Page created by Bradley Schultz
                The United Church of Canada
                Regional Council News                              March 30, 2021

Announcements and information of interest to the people of the Northern Spirit Region.
If you have news to share or information about an upcoming event or learning opportunity, please
write a short article, and send it to Kathy Jackson, Administrative Support: kjackson@united- We are unable to include posters or other attachments, but links to further information
may be included. Alternatively, our Community of Faith Events Calendar is open 24/7 for posting
about online events that are open to the public. Events can be posted directly to the Newsfeed:

Featured News …

Holy Saturday Prayer Service
An online Ecumenical Service of Prayer and Meditation will be led by The Right Rev. Susan Bell, Bishop,
Anglican Church of Canada; and the Rev. Dr. Connie denBok, The United Church of Canada. The service
will be conducted via Zoom on Saturday, April 3, 2021 at 4:00 pm (MDT). To register and receive the
Zoom Link, please visit: Holy Saturday Service | Vancouver School of Theology (

Moderator’s Easter Message
This year, United Church Moderator, the Right Rev. Dr. Richard Bott, offers a unique take on the Easter
story after Mary Magdalene’s visit to the tomb. You are invited to eavesdrop on a conversation between
Mary and the disciple Peter on what she saw, or didn’t. (Script by Richard Bott, with appreciation to
Alydia Smith for her participation!)
You can access the video at this link:

Light the Flame for a Guaranteed Livable Income
In this video, Moderator Richard Bott invites you to join the call for a Guaranteed Livable Income and to
contact our Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. On April 8, we have a chance to make visible this
call, and to Light the Flame for a Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI). Plan to light a candle and post
publicly on social media (#UCCanlivableincome) in solidarity with small outdoor vigils being held on
Parliament Hill, and at Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland’s and other MP constituency offices. Due to
COVID-19, the vigils are restricted to locally designated individuals, and plans will be adjusted if needed.
If you’d like to organize one, contact Take a look at the United Church GLI
web page for more information and worship resources. And sign up here to receive updates. The Cross
Canada GLI Network of United Church leaders is eager to connect with you.

3rd Annual Regional Council Meeting
The Regional Council will meet, online via Zoom, the evenings of Tuesday and Thursday, May 4 and 6,
2021. As further details unfold, they will be shared in this newsletter, on our website, and/or directly to
Communities of Faith, Ministry Personnel, and Lay Representatives.
Attention Communities of Faith: please submit the names and contact information for your current Lay
Representatives to the Regional Council Office as soon as possible.
General Council 44 Commissioners: Job Description and Invitation
As some veterans of General Councils past have noted (we won’t say who…), times have changed. Being
a Commissioner to General Council can no longer involve being elected weeks before the General
Council meeting and hopping on a plane. Instead, it’s a three-year commitment, with “recall” meetings
that make decisions for the entire church, and opportunities to keep reflecting and deciding on a wide
range of concerns. Have a look at the full details here. Our Nominations Committee is seeking a lot of
good names, spanning the full range of identities and church experiences. Please help them by
spreading the word, and directing yourself and other interested persons to the Nominations Form.
An important planning note: in light of pandemic uncertainties, General Council 44 will be an entirely
online meeting. But: even if you, or a good candidate you know, have limited internet or older
equipment, do not let that keep you from applying or from encouraging others. General Council
planning will include accessibility for a video meeting.

Attention Church Office Administrators
The Northern Spirit United Church Administration Association believes that there is great value in a
network for church administrators, particularly in this time when our United Church is undergoing
significant organizational change. Their mission is to promote the ministry of church office
administration. All administrators within the Northern Spirit Region are invited to join the Association
and attend its monthly meetings (September through June). Meetings are currently held via Zoom and
offer learning opportunities, support, and networking opportunities so that together, all will renew their
spirit through personal development, professional affirmation, and mutual support. The next meeting is
scheduled for Tuesday, April 20 at 12 noon (MDT). For more information about the Association, or to
connect to the next gathering, please visit their website:

