Principal's Pen - Goollelal Primary School

Page created by Bradley Torres
Principal's Pen - Goollelal Primary School
Newsletter No 7 | May 2020

Principal’s Pen
In my chats with many of the staff, parents and carers there have been lots of comments about the
unexpected positives arising from the Covid-19 restrictions. One of the most notable changes has been
the impact that the quieter school environment has had in our classrooms. Not only have our teachers
been able to concentrate all their efforts on the business of teaching and learning, there has been a
tremendous shift in the behaviour of our students. For example, when I meet our Kindy and Pre-primary
students in the morning I have been amazed by their growing independence and work habits. Some of
our most timid students are now coming into school, on their own, with a huge smile on their face as they
greet their teachers and friends. Throughout the school, each and every student can be seen entering the
classroom and organising their belongings before settling down to a learning task. The classrooms are
calm and filled with a working buzz as lessons begin.
Parents, Carers and Visitors on School Grounds
As of Monday the 8th of June the WA Government will ease restrictions surrounding parents and visitors
on school grounds.
Within 6 weeks, our students, regardless of their age, have adapted to a new routine, clearly showing all
adults in the school community that we are not actually needed to get them organised. Now that parents
are once again welcomed back onsite, I urge you to take a step back, particularly at 'drop off', and observe
your children's new found independence. If you would prefer to continue to drop your child at the school
perimeter there will be staff members there to greet them and ensure that they walk safely to their
Please read the information below as well as the more detailed information put out in our Covid-19
Update on the Skoolbag app.

                                                              30 Cadogan Street Kingsley WA 6026
                                                              Phone: 08 6207 2100
Principal's Pen - Goollelal Primary School
The latest operating guidelines for Western Australian schools are:
    Parents/carers and visitors may come on to school sites to attend pre-arranged meetings
    For drop off and pick up purposes this should be limited to a maximum of 100 people
    Continue physical distancing of one person per 2 square metres
    Continue good hygiene practices

Canteen Reopening
Thanks to our wonderful canteen supervisors, Oksana Edery and Kristy Khan and volunteers, our canteen
will be re-opening next Wednesday, the 10th of June. Oksana and Kristy have developed a Covid-19
Response Plan to ensure continued high standards of health and hygiene in response to the current

The canteen service will be for lunch only and orders will be limited to online ordering only via the link
below. No recess or after lunch ice creams will be sold to abide by current health restrictions.

Parent Survey
Thank you to everyone who has already completed our parent survey. So far we have had 68 returns
which is a great response. The survey closes early next Wednesday so if you would like to complete it
before that date, please click on the link here. School Survey 2020

                                       School Board
                                       On Thursday the 21st of May we held our very first Board meeting
                                       via Webex. At this Board meeting we welcomed our newest parent
                                       representative, Claire Willis and we also discussed electing a new
                                       Board Chair. I am pleased to announce that Dr Julia Easton will take
                                       on the role of Board Chair over the remainder of 2020 and into
                                       2021. Julia has two children at the school and has been a Board
                                       member since 2016.

Well Done Ada and Murdoch
Last week, Community Group Leaders, Murdoch and Ada, wrote to our local
Federal representative, Ian Goodenough, requesting a new Australian flag for our
school. Mr Goodenough was very happy to help out and on Tuesday, presented
Ada and Murdoch with the new flag. Thank you to Melissa White for taking Ada
and Murdoch to Joondalup to receive the flag.
Principal's Pen - Goollelal Primary School
Kindergarten Applications 2021
If you have a child turning four by the 30th June, 2021, then they will be eligible for a place in our
Kindergarten Program. The school is taking Applications for Enrolment NOW, with the first round closing
off on Friday the 31st July. Please complete an Application for Enrolment Form available on the school
website. All Applications must be submitted with a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate, a copy of their
current ACIR Statement (Immunisation record) and proof of your residential address (copy of a utility
account etc). We encourage you to email the forms to If you prefer to
deliver the forms to the Office you will need to contact us on 6207 2100 to arrange a suitable time to
come in.

Lynne Anderson | Principal
Principal's Pen - Goollelal Primary School
Deputy’s Desk

The cubby is having a make-over!
A few years ago we were very fortunate to have one of our Dads, Ben Laforest make us our beautiful
cubby. The children delight in playing in it, but recently we decided that it needs a little make-over so
today was the first day that we have had all the new cubby furniture in it and the younger children
enjoying playing in it. The cubby is an opportunity for all the possibilities of make believe and we are
grateful to have such a beautiful cubby on the school grounds. Soon we be doing a little more but for
today the children had a wonderful time enjoying it all. Special thank you to Mr Peter Whiting, who is the
Director of Carpet Court and very prestigiously Torah’s grandad! Peter kindly donated some lovely new
linoleum to make to the floor very special. Thank you again Peter.

Parking on McDowell Crescent
On Wednesday, this week, it was brought to our attention that a plainclothes
police car was on McDowell Street taking the number plates of cars parked
between the two ‘No Parking between 8:15am to 9:15am & 3:00pm to 4:00pm.
As a result, the Joondalup City Ranger will also now also be patrolling at random
times. Parking there incurs an $80:00 fine as it is the only clearway to enable safe
crossing of the road and up to the walkway. Please do not park in this zone, for
the safety of our children.
Principal's Pen - Goollelal Primary School
West Australian Young Readers’ Book Award

Each year, Mrs Tegjeu gives our children the opportunity to vote on the Young Readers’ Award. Voting
slips are available in the Library. WAYRBA is a readers’ choice award, organised on a state wide basis for
young readers. The Award operates on three levels, Younger Readers, Picture Books and Older Readers.
Readers are invited to nominate, through their libraries, books that they have enjoyed. These
nominations are then considered by the WAYRBA committee and the three lists are drawn up.

Our early years’ teachers have a fantastic ability to create the most wonderful activities inside and out!
This week we have had star picket stories with various sequenced parts of story books around the
playground for the children to follow. Thanks Rosalyn for the ‘Sausage went for a walk!’ It is so much fun
and makes the grownups want to be in Kindy all over again. The star picket stories supports our talk for
writing program is focussed on sequencing the story in a story map.

Thank you again to Elena for her amazing
family crest, which she designed. The
sentiment on the crest is very special.

Kerry Hartmann | Deputy Principal
Principal's Pen - Goollelal Primary School
Cubby House & Sausage Went for a Walk
Principal's Pen - Goollelal Primary School
From the Community

A reminder that, for duty of care reasons, the Department of Education requires us to differentiate
     between school organized, P&C organised and business/community activities. These are
                                        non-school activities.
Principal's Pen - Goollelal Primary School Principal's Pen - Goollelal Primary School Principal's Pen - Goollelal Primary School
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