Pride Times Vol. 1 - Goodrell Middle School

Page created by Paul Mcguire
Pride Times Vol. 1 - Goodrell Middle School
Pride Times Vol. 1
Pride Times Vol. 1 - Goodrell Middle School
                                           Is McKamey Manor safe?
    Review(bad)                         • “While there is a safe-word, one
“This is not fun, please read           participant, Laura Hertz Brotherton,
that 40-page waiver VERY                says that during her experience
                                        things got out of hand and she later
carefully. It's just insane”            went to a hospital injuries.
                t                       Participants can also repeat their
“Place is absolutely great, and
everyone is complaining it is clearly        What is McKamey Manor?
too comfortable in life and I don’t         McKamey Manor is one of the
know why you would go just to           scariest haunted houses I personally
complain. Great job.”                       have ever heard of. McKamey
                                             manor is a place located in
                                             Summertown Tennessee. The
                                            Haunted house is 8 hours long,
                                           nobody has made it all the way
                                           though some say there is a safe
                                          word others say they repented it
                                          multiply times and they would not
                                         stop! If you get all the way though
                                               you win 20,000 dollars.
Pride Times Vol. 1 - Goodrell Middle School
Most popular Halloween
                                           Another day
                                           of saving the
Ages 1-4
     Princess 7.9%
     Superhero 6%
                                                      Ages 5-8
❖    Spiderman5.2%
                                                     ❖     Superhero 5.3%
❖    Avengers character’s                            ❖     Harley quin 4.2%
     (excluding spiderman)3.9%                       ❖     Wonder woman 3.8%
❖    Batman 3.5%
                                                     ❖     Inflatable costumes3.4
❖    Witch3.3%                                       ❖     Clowns3.2%
❖    Ghost 2.8
                                                     ❖     Princesses 2.3%

Click here to find Halloween costumes.
                                                      Ages 9+
                                                     ❖      Movie characters7.3%
                                                     ❖     Clowns5.6%
    Let's go to
                                                     ❖      Witches 3.7%
    the ball                                         ❖     Superhero’s 3.2%
                   She took a            Yee haw     ❖     Inflatables2.7%
                   long time to                      ❖     Candy 2.3%
                   get ready
Pride Times Vol. 1 - Goodrell Middle School
1. A clown held the door              13. Why did the clown go
for me. Was such it was such a         to the doctor ? He was       22. I was trying to figure out
nice jester.                           feeling funny.               what to do with the dying
                                                                    clown on the floor.
  2. Why don’t cannibals eat          14. What do clowns and        Then, IT hit me.
  clowns? Because they taste someone who sores have in
  funny.                                   common? Shoe            23. Why did the clown not show
                                                                   up to work?
  3. My girlfriend used to date honk.....shoe honk .....shoe
                                                honk.              He was feeling a little bit funny.
  a clown. I got big shoes to fill.
                                 15.Last night my wife asked 24. What clown has scared
 4. I'm a clown and everyone
                                 me if I wanted to dress up as more children than "It"?
 nose.                           a clown and scare her. But I Ronald McDonald.
 5. Why was the clown sad?               didn’t feel like IT      25. What do you call a
 He broke his funny bone.        16. How do clowns measure phobia of a clown wielding a
 6. I manufactured clown         money? Pennywise.                chainsaw running straight
 shoes.... Which has no small                                     at you? Common sense
 feat.                           17.If you're attacked by a
                                 group of clowns....Go for 26. What is the name of the
 7. what do you call a boiled athe juggler.                       city ruled by clowns?
 clown? Laughing stock.                                           Honk-honk
                                  18.I’m inviting everyone
8. My friend asked me, "Whatreading this, To join me in 27. Why did the clown through
kind of adult diapers do they a session to think about his clock out the window.
sell for Pennywise theClown?"Stephen king's iconic              Because he wanted to see time
It depends.                       shape=shifting clown.         fly.
9. Did you hear about the         Come to think about IT.
                                                                28. I quit my job at McDonald’s
circus fife? Yeah it was inh- 19.My friend asked me if I today...Boss was a clown
tents.                          believe in killer clowns
                                                             29. I saw a clown run into an allyway
                                I replied, "No doubt
  10. Why did the clown crossabout IT"                       with a suit and case? I there was
  the road? To get his rubber                                some funny business going on there
  ducky.                            20. What do clowns and
                                    moldy bread have in         30. I saw a commercial for a
 11. Which circus performer
                                    common?                     new horror movie featuring
 can see in the dark? An acro-                                  a clown and sald. Is that IT.
                                    They both leave a bad taste
                                    in your mouth.
 12. What happens when a 21. How do you make a Clown
 magician get mad? She          cry You throw a rubber duck
 pulls her hair out             at it.
Pride Times Vol. 1 - Goodrell Middle School
Edinburgh Manor in Scotch Grove, Iowa
The Edinburgh Manor
Building in Iowa was built
in the mid 1800’s. It
housed the courthouse. The
Courthouse later moved             In 1920 the “poor farm”
and left that old building         was demolished, and
there sitting there. It was        type of nursing home
then changed to a “poor            was built. During this
farm” A poor house is a            time people with
house that people with             extreme mental health
mental disabilities would          conditions would be
stay for a place to sleep.         there as well as the
It was also a place where          elderly. Many times if a
they could farm. Farming           patient died, they would
in that time was a                 be buried there in the
dangerous thing.                   land if they were not
Approximately 80 people            claimed by their
died on that land                  family's

