Operation CARIBBE continues - Trident Newspaper

Page created by Walter Daniels
Operation CARIBBE continues - Trident Newspaper
Monday June 28, 2021                             Volume 55, Issue 13


Operation CARIBBE continues
The coxswain of HMCS Shawinigan watches over the bridge wing as the ship departs
from Miami, Florida to take part in Operation CARIBBE on June 10. Note the individual
pictured and the photographer are not named to preserve operational security.
                                                                            CAF PHOTO
Operation CARIBBE continues - Trident Newspaper
2                                                                                                                                                           TRIDENT NEWS         JUNE 28, 2021


                                                              Making waves: Trio of HMCS Halifax
 Editor: Ryan Melanson
                                                              sailors write music and perform together
  ryan.melanson@psphalifax.ca                                 By Joanie Veitch,
  (902) 427-4235                                              Trident Staff
 Reporter: Joanie Veitch
  joanie.veitch@psphalifax.ca                                    When Sailor Third Class John Sty-         — while playing guitar in the Junior         College in Ottawa, he offered to help out
  (902) 427-4238                                              miest left on a six-month deployment         Ranks mess.                                  with production and sound.
 Editorial Advisor: Margaret Conway                           with HMCS Halifax on January 1st,               S3 Stymiest’s rap and hip-hop style         “He started playing with us...and
  margaret.conway@forces.gc.ca                                he brought his acoustic guitar, figur-       blends with S1 van der Kamp’s sing-          integrated perfectly. As he is more of
  902-721-0560                                                ing it would help pass the time on his       er-songwriter background to come up          a producer he gave us advice on that
 Editorial Advisor: Ariane Guay-Jadah
                                                              first deployment. He had no idea that        with something they describe as “folk        side which is incredibly appreciated as
                                                              in just a few weeks he would not only        rap” — “think Dallas Green meets             sometimes that’s what you need to not
                                                              find two other sailors to jam with, the      Classified meets Linkin Park,” said S3       get too carried away,” said S1 van der
                                                              trio would create original music and         Stymiest, who goes by the stage name         Kamp, who plays under the moniker
 www.tridentnewspaper.com                                     play at an event in front of the entire      Johnny GASH, in a nod to his navy            VDK.
 Trident is an authorized military publication distributed    ship’s company — including Hali-             life (a term used to describe ‘garbage         The combination of musical styles
 across Canada and throughout the world every second          fax’s Commanding Officer, Cdr Chris          aboard ship’).                               worked immediately, with MS Puff and
 Monday, and is published with the permission of Rear
 Admiral Brian Santarpia, Commander, Joint Task Force         Rochon, and Cmdre                                                                                S1 van der Kamp playing guitar
 Atlantic. The Editor reserves the right to edit, condense    Bradley Peats, the                                                                               and S3 Stymiest on main vocals.
 or reject copy, photographs or advertising to achieve the
 aims of a service newspaper as defined by the Interim         current Commander                                                                                “Johnny would just start freestyl-
 Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy dated April 11,
 2005. Deadline for copy and advertising is 10 a.m., 11
                                                              of Standing NATO                                                                                 ing over whatever we played and
 business days prior to the publication date. Material must   Maritime Group One                                                                               then VDK would sing a random
 be accompanied by the contributor’s name, address and
 phone number. Opinions and advertisements printed
                                                              (SNMG1).                                                                                         hook. The music comes so easy
 in Trident are those of the individual contributor or           Held onboard ship                                                                             with these guys.”
 advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or
 endorsements of the DND, the Editor or the Publisher.
                                                              while they were                                                                                    Music offers each of the sailors
                                                              docked in Stockholm                                                                              a great stress release while on
 Le Trident est une publication militaire autorisée par le
 contre-amiral Brian Santarpia, Commandant la force           in April, the talent                                                                             board ship and the different mu-
 opérationnelle interarmées de l‘Atlantique, qui est          show — dubbed                                                                                    sic influence has added a whole
 distribuée partout au Canada et outremer les lundis
 toutes les quinzaines. Le rédacteur en chef se réserve       “HMCS Halifax Eu-                                                                                new dimension. “It has forced
 le droit de modifier, de condenser ou de rejeter les          rovision 2021” — was                                                                             us to play different styles, so
 articles, photographies ou annonces publicitaires
 jugées contraires aux objectifs d’un journal militaire       a smashing success.                                                                              honestly it has just expanded our
 selon la définition donnée à politique temporaire des            “It was something                                                                             musical libraries,” said S1 van
 journaux des forces canadiennes. L’heure de tombée des
 annonces publi- citaires ou des articles est fixée à 1000     special to play our                                                                              der Kamp. “Playing music brings
 le jeudi précédant la semaine de publication. Les textes
 peuvent être soumis en français ou en anglais; ils doivent
                                                              music and see the                                                                                me back home and is a release
 indiquer le nom, l’adresse et le numéro de téléphone du      smiles and joy from                                                                              from the ship life, which honestly
 collaborateur. Les opinions et les annonces publicitaires
 imprimées par le Trident sont celles des collaborateurs et
                                                              the crew during a                                                                                is really nice to have.”
 agents publicitaires et non nécessairement celles de la      deployment where         S1 Francis van der Kamp, S3 John Stymiest and MS Colin Puff enjoy         With future plans to record an
 rédaction, du MDN ou de l’éditeur.
                                                              the normality of         playing music together on board HMCS Halifax while on deployment. EP to release on Spotify, the three
                                                                                                                               S1 BRYAN UNDERWOOD, CAF PHOTO
    Annual Subscription (25 issues):                          exploring different                                                                              musicians are looking forward to
    • NS: $37.38 ($32.50 + 15 % HST)
    • ON, NB & NFLD: $36.73 ($32.50 + 13% HST)                countries during                                                                                 bringing their music to the local
    • BC: $36.40 ($32.50 + 12% HST)                           port visits no longer existed,” said S3         “At first it was just something fun       music scene once they’re back from de-
    • Remainder of Canada:
    $34.13 ($32.50 + GST)                                     Stymiest. “We knew the ship’s company we would do on our off time, but soon               ployment, once the COVID restrictions
    • United States: $45 US                                   would be surprised, as they had never        we realized we had tremendous chem-          come down and they can perform at live
    • Abroad: $65 US
                                                              seen us play music together before. We       istry… and decided we would start            shows.
    Courier address:
    2740 Barrington Street,                                   mostly wrote in private so that we could writing original music together,” said             For S3 Stymiest, that homecoming
    Halifax, N.S.                                             give a little shock value.”                  S3 Stymiest.                                 can’t happen soon enough.
    B3K 5X5
    Publication Mail Agreement No.
                                                                 They won the talent show, of course.         A System Manager/Shipborne Air              “Two weeks into the deployment I
    40023785                                                     S3 Stymiest, who grew up in               Controller on his third deployment,          found out my partner was pregnant
    Return undelivered Canadian address to:                   Bathurst, NB and began playing music         Master Sailor Colin Puff heard about         which significantly increased the
    Trident Newspaper Bldg. S-93                              at age 12, works as a Sonar Operator         their unique musical style and brought       pressures of being away from home,”
    PO Box 99000
    Station Forces, Halifax, NS B3K 5X5                       on board HMCS Halifax. He first met          his guitar along to one of their jam         he said. “Music has helped me deal with
    Return Postage Guaranteed
    ISN 0025-3413
                                                              S1 Francis van der Kamp, a Weapons           sessions. MS Puff loved the blend of mu- the emotions of being away from my
                                                              Engineering Technician from Kingston, sic the two came up with and, having                loved ones...it has helped out my morale
    Circulation: Minimum 8,500
                                                              Ont. — also on his first deployment          studied music production at Algonquin        tremendously.”

