Page created by Ivan Robbins
 27th March
  3rd April
Editorial... I
                                  In the Winter issue of SUPPORT,               to improve COVID-19 vaccinations
                                  my editorial began with thanking              priority for transplant and dialysis
                                  the Irish Kidney Association (IKA)            patients.
                                  community for its support on the                  While it is a decision between
                            death of my father. So, it seems                    patients and their healthcare
                            surreal, to once again be thanking                  professionals on whether to
                            the IKA community for its support on                vaccinate, we wanted to ensure that
                            the death of my mother who died in                  patients had the choice. We liaised
                            January. I took time away from work,                directly with healthcare professionals
                            as we cared for her at home until she               and joined with patient advocacy
                            died. The Staff and Officers covered                group IPPOSI and international
                            for me and supported me, so that I                  colleagues.
                            could be with her. This greatly eased                   Our Board sent a letter to the
                            the burden of what was a very                       Minister for Health and key decision
                            difficult time for me and my family.                makers. We involved the media and
                                Too often, families, including many             facilitated people to share their
                            in the IKA community, have                          stories which highlighted how our
                            experienced grief, made worse by the                community had been
                            fact that they could not be with their              disproportionately disadvantaged.
                            loved ones who died alone in nursing                    We developed parliamentary
                            homes. It shows how far, as a society,              questions (PQs) for the Oireachtas.
                            we have to go in valuing and                        We hosted an online forum for
                            respecting people’s dignity and basic               Branches to give feedback. When it
                            human rights.                                       looked as if change was not going to
                                It is a great comfort to me, that I             happen, we set up an easy-to-use
                            work for an organisation which ‘gets                online tool so that patients could
                            it’ and understands how our loved                   email their local TDs. Using this tool
                            ones must come first and that people                over 9,000 emails were sent to public
                            deserve to be treated with dignity.                 representatives, and, working
                                I received so many lovely messages              collectively, our concerns could no
                            of kindness and support, and for that               longer be ignored.
                            I am most grateful.                                     Priorities for the vaccination roll-
                                My deepest condolences to so                    out were changed, renal patients and
                            many of you, who have also                          all transplant recipients between the
                            experienced the death of a loved one                ages of 16 to 69 being moved up the
                            in the last year and beyond. There                  priority list under the newly assigned
                            have been too many untimely deaths.                 Group 4.
                            Once this pandemic is over, we will                     In more good news, as we go to
                            find some way to properly remember                  print, vaccinations for renal patients
                            and pay our respects to all those who               have commenced, albeit with a
                            died and whose funerals we could                    temporary pause for AstraZeneca –

Contents...                 not attend due to COVID-19.
                                When I returned to work, my
                            focus went straight back into trying

                      FRONT COVER                   2         EDITORIAL
                                                                                welcome news for many of our
                                                                                readers and their families who have
                                                                                been cocooning for over a year. You

                      Mother and                    4         COVID-19 VACCINATION BEGINS FOR KIDNEY
                      daughter Claire                         PATIENTS IN GROUP 4
                      (right) and Sophie            8         ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK
                      Cody, who                     10        NATIONAL KIDNEY TRANSPLANT SERVICE
                      underwent a living                      ANNUAL REPORT 2020
                      donor kidney                  13        IKA AGM 2021
                      transplant last
                                                    13        COVID-19 HAEMODIALYSIS TRANSPORT
                      November, at their
                                                    14        THANK YOU MUM!
                      local Skerries beach
                                                    17        BRIDGING THE GAP
         ORGAN        promoting Mother’s
                      Day and organ                 18        BELIEVE THAT A FURTHER SHORE
         27th March
          3rd April

                      donor awareness.                        IS REACHABLE FROM HERE
                            Photo: Conor McCabe     20        RAISING THE BAR
2                                IKA S     U P P O R T   S   P R I N G   2021
can find more details in the article on                                                            activities that are going on as
page 4-7.                                                                                          you read inside about World
    This successful result was based on                                                            Kidney Day, plans for Organ
the indisputable evidence we collated                                                              Donor Awareness Week (27th
from Irish and international data which                                                            March – 3rd April), a patient‘s
showed the increased risks for renal                                                               experience of home dialysis, an
patients – dialysis and transplant.                                                                individual’s motivation to
   Compiling reliable verified data,                                                               undertake fundraisers for the
which strengthened our case for                                                                    IKA, patient reviews of the new
reprioritisation, takes considerable                                                               Dialyze clothing range, and
time and effort. Prioritising and                                                                  branch notes There is also a
communicating our key messages is a                                                                competition for gift vouchers for
team effort, and securing media                  Before this summer, we are                 renal-friendly ready meals and an
attention in a very busy world can be        planning an online members’ session            update on organ donation and
challenging. This detailed and time          to understand, what is most important          transplant statistics.
intensive work may not be very visible       to you the members. Is it automatic               I am very conscious that many of
to you the members, whom we                  medical cards, easier access to and            our members are not online and may
represent, but it is essential to making     more supports for home dialysis, ways          not be receiving our emails or taking
a successful case for better services for    to expand our kidney transplant                part in our online forums. With
our community.                               treatments or upgrading of dialysis            Government services increasingly
   It also really helped that so many of     units? So, get your thinking caps on.          moving online, and the restrictions of
you supported the campaign. It augurs            Our Board has also been working            COVID-19, such people are at a huge
well for the future, as we can build on      really hard, ensuring our organisation         disadvantage. So, we have partnered
these strengths and campaign for             is compliant with the Charities                with Age Action Ireland to provide up
better services and supports once we         Governance Code and also taking part           to six hours of free computer training,
agree with you, the members, what            in an independent review of the                for people over 55 years. All you need
are the most important priorities            Board’s effectiveness. We are very             is a smartphone. More details Page 31.
for you.                                     lucky to have so many committed and               I could not finish without
                                             enthusiastic people who are prepared           acknowledging, once again, our
 Accommodation Phone Number                  to give so much of their time and              heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to
                                             energy to the IKA, setting down a road         organ donors and donor families. As
                                             map to ensure we are ‘fit for purpose’,        we approach Organ Donor Awareness
                         is NOW the          remain successful in the future and            Week, their personal stories shared by
                       way to make a         that our members value our services.           donor families and transplant
                       booking in the            Given the current pandemic                 recipients reflect all that is good about
                        CLAYTON HOTEL        conditions, it is difficult for many           people.
                       DUBLIN AIRPORT        Branches to hold AGMs. The Board                  It has been my very real privilege to
                         (which will be on
                          the IKA account)
                                             has considered the position and                read about their experiences and
                                             agreed AGMs may be deferred. So                understand their incredible strength,
                          through our
                                             there will be no election of Branch            giving me and hopefully anybody who
                                             officers or Board Directors this year.         reads them inspiration and hope in a
                             Patricia,       The National AGM will take place on            very challenging time.
                             Frank or        the 4th of September.                                                   CAROL MOORE
                               Simon.            You’ll see the wide range of                          CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