In Other News …

Ministry Personnel: Reminder
A friendly reminder from our Office of Vocation Minister, Karen Medland … It’s almost time to complete
your Annual Declaration re criminal charges. This is a requirement for all active Ministry Personnel, and
must be done between April 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021. Please don’t try to go into the system until
those dates. Your Annual Declaration is how you confirm that you have not had any new criminal
charges against you in the past year. You only need to get a new police records check if you have had
any new criminal charges. Google Chrome and/or Explorer are the best browsers to use: please do not
use Safari. To complete your form, log into your personal page at . If you experience
any problems, please contact for assistance. If you have any questions about
the Annual Declaration, please contact Karen at

No Room in the Inn
The No Room in the Inn (NRII) Committee of the Edmonton & District Council of Churches has extended
its appreciation for the stellar support of Northern Spirit Regional Council for its 2020 campaign. They
are really very pleased with the success of the campaign despite the challenges of the pandemic. The
campaign traditionally ends at Easter. Over $28,000 of the anticipated $40,000 has been raised thus far,
to support Catholic Social Services, specifically, two shelters for vulnerable women and children. To view
a two-minute video about playgrounds they hope to build, please click this link.
For more information, please visit:
Nominations Call-Out: Regional Council Chairperson-Elect
The Nominations Committee continues to seek out and invites nominations for vacancies, and right
now, in particular, a Chairperson-Elect and members for the Regional Council Executive. Volunteers are
the lifeblood of the United Church: we rely on the wisdom and talents that committed individuals bring
to their involvement in the work of the Regional Council. Nominations and self-nominations are equally
valued, so please consider where you might be involved, and talk to others about where they might find
a place in the Northern Spirit Regional Council as it continues to develop its mission and ministry. For
more information about Regional Council Roles or to complete the Expression of Interest and
Nominations form, please visit our web site:

United Church Members Reflect on Racism
This series continues with a reflection from the Rev. Sun Young Kim, who calls White people to listen to
racial and ethnic minority people, reflecting that, “As an ethnic minority, I should confess that it is more
difficult to deal with well-meaning progressive White people than with blatant racists … because their
racism is so subtle that only ethnic minorities can feel it. That is why I need humility from my White
siblings. I don’t want them to be discouraged that they sometimes hurt us without realizing it. However,
I need them to be humble enough to ask for guidance.” Read her full reflection here.
A reflection from Executive Minister Shannon McCarthy on dismantling White privilege notes that, “Like
many White people, I would not label myself as racist. It has taken time for me, however, to realize that
by not being actively anti-racist, by not recognizing my White privilege, by not understanding how White
supremacy affects so much of who we are as an institution and country, I am also not doing my part to
dismantle racist systems that are so rooted in our church. What I have tried to do as I came to these
understandings is not let it immobilize me in inaction, to not throw up my hands and say, ‘this is too big
of a problem’, and hide my head in the sand.”

Staff Announcement: Stewardship Animator - Western Canada
We are pleased to announce that Vicki Nelson of Regina, Saskatchewan, has begun her work as the
Stewardship Animator for Northern Spirit, and four other Regional Councils in western Canada. Vicki will
work with Communities of Faith and Regional Councils on stewardship education to improve
stewardship practices and to encourage the formation of generous disciples. Vicki is just now settling
into her position, and can be contacted by email to, and by telephone to 1-
800-267-3781, Ext. 2045.

Seeking New Participants in the KAIROS Prairies North Region
KAIROS is one of the United Church’s primary Canadian ecumenical partners. It has a broadly-based
grassroots network that engages communities and faith communities in its work for social and ecological
justice. It's looking to refresh leadership and involvement in that network's leadership for the Prairies
North Region (Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the Northwest Territories). Have a look at the detailed
description here. An online potluck to learn more is also being planned for later in April. Here in the
Northern Spirit Region, recent KAIROS-supported work has included climate justice engagement through
For the Love of Creation, and an event series on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Stewardship: Easter Worship Materials and Videos
All Stewardship materials are now available here. A summary of Easter resources was sent out to the
national Stewardship list, and it can be found here. For those of you streaming or recording services
(and those of you lucky enough to have connection in the sanctuary!), here is a short Easter Stewardship
video. A link to the national Stewardship Facebook group, Invite, Inspire, Thank, is here.
St. Andrew’s College Re-Aligning to Meet Challenges
The Board of Regents for St Andrew’s College has announced that it has begun the process to realign its
course programs to better utilize partnerships with other colleges”, and to be in a position to “better
respond to the needs and expectations of a more diverse faith community in a post-COVID world.”
The goal is for this change to allow the College to continue providing justice-driven theological
education, academic excellence and leadership practice while sustaining its long-term viability and
health. Please click here for more details.
A Town Hall gathering will be held on April 13, at 4:00 pm, to share updates since the adoption of the
strategic plan and the decisions re changes for the College. Please confirm attendance with Melanie
( by 9:00 am on that day, and send any questions you may have, that
will help us during our time together. Zoom information will be circulated prior to the Town Hall.

