Music & Memory: How Many Memories Does an iPod Hold? - ALLE SALAZAR, CSW COUNSELOR & VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR

Page created by Josephine Brooks
Music & Memory: How Many Memories Does an iPod Hold? - ALLE SALAZAR, CSW COUNSELOR & VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR
Music & Memory:
How Many Memories Does an iPod

           ALLE SALAZAR, CSW
Music & Memory: How Many Memories Does an iPod Hold? - ALLE SALAZAR, CSW COUNSELOR & VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR
The Music & Memory Program

 iPod-based personalized playlists to older adults and
 individuals suffering from dementia or other chronic
 illness, such as:
    Depression
    Isolation
    Visual impairment
    Mental health concerns
    Palliative care
    Hospice
    Cancer
    Multiple Sclerosis
Music & Memory: How Many Memories Does an iPod Hold? - ALLE SALAZAR, CSW COUNSELOR & VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR
Why Does It Work With Cognitive Decline?

 Music is profoundly linked to personal memories
 Our brains are hard-wired to connect music with
  long-term memory
 For individuals with dementia, more recent memory
  for things (names, places, facts) are compromised,
  but memories from younger years are well preserved
Music & Memory: How Many Memories Does an iPod Hold? - ALLE SALAZAR, CSW COUNSELOR & VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR
What are the Benefits?

 Numerous outcomes studies find that Music &
 Memory has significant positive impacts
    Increased awareness, cognition, and engagement
    Reduced agitation, anxiety, and problematic behaviors
    Pain and depression reduction
    Improved communication
    Restored sense of identity and increased socialization
    Increased mobility
Music & Memory: How Many Memories Does an iPod Hold? - ALLE SALAZAR, CSW COUNSELOR & VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR
The History of Music & Memory

 Dan Cohen, a social worker in New York, began
  thinking about wide availability of technology and
  how it could be used for elderly
 He wondered what it would be like to live without his
  favorite music
 He searched online and found that nursing homes
  were not using this technology
 He volunteered at a local facility to test the idea
Music & Memory: How Many Memories Does an iPod Hold? - ALLE SALAZAR, CSW COUNSELOR & VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR
The History of Music & Memory

 Received funding from the Shelley & Donald Rubin
  Foundation to expand program further
 Established program as a non-profit
 As of August 2014, the program is available in:
    6 countries
    44 states
    600 facilities or community organizations
        Almost exclusively in long-term care settings
Music & Memory: How Many Memories Does an iPod Hold? - ALLE SALAZAR, CSW COUNSELOR & VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR
See For Yourself…

 Henry’s Story
Music & Memory: How Many Memories Does an iPod Hold? - ALLE SALAZAR, CSW COUNSELOR & VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR
Alive Inside

 After the Henry clip was made, Michael Rosato-
    Bennett, a filmmaker, followed Dan for the next 3
   Featured at Sundance 2014
   Audience Award for Best US Documentary
   Release in select theaters in June 2014
   Anticipated upcoming Netflix debut this Fall
Music & Memory: How Many Memories Does an iPod Hold? - ALLE SALAZAR, CSW COUNSELOR & VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR
How Did JFS Discover Music & Memory?

 Henry’s story went viral
   NPR Story about Henry was shared with staff at JFS

 We connected with Dan to find out how we could be
     Program seemed adaptable to our services
     Dan was responsive and supportive in this process
Music & Memory: How Many Memories Does an iPod Hold? - ALLE SALAZAR, CSW COUNSELOR & VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR
Why Is This A Good Fit for JFS?

   Non-denominational private non-profit 501c3

   Funded by grants and individual donations

   Sliding fee scale for all services

 Mission Statement
   JFS seeks to strengthen individuals, families, and communities
    through counseling, care management, and community
     We focus on support for caregivers and those striving to age-in-
     Also offer support and referrals when necessary to move to long-
      term care
Why is This a Good Fit for JFS?

 Our goal to help individuals age in place
   Offering the program in the community supports aging in
   Supports caregivers and family as a means of respite and
 Administrative Considerations
   Meets mission of organization
   Arts programming (never before offered at JFS)
   Expands current, and opens new funding streams for grants
    and donations
   Utilizes a strong volunteer component, which is a strength of
    the agency
Utah’s Music & Memory Presence

 JFS was certified as a Music & Memory organization
  in January 2014
     3 day webinar, 1.5 hours each day
     First organization in Utah to be certified
     Only organization in Utah providing community-based
      programming at this time
 Now in 40 facilities throughout Utah
   A complete list can be found at
Our Process

                         Assessment is       Client or CG pays
 Client is Referred                                                 Client is Matched
                        Completed with       $50 one time fee
  to the Program                                                     with Volunteer
                        Client (and CG if          if able

                           Volunteer         Volunteer Introduces
Volunteer Completes                                                 Volunteer Follows
                       Downloads/Uploads        iPod to Client,
Music Interview with                                                Up After a Week’s
                        Music for Playlist    Demonstrates Use,
  Client (and CG if                                                 Time, and After As
                         and Loads onto      Establishes Charging
     applicable)                                                         Needed
                             Device                  Plan
The Assessment & Referral Process

