Grand Knight's Report - St. Joseph the Worker

Page created by Nelson Flynn
Grand Knight's Report - St. Joseph the Worker
St. Joseph the Worker Council 13359                              Monthly Newsletter
                          Volume XIX Issue #2                                               August 2020


                                                       When I joined, I was told that you'll get ten-fold out
Good Day Brothers,
                                                       what you put into the group and that is still true to-
As August comes around, it's time to think about       day. Starting with the July meeting, we met in person
back to school... in some form or another. We had      outside of church and virtually through Zoom. I plan
a successful School Supply drive, including $250 do-   to do this going forward so you have multiple options
nated by our council to CROSS. Thank you to all        to attend the hour meeting and socialize longer if
who helped out with the collection and with park-      you'd like. Please consider attending the next
ing in July. I know that time is our most precious     meeting (August 11th @ 7 pm) however you can.
commodity that we have (or never seem to have
                                                       I almost forgot, ask a friend to become a Knight. Su-
enough of), so I'm asking you to consider giving
                                                       preme is waiving online membership fees for the first
some time to the Knights if you haven't recently. It
                                                       year through August 5th (MCGIVNEY2020, and by re-
might be giving blood as part of the Leave No
                                                       cruiting some members you might win a weekend for
Neighbor Behind campaign (my experience with
                                                       two to Breezy point to golf, fish, or explore!!!
Red Cross, has been about 40 mins from start to
finish and a free Virus antibody test), help with      Feel free to contact me for more details.
parking before a weekend mass, safe socializing        Have a great August and know you're in my prayers.
with your brothers at a meeting, or help at an up-
coming event for an hour or two.                       Vivat Jesus
                                                       Andy Fischer
                                                       Grand Knight

                                                              This is your newsletter. If you would like to see anything published
                                                              please forward to me via email at Articles of
                                                              interest to you, pictures from our events, and general questions about
                                                              the church and parish are all great topics to address in the newsletter.
Grand Knight's Report - St. Joseph the Worker
Dan Falstad
                                                                     2020-202 Council Officer Slate
Field Agent
                                                                Andy Fischer Grand Knight        612 418-7417
612 310-5254
                                                                John Jordon     Deputy GK         763 557-6997
Long Term Care Is an Important Piece of the Puzzle
                                                                David Miller Financial Sec.       515 883-0316
There are many financial consultants and retirement au-
thorities who emphasize the need for a long-term care           Mike Johnson Chancellor           763 498-2536
(LTC) product for estate preservation and family protec-
tion. And those that don’t may be shortchanging their           Aaron Manse Treasurer             612 202-0608
clients by allowing a major risk to go uncovered. You
owe it to yourself to at least get the details on leaving the   Don Berg        Warden            763 360-6099
legacy you want without the risk of your estate being de-
pleted by your end of life care.                                Fran McLaughlin Inside Guard 612 275-8160
There are three main reasons for Long Term Care:
 Protect your Assets: Transfer the risk of catastrophic         Brent Miller    Outside Guard 612 360-9735
     loss so you don’t have to spend down your nest egg.
     Allow your estate to be used in the manner you in-         Kevin Gaffney     Recorder        763 257-2506
 Choice of where you go: LTC coverage can completely            Bob Fischer       Advocate        763 516-1024
    cover expected costs or provide a meaningful sup-
    plement which gives you the flexibility to decide           Fr. Mike Sullivan Chaplain        763 425-6505
    where you will receive needed care.
 Not be a burden on your family: Do you want to live            Franklin Vaca       Trustee 3    225 281-7876
     with your kids or be forced into the lowest cost pro-
     vider in these uncertain times?                            John Yaeger        Trustee 2     763 420-5942
You may think or have heard that long term care insur-
ance is too expensive. I would argue that compared to           Brodie Pederson Trustee 1        612 272-5541
your piece of mind LTC premiums can be a real bargain.
Call me today for a no obligation look at the details of a
long term care program customized for you. You may be
surprised at how affordable a benefit package can be.           Upcoming Calendar of Events
And you will never be pressured to take the coverage if it
doesn’t fit your budget for the long term.
                                                                Due to uncertainty with virus control measures we
I plan to hold long term care information sessions in the       will update the calendar by e-mail as events
coming months via Zoom video conferences for 4 to 5
couples at a time. If you receive an invite feel free to log    change.
on and hear about what the Knights offer and how it can         August
transfer your risk of an uncomfortable retirement. If you
want an invitation early or would like the presentation         3-7 Habitat For Humanity Build
one on one please call me immediately.
                                                                11-14 Habitat Brush with Kindness opportunity
Dan Falstad
                                                                11    7:00 Membership meeting
612 310 5254
Grand Knight's Report - St. Joseph the Worker
Please join me in a virtual
                          send off to Paul and Deb
                          Casper. Paul and Deb
                          have been active mem-
                          bers of the council and
                          Auxiliary but have retired
                          and moved to a lake
                          home in Grey Eagle. We
                          will need several of the
 younger guys to step up with fish frying, burger
 flipping, pancake setup and everything else Paul
 helped with. Talk to your Grand Knight and volun-
 teer to take on some of Paul’s roles.