23    THANKS A MILLION                                               42        KIDNEY DISEASE – RUNNING IN THE FAMILY
24    VITAMIN D                                                      45        HOME HAEMO – A PATIENT’S EXPERIENCE
27    TAXI TALES / HEAVEN SENT                                       46        FATHER HELPS SON RISE TO THE CHALLENGE
28    SOCIAL MEDIA & COMMUNICATION                                   47        21 DAY WALKING CHALLENGE
30    POSITIVE STEPS TO NAVIGATE YOUR                                48        DIALIZE CLOTHING
      WELLBEING THROUGH COVID-19                                     50        CORK WOMAN OPENS UP ABOUT HER SECOND
31    OVER 55 AND FEELING LEFT OUT ONLINE?                                     LIFE-SAVING KIDNEY TRANSPLANT
32    THE FORGOTTEN YOUTH                                            52        BOOK REVIEW
33    LAUREN’S PLEA                                                  53        ‘ONCE MORE WITH FEELING’
34    WATERFORD HEALING ARTS TRUST                                   54        AROUND THE BRANCHES
36    CORK SISTERS DOING IT FOR THEMSELVES                           62        MEMBERSHIP FORM
38    MEALS4HEALTH                                                   63        BRANCH SECRETARIES
40    ‘ALICE IN WONDERLAND’                                          64        ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK POSTER
                                               IKA S   U P P O R T   S   P R I N G   2021                                           3
C VID-19
                                                                            begins for
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit am met, consectetur
         adipiscing elit. Duis eu sem
                       pulvinar mau
                                    mper turpis, non
                                                                      kidney patients
We have been working hard on
                                                                          in GROUP 4
                                                       KIDNEY PATIENTS: PRIORITY FOR VACCINATION
your behalf, to improve the                            Criteria                                    Group 1    Group 3    Revised          Revised     Revised
priority assigned to kidney                                                                                              Group 4          Group 5     Group 7
                                                                                                                         Very high risk   High risk   High risk
patients for COVID-19
                                                       Over 65 years and resident in
vaccination. Obviously, your                           long­term care
decision to be vaccinated rests
between you and your                                   70 years and older                                         
healthcare professionals.                              On dialysis and aged between
   This work includes liaising                         16­69 years                                                            
directly with healthcare                               eGFR less than 15ml/min and
professionals, international                           aged between 16­69 years                                               
colleagues and politicians. We                         eGFR less than 30ml/min and
                                                       aged between 65­69 years                                                                
set up an easy-to-use online tool
                                                       eGFR less than 30ml/min and
so that patients could email their                     aged between 16­64 years                                                                            
local TDs. 9,142 emails have
                                                       Have received transplant and
been sent and we have now                              aged between 16­69 years                                               
ceased using the platform.                             Listed for transplant and aged
   The prioritisation has been                         between 16­69 years                                                     
reviewed and the following
                                                          Vaccinations have already started for              next few weeks. For logistical reasons, in
gives an overview of the revised
                                                       people in group one and two (green                    some cases the location may not be your
priorities for kidney patients.                        columns) with these groups attending                  hospital or clinic but may instead be in
                                                       their GPs for vaccinations.                           another public place such as a hotel.
       STOP PRESS                                         The very good news is that vaccinations
                                                       are now being offered to people in the
                                                                                                                People do not need to do anything, the
                                                                                                             HSE or your healthcare team will contact
    As we go to print, the AstraZeneca
     vaccination programme has just                    revised Group 4 (brown column).                       you when it is your turn to be vaccinated.
         been temporarily paused.                                                                               The HSE ask for your patience on this
          We are planning an online                    ARRANGEMENTS FOR REVISED                              as it will take a number of weeks to
     information event which will be                   GROUP 4                                               identify, contact and arrange vaccinations
     recorded and made available on                       If you are in this Group 4, vaccinations           for people who meet the criteria to be in
     our website. So visit our website
                                                       are being organised by your hospital or               this revised Group 4. Overall, there are
        for up-to-date information.
                                                       dialysis unit, who will be in touch over the          150,000 people in this Group 4.
4                                                                    IKA S   U P P O R T   S   P R I N G   2021
The National Renal Office are                         If you have had an immediate
                                           recommending people take the                          allergic reaction to any other vaccine
                                           AstraZeneca vaccine.                                  or injectable therapy, you should talk
        THE COVID-19                                                                             to your doctor before getting your
    VACCINATION IS FREE.                   SECOND DOSE OF VACCINATION                            COVID-19 vaccine.
  WHEN CONTACTED FOR YOUR                     You will be contacted for the
  VACCINATION APPOINTMENT,                 second vaccination, which will be due                 REVISED GROUPS 5 AND 7
   YOU WILL NEVER BE ASKED                 (per the manufacturer’s instructions)                    Planning for these groups is under
                                           12 weeks after the first dose is given.               way with further details on whether
    FOR PERSONAL BANK OR                   The risk of being admitted to hospital                GPs or hospitals will deliver the
     CREDIT CARD DETAILS.                  with severe COVID-19 is reduced by                    vaccinations to come shortly.
                                           94%, 4 to 5 weeks after just one dose                    For those patients falling into the
                                           of the AstraZeneca vaccine.                           eGFR groups (explained below) it is
                                                                                                 important you and your healthcare
                                           DO NOT GET COVID-19 VACCINE                           professionals know your eGFR, as this
                                           IF YOU:                                               will ensure you obtain the correct
   Different arrangements will apply
                                           • have had a severe allergic reaction                 priority.
for different allocation groups and
                                             to any of the ingredients in the                       GPs are currently giving the
these are being planned at the
                                             vaccine, including polyethylene                     vaccine to Group 1 and 2. Many GPs
moment.                                      glycol (found in the Pfizer/BioNTech                have created a standby list in case
                                             and Moderna vaccines) or                            people do not turn up for their
WHICH VACCINE?                               polysorbate 80 (found in the                        appointments.
    At this stage, the vaccine being         AstraZeneca vaccine) – the                             If you can travel to your GP within
given to Group 4 is AstraZeneca. The         vaccinator will ask you about any                   30 minutes, let your GP know this and
National Immunisation Advisory               allergies you may have                              ask to be placed on their cancellation
Committee (NIAC) has advised any of                                                              or standby list.
                                           • have had a severe allergic reaction
the approved vaccines are suitable for
                                             to a previous dose of the vaccine
use for patients in this group and that                                                          WHAT IS eGFR?
the priority was to offer an effective     • currently have COVID-19 or
                                                                                                    eGFR - Estimated glomerular
vaccine as quickly as possible.              symptoms of COVID-19 – wait until
                                                                                                 filtration rate is the best test to
    NIAC had also advised that it was        it has been 4 weeks since you first
                                                                                                 measure your level of kidney function
preferable for kidney patients to get        noticed symptoms, or you first
                                                                                                 and determine your stage of kidney
the mRNA vaccine if was available            tested positive
                                                                                                 disease. Your doctor can calculate it
soon. The reason for this, was because     • have symptoms of COVID-19 – self-
                                                                                                 from the results of your blood
NIAC considered that there was a             isolate (stay in your room) and
                                                                                                 creatinine test, your age, body size
better chance of a stronger immune           phone your GP to get tested
                                                                                                 and gender.
response to the mRNA vaccine in            • have a fever (temperature of 38°C                      The image below shows how eGFR
kidney patients.                             or above) – wait until you feel                     is used to determine the stage of
    However, the HSE has looked into         better.                                             kidney disease.
this and found that all the available                                                                                      continued next page...
deliveries of mRNA vaccine for the
next few weeks are committed to the                                                             mg/mmol mg/mmol mg/mmol
group of people aged 70 years and
older. It would take weeks before                           G1 Normal
                                                               or high
there was mRNA vaccine available for                                                       90
kidney patients and it is safer to go
ahead as soon as possible with the                          G2 Mildly
AstraZeneca vaccine. Vaccinations for
                                              GFR Stages

