No. 35 July 2016 - Special Feature Desirable Healthcare System Reform: How Hospitals Should Handle System Reform Tsuneo Sakai - 日本病院会

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No. 35 July 2016 - Special Feature Desirable Healthcare System Reform: How Hospitals Should Handle System Reform Tsuneo Sakai - 日本病院会
July 2016
                   No. 35 July 2016

                   Special Feature

                   Desirable Healthcare System Reform:
                   How Hospitals Should Handle System Reform
                   Tsuneo Sakai
Serial Number 35
No. 35 July 2016 - Special Feature Desirable Healthcare System Reform: How Hospitals Should Handle System Reform Tsuneo Sakai - 日本病院会
No. 35 July 2016

The Journal of Japan Hospital Association


                                                           Tsuneo Sakai     1
Special Feature
     Desirable Healthcare System Reform:
     How Hospitals Should Handle System Reform
                                                           Tsuneo Sakai    3
Submitted Article
     Making Guarantees in Healthcare — Why Not?
                                                        John C. Wocher     17
     In Healthcare —
     When Is Good Enough, Good Enough?
                                                        John C. Wocher     21
     Estimating the Impact of the New Income Deduction
     System for Over-the-Counter Drug Expenses
                                        Koichi Kawabuchi, Yusuke Kabeya    27
     Development of Case Mix Based Evaluation
     System in Japan
                                                        Shinya Matsuda     35
     Hospitals and Big Data: Use of Case Mix and
     E-claim Data in Japan
                                                        Shinya Matsuda     45
     Financial Burden and Employment Support for
     Patients with Cancer in Japan: A Review
                                                         Kiichiro Onishi   53
Japan Hospital Association is committed to
contributing to society by enhancing hospital services
in Japan.
This journal introduces the activities of the
Association and healthcare in Japan to the world.

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Editorial Board
Journal and Newsletter Editorial Committee of the
Japan Hospital Association
       Dr. Hiroshi Sakihara

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Copyright © 2016 Japan Hospital Association

                                                                             Tsuneo Sakai
                                                                President, Japan Hospital Association

The 2016 JHA project plan was approved at the March 2016 Govering Council Meeting. I would like to explain the
important points contained in the plan.
    Our goals in (1) “Promotion of Transparency” include “the promotion of information gathering, analysis, and sharing”
and “the establishment of a medical care support system.” These are linked with “the development of a think-tank function”
found in (2) Development of a Base to Facilitate the Operation of the JHA as a General Incorporated Association, and we
are planning to begin utilizing the Japan Hospital Association Strategy Tactics Information System (JHAstis). This system
was established to utilize electronic medical treatment prescription data to visualize and support the management of small
and medium-sized JHA member hospitals that do not adopt the DPC inpatient hospital payment system. We would also
make policy proposals by analyzing the data.
    This system was established to help small- and medium-sized JHA member hospitals that have decided not
adopt the diagnostic procedure combination (DPC) inpatient hospital payment system through the visualization
of management status, the provision of support for management, and policy proposals based on the analysis of
accumulated electronic medical treatment prescription data from individual hospitals. We have been discussing this
system for several years, and it is a pleasure to see its implementation for member hospitals. Currently, 102 hospitals
are using the system, and we are continuing to improve it in regard to the management status visualization project
in cooperation with external organizations.
    In (3) “Promotion of Future Hospital Care,” we set the goal of promoting an integrated community care system to
deepen our examination of suitable medical and nursing care collaboration for each region. The JHA has been focused
primarily on medical rather than nursing care. From this point on, we need to make nursing care a more active part of the
conversation. Considering the creation of the 7th medical care plan & the 7th long-term nursing care insurance project plan
that will be necessary after creation of the community care plan, we would like to take all possible measures to improve
nursing care.
    In (4) Cultivation of Hospital Employees, we will work together on the implementation of the new medical specialist
system that is scheduled to start in 2017. Currently, this medical specialist system is being discussed by the Council on
Healthcare Provider Supply and Demand. There are potential problems in this new system which may lead to the increasingly
uneven distribution of doctors and the inevitable collapse of the medical care system. The medical specialist system faces
a wide range of challenges such as the need to maintain professional autonomy, the cultivation of high-quality human
resources, and the need to address the distribution of doctors. In addition, the many stakeholders in the system makes
reaching agreement on clear directions difficult; and addressing individual issues has been further complicated with the
establishment of a special committee under the Social Security Council Committee on Health Insurance and individual local
government councils to examine the uneven distribution of doctors both regionally and nationwide. This is the second venue
for discussion established by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) following the council for the creation of
community care plans. If these function well, there is no problem. However, I have to say that there is the risk of widening
gaps among prefectures because a wide range of roles has been transferred to the regional level.
    It is our hope that the Japanese Medical Specialty Board, the Board Certification Committee, and the Council share
information and that the MHLW serves as an effective coordinator among them. Hospitals have put significant effort

                                                                               Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016         1
into senior resident education and training. We hope that all stakeholders fully understand that hospitals are willing to
contribute to the new medical specialist system more than ever.
    An increase in the consumption tax to 10% in April 2017 has been voted into law. If this increase were to be postponed,
the government would need to look at alternative ways of securing the revenue required to for social security. Capital
investment into facilities and systems, and the purchase of major medical devices would be greatly hindered without the
appropriate resources. We will, however, continue working toward solutions to these issues by contributing our strengths
as an industry.
    The medical accident investigation system will be reviewed in June 2016. The JHA continues providing wide
ranging support for the third-party Japan Medical Safety Research Organization. In terms of the issues related to
Article 21 of the Medical Practitioners’ Act, the JHA has been working on solutions in cooperation with the Japan
Medical Association (JMA).
    This concludes my outline of the 2016 plans. I look forward to your continuing understanding and support as we enter
this new fiscal year.