Sightings have claimed that a man named “The
 Joke” is seen around in the halls and is often
  violent, throwing plates, and trying to choke
visitors that go. He is approximately 7 feet tall
and is often seen as a black figure. One patient
was 6 feet 9 inches and was aggressive towards
          the nurses…Could this be him?
 Mrs. Jones claims that she has seen “The Joke”
 when she visited the Edinburgh Manor building
Pride Times Vol. 1 - Goodrell Middle School
With Halloween
 coming soon, so
 is the new year,
  and new high-
  Dodge models
 will make their
  debut in 2021.

Pride Times Vol. 1 - Goodrell Middle School
- Where does a ghost go on
                                   vacation? Mali-Boo!
                                 - What does a panda ghost eat?

For some of us, October 31st is
the most fun day of the year.
For others, it’s the spookiest.
Halloween can be fun but unfortunately not
everyone can say the same.
In this page, you can read events that took
on Halloween. Down below there will be links
to where you can access to read about events
that took place
on Halloween.
^On this link, you will find 17 creepy events
that happened on Halloween.
^On this link, you will find scary Halloween
Pride Times Vol. 1 - Goodrell Middle School
Corona Safe
   Halloween ideas                         Visit a Drive-thru
                                           haunted house
Have a Halloween movie                     If people want a safe
marathon                                   activity to do on
Thankfully, the best part of               Halloween while still going
Halloween is still Corona safe.            out, visiting a drive-thru
Staying in and watching classic            haunted house is
Halloween movies is the perfect            recommended. People will
way to spend Halloween while               still be safe while enjoying
still staying safe during Covid-19!        the scary thrill that
Carve pumpkins                             everyone enjoys most
                                           during Halloween.
Another Halloween tradition
that is still Corona safe is               Decorate a Halloween
carving pumpkins! Although it's            themed cloth mask
probably not safe to attend                One way to stay in the
any pumpkin carving contest,               Halloween sprit while still
you can still carve pumpkins               being safe is to decorate
with the people in your home.              your own Halloween mask!
                                           People can decorate to fit
Watch Halloween movies at a                the theme of their costume or
drive-in theater                           just decorate to fit the theme
In case some don't know, a drive-in        of Halloween.
theater is where people watch movies
from their cars on a huge screen that is
projected for everyone to see. This is a
safer alternative for movie theaters                           Fun Fact!
since people are in their own space.              On October 31st both a
                                                  blue moon and a full moon
                                                  are occurring. A blue
                                                  moon is the second full
         Click here for more information          moon of the month. A full
        on the Corona virus for                   moon only happens once
        upcoming Holidays                         on October 31st every
                                                  18-19 years.
Pride Times Vol. 1 - Goodrell Middle School
Virtual or In
  As Covid 19 still marches the earth, and school is starting as soon as it
  ended parents of many children have a choice to either send their
  children to a hybrid plan or online.             also is spooky month.

On this side of the spectrum we
have the people that decide to
                                             On this side of the spectrum
stay home and school on the
                                             We have the people who
computer. While it is safer to stay
                                             want to go with the hybrid
home and school, it can cause
                                             plan. Even if this is not the
many children to get distracted
                                             safest idea there are people
by their phones during class
                                             that have their reasons like
because who is going to take
                                             what if they want social
them away (PS this is just
                                             interaction with one
my opinion you are entitled
to your own).