kidney patients have now started.                                   Mildly to
    Many of you will know that the first                   G3a moderately 45­
research study of the AstraZeneca
                                                               decreased 59
vaccine showed protection of about
60%, however, further studies
                                                           G3b to severely 30­
showed higher protection (above
80% in the most recent study), and                          G4 Severely
all of the vaccines, which require
two doses 12 weeks apart, provided
excellent protection against severe                         G5 Kidney
COVID-19 VACCINATIONS continued...               So, if you are not in any priority                        FUTURE UPDATES
                                              group yet, this may change in the                              We are working closely with the
16 TO 17-YEAR-OLDS                            future.                                                      HSE to get answers to all your
   Planning is underway to see how               The speed at which researchers and                        questions. To ensure we keep you
the Pfizer vaccine will be administered       healthcare professionals are working is                      updated, make sure you are on our
to this group. This is the only vaccine       inspiring. Expect further news and                           email list.
currently licensed for this group.            developments, with the situation
                                              constantly changing.
  International clinical trials are under     MISLEADING INFORMATION
way to see how safe and effective                There is a significant amount of
these vaccines are for children.              vaccination misinformation circulating,
                                              so we urge you to only consult
NOT IN ANY PRIORITY GROUP?                    reputable sources.                                             For up-to-date information go to
   The NIAC has stated: “This                    You might find the following                       
guidance will be subject to ongoing           sources useful:
review as more evidence becomes
available, about COVID-19 vaccines,            • National Renal Office (
their safety, efficacy, effectiveness,
impact on virus transmission and               • HSE information on vaccination (
population immunity, and as new
                                               • The European Society for organ transplantation – COVID 19 vaccines studies
vaccines are authorised by the
European Medicines Agency (EMA)
and become available in Ireland.
Different weighting may need to be             • Transplant Australia webinar on vaccination (2nd half more relevant)
given to different values and priority of
ranking as more evidence emerges.”

After cocooning for over a
year, there was almost a
palpable sense of relief
amongst the renal
community when the
COVID-19 vaccination rollout
for many in Group 4 finally
began in the second week in
   Members of this 'very high
risk' renal community, from
all over the country, proudly         John Moran, Dublin                                                   Ned Crowe, Waterford with his wife, vaccination nurse Deirdre
posted photos of themselves
receiving their long-awaited
first vaccine dose on social
media and WhatsApp
   The programme for the
AstraZeneca vaccine came to
a sudden temporary halt, as
a precautionary measure,
due to inconclusive concerns
reported around potential
side effects.                                                                               Stephen Byrne, Kerry

6                                                          IKA S   U P P O R T   S   P R I N G   2021

Phelim Pritchard, Cavan         Emma O’Sullivan, Limerick                              Eoin Hurley, Waterford

Betty Deering, Co. Offaly   Harry Ward, Dublin                                             Oisin O’Gorman, Waterford

Denis Hyland, Cork                       William O'Sullivan, Kildare                       Raymo O’Brien, Galway

                                     IKA S       U P P O R T    S   P R I N G   2021                                   7
Irish and Polish. We are embracing our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Angeline Ball,                                                                                                                                                                     heritage by including posters
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Actress and singer                                                                                                                                                                     translated into Irish. The poster has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    and aunt of a                                                                                                                                                                     also been produced in Polish to reach
                                                                                                                                                                                                       liver transplant recipient                                                                                                                                                                     out to this large community. According
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to the last census in 2016 Poland is the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      largest non-Irish population in Ireland.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      All posters are available digitally and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      can be downloaded from the IKA’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The words #Life is a Gift, Pass it On
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      encapsulates the transient beauty of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the ‘gift of life’ underpinned by the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      selfless generosity of human spirit. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      importance of discussion with loved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ones about organ donation and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      sharing your wishes is the cornerstone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of campaign messages. This decision
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for families to donate a loved one’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      organs is made easier when they know
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      they are honouring their wishes i.e.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      their wish to ‘Pass it On’. Research
The Irish Kidney Association (IKA) is pleased that the annual Organ Donor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             indicates families are more likely to
Awareness Week will proceed and take place from 27th March until 3rd April 2021.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      donate when they know they are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      following the wishes of their loved

       year ago, the 2020 campaign                                                           campaign, made us find other exciting
       was postponed and ultimately                                                          ways to run the campaign in a safe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       one.
       cancelled at short notice due                                                         way some of which are outlined here.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Moving away this year from
       safety concerns when COVID-19                                                            The focus of all the IKA’s organ                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      featuring a photo of a celebrity
reached our shores. This impacted on                                                         donor awareness campaigns lies in                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ambassador on the Awareness Week
our ability to have a physical presence                                                      emphasising the importance of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            poster, this campaign poster carries the
‘on the ground’ to promote organ                                                             discussion around organ donation i.e.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Life is a Gift, Pass it On theme and
donor awareness and the annual                                                               have the conversation #have the chat.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    features photos of 32 grateful
Awareness Week campaign. The                                                                 This year’s campaign will be built                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       transplants recipients (including heart,
necessity to social distance also hugely                                                     around the theme #Life is a Gift Pass it                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 lung, liver, kidney and pancreas).
negatively impacted on our ability to                                                        On and Share your wishes. These                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          These people are enjoying over 400
raise funds during what is normally our                                                      feature on campaign materials                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            years of extra life thanks to the gift
flagship fundraising week. It was not                                                        including campaign posters. The                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          of organ donation from deceased
safe for volunteer collectors, many in                                                       campaign full colour posters are                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         donors.
the high-risk category for COVID-19,                                                         available in three languages, English,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Similar to the Awareness Week
to have a physical presence on
the streets and in shopping                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AN TSEACHTAIN FEASACHTA I                                                                                                                                                                      TYDZIEŃ ŚWIADOMOŚCI
centres in towns and villages                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 LEITH DEONTÓIRÍ ORGÁN                                                                                                                                                                          DAWCÓW NARZĄDÓW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              DÉ SATHAIRN 27 MÁRTA - DÉ SATHAIRN 3 AIBREÁN                                                                                                                                                   SOBOTA 27 MARCA – SOBOTA 3 KWIETNIA
around the country.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           BRONNADH AN BHEATHA AR NA DAOINE SEO AR FAD                                                                                                                                                    WSZYSCY CI LUDZIE OTRZYMALI ‘DAR ŻYCIA’

   As COVID-19 still prevails a        THOMAS, LUNG, 2016            tara, liver, 2012             mick, heart, 2017              AINE MAE, KIDNEY/PANCREAS, 2017        paul, lung, 2013             keela, heart, 2009         ken, heart, 2016              anna, duán, 2017                tara, ae, 2012            mick, croí, 2017      AINE MAE, DUÁN/PAINCRÉAS, 2017   paul, scamhóg, 2013      keela, croí, 2009        ken, croí, 2016           anna, nerka, 2017            tara, wątroba, 2012              mick, serce, 2017              AINE MAE, NERKA/TRZUSTKA, 2017        paul, płuca, 2013            keela, serce, 2009       ken, serce, 2016

year later, and it looks like it will
be around for some time, we       VERA, LUNG, 1988/KIDNEY, 2009     JASON, KIDNEY, 2006            GINA, heart, 2015                     MIKE, LIVER, 2007             SUSAN, KIDNEY, 2019          NARENDER, KIDNEY, 2018   CATHRIONA, KIDNEY, 1990    VERA, SCAMHÓG, 1988/DUÁN, 2009       JASON, DUÁN, 2006           GINA, croí, 2015              MIKE, AE, 2007            SUSAN, DUÁN, 2019     NARENDER, DUÁN, 2018   CATHRIONA, DUÁN, 1990    VERA, PŁUCA, 1988/NERKA, 2009      JASON, NERKA, 2006              GINA, serce, 2015                   MIKE, WĄTROBA, 2007             SUSAN, NERKA, 2019          NARENDER, NERKA, 2018   CATHRIONA, NERKA, 1990

have decided to proceed with                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BRONNTANAS NA BEATHA                                                                                                                                                                         #ŻYCIE JEST DAREM
an Organ Donor Awareness             lexi, liver/kidney, 2016        tony, liver, 1993       LEXI MURPHY, LIVER/KIDNEY, ? YEARS         val kennedy, LUNG, 2016     MARY VERBRUGGAN, KIDNEY, 2017     eddie, kidney, 1983    bernadette, kidney, 1979         lexi, ae/duán, 2016              tony, ae, 1993         CUIR AR AGHAIDH É                                                                  eddie, duán, 1983    bernadette, duán, 1979    lexi, wątroba/nerka, 2016        tony, wątroba, 1993       PRZEKAZ JE DALEJ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   LEXI MURPHY, WĄTROBA/NERKA, ? YEARS        val kennedy, PŁUCA, 2016     MARY VERBRUGGAN, NERKA, 2017     eddie, nerka, 1983    bernadette, nerka, 1979