2       Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016
Special Feature

                                                                                                    June 2015 in Nagano
The 65th Japan Hospital Association (JHA) Congress 2015 Karuizawa

Desirable Healthcare System Reform:
How Hospitals Should Handle System Reform

                         Tsuneo Sakai

President, Japan Hospital Association

Chairman (Aizawa): It is both an honor and a
pleasure to present JHA President, Tsuneo Sakai, our                       Outline of Today’s Presentation
featured speaker. Well-known to everyone here, he needs
no introduction; however, we have included his profile on               • Changing environment surrounding the
pg. 88 of the Congress Guide for those who are interested                 healthcare system
                                                                        The road to healthcare provision system reform:
in the specifics of his background. The title of his talk               Desirable healthcare system
today is, “Desirable Healthcare System Reform: How                      • Community Care Vision
                                                                        • Medical service fee optimization plan
Hospitals Should Handle System Reform.”                                 Artificial intelligence
    Now, without further ado, please welcome Dr. Sakai.                 New hospital management
                                                                        • Further paradigm shift in healthcare
Sakai: Thank you. (Slide 1) In today’s presentation, I                  Conclusion
will talk about the “changing environment surrounding                   • “Proactively understanding patient needs”
                                                                          and“seeking desirable healthcare”
the healthcare system,” “the path to healthcare provision
system reform,” “new attempts with artificial intelligence,”
                                                                                                                      Slide 1
and “new hospital management.”
                                                               National Council on Healthcare System Reform that
n Introduction – The changing                                  was released in August 2013 has had a great impact on
  environment surrounding the                                  policies. I believe that things have already been decided
  healthcare system                                            for us.
I often use Slide 2; however, I have added some                    (Slide 3) I attended hearings conducted by the
new information on “policy decision maker” for this            National Council on Healthcare System Reform
presentation. In the five columns bottom left, you see         as a representative of the Council of Four Hospital
“reporting hospital bed functions,” “community care            Organizations and submitted proposals, three of which
vision,” “Japanese Medical Specialty Board,” “Japan            were included in the report.
Medical Safety Research Organization,” and “financial              First of all, I explained that the medical service fee
stringency.” The Japanese government places the highest        system had reached its limit. I then stated that we needed
priority on finance reform, which has resulted in the          to have a better system, a system based on both the
Cabinet Office and Ministry of Finance placing significant     Medical Service Act and the medical service fee system
pressure on the medical industry to stem increasing            because it is impossible to solve the current problems
healthcare costs. In addition to this, the Report from the     through economic inducements alone, and that appropriate
                                                               evaluations were essential. I also said it was necessary to
Takao Aizawa
President, The 65th JHA Congress 2015 Karuizawa
                                                               establish a system of healthcare provision that matches
Chairman & Director, Aizawa Hospital                           the needs of individual regions rather than to establish a

                                                                              Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016           3
Changing Environment Surrounding the Healthcare System

              Changes in the Healthcare and                                                                  Response by the National and
                   Social Environment                                                                             Local Governments
          Rapid aging of society                       Combination of healthcare needs/
          Changes in the proportion of disease        Changes in healthcare

    ✓     Progress of artificial intelligence          Alternative to healthcare providers?
          Insufficiency of care providers and          Maintenance and improvement of
                                                                                                       o Establishment of a sustainable system
          uneven distribution                          healthcare quality
                                                                                                         by 2025
                                                       Gaps generated in the content and               o Report from the National Council on
          Progress of medical technology
                                                       quality of healthcare                             Social Security System Reform
                                                                                                         (August 6, 2013)
                                                       Hospital bed functions that are hard for
          Functionalization of hospital beds
                                                       users to understand
                                                       Functionalization of hospital beds and
    ✓     Reporting hospital bed functions                                                            o 2014 Revision of Medical Fee Service
                                                       community care vision
                                                                                                         System (February 12, 2014)
                                                       Shift from hospital-oriented care to            o Medical and Long-term Care Promotion
                                                       community-oriented care                           Act (June 18, 2014)
    ✓     Community care vision
                                                       Increasing involvement of local                 o Lower house election
                                                       governments/ Regional gaps                        (December 14, 2014)
                                                       Maintaining the quality of healthcare/          o Requests from the national government
    ✓     Japanese Medical Specialty Board                                                             o Future path has been determined.
                                                       Autonomy in healthcare                                                                     ✓
                                                       Maintaining healthcare safety/
    ✓     Medical accident investigation system
                                                       Responsibilities of administrators
                                                       Prioritizing fiscal consolidation
    ✓     Financial stringency
                                                       Reduction of healthcare costs

           Users/ Society         Healthcare Providers       Policy Decision Makers

                                                                                                                                                 Slide 2

                           JHA Involvement in the National Council on Social Security System Reform
                                               - Major Flows of System Reform

        The following three items were included in the report as the opinion of the Four Hospital Organizations.
        (Hearing on March 27, 2013)
        1. Limits of medical service fee system alone
           • Need to have a system based on both the Medical Service Act and the medical service fee system
           • Difficult to solve problems through economic inducements alone
           • Appropriate evaluations
           • Need to promote the establishment of a system of healthcare provision that matches the needs of individual regions rather
             than a nationally unified system
        2. Making a request to implement the plan earlier than scheduled
           • Cannot wait another five years to set policy for the next term
        3. Making a request to visualize data for the medical industry
           • Development and disclosure of data
           • Demand in regional healthcare/Need to have micro data that shows supply and demand

                                 “Path to healthcare provision system reform that matches the long-term care needs of the nation”
                                 National Council on Social Security System Reform by PhD. Yoshikazu Kenjoh (April 19, 2013)

        Opinions that lead to the flow of current community care vision

                                                                                                                                                 Slide 3

4          Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016
nationally unified system.                                                                                n Path to healthcare provision
    Second, I asked the Council not to wait another five                                                    system reform: Desirable
years to set policy for the next term because the community                                                 healthcare system
care plan had already been implemented.                                                                   (Slide 5) Some paths have already been determined.
    Third, I asked the Council to promote data system                                                     One is the community care vision, and another one is
development and disclose data, including micro data that                                                  the adjustment of healthcare costs. These are already
would show supply and demand in regional healthcare.                                                      scheduled and must be completed by 2018. We do not
    These requests were included in the report that formed                                                have any more time to waste.
the basis of the community care vision.
    Slide 4 shows the flow of the current reform. I also                                                  l Community care vision
use this slide often. Details of the healthcare system                                                    (Slide 6) The Community Care Vision Coordination
are usually based on the medical service fee system                                                       Council is to be established in the community care vision
and Medical Service Act. Currently, however, the                                                          to discuss bed functions to be handled by hospitals and
government has control over decision making and asks                                                      clinics with beds in the regions, the sharing of information
the medical industry to respond to proposals such as fiscal                                               through the system of medical bed function reporting,
consolidation, the reduction of healthcare costs, and the                                                 projects to be included in the prefectural plans (annual
establishment of non-profit organizations.                                                                project plans for funds for community nursing care), and
    Finally, the government wants to establish a                                                          other measures designed to facilitate achievement the
comprehensive community care system. However, I am                                                        community care vision.
worried because the system seems to focus on nursing                                                          Each hospital organization has contributed its
rather than healthcare.                                                                                   opinions to these discussions. The JHA considers the
                                                                                                          active involvement of hospital organizations essential in
                                                                                                          community care. Prefectural branch offices of the JHA
                                                                                                          and prefectural hospital associations should take the
                                                                                                          initiative in leading these discussions.