Base parking resumption
By CFB Halifax

   On April 27, 2021, Maritime Forces                          public transportation for everyone.           · Windsor Park; and                       HMC Dockyard Security Office along
Atlantic transitioned to the Red (Limit)                       Parking fees have not been collected          · Willow Park.                            Valour Way adjacent to Rainbow Gate
posture under its COVID-19 Measured                            since that time.                              Personnel who require a parking           between the hours of 6:30 a.m. - 3:30
Risked Response Guideline, which                                 As we shifted to ORANGE posture on        pass, need to make changes to their         p.m., Monday to Friday.
reduced the on-site workforce to 50%                           Monday, June 14, Defence Team mem-          parking pass, or contractors who pay          Personnel who already hold and wish
density at any given time. In response                         bers have been gradually returning          by debit transactions for parking can       to keep their parking pass require no
to this new posture, CFB Halifax imple-                        to work and on-site activity has been       do so by scheduling an appointment          further action. Any parking-related pay
mented a “Weekend Parking Posture”                             increasing across the Base to levels        with the Parking Pass Control Section       deductions incurred during between
effective May 3, which was to remain                           that necessitate controls on parking        located on the second floor of building     May 3 and June 14, 2021, will be reim-
in place until MARLANT reverted to                             availability. For this reason, parking      S90. Appointments can be booked by          bursed automatically.
the “ORANGE” (Restrict) posture. This                          passes are now required at:                 emailing the Parking Pass Control Sec-        We thank you for your continued un-
weekend parking posture was meant to                             · HMC Dockyard;                           tion at CFBHALIFAXPARKINGCON-               derstanding as we gradually and safely
recognize the limited numbers working                            · Halifax Armoury;                        TROL@forces.gc.ca                           welcome members of our local Defence
on the Base, but also to offer increased                         · RA Park;                                  Personnel who wish to return their        Team back to the physical workplace.
flexibility and reduce dependency on                             · Stadacona;                              parking passes can do so by visiting the
Operation CARIBBE continues - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         JUNE 28, 2021                                                                                                                                      3

The Stadacona Band of the Royal Canadian Navy performs at the commissioning ceremony for HMCS Harry DeWolf on June 26.
                                                                                                                                                  MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA

HMCS Harry DeWolf
commissioning a
celebratory moment
after years of work
                                                                                     Three cheers from the ship’s company to mark the commissioning.
By Ryan Melanson,
                                                                                                                                                  MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
Trident Staff

  For the first time in nearly 25 years,    ronments, but that doesn’t take away       Other aspects of the commissioning,     ipation in Canada’s signature annual
the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) has           from the significance of the formal      which was streamed live for viewers       Arctic operation, Op NANOOK.
commissioned a new warship, with            commissioning and the tradition tied     online, included an indigenous smudg-       “We will begin ramping up for the
Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS)          to the ceremony.                         ing ceremony and address from Hon         departure a week before with Sea
Harry DeWolf now entering active              “Tradition reinforces operations,      Capt(N) Debbie Eisan, as well as a        Training, DRDC and other riders on
service following a commissioning           and events like our commissioning        video tribute to VAdm Harry DeWolf        board. For now, the ship and her crew
ceremony in Halifax on June 26.             ceremony draw inspiration and pur-       himself, who is now the first Canadian    have worked hard, and the friends
  The ship is the first of six Arctic       pose from our own recent milestones,     to serve as the namesake for an RCN       and families of HMCS Harry DeWolf
and Offshore Patrol Ships (AOPS) set        and from all of those that contributed   ship. HMCS Haida, the museum ship         deserve a break,” Cdr Gleason said.
to be delivered to the Navy over the        to the National Shipbuilding Strategy.   in Hamilton, Ontario famously com-
coming years, bringing with it new          This ceremony is about all of us cele-   manded by VAdm DeWolf during the
capabilities and a renewed focus on         brating our contributions in a formal    Second World War, participated in
operations in the Arctic region. It’s       setting,” Cdr Gleason added.             the form of a gun salute sent via video
the RCN’s first ice-capable vessel since      He was joined at the ceremony by se-   message.
the former HMCS Labrador was trans-         nior CAF and RCN leadership, includ-       The commissioning of Harry De-
ferred away from DND in 1958 - a move       ing LGen Wayne Eyre, Acting Chief        Wolf marks the end of an high-tempo
signed off on by Vice-Admiral Harry         of the Defence Staff, and RAdm Brian     program of post-acceptance sea trials
DeWolf himself.                             Santarpia, Commander of Maritime         for Cdr Gleason and his sailors, all
  “This is a moment in history where        Forces Atlantic and Joint Task Force     while navigating COVID-19 pandemic
we pick up where VAdm DeWolf left           Atlantic. Also present were represen-    restrictions and breaking new ground
off,” said Cdr Corey Gleason, HMCS          tatives from Irving Shipbuilding, and    in developing protocols for completing
Harry DeWolf’s first commanding             The Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc,        their duties while staying safe. While
officer. He’s been leading his crew in      Lieutenant Governor of Nova Sco-         excitement is high for an upcoming de-
preparation for this moment since           tia, who presented Cdr Gleason with      ployment, first on the agenda is some
2014, before the first steel for the ship   HMCS Harry DeWolf’s commissioning        well-deserved leave time. Planned
was cut, and he has spent the last year     pennant.                                 maintenance will take place over the      Cdr Corey Gleason, the ship’s command-
commanding Harry DeWolf through               With the pennant broken at the         coming weeks, while the crew enjoys       ing officer, hands the commissioning
numerous tests and trials at sea.           masthead, the commanding officer         the early part of summer at home          pennant to a member of his crew during
  Sailors have already gotten to know       was then piped aboard the ship, fol-     with their families before returning in   the ceremony.
the new platform and proven its             lowed by the traditional three cheers    August to prepare for the circumnav-                         MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
ability to operate in different envi-       from the crew and those in attendance.   igation of North America and partic-
Operation CARIBBE continues - Trident Newspaper
4                                                                                                                                         TRIDENT NEWS         JUNE 28, 2021