Week campaign this year but             edel, liver, 2018            PAUL, KIDNEY, 2008          claire, KIDNEY, 2014                  darragh, kidney, 2013           saoirse, liver, 2014          cliona, heart, 2014        paul, kidney, 2003            claire, DUÁN, 2014              PAUL, DUÁN, 2008        THOMAS, SCAMHÓG, 2016         darragh, duán, 2013          saoirse, ae, 2014      cliona, croí, 2014       paul, duán, 2003           claire, NERKA, 2014            PAUL, NERKA, 2008            THOMAS, PŁUCA, 2016                  darragh, nerka, 2013           saoirse, wątroba, 2014         cliona, serce, 2014       paul, nerka, 2003

with most of our activities
online. Being forced to move          rachel, kidney, 1996        isabel, heart/lung, 2017    bernard ÓG, KIDNEY, 2016                   AOIFE, LIVER, 2015              VAL, LUNG, 2016            PRANATHI, HEART, 2017     ANGELINE, KIDNEY, 1996          rachel, duán, 1996         isabel, croí/scamhóg, 2017   bernard ÓG, DUÁN, 2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NÍOS MÓ NÁ 400+ BLIAIN BHREISE DEN BHEATHA A BHUÍOCHAS LE DEONÚ ORGÁN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       AOIFE, AE, 2015          VAL, SCAMHÓG, 2016     PRANATHI, CROÍ, 2017    ANGELINE, DUÁN, 1996         rachel, nerka, 1996        isabel, serce/płuca, 2017

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PONAD 400+ LAT DODATKOWEGO ŻYCIA DZIĘKI ODDANIU NARZĄDÓW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      bernard ÓG, NERKA, 2016                 AOIFE, WĄTROBA, 2015              VAL, PŁUCA, 2016          PRANATHI, SERCE, 2017    ANGELINE, NERKA, 1996

away from the traditional                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Roinn do chuid mianta                                                                                                                                                                        Podziel się swoimi życzeniami
methods we previously                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Suíomh:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          LE CÁRTAÍ DEONTÓRA ORGÁN A FHÁIL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CUIR TÉACS SAOR IN AISCE LEIS AN                                                                            Internetowej:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           W PRZYPADKU KART DAWCÓW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          NARZĄDÓW WYŚLIJ SMS O TREŚCI

employed, for the annual                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fón:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          UIMHIR CHLÁRAITHE CHARTHANACHTA:20011260                                       BHFOCAL           DONOR GO 50050                                                                               Telefon:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        NR REJESTRACYJNY ORGANIZACJI CHARYTATYWNEJ: 20011260                                             DONOR POD NUMER 50050

8                                                                                                                                                           IKA S                                               U P P O R T                                                       S       P R I N G                                              2021
Tomas Caffrey (21), a liver transplant recipient                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Kidney patient John Egan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (30), a former
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Senior footballer

dated poster, a
                              ORGAN DONORS                                      which celebrates organ donation,                                                                                                                                                                                employed: #LifeIsAGift,
generic poster
is also                       SAVE LIVES                      SHARE YOUR WISHES
                                                                                symbolising the hope organ
                                                                                donors provide to patients in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                #DonorWeek21 and tagging the Irish
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Kidney Association (@IrishKidneyAs on
available                                                                       need and their families. By                                                                                                                                                                                     Twitter, @IrishKidneyA on Instagram &
which can be                   THOMAS, LUNG, 2016             tara, liver, 2012
                                                                                lighting up public sites in green
                                                                                          mick, heart, 2017         AINE MAE, KIDNEY/PANCREAS, 2017             paul, lung, 2013                     keela, heart, 2009         ken, heart, 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                @IrishKidneyAssociation on Facebook).
used all year             VERA, LUNG, 1988/KIDNEY, 2009      JASON, KIDNEY, 2006
                                                                                we are drawing attention to
                                                                                           GINA, heart, 2015               MIKE, LIVER, 2007                  SUSAN, KIDNEY, 2019                  NARENDER, KIDNEY, 2018   CATHRIONA, KIDNEY, 1990
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   We also encourage our members
round. This                                                                     organ donation being an integral                                                                                                                                                                                and the wider public to support the
includes an                  lexi, liver/kidney, 2016         tony, liver, 1993 part of active citizenship and that
                                                                                     MARIE, KIDNEY/PANCREAS, 2011         KEVIN, HEART, 2014          deirdre, Heart/Lung 1996, Kidney 2009/2017     eddie, kidney, 1983    bernadette, kidney, 1979                                            campaign by organising their own
additional ten                                                                  we should have the family                                                                                                                                                                                       socially distanced awareness activities
transplant                                                                      discussion about our organ                                                                                                                                                                                      and challenges. As well as generating
                                edel, liver, 2018            PAUL, KIDNEY, 2008          claire, KIDNEY, 2014            darragh, kidney, 2013               saoirse, liver, 2014                   cliona, heart, 2014        paul, kidney, 2003

recipients who,             GARRETT, LUNG, 2013/2014
                                                                                donor wishes.
                                                          sandra, liver, 2003/2017       stephen, lung, 2013             noretta, kidney, 2018                sinead, liver, 2011                    rose, kidney, 2000      elizabeth, liver, 2006
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                organ donor awareness, some of these
between                                                                             From dusk to dawn over 30                                                                                                                                                                                   might incorporate a fundraising aspect
them, are                     rachel, kidney, 1996

