Principals Desk 15/09/2021 - - Pentland Primary School

Page created by Jordan Rogers
Principals Desk 15/09/2021 - - Pentland Primary School
                                                                                                    Principals Desk 15/09/2021
                                                                         Dear Parents and Carers,
Happiness, Learning, Trust, Honesty, Respect, Communication, Teamwork.

                                                                         We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all members of the Pentland
                                                                         Community for your support during our recent lock down and now our transition back
                                                                         with a partial return to onsite learning. We are making a smooth transition back to on
                                                                         site learning. All of our normal programs are up and running, some face to face onsite
                                                                         while other programs are being conducted remotely for students in years 3 -6.

                                                                         Each time we return from a period of remote learning we find students take some time
                                                                         in settling back into the school routine and living with all of the school rules and
                                                                         expectations. It would be most appreciated if families could continue to promote and
                                                                         reinforce our school values and expectations with their children, in particular
                                                                         reminding your children about personal space and kindness. Thanks in advance.

                                                                         Our recent drive through Father’s Day Stall was an amazing success. Thank you to all
                                                                         who supported this event. Special thanks to Katrina, Karen and those involved in the
                                                                         behind the scenes work leading up to the event. We sold 200 bags. A great outcome.
                            School Values

                                                                         Naplan results for 2021 have arrived. The level of student achievement, particularly in
                                                                         the area of growth, is outstanding. We are currently unpacking the results and
                                                                         preparing student Naplan data to be sent home. This has taken longer than expected
                                                                         due to our recent remote learning. During lockdown we only have a skeleton staff

                                                                         Our Grade 5/6 Camp was an outstanding success. Our students had a great time and
                                                                         were wonderful ambassadors for Pentland Primary School. A huge thanks to our staff
                                                                         involved in the Grade 5/6 camp.

                                                                         Planning is well underway for our Grade 1/2 and 3/4 camps. If Covid restrictions
                                                                         should impact on these and any other events we will simply reschedule to another date.
                                                                         So Term 4 may well become very busy.

                                                                         We are very aware of our connection to community and appreciate that things are not
                                                                         completely back to normal for visitors on site. Unfortunately at this stage we are only
                                                                         permitted to invite essential visitors to Pentland Primary School. So at this stage we
                                                                         cannot allow parent helpers into our classroom. We cannot conduct any working bees.
                                                                         We cannot conduct any enrolment tours. At this stage children will have to walk into
                                                                         school without their parents. As soon as the restrictions on schools are lifted we will
                                                                         review the schools operations guide and advise families of any changes. Thank you for
                                                                         your support and patience. The Department of Education reviews and updates the
                                                                         Operations Guide for schools regularly. It is highly likely that the Department of
                                                                         Education will not release the plan for schools until late into the second week of the
                                                                         school holidays. If this is the case we will gather some staff together and push out a
                                                                         series of comms to families.

                                                                                                    Principal ~ Mr. Andrew Harrison
                                                                                                         Ph: 5367 6080
Principals Desk 15/09/2021 - - Pentland Primary School
Principals Desk 15/09/2021 continued…..

We have been informed by the Victorian School Building Authority that we will
receive additional student toilets. We have had a site meeting in preparation of the
landing of the toilet block. At this stage the toilet block will be delivered and installed
during the school holidays.

During Term 4 we will commence some improvement works to the existing junior
toilet block.

We would like to remind families that students should be in full school uniform now
that we have returned to onsite learning. Thanks for your support with this.

Families are still able to enrol students commencing this year and in 2022. Our
Prep/Foundation enrolments for 2022 are steadily increasing. If you have a child due to
start at Pentland in 2022 our advice is to enrol now. If restrictions are lifted and we are
able to host school tours, we will definitely schedule them in but at this stage, it simply
might not be possible before our transition program begins. At the very least, there will
be an online information session but we will patiently wait and see what restrictions
Term 4 brings with it. If you have any queries or concerns regarding student enrolment
please contact our office.

I would like to remind families that the procedures remain in place in relation to late
arrival to school and early dismissal of students. The sign in books are located in the
Office and all visitors must sign in. Students arriving late must sign in at the office and
collect a late pass. Parents collecting their children early must sign the early dismissal
book in the office.