                                        Three Flows that Determine the Path to System Reform

                                                                                 Medical and Long-term
         Medical Service Fee System                                               Care Promotion Act                               Reform led by the Cabinet Office

          Reduction of 7:1 hospital beds                                        Medical bed function reporting                                 Fiscal soundness

             Comprehensive community                                                                                                  Reduction of social security costs
                   care beds                                                            Community care vision

                                                                                                                                            Corporation system that
                                               Comprehensive Community Care System                                                         promotes community care
                               Healthcare                                                                  Nursing care
            Acute phase
            Recovery phase
            Chronic phase
                                                                                                                                      Medical care requested by patients

           Comprehensive                                             Visiting hospitals &
           community support                                         day care facilities                                              Implementation of a fixed cost for visits
                                          Primary care
           center/                           doctors                                                                                    to large hospitals without a referral
           Care manager

                                                                                                                                              Medical service costs
                                   Conducting                    Home/ Housings                                                                optimization plan
                                consultation and                for the elderly with                           Home-
                                  coordinating                      nursing care
                                                                                         Individual            visit nursing
                                    services                   Life support & nursing                          care
                                                                   care prevention
               Comprehensive community
               care system is planned for
               junior high school districts with
               populations of 10,000 or more             Senior citizen’s club/ Residents’ association/
                                                          Nursing care prevention/ Life support, etc.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Slide 4

                                                                                                                               Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016                      5
Path to Healthcare Provision System Reform

     1. Community care vision
        Content of community care vision guidelines
        • Medical care demand reflecting the current status
        • Desirable healthcare provision system considering the desirable number of hospital beds and average number of days of
        • Desirable healthcare provision system that prevents regional gaps (e.g. rate of medical treatment received)
        • Clear positioning of desirable healthcare provision system
     2. Medical service fee optimization plan
        Clear positioning of goals regarding the level of medical care service costs and average number of days of hospitalization
        Need to review by the end of 2016 (by the end of 2017 if not sooner)
     3. Path and time schedule have been determined.

       Review Plan
                        2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022                                       2023
                                      5 years                                           6 years
        plan             Establishment of community care vision

                             Current plan (5 years)
                                        Interim                       Results
        Medical                       evaluations                   evaluations
        service costs                                                          New plan (6 years)
        optimization                                                                                     Provisional
        plan                                        *Estalishing                                         evaluations
                                                      care vision     Implementation of the progress         Reflecting to
                                                     earlier than       management for each year       the next-term plan
                                                     the schedule

        Source: The Ministry of Finance Material documents issued on October 8, 2014

                                                                                                                                                                           Slide 5

                                         Community Care Vision Coordination Council (for Discussion)

        Contents of Discussion
        • Bed functions to be borne by regional hospitals and medical clinics with beds
        • Sharing information through the System of Medical Bed Function Reporting
        • Projects included in the plans of local governments (Annual plans of funds for long-term community nursing care)
        • Other measures to achieve community care vision
        JHA Concepts
        • Necessary to have the active involvement of hospitals
        • Prefectural branch offices of the JHA and prefectural hospital associations should take the initiative in leading discussions.
        • Agreed that the chairman should be selected from a medical associations, but fairness should be ensured.
        • It is desirable to realize effective collaboration among hospitals, clinics, and regions.
        • Roles of hospitals and primary care doctors are important.
        • It is desirable to establish team medicine focusing on users.

                                                                                                                                                                           Slide 6

    There are many opinions about who should serve as                                                             services can be provided. In order to initiate such services,
the chairman of the council. The JHA agreed that the                                                              hospital staff and staff in the regions must work together.
chairman should be selected from one of the medical                                                                   (Slide 7) What is necessary for realization of
associations. What we must ensure is fairness. Fairness                                                           the community care vision is the optimization of
would enable us to realize effective collaboration among                                                          hospitals and regions. Specifically, it is necessary for
hospitals, clinics and regions. As Congress Chairman                                                              each hospital to understand its actual position in the
Aizawa mentioned in his address, it is extremely important                                                        community care vision.
to that roles are shared between hospitals and primary                                                                It is also important to visualize the state of community
care physicians, role sharing such as Aizawa Hospital has                                                         care and hospitals. It is necessary to objectively understand
implemented. Based on such a system, team healthcare                                                              the state of the entire region based on the actual data. This will

6       Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016
To Realize the Community Care Vision - Shift from Optimization of Hospitals to Regions

        Understand the actual state of each hospital in the community care vision
        Visualization of hospitals and community care data
        • Understanding of supply and demand: Objectively understand the overall state of each region based on data
        • Fair evaluations of hospitals: Quality of medical care and management
        • Future goals of hospitals and regions
        Points to be considered
        • Improvement of incentives for employees
        • Economic incentives at hospitals
        Need to establish alliance which is more gentle than the Corporation System and that promotes community care
        • Role sharing among facilities in individual regions
        • Cooperation suitable for supply and demand in each region
        • Cooperation focusing on human resources, products, finance, and information

        Promote the optimization of hospitals and regions from the above-mentioned viewpoints