                         520+ YEARS OF EXTRA LIFE THANKS TO ORGAN DONATION
                                                          isabel, heart/lung, 2017
                                                                                            will be lit up in green,
                                                                                       bernard ÓG, KIDNEY, 2016            AOIFE, LIVER, 2015                   VAL, LUNG, 2016                    PRANATHI, HEART, 2017     ANGELINE, KIDNEY, 1996
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                where funds can be channelled
enjoying more                                             Website:
                                                                                undoubtedly prompting much
                                                                                                                                                          FOR ORGAN DONOR CARDS
                                                                                                                                                                  FREE TEXT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                through online platforms such as
                                                        DONOR 50050
than 520 years                                                                  discussion around organ
                                                          CHARITY REGISTRATION NO. 20011260                                                                                                                TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Facebook or GoFundMe or asking
of extra life.                                                         donation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                people to donate directly to the IKA
    The online national launch for                                           We are encouraging lots of sharing                                                                                                                                                                                 through its website platform
Organ Donor Awareness Week 2021                                        of messages in support of organ                                                                                                                                                                                
on Tuesday 23rd March included video donation on social media and will be                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Some people commenced a 21 Day
presentations by transplant recipients                                 prompting some of these through                                                                                                                                                                                          Walking Challenge on World Kidney
and a deceased donor family sharing                                    videos.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Day (11th March) which would
their health stories. The videos were                                        Well-known personalities and Irish                                                                                                                                                                                 conveniently conclude during Organ
recorded at different locations around                                 diaspora from around the world,                                                                                                                                                                                          Donor Awareness Week. The beauty of
the country in advance and will be                                     (including New Zealand, Malaysia,                                                                                                                                                                                        the challenge is that you can chose to
rolled out on the IKA’s social media                                   Australia, Canada, America, Europe                                                                                                                                                                                       commence it at any time but commit
around the Week.                                                       and South Africa), who have been                                                                                                                                                                                         to doing it on 21 consecutive days.
    For the very first time,                                           touched by organ donation, have                                                                                                                                                                                          While undertaking it we encourage
demonstrating widescale solidarity in                                  come behind the videos of passing on                                                                                                                                                                                     people to post photos of their progress
support of organ donation, a large                                     the organ donor card.                                                                                                                                                                                                    online whilst giving a mention to
number of County and City Councils                                           The talented and widely acclaimed                                                                                                                                                                                  Organ Donor Awareness Week. More
around the country have committed to actress and singer Angeline Ball is                                                                                                                                                                                                                        details on this Walking Challenge are
lighting up public sites at night in the                               lending her support to this initiative as                                                                                                                                                                                on page 47.
colour green. Green is the                                             it is a cause close to her heart. Her                                                                                                                                                                                       The IKA is grateful to the Irish
internationally recognised colour                                      niece Saoirse Perry underwent a liver                                                                                                                                                                                    Pharmacy Union for distributing our
  The Mansion House, Dublin                                                          transplant. Former                                                                                                                                                                                         awareness posters to 1,850
                                                                                     ambassadors for organ                                                                                                                                                                                      pharmacies around the country. The
                                                                                     donor awareness, who                                                                                                                                                                                       poster will also be a background star
                                                                                     feature on the videos                                                                                                                                                                                      on the RTÉ Faircity set for some of the
                                                                                     promoting Life is a Gift, Pass                                                                                                                                                                             scenes output during Awareness
                                                                                     it On, include Vivienne                                                                                                                                                                                    Week. For three weeks’ leading up to
                                                                                     Traynor, Mary Kennedy and                                                                                                                                                                                  and including Organ Donor Awareness
                                                                                     Ray D’Arcy.                                                                                                                                                                                                Week Adshel poster sites, located in
                                                                                         In social media posts                                                                                                                                                                                  30 shopping centres around the
                                                                                     promoting Organ Donor                                                                                                                                                                                      country, displayed the campaign
                                                                                     Awareness Week the                                                                                                                                                                                         poster. A full list of sites is available on
                                                                                     following hashtags were                                                                                                                                                                                    the IKA website.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         IKA S         U P P O R T    S   P R I N G   2021                                                9

                                             60                   Derry




                     B Braun                          97
               67    Galway                            B Braun
                                 Tipperary              Fresenius
                                   North                Kilkenny
               132                                         61
                                                                              B Braun
               82    Fresenius         Tipperary                              Wexford
                     Limerick            South
     56                                                                         44                                 Fresenius
                                                                                                              89   Northern
                                                                    116                                              Cross
                                                                                                    84 5
               168                                                                                      72

                                                                                             106      112
                                                                                     Tallaght 102

10                        IKA S     U P P O R T   S   P R I N G    2021
 Dialysis Facility                HAEMO           HOME DIALYSIS                        TOTAL DIALYSIS TRANSPLANT TOTAL ESKD
 ADULTS                             HD           HHD        PD                           PATIENTS      AT CLINIC  PATIENTS
 Beaumont                          169            20        54                              243           782       1025
 Mater                              84                       9                               93           135        228
 Fresenius Northern Cross           89                                                       89                       89
 Beacon Drogheda                    99                                                       99                       99
 Cavan                              63                                                       63            19         82
 St. Vincent’s                      72                                     6                 78           170        248
 Beacon Sandyford                  112                                                      112                     112
 Tallaght Hospital                 106               4                    57                167           339        506
 Beacon Tallaght                   102                                                      102                     102
 Tullamore                          97                                                       97            65        162
 B Braun Portlaoise                 22                                                       22                       22
 Cork                              168               18                   30                216           391        607
 Waterford                         116               2                    33                151           186        337
 Fresenius Kilkenny                 61                                                       61                       61
 B Braun Wexford                    44                                                       44                       44
 Tralee                             56                                                       56                       56
 Limerick                          132               11                   14                157           136        293
 Fresenius Limerick                 82                                                       82                       82
 Galway                             76               3                    22                101           232        333
 B Braun Galway                     67                                                       67                       67
 Castlebar                          70                                                       70                       70
 Letterkenny                        60                                                       60            77        137
 Sligo                              57                                                       57            34         91
 Northern Ireland                    5                                                        5                        5
 ADULT TOTALS                      2009              58                  225               2292          2566       4858
 CHILDREN Temple St, Crumlin         5                                    13                 18            55         73
 OVERALL TOTALS                    2014              58                  238               2310          2621       4931

       s of December 31st, 2020 there            The percentage of patients on home                       hospitals are working to
       were 4,931 people with End Stage       therapies (peritoneal dialysis and home                     increase their capacity to offer
       Kidney Disease (ESKD) registered in    haemodialysis) continues to remain                          these treatments.
       Ireland. With 53.2% of these living    comparatively low with a total of only                         With one-third of centre-
with a functioning kidney transplant,         6% of the ESKD population being treated                     based dialysis being delivered
Ireland continues to be one of the few        in this way. The COVID-19 pandemic has                      by commercial providers, the
countries in Europe with over half of its     seen an increased interest in home                          HSE has to be careful not to
ESKD population being treated with a          therapies from patients and it is                           lose sight of the need to have
functioning transplant.                       encouraging to hear that some of the                        the capacity to offer home
                                                                                                          therapies. World Kidney Day
 IRISH DIALYSIS PATIENTS - 31/12/20                                                                       in March had the theme
                                                          Patients                          %             ‘Living Well with Kidney
Centre Haemodialysis                                       2014                            87.2           Disease’ and this includes
                                                                                                          patients having the choice of
Home Haemodialysis                                           58                            2.5            the optimal form of
Peritoneal Dialysis                                         238                            10.3           treatment.
Total Dialysis Patients:                                   2310                            100               2020 was a unique year for
                                                                                                          so many reasons. We saw the
      IRISH ESKD PATIENTS - 31/12/20                                                                      number of people living with
                                                                                                          a functioning transplanted
                                             Patients               %                      PMP            kidney actually drop. It may
Transplanted                                  2621                 53.2                    527            have only been by 4 but when
Centre Haemodialysis                          2014                 40.8                    405            we are used to seeing
                                                                                                          increases in the range of +/-
Peritoneal Dialysis                            238                 4.8                      48
                                                                                                          100, it is significant and a
Home Haemodialysis                              58                 1.2                      12            reminder that we need to re-
Total ESKD Patients:                          4931                 100                     992            double our efforts to promote
PMP = Per Million of Population                                                    Population 4,977,400                      continued next page ©