Participants in Exercise TRADEWINDS 21 included the host nation Guyana, along with Canada, the United States, France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Bermuda, and Brazil.
                                                                                                                                                                     CAF PHOTO

HMCS Shawinigan joins
21 during Op CARIBBE
  HMCS Shawinigan departed Halifax on June 2 to continue the Royal Canadian
Navy’s participation in Operation Caribbe, working with US Coast Guard allies to
disrupt illicit trafficking in the Caribbean Sea. While in the region, the ship also
                                                                                                HMCS Shawinigan participated in Exercise TRADEWINDS 21 in the Carribean
participated in the multinational Exercise TRADEWINDS 21, focused on increas-
                                                                                                from June 13-25.
ing cooperation among partners in complex security operations.
                                                                                                                                                                     CAF PHOTO

Members of HMCS Shawinigan take part in weapons training during Exercise TRADEWINDS 21.             Prior to their participation in Exercise TRADEWINDS 21, crew members
                                                                                    CAF PHOTO       from HMCS Shawinigan, along with the ship’s US Coast Guard Law
                                                                                                    Enforcement Detachment, prepare to launch the ship’s Zodiac as part of
                                                                               Daily oil            monitoring and detection duties on Operation CARIBBE.
                                                                               checks and                                                                            CAF PHOTO
                                                                               tests are an                                                                    A member
                                                                               important                                                                       of HMCS
                                                                               component of                                                                    Shawinigan
                                                                               keeping the                                                                     monitors the
                                                                               ship operating                                                                  ship’s engine
                                                                               smoothly                                                                        controls while
                                                                               while                                                                           at sea in the
                                                                               deployed.                                                                       Carribean on
                                                                                    CAF PHOTO                                                                  June 13.
                                                                                                                                                                     CAF PHOTO
Operation CARIBBE continues - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         JUNE 28, 2021                                                                                                                                             5

Padre’s Corner: Something beautiful
By Padre Major Derrick Marshall,
Senior Fleet Chaplain
                                            destitute and the dying in the streets of   little mantra became her theme. She be-      mendous physical, mental and physical
                                            Calcutta, India. It was in the course of    gan her life of service by making visits     needs in our own community is simple
                                            this work that she would teach impov-       to local pharmacies and asking if they       and obvious: we, too, can do something
                                            erished children, provide needlework        “Would like to do something beautiful        beautiful to help others. We should
                                            classes, look after the dying, found        for God?”                                    reach out to our neighbours with simple
                                            several homes for sick and unwanted            If the pharmacist agreed, she would       acts of kindness.Whether that means
                                            children, and establish Missions in         hand him a list of medicines she needed      engaging in a local community-building
                                            other countries.                            for those she was assisting. Her vast        project; serving at a food bank; deliver-
                                              The breadth and scope of her minis-       influence and ministries over many           ing supplies to the ill or shut-in; making
                                            tries is astonishing, for which she would   years began by simply trying to offer,       telephone calls to spouses of deployed
                                            later be honoured in numerous ways          and encourage others to offer, some-         sailors; giving a donation to a local faith-
                                            and even be canonised as a saint in 2016    thing beautiful for God, and by giving       based charity or service club; or lending
                                            by the Vatican. Despite her extraordi-      of themselves for the sake of others in      a helping hand at the local Military
                                            nary and inspiring influence in so many     need. She chose to serve God by serving      Family Resource Centre. We can all do
                                            ways she lived simply, prayed fervently     the poorest of the poor. Her life became     “something beautiful” to help the needy
                                            and always remained humble.                 a powerful example to many others and        at our gates. Thank you for all that you
                                              What struck me as truly extraor-          people soon flocked to join her in her       do to make others’ lives a little easier in
                                            dinary was that all of this work and        work, or to contribute what goods, mon-      a very challenging time! It is truly beau-
  I have been reading about the life of     influence began so simply: it began with    ey or talents they had to aid her Order      tiful and it is good for your soul.
Mother Teresa lately. She founded the       a simple act of reaching out, and by        in its various good works.
Order of the Missionaries of Charity in     attempts to do, what she called, “some-        Her inspiration and her lesson to us in
1948 and began her life’s work with the     thing beautiful for God”. In fact, this     a time of pandemic, where there are tre-

                                                                                  Face of Base:
                                                                                  Stacey Robichaud
                                                                                  By Sydney MacLeod,
                                                                                  CFB Halifax PA