                                                                                                                          Slide 7

clarify the state of individual hospitals in the region, which       on the assumption that the current system of healthcare
facilitates the evaluation of hospital management. However,          provision will continue. Not all hospital beds are going
we must also evaluate the quality of the medical care at each        to be occupied; therefore, the number of required hospital
hospital. Visualization of all of these elements can help us to      beds is usually based on estimated supply and occupancy
create future plans for each hospital and region.                    rates. The MHLW sets the occupancy rate for highly-
    What we need to consider as hospitals is the                     acute phase care beds at 75%, acute phase care beds at
improvement of incentives for employees. Hospitals have              78%, recovery phase care beds at 90%, and chronic phase
been influenced by economic incentives based on the                  care beds at 92%.
medical care service fee system.                                         The figure shown in the lower right on Slide 8 shows
    One example is the shift to 7:1 hospitals. I understand          a comparison between the hospital bed functions in
that newly established comprehensive community care                  accordance with the System of Medical Bed Function
wards are not very popular, which I suspect is because               Reporting and the actual status of hospitalized patients.
incentives for employees have decreased.                             You can see beds with different functions overlap
    Furthermore, a corporation system that promotes                  significantly. We need to reduce this by 2025. However,
community healthcare, what is called the non-profit                  we are still not sure of the degree to which we will be able
holding company system, may be effective. If it is not a             to accomplish this.
constrictive system, but a loose alliance, it will function              The lower graphs in Slide 9 show the estimated
well. Such a system allows role sharing in the regions,              number of hospital beds as of 2025, which was released
and cooperation that is suitable for regional supply and             two days ago. The upper graphs show the numbers of
demand. Cooperation should be focused on people,                     hospital beds reported by the system, which reveals a
goods, money, and information. If we can achieve the                 significantly larger number of acute phase care beds.
above-mentioned, we will see a natural optimization of                   As Mr. Aizawa mentioned, it is a real possibility that
hospitals and regions.                                               the Matsumoto Secondary Medical Service Area will
                                                                     have a greater than 70% level of 7:1 hospital beds.
l Estimated number of beds                                               (Slide 10) Is, as reported by the media, the number of
(Slide 8) The estimated number of required hospital beds,            hospital beds excessive? They say, for example, that we
which has been discussed here and there, is arrived at by            will exceed the required number of highly-acute and acute
comparing the estimated demand in regional healthcare                phase care beds by 240,000 beds, that the required number
based on demographics with estimated supply based                    of recovery phase care beds will be short by 265,000

                                                                                     Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016        7
Estimate of Number of Required Beds

        Comparison of estimated demand in regional healthcare based on demographics with estimated supply based on the the
        assumption that the current system of healthcare provision will continue
        Number of required beds is calculated with estimated supply and occupancy rates.
        Number of required beds = Estimated number of supply ÷ Bed occupancy rate
        Bed occupancy rates
                                                                                                Hospital bed functions selected by each hospital
        • Highly-acute phase          75%                                                          in accordance with the reporting system
        • Acute phase                 78%                                            Highly-acute      Acute phase       Recovery phase Chronic phase
        • Recovery phase              90%
        • Chronic phase               92%                               Highly-acute

                                                                                     Actually hospitalized patients
        Need to assign patients in accordance with
        hospital bed functions on each ward                             Acute phase
        Hospitals naturally need to provide mixed care.
                                                                                                                      Recovery phase

                                                                                                                      Chronic phase

                                                                                                                                  Hospital wards before the implementation    Hospital wards after the implementation
                                                                                                                                  of the reptorting system                    of the reptorting system (2025)

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Slide 8

                                                        Estimated Number of Beds by Function
                                                                                                                                                           Long-term care beds     General beds

              Highly-acute phase (2014)                   19.1

                     Acute phase (2014)                                        57.9
                                                                                                                                                       N=1,233,929 beds
                  Recovery phase (2014)           5.0     6.0

                   Chronic phase (2014)                         26.6             8.6

              Highly-acute phase (2025)                 13.0

                     Acute phase (2025)                                 40.1
                                                                                                                                                       N=1,150,000–1,190,000 beds
                  Recovery phase (2025)                                37.5

                   Chronic phase (2025)                   24.2 – 28.5

                                              0            10           20      30                                      40            50        60      (Unit: 10,000 beds)

              Blue graph (upper): Reported medical bed functions (Vol.3) As of March 2, 2015; 6,996 hospitals (94.5%), 5,996 medical clinics with beds (78.6%)
              Green graph (lower): Estimated number of beds as of 2025 (June 15, 2015 by MHLW)

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Slide 9

beds, and that the number of chronic phase care beds                                                                    and rehabilitation phase care beds.
will be 60,000 to 110,000 more than needed. However,                                                                       There are many problems to be solved. The number of
these estimates are inaccurate. These estimates are, as                                                                 recovery phase care beds will need to increase by 265,000,
you know, acquired from medical resource investment in                                                                  which is equivalent to the excess number of highly-acute
DPC scores; however, as you know from routine medical                                                                   and acute phase care beds. It is also, however, difficult to
consultations, hospital functions cannot be evaluated by                                                                understand the functions of recovery phase care beds.
scores alone. There is always debate over how to quantify                                                                  Specifically, the number of required beds differs
such hard-to-evaluate functions. In addition, we also need                                                              depending on the positioning of comprehensive
to think about how we evaluate the functions of chronic                                                                 community care wards, whose establishment is based on

8       Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016
Examination of Estimated Numbers of Hospital Beds

        Is the number of hospital beds excessive?
        • Highly-acute phase + Acute phase        Excessive by 240,000 beds
        • Recovery phase                          Insufficient by 265,000 beds
        • Chronic phase                           Excessive by 60,000 to 110,000 beds
        • Estimates acquired from medical resource investment
        • Hospital functions cannot be evaluated by scores alone.
        • Need to consider how to evaluate the functions of chronic phase care beds
        • Excessive amount of highly-acute and acute phase care beds used for recovery phase care.
        • Recovery phase care bed function is not clarified.
        • Number of required beds changes depending on the positioning of comprehensive community care wards.:Acute phase
           or recovery phase?
        • Need to confirm consistency of hospital bed function classification and medical service fees
        • Overall hospital beds are not always excessive, but need to change hospital bed functions.
        • Need to consider how hospitals promote user understanding