                                             IKA S   U P P O R T   S   P R I N G    2021                                                     11

organ donation amongst the      looking at the bigger                                   Over half of all patients,           haemodialysis is absorbed
public whilst also advocating   picture. There needs to be                           53.15% (2,621) are                      mainly by the contracted
for increased resources to      an understanding of the                              transplanted. I cannot                  satellite units which more
support greater rates of        reasons behind the                                   emphasise enough how                    than doubled in patients
transplantation.                disproportionate growth in                           few countries there are                 and, over the years, went
   The number of patients       people with ESKD to                                  with this high level of                 from 5 to 9 new centres
with ESKD continues its         understand how to                                    transplant versus dialysis              across the country. Home
inexorable climb as we          address it.                                          patients. It is the pride of            haemodialysis has hovered
reached 4,931. We are now          Only 296 (12.81%)                                 our renal services and                  around 50 patients in
looking at an incidence of      patients are on ‘home                                making the transplant                   recent years and peritoneal
recorded ESKD of 1-in-1000      therapies’ across the                                figure even better is a goal            around 200 or so.
of our national population      country. I expect that more                          everyone aspires to.                       The overall growth of
or 0.1%. That may seem          people will consider the                                The one-year changes                 patients from 3,699 to
insignificant in the larger     options of peritoneal and                            show 60 extra                           4,931 (33%) in the ten-
scheme of things but it         home haemodialysis in the                            haemodialysis patients and              years was expected and
means ‘everything’ for those    future, if they are deemed                           97 more transplant                      there is no reason to
affected by ESKD. It is         suitable, however the                                patients at clinic. The ten-            believe that the level of
noteworthy that the cost of     reality is that not                                  year comparisons which                  annual growth of 3.3%
treatment is                    everyone is.                                         highlight the growth in                 will not continue.
disproportionate to the
number of patients when                                            ONE-YEAR COMPARISONS
looking at the overall health
                                 TREATMENT                                                   2020              2019         % CHANGE             PATIENTS
budget. Previous
                                 CENTRE HAEMODIALYSIS                                        2014              1933           +4.2%                +81
governments have realised
                                 PERITONEAL DIALYSIS                                             238            211           +12.8%                   +27
that treatment with a
                                 HOME HAEMODIALYSIS                                              58             52            +11.5%                    +6
transplanted kidney is
significantly more cost-         TRANSPLANT                                                  2621              2625           -0.15%                    -4
effective than treatment by      ESKD TOTAL                                                  4931              4821           +2.3%                    +110
dialysis. Investment in
sense as it is the gold medal                                                               2020               2010        CHANGE IN NO.        CHANGE IN %
standard of treatment for        HSE Hospital Renal Unit                                    1205               1069            +136                +12.7
those suitable for transplant    HSE Hospital Satellite Unit                                 126               144                 -18                 -12.5
AND it is more cost efficient    Commercial Satellite Unit                                   678               332                 +346                +104.2
too.                             Northern Ireland                                                5              9                   -4                 -44.4
   Reflecting on the past        Home Haemodialysis                                          58                11                  +47                 +427.3
decade we have seen
                                 Peritoneal Dialysis                                         238               206                 +32                 +15.5
significant growth in the
                                 All Dialysis                                               2310               1793                +517                +28.8
provision of dialysis by the
                                 Transplant (Adult)                                         2621               1906                +715                +37.5
commercial providers with
                                 TOTAL ESKD PATIENTS                                        4931               3699            +1232                   +33.3
an increase of 104%. The
dialysis population has gone     Population in Ireland                                   4,977,400          4,470,000        +507,400              +11.4%
up by 29% whilst the
transplant population has
gone up by 37%.                  NO. OF PATIENTS ON DIALYSIS DECEMBER 2011-2020
   The real stand out                               2400

observation from the last ten                                                                                                                                2310
years is that whilst the
population of our country                           2200
                                  No. of Patients

increased by 11.4%, the                                                                                                                         2196
number of people with                               2100
ESKD increased by 33%.                                                                                  2015        2075    2074
This can be partly attributed                       2000
to improving rates of
diagnosis but at the same                           1900
time, it is a worrying trend.                                        1828        1831        1894
The health service needs to                         1800
take this growth into                                      1795

account when developing                             1700
                                                           2011     2012         2013        2014       2015        2016    2017         2018   2019         2020
renal services nationally and
12                                                         IKA S   U P P O R T   S   P R I N G       2021
Given the current pandemic conditions, it is difficult for many
  Branches to hold AGMs. The Board has considered the position
             and outline the following arrangements:
1. Branches will defer their AGM until 2022.
2. There will be no election of Officers of branches or Board Directors.
3. Branches may replace Officers of branches and Directors who wish to
   stand down.
4. The existing Board and National Officers will remain in place for a
   further year.
5. This year’s National AGM will take place on Saturday, September
   4th, 2021.

       The Irish Kidney Association is pleased to
 confirm the 30c per kilometre, for self-management of
   your own transport from your home to your dialysis
    centre and return, is now available from the HSE.

     or the duration of this COVID-19 outbreak,                   attend their regular haemodialysis sessions only
     patients who access their own transport and opt to           through their normal channels.
     self-drive or engage a family member, friend or                 Taxi providers under HSE tender who are providing
carer to bring them to their haemodialysis session, are           this service have confirmed that they are open for
reminded that they are eligible to claim a stipend from           business as usual and have no issue with continuing to
the HSE. They can claim 30c per kilometre travelling
                                                                  provide this service.
directly to and from the Haemodialysis Parent Renal
Unit or HSE Contracted Haemodialysis Unit that is                    Eligible journeys: Reimbursement will be made for
closest to their place of residence. Each unit has                all patient journeys directly to and from regular
procedures for reimbursement.                                     haemodialysis sessions. On average this will be
   Eligible patients will receive a refund for the                6 journeys per week, based on patients attending
reasonable costs of taking their own transport to                 for 3 times per week dialysis.
                                        IKA S   U P P O R T   S   P R I N G   2021                                     13


Mother’s Day this year was extra special for a Dublin woman who donated a kidney to her                        hen Sophie Cody kissed
ailing teen daughter just three months before.                                                                 goodbye to her mother
    Just three months after their living donor kidney transplant, mother Claire Cody and her                   Claire, as the teen was
kidney recipient daughter Sophie (14) stepped out on their local strand in Skerries for a                      admitted to Temple Street
photo opportunity, organised by the Irish Kidney Association (IKA), to celebrate Mother’s         Children’s Hospital on Wednesday
Day. The pair celebrated this special day by beginning a 21-Day Walking Challenge, in             November 25th, 2020, they both
support of the IKA and organ donation, which they finished at the end of Organ Donor              hoped that the next time they would
Awareness Week (27th March – 3rd April).                                 see each other, Sophie would be
                                                                                                  successfully transplanted with her
 Sophie with her                                                                                  mum’s donor kidney! It would be 17
 dad Damian                                                                                       days before mother and daughter
                                                                                                  would see each other again on
                                                                                                  December 12th and two more days
                                                                                                  before Sophie could return home.
                                                                                                     On Monday morning, November
                                                                                                  30th, 2020, Claire from Skerries,
                                                                                                  Dublin was wheeled down to the
                                                                                                  operating theatre in Beaumont
                                                                                                  Hospital, for the removal of one of her
                                                                                                  healthy kidneys by transplant surgeon
                                                                                                  Dilly Little. The retrieved kidney was
                                                                                                  then fast-tracked across the city to
                                                                                                  Temple Street Hospital, where surgeon
                                                                                                  Gordon Smith and his team were
                                                                                                  waiting to perform the transplant
                                                                                                  operation on Sophie.
                                                                                                     Sophie’s transplant ended 22
                                                                                                  months of upheaval which began in
                                                                                                  February 2019, when she was
                                                                                                  suddenly catapulted into kidney failure
                                                                                                  and hospital dialysis treatment at
                                                                                                  Temple Street Hospital.
                                                                                                     Her mother Claire described, “it has
                                                                                                  been an emotional journey for all our
 14                                                 IKA S    U P P O R T   S   P R I N G   2021
family since Sophie’s shock diagnosis
two years ago. Our world was turned
upside down and it took an emotional
toll on Sophie as she was coming into
her teenage years. Then COVID-19
came along and that compounded
our anxiety levels. Sophie went to skin
and bone and she was very pale but
since her transplant she is putting on
weight again and she looks really
healthy now, with colour back in her
cheeks and she has a positive outlook.”
   In the days that followed post-
transplant, as visitors were restricted
in both Beaumont and Temple Street
Hospitals due to COVID-19, the
mother and daughter remained in two
different hospitals, eagerly waiting to
be reunited with one another.
   Claire explained, “it felt very surreal
when I woke up from my operation.
All I wanted was to see that Sophie
was ok and to hug her but we had to
settle for ‘Facetime’. It was an
emotional reunion for both of us
when I finally got to visit her in Temple        Claire left hospital five days after
Street on the same day I was                 donating her kidney. It was another
discharged from Beaumont, five days          12 days before Sophie returned home,
after my surgery and seventeen days          was reunited with her family and they
after I last saw her, as she was             could enjoy Christmas Day together,
admitted to Temple Street a few days         which was in stark contrast to
prior to her operation.                      December 25th, 2019 when Sophie
                                                                                                      “It is wonderful to
   For almost three weeks, Sophie was        was very unwell.                                      have Sophie’s health
confined to her hospital room.                   Relieved that the transplant was a
Obviously, there was very valid safety       success, Claire explained, “It is                          restored and she
reasons for this measure but for our         wonderful to have Sophie’s health
14-year-old, with all her renewed            restored and she can now enjoy a new                        can now enjoy a
energy from the successful transplant,       lease of life. I was aware that she
she felt isolated and was going              could be waiting on the transplant list                     new lease of life.
‘doolally’ as she longed for the day         for a long time. I didn’t want to see
she could finally go home.”                  her struggle any longer, so I made the
                                                                                                        I was aware that
   It was a particularly difficult time      decision to put myself forward as a                   she could be waiting
for Damian Cody also, not to be able         living donor. I was confident that I was
to visit his wife and with limited visits    physically fit enough to undergo the                      on the transplant
allowed by Temple Street Hospital to         operation. I am healthy and go to the
see Sophie, both of them having              gym regularly and play tennis also.                    list for a long time.
undergone major surgery.                         “I was delighted when we finally
   Damien left his wife at the doors of      got the results of tests that confirmed                I didn’t want to see
Beaumont Hospital the day before her         I was a suitable match. But COVID-19
operation and didn’t get to see her          temporarily halted the living donor
                                                                                                        her struggle any
again until 6 days later. He also was        screening process which was to begin                      longer, so I made
separated from his youngest daughter         in March, so we had to wait a few
Amy (11).                                    months before the programme                             the decision to put
   Amy left the family home two              restarted.”
weeks before the transplant                      “Sophie’s kidney failure came about                myself forward as a
operations to allow her other family         very suddenly in February 2019 when
members to cocoon safely. She stayed         she became almost fatally ill, as her                          living donor.”
with her nanny, Claire’s mother Eileen,      blood pressure sky-rocketed. Up until
so that Amy could continue to attend         then, it had not been known that her
national school and ensure the safety        kidneys hadn’t really developed since
of her family from COVID-19.The              birth, and it is thought that this may
physically disconnected family of four       have been because she was born nine
kept in touch through phone calls and        weeks premature.
video.                                                                    continued next page...
                                               IKA S   U P P O R T   S   P R I N G   2021                                15
THANK YOU MUM! contd...