In honor of the upcoming beatification of our beloved founder, Father Michael J. McGivney, the Order is offering
an unprecedented opportunity to Catholic men.
Through AUGUST 5th, men can join the Knights of Columbus online through e-Membership entirely for FREE!
By using the code MCGIVNEY2020 at checkout, eligible Catholic men can join the Knights of Columbus with no
dues for the first year. They can join online at .
Give them your membership number as a referral code, or use 2743823 to attach them to the council.
This is an amazing opportunity for us to invite Catholic men to take those first steps towards lifelong member-
ship in the Knights of Columbus!
Remember, recruiting is the lifeblood of our Order! Invite a friend today to allow them to enjoy the benefits of
the Knights.
Please feel free to share the MCGIVNEY2020 code far and wide.
Vivat Jesus!                                                       Report of the Fourth Degree
                                                              The Summer Exemplification into the 4th
                                                              Degree of your Order was held at St. Vin-
                                                              cent’s on July 18th. Brother Amalraj
                                                              Arputhaswamy from our council was exem-
                                                              plified as our newest Sir Knight. Sir Knight
                                                              and Grand Knight of the St. Gerard council
                                                              also was exemplified. The Fall Exemplifi-
                                                              cation will be conducted in New Ulm on
                                                              October 31st. Contact the Faithful Naviga-
                                                              tor of the Nicollet Assembly Patrick Farrelly
                                                              immediately if you are interested in joining
                                                              us in the Patriotic Wing of the Order. This
                                                              is an excellent opportunity to involve your
                                                              spouse in the social based, patriotic wing
                                                              of the order.
Grand Knight's Report - St. Joseph the Worker
All Catholic men and their families are invited to join
  the Knights of Columbus through the online Exemplifi-
  cation of Charity, Unity and Fraternity! Men are invit-
  ed to join the Order while their families may observe
  the lessons presented and appreciate who we Knights
  are and what we do. Check with one of the officers to
  get the on-demand invite for your friends and neigh-
  bors. You can also advance to the third degree by sign-
  ing up for this exemplification.

 If you are interested in fishing Lake of the Woods
 with your brother Knights next year please con-
 tact John Jordan at 612 719-3834. We have made
 cabin reservations for June 13th to the 16th in

                                                                                     Your Newsletter
                                                                                      Please forward articles,
                                                                                     pictures, and sugges-
                                                                                     tions for changes to the
                                                                                     newsletter to Dan. This
                                                                                     is your newsletter and
                                                                                     you can include what-
                                                                                     ever you wish.

Please keep in mind that your Knights of Columbus offers the Catholic difference for:
Permanent Life Insurance                                 Term Life Insurance
– Insure Your Life for Life                              – Affordable Protection for Temporary Needs
Retirement Annuities                                     Disability Income Insurance
– Income for the Rest of Your Life                       – Shield Your Income from Illness and Injury
Long-Term Care Insurance                                 Financial Planning Advice
– Protect Your Assets, Prepare for the Future            – Complementary Professional Advice
Grand Knight's Report - St. Joseph the Worker
We expect the August membership meeting to be held at the church or at least in the parking lot of St.
Joe’s as a night of renewed fellowship and fun while still respecting social distancing guidelines. Bring
your own chair and beverages, and possibly an appetite as we may fire up the grill. Watch your email for
further details. We will continue to offer an option to attend all meetings via Zoom with connection de-
tails below:

You are invited to the KC general meeting. Join us in person at St. Joe’s in our chambers or
possibly the parking lot, or join us virtually by signing into the meeting with these creden-
When: August 11, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time
Register in advance for this meeting:
Meeting password is 963134

                      District Deputy Report
 Brothers, we are called to serve, even in times of pandemic. We serve in many ways.
 Ensuring our Order is able to continue to protect families, feed the hungry and clothe
 the naked well into the future is service, not drudgery, and not somebody else’s prob-
 lem. We are in the position to make a difference, so let’s do all we can together every

 I am asking everybody in our Councils to take part by inviting more men to the order.
 What we are doing is important and makes a difference to our priests, our parish and
 our community. I like to think we are answering God’s call to action!

 Consider that this is a time for extraordinary men and what we do now will be remembered. Your council leaders are
 stepping into the breach with meaningful programs and opportunities for service. They need you to walk with them in
 service. Be the men they can count on. Be the men that God can count on.

 We always need more men to lead. The Knights of Columbus is a great opportunity to serve and grow as a Catholic lead-
 er and accomplish great things with men who share your values. You are qualified. You are needed. Heed the call.

 God bless you all,

 Patrick Farrelly
 District Deputy 52
Grand Knight's Report - St. Joseph the Worker Grand Knight's Report - St. Joseph the Worker Grand Knight's Report - St. Joseph the Worker Grand Knight's Report - St. Joseph the Worker Grand Knight's Report - St. Joseph the Worker
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