                                                                                                                     Slide 10

the medical service fee system, not on Medical Service           Four Hospital Organizations were included in the policies
Act. Comprehensive community care beds will handle               and reflected the adoption of the Medical Service Act.
patients that have been cared for by 7:1 hospitals, or who       However, whether or not we will be able to achieve the
have been cared for at home or nursing facilities. The           goals remains unknown.
comprehensive community care beds are for both patients              In creating the community care vision, the national
from 7:1 hospitals and patients whose conditions have            government is shifting control to local governments.
taken a sudden turn for the worse. The number of required        However, we still do not know who will fulfill the think-
beds will change depending on whether comprehensive              tank function. I think there will be gaps among prefectures.
community care beds are considered for acute phase or                I also wonder how we should coordinate to facilitate
recovery phase. Simply showing figures does not help us          realization of the comprehensive community care provision
to make decisions, and does cause misunderstanding.              system. It depends on how well the Community Care
    It is also essential to confirm the consistency of           Vision Coordination Council functions. It is also necessary
hospital bed function classification and medical service         to optimize individual hospitals and regions. For example,
fees. The overall number of hospital beds is not excessive,      in the secondary medical care areas, public health centers
but it is necessary to change the hospital bed functions.        are trying hard now. What roles the public health centers
    It is always true that we need to consider medical care      will play and how they will perform them in accordance
from the patient perspective. However, this is not always        with the new vision remains unclear. I personally believe
clear cut, making it difficult to base decisions on patient      that each prefecture should create university departments
perspective alone.                                               that teach medical care management if they have not
                                                                 already done so. These universities should then analyze
l Evaluation of and problems in the                              medical care and the system data, which we can all share
  community care vision                                          to improve the system.
(Slide 11) Functionalization of general hospital beds                Another important issue is financial resources. In order
and the creation of community care vision are highly             to ensure a smooth shift from, for example, acute phase
regarded. This is because general hospital bed functions         care beds to recovery phase care beds, it is necessary to
that were previously related to the medical service              have a firm system of financial support utilizing medical
fee system are clearly defined in accordance with the            service fees and funds for community nursing care.
Medical Service Act.                                                 In addition to the functionalization of hospital beds,
    As JMA President Yoshitake Yokokura stated at the            another essential element is the expansion of the primary
opening ceremony, the proposals made by the JMA and              care physician system in each region.

                                                                                 Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016         9
Evaluation of and Problems in the Community Care Vision

        Functionalization of general hospital beds and the creation of community care vision are highly regarded.
        • Functionalization of hospital beds that were previously related to the medical service fee system was promoted to be
          clearly defined in accordance with the Medical Service Act.
        • Conduct the above-mentioned functionalization from the viewpoint of regions

        How to create the community care vision
        • Who will fulfill the think-tank function that supports the creation?
        How to prepare to realize future healthcare provision system in accordance with the vision
        • Need to clarify the function of the Community Care Vision Coordination Council
        • How to optimize individual hospitals and regions
        • What is the role of public health centers?
        • It is desirable to have the involvement of universities
        Need to confirm that the community care vision will be beneficial for hospital management
        • Effective utilization of financial resources from medical service fees and funds for long-term community nursing care
        Essential to conduct functionalization of hospital beds and improvement of roles of primary care physicians

                                                                                                                                  Slide 11

n Medical service fee                                                   outrageous opinion. He insisted on reducing the subsidies
  optimization plan                                                     and funds to areas that were slow to optimize medical
(Slide 12) Let’s take a look at the medical service fee                 service costs. I don’t think such an absurd thing can be
optimization plan.                                                      done. Visualization of data and correction of the gaps in
    This was established to set goals regarding the level               medical service fees among regions is necessary; however,
of medical service fees and the effective provision of                  he said that evaluations of approaches to the plan by each
services in accordance with the community care vision,                  local government should be reflected to the subsidies
to perform factor analysis to check achievements, and to                and funds by the national government. This is wrong.
initiate necessary measures.                                            He does not understand the functions and efforts of the
    At a meeting of the Council on Economic and                         Central Social Insurance Medical Council. I am always
Fiscal Policy, a member of the private-sector voiced an                 disappointed to hear such opinions. Such people focus

                                            Medical Service Fee Optimization Plan

        Set goals regarding the level of medical service fees and the effective provision of services in accordance with the
        community care vision
        If the achievements are far from the goals, it is necessary to perform factor analysis to initiate necessary measures.
        Proposals made by a private-sector member at a meeting of the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy held on
        May 19, 2015
        “Need to reduce medical service fees in the areas that are slow to optimize medical service costs”
        • Need to promote visualization of gaps in healthcare provision system by prefectures
        • Ask local governments to correct gaps of healthcare costs per person.
        • Ask national government to evaluate approaches of local governments as of 2018 and reflect the results to subsidies
           and funds.

        • The outrageous opinion of a person who does not understand the functions of and efforts by the Central Social Insurance
          Medical Council.
        • Only focusing on the financial issues without considering the quality of medical services

                                                                                                                                  Slide 12

10      Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016
on the financial issues without considering the quality of                   The Weekly Social Security magazine published an
medical services.                                                        article stating that a shift to the medical service fee system
                                                                         by hospitals, regardless of whether they provide acute or
l Essential elements for success                                         recovery phase care, would lead to stable management.
(Slide 13) An extremely important key to the success of                      At the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy
this new system is incentives for medical care providers.                meeting held on June 10, a private-sector member
As I mentioned before, the comprehensive community                       expressed the opinion that revising the medical service
care bed concept has been difficult to implement because                 fee system to clarify bed function and evaluation would
of undeveloped incentives. Medical service fees and                      facilitate reform. In response, the MHLW Minister said
subsidies provide inadequate compensation, making it                     that the Central Social Insurance Medical Council would
essential that we identify a more effective system.                      be discussing the clarification and evaluation of acute and
    In addition, it is a challenge for nurses working at 7:1             chronic phase bed functions for the 2016 revision.
hospitals to make the change to 10:1 hospitals because                       Unfortunately, this were reported by the Health Policy
of the increased workload. It is also hard for physicians                Bureau so that I am not sure to what degree the Health
to reassign acute phase care patients to recovery phase                  Policy Bureau and the Health Insurance Bureau will
care. What is important, then, is the sense of mission and               cooperate; however, they have to cooperate to some extent.
accomplishment, purpose and pride that employees have.
These are non-economic incentives, however, whose                        n Artificial intelligence
effectiveness are difficult to evaluate. It is, therefore,               (Slide 15) Artificial intelligence has become a part of the
desirable that these be covered by the medical care system               world of medicine. Global trends have been changing
and medical service fee system.                                          drastically, and our response to progress in artificial
    (Slide 14) Another important element is linkage and                  intelligence has become a significant issue.
collaboration between the community care vision and                          The “da Vinci” robotic surgery system is an example
medical service fee system. JMA Deputy-President,                        of this. As its use has spread, some doctors are unwilling
Dr. Toshio Nakagawa, for example, stated that the purpose                to perform surgery without it. Another example is the
of the vision is not to reduce hospital beds and medical                 Denou Sen Shogi Tournament, in which a computer shogi
service costs, but to assign hospital bed functions, and                 program successfully defeated professional players.
that for this reason the vision should not be linked with                    The March 30 edition of the Nikkei Business featured
medical service fee system revision. I agree with this.                  an article entitled “Amazing Artificial Intelligence.” The