                                                                                                                  a Canadian citizen at four      of for the past 16 years.
                                                                                                                  years old. She moved to         If that’s not enough, she
                                                                                                                  Nova Scotia from Mon-           also volunteers on the
                                                                                                                  treal when she was 12,          Board of Directors for
                                                                                                                  where she later attended        Senobe Aquatic Club as
                                                                                                                  Dalhousie University and        their Fund Development
                                                                                                                  completed her degree in         Coordinator!
                                                                                                                  Recreation Management.             When asked about
                                                                                                                    Passionate about her          Recreation Month (June)
                                                                                                                  role at PSP Halifax, Stacey     and why recreation is
                                                                                                                  loves telling people about      important, Stacey had lots
                                                                                                                  all of the fun, recreation-     to say.“The pandemic has
                                                                                                                  al opportunities offered        shown us just how much
                                                                                                                  through their team, and         we need meaningful con-
                                                                                                                  strongly encourages             nection in our day-to-day
                                                                                                                  CAF members and their           lives,” she explains. “As
                                                                                                                  families to get out and         restrictions begin to ease,
                                                                                                                  moving! For example,            we encourage [Defence
                                                                                                                  did you know that PSP           Team] members and their
                                                                                                                  Halifax has an equipment        families to get out and

Welcome to the team,                                                               Stacey Robichaud
                                                                                                                  loan program in Shearwa-
                                                                                                                  ter that offers SUP’s and
                                                                                                                  kayaks to CAF members
                                                                                                                                                  enjoy the wonderful recre-
                                                                                                                                                  ational opportunities that
                                                                                                                                                  Halifax and Nova Scotia

Hon Capt (N) Eisan!
                                                                                    We are thrilled to            free of charge?                 have to offer.
                                                                                  introduce a new Face              A proud military spouse          “Recreation is so im-
                                                                                  of Base: Acting Deputy          for 20 years and a mom of       portant as we all need an
                                                                                  PSP Manager Stacey              two fantastic kids, Stacey      outlet to help us unwind
                                                                                  Robichaud! Working with         doesn’t slow down when          and forget about our day
Honorary Captain (Navy) Debbie Eisan was officially presented her
                                                                                  PSP at CFB Halifax since        she gets home after work.       to day stressors.”
scroll & pin by Commander Maritime Forces Atlantic, Rear-Admiral
                                                                                  1997 (24 years!), Stacey        In her spare time, she             Thank you, Stacey, for
Brian Santarpia, on June 21. Hon Capt(N) Eisan is a 36-year veteran
                                                                                  is dedicated to providing       can be found nose deep          the value you bring to our
of the CAF, retiring at the rank of Chief Petty Officer, Second Class,
                                                                                  guidance to the numerous        in a book as she is an          Defence community!
and a valued advisor to senior military leaders on Indigenous matters,
                                                                                  programs that support the       avid reader. She is also
along with being the community events planner and resident elder at the
                                                                                  morale and welfare of our       a dancer with her local
Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre in Halifax.
                                                                                  local Defence Team.             dance group, ThirtySome-
                                                 MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
                                                                                    Stacey was born in            thing Dance Cooperative,
                                                                                  England before becoming         which she has been a part
Operation CARIBBE continues - Trident Newspaper
6                                                                                                                                     TRIDENT NEWS         JUNE 28, 2021

Members of HMCS Calgary’s embarked air detachment and flying stations firefighting team stand           MCpl Andrew Finnigan and Cpl Brendan Wales apply the
together with the ship’s CH-148 Cyclone on June 15 in the Indian Ocean.                                 detachment’s operational decal to the Cyclone helicopter.
                                                                                 CPL LYNETTE AI DANG                                                    CPL LYNETTE AI DANG

HMCS Calgary’s Cyclone decked out with new decal
By Peter Mallett,
The Lookout Staff

  Teamwork and coopera-           taneously. The second ring in      represents the aircraft and the    unique, but the appearance on        “I started making the design
tion are the main themes of a     Prussian blue represents the       contributions the RCAF brings      the new helicopter is unexpect-    and coming up with ideas in
new decal now affixed next to     original colour of the Royal       to the RCN,” explains MCpl         ed and a throwback to a bygone     my spare time while deployed
the pilot’s window on HMCS        Canadian Air Force. Within         Finnigan.                          era.                               on RIMPAC,” he said. “I didn’t
Calgary’s embarked CH-148         that circle, the white lettering     The mythical icons celebrate        “Affixing morale patches        think it was any good and was
Cyclone.                          HMCS Calgary HELAIRDET             the common goal of the navy        is something that we used to       surprised people liked it; they
  Last week, the Polyvinyl        and CH-148 Cyclone, with the       and air force as they work on      do when we took the Sea King       kept pressing me to go forward
Chloride decal, designed by       pop of a red maple leaf. In the    Operation ARTEMIS, now com-        [helicopter] on deployment. But    and submit it.”
MCpl Andrew Finnigan, was         centre circle, a piece of line     pleted, and Operation PROJEC-      honestly, I never thought we’d       So far, the reaction to the
affixed to the metallic grey      art depicts the winged horse       TION in the Indo-Asia Pacific      see a custom decal on the new      morale patch and decal is all
airframe.                         Pegasus and the bow and arrow      and Middle East region.            helicopter,” he says, but adds     positive, says Maj McMullen.
  The art embraces the many       wielding Artemis. A crescent         The same art is on the morale    HMCS Halifax’s air detach-           “The crew loves the decal
facets of Greek mythology and     moon and a sprinkling of stars     patch worn by the 21 members       ment is also designing their       and we’ve been receiving com-
astrology, says MCpl Finnigan.    round out the image.               of the detachment.                 own morale patch and decal.        pliments on it from the ship’s
The golden outer ring rep-           “Pegasus, her brother Apollo,     Helicopter Detachment Com-          MCpl Finnigan began             company all day. I really like
resents the Golden Shellback      and his horse pulled the sun       mander Maj Robert McMullen         sketching the morale patch in      the layers of symbolism that
milestone of a person crossing    across the sky and brought         says getting the morale patches    2020 during his downtime on        MCpl Finnigan integrated into
the equator and dateline simul-   light to the world, and this       affixed to their uniforms wasn’t   Exercise RIMPAC.                   the design.”