                           When people (from media) took the survey I
                           was shocked to see that 60% of the class wanted
                           to do the hybrid plan (or their parents are

                           making them do it), and only 40% of media was
                           staying home.
Pride Times Vol. 1 - Goodrell Middle School
Fun Halloween Joke’s!

What is a Ghost’s      what do you call a
favorite dessert, I   skeleton that lies on
    SCREAM!             its grave?, Lazy

  What do you call
  married spiders,             which monster
   Newly webbed!                 is the best
                                dancer? The
                                Boogie man!

                               What is a witches
                                best subject in
                               school?, Spelling!

                                   What did the
                                 werewolf eat after
                                 he'd had his teeth
                               cleaned?, The Dentist!

                                            Purple pumpkins have 3
                                            meanings. 1. Epilepsy and
                                            2. is Covid-19.
                   Teal pumpkins vs
                   Purple pumpkins
    Just like Teal pumpkins,                1. Epilepsy/raise money for
    Purple pumpkins have a                  epilepsy research.
    meaning, Teal pumpkins
    mean it's an allergy-safe
    spot when it comes to                   3. If you place a purple
    handing out candy. While                pumpkin outside on your
    Purple pumpkins mean 3                  porch or deck, it means it's
    different things, some                  a safe location to Trick-Or-
    people may just want                    Treat.
    colorful pumpkins.

    Photo booth:
Creative virtual
 A virtual background is a thing generated by teams to either blur or replace your background. It can be
used to put you in the middle of the ocean, or the surface of the moon. All you need to do to use a
virtual background is to join a Microsoft Teams meeting, click the three dots by your camera and
microphone settings, and then click "add background effects". Teams will supply you with some premade
virtual backgrounds, but if you want a custom one you can click "add new" and then upload a file from
your machine.

    Now that we know how to use them, we
  can make some custom virtual
  backgrounds. You can put yourself
  somewhere pretty or somewhere from a
  movie / video game or a deep crystal
  cavern or even in a creepy basement, it's
  up to you. However, make sure that your
  virtual background isn't distracting to the
  class and don’t be messing with it during
  class (even if you're done with your work)
  because it can distract everyone else
  trying to work.
Shows/movies to watch during
                                October! (or anytime)

         Anime:                                       Movies:
          Vampire Knight                      Beetle juice
                                                                               Beetlejuice is about the
     Vampire Knight, this Anime is                                             couple that die, and they
     very, very good! It has many                                              haunt the house they live
     twists and turns but it is a                                              in then beetle juice tries
     little gory. One of my favorite                                           to scare them.
     characters is Zero! (The
     white-haired male on the
     cover.)                                  Coraline                             Coraline is about a girl
    Souleater, this Anime is very good,                                            who moves then finds a
    it has a lot of fighting in it, and the                                        tunnel in the house
    characters fit perfectly with their                                            behind a locked door
    partners. It's a little PG13 because of                                        and she gets the key
    a certain character. (Or 2...)                                                 and in the tunnel is he
                                                                                   "real parents"
      Black butler                            Hocus pocus
 This Anime is also one of my favorites!
 The amount of twists is unbelievable!                                               Hocus pocus is about
 (Just like Vampire Knight!) There is a                                              a teenager
 lot of blood, but other than that it's                                              That lit the black
 amazing! The main character is young,                                               candle on Halloween
 yet he has Maids, Butlers, and a whole                                              Night and brought
 mansion! (That's not all he has!)                                                   three witches and they
                                                                                     put spells on very one.
 Toilet-bound Hanako-kun                      The nightmare
Toilet-bound Hnakao-kun, this Anime is        before Christmas
one of the best! (In my opinion....) It
has sooooo many twists, not as many as                                                   This movie is
Vampire Knight, but it's close(-is)! If                                                  about this guy finds
you watch this you will almost                                                           his true love and then
absolutely love the main character,                                                      his true love is locked
Hanako-kun!                                                                              in a tower

                                              This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.
Many Youtubers have gained popularity within this year, most of
 them already had popularity but due to people getting bored of
   the people they had been entertaining themselves with some
    people began branching out and looking for more things to
    entertain them. They found streamers and youtubers such as,
  Dream, Sapnap, GeorgeNotFound, TommyInnIt, Wilbur Soot and