                        Essential Elements for Success — Incentives for Medical Care Providers

        Examples of comprehensive community care wards: Medical service fee system revision in 2014
        • Implemented as a hospital function shifting from 7:1 hospital system
        • Few implemented
        • Registered comprehensive community care hospitals:
               Number of beds corresponding to 7:1 hospital beds reduced by 11,600 beds
        • Insufficient appropriate incentives
        Economic incentives                                                                               No. of facility No. of bed
        • Medical service fees                                                         As of October 2014      920         24,600
        • Subsidies, etc.                                                              As of April 2015     1,170          31,700
        • Easy to understand, but none have succeeded
        Non-economic incentives
        • Sense of mission and accomplishment
        • Purpose of work
        • Pride
        • Difficult to see effects, but extremely important
        It is desirable that these be covered by the medical care and medical service fee system.

                                                                                                                                  Slide 13

                                                                                          Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016           11
Linkage and Collaboration between the Community Care Vision and the Medical Service Fee System

        The vision is not to reduce hospital beds and medical service costs, but to assign hospital functions, and for this reason the
        vision should not be linked with medical service fee revision.
        (Toshio Nakagawa, JMA Deputy-President, March 13, 2015)
        A shift to the medical service fee system by hospitals, regardless of whether they provide acute or recovery phase care,
        would lead to stable management. (Weekly Social Security, March 23, 2015)
        MHLW statement (Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy, June 10, 2015)
        • A private-sector member
          “Revising the medical service fee system to promote the reform of hospital bed functions from 2016”
        • MHLW
          “Central Social Insurance Medical Council would be discussing the clarification and evaluation from acute to chronic
          phase bed functions for 2016 revision”

                                                                                                                                          Slide 14

author discussed what is known in the world of robotics                    Oxford University. Some jobs will be highly automated in
as the Year 2045 Problem, when robots will be capable of                   the future. The jobs of librarians, telephone operators, and
having offspring with humans and other robots. I cannot                    orthoptists will all be handled by artificial intelligence,
imagine robot babies. Fortunately, I will not survive to                   while psychiatric social workers, audiologists, and oral
2045, so I won’t be around for it. There are two outcomes                  surgeons are not likely to be replaced by robots.
possible with artificial intelligence, friendly and hostile.                   We should not be pessimistic.
    (Slide 16) Watson at IBM is very friendly. It collects                     We need to examine the content of each job. We need
information on diseases and effective treatments for                       to find added value in each job, and seek differentiation
individual patients from a tremendous amount of                            from artificial intelligence. It is an important problem that
documents and records.                                                     we will encounter sooner or later.
    Slide 17 shows a quote from a shocking thesis about
future jobs in relation to artificial intelligence released by

                                                          Artificial Intelligence
                                         — Need to Catch up with the Changing Technology

                Global trends have been changing drastically.
                How to respond to changes and progress of artificial intelligence
                Two types of artificial intelligence; one is friendly and the other is hostile.

                “da Vinci” robotic surgery system

                                                                                             Robots will be capable of having offspring
                                                                                              with humans and other robots by 2045.
                                                        Nikkei Business March 30, 2015

              Denou Sen Shogi Tournament - FINAL

                                                                                                                                          Slide 15

12       Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016
The Friendly IBM Robot, “Watson”

                 Collects information on disease and effective treatments for individual patients from a tremendous amount
                 of documents and records.
                 Different from the development of AI, whose functions are superior to humans, Watson was developed to
                 expand the ability of humans.

                                                Humans are capable of
                                                accumulating more than 1 million
                                                GB of health information
                                                (equivalent to the information in
                                                more than 300 million books).

                                                                                          IBH Watson Health Cloud is capable of providing
                                                                                          tremendous amounts of personal information,
                                                                                          information on the environment, health, and
           Source:                          research to perform highly-advanced analysis
                   72157651509573960                                                      and acquire necessary answers.

                                                                                                                                            Slide 16

n Further paradigm shift in                                                     provision of high-quality, safe, and secure healthcare
  healthcare – Hospital Measures                                                based on clearly defined functions. Hospital should be
(Slide 18) I also often use Slide 18. This shows the need                       classified in patterns. In order to maintain sound hospital
for further paradigm shift.                                                     management, we need to have strong leadership, role
    Hospitals must change if they hope to find solutions                        sharing and cooperation among mid-level employees
to the wide range of problems they will face. What do we                        in administration. We need to engage in future-oriented
need in the new paradigm?                                                       selection and decision making. We need human resources,
    What we are trying to achieve is effective and efficient                    products, funds, and information.