As part of our COVID management visitors on site must also scan the QR code and
complete that sign in process. Thanks for your support with this.

School assemblies and year level assemblies are currently not able to be conducted
under the current restrictions.

Please find a moment to check the list of important dates. We have a wide range of
events planned already for next term.

We continue to experience a lot of interest for Foundation (Prep) enrolments for 2022.
Families are most welcome to complete the enrolment process now. This will assist
with our planning for 2022 and secure a place in Foundation for 2022. The schools
within the Bacchus Marsh Cluster and within the South Western Region have agreed to
a common enrolment date of the 31st of August 2021.

Enjoy the school holidays

Andrew & Sky.
Principals Desk 15/09/2021 - - Pentland Primary School
Key Dates for Term 3 2021
Thursday 16/09/21      •   REMOTE LEARNING (Grades 3-6 only)
 Friday 17/09/21       •   REMOTE LEARNING (Grades 3-6 only)
                       •   LAST DAY OF TERM 3:
                           Onsite Student Dismissal 2.30pm

                     Key Dates for Term 4 2021
              *all activities subject to government restrictions

 Tuesday 5/10/21       •   Grade 5/6 Puberty Program
 Friday 08/10/21       •   Assembly 8.40am
 Tuesday 12/10/21      •   Grade 5/6 Puberty Program
                       •   Sub Committee Meetings—Education 3.30pm, Finance 5pm,
                           Building and Grounds 6pm
Thursday 14/10/21      •   Parents Club Meeting
                       •   Grade 1/2 Camp
 Friday 15/10/21       •   Assembly 8.40am
                       •   Grade 1/2 Camp
                       •   Grade 4 Cricket Blast
 Monday 18/10/21       •   HAP Day, Ballarat (HAP students only)
 Tuesday 19/10/21      •   Grade 5/6 Puberty Program
Thursday 21/10/21      •   PPS Art Show
 Friday 22/10/21       •   Assembly 8.40am
 Monday 25/10/21       •   China Day
 Tuesday 26/10/21      •   Grade 5/6 Puberty Program
                       •   Foundation Ballarat Wildlife Park Excursion
Wednesday 27/10/21     •   School Council Meeting 6pm
 Friday 29/10/21       •   Assembly 8.40am
 Monday 1/11/21        •   CURRICULUM DAY—Students are not required to attend school
 Tuesday 2/11/21       •   MELBOURNE CUP PUBLIC HOLIDAY
  Friday 5/11/21       •   Assembly 8.40am
 Friday 12/11/21       •   Assembly 8.40am
 Monday 15/11/21       •   Scholastic Book Fair
 Tuesday 16/11/21      •   Scholastic Book Fair
                       •   Sub-Committee Meetings:
                           Education 3.30pm, Finance 5pm, Buildings and Grounds 6pm
Wednesday 17/11/21     •   Scholastic Book Fair
Thursday 18/11/21      •   Scholastic Book Fair
                       •   Parents Club Meeting 2.10pm
 Friday 19/11/21       •   Foundation Big Night In Excursion—Micks Jump and Play
Principals Desk 15/09/2021 - - Pentland Primary School

 Over the recent lockdown period, we
 engaged Steve Hicks and the team at
 What Knots to brighten up our main
entrance with our PPS values and You
Can Do It keys to success. It’s a great
   enhancement to the front of our
school and a lovely bright welcome to
      all those who come onsite.
Principals Desk 15/09/2021 - - Pentland Primary School
Principals Desk 15/09/2021 - - Pentland Primary School
   STALL 2021
    Recently we held our annual
    Fathers Day Stall. Due to the
   lockdown situation, we had to
   think out of the box so that we
   could still celebrate the special
      occasion but in a COVID
 compliant way. The answer was a
  drive through Fathers Day Stall.
The sun was shining bright but the
  smiles on our community were
  even brighter! We sold over 200
“mystery bags” and hopefully, the
dads were happy with their novelty
gifts. It was wonderful to see such
support for this initiative and even
 greater to see those smiling faces!
Principals Desk 15/09/2021 - - Pentland Primary School Principals Desk 15/09/2021 - - Pentland Primary School Principals Desk 15/09/2021 - - Pentland Primary School Principals Desk 15/09/2021 - - Pentland Primary School
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