                                                          Sophie with her younger sister Amy
                                                                       and their dog Freddy.

   “Sophie was put on haemodialysis        of vaccines currently lists her among
treatment almost immediately. She          the very last in line, in 15th place, to
was just entering her teenage years        receive a vaccine. Part of this is
and her life was suddenly turned           because the vaccine has not been
upside down. It was difficult for her      tested on young teenagers.
and on the rest of her family too as           “We are so grateful to the medical,
we felt helpless. We learned to            nursing staff and transplant teams at
manage our lives around her illness        both Temple Street and Beaumont and
and her regular hospital visits for        our transplant surgeons Gordon
dialysis treatment, which were             Smyth and Dilly Little and, to the staff
sometimes as much as five days a           in Michael’s C Ward in Temple Street
week, for 4 hours at a time.               who cared for Sophie when she was
   “It was tough on her as her diet        receiving dialysis.
and fluid intake were considerably             “A big ‘thank you’ to John our taxi
restricted and the normal happy life       driver, who ferried Sophie to and from
she had been enjoying was altered          the hospital, and also to Paddy Cox of
dramatically. She still attended her       Dialyze Clothing, who sent Sophie a
school in Skerries Community College       big hamper just before she went to
and was also schooled in Temple            hospital for her transplant.
Street on her dialysis days.                   “I’d also like to thank our extended            donation as you never know if,
   Sophie said, “I am so grateful to       family for their loving care throughout             someday, a member of your family will
have received the gift of a kidney from    and to our friends and neighbours                   find themselves in the same situation
my mother and I feel so much better        who sent us messages of support.                    that we suddenly did!
now. I can’t wait for the restrictions         “Our thanks also to Sophie’s                       “We are delighted to support the
and lockdown to be over so that we         teachers and the principal at Skerries              IKA. It’s really important that Sophie
can celebrate properly with our friends    Community School for supporting her.                learns to empower herself to look
and family. For Mother’s Day, we will      We also would like to acknowledge                   after her kidney health and get the
pamper mam, we will make the most          how supportive the staff at Brady’s                 best out of her life as a kidney
of being together and my dad will          pharmacy in Skerries have been for                  transplant patient. Now that her diet
cook for us.”                              Sophie’s medication needs.                          and fluid intake is no longer restricted,
   Claire remarked, “We have both              “I was lucky to be a suitable donor             she is embracing a healthy diet and
recovered well since our operations        to Sophie but there are many other                  taking her life-long anti-rejection
and are grateful that Sophie is back to    children and adults who don’t have                  drugs. She is participating in her Zoom
good health. However, the challenge        the opportunity for a living donor, and             classes with Skerries Community
now is to keep her safe as she will be     they remain on transplant waiting                   College as she prepares for her Junior
taking immune suppressants for the         lists. Two years ago, we had no idea                Cert, keeping up a social life with her
rest of her life.                          that Sophie would experience organ                  pals online and we both take regular
   “Sophie is in the extremely high-risk   failure and that’s why I would                      exercise together walking our pet dog
category for COVID-19, as the rollout      encourage people to consider organ                  Freddie.”
16                                           IKA S   U P P O R T   S   P R I N G   2021

        ecently I was contacted by            Clodagh Cogley                                    by Clodagh, as part of a research PhD
        Clodagh Cogley of St. Vincent’s                                                         in University College Dublin and would
        Hospital to ask if I was                                                                encourage you, if you meet the criteria
        interested in supporting                                                                below, to get in contact with Clodagh.
research for patients with end stage                                                               Clodagh would like to hear the
kidney disease and mental health                                                                perspectives of individuals with mental
difficulties. Naturally, I said ‘yes’, and                                                      health difficulties, their family
felt encouraged for our patients that                                                           members, and healthcare providers.
this research is being done. Previous
research suggests that individuals with                                                         WHAT DOES THE STUDY INVOLVE?
mental health difficulties often find it                                                        A one-hour long conversation with
more difficult to access quality                                                                Clodagh, the lead researcher, via
healthcare.                                                                                     zoom. In this conversation you will
   This study will help to understand                                                           discuss the factors that impact access
the factors impacting the quality of life                                                       to quality kidney care for individuals
and mental health of kidney patients         published several book chapters and                with mental health difficulties.
in Ireland, including measures such as       peer-reviewed journal articles, and
pain, fatigue, social support, and the       played a key role in shaping the 2017-             DO YOU MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA?
effect of kidney disease on individuals’     2027 National Cancer Strategy,                     1. Do you have kidney disease and
daily lives. This research will also help    ensuring that the psychological needs                 have you received a diagnosis of a
to determine the link between mental         of cancer patients are explicitly                     mental health difficulty in the past?
health difficulties and how often            addressed in the strategy.                                             OR
individuals follow healthcare providers’        There have been several research                2. Do you have a close family member
treatment recommendations                    projects done in this area but very few               with kidney disease and a mental
(treatment adherence).                       here in Ireland. I felt it was really                 health difficulty?
   Clodagh has put a patient expert          important to give our renal patients an                                OR
panel in place to guide her research         opportunity to be involved in this                 3. Are you a healthcare professional or
and will work alongside Dr John              research and space for their voices to                allied healthcare professional with
Holian, Consultant Nephrologist at St.       be heard. This research will gather                   experience working with kidney
Vincent’s Hospital, and his renal team,      information on what helps and hinders                 disease patients?
to engage with patients. The research        access to kidney care for individuals, so             If you meet any of the above criteria
will be supervised by Prof Paul              improvements in future care and                    and would be interested in hearing
D’Alton, Consultant Psychologist at St       supports can be made.                              more about the research, please
Vincent’s Hospital, who has completed           The Irish Kidney Association fully              contact Clodagh at
several funded research projects,            supports this research project being led 
                                               IKA S       U P P O R T   S   P R I N G   2021                                        17
“Believe that a further
shore is reachable
from here.”                                                   SEAMUS HEANEY