 In-Home Assessment
   Environment

   Personality/temperament

 Making A Referral
   Client or family can contact us

   You can contact us with client information with their
    expressed permission
Role of Volunteers

 The fun stuff!
 Responsibilities:
   Interview program recipients

    and caregivers about music
   Download and assemble recipient’s personalized iPod playlist
    using iTunes gift cards
   Load playlist onto donated iPod (preferably iPod Shuffle)

   Introduce playlist to recipient

    and make changes as necessary
The Music Interview

 Goal:
    Identify 80-100 song selections
    10-15 favorite artists
    Checklists of frequently identified music and music interview
     provided by the program
 A few of the questions:
    What music did you listen to when you were young?
    Did you sing at religious services? What were your favorite hymns?
    Did you go to shows or musicals? Did you go dancing?
    Do you have any records, tapes, or CDs of your favorite music?
     Where can I find them?
    What songs did you dance to at your wedding? High school prom?
What Kind of Music Do They Like?

 A little bit of everything!
 Music preferences vary as much as the people being
           Danish       Israeli               Big Band

                        Rock &
           Country                  Soul       Opera

                                              And Much
           Classical   Broadway   Patriotic
Our iTunes Library

 After 5 months of providing the program, our iTunes
 library is vast, and always growing
    More than 30GB of music
      12 days
      Over 4,600 songs
Challenges & Lessons Learned

 iTunes
     Some volunteers aren’t familiar with iTunes
     They may or may not want to learn
     Use specific volunteers for specific parts of the project
           Assess skill sets, commitment, and interest
 Goal                                                     Recommended Qualities & Skills
 Establish a well-organized music library                 •Passion for finding the right music for each
                                                          •Enjoys researching music
                                                          •Understands iTunes
                                                          •Computer savvy
                                                          •Detail oriented
 Research Favorite Music                                  •Excellent communication skills
                                                          •Thoughtful listener
                                                          •Compassion for and interest in elders
                                                          •Adept at note-taking
 Teach Client/Resident How to Use iPod                    •Understand use of device
                                                          •Excellent oral communication skills
                                                          •Empathetic and patient
                                                          •Enjoys teaching
Challenges & Lessons Learned

 Facility Computer
     Limits volunteer’s freedom
       Have to schedule computer time
       Increased staff time because of full-time working volunteers
     May be easier to accommodate in long-term care setting
 Donations
     iPods often come without charging equipment
     iTunes gift cards are less often donated
 They forget to listen, or how to use device
     Volunteers encouraged to check in on challenges
     Caregivers and family can assist if available
     In long-term care settings, this may be easier
       Structure
       Staff to assist
Where We Are…

 JFS (as of August 2014)
    Clients Served: 19
    Volunteers Trained: 14
        Feedback
            “She seemed to tolerate the earphones without any problem, and my sister and I
             noted that she seemed to pay attention to the music even when her eyes were
             closed. She would tap her feet, hum as if trying to sing, and smile in apparent
             recognition of familiar songs. Attached is a photo of her at the first listening session
             we tried. We were able to 30 minute sessions in three successive days. After each
             listening session, our mother was more alert, interactive, and her mood was positive
             for a significant interval. It was wonderful to be able to give my mom a little pleasure
             in her day.”
            “He really seemed to enjoy listening to the music. He was humming and singing
             along…And love the thought that he might be comforted and receive some joy from
             the music - and the memories.”
            “My dad listens to his iPod every day. He sings along and smiles widely. He tells
             stories I’ve never heard about his youth. This has opened up such a meaningful
             opportunity to connect with my father again. Thank you for providing this program.”
Community Collaborations

 Skullcandy
   Zion’s Bank donation of $100,000 toward equipment
   Skullcandy’s ethnographic research

 Center for Alzheimer’s Care, Imaging, and Research
  (CACIR)- University of Utah
     fMRIs of brain activity of those affected with dementia
      listening to their custom iPods
     Awaiting IRB approval
 Utah Coalition for Music & Memory
   A collaborative group of government, non-profit, Music &
    Memory representatives, Skullcandy, and other senior care
Traction in Facility Settings

 The Utah Health Care Association
   Grant for Music & Memory in all member facilities

   40 facilities thus far certified and trained

   100 total planned

   15 residents in each facility will be provided with program to
   A complete list can be found at

 All of this work, JFS and Utah HCA included, has
  happened since January of this year
What Would Be On YOUR Playlist?

 Consider music’s power to bring us back to
 memories in a vivid way
    What songs do this for you?
    Why?
    What would be a must for your playlist?
Questions? Comments?

        Please feel free to
        make referrals as
        Alle Salazar, CSW
      Jewish Family Service
  1111 E Brickyard Rd, Suite 218
    Salt Lake City, UT 84106
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