.30 hrs.     -        Presentation of :                                memory lapses and irritability.
                         1. Police Medals             - Home              To get a restful sleep:
                         2. Sikkim State Meritorious Service               Create a sleep schedule and stick to it. Reading a book, listening to relaxing music, or
                         Awards                                          taking a warm shower can help in relaxing your body.
                         3. (i) Appreciation of Shri Pemba                 Avoid watching TV or surfing on your mobile as this can interfere with your sleep.
                            Tshering Sherpa,           - Sports & Y.A     Pay attention to what you eat and drink. Going to bed hungry or stuffing yourself too much
                            Bronze Medal in weight-lifting, Khelo        can cause discomfort and keep you awake.
                                                                                 Focus on Deep Breathing
                            India Youth Games, 2020
                                                                          When you are trying to juggle multiple things at a time, you are bound to be stressed.
                         (ii) Appreciation of Shri Ladorjee Tamang,
                                                                          Five to ten minutes of deep breathing can help in relaxing you and reducing anxiety.
                         1st position in Guitar solo in 23rd National
                                                                          You can also close your eyes and focus on relaxing and tensing each muscle group while
                         Youth Festival, Lucknow
                                                                         taking deep, slow breaths. The best part about this is that you can do it any time, at home,
                                                                         workplace or even on the road.
 -        Release of books:
 (i) Tourism &Traveller outreach Handbook - Tourism & C.A.
 (ii) Sikkim’s MSME Story     - Commerce & Industries                    Sikkim Herald and Sikkim Today can also be viewed on the Sikkim
 (The journey of growing state andf its enterprise)                      Herald App available on Google Play Store
        - Trophy Distribution

        Address by the Hon’ble Governor
        - Visit to Army equipment display
        - Army Pipe Band display
        - Brass Band display by Sikkim Police
        - Girls self defence demonstration under Beti Bachao Beti
          Padao by Sports & Y. A
        - Cultural Programme by
         (i) Kendriya Vidyalaya, Gangtok
         (ii) Culture Department
        - Release of balloons
        - National Anthem
 16.30 hrs.                - At Home Function, New Raj Bhawan.
SIKKIM HERALD                                            Gangtok (Sunday) January 26, 2020                                                         4

         Published by the Department of Information and Public Relations, Government of Sikkim and printed at Government Printing Press, Tadong.
                                           Phones: 231140/231132/231142 e-mail
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