Rapid testing sites open at HMCS Scotian and
12 Wing Shearwater Sea King Club
By CFB Halifax

  Did you know that MARLANT COVID-19 rapid test-         1200 Open to all employees and contractors at 12 Wing     goal is to add an additional layer of protection to our
ing sites are now open at HMCS Scotian and at the 12       Eligible personnel must also meet the following         established Public Health Measures to prevent the
Wing Shearwater Sea King Club for eligible defence       criteria:                                                 spread of COVID-19 in the workplace. Rapid testing is
team members and contractors? Make rapid testing           • 16+ years old;                                        voluntary, and no appointment is required!
part of your weekly routine!                               • No COVID-19 symptoms;
                                                           • Have had no contact with people with COVID-19;          Additional COVID-19 rapid testing sites will be
  HMCS Scotian Rapid Testing Site:                         • Have not been to location with a known COVID-19       established in the near future for those working at
2111 Upper Water Street                                    exposure; and                                           sites other than Stadacona, 12 Wing Shearwater and
  Testing site hours of operation: Monday to Friday,       • Have not left Nova Scotia in the last 14 days.        HMC Dockyard.
0800 to 1300 Open to Stadacona & Dockyard employ-
ees including contractors.                                 Why? MARLANT has elected to set up and oper-              For more information on MARLANT’s Rapid Test-
  12 Wing Shearwater Rapid Testing Site:                 ate a voluntary COVID-19 rapid testing program to         ing sites, including a Frequently Asked Questions
15 Squadron Crescent                                     provide local defence team members with access            document, visit tridentnewspaper.com/rapidtest
  Testing site hours of operation: Thursdays, 0800 to    to weekly COVID-19 testing at the workplace. The
Operation CARIBBE continues - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         JUNE 28, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             7

HMCS Oriole heads toward Halifax Harbour after a recent training sail in the         The ship’s company of HMCS Oriole in 1958.
Bedford Basin.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                DND
                                                             MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA

HMCS Oriole:
                                                                                     way to reach out to the public like no                                                              and just ask questions,” the com-
                                                                                     other. The ship sails the Great Lakes                                                               manding officer says. “During non-
                                                                                     every summer (except during the                                                                     COVID times, you can come onboard,
                                                                                     pandemic) and hosts many day sails,                                                                 touch, feel and walk on the ship. We

Still sailing at 100
                                                                                     port visits and other events to show                                                                go to places and ports that other RCN
                                                                                     Canadians their Navy up close.                                                                      ships are unable to get to. We help to
                                                                                       “When we’re in port, the ship turns                                                               connect with Canadians on a different
                                                                                     heads and people want to see the ship                                                               level.”

  The Royal Canadian Navy’s (RCN)         are all teak.
longest-serving ship is a sailing            Originally built for George Goo-
vessel, and is still looking sharp and    derham, commodore of the Royal
working hard at 100.                      Canadian Yacht Club, the ship was
  Say Happy Birthday to Her Maj-          launched in June 1921 as Oriole IV
esty’s Canadian Ship (HMCS) Ori-          and served as the club’s unofficial
ole, built in 1921 as a private yacht,    flagship from 1924 to 1928. In 1941,
commissioned as a Navy ship in 1954       Oriole was sold to the Navy League of
and used by the RCN today for sail        Canada for Sea Cadet training, and in
training and public outreach. Over        1943 it was chartered to the RCN as a
its nearly seven decades in the Navy,     training vessel. After the war Oriole
Oriole has trained many a young sail-     was returned to the Navy League,
or, taken part in races and tall ship     was chartered again by the Navy in               Guaranteed Acceptance Critical Illness Insurance
festivals too numerous to name, vis-      1950 for training purposes, then final-          Assurance maladie grave à approbation garantie
ited ports the world over, and hosted     ly commissioned as HMCS Oriole in                Protection for the entire family
military leaders, prime ministers and     1954. Oriole even has a unique battle            Une protection pour toute la famille
royalty.                                  honour, the only Canadian Navy ship
  “Any command appointment is             that has it: “Dunkirk 1940,” granted             Limited time offer ends June 30, 2021
special, but being in command of          by perpetuation because she shares               Cette offre d’une durée limitée se termine le 30 juin 2021
the oldest commissioned ship and a        the name of a Royal Navy ship that
sailing vessel like Oriole is unique,”    won that honour.                                                    Exclusively for the Canadian Armed Forces
says Lieutenant Commander (LCdr)             Time spent training in Oriole                                    Assurance offerte exclusivement aux Forces armées canadiennes
Robert Pelton, Commanding Officer         teaches more than basic seamanship:                                 No medical questions, no examinations
of HMCS Oriole. “Only a select few        it fosters teamwork, self-confidence                                Aucune question d’ordre médical ni examen
people have had the chance to do          and leadership.
that, and on such an occasion as the         “Oriole is the only sailing vessel            Financial protection for 25 common critical illnesses (up to $50,000 of coverage)
ship’s Centennial, is very special        in the RCN and those members that                Une protection financière pour 25 maladies graves courantes (jusqu’à 50 000 $ de couverture)

indeed and is such an honour.”            have a chance to sail on board get                                  Contact your local SISIP Financial Advisor or visit sisipci.ca/promo
  Technically a Bermuda-rigged sail       an experience like no other,” LCdr                                Communiquez avec votre conseiller financier local de la Financière SISIP
training ketch, Oriole is a close cous-   Pelton says. “You are exposed to the                                                   ou visitez sisipci.ca/cipromo

in to a schooner, except its mizzen       elements (wind, sea, rain), it’s hard            NOTE: If you already have $50,000 of Guaranteed Acceptance Critical Illness Insurance under this plan, you may not apply for more under this offer. If you have $25,000
                                                                                           you may only apply for an additional $25,000. If you have previously received a Covered Condition Benefit payment under this group policy, you may apply but the
mast is smaller than its mainmast         work and requires a lot of teamwork              covered condition for which you received payment, as well as any related Multiple Event Covered Conditions, will be excluded from your coverage. REMARQUE :
                                                                                           Si vous avez déjà souscris à 50 000 $ de couverture à approbation garantie d’assurance sous ce régime, vous n’êtes pas éligible pour cette offre. Si vous avez

and is steeped further aft. Fully         as well as individual leadership.                présentement un montant de 25 000 $ d’assurance maladie grave à approbation garantie aux termes du présent régime, vous pouvez soumettre une demande
                                                                                           de couverture additionnelle de 25 000 $. Si vous avez déjà reçu une prestation d’assurance maladie grave aux termes du présent régime, vous pouvez soumettre

rigged, HMCS Oriole sets more than        Everyone that comes on board gets at
                                                                                           une demande mais la maladie ou affection couverte pour laquelle vous avez reçu une prestation, ainsi que toute maladie ou affection couverte aux termes de la
                                                                                           garantie protection MultiPrestations reliée, sera exclue de votre couverture.