COVID-19 Concerns Continue …

Seeking Information and Guidance from the Church?
As we continue to face the challenges of the current pandemic, new information is produced almost
daily. In order to keep up with this kaleidoscope of change and concern, we invite you to visit our
Regional Council web site. If you visit the United Church web site, and search for “covid” you will find
links to a page on Faith Communities and COVID-19, as well as links to reflections, news, prayers, stories
of hope, and much more.

Resources for Online Congregational Annual Meetings
Many communities of faith are going ahead with congregational meetings online, and have many good
questions about voting. Here are some thoughts from Executive Minister Shannon McCarthy on not-so-
secret ballots and your community of faith’s online Annual Meeting. Here’s a good resource from some
of our kin in the Shining Waters and Canadian Shield Regional Councils that outlines the various options.
(Hint: there’s really no such thing as a completely secret ballot for everyone.) The Centre for Christian
Studies has just released a great recorded “how to” workshop (and a hilarious video that may sound just
a wee bit familiar).

Federal, Provincial and Territorial COVID Pandemic Guidelines
Please continue to check the Federal, and all Provincial and Territorial Governments for updated
guidance and direction related to the pandemic: Health Canada; the provinces of Alberta and British
Columbia; and the Northwest Territories.

Events and Learning Opportunities …

Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning Conversation Circles
This Spring, the Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning (FILL), a ministry of the Canadian
Council of Churches, is hosting a series of interactive conversations about race, gender, poverty and
social change. These guided conversations are a first step in a series of collaborative projects aimed at
addressing some of the challenges/barriers to achieving the Just Intercultural Society we are called
toward as people of faith. These talks are meant to provide a more personalized complement to the
learning events FILL will be offering around the same time. They are planning to meet on four Saturday
afternoons, at 2:00 pm (MDT), on April 17, May 15, June 12 and June 26. To reserve your place please
register at: We ask that you
RSVP by Thursday April 1 to ensure your place and allow time to engage with the materials. If you have
questions, please contact Niki Andre, the Conversation Circles convenor,

St. Andrew’s College 2nd #NoGalaGala
St. Andrew’s College is hosting its second #NoGalaGala online event on April 9, 2021, at 4:00 pm (MDT).
Registrants of this college fundraiser will be able to access this content exclusively on YouTube for the
first six months following the event. An invitational link will be sent out at the official launch time.
Whether you choose to watch on your own, or to organize an evening with family, friends and/or
congregants, please join Greg Torwalt, St. Andrew’s College Registrar, Richard Manley-Tannis, Principal,
and Shawn Sanford-Beck, Recruitment Officer, as they engage in a conversation with Greg’s music. As
those who support the college, we thank you for your ongoing trust to help us prepare disciples called to
go out into the world boldly and humbly. To view the preview, please click here. To be part of this event,
please register at: You will receive a tax-receipt for a portion of the registration
fee. For more information, please contact the College at 306-966-8970 or

Introduction to Indigenous Lands and Issues in Canada
Adrian Jacobs, Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre’s Keeper of the Circle, and Indigenous Elders from across
Canada, invite you to explore the cultural and historic foundations to today’s headlines. Join in this
series of online conversations in response to the Indigenous education mandates from Canada’s Truth
and Reconciliation Final Report. The next session is on Saturday, April 17. For a full schedule and further
information, or to register, please click here. Please check local times carefully, as each session varies.

United in Learning: A Variety of Learning Opportunities
United in Learning is offering several new webinars and workshops. To view a list and find more
information, please check visit their web site here.
                                        Northern Spirit Regional Council Office
                              13535 122 Avenue NW Edmonton AB T5L 2V7 780.435.3995

    Earl Reaburn, Pastoral Relations Minister                           Kathy Jackson, Administrative Support                                 
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