 The Dream Team                             L’manburg is a part of Dream SMP,
  The Dream Team is three                   Wilbur Soot got onto the server
                                            and recruited TommyInnIt and
  guys called, Dream, Sapnap
                                            Tubbo to take all the brewing
  and GeorgeNotFound.
                                            stands and potions on the server so
  They make videos on
                                            they could distribute the potions
  YouTube along with                        themselves and make money.
  streaming on Twitch. They                 Eventually it broke into a war
  make Minecraft videos,                    between The Dream Team and
  speed running the game                    Wilbur and his crew. Wilbur and
  while the others try to stop              the crew became
  him.                                      “L’manburg” after the war they
                                            became their own country

Dream     Sapnap George
        What is The Dream SMP?         Wilbur Soot
                                                      Tubbo        TommyInnIt
                The dream SMP is
                Dream’s Minecraft server
                that Dream and his
                friends' stream on.

                                                             Sleepy hal
                                                                low is
                                                               a very
This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-
                                                             good place
                                                              to visit if
                                                              you like
  http://sleepyhollows                                        haunted                                              houses...

                           This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.
                                                        Click to add text

              You should go check
              it out sometime. They
              are not doing
              anything different
              cause of Covid.
"Jack O' lantern"
 comes from the           Halloween one of my favorite
 Irish legend of            holidays sadly it might be
  Stingy Jack a           canceled so I'm going to share
man who tricked            some facts about Halloween.
 Satan and can't
 go into heaven

               from an
             ancient Celtic

   The White
    House is
  Lots of dead
  ghost show up
The Legend of Hanako-san
                     (WARNING: This article           Hanako-san of the bathroom is a very
                      contains spoilers for the   popular Japanese urban legend, so
                                                  popular that it was actually put into a
                       Toilet-bound Hanakao-
                                                  few movies, even a few Animes! One of
                        kun Anime/Manga!)         those Animes are called Toilet-bound
                                                  Hanako-kun, one of my favorite Anime
    The Japanese urban legend, Hanako-            series. (It started out as a Manga series.)
san of the bathroom. A story about a              But Hanako-san is a boy, named Hanako-
little girl who died in the third stall, of the   kun. His place of death doesn't change,
third-floor girls' bathroom. Her story has        but the Anime/Manga did say that he
changed over the years, some say a                killed his brother, and that his spirit is
stranger came into the bathroom and               bounded to a girl named, Yashiro Nene.
killed her. Others say she was alive during       Hanako-kun's full name is, Yugi Amane,
world war II and died during an air raid          his name before death. He also isn't the
while playing Hide and Seek in the                only spirit in the school the
bathroom, but there is one more cause of          Anime/Manga takes place at,
death many people think is true....               there are 6 other spirits, he
Suicide.                                          is apparition number 7, the
    Many girls play around and peer               leader of the school
pressure their friends into summoning             apparitions. Another Anime series
her, they say, "Go to the third-floor             Hanako-san of the bathroom was in is
girls' bathroom, then knock on the third          called, Ghost stories, it's an Anime about
stall and say, 'Hanako-san, are you               students (and a cat) that solves mysteries
there?'.". But what happens to the girls          about ghosts. (I haven't seen this Anime
who actually do it? Well, once they do it,        yet, but I may watch it soon!)
they see a bloody or ghostly hand come
out from the stall, then you hear
something along the lines of, "I'm here.",                              This is how the
or you see Hanako-san herself, but                                      animater/illustrator
whenever you do summon her, you die.                                    (Iro Aida) for Toilet-
There are also many ways people think                                    Bound Hanako-
the one who summoned her die, they                                      kun imagined what
might get eaten by a giant lizard, or                                   Hanako-san looked
dragged into the depths of Hades to get                                 like. (The girl Hanako-
tortured for the rest of eternity.
Media staff 2020!

Evan Sloan            Kyleah Vivanh
Brian Hernandez       Raelyn Bailey
Kat Ross              Ella Ash
Joselyn Chavarria     Carter Anderson
Brianna Richardson    Lexi Carpenter
Ellie Gonzalez        Haylie Weinheimer
Bridget Lewis         Jeremiah Blackwood
Ronan Welsher         Karina Aguilar
Luella Weispfenning   Brionna Dent
Emerson McCarl        Carmen Couvertier
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