1,200 square metres of sail – every       least some sailing experience which
inch of it worked the old-fashioned       will complement their career within
way, by hand: no winches on this          the Navy when they go back to their
ship except the one that lifts the an-    respective units.”                                                                                                                           iA Financial Group is a business name and trademark of
                                                                                                                                                                                       Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
chor. The hull is steel but the decks,       Just as important is Oriole’s role as                                                                                                     iA Groupe financier est une marque de commerce et un autre nom sous lequel
                                                                                                                                                                                       l’Industrielle Alliance, Assurance et services financiers inc. exerce ses activités.
cabin house, skylights and hatches        a floating ambassador for the RCN, a
Operation CARIBBE continues - Trident Newspaper
8                                                                                                                                       TRIDENT NEWS        JUNE 28, 2021

most modern
returns to the

  When Her Majesty’s Canadian               ed Docking Work Period (EDWP)
Submarine (HMCS) Corner Brook               since 2015 in Esquimalt. Repairs
began its undocking on June 13, it          included damage caused by a
became the most modern subma-               grounding in 2011 along with oth-    HMCS Corner Brook’s undocking on June 13 marked an important step on the road back to
rine in the Royal Canadian Navy             er more intrusive maintenance        operational service for the submarine.
(RCN).                                      routines that can only be conduct-                                                                             BABCOCK CANADA
  This undocking marked the                 ed in a long maintenance period
return of Corner Brook to Van-              in dry dock.
couver Island waters for the first            The EDWP also included sev-        suite. The difference between the BQQ-10       These modernized vessels are a critical
time in almost a decade. It is              eral notable upgrades such as a      and the previous 2040 sonar suite range        platform in the RCN fleet, which allow
also the first in a series of mile-         new communication mast called        from a significant increase in the amount      Canada to increase its presence and influ-
stones required for returning the           the Universal Modular Mast,          of processing that occurs after data is        ence abroad and contribute to maritime
submarine to operational service            which allows high-speed, high-       received from a Victoria-class submarine       security and stability, alone or in coopera-
alongside HMC Submarines Victo-             ly-secure, jam-resistant satellite   sonar systems to how that information is       tion with our allies.
ria and Windsor.                            communications with shore. It        displayed to the operators.                       In addition, Capt(N) Ouellet says the
  Corner Brook was in an Extend-            also received the BQQ-10 sonar         Corner Brook is now able to fire the         modernized submarines, which possess
                                                                                 Mk48 7AT torpedoes, a significant up-          formidable surveillance and intelligence
                                                                                 grade to the current weapon, the Mk 48         gathering capabilities, allow Canada the
                                                                                 4M.                                            capacity to defend North American waters
                                                                                   In addition to these upgrades, and sep-      and maritime approaches, and control
                                                                                 arate from the work conducted on Corner        or deny access to a substantial ocean or

       INSURANCE                                                                 Brook during this period, is the Victo-
                                                                                 ria-class Modernization (VCM) effort,
                                                                                                                                littoral area.
                                                                                                                                   “Submarines enjoy an unparalleled free-
       THAT GOES                                                                 which aims to ensure the submarines
                                                                                 remain operationally relevant until the
                                                                                                                                dom of action and independence,” he says.
                                                                                                                                “As a result of their unrivalled stealth,
       WHERE YOU                                                                 mid-to-late 2030s. This series of projects,
                                                                                 as part of VCM, will provide improved
                                                                                                                                persistence, and lethality, the mere
                                                                                                                                possibility that a submarine is operating
       GO                                                                        habitability and deployment conditions
                                                                                 for submariners and enhanced capabili-
                                                                                                                                undetected can alter the entire nature
                                                                                                                                of the theater of operations. If required,
                                                                                 ties to support continued contributions        that lethality can contribute decisively to
                                                                                 to Canadian Armed Forces joint opera-          combat operations”
       Rely on coverage with no                                                  tions as well as improving survivability          Submarines are some of the most
       exclusions for war, extreme                                               against current and evolving threats in an     complex pieces of machinery in the world
                                                                                 increasingly complex and changing battle       and operate in environments where they
       hobbies or sports.                                                       space.                                         experience tremendous pressure from
       Whether you’re on the                                                       The Royal Canadian Navy’s four Vic-          operations at depth, extreme weather
       frontlines or the home front,                                             toria-class submarines – Victoria, Corner      conditions, and the corrosive effects of
                                                                                 Brook, Chicoutimi and Windsor – are some       seawater. These environments require a
       SISIP Financial’s Term Life
                                                                                 of the most strategic assets within the Ca-    strict in-service maintenance schedule to
       Insurance is battle-tested                                                nadian Armed Forces. The wide-reaching         ensure the safety of the crew and mission
       for the rigours of military life.                                        capabilities provided by the submarines        success.
       Give us a call to explore your                                            are critical for supporting sovereignty           Under the current maintenance model,
                                                                                 and continental defence operations, and        one of Canada’s four submarine is always
       options. 1-800-267-6681
                                                                                 ensuring the navy has the necessary fleet      in a deep maintenance period known as
                                                                                 mix and capacity to support operations at      an Extended Docking Work Period. These
                                                                                 home and abroad.                               long, multi-year work periods ensure the
                                                                                   Despite their age, the strategic impact of   submarines remain safe, functional and
                                                                                 those modernized submarines is impres-         operationally capable.
                                                                                 sive.                                             Following HMCS Corner Brook’s un-
                                                                                   “The Victoria-class submarine is still       docking, the alongside, in-water testing
                                                                                 a very combat-capable platform,” says          portion of the EDWP will start, culmi-
                                                                                 Captain (Navy) (Capt(N)) Jean Stéphane         nating in a camber dive, which is a static
                                                                                 Ouellet, Commander Canadian Subma-             dive alongside to prove systems in a dived
                                                                                 rine Force. “With the current and planned      configuration. It is anticipated the camber
                                                                                 upgrades to the boats and a highly trained     dive and sea acceptance trials will begin
                                                                                 crew, I would take that platform into bat-     in the latter part of 2021, with a return to
                                                                                 tle anytime.”                                  full service in 2022. Eventually, Corner
                                                                                   Canada’s submarines are highly ef-           Brook will be transferred to the East Coast
                                                              SISIP.COM          fective weapons of strategic deterrence.       fleet based in Halifax.
Operation CARIBBE continues - Trident Newspaper
TRIDENT NEWS         JUNE 28, 2021                                                                                                                                            9

The ships of SNMG1, SNMCMG1, and other participants are seen at sea during the multinational exercise BALTOPS 50, which wrapped up on June 18.