                                    Amazing Artificial Intelligence - Future Employment
                      Jobs that are likely to be automated                          Jobs that are not likely to be automated

                    Librarians                          99%                         Psychiatric social workers            0.31%

                    Telephone operators                 97%                         Audiologists                          0.33%

                    Orthoptists                         97%                         Occupation therapists                 0.35%

                    Dental hygienist                    97%                         Social workers                        0.35%

                    Receptionists                       96%                         Oral surgeons                         0.36%

                   Source: “The Future of Employment” Carl Benedikt Frey, et al., University of Oxford, September 17, 2013

                                              We should not be pessimistic.
                                              Need to examine job contents
                                              Need to find added value in each job
                                              Seek the differentiation from artificial intelligence

                                                                                                                                            Slide 17

                                                                                                Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016               13
Desirable Healthcare System Reform — Further Paradigm Shift

                                                      Old Paradigm                                       New Paradigm
                                       • Not clear
                                       • Specialized care centering on acute       • High quality, safe and secure healthcare
     Goal                                phase patients                            • Healthcare based on clearly defined functions
                                       • Quality of either healthcare or           • Quality of both healthcare and hospital management
     Leadership                        • Administration                            • Community residents: Cooperation in the regions
     Center of discussions             • Theoretical: macro data                   • On-site state state: micro data (accessible)
     Classification of hospitals       • Hierarchy                                 • Functionalization
                                                                                   • Medical Care Act: Community care vision
     Incentives                        • Medical service fees
                                                                                   • Satisfaction in working
                                                                                   • Strong leadership
                                       •   Unclear
                                                                                   • Roles and cooperation among mid-level employees
                                       •   Compartmentalized structure
     Hospital management                                                             in management
                                       •   Continuation of management
                                                                                   • Future-oriented: Selection and decisions
                                       •   Human resources, products, and funds
                                                                                   • Human resources, products, funds, and information
                                       • Healthcare provider-oriented              • User-oriented
     Concept of healthcare provid      • Specialty-oriented                        • Team medicine
                                       • Prioritizing on continuation              • Changes/ Future-oriented

                                                                                                                                    Slide 18

    (Slide 19) High-quality medical care requires the                       l Establishment of the medical accident
establishment of a cooperative system between general                         investigation system
practitioners and primary care physicians. The role of                      Slide 20 gives the background of the establishment of
general practitioners at hospitals is, for example, patient                 the medical accident investigation system. This system
triage and initial treatment. Acute-phase care wards                        will be implemented in October 2015. It was created to
can provide postoperative care. Physicians working                          ensure safety in healthcare, to prevent the recurrence of
on recovery and chronic-phase care wards can serve                          medical accidents, and ensure the reporting of stillbirths
as hospitalists. Comprehensive hospitals can provide                        and unexpected patient deaths. The significance of roles
combined care to satisfy a wide range of patient needs                      and responsibilities of administrators will increase. The
from the perspective of community-oriented care.                            Japan Medical Safety Research Organization and other
    The proposals made by the JMA and Four Hospital                         support organizations will be required to play extremely
Organizations included primary care physician functions.                    significant roles as a third party.
We view primary care physicians as doctors that patients                        We also need to address issues related to Article 21 of
can consult with about anything that concerns them, who                     the Medical Practitioners’ Act.
are familiar with the most advanced medical care, who
can refer patients to specialists and special hospitals, and                n Conclusion — Proactively
who have the comprehensive ability to deliver health and                      understanding patient needs and
welfare for the community.                                                    seeking desirable healthcare
    What we may need to consider increasingly in the near                   (Slide 21) When I was Director of Seirei Hamamatsu
future is differentiation between general practitioners and                 General Hospital, I asked all our staff to proactively
primary care physicians, and the system of cooperative                      seek to understand patient needs and pursue desirable
between them.                                                               healthcare. Although a significant challenge, I still believe
                                                                            it to be of great importance.
                                                                                 The changing healthcare environment has had a
                                                                            significant impact on measures. The path to the new

14        Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016
Seek High Quality Healthcare
                                         - General Practitioners & Primary Care Physicians

        General Practitioners
        Roles at hospitals
        • ER: Patient triage and initial treatment, etc.
        • Acute phase care wards: Postoperative care, etc.
        • Recovery and chronic phase wards: Serve as hospitalists (Respond to combined medical care needs)
        Roles in the regions
        • Serve as gatekeepers
        • Respond to combined medical care needs
        • Perspective of physicians who take care of the overall community
        Primary Care Physicians
        (August 8, 2013, Proposals for healthcare provision system made by the JMA and Four Hospital Organizations)
        • Those who patients can consult with about anything that concerns them
        • Those who are familiar with the most advanced medical care
        • Those who can refer patients to specialists and special hospitals
        • Those who have the comprehensive ability to deliver health and welfare for the community
        How to differentiate general practitioners and primary care physicians

                                                                                                                                      Slide 19

                                                 Seek Safe and Secure Healthcare
                                               - Medical Accident Investigation System

        • May 2013: Summary of the Committee on the Investigation System for Medical Accidents
        • June 2014: Establishment of Revised Medical Service Act including the Medical Accident Investigation System
        • March 2015: Summary of the Committee on the Enforcement of the Medical Accident Investigation System
        • May 2015: Promulgation of a partial revision of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Medical Service Act (about the
          Medical Accident Investigation System)
        • October 2015: Enforcement of the Medical Accident Investigation System
        System of investigations regarding medical accidents
        • To ensure safety in healthcare and to prevent the recurrence of medical accidents
        • To report stillbirths and unexpected patient deaths suspected or confirmed to have resulted from medical treatment
        Explanation of investigation results to bereaved families by medical institutions
        • To be explained appropriately in writing, in person, or both.
        • Need to place efforts into explaining the purposes and results of the investigations in the way that the bereaved families choose
        Future tasks
        • Roles and responsibilities of administrators
        • Roles of the Japan Medical Safety Research Organization and other support organizations
        • Issues related to Article 21 of the Medical Practitioners’ Act

                                                                                                                                      Slide 20

medical care provision system has already been decided.                    and achieve desirable healthcare.
We cannot change this easily, and we cannot be selfish in                      As Mr. Aizawa said, we need to act with self-initiative
seeking to create a system based on what benefits us alone.                rather than under duress. Only when the entire staff at a
We need to optimize individual hospitals and regions                       hospital works together to achieve our goals will we be
from the patient’s perspective as we move toward the                       able to reform the system.
realization of the community care vision, the optimization                     I quote Charles Darwin: It is not the strongest of
of medical service costs, and increased healthcare quality.                the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that
When considering these issues, we can see how hospital                     survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
and healthcare system reform should be pursued. We need                        Thank you for listening.
to proactively understand patient needs. This is it. If we                 Chairman (Aizawa): Thank you, Mr. Sakai for your
focus on patient needs, it will be possible for us to pursue               interesting and informative presentation. You provided us

                                                                                             Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016               15
                      - Proactively Understanding Patient Needs and Seeking Desirable Healthcare

       The changing healthcare environment has had a significant impact on measures.
       In order to respond to this, the path to the new medical care provision system has already been decided.
       We cannot be selfish in seeking to create a system based on what benefits us alone.
       We need to optimize individual hospitals and regions from the patient’s perspective as we move toward the realization of
       the community care vision and the optimization of medical service costs from the users’ viewpoint considering the quality
       of healthcare.
       When considering these issues, we can see how hospital and healthcare system reform should be pursued.
       This equals understanding patient needs.
       If we focus on patient needs, it will be possible for us to pursue and achieve desirable healthcare.