                                                            ith less energy and              In my work I often use a very
                                                            prolonged states of          straightforward well-known
                                                            stress, differences may      psychology technique to help look for
                                                            have started to surface      a resolution, ‘The Perspective
                                           in our beliefs and ideas about COVID-         Triangle Strategy’.
                                           19 and adherence to imposed                       The Perspective Triangle Strategy
         By AOIFE SMITH                    government guidelines. This can easily        uses the concept of a triangle to
                                           become a source of conflict within            separate the different points of view
This time last year I wrote an article     family, or with friends and colleagues.       within a conflict. Each point of the
about understanding loss and grief. I      Like any conflict, it can cause a great       triangle is a step that represents a
never mentioned ‘COVID-19’. I wrote        deal of pain and add to an already            perspective because within any
                                           very stressful situation.                     conversation between people there
the article from a chronic illness             It is helpful to find ways to manage      are at least three perspectives.
perspective without any true               our emotions and use a collaborative              1st Perspective – Self: This is
appreciation or comprehension of the       approach to look for a middle ground.         what is going on from your own
year that was about to unfold in front     It is important when we are trying to         perspective. It is what you are seeing,
of us. We now approach the marking of      resolve conflict that we pay attention        hearing, feeling, and thinking during
                                           to how we communicate both                    an interaction with another person. It
a full year of official lockdowns and we   verbally, (what we say) and non-              is the conversation from which we
enter a phase of ‘Living with COVID-       verbally, (through our body language,         usually operate, as it is our own
19’ plans, variants, vaccines and safe     our facial expressions, our eye               default world view, made up of our
reopenings. We continue to dig deep        contact, and our posture).                    experiences, values, beliefs and ideas.
into our emotional resilience and              It is also important to pay attention         2nd Perspective – Other: This is
                                           to how we listen, asking questions for        the point of view of the other person.
manage our anxieties. But how do we        more information, clarifying what we          It is what they are seeing, hearing,
manage the new wave of conflicts that      think and checking that we                    feeling, and thinking during a
COVID-19 has brought when quite            understand what the other person is           conversation with you. From this
frankly our tanks are on empty?            feeling.                                      position we try to understand the

18                                          IKA S   U P P O R T   S   P R I N G   2021
Aoife can be contacted
                                                                                                    at Donor House
                                                                                                    on 0818-543639
                                                                                                     or 01-6205306
                                                                                               or by email:

world from their point of view.            their shoes and reflecting on why you          that sense of security. We may not be
   3rd Perspective – Observer: This is     think they are feeling upset. This step        able to avoid it, but we can arm
the point of view of an impartial          requires you to suspend your own               ourselves with skills that help us find
observer. What I mean by that is of        perspective and widen your                     resolutions and restore peace.
someone who has nothing invested in        understanding with empathy for what            Awareness breeds change and change
the outcome but who is interested in       that other person may be feeling.              breeds action. That action begins with
both parties and how they interact.           Step 3: Imagine you are an observer         you, from within you.
From this perspective they can see with    of the conflict and ask yourself what             Thank you to all who called or
clarity what is going on between           you see in your own behaviour and              emailed the counselling services
people. The pattern of conversation is     perspective. And what are the                  provided here at the IKA. Please
obvious to them because they are           differences you notice, in your opinion,       continue to email me with topics that
outside of the problem.                    by considering the other person’s              might benefit you to read about. Your
   These perspectives can be very          perspective and by being the observer?         comments to me will be completely
different, and it can be difficult to         Using these three different steps           confidential, no names will be used,
separate or untangle these at the best     allows you to get to the necessary             and no reference will be made to any
of times, never mind when living with      emotional detachment and provides              person or any specific email. If there is
a chronic illness and being stuck in the   valuable insights that can help you find       a common theme in the requests, I will
middle of a pandemic. This strategy        a resolution to your conflict.                 base the next article around that topic.
asks us to break the conflict down into       In times like these, with so many              I look forward to hearing from you!
steps:                                     environmental stressors on top of
   Step 1: Consider your own               everyday struggles, conflict may be            I received a great response to the
perspective and reflect on why you are     something we may not be able to                 Christmas Giveaway of the book
feeling upset about the situation.         avoid or control when it arises.                    ‘How to be Our Best Self
Essentially this asks you to become           Peace within our family, friends and                 in Times of Crisis’.
self-aware and honest with yourself        colleagues provides a sense of                    Congratulations to all of you
about how you are really feeling.          reassurance and well-being with those           who got in touch and received a
   Step 2: Consider the perspective of     we hold dear.                                           copy of the book.
the other person, putting yourself in         When conflict arises it threatens

                                             IKA S   U P P O R T   S   P R I N G   2021                                         19
Galway woman
                                                                                                Raymond O’Brien, Denise Waldron

for organ donation
and funds for IKA                      By GWEN O’DONOGHUE

                                        uesday August 22nd, 2017 was             nearby in Salthill, said that “giving a
     A Galway barrister raised          the day that changed everything          kidney to my brother Raymond,
                                        for living kidney donor recipient        changed all of our lives for the better.”
     the bar for organ donation         Raymond O’Brien, a                           Raymo had just turned twenty
     when she gave a kidney to    carpenter/joiner who lives near the            when he became a type 1 diabetic
     her younger brother, in      Salthill prom with his wife Ethna and          which resulted in having lots of eye
                                  their three children, Isabel (10) and          laser treatment, two eye operations
     August 2017, when he         twins Harry and Amy (8). It was the            and other diabetic related
     needed a kidney donor.       day Raymo received a donor kidney              complications.
                                  from his sister Denise Waldron. It                In 2002 he was diagnosed with
     While they were both         brought to an end his declining kidney         kidney disease. Within fifteen years of
     undergoing their living      function which was diagnosed fifteen           treatment he reached end stage
     donor kidney transplant at   years previously.                              kidney failure and was just about to
                                      Denise, a barrister who also lives         commence dialysis when Denise came
     Beaumont Hospital, their                                                    to the rescue and gave him one of her
     brother, Mr David O’Brien,                                                  healthy kidneys.
     a Consultant Neurosurgeon,                                                      Denise, who recently became a
                                                                                 grandmother to baby Ayra, said, “I felt
     was operating in the                                                        privileged to be able to help my
     adjoining theatre.                                                          younger brother Raymo as he was
                                                                                 struggling with his health while trying
                                                                                 to raise three young children with
                                                                                 Ethna. My two daughters, Hilary and
                                                                                 Laura, are grown-up and I discussed
                                                                                 the donation with them and got their
                                                                                 seal of approval.
                                                                                     “An amusing and unexpected
                                                                                 outcome of the transplant operations
                                                                                 was that at the time I was going
                                                                                 through the menopause and some of
                                                                                 my menopausal hormones remained
                                                                                 on the donating kidney which had a
                                                                                 strange effect on Raymo! For a few
                                                                                 weeks after the operation he was
                                                                                 getting hot flushes and kicking off the
                                                                                 blankets as he was overheating at
                                                                                 night. Ethna and I found this hilarious.
Denise with grandson Ayra.                                                       We joked that he is now more in
20                                  IKA S   U P P O R T   S   P R I N G   2021
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