BALTOPS 50 concludes for SNMG1 and RCN ships
By LCdr Mark Fifield,

  Standing NATO Maritime Group One          a naval response to an emerging crisis      no substitutes for being out here on the       “The multinational scale and scope
(SNMG1) and Standing NATO Mine              in the Baltic Sea region with multina-      water, putting in the hard work - doing      of these joint multinational operations
Countermeasures Group One (SNMC-            tional naval units conducting combined      the business. This is why NATO Allies        brings a lot of advantages to the table
MG1) concluded their successful partic-     maritime security operations to include     and partner nations participate in these     with each country bringing their own
ipation in US-led exercise BALTOPS 50       sea control and freedom of navigation.      collective defence exercises.”               unique set of skills, capabilities and as-
on June 18.                                 Air assets involved in the exercise           BALTOPS 50 presented a number              sets,” said Commander Wijchers. “SN-
  Exercise BALTOPS is the premier           worked with naval forces to provide air     of opportunities for both SNMG1 and          MCMG1 was well trained and equipped
annual maritime-focused exercise in         defence, maritime domain awareness          SNMCMG1 to work together to over-            with various high-tech Autonomous
the Baltic Sea region. It is designed to    and support for amphibious operations.      come specific operational challenges         Unmanned Vehicles ‘to do the job’ to
enhance mutual interoperability and            Two of NATO’s four Standing Naval        presented by the training scenario.          establish and guarantee safe passage
heighten operational readiness while        Forces (SNF), SNMG1 and SNMCMG1             For example, SNMCMG1 provided safe           for all other allied units so these can
enhancing or otherwise developing mil-      respectively, participated in BALTOPS       passage through the Danish Straits for       push through to conduct amphibious
itary capabilities to operate seamlessly    50 and interacted with each other           all units, by clearing Denmark’s Great       landings. During the clearing of the
with sea, air, land and amphibious          during a number of scripted and free-       Belt region of sophisticated sea mines       amphibious landing area three “no
forces of various participating nations.    play serials in the context of the train-   as well as Water-Borne Improvised Ex-        play” historical ordnance were found,
Furthermore, it also aims to deter any      ing scenario. This was the second time      plosive Devices (WBIED). This allowed        one aircraft bomb, an old mine and
possible aggression from potential          this semester that they had interacted      SNMG1 units to safely transit through        an air to air missile without warhead
threats and to reassure regional Allies     in the Baltic Sea, having previously        the straits in order to break out into the   which proves the importance of MCM
and partners of the Alliance’s unwaver-     done so in March. Commodore Brad-           Baltic Sea and begin conducting patrols      even further. By working seamlessly
ing commitment to protect and defend.       ley Peats, Commander of SNMG1, was          and other assigned tasks. Likewise,          together and playing off each other’s
  NATO has historically maintained          Commander of SNMG1– HMCS Halifax,           SNMG1 escorted and provided protec-          strengths, we adeptly handled every
a strong and enduring presence in the       HDMS Absalon, HNoMS Storm, HNoMS            tion to SNMCMG1 units as well as to          mission or tasking that was given to
Baltic Sea region and considers it to be    Gnist and FS Commandant Blaison             amphibious forces conducting landings        us.”
of deep strategic importance to the Alli-   as well as consorts HMS Albion, RFA         ashore.
ance’s security, stability and economic     Mounts Bay, USS Mount Whitney and
interests. In recent years, in line with    USS Thomas Hudner during the exer-
the security environment in the region,     cise. Commander Jan Wijchers (Royal
the exercise has continued to evolve to     Netherlands Navy), Commander of SN-
provide NATO and its partner nations        MCMG1, had Command of SNMCMG1
with the training and experience            flagship BNS Godetia, HNLMS Zierik-
required to preserve peace, prevent         zee, ENS Ugandi, FGS Sulzbach-Rosen-
conflict, promote security and stability,   berg, HNoMS Rauma, HNoMS Maaloy,
and reinforce the rules-based interna-      FS Andromede, LNS Skalvis, HMCS
tional order in the Baltic Sea region and   Summerside, HMCS Kingston and FNS
beyond.                                     Vatherpää.
  This year was the 50th iteration of the      “I can attest that both NATO Groups
US-led exercise and involved partici-       and other BALTOPS 50 participants
pation from 16 NATO and two partner         proved that they are highly capable of
nations, including: Belgium, Canada,        operating seamlessly in a multi-domain,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,          multi-threat environment where joint
Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, The      warfighting proficiency is essential
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain,         to mission success,” said Commodore
Sweden, Turkey, the UK, and the US.         Peats. “There are no easy shortcuts to
These nations in turn, contributed          get to the place we are now – and that is
approximately 40 maritime units, 60 air-    a well trained and equipped Naval Task      HMCS Summerside, second from bottom, was one of three RCN ships taking part in
craft, and 4,000 personnel. The training    Group that is highly interoperable, flex-   BALTOPS 50.
scenario for BALTOPS 50 focused on          ible and responsive. Further, there are                                                                                   SNMG1
Operation CARIBBE continues - Trident Newspaper
10                                                                                                                             TRIDENT NEWS         JUNE 28, 2021

              Sports & Fitness
Help develop
the new Out
Service program
for CAF sports
By Canadian Armed Forces Sports