                        It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives.
                                             It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
                                                              (Charles Darwin)

                                                                                                                             Slide 21

with many suggestions about current state and problems
in healthcare and what we need to do from now. We have
hard work ahead of us.

16      Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016
Submitted Article

Making Guarantees in Healthcare — Why Not?

                        John C. Wocher

Executive Vice President, Kameda Medical Center;
Director, International Patient Services, Kameda Medical Center;
Consultant, Joint Commission International

Healthcare may be the only service industry that does                             INFORMATION
not come with a warranty or a guarantee. It strikes me                       REGARDING YOUR RIGHTS,
as somewhat odd that there is no fine print to read about                       RESPONSIBILITIES,
what is covered or not covered, and what rights one has                      OUR LIMITED GUARANTEE
if the service is found to be ineffective or is otherwise                    AND INFORMED CONSENT
dissatisfied with the service. However, I fully understand
that, because of the complexity, variability, and unique                 FICTITOUS GENERAL HOSPITAL
individual characteristics of each patient, it is often
difficult or impossible to predict outcomes. However, I            It is important for you to read and understand this
think there are aspects of healthcare services that can be         document, which is intended to inform you of your rights
guaranteed. If we desire to reassure patients that we have         and responsibilities as a patient in this hospital or clinic
taken steps to ensure that we provide care under the safest        as well as our informed consent process and our limited
conditions possible, and that we have gone above and               guarantee to you of safe medical care. We consider
beyond the minimum requirements to put systems in place            ourselves as partners in your healthcare experience with
that will give them confidence when they put their lives           us, and we believe in transparency. You will be given a copy
in our hands, I think we should consider guarantees. I             of this document on admission and at your first outpatient
understand this is controversial, and if we make promises,         visit. Additional copies are available upon request. The
we have to keep them. I am proposing that hospitals                point of contact at this hospital for inquiries or questions
consider adding some guarantees to the information we              about the information on this form is: Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
typically provide to patients to instill that confidence.          at 1234-46-7890.
The below form, combines the typical patient rights and
responsibilities, and suggested statements regarding the           n Your Rights
informed consent process and adds an example listing               1. You and your family have the right to participate in
of guarantees. It is a work in progress, and this article is          our care processes.
intended to provoke a discussion about whether we should           2. You have the right to be respected in a safe and caring
add guarantees to this information. Maybe the time has                environment.
come to consider this. I think so.                                 3. You have the right to seek a second opinion within this
                                                                      hospital or externally without fear of compromise, and
                                                                      we can assist you with this if requested
                                                                   4. You have a right to be informed of your medical
                                                                      condition and diagnosis as well as the name of your
                                                                      attending physician.
                                                                   5. You have the right to proper evaluation and treatment.

                                                                                  Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016        17
6. You have the right to assessment and management              n Our Guarantee
    of pain.                                                    1. We guarantee that we have verified all physician and
7. You have the right to be protected from abuse.                  nurse licenses from the issuing authority, the Ministry
8. You have the right to spiritual services, and assistance        of Health, Labour and Welfare.
    will be provided upon request.                              2. We guarantee that we have verified that all physicians
9. You have the right to refuse or discontinue treatment,          have successfully graduated from from medical
    and we will inform you of the probable consequences            college by directly confirming with the diploma
    of that decision.                                              issuing authority. We have verified all nurses have
10. You have the right to refuse participation in research         graduated by confirming directly with the nursing
    studies                                                        college diploma issuing authority. All other licensed
11. You have the right to voice complaints, conflicts and          healthcare providers have had their licenses and
    differences of opinion for resolution. Our staff can tell      education primary source verified.
    you how to accomplish this and assist you.                  3. We guarantee that we have verified all physicians’
12. You have the right to designate others to make                 specialty training directly from the specialty training
    decisions for you.                                             organizations.
13. You have the right to privacy and the confidentiality of    4. We guarantee that the vast majority (>90%) of our
    your medical information in accordance with existing           physicians, nurses, and other direct care providers
    laws and regulations.                                          have completed a course in basic life support (or
14. You have the right to see your medical record and be           advance life support if required) and have a valid,
    given a copy, in accordance with existing laws and             unexpired certificate.
    regulations.                                                5. We guarantee that your physicians’ credentials have
15. You have the right to be informed of the cost of               been primary source verified and serve as the basis
    treatment.                                                     for privileging, and that your physician is qualified
                                                                   and privileged for the treatment he or she may render
n Your Responsibilities                                            to you.
1. It is your responsibility to give correct and complete       6. We guarantee that your physician has an annual
    information about your health status and health                performance evaluation that is metric based and that
    history.                                                       any substandard performance or concerns (if any)
2. You have the responsibility to ask questions if you do          have been documented and corrected. Competency
    not understand any information or instructions.                assessments are done for all staff.
3. You are responsible for informing caregivers if you do       7. We guarantee that a Universal Protocol will be
    not or cannot follow your treatment plan.                      followed prior to any surgery in order to ensure correct
4. You are responsible for the consequences, after you             patient, correct procedure and correct site surgery.
    are informed of them should you refuse treatment or         8. We guarantee that every prescription medication
    to participate in your treatment plan.                         ordered will undergo an appropriateness review, prior to
5. You are responsible to cooperate with your caregivers.          dispensing, to prevent any medication dispensing error.
6. You must respect the rights and property of others.          9. We guarantee that the building meets or exceeds the
7. You must tell your caregivers of any medications you            National Fire Code and safety requirements and that
    brought from home and/or are taking.                           Fictitious Hospital is in full compliance with existing
8. You must report any changes in your health status.              laws and regulations.
9. You must not smoke in any building or on the grounds
    of this hospital.
10. You are responsible for payment for the care provided
    to you.

18       Japan Hospitals No. 35 / July 2016
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