  The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Sports Program is seek-
ing interested individuals to join a working group to develop
the new Out Service program to align with the new CAF Sports
Strategic framework.
  The purpose of the working group is to review, question, pro-
vide input and suggest improvement to the proposed structure
of the new Out Service program. Additionally, a new name will
need to be given to ensure the program meets the needs of our
members and maximizes the impact of sports by growing partic-
ipation and helping athletes achieve their maximal potential.
  In order to be considered as a potential candidate for the
working group, interested individuals are to communicate by
email to Frank Boyer at boyer.francis@cfmws.com as soon as
  The CAFSO is looking for interested individuals under the
following categories:
                                                                      Tuning up for the
  1. PSP Employees – Fitness and Sport Manager/Fitness and
Sport Coordinator
  2. Athletes, coaches, officials, athletic trainers – seeking
individuals at various levels, various ranks and from all envi-
                                                                      Navy Bike Ride
                                                                      Members of HMCS St.John’s have been conducting bike repairs for charity at HMC Dockyard
  The CAFSO will also identify potential candidates that have
                                                                      as this year’s Navy Bike Ride ramps up. The repair shop is open on Tuesdays from 8 a.m. to
participated in extramural programs including CISM and RIC.
                                                                      2 p.m. at the ship’s shore office - D125. Services include: Small Bike Tune-Ups/Repairs - $10
  When submitting your interest the following information
                                                                      - including full inspection, adjustment of brakes, drivetrain and headset, along with frame
must be included:
                                                                      clean-up. Large Tune-Up/Repair - $20 - this service adds full frame and drivetrain cleaning,
  a. Full name, rank (if applicable);
                                                                      along with any required installation of new parts. Bike repair lessons are also available for
  b. Unit, base;
                                                                      $15. Book an appointment by email with S1 Guida at christophe.guida@ecn.forces.gc.ca or text
  c. Work phone number;
                                                                      at 514-952-6766.
  d. Role within sport: Athlete, coach, official, athletic trainer,
                                                                         This year’s Navy Bike Ride kicked off on June 12, and more than 4,000 virtual rides have
or PSP employee (include job title)
                                                                      already been logged, totalling more than 100,000 kilometres. Participants have so far raised
  e. Any other information that is pertinent or applicant would
                                                                      nearly $80,000 for the Royal Canadian Naval Be nevolent Fund and Support Our Troops.
like to share.
                                                                      Find more information about the 2021 Virtual Harry DeWolf Challenge or register to ride at
  Members of the new working group will be selected to maxi-
mize representation of all stakeholders included in the proposed
                                                                                                                                             MONA GHIZ, MARLANT PA
revised Out Service Program.
  For more information about the current Out Service program
visit the current Out Service Request page at cafconnection.ca.
TRIDENT NEWS        JUNE 28, 2021                                                                                                                                   11

Recipe for recovery
By Deva Carr,
Fitness and Sports Instructor, CFB Halifax

   Congratulations, you had a great        gives you an opportunity to open
workout! If your heart’s still pounding    those tissues for better rehydration.
and your muscles are shaky, it’s the         2. Cryotherapy: A fancy way to
perfect time to start putting together     say – use ice! After immediate expo-
your favourite recipe for recovery.        sure to intense exercise or contact
Don’t wait! Why find out if you’re sore    sport, some athletes have a marked
tomorrow, if you can start feeling         reduction in muscle soreness if they
better today?                              ice, or submerge in an ice bath. Some
   Keep moving! The last thing your        experts suggest as long as 15 minutes
body needs after exercise is to stay       of submersion in an ice bath will have
still. Move around your house or           therapeutic benefits.
garden and as you move you can start         3. Compression: Rugby shorts have
to gradually add some of your go-to        been commonplace for years and
stretches and hydrate. This will help      brands like Under Armour have made
flush out all the broken down metabo-      compression garments famous in
lites from your muscles so there’s less    professional sports. These tight fitting
to stiffen up. While you’re stretching     sleeves or clothes can help to stimu-
and hydrating, think about what your       late blood flow through the area, can
body needs to build on the hard work.      help regulate the temperature by keep-

                                                                                        Don’t mess with
A balanced meal will set up the rest of    ing the area warm or wicking sweat
your recovery just perfectly.`             away from the skin, and have shown
   But you already knew all that, and      promise in scientific studies.
you’ve already set your sleep routine.       4. Manual therapies: When muscle
What are some next level recovery
   1. Myofascial release: Foam rollers,
                                           soreness is to the point where you
                                           have invested in not only your home
                                           gym, but your home spa, with sauna,
                                                                                        HMCS Calgary
rubber balls, and any number of prod-      ice bath, etc, and you still feel like you
ucts that might be right for you can of-   need more help on your recovery from         While HMCS Calgary has been busy smashing records with their multiple
fer some personally directed pressure      active living, then you may benefit          counter-narcotics interdictions at sea as part of Combined Task Force 150, the
on the muscles you worked out. It will     from seeing a professional. Physio-          crew has also been smashing the pads in their downtime. Cdr Meghan Coates,
definitely take getting used to, and       therapists are well versed in many           Executive Officer of HMCS Calgary, is seen here working out with a shipmate on
it will take time to understand your       modalities of manual therapies to help       Calgary’s flight deck in waters off of Oman on May 8.
body’s reaction to different amounts of    you, or they may recommend other                                                              CPL LYNETTE AI DANG, CAF PHOTO
pressure. But once you find the gold-      manual therapies like chiropractic
ilocks zone for your tissues, they will    treatment, massage, or osteopathy
sing for joy. Take the same approach       that may be specific to your care.
as stretching when you lean onto the         As always, it is best to consult a
roller the first time: 30-60 seconds,      healthcare provider if you are in pain
moving over or staying in one area         in case to determine if it is indicative
on a muscle group at a time. Again,        of a larger issue. Active living is best
just like while exercising, releasing      done regularly and in small incremen-
the sensation of tension in your body      tal doses.

                                                                                                     ESTABLISHING YOUR
                                                                                                    BRAND AND SUPPORT
                                                                                                   OF THE LOCAL MILITARY
                                                                                               For more information about our Sponsorship, Advertising and
                                                                                                Promotional Opportunities with CFB Halifax please contact:

                                                                                                 Missy Sonier at 902-721-6504 (Missy.Sonier@forces.gc.ca) or
                                                                                                  Peter McNeil at 902-721-8553 (Peter.McNeil@forces.gc.ca)

                                                                                                          CAFCONNECTION.CA/HALIFAX       /PSPHALIFAX
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